FAOW TWO i'n.a fi Itl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOMMt, , EVER-READY STORAGE I3 the only battery that is Jiunrunleeri for n year nnd n half. Worth more and costs less than others at Howie G MM sweet H -fJL, itoTt ifefeiP iswi 'it iC! rcSI $881 && J home -h3ob i fi inia ;ii ir TPsin rm by Jack Wilsra PSss S-SbSSs. KNi Willi M l3 IN THE , WJ fe I FIVE POUND CAN f Coffee l vtw .rtJUM PAri ktrPaaaawiC m ii iBii k!S3l MmBgf, M.J.B. COSTS YOU LESS PER POUND BUY IT AND SAVE MORE MONEY Because of its superior strength and richer flavor you use less M. J. B. per cup than any other coffee. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED The most economical coffee you can buy m DISCUSSION RIFE OVER HOME RULE 1)1111. IN. Auk 25 ppeurnn.e in vinous I. (union papers of tlu uu noiincemetit that Premier l,lod I (leorgo Is i nslderlng an offer In Ire land of dominion homo rule, with county option has cteated much dis culon In political circles In Dublin Sir Hoi ace I'lunkoit's new Domln lull League, while willing to arrange spu.Kil teitns fr fstor within an Ir'sh ilotnliiUin. In very strongly op posed tn un arrangement liv which any p.irt .f lielnml would he alto gel her outside the new Irish parlia ment, -ml S'r Horace believes iiny such plan would lie unworkable. , I'lster fnlonlsts. on the other Ihnnil. are violently opposed tn poun ty option or, indeed, to any option I The furthest they have gone Is to agree to thu tital exclusion from nn Irish parllanient of the six northern counties without the preliminary ot a plehlsite .Many Sinn Peltiers declare that If county option were extended to nil ireiunci u pelislto taken on home SM DIEGO IN 1 SI4FI liS v 1:1.1. u,w si.i:s.i w IMtAlslN T , ,,,t i:m)N(. rnrit i:.iss ri:,u m.i: 'I have heen niii(., f four voir xuffeilng. and have pulncil exactly fourteen pound 1 In weight m:ico I commenced laMng Tanlac. said It. a Whitromli, u well known Mile in m, for the Caldwell tirocery Co, who lives at 2370 rmnkllii Ave. Han Die go, Cjil . the other dnj. ".My trouhlu slatted Willi an attack of acute Indlgostl .:,,' continued Mr Whltcomh. "and these spells ha.e heen coming pretty itteti for thu past three ears. In f ,.-t, rt,n i ,0Kn ,, tnke Tanlac. my stomach was In such had condition Din: everything I ale would e.-iuso me to suffer terrlhl afterwards I wool I have the worst rub? many of the counties would ad- 'TnmpiiiK pains In the pit of he-., to the demand for a renuhll. or ",y s,",m,c". "'"' 'vheti thnso spell demand for a repuhll- or noth.ng. and vote ugu u- it Ml N W TO PILE S.henan Islands, it was believed, th drift wnould carry the boat toward. If not across, the pole. Amundsen In tended to use the airplane: if hi found the drift would not carry him across the "top of tho earth." ALL WELCOME EARLY CHOICES IN FURS AMMIKW ('Alt.VhCalK OXCK OPKIIATKD TKIJMUtAlMI KEV Discoverer of South I'ole lristlnR in Steamer on His Way to the .North Pole Expedition Is Accompanied by Airplanes. PHILADELPHIA .Aug. 25. An drew Carnegie was lauded as "the master manlpu'ator of the telegraph key In his day" by Colonel Joseph Green, eighty six years old, Phlla SEATTLE, Aug. 25. Bound for, delphta's veteran telegraph opera the North Pole, Roald Amundsen tor. Norwegian discoverer of the South "I first met Mr. Carnegie," said Pole, Is at present drifting In his Colonel Green, in 1857. I was at that Ice locked schooner, the Maud, time an operator for the Pennsyl-snmw-'-'re north o' western S'berlu vanla Railroad In this city and fre- according to beliefs held by the quently held conversations over the Seattle Norwegian vice-consulate wire with him as private operator In planning the trip, the explorer of Colonel Thomas A. Scott, pres said he expected, after reichlng the dent of the road. We all knew him pole, to return either to Grant Land., as 'Andy' and recognized him as a west of Greenland or Melville Is, master of the key." land, which lies in the Arctic Ocean north of Canada. Should he reach 'GOBS' ASK DISf.H ARflF -Meiviue island he probably would journey by sea to Nome, Alaska or' overland to Dawson, Yukon Terri- SANTA ' 25 ilajs Arcmnp'iny S'.nnrrp. Two airplanes, it is believed ON PACIFIC COAST I5AIIBARA, Calif.. Auk rully 50 per cent of those of the enlisted men of :$a Pacific fleet who will obtain dlscharco nhnm "... formed part of the Mimd's equip- tober 1st want to be discharged on ment when she left Norwav in,t fail'thc ,.a,.iflc c.nst imwX of being and sailed through the White Sea Bent t0 the chy,n many ca bound for the icy :rth. The f'ual ,h, eastern beaboardwnere they dash to the pole may he mude. in enlisted. one of the planes. Amundsen t U This estimate was made by Lieu believed, nny also Vy back to civil- tenant T. P. Kiddle, chaplain of the izatlon in one of the machines. 'flagship New Mexico, who based his ixoiamg eas ,,,en neartf rrorn staWraent on advice sought Amundsen since Sept. 1 1918 near-' him by men who will be given ly one year ago. At that time the charges. Maud was reported taking oil for "This Is unusual," said the chap- her motors at Dixson Island, a White la n. "and a fine compliment to tho Sea point. After taking the oil she Pacific Coast. It shows the men like Bi.eu Hunneasi into me rapl.llv the West and the treatment freezing waters of the Arctic Ocean, have received here." May Drift Across Pole. ,, From White Sea Amundsen ex- On account ot car shortage we will pected to drift east with the ice to ell block at $2 50 per curd at our the New Siberian Islands, which He 'af'torv "tl further notice. Now Is in tho Arutp off Sllier a At the N. vi 'h" J'-"',8, '" m '" '"r w,n,"r ,,'?ok8 'VHIHOI hot n from! dis they TmBSSmm. arOTV BKH MK Em a. I SK -- - ' J I JL ir j patlenco, wondo.-fiil plttures of thuio remurkuhlii iiiiIiuiiIh am to ho rciiii In tho film, A Dniit Catastrophti" to night only at tho Liberty. Her iiiimn was Mlninily Jtidkli-. and she was a scrub lady. Dili she wils a warm-lienited little glil with n great deal of homily and whim love for Teddy, tho musician, ciiiuo Into her heart ithe spiuced up and lieciilnn a different looklm; r. All this Is told In "Mlrnndy Smiles, tho latest I'uninioiint iilcttirc Marring Vhlnu Marl in, which will ho shown lit tun St; r i, .outre tonight. fc Mlninily work'il ut the (iriiu ! Opero House In .1 Middle Weslein town She liked to watch the players ut rehearsals and -iliro to listen to Hie wonderful music of Toddy, who play ed In thu Opera Hoiixo orchestra. One dnv Mlninily spl.islied u pall or soujiv water over herself and It was Teddv who lescued her. Their romnucj started rlglit thero. , On- of tho big, gripping scenes in "Thu Menace," ih-j Vliagraph lllue iiiuiioii reiiiiirei WHICH will lie seen nt the Temple Theatre tonight, is where Hie supposed adopted son of wealthy parents. Is detected robbing the home of IiI.h tliuuee's parents The outh has fallen under the In fluence of a convict wlm convinces him he Is his own son r.nil forces Ii'mi Into a life of crl.un under threat of .c posing his real tmfentiigo. This strong :lct lie from the story by Ilex Taylor Is Imroil on the experi ment of u physlclnn, mid who at- -, , Vnllo, ,, HON N0,,.s HI .1 Mlllil. ,,f . Ill Hoiiiiiii i thu ,., i, l liaileil ut th,. was in llciiiin, Oil llllsllless .Mm r l. iv,,., ,,mI)anM ; "r "IdeM. , ,, ,, ,, .,f. !'... ...I... . ""rihtl ii-l I I III HMj Ol U PHI linHf ft nit I'(i, inr; Iv niit'i n ii t A grand ball h ai,noMu h Aiikiim ....h . iirtunmn, '"" "' J""' I"""!- K,llh Hn,t, HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! nir dlnri "'" "" ') Ihli ww ,l"l "rtgon, I Mirty , ltf 8yi nlaii of hot water with phosphate before brcikfut waihea out poltoni. hit me. I would he In so muih actitul mlM'ry that cold sw.'iit would pop out all over my hodv. Sometimes ms would form m i. i. that it would rVe up into my chest and cause my heart "V'lltute, anil make me feel o weak that I would alinot faint. Them troubles kept ge ting worse all th., i'"H! until I win MU ruuilowu afi! wnrnout that 1 was hiinlly able o work. "One day last fall I read about .i limn U'liri hti.l kti.'..i-..,l . ..... ,.,. i,..,i i ..... ,. l),Ht,(1 H0 ' " b'TKlnr only to learn ' ." . " ."' 'r"",, ,UR-, It Is his own son he believed drown ed. Corlnno Griffith young and beauti ful star has thu I.Miilng feminine roltt. Kvart Overton has the leading mnlii role,, that of tho son, nnd others In the cast arc Ned KInley, Herbert iti or, Iillii Illow and Krnnk A. Kord. ' il li.Mlll'T tloca - "U r ktn jd te wakf tii tl. i. km In", coitrt I'teiitli, In fatt, to ng r.miac. and I thought that If III I helped him so iiinh. It ought to do' me some good, ir.l 1 linmedlutelv bought a bottle. ell, tlr, Tanlac fix. ed me up Just like It did the other' follow, pnd this .iiivinces mc thai1 an) body who s iffnis as I did can I depend on Tanlac for relief. Why, 1 1 am as well and stung as I ever was. I and my troubles lmvo been complete ly overcome. I haie a fine appotlto. ' Vrl"'r' ,,"H w'"''lrw" tram publlcn. -.I o-t fust at.vthlng I want and l I u,,n " "cIuIIhIIc book written by never have a sign of Indigestion nrlh,",!,u" ,,otaUH ,1 sour Klnmncli t uin,i,..H, t, ... governmotlt To nee llic I,,,,, III M'lir r ' in cl.-iuer and i Icm, i e 'I ,i I . mini ,., KUIKUc or n ii inl liel Miur liet ilii. in nii,l ,,j oj lust trv Insiiie liniliiiii; evi-rv inon!:? f'H iitie (., '. ...... i,.i f ., ..,,, , Molt glass of real hoi untrr wltli a iti. t, m. in. i oi 1 1 in. hi..,,.. iiiniiiite In It s a lii.tinle-i. i, ii.. .ii- i,i iu.iuiitlroa the stomach. liver kliliiem nnd bonelj the pieiiuiH (Jit itnliKcsllblr l!l, tempts to ilemonHtraln Ills theory that 'iur b'le mid toxins tinm clramlni, environniDtit l.s capable of rectifying ee em; i- mid i.uriMnic the rotlrt any heredity tnlnt. He adopts the sup- iilliiieiitnr) rim i iiefure culllcj taotv food Into the hliiinm-h The action ot lint water mid ilniexieiii- plioiphiteci in einiity Ktoiuai'ii hi unnilcrfull; It- vlgoriitltig It c eiiiiH out all Hit wtr feriiieiitiilloiis, kh'.s .-mil acidity at Ivib one a hi.lcii.llil appetite (tr hrenkfnst A iiuirler pound of limestone pkot phtile lll com wry little at tbe Int More but Is siilllrlent to demoDSintr Hint Just as simp nnil hot tr cleinses, sweeleus nnil freshens th Ikln, no hot wmer unit limestone ptoi- I lime art on I lie hlnoil nnd Inlernil or- gatiH, Tluiko who nre untiject to eon- llmiford Henderson, a well known now sees thnt ownersnip nnil inter- ,,., . Ly M ,,- 'back to me. nnd 1 can do as much "crl"1"' """ P"rniiii8in generally, ,,,,.,,. ,wtl..(.s , ,hne bo hard work as ever. T) nlac Is one mud-1 " ; c,,,,lrnrr lt " highest octal HAI )H HI,uow nnil complexion pallid, ""'in ,l.,n comes lip to all Hint s . wl,l,,r". n"" lon" ' ''Ko a people ,,. ur,., t,n, ....V of Inald claimed of It. and I wouldn't hesitate jto recommend it to at ybody." i Tanlac is sold In KIhiiuiiIi P-" v tho Stir Drug Storo nnd In Loroll" by the James Jlerc. Co. Adv. Ineiilc'ent, unjust and singularly tin- Lmkine will i.nv ih,.m both looiltr Itiruriiullmr ' u ! ,innn,nimh, M,,( Mlttfi t, at' net VflV 1 At the Theatres i VAAAAAAAsAeee)AeVAAetfVWVWVWW Tho advent or the "August Fur Sale" by enterprising retailers a tow years ago has proved advan tageous to women. This in the fact that the nttw styles are shown so early each fall that she may rrake her selection and plan ac cordingly, without fear that by th; time sho has. completed her wardrobe, that her fur wrap Is not "ilghl" ut ull The model In mink nhown hern is one ut thu rnoio popular coats, the short waist and lug comfy lol'm being liMtures distinct li all of the sewer dL-slguiugg. ' ' p,' . I rr.u THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CCrfOOLC AMD CEP.rtTKENT3 P2CU. Fr.ATbRZi5 Tb rrjveizjy Iwulu tbe Cullme of A Let,. ff iM ' ,.u , , ws.yiM w.uvw litu U.O JTJI, aa U-9 IsU, Writr, 'Mill!' A riAt ffwruj hcTsW i L. lltvMne, Mt .'f'jrtmj for jfhilr, et uuv 1 j'ort'auai. Arcmu'ur J mraauiU, uo t t "w y t ) i il a t t m yhi in r r a ''tVf Pu try t t,r nr"tf tnf rrr ' r flr i THE KEOISTHAR, UNIVfAblTV Or ORHCON, UG. E. ORF.CON. Ta4,uuisi&xzynTf&trmmv"r" -, -.. At a nivutin-i for promot'ng t'10 wolfato of tho rlcHpisi'il Ktu (or out cast) dais In Toltlo, Japan, a formor Japatieho minister of w-r nald:j "Jupan is ndvocatlng abolition of1 "Tho deceased fallowed poor Judg ment In pulling his gun, and lost on tho draw." This verdict of a backwoods coun try sheriff In "Man's Desire," star ring Iswls S. Stoop, distributed by Kxhlbltorn Mutual, Is a sample ol the "border Justice" muted out by red-blooded men In primitive civili zations. Tom Denton beat "Hull" I.arkln on trie draw and thefo rough Inmbor men knew "Hull" had It coming to him. Border Justice Is demonstrated 'n it graphic way In "Man's Deslro," n drama in which atavistic mon with courage In their l.oartH nnd blood In tliolr ve)iiH settlo personal misunder standings In a primitive tho' trugli: way. Lewis S. Htnno gives n remarkably strong t'luinictorlilloii of it "Htrnlght shooier" in this vlr lo drama, written by himself and produced under the direction of I.loyU Ingraham, At tho Liberty tonight, One of tho most Intentstlng pic- 6000 8000 Mil es This is the new mileage' adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From 23 MAIN ST. JUDD LOW PHONE 22-M racial discrimination abroad. It is .ines In tho ed i Mtlonal fleld.wlll ho ;regrettnblo that tlinro tiro such In- shown ut tho Mbe.ty tonight. Heavers j consistent phenomena at h'Jtnu as in their native haunts, actually ithe uttltiida shown touard a Hoctlon caught at work by a enmonv m.in of our own brothron " who's middle name must Inavo been 1 ....A ':::::. .......;..;,..;..;..;..C,l,tTI t I il Get Your Winter Wood Now For a limited time I will sell you your winter wood j at uw ioiiownig amazing prices: DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS $450 GREEN SLABS $3.50 622 Main. ' Phone, 72 j f & AAA AA.M.AA. ---at '" ' v ' -' -)- -- -- - - - SULPHUR Let us make up your (pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Store I he price is right 126 South Sixth St phone i