'.jfLfMfa;"'W, UCfL Al.flWISI,l"' mhiipaV FOR SALE jj.yWT .USED AUTOS- Ht Seven pawcnKur Studolmker. HI till" Daby drnncl Chevrolet. ilineo'thoKilil.,. )J Oldimobllo ! Il fori . . ... n.l- linr lailil III nan; - HI Bulck llomliti-r ill Fora i'cukjij ho maxi inii ";"; ote!S:V Nt to IWofflce. MONEY TO LOAN llrounfdl niiiiii-y cm ycmr ninrli loir home or the home m want to , lee mi1 can give ou long paymcnlM with low Interest nM. If tmi haron't a home ncuv Ik tint l.mitojetonc 1 11" vc lingo list or i to select mini ii ri u win nr- it my payment f..r ou. Start r ina o n your nun noine. II the prlro In right I II get the boyer U3t yor prop'irtloM vutn mu JAMKS M W.VTKINS. .lit . Tanforary nlllfo with Hodge tlm Tailor. G2U Main HI lon Ho Acres land Fee 3G Tit IJI.R 11 Vntl Klnmnlh ( i tiin-.Iiii: lt:Jilotk lanil have wmie roml tlm IStt I haven't nny 113.1 for It siitd want Itudl. Mike nil offer Address MKIn- llejSltclHl, 202 's Htiirk St.. I'nrt Ibid. Oreton. 4 -2 fit IrOR 31I.B-1C0 ncrc-t, homestead rellnqtlihmetitu, fully Improved. I far Strahorn railroad Twenty-six Bflc from Klnmadi Falls. For parll iiliM address No 1C Herald Office. lMft' FOR SALK--Completely furnished home (modern) close In at a har- t!-Phone 312 or call Heohorn of. fw t!2 Main St. 18-tf TOR BAU-MHcliell cir In ;ood MBdltlon A ImrKnln If sold at cote Inaulro Mr. I.ee. Whim i..n. wCarage. 18-Bt IrOR SAhE OR THADI-:- CooklnK I Utensil nt vnrlnnx 1, 1.. ,1 i.. Wi or two, noarly any kind of n w. Perking Kunilluru Houso. 20-tf unnlnm n., i,-.n InT .' ""'' '""ii'nB. rnnconn, lOr Ills n. l,t n. i.i, .... ' .. u." "u. .riiiB rurniiure lHOC. 9n.if .K'i.'!!- liik c ' !. ' i"lBl"re. (.an ;i;in "Hot. or Phono 247 M. 1 2-tf Tnl,IM-F" or trade. ,, "" " trcHcent Ave, "'. in r.. -ufc- roRSAt.p ...!.--. .. I fti,-,v."r"r"" ""oivy K- ""nil, Ore. m.in. 'S!1 n'0 fr atilo; Klrst ttrttl wuuulon-JH'hl ''ow. 23 Main I-L 31-tf offk Add,,lon' 286M nf- -Jl!!0"- 18-61 t0"KrlT,T 7.'loncolot. "w """ mum Ht. 7tf HELP WANTRn .l ."T'drl fnr neimrni !..... B&Ba!" .aail -L1 h " 1-tf Cher - .flcnfed prcBBPr nn.l ,lhDJMVok, ll!l"mncl,l. llnm- Uten' LonB job. Im,ulru noraVj p."! 20-Ct" TED-h eeHVn.0M f,,, r., nr. IIUa . hr't 'o work ,, , , l,0' "nmodl- from tho llrst tiny of thu session. vMI furnish i r,"",R I,na ovo"- J. ' J'1'3"'. Assessor. 1IY. 'Wkliw' Dairy. Phono' NOTICK WiT 22tt J-'TEDp,! - . . I I ni now nreiiarnd tn furnish i .... I1ILMI l..i.,.i , . : . . C"1! Section ifor;, . .r ...,or 8 9,lnflt" Bnni1 from tllu ,,(,0'' Unl11 Wlorpl,o,!l?nfll!SBfo,8 s"' " Bvol pit, In nny qnnntlty : "''On Pi, ' "n,.u,nt our oxnnnso. ibni mn i, jn,ir.,i i,v Mnimetnn mM6 DPI iriLJHE AM jflSSIFIED COLUMNS1 FOR RENT VWVAMAMMAMAMAWWWVVWWMWWt KOIl HKNT Furnished Apartment. :inl &. Main. Phono 3 i 'J. 22-21 LOSTNDFOUND "wiiArf"w I.O.ST H(iiitn locket with diamond setting, containing lady's picture. I.llnrul ICnwird If rutiirni'il to Her iih! Office. ih-Ci MISCELLANEOUS FAIt.MKItS Have .111 per cent on your feed I1 1 1m liy chopping your liny . ('out 2 Till per ton. I.cnvo orders at llnlilwln Hardware Co., or hi Har ry Telford, !) miles out Merrill road. 21-1 2t WANT TO TltAI)i:for Ford truck or touring rar, .'! work iiinrcH. well broke, weight 1100 to 12110 lbs. 2 with coltM lay tlilo nutl ono yearling rolt, l-:iln. wagon anil 2 sets of work harness, I light ami ono uii'illuiii No .In tik considered K. J lllsley, llcntly. Oregon. lO-fit WANTKI) TO Illlti: - Kor nlmnt n weoki, .'( liciiil of work or pack horse ami ill; Htiltnhlo for hunting trip. Shooting Gallery, Main St.. be tween Mil ami Mil. 21-31 WANTKI) TO THADi: A room plastered Hung ilow on pavement for Biuall ranch. Wouhl asinine mii:I1 aiiiouut Jiunc M, Wail. lie . li. Plume 32011. l'o M WANTKI) Kxporleiiced wouian for housework. Phone 31. l'.i-tf WANTKI)- A small fiirnl-li it hotue or apurtinenl by young couple No "lilldron. Aildrcm lli.r-td Orrir.' "2 tf TO I.KASi: The hent piiyliiB npart- uintit licniHM In the city Jium-H M. WatkliiH. Jr. I'liono 320U. 20-f.t CITY riAIMIAUIl When you witit OarhiiKu removoil pl;one ill. 11-tf WANTKI) TO IH'Y Oil TIIAl)i:--Knr any mid all lcltidn of furniture. 1'er- kltm. uo-tf WANTKI) TO TltADK a New rnn,:o for mi old miii, you p.iy tii- dlffer- encii, Perkins Furniture Ilouse. 2U-tf KXCIIANOl-ChllirK bed and sprlnj; for nIzq hud mid sprliiK 7 1 1 Walnut Ave. 21-31 FOR IlKNT rnfunilshed rooms. In ejulro nt lurr.o house, 4th and Klnni nth. 21-51 Fifty dollars or moro nnd an ol.I nngo will get ono of my new onw. I'ci kins' Furnlluro Jluuao 2(J-tf WANTKI) 1'onltlon iih camp cooks hy man nnd l(o, Can furnish refer- enceH. Used to largo camps. Hall Hotel, lloom 2. 22-lt WANTKD Position in offlco by high school girl with some knowledge ' of typowrltor. Willing to work u few wooks without salary to provo ability. AddrusH XYS5 Moralil. 22-21 LEGAL NOTICES III the County Court of the State of OreKon, l'or the County of Khuu- I Jrth. In tlio Matter of the Kntuto of Nichol as F Kenneally. Deceased. NOTICH IS HKHKIIY. (51VKN, That the undersigned has filed in the above entitled court and matter his final account and that Saturday, the . (ith, day of September lillil, at thu' courtroom of th uhovo ontltlPtl court. In the County Courthouso, in the City of Klniniitli Falls, Klamath County, Oregon has boon fixed hy the Court hns the tlmo and place, at ' which objections will bo heard to said ncrount and thu sauiu sett led. All persons having objections thereto will ,fllo Iho snmo with tho County Clerk or will nppenr nnd object thereto cin or before tho ilnto set for sottlumont of the unino. i HlClIAIll) KKNNKAI.I.Y. I Ailmlnlstriilor of tho Kstato of Nlcholiis F. Klntioally, Deceased. 2-9-1C-23-30 NOTICK TO TAA'IMYICHS. Notice Is hornhy given that tho 21-Ct Hoard of Kqunllaitlon for Klamath County will ho In Hesslon nt tho Coun ty Court Houso bfglnnlnu Momliiv. Roptomhor 8, 1010. All protests against assessments inu.it ho filed in.. with I in llmiri wllliln u v II II VH THE EVENING HERALD. NOTICi: INVITING I'llOI'OMAI.S. I'lirMiiiuit to orilliiiinrn and order of llii. ('(iiiiliKin Couuell of the city of KIiuiiiiIIi KniiM. Or,.,;,,,,, notice m hereby ,;lvi!ii i,,l proiMitialM will h lecuhed hy Kalil Coiiiiiioii Council of lint clly of Klamath Kalln, OreKon, no ce Ih hereby ,:vn that propoKiilH wl hi) receUe.l ,y Halil Coo ( iiiiiivII for makln,: tin, lniiroi.,neiit 'l;;Hlm'il for the Improve,,,,.,,! ,)f HlKli Htreet from Ull, Street weHterly to I Ml Htreet Inclmim,: IritewuloriH, "' ll. 2nd, 4th, nth, et and 7th h rem, , from Mlj-t. Htreet Houlherly to I I ho Htro-t. lncli,,K InterHectloiiH. Halil propoHed lliiproveinerit o he made In accordance with the plntm ami HpeclflcatlmiH of the cltv eni'ln. er for one of the other of the cIiinrch or Improveninnt mentioned therein and approved by the mild council, and In accordance with Ordinance No. 471 adopted on the 11th day of AiikukI, 1 9 lit, and hy the mayor approved on the Hlli day of AukuM lillO. Halil plaiiH, xpcclflcalloiiK and eatl miileH helm: on file with the Police .IikIkd and In thu office of the City KtiKlneur The proponed Improvement will he let In one contract nnd the time In which the mi mo In to bo completed Ih fixed by mild ordinance for Novem ber iHt, lillil. IJIdH milHt be filed with the I'ollce JiiiIkii for HiibmlxHlon to the Council, at hlH office In the city hall of Halil clly not later than K o'clock p. in. of the 2ritli dav of AuciiHt lillil; at which time and place propo.nlH will be opeiieil ami coiiKldered. Kach pro pon.il iniiRt be accompanied by a cert fled rhei k on Home rcHponHlble bank to the amount of T, per cent of the ai:re,:atn propnn.il, to he forfeited by the RiirreKHful bidder upon failure to enter Into contract ami bond for the faithful completion of the Improve ment n accordance with the contract. The cltv of Klaunlh KiiIIh renerxInK the ilKht to reject any and nil pro- pOHllH. The award to the huccckhMI bidder for maklliK the proposed Improve ment l hereby miide contingent up on the Hale of the bondH authorized ' -vide funds for making said Im provement The plann. npeclflcntlonH nnd e 'itinntes above roforred to embrace, provide for the proponed Improve ment of mild Ht reels by Kmilliif; same to the established rnide from prop city line to property line on IIIkIi Street from fith to Mh Street, and r.tli. and 7th Streets and Intersections between Hlnh and I'lne Strets. and from property line to oropcrtv Uni on IIIkIi Street from Gth to 1t Streets, and 1st . 2nd. Ith nnd r.tb Stret'ts from 1 1 U.l) to I'lne Streets, inid hard MurfarliiK "aid pavement L'". feet wide on IIIkIi Street from ''.111 to Mh Street nnd Oth and 7th Streets from IIIkIi to l'in" Streets, and 2" feel wide on IIIkIi street fiom Cth to lnt, Streets, and 1st. 2nd. 4t!i Mh. from lllch Street to I'lne Street In cltidlni; concrete rurlis, with either oil macadam, rnnriutp or bltullthlc liavemeut, tncludlni; cement side walks I feet wide on both Miles of said HtreclM Proposals are reciuested mi all liaiisps of paement mentioned Dated at Klnmatli Tails. OrcK). this lr-th day of AiiBimt 1!H' A I. I.KAVITT. lfi-10t Police JudKO CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds nnd Hooting Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracto" Dassengers 17 and Baggage ANYWHKHK IN THIS CITY OL'ICK HKHVICK lti:.SOAIH,l; HATKS I'lIONK 187 WesternTransferCo. It's a Long way to walk If you aro out In-tho country nnd find thnt tho repair work you had dono does not stand up try us and you'll rldo and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Y buy and sell New nnd Second hand Cms. Speak to us before you buy. Wo can save you mon ey. Watch for our specials. New City Laundry WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Shirts and Collars Laundered Wo nlsn wash hIIIc, wool nnd col ored goods very carefully. Try us (inro nnd bo convinced. Our price nro right. Phono in I. 127 Fourth Street Hack of First National Bunk KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON One Year Ago Today in the War lliltlsh airmen bombed CoIokiu, Krankfort and .M innhilm. (Ii'ii. Foe), received IiIh baton ! a Mnniliiil of IVasic, trom I'ruHldijnl Polnciire. Ilrltlsh lieifiiii ne.v and extended of fensive on front between Arrim mid llii) Homme. MuvIiik plctlilcn ,-ire H'-viTely cen ' IKored In .lapan In hIx months the police (fiiHors removed 2,rsf0 klsscjH from films. Only the klsa (,'ranted to CcilumbiiH by Queen Isabella waH al lowed to he shown. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. MnetR Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, Cth and Main streets. P. J (ierges , N. 0.; Fred Ilremer, Secretnry; P. h. Fountain Treasurer. Kwauna Kncamprnent No, 46, I. O. O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, C I ; Nato Otterheln, Scribe; P. U. Fountnln Treasurer. Exclusive Portraits BOND lUDIO' 1136 Main St 20,000,000 Feet Timber for Sale Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake The launches "Spray" and "Oak land" will run excursions every Sunday, leaving the mall boat Inndlng nt 8 a m., allowing five hours at Ilocky Point. Faro $1.50 from landing for round trip. Bus leaves Western Transfer office at 7:30 n. m. Calkins & Hamilton AMM40 ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright nnd prosperous hy Painting, Knlsomining and Taper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103W THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders VooiHch Chill Con Carnl Open all night Just off Main on 7th A little off of the Main street, ut It pays to walk FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 Phono 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.s , Peel mid Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnoction OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 20 0 I. O. O. F. Dldg. mh. v. m. ih,i:ytiiino, SPECIALIST In DIHKAHKH of the HKAItT and ni:iivoi;h hyhti:m. 420 Main Street, Phono CO Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trip Our Specialty ItcnHonablo lUtes Phone 1SI) 822 Klamath Ave. oAAAV4MVWWWV COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. tn. to 9 p. m. GOOD COFFEE AND REAL CREAM r Coe's Jitney Service Mny Phone 168 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 I.bs. 7."c n.MSHKI) WORK PIT WORK ICOL'GH DRY ".Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner Main Ami Conner HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle tho Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Dinmond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK US S. Otb St. Klamath Falls nWMVs KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacks nilthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 617 Klamath Ave. SVWAIWsAIVNAAWWWW j KOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Coa Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 176-J WM4MMAAAAA t Phone 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. WMWWAgM)AAilSV DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 151J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 151M 1909 Main St. MWWMMHAMAAAAMMArtMMMMMArtMMMAA. i E, L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Wlllita Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon GLASS Phone mo and I come and give you a prlco that will savo you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. . E. C. STUCKY. 1140 Main. Phono 840-W. PAGE HKVKri PROFESSIONAL CAR PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cnn Mrs. Itosa McDnnlclfl, 301 High St Phone 455 T1IK PAIHS1AN IIMAUTY HIIOI I'aclal MiissacitiK, lllenclilnf and Facial Packs Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Treatment 510 Main I'liono 800 u r onui ccr 4 i tti.tt r r KATHERINE SCHLEEF I'lijftiiianN und Hnrgeona Office, White llhlg. M-:XK-XX-M-X-M-X-W' i DR. G. A. MASSEY SucccHHor to Dr. Trnaz Mult 200, I. O. O. F. Dldg Office phone 80J lies I'honc 80M DR. CARTER HENTIST WHITE RUILDING 1'IIONE 385 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh anil Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST I.oouils Illdg., Klamath Falls -1 DIt. C. A. RAMIIO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE Gl CITY AM) COCVrV ABSTRACT COMPANY KI7 Muln ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD ! Osteopathic Physician Surgeo 8ultr 211. I. O. O. V. Tempi (over K. K. K. Htore) 1 1 Phone 821 .. Jl (The only Osteopathic Physl I clan and Surgeou tn Klamit) ! Fall ) u . SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer nnd builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Comp.lete plants contract ed. Appraisals und reports made. Dredging. Wn contract to build nny class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Building J. C. CLKGHORN Civil Engineer und Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 160. Res. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & Hlabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. I i i "CM. K U' Co. Mt. Ilob.. indbuUdorY 22-3t ' AL F. GRAHAM. "Xi-i"-X"X'''4Mf4-4