parswgffTTrioi..,, dim run. IIH. THE EVENING HERALD, ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TAOR FIVH BUY A HOME NOW wiijiOPi-i.v riAssi:s. )l! ! P ERSONAL MENTION MTTI'I' ;.i;l,l(jllTH (.V UHWli IIAPPIIXINOM . ...a (!! tlfltl' (Miilkiirnif nvj Till! I'lIOI'lill ! inn n vn 1,111 . '""" . ,. ii llitrkit. Iircoill- ..rid "" r ... -2TS- "' ( r uta .MlcrW' , ijuitiir Ply- "," i.-r over Him-liiy :" 3 r I. m '' ' "',,,H 1....1. J i- arrived on Inst nwM "' ,,,a I,,..,,,, in Kim i ssrt" "" V i.. ..ii Hut trnlii 'Doi i".. rr...,, ........ cm.-, 'f1'' cn,,fly lit In town from -!j(ora part of the week- .rrirr I'"'""'' Wnl..n.' 1' I, S r ".,, wonl ..- Ml. SSiwd will ..." 'Hr , t''tt . i .Il,.l, It A "IK11 '" " .h-ho-plt-l l..r.. ... w,,h opo- ' ..j on nio tlm- ngn Mr- '"R" rtlwwrn to IH "'""" '"'"' I" Ml.! JO Ann PrL-roll nli.l MIhh " . I ... III.' ..! I till Ct,i Kllwro immi""i ... ..., .... tert end. where .'' vtitHol inJ rdall Eire Rhant I" ' '""""' ",'"t v1"'' torlrom M rim h near Illy. MtaMarylh'iuK'in. n -ho i. i i .. !.(.. inrtilll i Btarklium hwpuui. .''" """ c, U: vacation to nor homo In Sil- Urniro llnllc .' Iiiih " cmploH nt tin' W'l I'" P-llcmi hut.. In ma to Sim Bruce Bailey, n nephew of Ir. Hon. , )lrrnian and IPin.lil Morrymnn. of this cltr. I vlnltl'K litem for n few . . ' Only Jap"-" Avntrix Here p iluyn fiom li.ii homo In Portlnml. lion Hoiilhwnrtli (-nun) Into town from li 1m ranch lit lOrollii, with IiIm hoii, Pruiik, whii presented 75 rnhhlt cut-M nt. tint futility f l.irli'H officii, ami claimed III.) hounl HiIh iiiiiniIiik. Mr, nnil Mi". Il.irvl, of tlio llorvt linking rompuny, with their ciillrn hnknry forro, splint tint luy plcnlclng nt Orntnr l.uko yiMtcrdity. Mtm. Agnoii KlMhor hero to tipuiiA ii fow tlciyit with lior mom nt IiIh home, on Ilrond Street. Mm. A, A. Soultt Iiiih from tt trip tt) Kort Kliimiith, whom iiho vlsllod frlon.lM nnil relatives. A. J. OilHlny, of l.uknvlow Ih in Klninntli for it nhort IiiihI iiohm trip, It. ('. Vliiynr.l nrrlvcl yentontny from Now Pine Crook on liiMlncidi. P. II. M.'Doim... Ih h city vlHltor from Mo.lfor.l. Win. Wnllor iin.l wlfo nro hero for ii rihort vIh.I. It. i:. Morton Ik In th city (IiIh week from hi" ho'iio In Kiikoiio. MIhr (!nu-o Dolnnil. who Iiiih hoen vlHtllni: MIhh Allen M.-Conrt for the pii'it two 'weoliM returneil HiIh inorn Inr, in hor homo In S-in Kr.inelKo. Mr tmil Mr. .1 II (Irlfflth left tht iiiortilllK for AhIiIiiihI, whoro thoy oxp.-et to miiko their homo In the future. Mr. Crlffllh'H health hi in m-li hotter In tho lower "lliiiiiti' J. I.. I.nwoy wiih it piiKHeiiKor on the Critor Iikn hiiiko yoHter.liiy. Mrn l A. ItuiKiw Ih In tho city from llnlly Hprliu:. MIhh Mr nnil Mm. Kunthrook arrived In tho elty IiihI iiIrIk from Sim KriinclH co. Win. K. IIouk.i Is n vlnltor here from 8mi Kninclnro. I-Mwln 1, Smith nnil wife are Htop pliiK hero for n few ilayH from San KriinclHcu Mr. nnil Mm. Chorion int. nro in tho city lo.lny from their much in tho liouiiuzit district. William Mitchell with IiIh H.Htnr Crnre. MIkh Milam un.l MIhh IVnrl Cnilno ennui through here yeniorilny on their way from ('ruler lake to their homoH In Med ford. 'I ho lime Mill mi. in come when It "III hit illrrieiill lo liny a koo.I home on eii- li-iiiih. The l.iiiKei- jmi M Hut more ,uiii will UUo (,, jj., ., follouliiit mo exi-elleni viiIiich! Two km, in plaNlereil liouso on Itroail St. We'll llii.nv In the weeiln mill illrl at Kn.tii.oil on to ay leiniN. l-'hit room hoiKe ami l,K i, only linen hloikH rutin Main at M2000 oil 1-nA.y leniih. I'Uo ifHiiii riiniMieil linns., mi loili HI. at fJIIMI mi easy Iitiiih. I'l riHim iiliuli-reil linoe jin.l MIhh Hotly OiiiI.IIh of KiikIo HIiIko, . wiih lii town Saturday, prior to open line hor niiihlc rlwiH for tho wlnl'r1 mill full HeaHou .MIph (taildlH In n m I cent arrival In Klamath County fro:'i , Han l)lef;o, where hIio lum Htli.llcil with MrH. Hchl.'iikol Omy fir l!ie PiihI five yearn. MM.f OikI.IIh alco In (' n npetlnl (o.ino under Unit! well known iiiuhI', iih well ilh !i-- Iih: a i;r,idiinL of the Kmitor-t no.) I WEIILETS The Flavor Lasts! elutil floe lot hi Ml IN Aililitlon near eon rue Ixik riu-NirlcN al 'Jll.t(t on eiwy lerniM. MIhh nmlillH Ih phitililnt; on teal-1 v Owner Ih tioti.reMilem n, I ...akltiK ,1()rollKh Hlll(.. ,)f f,., nllvlc!iinl rry low price, , , ,, l-'lvtt room modern l.oii.o nicely I""" ' ,1h' t,ml wl" "ff"r H"otl"1 locaieil neoe diitrclieH ami mIiimiN In cnnreeH In memorlution, ryt':ym nn I M.IioIh Addition al KliHOO on (.-iiiih. cpn-Hflon. i iiixxi lioino ill ii low price. I'lto room modern homo In Hot Springs Addition. It Iiiih liiiH.-liieiit, fiii'nace, fliv place, lawn, Irei'M, A licautlfnl Inline at ii fair price. Only HIIHMI. TeniiH. Anolliei- if. km I home In Hot SprliiKH with flrepluc.-, Inilli, cnliln-t work, KiiriiKi'. elr., at. KiLtOO on eny K-niiM. (io.Ml Net-'ti room lion-o and lil rorntij lol on I'lno HI. Shade t i-"t , lawn, hulli, el- and the price Ih only K1!I00 on eiiNy terniH, Plte, life mid accident Insurant c in Hljiiidard iiiiiiiinlei. Voii'r.' unfit nt the Cliiliole .V- Smith iikciic)', (l!t:t Main SI. IM-til 1 , -SJs: tv;sJ to Tin; piiu.k" I wIhIi lo iinn.iutice that I liiivu pur clianed (ho Klamath KhIIk Service Station formerly owned hy Mr. I.onic Will ho kIiii) to hae you call on iih lo Hiipply your auto ueeiln. I-.-I iih kIvh your car tint "onru over" mid Htart you rlnlit. Servile anil courteny Ih our nlm See iih -it tint corner of Sixth un.l K Initial li i: 1, Ilamaker, Prop. MIhh Hetty CiiiIiIIh' iiiiihIc cIiihh openn, Septemher 1 nt Tho "welKltt" eclinliito. iih exemplldeil hy tho lute M ml ii in Carreiir Ih uh-.I, and adapted to the ueeilK of each Pupils wIshlnK to Join the cIihh. Itmnlre of the Karl Shepherd Co . or w rlto IC'iKie KldKf, OleKon 2i"-3t Automobile Insurance A ..hurt lime apt it friend of ourv wild, "Aiitomohile liiMirimee N n wale of moiiet," ller the file ill the l-'ord (..n-ace le hiiIiI, " fool Ilex- won, nnil II wiih I." Moral An.Mlilm: womIi haiit'i; Ih worth In iiriim. .-t a STMAltl policy from (Illicit.- A Snillli. Call (i:l:l Main Si., ..r I'Ihkio fi. a.t-: Come in and Examine Diamonds We are tilwtiyn Bind to havo anyone conic In to look at diamonds. Wo know thut the dl.iiiK.nd Ih not an ordi nary purchase, am. Unit ex pert help Ih wanted In mak ing the Holu.tlon. When we hIiow dlumonds wo point out to you tho differ ent feuliires which caused It to he Kraded iih It In. It Is the kind of and a( tent.on you like. . We carry a InrKo slock of Kin all. medium nnd large wuIkIhh, which, us v in nn-J predate. Is u IiIk help In ct tin Kexictly the hKiiio you want. Frank M. Upp ji:wi;i,Kit fill Main St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. Always the best buy for the price i.i-:.ivi:s ron ha.v riMcisn W. II. linker. reproHen'Mlve of tho 1'irRO KIclHChlincker IntereitH, luft on Sunday mornlnc lor Sun h'rnncl'-.c.t. He expectH to he away for r p.-rlol . f t vo weeks. TOO LVI'L TO CLASSIFY FOR SAM" fi head herses: 1 sei harnesh. ItntiKe, Heaters, 20 tons hay, I monitor drill. 1 ick tooth har tow; 1 KutiK plow. S. C. llrlggs. Mid land Koail. 2.1-3t ytr ,i.rrii.-irirTifir-in-frit'iriiiivrTirfrinfii rCE'l J?I?UrlSiBfffcVVV jW The greatest 1H& five-cents worth lH of beneficial i sealed Ticht- Kept p.isht refreshment lp j-srrsrn possible IB W Flavor mg grg0ik Lasts 77 i' AfTi B & uUJvVr ' jHVBBBK lira llzzrMli Tlte HALLMARK Store 1 The Herald tells you today's new today not tomorrow. a i W M Mltfhl Mnrl unl,l .- t. . .. "' "" inu nrt'iii- ttt In..- . . " """""'' '" In this nninirv Huh added dlMlnctltm of ,UK tho "ft and onlv i..,.,,.. ,, .. ... . -..., .,.,.,, iiiiini-avaiiix D AmAvlA.. I.. "-"'". nut. tins iicon tnkliiK at Atlmitl,. City for tho past . Mil her liiHttua-tur linn prom '"d that In nnnll... . k,. , " " ""'inn hiio w a fll .flr.,ln,l , .. n- ' ... - GOOD FARM LANDS We hnvii 10 A. 7 iiiIIom from Kliiin nlli Full on kimmI load; 11(1 A. in lit re If a, :Ji! ncrci. under illlcli. cood San d.r Hill, fair liotOH-, uoi'.l well, A kikmI liny at ttlOttO. Terni". 1 Dundy HO A. trnri ,t6 mites from I-'iiIIh, till under illtcli, well fenceii, deop sandy loam -ill, near school and on ko! mud. Only KltOOO on ensy lei.ittH. Hurrj'. Her Ih n plck-np In n llio A. Irncl H iiiIIch from tlio Fulls. Mostly under illl'li. nlM.tit 10 A. alfalfa, fair hoiie nnil Imni, xHI frn-id, kmmI well. Owner will sacrifice at IMIIOO, half casli. I II' you want n real fiuni In the '(renin of the Kltiiiiatli UiihIii, with CimmI hIv room house, new hani, lnK IlKlit fein-e, dtvp M'liuly sol', excellent ilrtiltictKf. trcni, ori-linixl, pirden tnict. all miller rrlatlon wllli water liitlil paid In full, lake a ride with us out lulu the vnlley and look It over. Tliw will appeal to lint liuxer who witntH tlio littit, and tint price Is rlcht. A Ioiik rcwldciirtt In Hut Klaniatli country Iiiih nlven iih ii chance lo lte roiiin familiar xvltli xiiIuch. Wo know KimmI land nnil enn snxtt you nioiiey. Wo run often xnvo you money on In Hinrviniv In flKtii-iiii; mtes. Jet u HTANDAItl) policy from (lillcoto Hiultli, Utlil Main Si., Phone 0(1. ' 2.V2t TO KXCHANdK SliiRle hed nnd SprliiKH for wider ouch. 741 Wul nut. 25-31 T LOST On Poe Vnlley rond. KlnsH nnd rlin of nuto. hendllKht of Maxwell rnr. Kinder pleiiMt leave ut Hernld of fice. 25-lf KOK SAI.K Astrnklinii Cooking ap ples. Good for running. Fred Heil hrouner, SIU Conger Ave, 01d Con ger place. 2,"-2t WANTKI) Ksperiencod girl for housework In small family. Phono C7J or rail 035 11th St. 25-6t UOOM KOK HKXT-Street. -125 North Sixth 25-3t WANTKD 100 head of owes on shares. Cood care and pasture Ad dress llox 154 It. K. I). AHhlnnd, Ore gon. 25-5t T t T T T T T t t t T T t T T t Houst fttriMkllfHn Am SI V LIBERTY THEATRE "Tin: pick ok -run rurruiiRH" H. W. Poole, 0 wner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT "Man's Desire" A Great Picture of the Norlh Harold Lloyd in "SI SENOR" Note tv." A ?AM CATASTROPHE" avni-rr! is a remarkable picture, Bhowim? - t wujk, tne nrst picture of the kind ever beav fnade, TUESDAY MARY MILES MINTER TM "THE INTRUSION OF ISABELLE" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE OAXCI.VO Wi-ilne-ilay Ji Sirtunlay XlghlH. Popular .laz Orrlioslra STAR THEATER I'ViiturliiR Special Music Willi llio Pictures Hex Stratlon. Pianist. TODAY ,les-o It. I.'iskv Presents VIVIAV MAHTIX In 'MIKAXDV SJHMW" ANo "lOdisons Queen of Tho Waves" Ailuii-slou H 2.1 cents IIooin open ut 7 p. ui. TEMPLE THEATER ronw ViliiKtapli Pi-OM-utH COItlXMO (iltlKPITH In 'T-- MKXACi:" AImi Pnlhe Xcws l.nte-.t Current Kiciha. A. id A Mr. A Mrs. Sidney I'rew Comedy. Admission Mntlneo 10 1.1 cents NveiiluKi l &. 20 centii mcDDlt 1 nPFRA HOIISF. I T .? -T T t T T T 1 It it t t 't t t Si mm ' " . S If you want permanent constmction the kind you will not have to replace in a short time, see that Shasta Sand is used. Shasta Sand stands a higher test than any other sand on the i Pacific Coast. That is way you should insist on its use. It costs you no more than poor material, and saves you the expense of repair work later. AL.F. GRAHAM MOTION PICTUHKS T0KBDAV8 AND SATUKDAYB Merrill, Orogoa z I V t t t t t t T t t 't t t t t t t t t t t t f t T T t t t- T t T t t t I KX;X