PAGB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 2S" FOR SALE Touring Car, ! ., ,-. -.r, l,nl 7 ""J CAn V PLAN ur?S v lT&13E0MTrie ,v& j .?.r - nvTMe fSE" " Jack SK!ZJr' A :- 85 witeM WELL OABK.YiSO MUSTM "-fbV-GfJN' CM MY "Be Goirf FOR OuiTG' I VMMiDN WT'RE GotfT ASTAV-THEfO-U vJ T tf8JWTpK, HOME jaffi2S5M? TR-SSTr SWEET HOME I I IS 1ET attract tho 'nlthful to their pracrs The Austrian. and Herman.-, still struggle to change their colors ami in tho cafes the waiters of ton strhe at Serbian which they speak pooilv .mil ask that one speak "Deutsche ' The after-war population of Sara jevo Is ("..".000. The city Is capital of Hivnlii-ilprzpKOlnn. The population of the province Is divided as follows- Villa Supplies His Ami) With .m. S00i000 Muselmon. $00,000 s,.rh- munition SmuIed From lulled ,nw 20Oi000 (., TllP worship- States Across llonler Capture pr, nf Mnnomot f,r(, not necessarily C-rniiiz.i-s Ammunition. f Tnrk,sh Woo,. u fi,ct mo,t of them are said really to he Serlihns and to speak Serbian The true facts SAKA.1EVO. Bosnia. Aug. 27. regarding nationalities In the Hn!- Tho war seems likely soon to become leans cannot he easily determined. a matter of only historical interest m even here in Sarajevo where I'rlnzlp IIOI.SIIKVIK I'ltOlUCAXI) V threw the bomb which killed the Aus- FLOODS ITALIAN" lMI'KUS. trlan Ferdinand and set the world afLame. The summer park at Illidza Is crowded on SunJay with holiday makers. The trams and trains run regularly. Moving picture theatres aro open, and concerts are held from time to time. Recently the city has been the distinction of American sailors on leave from Adriatic ports. All visitors in the city find an im mense Interest in the wonderful Tur kish quarter, with its quaint bazars where one may buy the most beauti "ful art goods. If! URGER I Online That a K.ilhwu Line Mn) linn I'imiii a rnint on (he s.iiiilin n I'.ielllc In XiitttiiMstt'i'ti I li i it it Toward l'o!r iiu.i. Tho question of railroad c ii tlo.t Is again beginning to ire I. the attention of the rumor monger and the latest stories to lie spr. ad on this important question Is thai plans are under uny fur the construction of a line from a plnt on the South ern l'aclllc near Worden. In a north-' HOME. Aug 27, --noWtevIk and spartaclst propaganda is being pour ed into Italy thru the extreme radical eastern direction tow ml 1'okegama socialist Italian n.vanB which have a largo circulation. On the eve of the recent general strike edition of the Avtrttl. th" most radical of al' tho revolutionary journals, was published. Tt nralse.i tln work of Ienlne nnd Trotzky and lauded the sparticlst movement In Germany. It had large photo'Tri"' all the Bolshevik and Spartaclst movement in Germany. It had large 0l.n nt..ll n..l.nwllnn n. C. ... I .... iuc -"--" -...JC... photOBrilpi,R of an ,10 nolshcvlk an.! Spartaclst leaders in all the eojii trles. Bela Kun, then the 'ea-W -f the Hungarian Soviets, w is given especial prominence. are principally Bosnians and Herze gorinans. Many Serbian officers are Been in the city. The Turks are as Turkish, the Jews as Jewish and the gypsies as gypsy-like as ever. The halt hundred mosques still exist to Snrwrrlbp for the llemlil. ROCKY POINT, Recreation P. O., Oregon THE OUTDOOR IJFB RESORT L Seasen: May-December GUIDES, HORSES, DOGS, CAMPING, HUNTING, FISHING. BOATING STORE, TENTS, COTTAGES, HOUSEBOATS, GOOD BEDS, GOOD MEALS, A GOOD TIME FOR EVERYBODY DANCING IN PAVILION EVERY RMTTRDAY NIGHT PURE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER. HARPST & WHEELER, Proprietor The Thrifty Housewife has for her motto "One Hundred Cents for Every Dollar Expended." She believes in a full return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knows that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive in the end. She has an Account Book which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Bank Book which shows what becomes of the money she saves. - Her funds receive absolute protection First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The purpose of this line Is to tap al of the immense timber llt that Is west of tin. I'pper Klamath Lake Engineers have been nl work on this survey for some weeks Whether Mi's survey Is being made by the Southern Pacific company or some private timber company hns not ap peared on the surface yet It Is known that the man who Is in charge of the surveying crew vs at on time u member of the K I' lloey sur voying party that completed tho eon structlon of tliu line between here mil Weed .but whether he Is still In the employ of the Southern I'aclll no onu In uuthority could bo found to say. Another story connected with this1 surveying party Is that the lines are being run by the big timber poople. for the purpose of bringing about a i blocking up of the various holdings In this territory. There Ik some color to this phase of it, f r it Is a well, 'no-n fact that etrenuous efforts' iavo been put forward for some time o bring about such a deal. The orlnclpal p arty to these negotiations! a the Western Pacific Timber com-' oany. This company has some, of 'he finest timber On the woht side but its holdings are so scattered as o make them very unattractive to 'he big timber buyers. When tlin j California dinners Association de-j Idcd to build a mill and box fxtory 'or its own uso. It came to this terrl-j lory first. It was offered tho West- ?rn Pacific timber at a prlifc that i vas very attractive, but Investigation I on their part disclosed tho fact that l would be almost Impcsslhle to logi !t on account of its scattered condl Ion. An effort was mado at that t'nio to block It up, but those Inter-1 ?stud In seeing the company como In here became possessed of tho Idea that it wou! 1 como in anyway, and no real effort was put forth to bring about tho result It demanded. When the California concern saw this it j uietly sought ottier fields, with the1 esull that It located, under a vnryi attractive arrangement, near Susan-1 We. This was an uyo-opener for "lit) big fellows up here, and then be ;an a real campaign ot bring about tho result that tho California con--ern asked for. Here again Dame Humor entors with the story that tho Long-Hull pooplci then entered the market for VVVV n Good Condition. A Real Bargain. Howie Garage WMf 15 V0UR ITINERARY ' V L Willi 0H, IT Vvl ISN'T AN SrTii. iTiNCRARY- V L-,,. N , ? yZrm- -LOi" It V'l .R& Afl2W i f mmwis& w 'B t t4l ITWc:' ill,,.) P - K ,T'S 'TimThJS; SSS VZ W? WJ&&V -rxV (R ' xmim3xmw ) iV vr i i . i -'. r'A vwv J JheP 4, CS mmt i.'i.vr i irtcw Lar p v r. i l i nil - vvv l. v. r Meats Not a in Storage Hoarded" L Live stock is a seasonal croplike cereals and grains. It is" ripe" and is marketed in larger quantities in certain months. This causes a natural oversupply at one time and a natural shortage at another. During the time of oversupply Swift & Company places some of the meat in cold storage, against tho season of short production. This is a necessity in order that the nation's ration of meat 58,000,000 pounds every day in the year may be forthcoming as tho consumer requires it. This is not hoarding, not prico manipulation, not market control. It is mere common sense. United States Bureau of Markets' figures of stocks of frozen and cured meats July 1 are being used as a ' basis for Department of Justice investigations in many cities. When properly analyzed, based on Swift & Company's stocks, these figures shew: C2 per cent (approximate) is pork and beef cuts, etc., cured nnd in process of curing. It takes 30 to 90 days in pickle or salt to complete the curing process. 12 per cent is frozen pork, of which more than three quarters is to be cured in the next few months. 7 per cent is lard. This is n normal supply and only four-fifths of a pound per capita, nnd much of it will have to go to supply European needs. 19 per cent is frozen beef and lamb, and miscellaneous meats, part of which is owned by the Government und was intended chiefly for overseas shipment. If this were nil diverted to domestic trade channels it would be only 2'2 lbs. per capita a 5 days' supply. 1000 From this it will be seen that "meats in storage" represent unfinished goods in process of curing and the working supply necessary to assure the consumer a steady flow of finished product. Swift & Company, U. S. A. -rrsvr"rnn.-mrjyjy7iri itejjry B5c, oil THIS SHOWS WHATUIC0MCS or THC AVrOACC DOLLAR RECflVCD nv 'SWIFT & COMPANY ikom mi suror mii ANDHT I'SODUCIS I CENT) 1ft Mill ,l)ft 1HI UVf ANIMAL i: no ciNts roii iakob ii.iNitt and rmio.i I O CINtl ntMAINt WITH r&COMPAMY Whether any of these stories have any foundation In fact remains to m seen, hut it is a safe bet that tho next this timber, and took an option on thirty days will product) something' It, which option It has not yet exor cised. Soon after this option was ,'Iven there was hold In this city a conference between tho WeyerhaeiiH er, Hopkins, Western l'aclllc and Oshkosh companies, Instituted, It Is alleged, at the suggestion of tho Long-Hull people. Tho result of that conference Is said to ho iulto prom- tltut will bo of knen Intorest to those who aro vitally Interested In tho de velopment of Klamath County. TELLS BRITISH FOLK OF TYPICAL YANKEE fur wkiiIMi n Hindi, hut only '" wealth us wisely and gen"1"15" used," I.ONrtDV Ann- 01 "Tim u.,ln,,l 1,1... .... v ,. . ir I III. WITH .. ., .., , W nl.,,., ,-1,-v. ,., -.,, iOVi:itNMi:T n.iw" American Is no more a boisterous lnultl-milllonnlro with course man ners and only mo:ioy Ideals than tho ir,irfili ' M WKICCKS lOCATKI). typical KnKllshmuti Is tho glacial, LONDON. Aug. - ., . ....... ....... . .,,.,..,., u,.it. tlin neiii'U liar f , iiiouoeieii, iiigu society specnuon WHO !" "" " liliih P"' IJAVUIC, Prancu, Aug. 27. Twon- eallH everything 'rlppln' und ultimate- hioii whiiohi jiajih ' . ' thi ty six wrecks havo been locateil at 'y nmrrles a chorus girl." , " r siauuiub "" , fCrlc streets. They uhiiii vo" old lit lrl-6' " the bottom of tho ea off Havre, six This was the comment of II. V. streets. I hey 'sini;. und it Is with this thai I tin nnr-r h.i,i,.i, ,,...,.. .1,.,. ('....,.i,.,. i,... iir.'i.i.,i n.i.i.niiir',vui. Pnmnimim,. roiiex which were voying party now in tho Hold had to ,.n destroyed by mines, und nlno tho r for Australia at Washington, lit 1K from CO cents to jt.ui do .uecordlng to one of tho stories result of ordinary 'disasters of tho 11 luncheon given him In London by " " 0Vcrhwrt afloat. ihou. Two French visnls urn locating Australian and other officials. . Aftor lin ' -. Another story Is that this survny.j wrecks all ulong tho coast. , "Their homo life In tho fltates Is cluu to tho war, AHlmO' a w, 'ng party has to do with tho Long- - charming" said Mr, Hraddon, "and vivo Its famous mut) ' ,,B be oti Ilell plans, tho object being to as- Miss Marcaret llohlnson has boon their convocation In directed to sub- Samuol Cox, lionovi u ii ,- oumuuj v... ".,, cintee. wu I certain If It will bo possible to get a 'appointed director ot hospitals In tho Jects of Interest to tho stranger In est Miihdii In tlio 1 "' " l0nu trtit Inln hlu tlmlutr fmtn unitui ntlut 1 nhr nf Ikfkfltiu ol n loIopu nt OTnfl V. Vwa tiwmt rnirinniulir Antiahlnrtiro itluirfltn 1I1H lUUHL u tiu ii4 v... w.n ..imih i,u U JUIMin fc Ik PMiwi; u fUVU ( him iiiwiiv ww.uivu.iPi; nuitdiuuiinw w.-,w.r. .-. VfnHfl i.-..... i.-, i r--.-i.. I mi . 1 1-. .. .i.ui Mn.. .. kin linmn In IjVIIHi " uuvuji uuiu uutt jiji 1 in t yuur. nny i uu iihvu uii hiuuj(ii uiiiiuiaiiuu i inn mi ' SULPHUR Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stof The price is right phone 1 126 South Sixth St