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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1919)
AUdtlH ran, l i. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOB NEVKA HON"0' "rnME ON IIUJHE AD 5 JSfl! ilk ffifsTLASSIFIED COLUMNS have, why hiiIiI lands rhould not ho excluded mill taken from wild Dih Irltt, iih propiMioil In mild p.t'iion A. I.. WIHIIAItl), Secretary for hiiIiI I,iiiii-."II Vall-y Irtlgallon Dlslilit. I K-2.-1 III llin Count) Count or the Slnlii of Olcgon, I'm- Hut County f Mm,,. Hill. WD ATS EVENTS I iiiguny oliMt'ivci today na Inde pendence Day. Today Is tho centenary o" tli- lilrtti of All'in I'lnko inn, lainous secret Nfirvlfo worker if civil war ilu. 1 anil In Hid Mutter of Ilu- llsliilo of Alum founder of tin.1 (K'toctlv.j Hem.' which DR. W. M. RLEYTIIING, SPECIALIST In diseases t the heart and NERVOUS SYSTEM. 420 Main Htreet. Phono 4G9 PROFESSIONAL CARD: PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open or Maternity Case Mrs. Rosn MrDinleln, 301 High St Phone 455 S. ,l'lllll( T. llelfllKfll Nnlliii Ih heiohy ;lvfl llial I lie undomlgned Iiiih filed IiIh final nc- I t'cmiii ami Unit Sattirihi) the 1,'itn ,day of Hniti,inlier at I o'clock p. in , I In the courtroom of tho above ontll- ilcil court. In Die County Coml- in Klaiiniili Fulls. Kliiiniiih County. Oregon. Iiiih hcen fixed lv llin Court iih llin Mine and pine for hearing Hie Hiinie All iithoiih IhivIiii; oliJedloilH thereto will file Hie s'llne or iiipeiir nl the time and place net for Mild hearing and object thmclo, It I. AI.KXANDIMt, AdmllilHtralor of 'I Ktalo of Alma S Alexander, deieiiHed. I l-IH 2f. 1-8 bears li Ih name. The ci ntenary of tho death of .las. Watt, Inventor if the- tlrnt prn Ileal mIimh Mi:lnc, I." ; l,o cornmomoraled In I iini'on and 111. ".In;;li:in today !iy the l'-HWh olll'lreelriig RocletloH Toronto Is to keep n public holiday lodav In honor .if the visit or the I unco of Wales and the official open ing of Hie Canadian National l.'inlbl Hon. Druggists fn.m all patli of tho I'rlteil States anil Canada will g.ither In Now York City : i!ay to alon'J tho sixty-sevcith aiipiial ("invention thn American Pinrinnciitlcnl Asaocl- In the County Court of the Klnle of Oregon, For tho County of Ktatii. atlon. Purine tho wvjk oeglnr.lnr tolav nth. FOR SALE ,iss -USED AUTOS- UIJ Seven iiaoneor Kludolmker. !!!! i!?Mr(irnnil Chevrolet. )( Heo. "Iu 1'1"1' llli Olihmolillo !" ijlj 1'ord hi: libr 0ml md Hi; imick ilnmlMtci ills Koru wcuioo iinuiMM) Nlt MCMH.U'M Flooe !S!W N,'xl '" ''"office. HELP WANTED WA.N"l'i:i) Clrl for general house- work and coeklni: - Mm. () (i l.nb ati'n, Illy, Oregon l-tf WANTED Experienced prcser ami helper on lliiffiiiiin machine. Kluni- ittll Dye WorkB. 21-l.t STONEMASON WANTED Out of town; I. eut: Job. Inijulio llc-ald of fice. 2j."it WANTi:i - High M'hnol boy linini'dl ntely to work iiiernlnt: and een-Iiik-wIII furtilxli hoard and room. WiiKeH paid. I'urkliiH Palry. Phono 1UY. 22-if In Hie .Matter of Hie IMnie of Henry SWmlnilt, KcichmmI. Notice Ih hereby Klven that the unilerHlKiieil Iiiih duly iiiallfied iih ailmlnlHtrator or the ahovo entitled eHlale. and that all persona IiiivIiik (laluiH acaliiHt Hie estate will ple.iHii PP-Kent them, properly veriried with witiehern allaclier. at Ihe office of IiIh ailmlnlittrator In the I.ooimIk liullilliiK. at Kluiii'ilh I'alli. Oregon, wlllilii Hit inontliH from the date of HiIh notice. Mated Klainath 1'iiIIh, 0rei;ou Aiik UKt !ih. lniil. II M MANNINC. AiliululHtrutor of the Kutate of Henry Schwlndt, I)e I'eiiHeil. ll-IS-lifi-l-S Kentucky Ih to condiat n Stutcvlilo education camphlic". to enforce bet ter Bchnol nttondanco. Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty ItcHHOtiaulc IlntcM Phono l.'IO 822 Klainnth Ave. Till: I'AItlSIAN HKAUTY HIIOP I-'ai lal MaiaKlne;, lllearhlnf; am Facial Pack Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Treatment 510 Main Phono 0O I;: H. C. SCHLEEF KATMERINE SCHLEEF Plij uic Inns ami Surt;ens Office, White llldK. I I A Office, While liliiit. 2 VWVANrMW $ WANTIvP- Clrl for hoiiHcwork N Drew, IiIh At Main. 23-: MONEY TO LOAN Ujounecil nimiey on 'iar ranch your horai' or the home you want to ballJ, M' me fun Klvi you lone term piymentii with low Intercut ntei. II yuu haven't a home, now Ih the UMo Ketone I have a larne Hut of looses lo (elect froiii. and will ar mje easy payinctitH for on. Start lodiy and own your uun home. II the price In rb;ht I'll cot tho layer. List jour prup'-rtlcH with mo. JAMKS M WATKIN8. Jit. Temporary otllco with llodcn the Tailor, fi20 Main St. WA.NTKD Women to work on man- mitici: I.NVITINC Pi; PurHiinnt to nrillnance nnd order of the Common Council of the city of Klamath I'hIIh, Oregon, notice Is hereby (;ven Hint propmnlH will be recelxeil by nald Common Council of tho city of Klnmnth Falls, OreRon, i;lo KxperJeni'ed linen preferred, notice Ih hereby Riven that proposals' .ii in' received ny hiiIiI Common t ouncll for makltiK the Improvement deli;ned for the Improvement of HlKh Street from 8th Street westerly to IhI street lucludlnu lnternectlons, and 1st. 1'nd. Ith. fith and 7th "JrceiH frotn HlKh Street Roiitherly to I Ine street, InclndlnK Intoraectlons. Said proposed Improvement to he made In accordnnco with tho plans and specifications of the city enRln eer for ono of the other of the classes of Improvement mentioned therein and approved bv the said council, nnd In ncmrdance with Ordinance No 471 adopted on the 11th day of AiiKuxt, 1 !!!', and by the mayor nnnrovcil on Ivlaiuath Superior Laundry. l;t-tf WANTKP - Kdceriuan. fi no for S hourn; .Section foreman 1.1.25 for S hours Wire or phono at our iUcpctiKf. Johnson Pollock Co. Ml lleb ron Cal 2i!-:it MISCELLANEOUS KAKMKItH Save 30 per cent on your feed bills by chopping vour hay.. Cost $2 DO per ton. Leave orders nt llaldwln Hardware Co., or see Har ry Tulfonl, U iiiIIum out Merrill road. 21-121 Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week nt I O O. F. hall, nth nnd Main streets. P. J.UcrRCf , N. O.; Fred Uremer, Secretnry; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. Hwntinn Kncnmpment No. 4G, I, O. O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week nt I. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor rel, c. P ; Nnto Ottcrheln, Scribe; P. U. Fountain Treasurer. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served frbm 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. GOOD COFI'KK AND RKAXi CIIKA5I DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Traax Bull 2U0, I. O. O. b Bldg Office phone 80.1 ItCM Phone 80M MAMMMAAMVWWWWWMWM DR. CARTER DKNTIST WIIITK TJUIIiDINQ PHONE !85 THrK Exclusive BOND Portraits IUDIO" 1136 Main St Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 108 IiAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. M"::-:"MX":::xm:--M"M"X-x I Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 I,hs. 7.c DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 334 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh nnd Main Streets WAN"!' TO TIIADK for Ford truck or thn 1 Ith day of August IMS. I own Hn Acres IiiihI Sec. 3C. Tn U.K. 14 Van Klnmnth Co (Jtuiiiir uiitoek land, hnvo mime good tlm hr. I haven't uny use for It nnil want to Mil. Hake an offer Address MKIn Iff Mitchell. 202 '4 Stark St.. I'nrt- Und, Oregon. 4-2 nt FOR SAU'ici) lrr,.,. homnHtenil rellnqulhin'nt. fullv imnroved. wr Stratiorn rnllrimd. Twenty-six ulln horn Klnitmth Falls vnr nnni. nUri address No. 1C Herald Office. ll-26t touring car, 3 work mares, well broke, weight lino to 1200 lbs. 2 with colts by jildo ami one yearling colt, l-3ln. wagon and 2 sets of work harness, 1 light and one medium. No Junk considered. I.. J. Hlsley, lleatty, Oregon. lV-Ct Said plans, specifications nnd e.stl miles being on file with the Police Judge nnd In tho office of the City Knglneor. "The proposed Improvement will ho let In one contract tintl tho time In which tho tame Is to ho completed Is fixed by snlrt onllnnnco for Novem ber 1st. 1310. Dlds must ho filed with ttio I'onco 10 feet. Faces on tu streets. F.ld ortdo and Mlchlgiin Ave. Itoom for lo counts. Price J'4on Terms If Mated. Call at No, 200 Mlrhlenn WANTUD TO TltADI-: A room plastered llung.ilow on pavement for small rnnrh. Would assuiun small iilco for suhmlsslon to tho Council amount. . Jnimw M. Wntl.iiiH. Jr. nt M office In the city hall of sn'd Phone 320U. 20. 5t rty nt inter than 8'o'clock p. m. of ,ji)( 2ri()l (jiv of August 1919; nt WANTKD Kxperlenced woman for ,vhlch time and place propasnls will housuwork. Phono 31. 19-tf t)0 opened nnd considered. Kach pro- I)01ia mURj j)0 nccompanled by a cert- WANTKD A suiull furnished house f,,() rno,.i, 0n some responsible hnnk or nparttuent bv young couplo. No . ii, nmnnnt nf r, ner cent of tho . children. Addres Herald Office. 22 H KKr,.Knto proposnl. to bo forfeited by 20,000.000 Feet Timber for Sale Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California FINISH i:i) WOltK FDAT WOIIK ItOUGU DHY "Put Your Duds In Our Huds" PHONE 421 Corner Main Ami Conger ' FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loom Is Bldg., Klamath Falls MMAMAMKMMMMM :::::":::-: TO'I.KASK The best paying npart tuent houso In the city. James M. Watklns, Jr. Phono 320U. 20-5t lie. KR 8A1.K Seven room un-tolntii itrlctly modern houso In restricted (IStnCt. (laril-n tilr.. I n.. ni?;,'arRl' ,(,, ,,rlc" MH00. W. a-Mcrnerren, Phono 320M. 2r-tf fOR SAU. Completely furnished Douse imo)rrii) r. i.. i... - l"nll,nr :l1- " " Seehorn of e 622 Main St. IS-tf rLSn''E 0lt TIIADK Cooklni? . of vnr,,, klml. also a d ur iwo, 2r1-3t CITY C.AUIlAOr: When you (iarhago rmnovod phone SI. want 1 l-tf WANTKD TO I1UY OH TUADE For any and nil kinds of furniture. Per kins. 20-tf WANTED TO TRADE a Now taiige for mi old ono, you pay uiu differ ence. Perkins Furniture House. 20-tt WANTED- Furnished House See Mr. Evans Stnr Drug Company. 25-tf. thn successful bidder upon failure to enter Into contrnct nnd bond for tho faithful completion of tho improve ment In accordance with tho contract. Tho cltv of Klnnnlh Falls reserving the right to reject any nnd all pro posals. The award to tho successful bidder for making the proposed improve ment Is hereby mado contingent up on the sale of H bonds authorized 'lie funds for making snld Im provement, The plans, specifications nnd es inmtes above referred to embrace provide for thn proposed Improve ment of sn'd streets by grading snmo to the established prado from prop- lino to proporiy line "f" ..ii r.tii tn Mil mutiii, "" ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomlnlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phone 103W HARLEY-DAV1DSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK IIS S. 9th St. Klamath Falla DR. C. A. RAM.nO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 MAAAMAAAAAMiiVWMW MWi 1'ITV AND COUNTY AB8TRAOT COMPANY I B17 Main I ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager . .wvw.s I T)"R P T? GOT3TARTi nrty Street fith, and 7th Streets and Intersections Lnll IILIkOn f ?.. ... .. I..1.-..I -...-. 1 lAOCB nr lun ... i .. . nm ill'.tiii iiiiiil uiniii-ii iimmiip. in- ,u '. Perkins Kurnlturo Houso SO-tf Tth" "' ,UrB hoUHP-4,h nml '"r'JV "'tw'" "'K1' "!"1 V"0, .S; Hue . "'" .i-.ii ., niiiiiertv linn to properij ime ; llll. Hlrnot from Ctll tO lBt riuy uoiiarH or mom nnn an oni THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodlcs Chill Con Carnl Open all night Just off Main on Tth A littlo off of the Main street, )ut It pays to walk KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blncksmlthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 2SO-Y 017 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY' KIND OF FURNITURE See Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Muln Street. TRY ME PHONE 176-J Slad nm,' n.".KS' Mating. Pnhcolln. or Si?"' s'nroiim! Spring. W to or trade. ptrkna. FrilUur !! 20-tr nrnri!'?-"0':'1 MI,rU row., also Home ""t'r ,l,n Sch0", iflggonvrM0"1 ;g.",rj r0HSA";-F":'r Lead of heavy log Cl or-1:,,K'"0 M' "nmmonil. TLure- ic-iot ETtmtin.i "" tlMi cniwi.i . ' f"r B"'": r'rH' l' VliiKon for tho exclusion of lands Street n"111""- J'l'l l-ow, 23 Main from tho above named District. 31-tf i Notlco Is hereby given that on tho fORSAti.' ". " fith day of August, HUH a petition etalo .i",nsl,'r K","Pn cabin- wan filed with the Hoard of Dlrec - un-Mcr ii& onsAi, range will get one of my new oncf. Perkins' Furniture llouao. 20-tf WANTED Used car In good mech anical condition Prefer Dodge, Iloo, or Ford. Dr. Stewart. Hotel Hall. 23-3t LEGAL NOTICES mm m -k ri ry rxrjrnn-ni.t-u-wvy m iM NOTICE OF FIlil.NC! PETITION. I.nngell Yulley lirlgatlini District. K'aiiiatli County, Oreg Before tho Hoard of Directors. In tho matter of tho alililleatlou of D.iv- thlA lfith dav of AtlgUbt 1010. A. !.. l.KAVITI, in lllfll wti nih" . -- -- r i. Streets, nnd 1st . -J nil, -mi uiiu jui Streets from High to Pine Streets, nnd hnrfl surfacing said pnvement "fi feet wide on High Street from Cth to 8th Streets nnd Cth nnd 7th Streets from High to Pine Streets, and 20 feet wide on High Street from Cth to 1st Streets, nnd 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th,, from High Street to lMne Street. In cluding concrete curbs, with either oil macadam, concrete or liitulltlilc pavement, including cement side walks 4 feet wldo on both sides of said streets, Proposals are requested on all classes of pavement mentioned. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Onteopathic Physician M Sargsos feulte 211, 1. O. (). F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon In KhUBttb Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION tX. Designers nnd builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Bos Plants. Complete plaiitn contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. Wn contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of uny kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Ofllce in K. D. Building ir.-iot Police Judge. FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Phone 310-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. J. C. CLP.GIfORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. WWV'''' I Pine. 23-lt tors of tho 1mgoll Vnlley Irrigation Sonlo,j r DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 151J 420 Main St. Res. phono, 15 1M 1909 Main St. WSAM' ,, District by David Vinson praying lor lllRV"' . ' 3 M'5 ' AF'!0'1 I'0 J7.7T. an ordur of said Hoard excluding and 1R J "l1; --.'''"'" Ktrt'ut- 2'2t Hiking from hiiIiI DIM i let lands own- ' ' l"J,lj Yrm . JJ'SZ rniio.. .. . V:?.,'5-Suiallrnr. for St. a alx 20-tt Must if.ii i '"' .".V,ft rosldenco lot. --.., ij.-u ,1 v .,,.. ... .. ....... ..,., , ( ed by Biild petitioner described as I'ollnWH, to-wlt: Tho East ono half of tho Ncnth west ouartor, tho West one-half of toShrm Toi" l!l" rnr- Honllno l'ho- tho NortheaHt iitmitor mid Hint part "P. Ml Main St. of the Southeist iiuarler of tho I'ORbaip , Niirthoast iiuartor lying West of Lost li.... V llllliroieA nuMn.n i.. exiiinliilni. In nil about 17"i acros inoro or lesn, all In Suction Hi, Towimhlp in South, Itango III Fal Wllliimntto Meridian, Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, All poisoim IntoreKteil In or who iniir bo effected by such change or oxcliiBloti from snld District ui here by notified to miiieur before tun Hoard of Directors of tilt) Vulloy Irrigation District, tit thn DIs trlct Offlco. J.oomlH liiiliiliug, iviam Bids will bo received nnd given ht the offlco or Odd Fellows' Bldg, until .- . . . . . o,.i. ef noon of Himiruay, aiirubv ouih, mi il.,. evcnvntliiK of ii basement for building to bo erected. Cor. Main & Cth Streets. --rt .NOTICE JLOSTAND FOUND ro.ND.Snciref T ,faTamo l0"",8, 0wnor cnn I i ... ' - u-il "Vojw 1 um now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the lioey, Cnni.. Hand and gravel pit. In any uiinntlty that mnv ho deslrod by contractor "mU,U,1,,0r3- ALP. GRAHAM Phone 4 CO Ire Cream 729 Main St. Candies' PASTIME Jack Monrovr, Prop.1 Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Driuk.s Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUR .MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" MWVWMMMMMMIMMAAAMAi WELL DRILLING Vocbatzer Bros. & Klabzub Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 WI111U Bldg. I Klamath FaUa I- Oregon Tho theory of the divine power of healing was recently tested at Trln- I"'1,11 uy Chapel, Now York, by u layman nf tho English church, who minimis- 'o'i ,?lM hii,')ckot,,.00fc-flntunly athFaiis, Oregon, Tuesday tho 8 ml Ii.kmI to tho sick by tho laying on of . Mk on Ma in hi '!10 - aml ton ,lny ot Septombor, 1910, 'atMoa'aSin rietc "wnril. of It; 30 o'clock p. in. then nnd thoro , ues Store, 25-31 to show ciuiao, In writing, If any they letu" nt tlio hour imnds. Ntimhors of cures wore of- WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 20 C I. O. O. F. Bldg. GLASS Phone mo and I come and give you a prlco that will suve you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. SIUCKY. 1140 Main. Phone 810-W. "VS I I I ::::: t RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 7ii Main Street KliAMATU FALLS. ORE. X :-m:-k-x:'"4Mhj-j4kmm4