Wit i i Wit Eue OFFICJATi PAPEK O" KLAMATH COUNT! 0tfiM JSv JE.JMJl Fourtccnlh Year-No. 3,71 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1919 Price, Five Cent nttut BI,AMAT KAI.W J MUMPS IEI1RB Ml 110 $U Mexican Arc Killed by Expeditioncrn 'bandit leader shot President of International Federation of Labor iii-n- lWHlt'l. !, TO ii B&VBaV''9 l! mm? A liLv i,m nBE DESTROYS MDIHTEHEY SEES Ditnirip n cr 111 j M BRADBURY HDK Will Known Hum her Sustains ii .iI Airlti'N This Morning lit Mori Hem) L'tss im the Id-Milt nl Hut-1 UMl.it Nlglil riii- Djiimiil'c Will' Ann, mil In .-,, 0(1(1. jhwrlcan Alrmnii Kill- '- .u Mpi lain imiiiiii ' ..-. ... A.t..rlc.ii Uilll Troop lirtuni i" - i for IVnllnuiiiHi' f llordcr Inl)'. MlwIniC Atln'of" ten i" Minn Bern Ick1inI !( I Slnnii. MAI1KA, Texas. Auk 23. Josim Jttnterlst Mexican Imnillt leader, tvim , ihotfrora an American nlrplnim last ' Tueidar, according to .Major Jimos I'.CIfncjr.comnmn.ii.r.it wiu iMiiuri- w A Appleion. secretary of the ... knlllva f,,,ftitltli,n. Ill il lileMMnprt .. .... . .... "it"""""7"' " (Jenoril l-'etlorul on or ruin In iiiih ,t today over t 'MA telephone to ,)f 0rwit rlIl1 ,, Jni, ,,,, . tie Aiwciaiou i ro. i , llr,,H.iUI1. of ,lln it,,riiiiiiiiniii Four Mmms wore K.i.e.. y iroops ,,.,,,.,, (lf ...,.. , ,,, ,,., darlnr their chaao over Muxlcnn .... In VMIM -.. Illlll III A IIINtiir.ll. Ill III! UI.M fl.kM.I. nutud tiy Sumiiol Gompcrs. i Tim home of It K Ilraillinry, lo riitcd a Hliurt dlslant:u above tho Lost Hlvnr iliim, turn ill-nil oycil by fire iiliont X o'clock Kuluriliiy evening. Tin- building mid contents were en tirely musiimed by (in. (lames, the family hiivIiik only which (ln-y liml on. I I'M- Will, I'm lr Kill I I'logi-mii I'liinnri tor to Knli-iljiiii I'ciHiiiini-l Kiiim'n Warships. MONTLRKY, Calif , Aug. Tim I'aclllc fleet arrived this 2 morn DR. JESSE VAN FOSSEN , DIES FRIDAY NIGHT AT ASHLAND HOME i Dr. Harmon .Icsie Van ro?scn, Dls- trlrt Superintendent of Kin wh Dl trlrt of tlio Methodist t hiir-n, died at his homo In A.shla'ul, OrcKon, i'r'day nlBht, AuBUst 22, 191!) of heart' failure. Mo will lio burled at Ash- Cattlemen land today. He was past 70 years of , of, age. i i I)r Van Fosson was born 'n Ohio , and entered tho ministry in MInnc Hota In 1877. Since that limn he has traveled back and forth from Minne sota to Tennessee .nd thence to Ore- SHEEPMEN HD M t 55 I and Wool (iron era Get Together nntl Settle Their DMTcr-onr- Under Xetv I'lnn of Co-Op-eiatlon. For the first time the sheep and Iiik. and the cities, resorts and settle- 'nn w1"re ,le Pent the litter day of cattle men of the county have dem- mciits of tin- scenic Monterey ppn'.n-l lllH 'nlnlstry, .onstrated that what has been clau sula have tonlRht preparations for a I I)r- V,,n Fosson camo t0 OreRon ed to he impossible only seemed so. full week of t-ntr-rulnment fcr the"" tnn ye!ir ,90f: and ha'' scrvttl J'10 Friends of both industries have all. tho rlolhliir naval olllcers anil men following charges 11 the Oregon con-, along contended that differences anil Mr lira.ll.urJI H.,v..rl event, win c.ntr ,.i.r,, ' ferc-nco. Drain, Ashland. Astoria. He difficulties could be settled between Sim In the city attending a meeting1 scones well known in early Cullfor-' KPrve1 t,lc f"U h1x ycar" on Klam!"h j them if they laid aside their preju ..... . .. . i . illtalrfrt i jin n.l . .nn.t.A ti,a Ia.Jb rf (be directors of the Klamath Ilrl-lnla history. In Cannel Valley, near District. t dices and got together The leaders Kiillnii llHtrlri and Mrs. Ilradbury Isjhere. where a play will be staged in! ur' an '"T ,u ,W,3"T "Kea :,v of botn Blties declared it could never Oust recovering at the hospital frem: the Forest Theater Friday evening.'"1 l"1"l0 h, knew hm- " 3 W ho done, but it was done yesterday iher recent lllnes Mr IlrndburVs1 the visitors will . the Carmel Mis-1 fP .P.n.d8 '" .a",l.ar0n1 Mmath tails afternoon, when the case of William father as a, ,o,llu with the chll'slon, established In 1770. In the city ' 'V'" K . . , . ., DevauI aga,nst DaVe McA"Ilffe wa3 li'i. of Monterev. wbe.o Admiral iiueh, "" ,n -" "' "' "" tried before the directors of the Wool r-k a xirro DfMMTrn ri it ' Growers Association The heating DANGER POINTED OUT ,vas hei,i at Lorella, and resulted In W .A. Aiplrttiu I of Monterey, wheio Admiral Hugh Tlie origin of the fire Is unknown,' Hodman will ralbo a Hag above the luit It Is presumed to have been ! old adobe customs house, where Itob- started by one of thy children. Bttik-irt Louis Stevenson, J winy Und and. Ing n Hint-It In ono of tho clotlioM ' other nctaliles once lived Hero also IN INDIAN AFFAIRS a decision in favor of Mr. Devaul and the payment by Mr. McAuutTe or. - ' 'MJ't PUNS IN ORDER FOR LIBOR DAY toll. Another Mexican was killed by TulM airmen. Nino wore reported upturn! at Coy.tme, by soldiers of Cimnio'i army. Tht 375 American cavalry troops that entered Mexico last Tuesday me back on American soil toilny. They bit abandoned their clinsn, and will ttmmt tbelr patrol on the border. It la believed by momborH of Hun- ttrta'i band that tliu American nvln- ton bo were reported missing Iw.ow Arrungoinonts nro now under way. Bio Grande-rcntunluy. aftnr tlmy had, "'"I nPProuculiiK completion for the left Royce Field for Mexloo nt day-1 celebration of Labor Day, which, tills IfU to recontioltur, Imvo boon lo- y'ttr '"I'14 " Monday. Suptember oted. They had become lost in n first. 1919. A largo committee, com- nlMtcrni, and hail to nnko a forced lirUod of momhorH of tho various Loc- ludlnr Both iivlato"n escao!d Injury. "I ''"Ions affiliated with the Amnri- m , i cuii Federation of Labor, l busily en- gagui! till t war. Advices from other cities tell of preparations to celebrato mi a mon ster scale, the day dedicated lo Lab or. Thu committee is confident that no other town will excel In enthusiasm and "pop" the local unionists and workers, who are working, to the limt man, for the .success of their under taking. The program, m at present arranged tint not by any means complete Includes a street parade In Hie morning, with floats typifying various phases of Labor; speeches by able and well-posted men; patriotic exercises; games unci contests for prizes, affording both fun timl profit, and, to wind up "tho end of a per- eloKi-ts, for it was In one of these! thu nuvv men mav visit Cotton ball I LONDON. Aug. 23. Grave warn'?1 ' that the fire was burning when It the scene of the first constitutional, '"B was uttered today "before the When the Wool Growers Assocla wiib first discovered. The flames' convention In 1S49, which prepared committees considering the Indian tion was formed one of the provl spread so rapidly that It wis Impos sible to save any of tho contents of the building, and Mr Ilradbury con fined his efforts to suvlng the barn and other outbuildings. The loss will amount to nearly $5,000, which Is only partlnlly cov ered by Insurance. It Is Mr. Brad bury's Intention to rebuild Just as soon as tho crops ure harvested . the way for California to enter the ni" by slr Harrington Lovett, who sions of the constitution gave to the and luncheons, beach picnics, motor-' nas neId may Important positions directors the power to punish any Union . J ,n tue Indian government. His mes- member found guilty of trespass or A water fete ,a rodeo, banquets saBe was of tne "ature of tho possibt- other violations of the rules of the Ing. dancing and snorts ranelnir ""es tat might arise from the acti- association. It was under this pro- MANY INTERESTED IN OIL DRILLING Fiirmors for miles around tho old Ankeney riuuli, now owned by Cifl- from polo to boxing, have been arranged. PRESIDENT SUBMITS PROPOSAL OF FOUR CENT WAGE RAISE WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 25 President Wilson submitted to the shopmen today a proposal to pay a four-cent-an-hour increase on a hisls E1ES SERIOUS TURN local Shipments of Are I'rcti-nti-d i"mu(tn llnki-rslli-lil b) Strike of ruilnuid Kihil)c IVclglit Cm I'loin (iiiini: .Siemens, are showing (he deepest In- or ten "oure ror clKM "ours wor,: terest in the oil well being dug on I w,,lcn wl" ,)0 renctlve t0 Ma' lst-tl-nt ranch, tho captain said todav. I An' Krvatr increase at pruent caged on plans to fittingly observe " lM,p,,I,, ,0 c"so ih" w" ' " T mM"lM? tho 1 ' his great holiday, the first sine, the '""' "'" "'B arrived nn.l Is K living and was therefore innrtvl, .ni.ln.llui. of hostilities In the great K' '' "" . acconllnB to "-. "le Pre.li.ent. Cer- .nr nienieus. i lie on is not an as- """ """ .iuihid ..u,nu iuiuiu stired thing yet, but thero is n firm fi ' CCIlts an nollr- A representative In lief that nil will come in time. of H'o workers told President ' 1- Mr. Siemens also said that ho had sol tt he would submit the nr j u bumper crop of onts, bay and wheat It I- n to the members of the 11-otl.tt-tll being harvested at the present hood vltles of the extremists in India. ALlErCLFJ-UP SHOWS RESULTS vision that the Cattlemen's Associa tion filed its complaint against Mr. McAuliffe. Yesterday the executive commit tee of the Wool Growers Association, with their attorney) J. H. Carnahan. appeared at Lorella. Mr. Devaul was represented by W. C. Van Emon, at Itorney for the Cattlemen's Assocla- I tion, and Dave McAuliffe was repre Insprction This Morning Shows That 8ented by H. M. Manning, his attor- COl.rt riev An Informal trlnl wnq linlH Anil ,a case of trespass was shown on the part of Mr. McAuliffe. The execu- tlve committee of the Wool Growers Tho campaign for the clean-up of rendered a decision in favor of Mr. the alleys, Inaugurated last week by nGvaul and a settlement was marta All Those Summoned in Last Week Have Cleaned Itubliisli From AIIe! EifecU of tho Us Angeles strike l bondreda of railway employes reached tho extent this morning of lor np roinplotcly all local ship Mti of freight to llakersfleld, San li ' Barbara, unit Vunm Los Angeles ahlpments alone tteru tied up prior to todajr, Dlapatches sent tiitu ...n.nin.. . Poorer agent Doiinu. f - tact day." there will bo u grand open 11 offices of tho Southern Pacific ' alr ,la,lco ut llu ,,v"l,m' wltl' " llls' company, wero to the effect that all ,rt,,,,t,ou r valuable glfl.s, kindly WpmtBU of frolRht through liakers- l,r,,N0",J '' loc, "'" '; Wand Santa llarbara would bo on- 'M,my U,TM "av0 "'K""1'"1 ,lu,Ir "eld up, Ills Instructions worn """" ,,f cIoH"'K "" Hpi.i.m.iht ccept no freight stmt through that ,,rHt' 80,",, "nrl "f ," Aay' nl"1 '" route. inrouhn inai flM A um (t untlcmlc,, tlmt "There is no tolllnu when condl-! many )ll,urs wl" fo"W' H"U- ",!" "doswlllreturiitonorinal" said Mr full,lamuntal w,lh a" u"'""s nff"'" "Slasa, when usKed concerning the atml w,th lho A1irlra" l''''''orat.lo.i Wlon. "The pbuc knowg M murh of Labor, not to work on Labor Day. bout tho nmttor as I do Tho strike 1 0XCU"lll,K "uly '"r ,llU lirusorvat'011 lerl0U1' and may .mra'lv,.. .rif Hfo or property. This, of course. iLHsuruH u largo attemlanco at the streot parade, and tho various other public ovonts. To those not famlllnr with tho alms and activities of tho American Feder ation of Labor, It may ho well hero to any thut it Is of men affiliated with tho various Local, Nutloual and In ternational Unions of worklnginen throughout tho country. Tho head of tho Federation Is Samuel Gompers. (,.. , ' I'uiiiiyiu irarric -.aayB to come. 2 ct0fIe l.o..t Klnnmlh Falls J" I completely tied for mnny toe0mc t(.0(1)(; (() C5 "?"n'r'""r Company, ttdttir MB,nu'nrlnB Companv, .--.. lHromi iiorsr,oll, ..., Angeles, mi,,.. rnjnn,t iiiiuiiuring con- lS"M,Pl1 ,,y "" "trlko. in Chtanm,0tf0,,,lm,y8hl,,'let , gn tho Boiiihon. territory. ." 'fOni tllO cnini,!.. . . '""i" I'liniiysis or team ., ,'. ""'"' i little bono , ., '" U'M- Thoro U Ln. Q,Btreot '-nr Btrlko. Malls ,re congested. '''pra'nH' (Ji",!l,,' aml Rhtor lht for " '.' K,,na- w nrrlvo to Mr., on n ? V'Hit w,lh Mr- a'"' '. M,'B QU'K,0y,R llini' His older fields are being dinliied by the got eminent dredger to protect them from 'ilkall m:v. STtititt,i:i ii:i,d will hi-: IIO()lti:i) AT UKCKPTIO.V. An Informal reieptlnn will be held at the homo of lint- 10, P. Lawrence Tuesday evening nt S p, m. in honor of Itev. and Mis. J. S. Stubblofield. of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Friends of the formei pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and niombers of tho congreg ation of the church are Invited to at tend to hnvo the opportunity of meet ing Iteverend Stilbblefleld and wife, before they return to their homo in Cheyenne. SENSTE HEME UHSUAL OIEE Fire Chief Miller, and which threw such consternation into tho ranks of the business men of the city, has pro duced such good lesults that all of tho cases against those orrested havo been dismissed. As Chief Miller stat ed, ho had no desiro to prosecute anyone who complied with tho law. This morning in company with City Attorney Carnahan, he made an in spection of the alleys, and found tint everyone of those summoned to ap pear before Judge Leavitt had either by the attorneys for both sides, Mr. McAuliffe paying Mr. Devaul the sum of $125. as damages. The action of both associations in settling this case out of court wih have a very beneficial effect upon tho sheep and cattle controversy In Klamath County, nnd certainly shows that both associations are working for the good of the community at large. The range question will be in a fair way towards settlement this fall cleaned ui their premises or were d,-v Ing so. It was then decided to dismiss when actlon w,u be taken t0 enlarge ill of the cases the Fremont National Forest aud ' It is going to be the policy in fut- Include all of the remaining public ' lire to proceed after each individual lads in this county in the forest re- AVASHINGTON. Aug. 23. Sena- the ordinance and there will be no serve- win Dames, associate forest tor Jones .Republicans from Wash-' more dismissals. Regular Inspection et"ot tne forestry bureau. Washing ington, introduced a bill in tho Sen-! trips will be made by the fire chluf ton. D C will be in this vicinity ate today proposing that tho United and wherever he finds violations ho during tho coming week, and a corn States withdraw from the League of will bo prepared with legal evidence mittee from each association, acting Nations within two years, unless all to.lnsuro conviction. After tho city jointly, will go over the entire range members abolish conscription. is thoroughly cleaned up nnd fire question with him, and will take an Tho bill also provide that the Am- protection precautions are brought to auto trip through the country wltl. orlcan delegates to tho League of Nn- the highest degree of perfection steos Mr. Barnes with the idea of selecting lions bo elected by tho people for a will bo taken to bring about a reduc- lands to be included within the for poriod of four years t a salnrv tion In tho insurance rates of tho city, est reserve. Mrs. J. P. Saterleu lott Sunday $25,000 u year. No poison under o" it will. bo seen from this program The urgent necessity for a per- ... . . . .. ..., ,... I 11.1.. ... - ,.... Hlitnf ,f Minn Id altn.,!,, .'A.1?I I O. 1.1 ........ n ni . 1 ,. n nt . 1. n -.nam, Uiorillng for II HllOt't VlSll 111 I.OS Allg- yearn Ol agU WUUlll IJU eieg.UlU IU re- Uliu .liiu, mmwi in o,.t,i.. oumiut, ... niaiiciu neiuuiui-Ub ui iuc iauU eles. She will return to LKAVKS FOR 10 IUV VISIT. Klnmatli present tho country, If tho bill pas- the interests of tho business mon and question is recognized by both sides. Falls In about 10 days. ses vroporty owners. WORKERS WILL VOTE ON PROPOSAL TODAY SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23. Murmurs of nnothor const-wide strike of tolephoiio worlcirs woro heard to day, wllli tho iiniiounconiont niiidj hero y It. 10. Btvayn. president of tho Pnclfla district council of tho intont- nl brotherhood of t-loclrical workers, j Ho declared Unit u referendum vote would bo taken today by tho workers, of Orogon, Washington, California. Idaho and uavada on tho proposal thus far cniivasso.l have ropected the proposal, If thoro 1b a gonornl rejec tion tho workers will strike again on October 1st. p THE MAGICIAN 71 j i i i i i i j&? xsteu.npwHL- mmam -, nrwm iij i . i ma bihj r- a - hi v :.r i. -u .i.i . tm especially those residing in the vicin ity of Merrill. Owing to the uncer tainty of the outcome of the contro versy over tho lava beds, tho ihC3p men have this year made .mange inents for range in other sections. Ono set has secured 75,000 acres near Hornbrook, anothor near Ash land. Others have gone to the Illy section, and several have bought ranches, with tho result that to date arrangements have been made that will take out of tho Merrill-Malin section 27,000 head of sheep It is estimated that this figure will bo In creased to 35,000 head before wt 'tr sets in. If this proves to ho true, it Is going to result In a serious loss to tho county. If tho lava bed question hud been settled bo that most of these men wero sure of being able to rrtiigo there, they would havo re mained and purchased hay for win ter feeding. I.13AVKS FOlt CALIFORNIA. Emma Snyder loft Sunday morn ing for San Francisco, where sho will purchase her fall t-tock of millinery. Miss Snyder will return about Sep tember lst with her new stock. m, WS3' Jb3. ..,! itfrS tfn-3 m Ml, m