PAUIi BIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WICIlNKHU.w, ,y 'WKT 3T YDE TYRES Are rdinary Kehners SsS&k i"v vi AIRPLANES BURNED IN $1,000,000 FIRE IN FRANCE Not 0 port i I wmmmK2&zsi2zsm2&smmLmxmmiemmumM5Kixm& i "mJBBPjJKitI I E&EEGffiSSXKS CT.-'grerxr'sTng'E Congress is now making a strict investigation to find out why alleged "perfect condition" uml "priu'tlciil ly new" American airplanes, valued at $1,000,000, were wastofully burned by ordors of American officers at Colonibey-les-Bellttj in France. The photograph shows a pile of tbo plaues Just after the mutch was applied AGRICULTURAL BILL MSD Despite Increase, Reductions Hne Iteen Made to the Department of Agriculture for Agricultural Activities I The bureau of markets also carries 'a heavy reduction, and many of It 'lines of emergency work have been discontinued entirely or greatly re duced. No funds have been provid ed for the continuation cf the city market reporting service WASHINGTON, D C, Aug. 27. While the agricultural appropriation bill for the fiscal year 1920, approv ed by the President on July 24, 1919, shows an actual net increase of $3, S99.575, excluding items transferred from emergency appropriations, over the funds provided by the 1919 act, there has been, in fact, a consider able reduction in the appropriations to the department for agricultural activities. The emergency food pro duction act, which expired on June 30th, carried an appropriation of $17,631,863 (or emergency work, and only approximately $2,107,880 of this amount was transferred to and included in the new bill, er words, the total funds urge en u. 5. wm II. II. KIM!, WIXIi KNOWN NV Til WIOU (ilMw ltll or Ol.ll TIIOI lll.i: T.lMNti T.NI,.(1 I Iiiimi gullied twelih-olght pounds since I (ommeiiced taking Tunl.u', ami mn as well and hearty iu I oxer wan In mv life," suld II It, King, u well known carpenter mid contractor who lives at ri027 -SRih e, South Kant, I'm tliiltil, the other day "1 was certainly III bail shape wlion I commenced t.ililng Tiilllue," eon tinned Mr King, "for I had been suf fering with stomach trouble for about three enrs. I hml not been nblo to find medicine or treatment that would glwi me any relief, mid Just kept ou getting worse until I wns nlni i ply all in and had to give up my work j altogether I had no appetite to speak of. nml what little I did would sour mid 1 would bo all bloated up with gas for hours at n time. 1 also suffered from shortness of breath, and nt times I would become so dlmy Unit I could hardly stand on my feet. Then i heiimiitlsm hit me In my right leg and hii, and the pains I had from this would almost drive me wild tit resources of California, born nt I'iiI- tm,.s. I seldom got n good night' tuor, .Mas,. Uled at Waynesboro, da, .s,,,,t, n account of th pain Iu mv .May 10, lSiH. ug and hip. 1S10 Algiers was bombarded by "One day a frle id of mine told me a llrltish fleet under Lord Ktmouth. ' about this Tanliic, ami advised me to Tn lMi! Rebecca (Jratz, the original Kve It a trial, mid I am mighty glad L of the horolno in Sir Walter Scott's i took his ndvlce, for It certainly did J Ivnnhoe," died In I'hlladolphl.i. Horn the work for me. and I am a well, thoro March 4, 1TS2. I hearty man again I have no signs TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may bo too busy to go to your homo at noon. In assortment of foods, their preparation and the serving, The Jewel has no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-day patronage. THE JEWEL CAFE Jctte Bailey, Prop. Today's Anniversaries Phone 185 610MninSt 1S0O Thomas Butler King, who tlrst officially reported on the vast ;!!. :: -:-...4it WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 Imports in July were tho largest In the his tory of tho country, while the exports were the lowest in sny month of this ..j iTiur. . war period, died nt Whitlnslilo, Mass en out today by tho Bureau of For-1 '. ...,. ,, T , elgn and Domestic Commerce, of the 1S73 Constitutional commission conened nt leasing and drew up a constitution for Michigan. 1S91 Samuel C. l'omoroy. IT. S. senator from Kansas during tho civil Department of Commerce. The July exports amounted to 1570,000,000, nearly 35'0.000,0ou less than In Juno, the high word month, but an increase over the $507, 000,00 exports in -July, 1918 For the seven months ended with July the exports were $4,618,00.000 In 1919, and $3,482,000,000 in I'.MK. an increase of nearly 33 per cent in In oth-jono year. during' July imports were valued J'.M."... Horn at Southampton, Mass., Jan. 3 1816. 1914 Germans occupied I.llle, Itoubalx and Valenciennes'. 1915 Germans renewed attacks on Petrograd railway skirting tbo Daltlc provinces. 1916 Italy declared a stato of war with Germany. 1917 Italians defeated largo Aus trian reserves on Balnsliza plateau. of rheumatism, now, and instead of lying uwnke and nu'forlug nt night, I sleep right through until time to get up iu tho morning. I ueer had n hotter appetite, ami eat three hearty mulls every day and never suffer a partlrlo afterwards. I am hack on tho Job again, and novor lose any time from my work. Tanlac Just can't bo boat, and I novnr fall to boost it everywhere I go." Tanlac Is sold in Klamath Falls by tbo Star Drug Co , and in l-orollu by tho James Merc, Co. Adv. 1920 for the line? of work usually 000,000 as against $293,000. 000 In provided for in the regular bill as! June, 1919, and $242,000,000. In well as those conducted under the! July, 1918. They are tho larget terms of the emergency food produc-j monthly imports in tho history or tion act are approximately $11.507.-i our foreign trade, exceeding by fir,.. 455 less than the aggregate amount 000,000 the previous high record In ' available during the fiscal year 1919. ' May of this year. Imports for the The heaviest reduction falls on the"",v'n months ended with July wore I states relation service, the branch cf SI. 955, 000.000 In 1919, against $1. the department that conducts exten- 788.000,000 in 1918. an Increase in sion work in co-operation with the the last year of less than 10 pr cent agricultural colleges and experiment' Tne eicess ot exPrts ovor 8i" " rlf ' stations through county agents, home, w?s 225.00n,000 In July, and $2.. demonstration agents, and others. KW-000.000 In the seven months ot Last year there was provided for this, thIs 'ear' 96..0,0 "i01"5 t,iar' work, in addition to the funds avall-!,,,P ow"!S ln tho !lf've" nl0ntru I,or" ion oi I'jia ai i,i)i,uuij,uuM, .iu in crease of .17 per cent. One l(cr Ago Today in the War 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST. PHONE 22M i Canadians captured 2,000 prlson 1 ers south of tho Homme, French captured Iloyo and ndanc cmI two miles beyond. Hrltlsh again pierced Hlndcnhurg 'lue and entered Hapairmo. MAS STARTED RIOT SOLDIERS IN ALASKA I GIVEN AMUSEMENTS DURING EVENINGS SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 27.--""iii'hhoys assigned to tho cold tnsk of guarding Undo Sam's forts in entertnlnment and amusement pro-' ll" throughout the winter nooto. Alaska this wlntor will have an on- gram outlined for tho soldiers by K- c- Null'llng ro now la cowt "C.iHoy. nu nmbltioUH educational "f construction at 1 Initios and TUUM urogram luis'utso Immii Iniiiiuiirnii.,1 in "Hit as soon as ttiuno tiro well mitt the frozon north. ! w": It l hoped to extend the or- I'mler tho direction of Thomas D. j Kanlziitloii's work to other pwti. Ferguson, Mitrotnry nt tho Ala-Klin camps, rlnsses In lilstury. The Niitlonal ('(nferenco ot Coo mnthemtitlrs, KiikIIhIi literature, law n IhkIoihth m I nlfoim Lawn will op- of I'untrnrtH nml tho law of componsa- rn its annual se.ision today la P tlou huo been started, mid will con-! ton. portunlty to wilo away tho long evenings with nn educational pro iunm equalling or surpassing nny. , thing over before attempted nt n tnlll- iry en m p. Albert C. Hagl"y. d're. Inr of the st,.rti department war activities. '"nights ot Columbus, announced hero today that In addition to thy uuie uuuer mo rtmuit-Lever act, a tota lor 57,30 4.000 Th's year the total, aside from the Smith-Lever ap- propriation, is 12,901,000, a reduc-, tion of more than $4,000,000. i Back of Biliousness "U'hen you beeomo bilious you'll be safe in suspecting a disordered liver. NYAI8 MVEIt SAITS will relievo you of tho diz ziness, headache, nausea, etc., that mark biliousness. During these warm days a lack of vigorous exercise is apt to cause the liver to be come sluggish. Keoy this remedy on hand. TRICE 05c Wv, KLAMATH TALLS OffEOON in?W BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS TO DECIDE ON ANCIENT SYMBOLS SPOKNE. Wsh Aug 27 Wli ther painted snibols o'i th totl y banks of thf- Columbia H v"r in K tekitttt County, Wnshingt'jn r Iiidiun symbols or whether tin v are the records of early Teutonic explor ; ors, is to be biibmitted to experts of the bureau of Indian affairs at Wash ingUn, D. C, for their vcidlrt I That the pictures are fragments of early history ot the tribesmen of the j Pacific North wet. t Is tho belief of W. S. Lewis of this city, secretary of tho Eastern Washington Historical .Socl- Ho believes they are 250 years ety. old. The theory that they arc the writ ings of European travelers of many hundreds of years ago is held by Oluf Opsjon, a student of archeology who resides at Dlshman, near this city. The same symbols also discov ered by Mr. Opsjon, lie says, on u big stono on the seashore north of Hos ton, Mass. The "painted rockh" aro on the west side of the Columbia Itlvor, two miles north of Vantage Ferry. Among the "pictures" aro those of two goats described by Mr. Opsjon as part of an astronomical symbol. Ho believes they were Intended to indi cate the equinoxes mill a m m a m a HY? r j wnen - carl ' May ubnuuiM pitcher jumped tbe Bosiod Bed Sox Club he started tbe biggest WAp ni liifr. AnAu. k. ., .League ha ever experienced Tbe New v York Yankt boucbl Uavi wbenJ be refused lo rejoin tbe Boston Club, then Dreildent Hun Johnson ruled thai May.' act ts BaiDii gooo baseball so suspend ed blm indeBnltely TbU anrd ithe Yank owners wbo "talker; freely, but no charge bate been 'proedaMayi it still Idle Members of the legal profession from all over America aro to attend tho annual meetlii,T of tho Canadian Bar Aasoclatior, which Is to onoi to With Theodoro noosovclt, Jr., ache d.'lcd as chiol speaker, o tsru mill tary rally is to be, held in Detroit to day ln behalf of tha American Legion. 277 CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES HAVE DEFUNCT MUNICIPAL LIGHTING PLANTS Read the 1919 report of the Merchant's Association of New Yerk: "Tbo 277 cities, towns and vlllagos named bolow comprise, but a part ot thoso which after a trial of municipal ownorshlp and operation of oloctrlc ' lighting plants, havo coasod, In wholo or ln part, to oporato tho plants. In practically all theso cases municipal oparatlon was undortakon ln tho bollof that tho community would obtain oloctrlc sorvlco at materially loss cost than It obtained from prlvato companies. Experience domonstratoa that this belief was mistaken. Most of tho municipalities aold or scrappod their plants at a heavy sacrlflco ,nnd thoreaftor obtained from prlvato companies porvlco at materially loss cost." California-Oregon Power Company I iiiiiJ In ItTJ.U day In Winnipeg.