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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1919)
HATmimv,uw,BHTM PAGH KIOHT Harvard Graduates Who Are Leaders in Drive for $11,000,000 Endowment Fund CMBTOIfE OF . ttH-- ivvNMvyy!,wBrtti'rj,Mfcv': r.yrrr-;aniN, riWfr tsV CHURCH IS LAID This Institution Is the Logical Place " M ibis I'lllhiK Krrrli At-t'oiiipntty tin Lnjlng iif ronierMone of tin 1'ivdijtt'rlau Chm-rli History f, (liiiiili Is (SUrn. ; THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I & . . .; -;.-"! t.t. ifac ara ote Fitting oxcrcUoa ncrnnipnnltd tlio I laying of tho cornorrtoiio of tlio Pros- bytorlan Church nt tho corner of ! Sixth and l'lno Streets Inst night, be fore mi oudlmiro ot -.0 or more townspeople. Kov. C. P. Trlniblo opened the coro monies with n prayer. Tho history of I the church, since Its early dnys, down I to tho present dny, was rend by Kov, I E. P. Uiwronce, present pastor of J tho church. Kev. J. S. .Stublileflcld, former pastor of tho church, nnd .i , present pastor of tho Presbyterian I I Church, nt Cheyonne, Wyoming fol-. J j lowed with n few remnrks. Maym ; Strublo told of what an asset the ! church was to tho city. Remarks worn i city. ' Following tho exercises tho corn- ' orstono was laid. A copy of tho "Ills- J tory ot tho Church"' was placed under , tlio cornerstono. Extracts from tho, history follew: Thu First Presbyterian Church of , Llnkvill (now Klamath Falls.) Ore-, t 4- N For your checking account, For your savings account, For the protection of your valuubles Because we have but one service, and that the best we can possibly give. All our customers aro in the preferred class FEMALE OP SPKCIES AKE MORU CMJVKIl THAN MALE. LEADVILA.E, Colo., Aug1. 23. Two young women left town the othe day, slender wnlstid and fair. The following day they returned. An ob serving polico officer noticed an tn- gon. wns organised February 27, 1884, with Kev. Hubert McLean -is stated supply. Wm. A. Wright as clerk, and the following charter mem bers: K. T. naldwln. A. P. Hall. A. F. Benton, Mrs. Kebecca Ilouton, Miss X. Gordon, Mrs. Harriet Koberts. Mrs. Lucy M. Sears, m. A. right. Mrs. Jennio L. Wright. Only the lust are now known to be nllvo. Tho roll ot pastors of tho Church is as follews: Kev. Kobort McLean. 1884-1885: Kev. Eneas McLean, 1885-; Kuv. Kobert McLean, Rev. Sayro. 1SSC-; Rev. Joseph Hamilton, August. 18SS 1889; Rev. A. P. Lott, September, ing, fitted with pockets each pocket. 1889-1892; Rev. J. H. Cornwall. Aug- containlng a pint of Intoxicant. ust. 1892-1893; Rev. F. J. Edmundo, The grand Jury will consider this February. 1893-1893; Kev. A. 'J. newest device ot ftiieving the drouth. ' Goodfrlond, December, 1893-1893; HOW TO (JET ItU'll Above, left o rightThomas W. T-iniont nnd Eliot Wadiwoilli Below, left to right Charles II. Haklns and Mitchell Davis Kollansbcc More than a hundred famous men from all parts of tho country have .M0ret.rcs Campo, ( heen brought together by the "Old Grads' Summer School," the objoct of ' . .,' . ,.' ' which is to help raise an endowment fund ot $11,000,000 for Harvard Uni- ''ac 1lcl'oan' "" verslty. Hero are four men who are students and proficient in the move ment. They are Thomas W. Lamont, of J. P. Morgan & Co., and Eliot Wadsworth, financier and Red Cross official, who arc acting as joint chair men of the campaign; Mitchell Davis Follansbee. attorney and financier, and Charles H. Haskins, professor of history' and dean of the Graduato School ot Arts and Sciences. Klamath State Bank "THE DAYLIGHT BANK" . Corner Sixth and Main liny Kit lint uluit jiiii mill, Ml nt .t..MMMM......t.,.t crease of many inches in waist line. At the station they were found have "Life" belts made of bed tick- ans Desire" With LEWIS S. STONE and All-Star Cast An Extra Big Picture at Regular Prices Kev. Conuell Co-, 1897; Kev. W. H. 1897-1900; Kov. George Ilrow March, 1900-1902; Kov. W. P. Shields, April, 1902-January, 1903; Kov. W. H. Elscn. 1903-; Kev. W. O. Smith, September, 1903-1907; Kov.. George T. Pratt, October, 1907-Fob-huary 28, 1911; Kov. J. S. Stubblo fleld, November 19, 1911-April 1, 1915; Kov. CIiuh. T. llurd. August 1G, 1915-Aprll 1, 1917; Kov. K. Percy Lawrcnco, November 10, 1917. The present of il ora of tho Church aro as follews: Kev. E. Percy Law- i rencu, pastor; Elden), J. 11. Mason, 1908; C. C. PJ10; Geo. I. ', Wright, 1910; Arthur K. Wilson, 1915; Hort C. Thomas, Clurk of Ses sion, 191; nnd W S. Slough, 1919.' Trustees: A. R. Wilson, Chairman of the Hoard, 1912; Ilert C. Thomas, : 1115: W C. Hunt, 1910; W. B. Slough, 1910; Andrew M. Collier,' 1917. and Prod E. Fleet, 1917: Superintendent of Sunday School, mlrew M. Collier. Ladles Aid Seciety: Mrs. A. D. Ad dison, president and Mrs. Fred K. ri!ot, vlco-presldont. I adles Missionary Soclety: Mrs. A. , M. Wortlen, president, and Mrs. W. S. Slough, hecretary. Tmlnnvnr RnclntV! MiSS wuwi.ii . Fern Hanks, president. ugust, iS9x-!ChamDion Sharnshooters in National Rifle Matchei ill uicniorii, April, , ,, . aiaweii, n. j. Today's Anniversaries TENSE and gripping in Us theme, this drama of the Northwest lumber country presents the forceful Lewis S. Stone, noted star of the stage and pictures, iiTa masterful portrayal It is the 'story of two men and a girl, one man a brute in mind and body, who loved in primitive fashion, the other the product ot civilization and cities who won the frightened girl o' the woods. Picturesque Outdoors Great Snow Scenes A Big Lumber Camp in Operation Liberty jheatre Sunday and Monday 1823 Goldwln Smith, Canada's famous publicist, author and educat or, born In England. Died at Toronto, Juno 7, 1910. ! 1884 Bombardment of Foochow, , China, by tho French. 1 1894 Lockout ot 25,000 mill wor kora at Fall River, Mass. i 1898 International Joint High ' Commission mot at Quebec to con sider tho Alaska boundary question. 1908 Daron Speck Von Stornburg Gorman ambassador to tho United States, died In Germany, 1910 Liberal end clerical factions fought in tho suburbs ot Barcelona, Spain. 1914 Japan made a declaration ot war against Germany. 191C Zeobrugge, Gorman submar lno bono in Belgium, bombarded by tho Allied fleet. 191C North and south .ot tho Sommo heavy artillery fighting con tinued all day. 1917 Russian forces began with drawal from tho Klga-Dvina sector. VftiftA f )i and K. Poytoii. left: Stanley Hmitli, riltt . .... li.n.n!S. I ... -iiirt rhnmuiuu,,'-i I' nut, IflleI winner or m "... I L, K. Poyton, Fifth Marines, winner of tho A. E Stanley Smith, 30th Infantry, Third Division, Allied Individual mutches, nro tho two loading roprcHontuuiiH " . lean Expeditionary Forces now competing In tho National riue w1"' UUIUWOM, n, J. Today's Birthdays Admiral Sir Aloxandor E, Botholl, commandor-ln-clilof at Plymouth dur ing tho war, born C4 years ago today. Hon, W. M, Martin, promlor ot Saskatchewan, bom at Norwich, Cm., 43 yoars ago today. Arthur W. Brown, navigator ot thu noroplano which trade tho fllgh: from Newfoundland to Iroland, horn In Glasgow, 33 years ago todiv James A. Rolph. Jr., mnyor ot Snn Francisco, born in San Francisco, GO years ago today. Prof. John Douglas Adam, of tho Hartford Theological Somlnary, horn Scotland, a- Candler, o H'l .. mi r.l ITnltrlrV. Krntlallll. 3" J'"" I ..V . M... .. , tUny, Tll.liAn Wiirrftn A. M. E. Church. South In Carroll CcMJ ty, Ga C2 yoars ago touay. Best yot. Herald VantAd -t--'! 1 PIANO TUNING Is an art when it satisfies the exactions of the world's j greatest pianists. Our tuner, Mr. Morgan, was entrusted with this class of work for nearly three years under Sherman & Clay & Co., in San Francisco. i His services still available for a limited period. I Earl Shepherd Co.