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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1919)
IraS flBHlrtV, .tl'"WT7' '". THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAfJB TIIRICB ilESPLHFl 'Wi)LIDIxlTMEPS MY I1AJR HEALTHY FIIEHULY lltb ..lIlrt.HH'"1" ""'- ,V.Tii- wr':irii"'-'",, " '"" lrl'IHl'1 Ml" ","1 'l","", J. . JTZ-...X I Sfe$"i 1 ; ' ESS F ' I' K " WmmmTKimXSJvifnfMmm -im -4TI ' I JU I fill 111! ' I s ,.,,' T M. AUK '7 'I"" "(,N ,h r ."" " ''""'," , .rnllfllll"' '" . . .... .., cfc i?rii ii.t - -' ' '" inVlw nn.l -.''" onllMK ' J ,11 r. M..rl. J.mii'- :;:iJ;;J,M- - ,homororuUH ,,, .1 will l"'i"'- ",' "',"" J!nhfrneulrH...urmful.rm- W ll, ...... fri..n.llv ruin- nJ ctiiliinKcrinB ' ; ,.id n. . " ,',. hrnrrforll. bonwi " r.ur- ou, effort. b nmUr by nl ,n- "rJ lo met I" "I""' 'l""1",' of 1 political, reonnmlcal nml social mMtn. ftclnic lh ' '"-""' A barrier f Imwruiii . run. lint ni and eluy hnii unfortunately .jb.tllutcl tl." Iiinri-iil Loimlon TDclh formerly iir.Tlu.lfil Inter- mm Ul'-'" J"i"1" """ l" "" ti StltM "With tli" milwTHiil nr.eplanro nf Jtmocracy """I IHrl thought In lit t.rniilonal rrlattcm... It Is time th-re ihoaM l '""" "l"1 l'"",'r l""'"r iludlnR lu'tw!-!! I In- two tut hum Lft lure a n-iil K" togetber mov.v mint, W " rl"' "" al ''"l '"' .jail tiled "To facilitate tin' early reullrn Hon of audi n inini'iin'Mt. I wish lo Bike lliui' uiski-iiIIum "Tbit I In- diplomatic. I'uiiHiilur rid other ninclul roprenmitntlves of Jipm ami America bo selected from cm wllllns to give lu'iirty .o-.ipern-tlon toard cnnmtlng conlliil rolu tloni. "That j'hnltinlilps lie established la the leading AiihtIciui ami Japan w unhrcriltlcs devoted to tlio his lory ind lltcraturo of both countries. 'That Japanese university gradu ate!, thoroughly familiar with Kng llib, b olio nl to matriculate In American universities for post grud cite ork without any qualifying mmlnatlon "That trnilii nml other connnln lloti, coinHucil (it IcmlliiR 1'ltlr.i'im. ucbioxe TlltK for thi purpom) of oil faJilng tirat hnmt Inforinuiloii on public quritlnna "That thit iiKi-ncy of th motion picture be cmplrnnl In lioth roiin trle to ilirfunn kmiw li'ilco of kimir xipbjr, cuatoiim. ilru.nii anil noiiiil mannerlmnn ' 'llf llalnit Vllilll( (IC'lllltv llt-minv ernlirnlllrlv firo in llii Mi liliiK nimi i it. lull tiff. ittiinui.r itio.l iiouhir I !' my Iiiiim nut my likiiilt iriiinlr lidir llir rliMT t1 lu Una uualAlillnt ll.liilrulf mn: iiaiu tonic STAR DRUG CO. uilii.. -hi. Mill. Hli.nt..i K.. I. mil hteMfii l In forth. ll Iin Itr.l.i.t.I hi i i'i Hint lii ri-ln In-low iiii'iiMiiiii'il iliui urn h iiHHKBincnl in iu. unil puy-iilili- nml uill Im ill llii'iui nl it ft it tin M'lriillnii 'f ?o iliu- friim Hi" ilul. Of tin Hint pillillintloil of tliln nollro. I I'"-' pii'iln it ton will ltd on AiikhhI 23. lit III ) ''" I" i' H IIVWHTII Ml imHI'HHI'll iniihl i it lii i iniy in mihIi or niiiltu nml llli' with (In- I'ollii' Jinli;.) eif kiiIiI Mty Ihi'lr iitiiriillnmi to pay kihIi imni-Phiiii'lilii III IllNlltllmi'lltM wlllilll ili 'ii ilny liiclniiin,; with i n rni imlilli iitloii of t ti 1m iioIIui It It llifiK-r II- fin i V' 1 1.. mil. I M'Don.iliI I hlli nl.. "i 'I IIIi:i:Iiikoii lli'lliiiiin . i hllinii. i: ih'-Iht drat It It 1 1 K I K. M I.iU.i A A i: M John Orinllli r Pri'tiih tin' L'O iIiivh ln-i'lriiilni: with Hie Imlilli iiIImii of thin liollrr- M I' nml K II. Kvniiii nnr..2r. M I nml H II. KvaiiH 280.20 .1. Misrvl, .Ir r,77.fi0 l.yilln A KIiiIit 122.40 .Mnwnri'l Alirnbiiiii lOfltt.20 I" T. Hiimli)rnori l.'Hl.'itn 4 22.30 Anhlu C. CoIkoii (SfifiJO Corn Hiuiiliirnon CSS. 82 Thou, it Hiciiiiiictoii Thou II Hkllllncton 490.21 KlUiilmth A. CrlKHby 772.70 ('.. C. llrowiir Oil",. 41 !'. T. HnriilnrHoii llntnto 2l5C..ri'. K T. HiiimIithoii IMnto HI t.70 P. T. HiitMlumon r.Ktuto 2MM, II Ori'in 32r,.70 121 um f'rnuk Moorlnmi r.28.40 !'! r.i)'r!rnrn M. i:. Cliurrli 782.10 '. 7r, (irlir() M j; church 1377.15 1X l"lJ;,y H. Cox 82C.80 U'l 'till ...... ,r r.n Jl. I'. I.VIUIM lilll.UU V II forhlpr . 21 1 20 Klnnmlli Ii.y. (' 211 2'i Kliiinrilh I)v Co . . 101", CO ItiihiTl Alr-xundnr I0"i!'i Ahiiji MIIIit 1' 5 no Minn lo I. Hnri'iint 21120 Kiiinin i; (JliiHh'jri; 211.20 Klamath l)av. Co 211.20 I'. 0. I.vim 1 0 r, . C o Drury lliitlur loncn !(7 no hi; no I'll 7', 2I7.2S 8!l '10 I 71 no m.... i.. i...i., acq r.n .,, , ... .. .. .. , . I'MIIMr .laillinilll -i.jw.w-. P. I...I Klamath 1'iillv,, Or.,, AururI M ,.. r'hamli.'rlln 370.47 . . ... i:ili'ii MtiMon KHtiitn ri28.09 1 ollrn j ,,Ib of iho City ot Klamath ,.,. rhnInborln C4.00 lallH, Or.'i.on. () j :nU,,U(m g2.40 - Chctur Avery r,28.2r, In- lo I'lopi'rt)' )miith on MnrKi'i .Iniin (irlini'H htii.t, 'I'luit 'ihry Mmt, uo l)t Klli-n M. Iti'dflflil . I'roin I'lrit 1 'u li If m t Jon of this Alma Cofur Not lu In lilli to fill) nniill(5i- Ilunry Offcnbachor i 528.20 C9.70 851. CO 477.15 IIiiiih lii m) llii'lr iikncMiiiK-iiti In Auiich Orom 592. 0C Mmi df A Ixinrnn 11. I. fihilfk . K. fihurk .. I). II. Cntnl"ll I) I!. ramphcll . John Stronan . . Itnlit AlrxanoVr Iloht. Alfxandor Unlit ami farrlo Alfxandor Uobt nnd f'nrrlt! Altxnmlnr .If nnlo KiiHf N. It NfvhanVd Waltfr .1 Anderson Klamath Dcv. f'o .Ifn Tnrnfr .InnH Tnrnfr .Tfis Tnrnfr - Wm. V. Haf Win. V. Half's Win. V Hnlfit Itobt. and f'arrln Alexandor 2n;20lD. A. I.amh 2i j () I. F. Olsfn 422 40 ;. P; """ 42" 40i( KnRlfrnnn ,i"-.Vv t. .11,1 V. C. Paddock .... J; Klamath PfV. Co 105.8 4 22. 10 Klamath Dfv. Co 211.20t-T- J- TJelanoy . 211 20 Ivlo Hpfncfr 21l!20''luanlta J. Hubbard 91190 Frank C Walker . Fomlnls '........7.........' 211.20 Hydraulic Stone and Hrlck CO. John J Itoonuy . II. W. Hburt Mm. U M ltollur . A. I). MIIIit (1 W. Whltn Klamath Di-v. Co. c. V. Murphy . Klamath l)'-v. Co. I)v. 1)!V. Dfv. I)v. Di'V. Co. Co. Co Co. Co Klamath Klamath Klamath Klamath Klamath Maurice I.. Johnson . Ollw K Hi'lU Klamath Ih!V. Co. ... Klamath l)v. Co. ... K A. MrCully K. A. Mr Cully Kil in u nil M. Chllcoto C. A IluntlnK O W. Whlto J O. Wheeler 105 0(1, 52.80 ' 52.i), 52.80 105 00 105 00 422.1) 422.10 422.10, 422.101 422.10' 422.401 211.20 211.20 811.80 12B7.20 211.20 844.80 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 105.60 105.60 422.40 211.20 211.20 211.20 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 ior..ri 105.60 105.60 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 844.40 1372.80 Knlimirt cluliwonum have ilm.'lilml tin ontor ucUvoly Into u campalcn for Ktioil roiul. 'I rii Annual JiiHtfillmi-nt In no ifinliiuif With tlio I'oIIiiwIiik Not lii' of I'mixirtloiiiitn Awiriiinirnt. Notlrn In liohnbr itlvon that tho ( F Hi-vim 14C.95 llnnlnrn Vrnnrti 235.15 l.ydla Truax 512.70 ' '; ir i u'ini..n ana r.s . " Dated Klamath Fallfl, Ore, Aagtut I - ...,...-,, ..- MV .. ... , .....1U.U - .-- . ll-l,- Oil 5fll I' ' '"" ' """ ' 1'"' "I'y "f '"T"- ('. I.. Kolsoy 353.00 '""" 1 Cu' i 911 9I.1 I FflAI NOTIPFS 'nth I'nlla. Ori-Kon. did by ordlnanco H. Orom 446.20 ' f;d wi" ' V , ",'"' , , I LCVjAL. riJ l IlEO i. ,. -intv n.itififn.i r.n ii, n 18H. it ii iinvnni.u 110 82 ' K- BuRarman et ux 211.20 ', -,i-.-I-,-, ro. tin uuiy aiiopifia on iho loin II. it. lioynolds ... jiu.o ., . lirltnna 91190 ,7 ; , " 7T (duy of AukuhI 1'JIS. and approved by Agnoa North 422.40 VviiUt 91120 I '"".M.,"T: . T.'" .,'.."." : '"-t 1910. di'dnro tho proportionate II. F Shepherd 1191.80 JX 2 5" V,Cni "" lll 'ri... N..iir in Ulil.1, to I'll.. Ai- l,,,rM",''.'t ,,I,on w,.rh ot..pnrt of lot. II. A. Kmmltt . 384.35 . Q zvlf'lla '".IJ. 211 20 Anton Oo II. Merryman 211.20', f S t ........ 1. tt.... 'n J99 ID I.. I.. Truax. et ux 422.4023' 1J1J' . T, ijRaviTT. '.'; TX UX ViVYk Police Judge ot tho City of KUmath It. UlllRUULU .................. -...v Falla, Oregon. iilliutliiii 10 I'm Their Ahi-. iiirntN In Tr-ii 111111nl Itiolnll. nii'iita In A.oir.l.ini.' Willi III.' F.1II1111I11K .N'otlro of I'roiiiiitloii nli' Aoir-i'.iiirnt. Nollro In hnri'tiy clvi'ii Hint tin- .. 11 .. 11,.. fif. tt C la n I',, Ih (in. ...... "lid. i.,- ,- ''" '"Y " Kl"th KalU. Includln,: illiiiiuro No 175. duly adopii'd on ho buniiflted and llablo for tho cost of ImprovInK Market Htroot from tho nortbiirly linn of Cth Btrcct to tho Hoiithfrly lino of Lot 10 In block 17, and tho nout)irly lino of lot 30, block is. of Si't'imil Unllrond Addition to J F. McCollum . W. T Taylor Richard MclhaHO Frank W. Osburn 639.70 69.70 285.70 , 1047.30 .... 769.50 Mrs, Mrs. K. E. Murray 211.20 Murray 211.20) .22.40, 422.40) IntiTRiictlnns. Tin' property no assemed by Bald f r.llnaii'.' U all the propir'y lyliiK ml). 1, "ill to call! part of mild Klrectn In I Hi -II ill" IlllOte llielllllllieil tl T mini t ii'l ettemlltiK lutirly in th" .filler of I III- ll'Mpe. tle Iliui kfl I.VlllK ml In, Mil In xilil pari ot khIiI Ktri-I' mo fur ni the Imprint-mem thiireon extendi. "I'luit the dorket of rliy lions him. been Hindi' up an provided by n"ftlon 2flv of the rharter, ami tin followInK, In a Hit of the tinmen of rwiiern of, the proper! no nM.'xscil iih hIiowii by nil, h bond lien docket nnd nald nr.l' 1 nance, together with Iho total; amount ho .inmchri-iI analiifit the prop erty of eiirli owner, nnd reference Is hereby made to hiicIi docket of City l.leiiH for 11 detailed dencrlptlon of each lot, part of lot, block and ncre ni!e property no amiosHod Further notlco Is also glwn tlio respectlvii property owners, so ns neHsed mid herein bolow mentioned, that such dHsessment Is due and pay able nnd will be delinquent after tho expiration of 20 days from tho dato of tho first publication 01 tuts tiouco II rut publication win no on i; I'. Iiwrenco 422.20 Frank W. Osburn 199.10 C A. Arnold 993.20 Arllo Worrell 324.90 ( has Douart 295.20 Plum Doiiart 295.20 Wllelln Stewart 590.40 S.liool District No. 1 2971.03 Clin-. 1 Stewart 577.90 Dated Klamath FalLi, Ore, August 23. 1919. A. I.. I.BAVITT. Folic Judge of tho City of Klamath FiiIIb, Oregon. tin Mill uny of AtiKiint. l'Jl'.i. nn.l iippr.ived by tho Mniir on the 19th ilny of Annum. 11 1M. lei lure the proportionate imeeuMini-nt up 11 em h lot, pull of lot, hlork and nrruiKe property fouiirt to b.i beiiellti'.l and ilahle (or the roHt of I In prin mi: I. Ill coin ntree! from Ninth street easter ly to l-:ieveiilh striet. I111I111II111: In terHt'Clloim, lews the P S Irrigation i'iiiiiiI and rlttlit of way iippiirtemint tlmreto. Tho property so nsHessed by suld orillnnurii is nil the properly lying niljurelit to mild part of snl.l stt'utn between the ithotu iiieiilloiu.'d ter mini mid extending Utterly to the center of the respective blocks lying adjacent to mid purl of said str.t'ls no fur an the. Improvement thereon uxtenils. That the docket of city Hens has been ninth' up as provided by nectloli 268 or the charter, nnd the following Is n list of tho linliirn of owners of the property so assessed ns shown by miuIi bond Hen docket and suld ordi nance, together with the total ....... ....1 ... ...........I ......I... f It., nr.iii. Illliuiint, pu nnniinni'ii Mrtl.tiit. iv i.i-- ,(.,, ,i., i,l,1lP,,ilnn .., ..r ..i, ,.-., ...,,1 rir,,r i.i (Said llrst publication hnniby miulo to such docket or City Au"5,u''1 2,3', 1r9,19 ,... ..,, Mens for n detailed description of , ' ,u . ?TX h n? ,l an ini nnri r l.n iitnek nn.l acre. mu"1 '''tiler pny In ensh or mnku anil t"C"..1".'. 'I'.'.. '"..'"!' ' . nnU C r Mllo with the Police Judgo of said iik.i lirtuierij no tinni-nneti. 1 .... ... , ....11 . ... .,.. ,,-i,l Further nolle Is also kIwii the r" u,u,r . "' ,'"-"""".D. '" . '"' . "'.'.,! clllc ... assessments 111 iiihihiiuiciub wiuhu ,i..,.i.. ... t,.i.i .., nnH sessed and herein below mentioned. '.'.,: , r" .'"'.'j, ,l"irJlh th flrBl ! Portland street from Facillc Terrace Henry L. Uenson P. M. Heady Newton 8. Huttenger J. II. Cooper Klamath Dev. Co 4 22.40 Klamath Dev. Co. ... Klamath Dev. Co. Co. Klamath Dev K. K. SlolafT K. E. Slelaff ... Klamath Dev. Co .. Klamath Dev. Co Klamath Dev. Co J c. Perry . Klamath Dov. Co Torbert Sanford O. A. Paculseurd " " I Klnmath Dev. Co Not Ire lo Property Owners .111 lpla-: Klnmath Dev. Co mule, Purlllc Terruce, uii.l Pirt-JaH. L Kmlgh land Street, That They lime 20 Effie McBroom Newell 1jji Prom Flmt Piilillcjitlon or TI1I1 Not Irr In Which to File Ai plloitlon.i to I'ay Their Assess. iiieiilN In Teji Annual Inilull iiients In Accortluiico With the 1'olloning Notlco of Proportion ntc AsMeHSiiirnt. Notlco is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, by Ordi Co. Notice to Property Owners on Eight Street, Lincoln and Jefferaoem Street. That They Have 80 Daj From First Publication of Thl Notice in which to file Applica tions to pay their assessment ia Ten Annual lntnllmntt In Ac cordance with the Following No. Ice of Proportionate Assessment. KntlpB t hereby clven that tnt 422 40 Common Council of the city of Klam 4 22!40'ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordinance No. 4.7 amy aaopieo on uid im 844 80 day or August iyiy, ana . 84440 the mayor on the 15th day of August 42240 1919, declare the proportionate iu- 49240 sessment upon each lot, part of lot. 49940 block and" acreage property found tt 49940 be benefited and liable for the cost 492 40 of Improving Eighth Street from 4"2 40 High Street northerly to Prospect 49940 Street; Lincoln Street from Eighth. 9u'o Street easterly to Ninth Street; and ii 9(, Jefferson Street from Eighth Street 2112O easterly to Ninth Street, Including ln.- 105.60 tersectlons. 105 60, Tne property so assessed by said 5280 'ordinance is all the property lying 52 80 adjacent to said part of said streets between tne aoove ineiiuuiieu me mini and extending laterly to tho center ot the respective blocks lying adjacent to said part of said Btreota so far as the Improvement thereon extends. 105.60, 105 60 Klamath Dev. H. H. Cole ... T. O. Mcllattan 105.60 Martin Uros 105.60 Martin Bros 211.20 1 T T w l- 1 A C i? A V C- ;' "5" : Jr2 That the docket of city Hens has Vii kv --- , been nlade up ag provided by sectloa Alice N. Patch E. M. Chilcote nanco No. 479. duly adopted on thoJE. M. Smith and 211.20 18th day of August, 1919. and ap proved by the Mayor on tho 19th day ot August, 1919, declare tho pro portionate assessment upon each lot, part of lot, block and acreage prop erty found to bo benefited and liable for tho cost of improving Esplanade street from tho northerly sldo of Wall street to PaclfUlc Torraco; Pa- Terruco from Huron street 268 of the charter, and the following I Is a list of the names of owners ot ' ifk snnnar at nconatarl no nhnWTI nV IUC t'lUfCI.J OV VilDV MU WW.. V Today's Birthdays 0en Jnhnsnn. niithor of iiumtir " popular tioiela, horn In Now York I'liy. il jearh- ago today. Wahop Cliarlos llnyard Mitchell, ot tho Mdhuiii.i Episcopal church, bom at Allegheny City. p., C2 joaw ago today. Charloa 0 Dawes, noted Chicago blunder, former Comptroller of tho Currency, horn nt Mnrlettn, 0 CI J""" ar;o today Ilerbert (m,,.H .MatlliT. head ot tho Jepartmcnt of 1, urines engliieorluK Rtliol'nicrMh ,r Mirhi,;,,,,, i,orl ( "Ion, I'm, iv ,-nrs IK0 toduy. Harold Jaiirin, infiolder of tho MhlnRion Ain.n.,,,, leaguo Iwiho J loam, lioni at Ilaverlilll,, -' cars ar;o toduy. that such sssessmeut Is dun and pay able mid will be ilelluiiient after the expiration if 20 ila from the ilatn of tho first publication of this notlco. ' (Hitch llrst publlciitlou will bo on August 23, 1919.) 1 be property owners so nssessed must either pity In rush or make and tile with the Police Judge of sud rlty their applications to pay such imHi'Hsmeiits In Installment!' within the 20 days beginning with the llrst liiilillcntloii of thin mitlin Chns. Donnrt 22.50 Wllollu Slewurl ... . 0-J I" llelma M. Jnlo . . . 149 'if. CluiH. II. Collier I 19 95 590.15 5:111 I51 300 15 fifirt K. Elliinr E Hendricks . IM :10 Arthur It Wilson . 136 25 Arthur 11. Wilson . . 272 u, I.ouIh Iliudford .... 317 95 I.oiiIh llimlf.ird 119 ''' J. O lleiinlslev I li ' Dated Klnmath Falla, Ore, Auii.t 23, 1919. A. I.. I.IUVITT. Polio Judge of I bu City of Kliiiuath Fulls, Oregon. Null.'.' tn Pi.iieili Ouiieis on t'l'ant Street. That They limn 2 Dnjs ri.mi I'll t Piililli' f 'I hi" N'nllr.' In WI1I.I1 lo I He Appllui IIoiin tu Pii Their Assi'ssmeiits In Ten A11111111I limliilliiieiils, lu 1 easterly to tho city limits of Klam ath Falls, Including intersections. Tho property so assessed by said Innllnnnrn In nil till) UroIllTtV lvinC adjacent to snld part ot said streets! Kd E. Ifau 1.1. 1 wn..n tin. alinvn inentiotied tur-l Klamats Dev C. A Arnold . ('. A. Arnold . Until S. Addison I. It. 81 ruble. publication of this notice. .1. II. (inrrrtt 342.50 Swift & Company 342.50 W I Lumber Co 342.50 Pnlon Oil Co 342.50 P11I011 Oil Co 82S.00 J. O. Ilennloloy 181.60 J. O. Ilenr.lsloy 342.50 .1. O. Iteardsley 342.50 Oscar Peyton 342.50 P C. Carlson 342.50 Oscar Peyton 342.50 li. A. Mussull 312.50 L. .1. Ilaro 312.50 Dated Klamath Falls, Oro, August 23, 1919. A. L. l.IUVITT, Police Judge of tho City ot Klamnth 1 Falls, Oregon. Notice to property ouners on Town Sireet, thut they luuo '- Days Pnim First P11bllc.1ti.11t of this , Notice ill Which to Pllo Applica tions lo pay (heir as-esstiieiit.s in Ten Annual Installments in no ..ii.biiico Willi tho Following No lien of Pi.iportlnnati) Assessment. Notlco Is hereby given that tho Common Council of the City of Klnm ath Fulls, Oregon, did. by ordlnntuo v.. 1 7.. iiiilv ml, iiitml on tho ISth " - .... . . .. n . n . rt lav ot August l'.'l'1. and npproveu uy August, -o, ijij.) tin. minor on the 1"Ui day of August tlio piopeity owners so assessed l'll'i declaro tho proportionate n.s- mut either pay in msli or mnku ana sessnient upon each lot, part of lot, tile with tho Police Judgo ot wud 'hloik and ncrouK.i property found to uty their application ;. to pay sue h h.i ln.M.'fited nnd llablo for tho cost assessments In itibtallimmts w. In l'etith Htreot irom .nam um - u) iii-Riiiuii.h "" "" - Jesse M. Magutre Margaret J. Ktrkpatrich . Margaret J. Kirkpatrich . Roy A. Feathers 211.20, Roy A. Feathers .... II. W. Pollman 211.20 H. W .Pollman 422.40 F. E. B. Gates Alva P. Clarence 105.60' H. S. Evans 105.60, R. D. Vernon 211.20: Mrs. Louise S. Hlnton 211.20 Phebe S. Sharpless . 211.20 H. A. Hell 52.S0 Mrs. Kate Mugler 52. SO Helen Macdowell 105.60, 105.60 Co 211.20 A11 HA 21120 'such bond Hen docket and said ordl- 10560 1 nance, together with tho total in e'en amount so assessed against the prop 1UO.OU . .,- n 9n eriy ui untu uvuvi, nuu ic.ctuw Si i9i. i hereby made to such docket of City L.ICU3 lur a uctaticu ncaiii'iiuu w. each lot, part of lot, block and acre- mini and extending laterly to tlio Jay omun .n.zn center of the respective blocks lying, M. L. Mew 52.S0 iwii-if-niit tn s.ii.1 nart of said streets W m. M. nnd so far ns tho improvement tliureon Elln T. Hickman .'Mends jJy" Wallace That the docket of city liens has' Klamath Dev. Co. been made up us provided by section 'Ida M. Browne .. 2CS of tho charter, and tho following Klamath Dov. Co. . is 11 list of tho names of owners of, Klamath Dov. Co. . 'tho property no assessed ns shown by1 Klamnth Dov. Co. . 1 such bond lien docket and snld ordi .Klnmath Dev. Co. . nance, together with tho total, Klamnth Dov, Co 105.60 I amount so assessed against tho prop-1 Arthur It. Wilson 35.20 'erty of each owner, and reference is Arthur It. Wilson ..... 35.20 hereby made to such docket of City ( Weed Lumber Co 70.40 Liens for a detailed description of , Klamath Jewelry Co 70.40 inch lot, part of lot. block and acre- Mrs. Sol Hunyon 105.CO age pioporty so assesscii. Further notice is also given tho nspectlM- property owners so ns-s.-.ssi d and heroin below mentioned, that such iissi'Sbtiient is duo and pay able mid will bo delinquent ufior tho r.mrm, a. Johnson . piratum if 20 days from tho dato -;miii.i A. Johnson ot tho llrst publication or tins nonce. (Said IiiKt publication will bo on Mrs. Sol Runyon 105.60 Mrs. C. II. Clondennlng 105.60 Klamnth Dev 211.20 W. A. Meyer 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 of Improving illIlQ!HBHaannE:K A.v..i.l,.tic,. Will Pollmilmi northerly to Prospect Street, nnd , publication of this notice ---wasttnmanWIfclitt. vn.. t i',.imio Assess. in,.i, cir..nt from nth Street easterly ,C .M. Phlnney TAKE NOTICE of the HOT POINT Range used at the Golden Rod Pro ducts Demonstration at the various groceries this week. Cooking is turned from "drudgery into pleasure when you cook the "HOT POINT WAY." All styles for sale by link River Electric Co. .-..v Nollro of Piopoilliinalo Assess incut. Notlco Is hereby given that the Common Council ot the City of Kliiiuath Falls, Oregon, did, by Ordi nance No. 471, duly adopted ou tho 11th day of August, 1919, and ap proved by tho Mayor on tlio 19th day of August, 1919, declare tho proportionate assessment upon each lot, part of lot, block and acreage proimrty found to bo benefited and llablo for tho cost of Improving (lrnnt tUroot from Eleventh street northerly to Llukvlllo Cemotory. Tho property so assessed by said ordluuuco Is nil tho property lying adjacent to said part of said streets botwetm tho ahovo mentioned ter mini and extending laterly to tho contor udjiu'on so tar extends. That tho docltot of city lions Iiub boon fniulo up as provided by section 268 of tho charter, and tho following Is n list of tho names of owners of tho proporty so assessed ns shown by such bond lion docket nnd said ordi nance, logothor with tho total amount so assessed against tho prop orty of each owner, and roforonco is horoby mado to such dockot of City LlonB for n dutallod description of onch lot, part of lot, block and acro ugo proporty so assessed. , Furthor notlco Is also given tbr roapoctlve property owners so as- in.-, street from 9t i Street easterly , 1 ... 11th strout. including lutorsec-.C ,M lions. The property so assessed by Phlnney Phlnney Klamath Dov. Co. until i Klamath Dev. Co. 422.40 422.40 .1. A. tlordon 110.S0 T A. Cordon 140.S0 las. W. Lytlo 140. SO Luke E. Walker 211.20 fillhert "Fleet 211.20 John II. Foster 211.20 Mrs. Carrio J. Alexander .... 211.20 Mrs. Carrio J. Alexander 211.20 Otis Melhaso 211.20 Ous Melhaso 211.20 ' . A vM A AAaABBAfl 105.60 aB" ?"?' " "r -t: ,r- , . r uuuri uui.iu .0 ow ,"-. sm respective property owners so as sessed and herein below mentioned, that such assessment is duo and pay able and will be delinquent after th expiration ot 20 days from the data of the first publication of this notice. (Said first publication will bo on. August 23, 1919.) 'ihe property owners so assessed must either pay in cash or make and file with the Police Judge of said city their applications to pay such assessments in installments within the 20 days beginning with the first publication of this notice. J. M. Evans 733.5S J. M. Evans 336.3S J. M. Evans 497.07 J. M. Evans S94.27 Roman Catholic Bishop ot Baker 336.35 Roman Catholic Bishop ot Baker 733.58 Roman Catholic Bishop of Baker 350.80 C. K. Brandenburg 1227.80 Roman Catholic Bishop of Baker 327.60 Roman Catholic Bishop of Baker 724.80 Roman Catholic Bishop ot Baker 665.30 52.S0 52 SO 52. SO t" 90 52.80 52.80 52:80 52.S0 ordinance is all the propel ty lymi; nilJUM'iit to wild part of said streets between tho uboui mentioned ter mini and extending laterly lo tho center of tho respect Ive blocks lying adjacent to said putt of bald streets ho far as tho Improvement thereon extends. Thnt tho docket or city liens uas Alleon Alleen Leslie Leslie D .Johnson 1). JoIiumou Rogers .... .. .1 i 1 "".;,. T. C. Shermnn 422.20 H, .' Daisy 211.20 ni -n "on'""o. ' Klamath Dov A, Ryan , Jessie O. Mills .. !.Tes-ile n. Mills Co. 422. 4U iC. V. Fisher 422.20 422.20 422.20 211.20 211.20 Rogers 11 5. SO C. V. Fisher 211.20 Emma A. Johnson Emma A. Johnson S. S. Johnson Co. Klamath Dov. C, 06.60 ' Klamath Dov, 33S.00 84.40 422.40 been mado up as provided by Beetloni Klnmath Dev. C 26S of tho charter, aim 1110 iouowuik In n list ot tho names of owners of tho properly so assessed as shown by such bund lion dockot nnd snld ordi nance, logothor with tho total amount so assessed against tho prop- Klainath Dov. C 422.40 of Iho respective blocks lying, erty of each owner, and to ore nu) Is it to suld part of said streets hereby mado to such docket of City ua tho i.uprovomimt thoroou Lions for a detailed iUijcrl l't on of , each lot, part of lot. block and acro- ni.,1 iii-nnertv so assessed Furthor notlco Is also given tho respective property owners so as Bossed nnd heroin bolow mentioned, that such nsBossmont Is duo and pay able mul will bo delinquent after tho expiration of 20 days from tho dnto of tho first publication ot this notice, (Said llrst publication will bo ou August 23, 1919.) Tho proporty ownors so assossod must olthor pay In caBh or mako and fllo with tho Pollco Judgo of said city tholr applications to pny such assessments in installment within Klamath Dov. W, E. Fnught Mnrgarot Applegnto W. S. Davis Klnmath Dov. Co .... John S. Elliott Mary J. Sutton 422.401 422.40 422.40 422.40 422.40 422.40 422.40 4 22.40 Dr. Warren C, Klamnth Dov. Edward Mills Edward Burt L. Davis Burl L. Davis Klamath Dov. Mrs. Olivo Mrs. L. M Hunt 422.10 Co 422.40 422.40 Mills 422.40 4 22.40 422.40 Co 422.40 Moss 211.20 Dixon 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dov. Co 105.60 C. II. Dnggott .... loa.bu Mrs. Bertha Parkinson 422.40 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 W. H. Duncan 211.20 h. Oahegan - 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co - 105.60 W. R. Hopkins 105.60 Dov. Dov. Dev. Dev, Co 211.20 Co 211.20 Co 211.20 Co 105,bu Co 105.60 Ellen M. Redflold 543.84 II. E. Calkins 1241.95 Fred Noel G25.93 Fred Noel 57S.7S Martin McAndrews 447.14 First Baptist Church 447.14 L. Oahegan 372.85 Mary L. Telford 124.22 Mary L. Telford 4 97.07 John S Parko 894.27 Cella Roberts 578.78 Claudo W. Cosoboom 356.17 J. 1. Beard 471.18 M. W. Cosoboom 1454.93 M. W. Cosoboom 843.25 John S. Parko 1454.92 Manda C. Parten 1090.72 K. Sugarman & Max Gumbert 578.78 Jean Groesbeck 578.7S J. J. Keller 684.03 Hnlllo Jacobs 463.80 C. V. Fisher 475.37 M. E. Cowley 463.80 W. W. Lewis 695.67 Klamnth Klnmath Klamnth Klamnth Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Jas. H. and Lola Drlscoll Kiatnntn uov. uo Klnmath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20 Klamnth Klamath Dov. Co. Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Co 211.20 166.75 Orson Brown 412.11 Margaret Pitts 578.7S II. II. Edmonds 1067.12 J. J. Parker ot ux 1464.33 Chns. Evanikoff 385.20 211.20 1 211.20' Klnmath Dov. Co Klamath Dov. Co. Klamnth Dov. Co. J. M. Evans J. M. Evans Klnmath Dov. Co. P. T. Sanderson 422.40 H. A. Qualf 4 22.40 Mrs. S. S. Johnson 211.20 Klngsley Q. Dunn 211.20 E. C. Sheolln E. C. Sheolln 211.20 Alleen D. Johnson 211,20 Emma A, Johnson 211.20 Klamath Der. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. 211.20 211,20 L. E. Hannen . Alma J. Cotor Chns. F. Stemwell Glen Johnson ..... A. A, Bellman ... A, Mehatfoy 211.20 1 Karl C. Jones 211.20 211.20 211.20 1006.14 894.27 373.10 123.97 666.80 710.55 685.97 467.92 413.25 Kathorino House Esther M. Dale ............... S. L. Thompson 401.10 W. P. Arant 109.30 Jno. Stout 3 3 8.94 Jno. Stout .. 112.98 Jno. Stout .. . 112.98 Jno. Stout 112.98 Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August 23, 1919. A. Ii. LEAVITT, Police Judgo ot tho City ot Klamatav Falls, Oregon.