The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 25, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    vl,.V iM.lM'SM. "'
. ,r.i r IC
mil xi in Li. - - ...
,-LatiA .--.'
ANACONDAII Mmi.. ni 2,
II UIIH till) IllW llf IIIOIIIlllllll mill
ningo, In ttm "wllil mill miiiIv ' da
lllllt II (lOMOItOll Clllllll Willi llllollltO
nun Hilillil li'iivit nil In- luiil mill
Miliilnr uuny mill inliini In llml bin
llllllM'lleil llllllll
hi' left II If, iii'irliiitii u, ii vwi finer
luiil Htaynl nil llllllll mill emeu ii
ini'iil or two, ln Iuft money mi l lie
lilli linn tnhlo.
Hilt nil lliln Iiiih (hinged The
IiIiiiIii nf tlin "toiidcifonl" mi' illf
l I Ill ll llll
I lljll I III ll
' III unit i
tpltnl Inn
I In .
nf Hi.
in Ii
II ' I Mil I I
III l. ll'
r mi ii
lllW MM tltllllll ll
ll 'III lll'l IIIIV
liii iin ill ilii r I Ii"
i" I "mi Iin il ill
lln n iIivh In i'IiiiiIiik wllh Iin firm
I'lililli iillmi nf llii mill"
m i' H mi ii i:nn i .
M I' mil H II. I. vans .
I Id rvl, .lr
I.iila A SI. iter
MniK'iri'i Ahrulimn . ..
I' T HiiiidnrK'ili Estate 422.20
Anlile :. Coiiifiii Kfifl.inH' O Lvon
Mil It I I ... . Ll I..-.. .11 t,n r. ....... I1..1I
II V fix tr ,..,..11 . I ..'"" "" iii "" '" ' ? "' '"
"" ""'"" "' i"'f """iiTiiim. ii Hk ini'toii nrrir.
IIIHliilIini Mn Ullliln Tlum II cii.uil,, i.,,. jiiimi
Klluhi III A. (Jrlgsby 772.70
IIIHl Mllili,ili,n f thin iif.llrn
' ' " I" I' I i III nil Hill ,
AiikiimI 2 1 I i I II l
1 '" I" i' i . iui i r i o ii cii'iki i
miihl "Kin i .,n In nn.h nr iiuik.' mill
iin iiiiIIii roll' f .lllill'i. nf
ftOO 25
1099 20
W II f orhlcT
Klaiiiutli lir-v. C
Kliiuifilh Dev Co
ItnhiTt Aloxnndar
Anna 1lln r
Minnie I, Sargent
Emma K (llimhetg
Kliiiiiuth Ilov. Co
III' 211 lllllru In il....l.. ...1,.. .1... it...
r.,l nil in It. just n( .mlill.,,..,,,, , n mllo" "
., .. ,1 ..
ii ii in hut , ;, 7 ,-, o t
IC II II fin p (,r, oo
ll IC Ml lll.milll I, r, p
I). IC. McDoiinlil 217.2'
I. M lilli nli ' im
IMwiinl T lllKftllllKIN '., i
li "i 7 i
IKJi I" I alKy II Cox
h'l '111 .. . ..
Dim r I'm f. t. -. ,.. .V ' l-v""
.,..""!"'! Kl",ll(l,', Fulls, Oro, August
A llMllmiir.
II" M l 1,11.
leicill . ilium ii.'i'iiiKintT in nil mil John ' n,
timer IH'ill hi'ln Iiiih been ii iii'.IIhIi
til III lippiiH'til hIh'I'I Ii Iiiiihim h Iiv
jouiik hoodlums, mill the iiIhihtih
iiii1 snill) leuilllug tin' lap In inoi
n In (IiIh llllllciltl'H
I'' ('. Ilriiwnr
' I'. T Himdorsoii Kstiitn
I'' 'I'. Hntiilorson I'stalo
' F. ')'. KiiiidoiHuii Estate
II Oif-tn ,
Frank Moorland
flraic .M K nrunh
Grace M j: Church
Dov. Co
I)ov. Co
Dov. Co
I)ov. Co
Dov. Co
a i, i,i:avitt,
Pollio Iii.Ii;., of iho C'lt) of Kl.imalli
KiiIIh, Oregon.
yiw ' y i,
. .'" -rrrni,.) io in nw
'v k and I' 'l'Ir,ct ,1t""'",,on' iicri'ii lit 17 ilolliirK imr iicrn, iiIko 17
'Im olitlioclit hun ri'Jl of on ncll, n,hnr on Inl(i) front at K. do
deol ,l" . ,..,..., ,i.iniiin tor a .i.i i. k. i
It.Mli: CHAM
NUll OUT llllllll'HtCllll
ifk.iirUl nJ '"'"'K '"",lr,l,rn r"r Iiiih pur urn'
Mdt woiriw bid (or row. nn.
?"mZtd n.w Amrrlrari mimic
pp sv"""--
AddriiMH II. Niinnluim, i
Kltf I
':'" ;. UMIUh air '..' "Ood
(Iri'iiti'Ml produrorH known
aid Want AdH
Nnllm In I'lnprrly Otwirm on l.ln-
Maurlri- , JolniRon
Ollvi) K Koltz
Klmnath Iav. Co
Klamath Iov. Co. ..
V. A McCully ..
i: A. McCully
, Avnrv r.2S.2R hllmund M. CUIlCOto
C. A IluntinB
O. W. Whlto
J O Wheeler
Anton KomlnlH
. Geo .II, Mcrryman
1 Klamath Dev. Co. ...
Ii. I. Truax. et ux ..
Iii of IVoimilioiiiiiit ANsi'Minii!iit. I.Mliit Trinir r.i! 70 L. j. Truax. ot ux ..
. Not I'd I halieby nlvcn that tho II. J. Winters 384.53 N- " GlnHbach
! Common Council of tlin dty of Klam- C. . Kelnoy 3G3.C0 ' Frank Dickey
mil I'iiIIm, On-Koii, did hy ordlnanco II. Oram 445.20 I'dwln A. Wood
No I7K duly adopted on tho 18th II, II. Reynolds 910.82 K- Sugarman et ux
day of Aui;UHt 111 I'l. and approved by Annca North 422.40 HfT A Grlmen ....
i.Nollm In I'lopi'rlj Omiicinoii MurKi-i
Sliii-I, 'I'lmi 'llii-y Hiui) ao I)ii)h
I'iiiiii I'lrNt I'lililli nllnii of lliln
Nollic In ulil'li lo fllis m.iillrji.
Inns lo pn) their lUMCNmiunlln A;nen Orom
nn Annum iimuiiiiiiriif n ,lc. c p KcvltH
iiinlanii Willi llio 1'oIIohIiik .Vol- Hoslora French ....
Maidc .lamlHon
II (' CliiiinbiTlIn ,
l.lli-ii .Maxim llHtnto ,
l..iurii C Ch.imhi'rllii
Ceo I! Chamburlln ,
O. J. KukelRon ,
ChoitiT Avery ,
liini' CrlmcH
Klli'ii M. Kedflcld
Alma Cofer 851. CO
II''nry Offcnbacher 477.15
201! 5',
CI 5.00
528. C9
528. 2C i
John J Itoorifv
II W Short
Mih It M Holler
A 1) Miller .
(1 W Wl.lto
Klam lib Dov Co
C. W Murphy .
Klumath Dev. Co
Mam!" A Dunr.m 211.20
V. . Shuck .. . 211.20
i: I. Shurk 811.80
I) I! Campbell . . 1207.20
I) II Campbell . 211.20
.lohn StroRan . . 811.80
Ilobt Alexandor 211.20
Unlit. Alexander 211,20
Itobl. and Carrie Alexander 2H.20
Hobt and Cnrrln Alexander 211.20
Tennle rune 211,20
N. II New banks . . 105.00
Walter I Anderson . . 105.00
Klmnath Dev Co . 422.40
.Tend Turner 211.20
.fens Turner .... 211.20
Jew Turner 21120
Win. 1 Italea . .. - 105.00
Win. V. ItaleB 105.00
Wm V HalM ... 105.00
Hobt and Carrie Alexander 105.00
I). A. Iimb 105.00
I, V Olnen 105.00
I, V ONen lOR.DU
c i:ni?I"man 105.00
i: . and i: C I'addork .. . 105.60
Klamath Dev Co 105.00
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
.1. J. Delaney 211.20
Ivlo Spencer 211.20
Juanlta .1 Hubbard 211.20
Frank C Walker .. 844.40
Hydraulic Stone and IJrlck
Co . 1372.80
Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August
23, 1919.
Police .TudRO ot tho City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
JS Ccrnians, A.i-.rlaim
rtiliMa are uniUlli'K l'n
Colo . AllK
Turkii ami
ilie ,Mior on tho Iflth day of Auc- Acnes North 769.50
coin Sin-el, 'Unit 'llic.v llimi 'ZH "hi rir.i, ileclnre tho proportlonato II V Shepherd 1191.80
IIiijn l''ioni l'lit I'lilillinllnii of 'iHHi'Kmuent upon earh lot, part of lot, It A. Kmmltt 384,35
ThU Nollm In Willi Ii In rile Ai block and ncreajro property found to I,ouln Alt 639.70
pllinllnii In I'a) 'I heir ,-.c-.. bn benefited and liable for tho cost ot . I I' McCollum 09.70
iiii'iih In Ten iiiiiinl In-lnll- ImprovltiK Market Street from the W T -Taylor 285.70
MieiitN In AkhmIiiiik' WUh Hie northerly lino of Cth Street to tho ltd hard Melhano 1047,30
I'nllnuliiK Notlio uf I'lnpoillmi. Houthorly lino of Lot 10 In block 17, Frank W Osburn 769.50
n! AkM'ftMiiml. and tho southerly lino of lot 30, blork I: I Lawrence 422.20
Notlt-o Ih liiiniliy i;Uen thai Hie is, or Second Hallroad Addition to Frink W. Osburn 199.10
Common Council of the City of tho rlty of Klamath Falls, Includlnn C A. Arnold 993.20
Klmnath I'iiIIh, Ori'Kon. did. b Oi- IntersectlonH. Arllo Worrell 324.90
illniinci) No 175, duly iidnptid on The property so assessed by said c Iiiih Donart ..!!""!!!""""!!!" a95.20
the 11th day of AiiKUst, 1 ! 1 1 , and i rdliiniini Is all tlin nronertv lvlnc r'lini limmrt 2Qr..20
ailjii'i'iit In snld part of said street 'eIa Stewart 590.40
nemo, ii ibe aliow- mentioned tor-j School District No. 1 2971.03
mini mid ettendlni; lalerly to thejcbni I. Stewart 577.90
enler of i he respettlM. blocks lylni; iated Klamath Falls, Oro, Augubt
adjacent tn sild part of said streets 23, 1919.
so far an the lmprocmcnt thereon1 ' A. I., I.RAVITT.
nppioted by tho Miijoi on tbe l'Jlli
day of AiiKUst, 1919, doliuc the
proportlonntt1 iiHsi'ssmenl up n eiuh
Inlhewnr aKiibi'l he Ainerlnm r.n.l lot, purl of lot, bloi It mid acreaKe
allM trooM on the mnlli-rn It.iiHlun !,1r,1,,"rJjr f,"l,""1 '," '' I'unn,'" "''
iuta iiuui able for the cost of nipnn iik l.ln-
. .. n.... ... ' lliirrlm. . ....
front. Brruriimt, " - coin nil net irom Mlitli street eiiKter-
rlk, Coloriiilo . Springs i.oldler recont- y it) Klurviitli street, IiicIihIIuk Iii
Ir returned from ten months servlco tersectlons, less tho I' S Irrigation
vlth Iho 333th Infantr; on the Arch- -' and rlKht of uay appurtenant
"I1 rr0IU Tim property so assessed by said , the properly so assessed ns shown In-
"Most of the flijhtliiK w.i done In ordluunco Is all the proport lylnK suh bond lien docket nnd said ord
dense oo d," sul.l Ilnrchiirlk, "nn'i adjarent to said part of said nlrocls, nimte, toKether with the total
neiniieii hid iiooyii meiuioueo ier- amoiiui so nsHPHseil aRiilnst tho prop
mini mid iixlendliiK luterly to the.erty of each owner, and reforutico is
center of tho respeclho blocks lyliiK, hereby made to such docket of City
ndjucont to said part of mild straits. Mens for a detailed description of
ho inr ns inu improvement i Hereon
That the docket of city liens has
been made Up us provided by su( Hon
(!68 of the chnrlcr, and the follow Iiir
Is u list of the names of owners of
tho properly so assessed as shown by
Wilson S. Wiley
I Wilson S. Wiley
Wilson S. Wiley
I- O. Mills
Mrs. K. J. Murray ....
1 Mrs. K J. Murray ....
Henry L. Ilenson
I. M. Ueady
Newton S Huttenger
J II. Cooper
Klamath Dev Co
Klamath Dov, Co. ...
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dev. Co
K. E. Slelaff ..
i: K Slelaff .
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dev. Co. ...
I J. C. Perry
Mflnmntli npv (In.
211.20 1
211 20 1
211 20'
SZ. -10
extends ' l,,llrn .JiiiIpt. nf llir. Cllv nf Klnmnth . J. TV .
That the docket of city lions has Falls, Oregon. 1 6 A Paculseurd
been made up as provided by section ' ! ,', A' ..aC,SeU
?ei ni Mm Pimfi." i ii... f..ii.... 1....1 .. .. ... iKIamath Dev. Co
... " "'"MNotlio to 1'roperty Uuners on Kspla
.n .. ,,nv .,, ,,,.- iniiiivn ii vnimin "I I
Klmnath nv. Co.
nude, I'julilc Terrace, anil I'ort-ljag. jJt Emlgh ....
would proceeu irom yuuik hi
tlllige with imich'ee r.un nests on
both sides of our route
"On ono oocailon we were on ono
aide of the Vaca rlerand the llolsho
Tiki wiro on the other We crossed on
tie Ice about 200 siroiiK when n force
ot tome 2,000 of the 'Holes' sur
rounded ua We lienl them off for 4S
toon with p rapidly dlmlnlshlnK sup
ply ot ammunition A (ouimnnd of
friendly Humdanh lit tit il of our nlli:'it
dd broke throuKh the lines and rev J"'"""' ""'" M!!cl! tl,ol'k''.1 "f rll.
..... I, lens for a detailed description of
iuri ui
each lot, part of lot. block and ncre
age property so assessed.
Further notice Is also given the
respectho property owners so as
sessed and heroin below mentioned.
that such iiKsessiuont Is due and pay
"Afterward we learned from c.ip
tnred officers that the orders were to
like no prisoners but to wipe our
torccout eiillrel "
able and will bo dellnnuent after the
such bond lien docket mid said ordl-j expiration of 20 das from tho dnto
mince, together with the total of tho first publication ot this notice,
amount so assessed against the prop-, (Said first nulillcatlon will bo on
erly of each owner, and reference Is I August 23, 1919.)
I I Ilii ItriilWirf iti tmra tin neuiiDunil
l 'ij'ij( isutn pvj uniwPTi ii I , . . . .
Iltlon of i must either Imv In cimh nr malt., nn.ll'"' "'" Lu11 ul imiu.inB r.Biianuuu
eiieli iui nun .if ini i.Iiw.l ...,,i ,i,.r... . m .1... in.... i.i .. ....i.i street from the northerly
...... ...., ...... ... ..... .,.,.,.(, ,.,,,, ,.v. it...' .. ,,i, mi' ii.Ki.j illlllhu 111 PUIlll,,, ., , . . ,, inn rr.
ago property so assessed. clty their applications to pny suchIU"n snl,rc!:1 to I'ncinnc Terrace; Pa;
l.UU,.UU..,....U I.. l.,-..,ll 1,1.1.. I"- i-illH.U 11UI11 IIIIIUM BllCUl
Effle McBroom Newell
Klamath Dev. Co
H. B. Cole
T. G. McHattan
Martin Bros
Martin Bros
J. F. Maguire
J. F. Magutro
Alice N. Patch
Alice N. Patch
Kurt Imr notice Is also glteu tin
respective properly owners so
sesseil mid herein below mentioned,
Hint such iiiisessineul Is due and p.i)
1 assessments
.1 II Carrett
in installments within
lumi Street. That They lime 20
I)j)k From First Publication of
This Notice In Which to File Ap
plications to Pay Their Assess
ments In Toil Annuul Install
incuts in Accordance With the
Following Xotice of Proportion
ate Assessment.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, by Ordi-.E. M. Chllcote and
nanco No. 479, duly adopted on theiE. M. Smith
18th day of August, 1919, nd ap
pro ed hy the Mayor on the 19th
day ot August, 1919, declare the pro
portionate assessment upon each lot.
part of lot, block and acreago prop-' Roy A. Feathers
H. W. Pollman .
H. W .Pollman
F. E. B. Gates
Alva P. Clarence
ron street
Jesse M. Maguire
Margaret J. Ktrkpatrich
Margaret J. Kirkpatrich
Roy A. Feathers
erly found to ho benefited and liable
cost of Improving Esplan
street from tho northerly side ot
able mid will bo dollninicul nftei Hie Swift & Company ..
expiration if ju iu from tin- ilaln.Ueed Lumber Co.
.142. r.o
of tho first publication of this notlco. I'lilon Oil Co 342.50
(Such llrst publication will bo on Culon Oil Co 828.00
August 23, 1919.) j O. Ileanhsley 1S1.C0
'Iho propurt owners BO assessed J. O. IlenrdHlev 342 f.O
America will ho must either pay In cash or mako and ,j o. lleardsley 312.50
inu wiin uio i'oiico jiiiign oi sun Oscnr Peyton 342.50
city their applications to p.i such ji ( Carlson r 34 2.50
assessments In installments within Oscar Peyton !..!.!.'..!!!!!".!'.!!!". 3421.50
tho 20 ihi)s beginning with tho tlrst (j, a. Musson I!!!.!!!."!!!!"!.'!!!! 3l2!r.O
"iibllcrllon of this police i, j naco ..'' " 342 50
cons, uonnri ...uu
Wilella .Stewart
Helmii M. Join
Chart. II, Collier
lie 2 das beginning with the first ""r,t',orl,y ,t0 ,1'"rt,dn?, a"d
uhllctlon of this notlco Portland street from Pacific Terrace
uuiiLuio iu liiu uii iitiuiti vi rviain-
H. S. Evans
R. D Vernon
Mrs. Louise S. Hintou .
Phehe S. Sharpless
H. A. Bell
Mrs. Kate JIugler
orermo with (b.nnan polbo dogs if
the doj-catcliers in the ports In the
I'nlted Slates where the returning
troops land do n i' put an eiuharg.i
on the Ocrmnn proilmt
All tho soldiers nnd inailiies from
tie Itlilne districts bring police do'ts
to I arli. Officers i'nugliboH and gl ! C, A. Arnold
lomera with the arim lead thorn L A. Arnold
through tho l'nrln htreets. Tho Am
erican troop trilns passing throu.'ih
Belgium and I.iixeuiburg on their
way to French pons all entry a Kreut
assortment of tho (lorman canines.
Red Cross workers. Young Men'
Christian Association woikors
probers ot tho ouug Women's
vnnstlan Assochiiiini hao
re taking
lath Falls, Including Intersections
i Tlio property so assessed by said
ordinance. Is all tho property lying) Helen Macdowell
adjacent to said part of said streets I r-d K. Rease
between tho above mentioned ter-Klamats Dev. Co.
mini and extending Utterly to the May Smith
center of tho respecthe blocks lyingiM. L Nleeo
, adjacent to said part of said streets Wm. M. and
so far as tho improvement thereon' Ella T Rlckman
etends. I Jns. Wallace ... .
That Iho docket of city liens has Klamath Dov Co.
been inado up as prolded by section' Ida M. Browne ..
2CS of tho charter, and tho following' Klamath Dev. Co.
211 20
105 CO
I'll it'i
1' 5 OO
211 20
211 2'
211 20
105 50
105 51
105 fin
52 80
52 80
105 r,i)
105 CO
422 I )
122 10
422 40
422 40
422 40
422 10
211 20
211 20
422 10
422 10
422 40
422 10
4 22 10
211 20
211 20
211 20
211 20
911 "O
211.20 Notlco to Property Owners on Eighth
Street, JJncoln ana Jciicrson
Streets, That They Have 20 Days
From First Publication of Thla
Notlco In which to file AppUcac
tlons to pay their assessments 4b
Ten Annual Installments in Ac
cordance with the Following Not
ice of Proportionate Assessment.
Notice Is hereby given that tne
42.40 Common Council of the city of Klatn-
422.40 ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordlnanco
422 40 No. 477 duly adopted on the 18th
844.80 day of August 1919, and approved by
844.40 the mayor on the 10th day of August
422.40 1919, declare the proportionate -422.40
sessment upon each lot, part of lot.
422 40 block and acreage property found t
be benefited and liable lor tno cost
of improving Eighth Street from
High Street northerly to Prospect
Street: Lincoln Street fiom Eighth
91 van Street easterly to Ninth Street; and
2 11.20 1 Jefferson Street from Eighth Street
211.20 easterly to Ninth Street, including la
105.60 tersections.
105.601 The property so assessed by said
52.80 'ordinance is all the property lying
52.80 adjacent to said part of said streets'
10560 between the above mentioned ter
105 60im,nI and extending laterly to the
105.60 center of the respective blocks lying
105.60 adjacent to saia pari or. saia sireeia
so tar as me improvement, inereon
That the docket of city liens haa
been made up as provided by section
268 of the charter, and the following
is a list of the names of owners of
211.20 1 tne Property so assessed as shown by
on'on'such bond lien docket and said ordi
nance, cogeiner wiui me couu
amount so assessed against the prop
erty of each owner, and reference Is
21l'2u! bereby made to such docket of City
211 20 L,ll;"s lur u ueiuueu description ok
42,40leacn 'ot' part ' ,ot' blck ani acr
10560 ase PrPerty so assessed.
10r60 ' Further notice is also given the
10560 resl,ect've property owners so as
"ll'O sessed an(l herein below mentioned,
q,,'qQ that such assessment is due and pay
oji'on able and will be delinquent after the
"ro'en expiration of 20 days from the date
u...l,V - lm Ann, n.,l.llMn,Inn n .!.! ..!..
(Said first publication will be on
August 23, 1919.)
'the property owners so assessed
must either pay in cash or make and
I file with the Police Judge of said
city their applications to pay such
assessments in installments within
the 20 days beginning with the first
publication of this notice.
52.S0 i
105.60 I
52. SO
Dnfeil Klumath Falls. Oro. Auciist: i. .. ,i ...ii... ... -... .
Ii ' ' lo ni i ii in I1 ' L l liuiiiua ui uiwmia ui niuiiiuui uv, CO
411 i5'" a t ir-wiTT- the property t,o assessed ns shown b I Klamnth Dev. Co
i.;. ni ,A; ',.;,-1 I such bond lien docket and said ordi Klamath Dev. Co
;, ,, , jr. ' "'"" u '""" "l u,u -"' Ul ivluu"u .nance, together with tho total Klamath Dev. Co
r,,'.,) .r! talis, Oregon. I amount so assessed ugalnst the prop- Arthur R. Wilson
i ti i v in mil ii iin litis, nun iriiiiMii:i'
Ruth H. Addison
I It. Struhlo ... .
hliiuir E, Hendricks 4
Arthur II. Wilson . . KIG 25
Arthur R. Wilson 272 60
I.ouls llrndford Ill 7 95
I.ouls Ilradford 449 !ir.
J. O. Ilenrdslev It'i ni
Dnled Kliuimth Italia, Oro, Autriwt
23, 1919.
. n ir
rrc i J-. Xtitli-o to imporly owners on Tentn heieby made to such docket of City
I :t o i
Street, that they hinu 110 Dnjs
I'roiu First Piiblicntinn of this
Notice in Whli h to File Appllca
tlmiH to pay (heir nssi-ssmcnts in
Ten Annual Installments In ac
cordance Willi the Following No-
Iiiens for a detailed description of
each lot, part of lot, block and acre
age property so assessed.
Further notice is also given tho
respective property owners so as
sessed and heroin below mentioned,
tlco of Proportionate Assessment. I that such assessment Is duo and pay
Notlco Is hereby given that tho iiblo and will bo delinquent after tho
Common Council of tho City of Klam- ' expiration of 20 days from tho date
an AHsochi.ion lmo been won j ,, , , of ti,o c yof Klniunth '"" rails. Oregon, did. by ordlnanco ot the llrst publication of this notice.
' tho Herman police dogs nun Fniu Oregon ""nl No 47fi ,. n,i0ted on tho 18th (Said. II 1st publication will be on
Ming them back to Amorlc.i i ' day ot August 1919. and approved by August 23, 1919.)
-"U3L nr i ,ft r ...i.i. . i ., v.iii,.ii . n.u. ........ t u .... n.,,1 m nuivnr on mo in uny ul AUKum.
howlng that tli.'lr cn,n,lfn .., , , Street. That They Hnvo HO Dnjs 1911). declnro tho proportlonato ns-
Molf. Thev nm ,.n . " fom ,,,,,, i,,.atloii of 'llils sessmont upon encn lot, pari oiwi,
ill. of n.i I K " "1,""t th,,l Nl" I" Whli h lo File Appllui-, block nnd acreago proporty found to
"'"OlnslKM) .. ,,.,,.1,1. , i , i.., ., ... ,,.... ,,...,.. , . l.nnnUteil nnil llnliln fnr thn cost
" " " r "llll IIIII lllll IIL i IIIIHN M "II - flSI'SSIIII llll OU IH,IIVIIIU ( .... w .. .--w
noso ami s
up eroct ears ot a
lu Ten Annual Installments, in ot Improving Tentn btrcot irom main',. wiiii iin, Fiiilimlnir'northorly to Prospect Street, nnd
of the HOT POINT Ranee
"sed at the Golden Rod Pro-
ducts Demonstration at the
various groceries this week.
is turned from
'ey into pleasure when
yJ cook the "HOT POINT
A styles for sale by
tok River Electric Co.
Notice of I'lopoitionalo Assess.
Notlco Is horoby given that the
Common Council of 'tho City of
Klnmnth Kails, Oregon, did, by Ordl
niinco No, 471, duly adopted on tho
11th day of August, 1919, and ap
proved hy tho Mayor on the 19th
day of August, 1919, declaro the
proportionate assessment upon each
lot, pnrt of lot, block and acreage
proporty found to ho benefited and
liable for tho cost of iiupiovlng
Ornnt streot from Klovonth street
northerly to Llnkvlllo Cemetery.
Tho property so ussossod by said
ordlnanco Is all tho proporty lying
adjacent to said part nf said streets
botwoon thn above mentioned ter
mini nnil nxtmidlnir lnlerlv to the
center of tho respoctlvo blocks lylngiorty of onch owner, and roforonco Is
ndjncont to said part of said streets hereby inado to such docUnt of City
so fur as tho Improvement thoieou
That tho ildckot of city lions has
boon ninrio un as provided by section
208 of tho chnrtor, nnd tho following
Is n list of tho nuniuH of owueis or
tho proporty so nssossed us shown hy
such bond lion docliot and said ordi
nanco, together with tho total
amount bo ussessed ugalnst tho prop
oi ty of each owner, and roforonco Is
horoby mndo to such ilockot of City
Iilons for ii detailed descilptlon of
each lot, part of lot, hloclc and acre
ugo property so assessed, ,
Further notlco is also given thr
roapectlvo proporty owuoia so as-
High Street from 9th Streot easterly
to 11th Stroot, including intersec
tions. Tho properly so assessed by said
ordlnanco is all tho proporty lying
ndjncont to said part of said streets
between tho above mentioned tor
mini and extending laterly to tho
coutor of tho respoctlvo blocks lying
adjacent to slid part ot snld streets
so far ns tho improvement thoroon
That tho docket of city Hens has
boon made up as provided by section
268 of tho chnrtor, and the following
Is ii list of tho names of owners of
tho property so nhsossod ns shown hy
such bond lien ilockot and said ordi
nance, togothor with tho total
amount so iiBsessed against tho prop
and roforonco Is
Lions for a detailed description of
onch lot, part of hit, block nnd acre
age propoity so assessed,
Further notlco Is alio given tho
respoctlvo pioporty owners so as
sossed and hoieln holow mentioned,
that such assessment Is duo nnd pay
able nnd will bo delinquent nftor tho
oxplrntlon ot 20 days from tho dato
of tho first publication ot this notlco.
(Said first publication will bo on
August 23, 1919.)
Tho propoity uwnora so assossed
must olthor pay In cash or mako and
(Ho with tho Pollco Judge of said
city their applications to pay such
assessments lu Installments within
The pioporty owners so assessed
must either pay lu cish or mako and
tile vlth tho Pollco Judge of suid
rlty their applications to pay such
assessments in Installments within
the 20 beginning vwlth tho (list
publication ot tills notice.
V ,M. Phlnney 211 20
C .M. Phlnney 211.20
Klnmnth Dov. Co 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co , ... 211.20
Alleen D .Johnson 211.20
Alleen D. Johnson 422.40
I,ello Kogors ., 422.40
I,esllo ltogers 115. SO
10m inu A. Johnson ... 306,60
Kmnia A. Johnson 338.00
S. S. Johnson Co 84.40
Klnmnth Dov. C 422.40
Klamath Dov. C 422.40!
; Klumath Dev. C 422,40
Klamath Dov. C 422.40
V. E. Faught 422,40
Margaret Applegate 422,40
W. S. Davis 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co 422.40
John S. Elliott 422.40
Mary J. Sutton 422.40
Dr. Warren C. Hunt 422.40
Kliimnth Dev. Cd 422.40
Edwnrd Mills 422.40
Edwnrd Mills 422.40
Hurt L Davis 422,40
Ilurt I.. Davis 422.40
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40
Mrs. Ollvo Moss 211.20
Mrs. Ii. M. Dixon 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 10G.60
C. U. Daggett 105.60
Mis. llortha P.uklnson 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
W. II. Duncan 211.20
Ii. aahegnn 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 105.60
W. It. Hopkins 105.60
Arthur It. Wilson
Weed Lumber Co
Klamath Jewelry Co
Mrs. Sol Runyon
Mrs. Sol Runyon
Mrs. C. B. Clendennlng ..
Klamath Dev
W. A. Meyer ...... ........
Klamath Dov. Co
Cmmn A. Johnson
Emma A, Johnson
J, A. Gordon
J. A, Gordon
Jns. W. Lytlo
Luko E. Walker
Gilbert "Fleet
John II. Foster
Mrs. Carrie J. Alexander
Mrs. Carrie J. Alexander ,
Gils Melhase
Gus Melhaso
iT, C. Sherman
Daisy A. Ryan ,
Jessie O. Mills
Jessie G. Mills
Klamath Dov. Co
C. V. Fisher
C, V, Fisher
Klnmnth Dev. Co
Klamath Dov. Co
Klamath Dov. Co
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dov. Co
Klamath Dov. Co
Klamath Dov. Co ,
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dov. Co. ..". ,
Klnmnth Dov. Co
Klamath Dov. Co
Klnmnth Dov, Co
Klamath Dov. Co ,
Klamath Dov. Co
Klamath Dev. Co ,
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dov. Co
J. M. Evans
J. M. Evans
Klamath Dov. Co
F. T. Sandorson
E, A. Quaif
Mrs, S, S. Johnson
Klugsloy (J, Dunn
E. C. Sheolln
E. C. Sheolln
Alleen D. Johnson
Emma A, Johnson
Klamath Dov. Co
Klamath Der. Co
52 SO
52 80
J. M. Evans 733.53
J, M. Evans 336.33
J. M. Evans 497.07
J. M. Evans 894. 2.T
Roman Catholic Blthop ot
Baker 336.33
Roman .Catholic Bishop of
Baker 733.53
Roman Catholic Bishop of
I Baker 350.80
P. K. Rrnndpnlinrcr 1 0.0.7 QA
JSH'f? i Roman Catholic Blshop'oT"
inrnl Baker 327-6u
J?s oa Ronm Catholic Bishop of
Baker 724.80
Roman Catholic Bishop of
Baker 6C5.30
Ellen M. Redfleld 543.84
H. E. Calkins 1241.95
l r rea isoei
, Fred Noel
I Mnrtln MoAndrmvs .
211.20 I Frst Baptist Church
211.20 l. Gahegan
211.20 , Mnrv I,. Telfnnl 15155
211.20 Mary L. Telford 497.07
211.20 John S. Parke 894.27
211.20 Cella Roberts 578.78
211.20 I Claude W. Cosoboom 356.17
422.20) J. I. Beard 471.18
422.20 M. W. Cosoboom 1454.92
122.20 M. AV. Cosoboom 843.25
422.20 John S. Parke 1454.98
211.20 Manda C. Parten 1090.72
211.20 I K. Sugarman & Max Gumbert 578.78
211.20 Jean Groesheck 578.78
211.20 J. J. Keller , 684.03
211,20 Halite Jacobs 463.80
211.20 ' C. V. Fisher 475.37
105. bu M. E. Cowley 463.80
105.60 AA AV. Lewis 695.67
211.20 I Jas. II. and Lola Drlscoll
Orson Brown 412,11
Margaret Pitts 578.73
H. H. Edmonda 1067.12
J. J. Parker ot ux 1464.32
Chas. Evanlkoff 385.20
L. E, Hannen 1006.14
Alma J. Cofer 894.27
Chas. F. Stemwell 373.10
Glen Johnson 123,97
211.20 I A. A. Bellman 666.80
A. Mehaffey 710.55
Karl C. Jones 685. D7
Kntherino Houso 467.93
Esther M. Dale 413.25
S, L. Thompson 401.10
W. F. Arant 109.30
Jno, Stout 338.94
Jno. Stout 112.93
Jno. Stout 112.98
Jno. Stout 112.91
Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August
23, 1919.
Pollco Judgo of the City of Klamath
Falls, Oregon.