nv. ii' -T1 """l THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'.VIK rilltKh -rcMnANT OF SfE WASHINGTON r 11 i3isLLHLaw v ' 1 IPHHEraL-. i LEGAL NOTICES NOTin; TO CIICIHTOHH. Ill 'I'lin Coiinlj Com I of Tim Him nl Oifgiiu For Tlm oiiiily of KIhiii- mil In lliti Mntlur (if tliu Knlnte of Kiiiina .Inckitoti Wllnoli, dncoiimiil. All poiwmii having I'liilinii iignnmi (lin uliiivo ulltltluil llnliili) uro liuroliy notified t(i prnmnit them properly verified wit It vmiclmrit nltnrhoil (o tliu uiidorHlgned nt tlic officii ot ti lis Atlciriiuy II. M. Manning, In III') l.ooinln lliillillnt:, itt Klamiitli Falls, Kliiiiiulli Comity, Oregon, within nix lli 20 days Im'kIiiiiIiii: with tlio first. W. If ' rlilcr h'ihi-iI nni) Iii-ipIii l.f'ow mention'"! iiiiii rlli H .irihi'imliilht Is On,, mill lui v-. tiiiMli iillfiii of thin notice ICImiiiiMi Ilev. iilil" mill will he llliifii m nriir tlio'.M l urul H II. Kvuiim 00r,.2r. lU.imiith Dev. Co. oTfitrnf Itiii f 2 diivi rnmi the ilnli- M. mul K II. Ii villi a 289.20 ' Robert Alexander r Hip llmt inilillnAtlnn of tliln tinllco. J. Ilnrvl. .Ir C77.60 ,' Anim Miller . .. V. Ill lill on I.-Illl III HI IJIlhllClll IKII August 23, 1019.) I"' I'' I" i , uniietM ho mmeMeil muni ellljii pny In ( u, , r itnt. it nil III" Willi the PiiHrii Judgo of Hlilil . Uv their applications to pay such imnenNiininU In limtalliniTitu wllliln III" 30 iliiyn beginning wltll till) firm IhiIiIIuiIIoii of thin nnllru It It Hefner It It Hefner II K. Mi-Donald I. IC. McDomild K M I'lilliotn SKI r.o r. 7r, 1X6 ( s;i no 7t ii'i iiiolitlirt from tilt Unto of tliln notlcu, HOlKlll WIlllOH, AilmlnlHtrntor of tlio jjalntu ofK,Uliri, T imckI.ihoii KriiuiH Jttrknoli Wilson, lUiiunsod. a a Helloum 2l).l.U.lfl-23 j); M .,ll,.r)tl) ;; - . " . j,n, ; )ri.ii,r stmvr. to ntnimiiw. Uuu,. v. rre,., " In the County ijoiiri or um n.nio m ,.,, Km.tth Fall, Oro, August OnKii tor tliu Count)' of Klnm- jj( j'j) ' ' ' nth, ' A i, LEAVITT In tlio Malter ot lin Kitlnto of 1..1- ,.,, Jmlg ,)f , cu of Kltl'mnth miiml W. (lowuii, Hr. iwm I, Fulls. Oregon. Nntlco h hnroby given Unit nil pnr-' .hook ImvlliK l'IiiIiiih against tlio iiliovo iintltluil I.tt. Mmll l.villn A. Hlater Mnr:aret Aliralmin V.'V HnndorHOii Kntato 422.30 Arclilo C, CoInoii 80 CIO Corn Hiiiiilenion r,98.S2 Tl.oi. It Hkllllticton C3.3C Tlioa. It. HltlllliiKton 4 90.21 Kllzalmtli A. (JrlKiiliy 772.70 V. V.. Ilrowor 91R.41 !'. 'I'. Hlillilnrnnn Kxlntn 2Gl3..rr sr, mi i Vi T, Handonioii IXuto 1 1.70 loi 7fi ),. Ti KiiiulurHoii KMtato 2r,r;.r,r. 2t7.2.'. 1 1 r)rm 32r,.70 121 "!Krank .Moorland C28.40 i7.r.o 122.40 I Mlrinlo I,. HarKont 1099.20 i IJmiiin I: (llnHberi: Kliiiiiulli Utjv I'. O. l.ynn Drnry IinHor .. . .lolm J. lloonoy . II. W. filiort Mrit. It M. Itollor A. I). .Miller (I. V. Whltn .. .. Kluiinth Dov. Co 105 0 U. W. .Murphy 422.1.) irarn M. H. Cliiirrli 782.10 (".rar.i .M. K. Church 1377. Id DalHy II. Cox 82C.80 M I'. KvatiH C4G.00 humid on or hoforo nix montlm from I Ik, dntu of tlilrt notlcu, proporiy von fled wltll voucluim nttnchod, to tlio I uudurvlKiH'd, nt her rcHlduuco at 30f i'lno Htrmit, Klamath Fa I In, Kluui-, nllt Comity, Htato if OniKon. Dntml August 2GOI, 1910. Hnrnh II. do wen, j Administratrix of tlm l-.tnto or i.ti mund V. (lowcn, Hr , dciuaied. 2C.2-9-10-23 Avurv n28.2C prcimnt tlm 'otlee to Properly Oivnern on MnrKct '.lime (irlmcB C28.2G Marrlo .Intuition II ('. Chamhorlln Kllen Miihoii KHtato ... I.anni ('. Ch.imherlln . Ceo. II. Chamhorlln O. J. KHkfllnon Cliatur 4C8.G0 370.47 C28.C9 182.57 54.00 82.40 Klaimith Dev. Co. . Klamath Dev. Co. . Klamath I)ev. Co. . Klamath Dev. Co. . Klamath Dev. Co. . Klamath Dov. Co. . Mntirlro I. Johrmon Ollvo B. Holt!! .. . Klamath !jv. Co. . Klamath Ijv. Co. . 21 1 2o Manila A Dunr.ni 21 1.20 II. I,. Slunk . 10f,.on j:. , filiurk . 10.1 iiO'1), i). Cntnphcll 1' r CO n II. CnmphBll 211 20 j0,m RtroKan 211.2') Unhl leinmler U 211.2') ii,. Alntnnilnr I2r'li" ' Itoftt nnd Carrie Alexander "5-5!! Unht. and Cnrrlo-Alt-xandnr '"5S? Jennie Tone Walter .1. Andemon Klamath Dov. Co .lesw Turner JenH Turner Jem Turner Win. F Males Wm. K. HalOB Wm. K. Hales ftoht. nnd Carrie Alornndcr I). A. I i mli L. F Olnen F. ONen HnKlernan .. and K. C. I'addock .. r,2.)o 52.80 105.00 Htrts-t, Tlmt They llnvo 'M Uny Kllnn M. Ilcdflold C9.70 i' nun i irt ruiiHrnUon or tills Alma Coror ..... Sbl.t-u Niiilrii In whlcli lo file nppllai- Henry Of fonbachor 477.15 tloiiN io pny their nnoMiiuiiOi InlAKiiea Orom ..... C92.0C Ten Annual Irmtallmciibi In aolC F 8vlt 146.95 Minlnnen Willi llm IollowinR Not I Itciitora French 23C.15 lie of I'miKirtlonntn AMr-imrnt. ' I.yilla Truax 512.70 ! Notice Ir honour KlTon that tho H. J. Winter .. 384.53 Common Council of tho city of Klnm- C L. KolRoy 363.60 'nth Full, OruKon, did by ordinance II. Orom ... 446.20 'No 4 78 duly adopted on tho 18th II. It. Reynolds 910.82 I ilny of AiiKiiBt 1919, and approved by Agnes North tfu wuhlniton.MorMiol. If JSUiXto 'ot C.ldw.lljR J.1 JVdlfKt dcndnt of Own iktoiteo. Not-only Ifest-ck 'Siiuy lobtriu nrorm In SSSl for W rtwntly "rprliH un offlcrt by oorlnf ibrw ottt if Bi DullMye h.hnIol.v v..il- lo I'niiH'llv Ouiierx oil I.I" the Mnvor on Dm l'llh rinv of Anr colli Hlrrrt. 'Mint Tliey llne J)ut 1919, declare tho proportlonnto IIii)m From l-"lrl I'ulillmllon oon-ieriRinent upon each lot, part of lot, TliU Nollcn In Willi li o File Ap-hlock and ncreaRo property found to pllintliin lo Fay Tlirlr Ae'"' lm henoflted and llahlo for tho cost of ninii In Ten nniinl lintnlW ,,iprevlni: Market Stroot from tho menu In Ariiiriliim i Willi the, northerly lino of Cth Htroct to tho KolloiiltiK Niillro of I'riipuriloii. Routhorly lino of Lot 10 In block 17, nin Aeiiiint. ! and tho louthurly lino of lot 30, block Notlcu I" heroliy Kiven tmil tiii"is, of Keroml Hallroad Addition to 'Frank W. Oiburn Common Council or inn ny oi tho city of Klamath Falla, Includlnu C A. Arnold AgncH North II. F. Bhopherd It. A. Kmmltt I.ouIb Alt , J. F. McCollum V T Tnylor ... Itlchnrd MelhuHo .......... Frank W. Outturn .. B. 1. Iiwronco ...... . 422.20 199.10 993.20 422.40 769.50 1191.80 384.35 639.70 69.70 285.70 .1047.30 769.60 422.40 422.10 422.401 4 22.40 I 422.40' 211.20' 21 1.2(1 4 22 40 J' 422.10 . 422.40 F. J.. .. ..... r. V. A. MrCnllv 422.40 ' iiamiiwi wb. v. Kdmund M. Chllcoto 21 1.20 1-'-J- nelancy C. A. Bunting 211.20 1 Ivic ,sPc,ccTrfl :;: ;r,. " O. W. White 211.20 iuan Vwliw I fl Wheeler 211 20 Frank C. Walker - Anton 'VeminiH "ZZIZZ 21 1.20 Hydraulic Stono and Drlck i;o I.- A. McCnllv 422.10 Kiamam wot. 1..1J Geo .11. Morryman 21 1.20 j ti....hu rt.. rn AO An ' L. L. Truax, et ux . 422.40 123' lJ1J 211.20 211.20 844.80 1207,20 211.20 814.80 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 1 05.60 10B.B0 422.40 211.20 211.20 211.20 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 10. '.() 105.60 105.60 105.60 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 844.40 1372.80 Dated Klamath Falla, Ore, August SO IRKS in hoi Kllllirtlt I Fnlln. Oregon, illil, liy lr- InterHectloiiK. Arlln Wnrrnll 324.90 dlniiucii No, 475, duly adopted mn T, ,,r,K.r-y n0 axReRRod by muIiIk. Iiiih. Douart 296.20 the lllh day of AiiKiml. ',' ,)! enllnanru Ik nil the property lylngiChns. Donart 295.20 approved by tho Muynr on llm 1 Jill1 ndjuretit lo Maid part of Raid ntretn Wllella Stewart 690.40 duy of August, 1919, derlare llm ,,w(. t1P a,ove mentioned ter!chool DlRtrlct No. 1 2971.03 proportional-! iiMei-miient npi n each , UIIll (.xt,iiiK luterly to thejciiai. P. Stewart ..'. 677.90 ioi, pari i on. "'-" "', muter or tun reHpective uiockh lying property found to bu benefited nnd ,tjnrt , H,, Imrt of Raid HlrcutR Hnble for tho iol of Improving I.ln-in() fnr ,lg th mproveuient thereon coin Btrrol from Ninth street euRter- ,.xtend. ly to F.lovenlh Rtreel. Including In-: T,t ti, ,ockct of city liens Iihr Inrmictloiu. Ie the U H Irrigation )r,.n mniu ,,,, ttK provided by hectlon cnnnl and right of way appurteimnt 2f5g of ,i, charter, and tho following I,. I. Truax, ct ux ...J. 422.40 N. V. Glnabach 422.40 Frank Dickey 211.20 Bdwln A. Wood 211.20 K. Sugarman ct ux 211.20 Henry A Grlmen 211.20 Wilson fl. Wiley 211.20 Wilson S. Wiley 211.20 Wilson S. Wiley 211.20 L. O. Mills 211 20 Mrs. E. J. Murray 211.20 Mrs. E. J. Murray 211.20 Henry L. Ilenson .'. 422.40 i P. M. Iteady 422.40 'Newton 8. Uuttenger 422.40 J. H. Cooper 422.40 Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 Klamath Der. Co. 844.80 Klamath Dev. Co Klamath Dev. Co E. E. Sielaff E. E. Sielaff Klamath Dov. Co. A. I. I.EAVITT. Police Judge of the City of Klammtfc Falls, Oregon. thereto. The property so osicRicd by said r a ItRt of tlio names or owners or the property so aMsesRed as shown by nnnce, together with tho total amount ro osResRed against tho prop erty of each owner, and reference Is hereby mado to such docket of City Mens for n detailed, description of each lot. part of lot, block and acre ge property so assessed. Further notice is also given tho respective property owners' so as sessed and herein below mentioned, that such assessment Is duo and pay able and will bo dollnquont after the expiration of 20 dnys from tho onto ruwti Twmt of Mrlropollliin Com- or,UBnCo . the properly lylng;BUCh bond lien docket and snld ordl u;Tnll la Ills Hummer Villa In adjacent to said part or snld streets Mr-Home I. Colonial In 81) Ic between tho above mentioned ter V.,i i - i mini and extending laterly to the ud Prick? of Owner. i center of tho respective blocks lying adjacent lo slid part of said strmt FbORENCB. Italy. Aug. 28. A J" th" ,m,rovowonl lhor,on lonNBtlnter with now and then n '""xtuu'the docket of city lions has toica ot domcitlc carpentry for vnrl-1 tcon made up as provided by section ttjr U what Enrico Caruso, grand 268 of the charter, and tho following cpmiUr. bsconwi his summer re-l' t the n.nwi of owners of ,1, i. hi. m. m mm. i ..(n. i Property so assessed as shown by trestlB bli tills In Hlgna Lastrn. . b . , dockol nd ad ordl- Wblls b la nmstantly disturbed nanco, together with tho total 0f tno nrgt publication of this notice. I; delnitlotM nf "men with red amount so nsseRsed ugalnst the prop-, (Hald first publlratlon will bo on budi or Ihotr armn" as ho terms tho erty of each owner, nnd reference ls.AuguRt 23. 1919.) .,!.. ,.,h,.i ..i,-,. i it,. .. hereby mnde lo such docket of Llt . xho property owners so aRRessea utr.m .dlcsl eloiaents In tho pre- lAm f()r ,,,.,,, deRcrlptlou of1 mURt ,.ther pny In raBh or make and lint Italian unroot, ho takes It all . t purt of lot, block and ncre-,fi th tho I'ollro Judgo of Riild ftod-iiaturedly and continues his1 age property ho iisneRsed. city their appllcatlonH to pay such jtltllBr. Further nollre Ir also given tlionasessmuiita In Intullmcnts within T.rnr.n.i.ni of The A..nrli. respective property ownerH ho ,the 20 dayn beginning with the first .,, , .. . . . swseil mill herein lielow inenlloueu, puhllrntlon of tills notlco. , rtlftM recently called on tho urtUt nml,8UP, BseRinenl is duo nnd pay-;.i. n. (Inrrott 342.60 wd found him dicked In n loono nhlo nnd will he delln(uent after the swift & Company 342.50 (port shirt, lounring trousers and "xplmtlou r-f 20 ilnvs from llm date uv,,, i.umher Co 342.50 I Hpptn. The meutlng took placo In "' 'TST",XZZ m Y." """"'.S?: V.i'nn ' ailjacoul to said part of said street ,"'' ,,,; i-nion n vii """" .holween thu ahovo mentloneil tor August 23, 1919.) . J. O. Henrdflloy 181.00' ". ,. 0.,111.illIr mtorlv to tho Dated Klamath FalLs, Oro, August 23, 1919. A. h. LE-VV1TT, I'ollco Judgo of tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. Notice Ui Property Owncra on Espbv nuilc, Pacific Terrace, and Port land Hlrrrt, Tlmt They Have 20 Dai. From First Publication of This Notice In Wlilch ttt Kile Ap plications to Pay Their Assess men La In Ten Annual Install ments In Accordance With the Following Notice of Proportion ate Assessment. Notlco Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, did. by Ordl nance No. 479, duly adopted on the 18th day or August, 1919, and ap pro ved by the Mayor on the 19th day of August, 1919, declare the pro portionate assessment upon each lot, part of lot, block and acreage prop erty found to bo benefited and liable for tho cost ot Improving Esplanade Htrout from tho northerly side of Wall street to Paclflllc Terrace; Pa cific Terrace from Huron street northerly to Portland street, and Portland street from Pacific Torracc easterly to tho city limits ot Klam ath Fulls, Including intorboctions. Tho property so assessed by said ordinance is all tho property lying Notice to Property Owncra on Eight Street, Lincoln and Jefferson Streets, That They Have SO Dj From First Publication of Thl Notice in which to file Applleav tions to pay their assessment- tm Ten Annual Installment In Ac cordance with the Following Not ice of Proportionate Assessment. Notice Is hereby given that t Common Council ot the city of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordinance No. 477 duly adopted on ho 18t rinv of a n fint 1919. and approved by 844.40 j the mayor on the 19th day of August 422.401919. declare the proportionate -422.40 'sessment upon each lot, part of lot. 422.40iblock and acreage property found ta 422 40 bo benefited and liable for the coat uiuuiu jvu.. hk ...-.-- ---- --; ,. o,,, tmwm Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 or. improving "B"i ""' 'S wi.,.v. r nn i9.in i Hleh Street northerly to Prospect J. C. Perry Klamath Dev. Co. Torbert Sanford O. A. Paculseurd Klamath Dev. Co. Klamath Dev. Co Jas. L. KmJgh Etfle McBroom Newell Klamath Dev. Co H. B. Cole T. O. McIIattan 105.60 Martin Bros 106.60 Martin Bros 211.20 J. F. Magulre . 106.60 J. F. Magulre 105.60 Alice N. Patch 106.60 4 22.40. Street; Lincoln Street from Elghtk .. aIoi.u oniinriT tn Ninth Street: anal Jefferson Street from Eighth Street easterly to Ninth Street, including iBr- 211.20 211.20 106.60 106.60 62.80 62.80 105.60 106 60 211.20 211.20 211.20 105.60 105.60 211.20 til drawing room of the villa over- loosing a heally laden vnllfy of vino Ird. Caruso strolled In Inlmroly Hi Metrea tucked up nnd said, "1 k been working " 'I he property owners fo assessed j, o. Ileardsloy l'rn 'center of tho respective blocks lying 51. L. Nleco must either pay In cash or nmk. nnd j. 0. UmTlM(!y 312.50 n,1JaceIlt to ,d '!in or said 'streotaj Wm. M. nnd iilo with the loin, Judge of hi 0nr IVylon ho fnr na tho improvement tliureon! Ella T. Kiel city their iippllcntlnns to pay sued ,, ,, Carlson 342.50 .........i,, ' IJas. Wallace Alice N. Patch E. M. Chtlcote and E. M. Smith Jesse M. Magulre Margaret J. Klrkpatrich Margaret J. Klrkpatrich Roy A. Feathers . Boy A. Feathers 211.20 H. W. Tollman 211.20 H. W .Pollman 422.40 F. E. B. Gates 105.60 Alva P. Clarence 105.60 H. S. Evans ... 105.60 II. D. Vernon 211.20 Mrs. Louise S. Hinton ... Phebo S. Sbarpless H. A. Bell Mrs. Kate Muglcr 52.S0I Helen Macdowell 105.60 Ed E. Rease 105.60 Klanints Dev. Co. 21 1.20, Jay Smith 211.20. 52.80' torsectlons. The property so assessed oy a-in. ordinance is all the property lyln adjacent to said part- of said street between the above mentioned ter mini and extending laterly to tk center of the respective blocks lyintj adjacent to said, part of aaid streets so far a the Improvement thereon, extends. That the docket ot city Hens haav been made up as provided by sectlos, 268 of the charter, and the followln is a list of the names ot owners ot the property so assessed aa shown by such bond lien docket and said ordi nance, together with the total amount so assessed against the prop erty ot each owner, and reference 1 hereby made to such docket ot City Liens for a detailed description ot each lot, part of lot, block and acre age property bo assessed. Further notice is also given tba respective property owners so as sessed and herein below mentioned. Itk.l n.,.1, A BBflPom ... . lo flttO n n ,1 T1!1Va ;' ;)J able and will bo delinquent after tho "ri'sn! expiration of 20 days from the data VJ1 LUC (119b lUWn.fcv v.. h...u v...w (Said first publication will bo on August 23, 1919.) 'itie property owners so assessed must either pay in cash or make and lilo with tho Police Judge of said , city their applications to pay such , cn assessments in installments witnin O...50 .., on nve IwHnnlnt vvlfli thn first assignments In liistnllment i within f)'snir 0yton 342.50 "Then I suppose you are leariilm: the 20 days lieglnnlng with tho llrst motrifr oporu?" aaked the rorrortpou- 'I'll.cet'on of this notice tat, Chns. Doiinrt publication of this notice. . no." ,a.,l Cnruso. Tvo been " -j:. puntlnK my little clinpel. I hnvo near- riiiiH. It Collier .... If flnlihcd now. I want to got It (- A. Arnold .. done before I start hack to America l ' Arnold In about a week." Slmor Caruso stinwed tho correS' ponaent his homo nl the head of ulch waa proslillng Rlgnora Caruso 'or tho first tlmn. Thov villa which overlooks iomo ot tho most plcture W territory In Italy for miles found Is moro American than Itnl hn rraemblinK In ninny respects tlio Colonial atyle. Caruso Is working por tonally on tho Installation of n minia ture panorama in hi.,m, depicting tho '"of JeeuB, for which ho has ro ened a room, 'We havo a lot of thoso panornmns Naples," Cnd ho. "It Is Noapoll- 22.50 i;jj ,i.i 4I'J 95 (i. A. MllHson 342.60 1 J. Race 342.50 Dated Klamath Falls, Oro, August 23, 1919. A. I,, LBAV1TT, is u list ot the names of owners of tho property 1.0 assessed us shown by ......t. 1......I ll... .lm.U.it nii.l Qttlil nrjll. ,4',!!i; I'ollco Judgo of tho City ot Klamath, jmllC0i together with tho total r-'o r Falls, Oregon. (amount bo assebscd ugalnst tho prop- "'" ''' I .iv r ..iinli nwner. nnd referunce is , V. J ..w. ......... . - Hickman , co C2.S0' . l'in..i. n.. wn ni.,.t tlm ,inni.iir rtr rnv linns nas' rvmuuuu uv, v-u hj.,mi . .. been mado up ub provided by section) Ida M. llrowno 52.80 j' M" gyan3" 2CS of tho charter, and tho following; Klamath Dev. Co. 62.80 " n Evans " . ii iiinir. Ifllin !-i , III1IMI1II allll.ll m ' i i. u. ii f ,. i . Xollco to proporiy miners on jt-nin , nereliy mnuo io aucn uucaei oi unj . !;," ,Vii V" jrii Stnet, Hint they luno -O Dnys Liens for a detailed description or I'.lmur h. HondrlCkH . .. . 4l.l ,. ,.,. i,..kh,i i,u ,.ni, i., .,ri of Ini. lilnoV nml nern. Arthur II. WIIHOII .... 1110 25 ..... ... ...i. ,,. l,'l tllrn. !,. nmi'uirlv Ril llKHessed. imii iirV.,ifri T 7 5 lions to pay lhelr its.se.ssment In Further notlco is also given the In rn for U' 'iVn A,",,m, ""'t,s in , rcapocllvo property owners so aa- 'in iinnriMh,!. 4 ' '' rortliiiire. Willi the FollowlnB No-' sobbed and heroin bolow ment oned, I i'iJ i, i,-,n. nrn AuViist ! ' "t I'miMirtlnnnto AHscssmcnt. that such abscbsment is duo nud pay- ' DntCIl Klamnlll ,'illW, UrO, AUrilSl . . . .... , .i.. i. ..1.1 i ...in l, ,lHnMiim,t nftnr llm ,99 inni NOlICO IS licrooy Blieu iuuv v umu niiu .in. .." '""'.,"," ' a i 11.-AVITT Common Council ot tho City of Klnm- uNplrutlon tt 20 days from tho date I,, i, i , , .' ', r einm.ni nth Knlli OroEon. did. by ord nnnco of tho first puuiication oi mis nouco. l-o1lc Ju. ;Bor,o City of Klamath nt' f6Zu,xLi on tho 18,1, .(Said lirst jmbllcatlon will bo on rung, urci,on. i A) 18t lat9i nm, approved by August 23, 1919.) V..ile (i. Pn.iieriv tinners on (Jmiii tho mayor on tho 19th day of August Tho property owners so assessed I Htreoi t Thcv II ivo -0 Dnyn 1919, doclaro tho proportionate as- must either pay In cash or mako an. tu," TAKENOTICE of the HOT POINT Range used at the Golden Rod Pro duct Demonstration at the various groceries this week. Cooking is turned from '"todgery into pleasure when you cook the "HOT POINT WAY." AH styles for sale by , link River Electric Co. 'I i.i .-..- .- .,. i ...... .i. Accorilniuo Willi Ui FoUml.,K northerly to Prospect Btreot, .an i publ ea io u of this notlco. Nollro of Propoitlonnto Assess. ment. Notlco Is horoby given that tlm Common Council of tho City ot Klnmath Falls, Oregon, did. by Ordl nnnco No. 474, duly adopted on tho 11th day of August, 1919. nnd up provod by tho Mayor on tho 19th day of August, 1919, doclnro tho proportlonnto assessment upon each lot, part ot lot, block and acreage property found to bo beuoflted and llnblo for tho cost of Improving Orant street from Eleventh street northerly to Llnkvlllu Cemetery. Tho property so nusesBOil by snld ordlnanco Is all tho proporiy lying adjacent to snld part ot said streets botweon the above mentioned tor- mint, and extending laterly to the and publication of this notlco High Street from nth Stroot oastorly , C .M. Plilnimy . mi. aimnt includlnir intorsoc-, V ,M. Phlnney ....... Klamath Dov. Co. Tho property so ussesseu ny sum nil llui propuny ijhik Klnmath Dov. Co. . 62.80 Klamath Dev. Co 62.80 Klamath Dev. Co 62.80 Klamath Dev. Co 105.60 Arthur It. Wilson 35.20 Arthur It. Wilson 35.20 Weed Lumber Co. 70.40 Klamath Jewelry Co. 70.40 733.53 336.33 497.07 894.27 J. M. Evans .-. Roman Catholic Blbhop ot Baker 336.3 Roman Catholic Bishop ot Baker 733.53 Roman Catholic Bishop ot Baker 350.80 C. K. Brandenburg 12-7.80 Mrs. Sol Runyon 105.60 ' woman Catholic Bishop ot Mrs. Sol Runyon 105.60 Baker 327.60 Mrs. C. B. Clendennlng IO5"-6" 'Roman Catholic Bishop ot Klamath Dev 211.20 t Baker . 724.80 W. A. Meyer 211.20 Roman Catholic Bishop ot Klamath Dov. Co. 211.20 Baker 665.30 Kmma A. Johnson 422.40 Ellen M. Redfield 543.84 Emma A. Johnson 422.40 h. B. Calkins 1241.95 J. A. Cordon 140.80 jpred jjoel 525.93 J. A. Gordon 140.80 p, k00i 578.78 .Ins. W. Lytlo 140.80 'Martin McAndrews 447.14 Luke K. Walker 211.20 First Baptist Church 447.14 Gilbert 'Fleet 211.20 , l. Oahegan 372.85 John H. Foster 211.20 Mary L. Telford 124.28 nrilhilincn is tuljui'unt to Hiild part of said streets bolwocn urn nuoio niumiuirai " mini and extending laterly to tho conter of tho respect ivo blocks lying adjacent to said part ot said streets so far na tho Improvement thereon extends. Tlmt tho docket of city liens has boon mado up as provided by section 268 ot tlio charter, nnd tho following Is a list of tho names of ownors of tho property so nssessod as shown by such bond Hon docket and said ordl milieu, tocothor with tho total amount bo assessed ngnlust tho prop- contor of tho respective blocks lying, orty of each ;vne'ln,'l,1(;,0"c"l" ndjiicont to snld part of said streets hereby mado touch oc"f ' c " n far n llm liniirnvomont thoroon Lions fur n detollod descrlpt on of so far ns tho Improvument thoroon oxtonds. That tho docket ot city lions has boon mado up as provided by Hortlon 208 of tho charter, nud tho following Is a list of tho ntiimsH of ownors of tho proporty ho nssossod ns shown by such bond lion docket nnd said ordl nanco, togothor with tho totnl nmount bo nssossod ngalnst tho prop orty of ouch ownor, nnd roforonco Is horoby mndo to ouch docket ot City Lions for a ilotullod .Inscription ot each lot, part of lot, block and ncro- ago prilporty ho ossoHsoa. each lot, part ot lot. block and acre ago proporty bo nssobseci. Furthor notlco Is til) given tho respnctlvo property owncra so as sussed and heroin bolow mcntlonod, that such assessment Is duo and pay able nnd Will bo delinquent after tho expiration of 20 days from tho tlnto of tho first publication of this notice. (Said first publication will bo 011 August 23, 1919.) 'mi 11 iinmortv ownora bo nssosaed must olthor pay In cash or mako and lllo with tho Police Judgo ot Bald o property m, u.B.u. .. ," ViV.ir annllcatlona to pay BUCh ftirinnr notice is uiso biiuu ... "'"",", i.i.iaiimonta wlthlu rospoctlvo proporty owuora so aa-l ussossmonU In lusiaumonis wuum 211.20! 211.20 Kliimiith Dov. Co 211.211 Ailucu D .Johnson jii.zu Ailoen D. Johnson 422.40 Lesllo Rogers ... 422.40 Losllo Rogers 115,80 Emma A. Johnson 306.60 Emma A. Johnson 338.00 S. S. Johnson Co .... 84.40 ... . .. n... i A'l in " - Dei: : :::::::::::::::: iio K!mth Dev. co, !"" " -" - - li'Ia. w. A SSI BA " iKIamath Dev. C 422.40 Klamath Dov. C 42Z.4U W. E. Faught 422.40 Margarot Applegnto I22'? W, S. Davis 422.40 Klamath Dov. Co -.... 422.40 John S. Elliott 422.40 Mary J, Sutton 422.40 Dr. Warren C. Hunt 4 22.40 Klnmath Dov. Co 422.40 Edward Mills 422.40 Edward Mills 422.40 Hurt L. Davis 422.40 Burt L. Davis 422.40 Klamath Dov. Co 422.40 Mrs. Ollvo Moss 211.20 Mrs. L. M. Dixon 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co .... 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 105.60 C. H. Daggott 105,60 Mrs. Bortha Parkinson 422.40 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 W. II. Duncan 211.20 L. Gahegnn 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 105.60 W. K. Hopkins . 106.60 W S. 1- T .II....4A. Oil Oft I .vir. v.arnu j.aiuaouuci .... -.- Mrs. Oarrlo J. Alexander 211.20 C5us Molhnse 211.20 C.us Molhaso 211.20 T. C. Sherman 422.20 Dnlsy A. Ryan 422.20 Jessie G. Mills 422.20 Jessio O. Mills 422.20 Klnmath Dov. Co 211.20 C. V. Fisher 211.20 C. V. Fisher 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. 105,tio 105.60 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co .. 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. . .. 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. .......... 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 J. M. Evans 211.20 J. M. Evans 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 F, T, Sanderson 422.40 H. A. Qualt 422.40 Mrs. S. S. Johnson ...... .... 211.20 King-ley G. Dunn 211.20 K. c. Shoolln 211.au H. C. Sheolln 211.20 Alleon D, Johnson 211.20 Emma A, Johnson 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co. 211.20 Mary L. Telford John S. Parke Cella Roberts ........... Claudo W. Coseboom J. I. Board ............... M. W. Coseboom 497.07. 894.27 578.78 356.17 471.18 ... 1454.9- M. W. Coseboom 843.25 John S. Parke . 1454.9S Manda C. Parten 1090.72 K. Sugarman & Max Gumbert 578.78 Jean Groesbeck 578.78 J. J. Keller -.... 684.03 Hallla Jacobs .. .. 463.8ft C. V. Fisher 475.37 M. E. Cowley 463.80 W. W. Lewis 695.87 Jas. H. and Lola Drlscoll 166.75 Orson Brown ..... .. 412.11 Margaret Pitts ............... 578.78 H. H. Edmonds 1067.1- J. J. Parker et ux ...... .... 1464. sa Chas. Evanikott 385.20 L. E. Hannen .... .... . 1006.14 Alma J. Cofer 894.87, Chas. F. Stemwell .. ...... 1173.10 Glen Johnson ...... . 123.97 A. A. Bellman 666.80 A, Mohatfey 710.55 Karl C. Jones 686.97 Katherlne House ......... 467,93 Esther M. Dale 413.85 S. L, Thompson 401.10 W. F. Arnut 109.30 Jno. Stout 338.94 Jno, Stout . . 112.98 Jno. Stout 112.98 Jno. Stout 112.98 Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August 23, 1919. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judgo ot tho City ot Klamatn. Falls, Oregon.