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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1919)
AUdlW run, nin. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HKVElt n !' coivie onm A ifU '.1 tfr sam W ml, MSZ&SXBflS 0E I ft?U- N w8r- ! u&y r wrc hS5ik. A - I""-31 ;siiUi mrffttL &M f'ilf fig 'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE -USED AUTOS- iitifiarfn MMciujor btudolmltor. jilt lilby OraiKl Chevrolet. IJIJHro, tho Fifth 111! OlJumobllo ' lilt KorJ .4K ti.t, CHi-rlillil 1917 llulck llniul' r 1111 ford IWIirrrr l() "" 1" ' ""''" rtcav S&SW N't " roMomro. MONEY TO LOAN If tou need money on your ranch pir lome or tin- homo sou want to ktllJ, ire mv (on kH )on lern: term pjyrafnln with low- Interest II yoa hTtn't a limno, now I tlio time to ct one I have n large lint of bomrt lo tclrrt (rum and will nr nsie tuy payment for on. Htnrt todiy aol own tnir own limit"'. It the rice In rlp.lit I'll got tlio hrer LUt yvur prop-Tilcx with inn. IAJ1N3 Jl Y.TII.NH, Jll , Temporary iipi?n w ttli llodgo tin Tailor, f.20 Main St. lon HO Acre ininl Sit. 30. Tp II. 11 II Km i Klnmntli Co tinning J .lnti I. .. .1 k... .. .. .. .. . . . 4iu mini iiHvr inline gOOIl Illll" fcr Unen't any uo for It nnd want tnMUUV.'sn offer Addre MKIn r Jl'trhell. 202 4 Shirk St.. Port laail.OrpRon. 4-2flt TOR SAI.K ICO acre. Iiiimctend rellnqnlnhnirntn. fully Improved. fir Strahorn railroad. Twenty-six bum Irom Klnmntli Fnll For purtl- Il.?6t'.dllr('' N K "Pr"M 0f,lc"' rC8.AI'1''" K,,rn nrK ' SO X ' irei. rcrji on tw utreet Kid JWo mU MIcIiIruii Ave Hoom for . ,?'?,. ''rlcu ,nn Tur' " ed. Call at No 2()C MIchlRnn "' 2S-31 r0.!liSoLE.Seu'n roo,n "P-lfMlotn di.Vrt,. ,,no,lern hmihu ln ri'trlctocl aitrlcL (larnitc. :,c-(. Uwn, nnd noeri Urge I.nt, l'rirn $4500. W. ". ci ntrren, I'hono 320M. SB-tf foil 8AM-J- fi i.n( nerm: 1 Hit ltiT?n,,.'UllK"' "''"""x. 20 ton r,l monitor drill. 1 peK tooth hiir 25 Plow.SC HrlKH-.MW. rLSAnUTA"tr,,k,inn C'xiklniTnp. CS, . fl'r cnm,lnK VrvA ,,n"- rojr .834 CotiKer Ave, Old Con PW. -5.2t. ..r call Senhorof- nan t if Varl""H kl,",', llUo " l0. lerklns Kurnlturu Mouho. 20-tt H0n" Cr,rml0' 'rMiw' Furniture -L 20-tr urock'w""0,'1 M,,ch row8. 'o llBMe ot M,"w ""I School '0l( sai o , 2C-3t loth Bt or o ' ,'l,H,ur" (''i ass -I Jlor I'll,,,,,, 247 M J Merrill Ore ,'"B,'nu M' "mninonil. - 11; ... 16-iot "SBi!1 m:7rf"ri" ": rt Btreet mll,l,m' ""''' 1'ow. 23 Main J1 31-tf et Slo'n7r,1!"nHl"r KWrttfn cabin . nilrifi.sUr cr. lMno. 23-4t 'ORSAII' a --!H Nelson Street. 23-21 TOR SAlv"i. P1,0Nmrf7t Lot IE Airs It la 'iik.ik-a icvi:i'inw -.1 W I m ' y ;7 .OPPiiii H 4 vw&,:r'A fe: M '.i. " LOST AND FOUND MVMMMtMiMMi I.OHT-- lllnrk pnrknlhook Hntunhy mciiliu: between Mini) nml i,.,i nVlock on Main Hired 15 reward l.i'HW) lit Mini's Hlorn 25-3t' LOST- On Too Valley rond. class ami rim of mi to, headlight of .Mtuwtii cur. riuilur plerum leave, ut Herald of flm 25-lf HELP WANTED WANTKI) I3n'"rli!lintl girl for hoiiowork In n ut it II fninlly. 1'liotio ctj or mil enfi ntii st. iiir.t WANTI.O- llrl for, Ki-ruiriil liotmc- work nml ceiikliit: Mr O r; l,ni- nri'ii, Hly. Ori-Kon l-tf WANTI.I) Kxpnrlunrvil prf-nui'r nml liiilpur mi lluffliiiiu liinrlilnu. Kliun- ntli Dye Work. 2 1 -ot 8TONKMAHON WANTKI) -Out of town; I.oiik Job. Imiulro Hu-.'iM ot flii. 2'J-;t VANTi:i IMkIi uliool boy liiimoill- ntcly to work iimrnliu; mid ivr-n- Iiik will furtiUli lionnl nml room WiiKi-it pnlil I'urkltm' Dnlry. I'lionn mv. 22-tf WANTKI Wnmnn to work on mnn- i:li Kinrli'tiri'i (iniNi pri'forri-il Klnmntli HupiTlor l.nuiulr) 23-if MISCELLANEOUS KAIt.MKItH Knvo 3D pur rent on your fi'i'il trtllN ly rlioppliiK your liny . ('out t2 ro pur tou. I.i'nii ordi-rn ut lliililwln Ilnrtlwnro (' r ni-o Hur ry Tnlfortl, ! inllcii out Merrill road. Sl-lSt WANTKI) TO TIIApl-V-A room pliintrriul IIiiihmIow on pnvuinriit for iiunll rnnili. Would iiKiumu hiii.-'II uinount Jiiiiiim M Wn'.l.liiH. Jr I'Ikiiui 32011 20-3t WANTKI) 100 lioml of i'wpm on Hlmrcri (iood rnro and panturo. Ad droM Mux 154 It. K. I). Anlilund. Ore Kou. 25-5t WANTKI) A mnnll furnished houe l or npartmeiil by )ouriKcouple. No chlldnm. Aildre Herald Office 22 If WANTKI) TO IUJY Oil TKADK For nny nnd nil kinds of furniture. Per kins. 20-lf WANTKI) TO TltAHi: i New range for un old one. you pay 1 1 1 differ ence, Perkins Furniture) IIouhu. 20-lf WANTKDFurnlhed Mound See Mr. Kynns Slur Drug Company. 2C-tf. FOIl 11KNT Unfurnished rooms. In quire ut large, housu, 4th and Klniu nth. . 21-r.t Fifty dollar or more nnd nu old range will got one ot my new one I'urklnH Furniture Mouse 20-tf WANTKD Used enr in good mech anlml condition Prefer Dodge, lino, or Ford. Dr. Stewart. Hotel Hull. 23-3t TO EXCHANOK Single bed and .Spring for wider ones. 741 "Wul nut. 25-3f WANTKI) -Kxperlencod woinnn for housework. Phono 31. 19-tf CITY (1AUI1AOK When you want (lurbuge removed phono 91. 1 l-tf NOTIOR TO CONTIUCTOnS. floalod Olds will bo recolvod and Instructions Klvon nt tho offloo of A. V. Hcldo, Odd Follows' nidg, until noon of Saturday. August 30th, for tho oxcavutlnif of a basement for building to bo oroctod. Cor. Mnln & Cth Btreots. gQ-ft NOTICM I nm now propnred to furnish Shasta Sand fiom tlio Hooy, Cam stind mid gravel pit, In nny nunntlt that mny bo deslrod hy contrnctorf and bulldors. AI F tlltAHAM New City Laundry WK aiTAIlANTKM OUIl WOHK Ulilrla mail (Villiiru T.lllllllleri'll !W iiIno Wltfcll Kllk, wool nml col. orert Reed very carefully. Try OIII'll mill DO COIIVIIICIII. our irm-o re rlglit. Phono 1B4. 127 Fourth Street lluik of First National Hank LEGAL NOTICES " IH m UV jwijij NOIM'i; IMI'MNfi I'HOI'OSXUS. I'limuniit to nrdln nm- nrnl order of llli- fliMiliiiili ( 'MUM 1 1 nf h- dfy nf Kliinmth I 1 It. Ori'i-oti, iiullif M Imn-liv civi-ii ti,m p,,,,,,, un W(I , ri'i-i-lvf-d l.y hh I.I Common Couurll of tlio rlly of Mitmuili -, Oh-koii. Iiollri- lit In ri'liy mv. ii iroIOKiilx will ho n-ii-lviil l,v nuhI Cnmmoii K ouriill fut iniiklnr: llin lriiiroviiiii'iil ill KlKiii'd lor tin. Iinprori-miirii of HlKli Klri-i.t fiom Hill Kln-i-l wimtorly 1 1 lut Ktn.-t iiuiiidlru; liin-rm,itiomi l.niiil Int. 2nd lih. Mli. mi, nml ?lh Miii'iim from Kiel, n,ri K,,u t ti..rly to lino Htri-i. Iinlmiliii; luli-rii'i'tlomi Hiilil propiiHi i ImpioU'iMcnt lo 1m Hindi- In ii'ioriliiuio with llm pin nn mid nii-i Ifliiitliiim of tin- c-lty onrlii- i-i'r for omi of tlio oIIht of tlio iIiooh'h of liiiprnvi uii'iit ii tloni'd tliiTiiln mid iiipioin liy (In. hiiIiI coiiiii-II, mid In nnordiiiii-n with OrdlniiU'n No 171 iidopti-d on tin' I Mil day of AhkhhI, I'M'i nml hy I li tmi or npprovuil on ill" I ltd dny of AiliiUHt l!ll!l Si III pltlllH. Nll'l'lfll'lltlOIIK mid 0.1(1- mutiM lii-ini: on flli with tlio I'ulUn ludri- mid In thu of fir u of llm City l.ii:lni-iir "'IIh- propONi'il Improvi'iiifiit will lift lit In oim ronlriirt mid tin' tlim In wlili h Hip Hmni) In to lin rompluti-d In flxnl l.y mild ordluiiiKi! for Now-iii-hnr lt !! l!i Illdn muni Lo flli'd with tlio Polln ludk'i' for Hllliml'nlotl to I ho Council, ill lil offlc, In Din tv lmll of mild ilt ri"l Inti-r t tin ti S o'i'lor k P in of It. 2 ih diiy of AilKUMt I'll") -it wlilili time nnd pi iri propo'nln will In- opi-nrd mid rininlilnri'il Kncli pro poiil miiHt lie ncpompnnlcil liv n cirt-fii-d i In" k on iiiii- n-xpi'iiillili 1'ink to llm iimotint of ' pi-r ci-rit of tin' ni'Bri'Bnto proposal to Im forfeited hv tin xuiCKtmful bidder Upon fnllun- to 'liter Into commit mid bond for the fut I It fill completion of tlio Improve, ttietn In nriordnnce with the lontrnci Th city of Klnmilb Pnllii renervlm; tbe tlRlit to rejeit nny and till pro liiiimln. The award to th KUci-eKuful bidder for miikliiK tli n propimeil Improve ment In Imreby made coiitltlRetlt Up on the nale of the bondx mittiorlreil tili funds for maklni; nnld liu protement. The plmiH. Kperlflratlnns nnd cs i...nin, nbove referred to emlincn prcivlile for the propnued tniprovp-M,i-nt of mild Htreeln li BrmllnB name in the oMiibllBhed rnili' from prop i i-tv line to proporu line on HlKh tr.-et froin rtb to Mb Street and fiih. and 7th Streets nml Inn rcitlons h-twecti HirIi mid I'lne Stret. and from propctv line to property lino on Illy.h Street from Cth to lnt Street, nml lt . '-'nd. th and r.lh Street from IIIrIi to l'lne Sncot. piH bard mrficltir nld pivement j.'i feit wide on Mlrli Street from iTth to vth Street mill fitli ntnl 7th Streets nni lllnh to l"tm Street, and 20 feet wide oil HUh Street from Cth to 11 Streets, and 1ft. 2nd, 4th, 5th, from HlKh Street to l'lne Strpet In rluilltiK concrete, curb, with either o'l tmicailntn. concrete or bltullthlc pavement. IncludliiK cement hide walk 4 feet wlilo on both lde of said HtrerlH Propixal are ruiiucnted on nil cIiibp of pneutent mentioned Dated nt Klamalh Kail. Oregon, thl ISlIi dny of August UU9. A. I.. I.KAVITT. I 15-101 1'ollco Judgo .netici: or siiKitirrs sam: ok IH.AIi I'llOl'KltTV. tKqility No. 102UJ I 111 the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Klamath County. First State & Saving Hank, A Cor-1 porntloii, Plaintiff, v. Ileulnh Stile. Ileulnh Stile ndmln"- trntrlx of tho estoto of Thomas D. Stile, deceased, John lllliiiern- mid Irwin Stiles, a minor, Defend- ant. NOTICK IS HKIIKUY OIVKN. That tindnr nnd by vlrtuo of a docreo of forecloHUro nnd sale nnd an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of tho , State of Oregon for tho County of Klnmntli, In a suit wherein the First i Statu mid Savings Hunk, a rornorn Hon. Is Plaintiff and Ileulnh Stile, i lleulah Sllle administratrix of tho I estate of Thomas 1). Stile, deceased John Hlbborts and Irwin Stiles, n minor. Dpfendnnts, upon n Judgment rendered upon the 17th dny of Julv j 1919. In favor of tho snld Plaintiff and ngnlnst the said Defendants, Ileulnh Stiles, Ileulnh Stiles, adminis tratrix of tho estate of Thomas I) Stile, clecoased. and John HIMmrts1 for the sum of eight hundred ($800. 00) dollars with Interest tboreon nt (he rnto of 10 por cent per annum from tho lllhjlnynf An-'t 1")1 one hundred (1100,00) dollnrs attorney's fees and costs nnd ( disbursements taxed nt seven teen nnd (17.R0 SO-100 dollars 'l h"vo this dnv levied upon nil of the, right, title, claim nnd lnterot of nil of tho said defendants in and to tho i following described lnnds nnd renl I iwintn located nnd situated In Klnm ntli County, Stnto of Oregon, nnd des cribed n follows, to-wlt: ' Tho Southeast quarter of tlio Northwest iiunrtor, tho south half of tho Northenst ouirter, nnd tho north-1 enst quarter of tho southenst qunrtor, of Section fifteen In Townshln thlr-tv-Hnvon. South of Range ton F.nst or the Wlllmnetto Meridian. NOTICK IS IIFUKHY OIVFN. Thnt J 1 will, on Wednosdnv. (ho 27th dnv of August. A. D. mi!) nt the hour of ten nVlock A. M In (ho foienoon of tbn sold dnv nt tho front door of IhnCountv court-house In tho city of Klnmntli Falls, Klnmntli County nnd Stnln of Oregon. In opdlon-n to the sulci deoreo nnd exorullon soil nt pub tie miction to the hlpi'e-t nnd het , bidder Iherofor. for rni In hv lawful mnnov of tho United Stntes of America, all of tbn right, tltlo, ( claim nnd Interest of the snld no-1 fnudnnts in nnd to the nbnvn describ ed lnnds. or so much thereof a mny bo nccossnry to satisfy snld Judgment, nttnrn.iv's fffn. Intorost, costs nnd disbursements nnd expenses of snlo. Dntod nt Klnnmth Falls. Oregon, this 29th dnv of Julv, A. P. 1119. OFOROF U TfUMPimrcY Sheriff of Klnmntli County, Oregon. 29-C-12-19-2C f jfso -sCJ J A. w adm KIamilh Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meet frlilav nlcbt of earh wifk nt I O ') P ball, and Main utreet. I .1 (lerKes , N ; Kreil IlrorrxT, Kecntary;!' I, roiiiitriln Treaurer. Kwatina Kncampmi-nt No. 4 5, I. O O I', mielB Tliemhy nlKllt of each weik nt I O O I' hall Arllo Wor rel. C I ; Nat.. Otterboln, Hcrlbo; I' li Fountain TreaHurcr. It's a Long way to walk If you nro out In the. country nnd find that tlio ropalr work you had done ilocn not Btand up try tin and you'll rldo and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wo buy nml cll New nnd Heconil blind Car. Hpenk to u before J on bii). Wo can no jou inon. ey. Wnti li for our special. Oassengers and Baggage AS WHKItK IN Tilt; CITY Ot l( K SI.K ICC ItCAsDNAIII.i: ItATI.S PIIO.Vi: IK7 WesternTransferCo. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kind mid ItoolliiK Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contraclo f H k Exclusive BOND" Portrait, mWw 1136 Main St iwwwr Feet Timber for Sale Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomlnlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. I'hono 103W THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodtrs Chill Con Carol Open all alght Just off Main on 7th A littlo off of tho Main street, )ut It pays to walk FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 WARREN HUNT MKDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Subscribe for tho Herald. m&tu M0.000 im. w. m. nu;vTin.o, SPECIALIST In IHSKASKH of the IIIMKT and ' NKIIVOI.'H HVHTKM. 120 Main Htroel. I'hono 409 Livery, Food and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable 1OtiK Trip Our Specialty Iti-nsoiiuhlo itnti-N I'hono l.lll N21! Klnmntli Are. Phono 400 Ice C'riyini 729. Main St. Candle PASTIME Jack .Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tob.ic-ro, Soft Drinks Peel nml llUllaril liarber Shop In oCnnectlon OCIl MOTTO "t'ourtety mid Sen Ice" Coe's Jitney Service Day Phone 108 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. :-:-X":M":--:- m-m-m-m-:-:- I Your Home Laundry ' Damp WiinIi, "0 l.b. c S KIMSIIKD WORK FLAT WOHK HOUGH DRY "Put Your Dud In O u r Suils" I'HONE 421 . Corner Main And Conger WC''W4'X-W' HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy. sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK US 8. Ih St. Klamath Falls WOWWMVWWfWWWMWWWWV i KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Dlaeksmlthing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 859-Y 017 Klamath Ave. MMVMM'' FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 170-J Phone 340-J 11S2 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. IIome-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. WWWWSAMAMMrMAr)AMAA DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 161J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 161M 1909 Main St. AMAAAfMMAAMMAMAAMfMMMASMraAMi E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Willi ts Bldg. Klamath rails Oregon rWMMMAMMWWWWWWM GLASS Phone me and I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. STUCKY. 1140 Main. Phone 840-W. PROFESSIONAL CARD ' PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mnti-rtilty ( ni"i Mr. Knia Mi-Darilel, 301 High St. Phone 455 5 Till; I'AIilHUN IIIIAI'TV HIIOP Iniliil MaxsnulrtK, IJImi lilrtj; nml I'm Inl Click Manlcurlnu Hhan'pooInK Scalp 'I rent merit 5 III Main l'iioiio MOO SiwiIivS,WJSiW'w'S-WiWiWIS ..x---:-:-:.-:-:x:":"':":"-:-'5-M" ? ? Z H. C. SCHLEEF 2 i'. KATHERINE SCHLEEF i ' I'll) i( inn nnd Surgeon f f. Office, While lllilw. DR. G. A. MASSEY SticccAor to I)r. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. i llldg Ofllce phone H(U He Phone HUM yAAAASMWWMVMWW DR. CARTER IIKNTIST WTIITK TIUILDING :w5 Dr. E. G. Wisecarver I'HONE 3.14 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loom is Rldg., Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist' ' I. O. O. F. BiuTdlng I'HONE 01 (''WW- CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY A17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager C DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Phystrlaa Jk'BargeoB talt ail. I. 0. O. P. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) , Phone sai . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surseoo In Klisjtti rails.) SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders ot -modern Saw Mills, PlaninR Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. W contract to bnlld any class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Bine Prints made. PHONE 140J Ofllce in K. D. Building J. C. CLKGIIORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office G17 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 192M. I WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. A Klabzuha Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W MJ-X'M-MSrt i SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP 8UEY AND NOODLE HOl'HK Short Order Meals Homed. 73 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. - j DENTISTS j VWVWMVWrVIMMAMMrrrMA