(UTUHI w, ,V(.VHT 2!i, !'. REPEAL DF LAW PLEASES MANY! Mr riin' tlwy suffer from went t onrnshm fHHIl (III! Iltlvilllll'll limn Vlllll fill III activities, It Ih Willi, iimihi to titdliiutu with flock (Inn. In mijiHMii towns mill titles riiriuciH ii , hmIiI, ttt tint iImIImii pt oil in o in i,,,!,, fiurjiiutitty early In tin. mornine n Ihu f iiiiioih vtitl liy mum iimi m , dor to moot ground coiiilliiotiH milk .. I ..I...... lllll- III II WH 11 III II IU utilil II.... f 'rlllll ' lirilHK"""! '" "" " "' "" 1I"-J nlll Art' lliiPPJ' T,i"i- iiiiiuniiiii 111 riniiu; iiitii Umkiui: mi Hour earlier In oider to lo.nl wag on, or produce to nifiil tniliiH Tln also decline cows, i likldMin iimi mi), or fiirm ulilliialH cannot a Jtinl them solved tel tint now rlotl limit, Inn n. qulro iittt'titloii nccoritliiK lo iiiitiiiul custom iimi Htm tliitu hours THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I'AOK TIIHKH i'Z' L:t ,!": ,:::" !"tt;..,"r'"!"" i: .' - i-.-i,,i,t wm, i, nm and win t, ,t ...' , ""'' ,'"" ""' r t" notice - in i i mi i ii iiiii r i 1 1 1 i ii ,. ...i i , ' nun -i ii t;vn M I ..t...l Mint UiS-trf wmw h.. IdK' ,J,M ......mtiiV Ann 2.1 AKita- 7r Z, or "... ...yiwi -"f " Vhawn.e run ntly repealed. Ilri.1 'I from fr.m', ln.tr... ..ntlylmH ""."" ''' ",,M,r ,,,,l,mM' Si, : " r"r'" h"""" nul,;;,r' ". ...I . other Interest. Ur- Zrz"1: m.ll.r town, iwtvo niiiio .t against Z M Conicrcf "'" 00',t,U petition- fr rrl of 1"" lw. la collblon with o counloMlood urg .. retention of the statute. Ixai of tmio in ""' ." " trlielpal objection ruisou iu wu i". Xhli complaint comes principally ton farmera employing llrei1 J1""1-'' ud. opponents of tint law declare. ,11 farmer, at boiiio tlmo during the ,nmmer aeaion, are omplo)or of hi dor, mil uffer from thu law lUnnl mi Working Da) The complaint of loss of labor In lined principally on Urn shortening oftbe orkliiK ln on tin. farm by lock .mo Hour NOTION TO CONTUAOTOIW. Illll.' I'mii.miii i :' mmvm fr,i,, M... .1,.,. of tin- flr.it inlii.iii f tllH ,l0t,r '. ""' " ' " I'O'.ll.llt,,,,, tt, )() 01I ' iiKimi . ; i - 'i f '' I" I" I . Ottlll r no IIHd'HBIll HI.' Willi t III 'nil,, t,t, r ......i ,l, ,, , 't,'i,,j ui mini 'liy llll'lr Ullll(lill0lH III liny Nlltll HMiw,i,.,,iM In lnMl,.lln.ntH wlihln .!!!',, f ,.'"H ,"!"""m: with tl, irH Mi..ii.iunin (,r tlilit iiollrij It It llt.riifi it u ii..m, l K Mdlniinltl l. K. MtDomtl.I . . . I' M t'lilltoiu . K.hw.nj T in:i:lfiHoti A A Mcllinaii I' M CIiIIioim Joint K. Drcltt.r Orovlll,. i; rrcticli 07 no XCi oo 000,25 2S!),20 I577.CO 122.40 1009.20 a tin (itt'l H II KvnnK . I lcivl, ,lr . . . l-y.llit A. Hlftlor MarKitrct Aliraliam I' T HriiiilctrKCin Kstato 422.30 Ardtlo C. Colttcm 8C6.10 Corn Haiiilorfton C98.82 'Hun. U Millllni-ton C3.9C Thou It HklllliiKton . . .. 490.21 l;ilali.)tli A (IrlKHby 772.70 i llrowcr I' T HainloiHori Kmatcj I' T. KatnliirHori IMaln '.n r.o or. 7r, 1K0 10 8'J 10 7 1 mi 2,l!'M7'j Kla,"Uth I'"all'' 0rn- Au5"1t A. h. LIAVITT, llil nr .. .........j.n,,,, i,-)i,aiii .. n - ,r ' ' '' Hnmlemoii llHtato ... . 21 c-2S II orom .1 LK"I'Jnnk .Moorland Honlod Dlilti will bo rocolvod and ,.!IU.C."?? F10?. "l tho ofC( of ,1'ollrct JutlBo f tiio C Itv of Ki.,n.,ii. lLa,,ra c- Chaml?rlln 182.G7 r. iiniuo, uu i fouowH' mug. until i KjiIIh. On-iron. i"c . CliamburlJn 915.41 250 r,r, 311.70 2fi0.5r, 32G.70 C28.40 draco M. K Cliurcli 782.10 firnrt) M. 4:. Church 1377.15 KalHy H. Cox 82C.80 M. I Kvanu C4C.00 Marrlo Jamison 4G8.60 H C. Chnnilicrlln 370.47 l-llcn Mason Kstato C28.69 noon of Haturilny, August 30th, for tlui cxcavatlnR or a hiiHomuut for building to bo oroctod. Cor. Main A 6 Hi St roots. 20-Ct m . President llutlor of Columbia Unlrorslty prodlcLs that tho Amurl- can form of government will bo at stake at tho oloctlon In 1920. LEGAL NOTICES C4.00 0. J. Enkolson , 82.40 N..U.O , ,.r,M,ly o on MftrK(i y-?rrinr SIMS 09.70 851. RO Henry Offenbacher 477.1 k Agnos Orcra G92.06 ' F Sovlts 146.95 Ilostora French . 235.15 I,ydla Truax 512.70 U.KU,, . - --""........ w.-i in; ItrilllUH K'J1 V'?1ar 'M Wn"E'ln M. nedficld 1 mm Hi-xt I'ubllraUon of fliia Almn nc. Ni,l ,n I.. ..,.-. . ... .. --.... wu.u. T ' '" "tiicn 10 mo nppllca. tloiw to pay tht-lr luncusnu-ntg in Ten Annual installment, in ao corclaiuo With tlio Followlnji Not ice of I'miMirtlonato AMrMMtinnt. Nolle.) h hohnhT rlvnr, tti.t M..ir t ,..- -fr!" Common Cmnc.l of tho city of Klam- cV l Kotaor J.'ZT 353 60 No 478 du V aclnnlnil nn ti. m.i. ir n .',. ?!?" day of August ,,,, "i d appVovcd by .Agnea iZZZZZZ III l It.? ioY.?r r",th 1u9,h dar of AUB" AK" Nrtli . 769 50 ust 1919, declare) tho proportlonato II v. Hi,nni.r,i ,;; ""'NHniont upon each lot. part of lot, II. A. fcmmltt ..l'Z."''"!l': 38435 W. II Corhlcr Klamath hv c Klamath l)v. Co Itoltort Alexander Anna Miller Mlnitlo , Sargent IJintna i; (Mnsherg Klamuth Dev Co V O I.yon Drury Duller John J Hooney M V Hhort Mrs It. .M Holler . A I) .Miller U V. Whltej Klamath Bev. Co C. W Alurphy . Klamath I)ev. Co . Klamath Dev. Co. . Klamath Dov. Co , Klamath Dev. Co . Klamath Dev. Co. . Klamath Dov, Co. . Muurlco L. Johnson 211.20 Maudo A Duncan 211.20,1;, u Hhtirk .... 105.00 K. T,. Shtiek D II Campbell 1) H Camphell . lohn Htrognn Ilobt Alexander Ilobt. Alexander Ilobt and Carrie Alexander Ilobt. and Carrlo Alexander Jennie Fuse N. II Newhanks 10r, iio l' r, co 211 20 211 20 211 20 105 CO 105 CO 10r, CO 52 80 r 9 "jri 5 2 80Wa"crJ Anderson 105 CO KlKmatl' Hev Co. . ioc!eoIJ'i"'Tl,rnf'r 422.10 TfHS Turner 422.40 f8" Turner 422AQ wm. K. Ilaloij 422)40 1 Vm. F MalcH 211.20 211.20 844.80 1207.20 211.20 84 1.80 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 105.60 105.60 422.40 211.20 211.20 211.20 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 105.60 422.40 1 Win. F Hales . . 422!40' Mobt. and Carrie Alexander an'on D. A. I,amh 211 2o!l. V. Olsen 105.60 Ollvo E. Holts 422.40. ',. F. Olsen JOtf.liO Klamath Dov. Co 422.40 C Engloman 105.60 Klamath Dev. Co 490 4mE. V. and R C. Paddock .... 105.60 A. McCully 422.40 Klamath Dev. Co 105.6I Notlro tc Property Owners 011 I, In coin Htrcct, lliat They Hne 20 IM) From Pint Publication of TIiIm Ncitlin In Willi Ii to Pile Ap. pllcnlion to Pi.) Their Ahm-...1 ,ock Ami nrrX ,'" ".," ,"OI' H. A. IJtnmltt 384.35 me... I.. Tpii ln.tu.il l.t.ltill.l .hnnpm 639.70 tn.n.K Acorclnnte Will, the "''r'J 'C Vl COa J ' MeCollum 69.70 FullimlnK Notice of l'nH.ill..ii.iS rlv Ihm S? rii Til l"T J?8 'W-T. Talor 286.70 in AHHCNinrnt. ,iMh . . " Jf, C!h,S,.relt. l? Vi0 !U,cllnr'1 McIIibho 1047.30 .......' ... '.'?" " '" "IOCK i. Prank W' Osburn 769.50 -I .. 4 1... t lhea.lranci.il, .........--- ....... , N()C() , Ilf.r1,y Kh() ,. nnd the. soutlierly line of lot 30. block (' 1, from March to October rim farm. Common Council of tint Clt of I of H. ron.l Railroad Addition to Prank v dt cl.ire lliey rnniinl ' Kluiiinlli Palls. Oregon, did In or- tlin city of Klam.ith Falls, including ( A An H, H, A, McCully 4 22.40 Edmund M. Chllcoto 211.20 C. A. Hunting 211.20 O. W. White . 11.20 J. O. Wheeler . 211.20 Anton Fcmlnls 211,20 Goo ,H. Morryman ,.,,, 211.20 Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 L. L. Truax, ct ux 422.40 L. h. Truax, ct ux 422.40 N. D. Olnsbach 422.40 Frank Dickey 211.20 Edwin A. Wood 211.20 K. Sugarman ot ur 211.20 Henry A. Orlmes 211.20 Wilson S. Wiley 211.20 Wilson 8. Wiley 211.20 Wilson S. Wiley 211.20 L. O. Mills 211 20 Mrs. E. J. Murray 211.20 Mrs. E. J. Murray 211.20 Henry L. Henson 422.40 P. M. Ready 422.40 Ktnmnlti TlAr Co. 5V- J. J. Dclaney 211.20 Ivle Spencer 211.20 Juanlta J. Hubbard 211.20 Frank C. Walker 844.40 Hydraulic Stone and Brick Co 1372.80 Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, Augmat 23, 1919. A. L. LEIAV1TT, Police Judge of the City of Klamath, Falls, Oregon. Notice to Property Owners on Eighth Street, Uncoln and Jeffersom Streets, That They Have 20 Days From First Publication of ThU Notice In which to file Applies tions to pay their assessments tm Ten Annual Installments in Ac cordance with the Following Not Ice of Proportionate Assessment. Notice Is herebr elven that tna NTIt I Intl Q Tllrnrn AnA t fk II ll li -flU renco ... 422 20 I wi,v.Jbi t.tu uuuuuu luuuvii ui uu vii ui xviam rial ;; 'J' ' cooper 422.40 am Fans, orecon. did. by ordinance ooq on Klamath Dov. Co 422.40 No. 477 duly adopted on the 18th Osburn mold ... .Amr. n flfll l'J uui"w"" idluil farm work to tint utlnuruii .'" ', uiiiy nuiipieii on "."'nituoiiH. I Arllo Worrell Winn l """"""" w 844.80 aay 01 August iia, ana approvea oy I iM,n ttith tin. clotk uiltiiui ' " ""! !'" ,,,f August, il!i mid The pr. rt so tiKseeil ,y h t'd ic'Ii.ib Donint 20n 2ft I Kli,math Dev- Co 844.40 i the mayor on the 10th day of August time because, wild Hit .lock a. hi. . ll,ir(,u.( , ,,, Ma)()r ,( ,,Jh , , , a ,(1 prop. rt Mng'c " "' ' 5 f'? i Klamath Dov. Co 422.40 1919, declare the proportionate - eJanbour. farm work titiin.it bo be- ,,,y of August, 1919 litre the ailjaent to Haiti part of mtld Htt-elH V leiH steuart ron'Jn ' K ,:- Sielaff 422.40 sessment upon each lot. part of lot. inn nearly In tin' morning as under proportionate. tiNseNsiueul up n each bet we. u the alime mentioned ter 'srhooi DlHtrlri sA"i on-i' iX ! K I: Slelaff 422 40 block and acreage property found to the normal llmo silieilule. anil must lut. I",rl "f '" ,,loc,k ""'I a. reagu mini ami extending later. to theirmv, ,. s,o . ,,? ' "r.77W ' !?!amalh Dev- Co 422-40 be enefited and liable for the cost .1 n l,nr n.rller Tills Ih be !!r.,,,"ri f."1"1 '" '"' '"'"'""''I '"' " '""r "f "' r tlhc blocks lying Oated Klamath Ki l","A""orn Aolm.i 1 KI;imath ev. Co 422.40 of improving Eighth Street from close an hour earlier This Is be ,,, fr ,,, UIH, (f lllllrmUK lM I1iJciit to hiI.I part of h..i.I str.tB o, ,i,,. ' Auguat Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 High street northerly to Prospect cause tho ilu on the groutitl In the coin slteit fiom Ninth street e.iHtei- so far as the Ininriue.n. m tlw.r.,.n ' ' . . U C. Perry . 422.40 Street: Lincoln Street from Eighth k. IS. J.1VJV V I 1 1 . I ..tlr mornlnir tirovettts nlouliiK and,1) ll) l.luveiith street. IiicIiiiIIiu: .... extends olher farm labor uniler the a.lva.ice.r',,,'M,.t',","'.M' t1'' "i" l' H ,rrl",l,m . T""1 ''"' ,lor,o1 "f r" hna . , , ni""' '""' rlKht of way apptirienant'been iiniile up as proMdeil b seetlo-i lime icbcdule tliowto. 2CS of the rhurtcr. and the following Farm hands, hired men vtr, It Is Tho properly so ttHsexHed b said ' a list of the names of owners of rnnifmlc!. 111 tint work after i; n ortllltaiir Ih all the prouertN hlni!i the property so HHsexsed as shown In m dock lime or at mom 7 o'i lock n,1Jat-"t ' ') Part of said streeu huiIi bond lien docket and said ord b. doc. Hint, or at noHi , o . lock bltt , tu nbow I,,,lon.,1 ,r. I1I1I1C0 ,Kl(lr tt,tll , ,mn Aovmelng or ttte clock an Hour, mini untl extending later! to the, amount so assesHod against the prop- therefore. It Is declared, causes a winter of tho iespectle blocks llngi'rty of each owner, nntl reference Is loMof an hour's working lime at tlu!"llJ"c'nl lo NS'1 I"""' 'r said struts hi re by made to such docket of Cit nu ...r an win improvement titureon, "" 'r a uoiaiieii description of each lot, part of lot, block and acre age property so assessed. Further notice Is also given tho respecthn property owners no as sussed and heroin bolow mentioned, that such assessment Is due and oav- ablo and will bo delinquent after the expiration of 20 days from tho date i amount, so assessed nirnfiiK! iln ,. -,... or tlio Mrst nnlillr.itlnn nf (hlo nii nrlv nf .,.il. ,..... I ... , . OlnM flrui .... l.ll..... I lit i.. VnlVor.' nl,l.,il .1 ii . i . ' ' . ' "'"". will. Il'.UrUUCU IH I '"" .""' uiiill.iu.lllll will UU oil Mothers objections to tho da light hereby modo to such docket of city 'August 23, 1919.) hw ire based upon confusion of con- I'lutis for a detailed ileHcrlptlon ofl The iropurty owners so asiesHed dltlons In the liome, and, fundament- c,,rn ''" lmrt "f "" "l"cK ""1 acru- '""'st either pay In cash or make and illr loss of skuii lit rbliilmti q,,,,. "Ko Property o assessed III" with tho Police Judgo of said 7,Z 1, y '"ther notice t hIho glu-n tliel'liy their applications to pay such oecuro cniwrcn ate wakened an respectUo property owners so I assessments In Installments within nour earlier thnn tihttal under the s''Hsed and herein below mentioned.! "'" -'u das beginning with the first uv, and loso another hours sleep l ""'" """'"siiient is Him mid pa. pumienuon or tins notice Police Judgo of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Md of the day, when tho ground uixtondn In icod condition for work, hut wlthj That tho docket of city Huns has farm labor refusing to work after 6 l""' made up hh provided by section "or 7 o'clock, clotk time. If68 ,J " charter, and tho following iTk. ... .. . I'H U st of tho nuinvH of owners of The rooster crows regardless of tho property so assessed as shown h, tho daylight saWng law," ouo farm- such bond lien docket mid suld ordl- declared In a petition lo.congt ess. '"anco, togethur with the total Mothers S".Jet to lauv ,i i.v, i . . '""" " win nu i o iiiiiient nfier i in a ii t.arroit --...., ..tmuse in rertlHitl or ilia, cxplrallon of 20 .Ii.xh fr... .I,., ,l,.. Swift Comnanv . 342. 342.50 mmr to sleep during daylight of 'of tho first publication of this notice. Weed Lumber Co me evening Tluse contlllloiiH. It Is i"Cli "nit publication will bo on Fnlon Oil Co am .causo less of weight, fretful. rt . ',UMl -J' ,ylJ'' .Nc.tlre to Propert Owners on Espl.i. mule, rmltle Terrace, ami Port lantl Street, That The) Haw 20 l)i)s From Flrht Publication of This Notice in Which tci Kile Ap plications to Pay Their Assess uientM in Ton Annual Install ments In Accordance With the Follow ii a Notice of Proportion ate Assessment. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, by Ordi nance No. 479, duly adopted on tho 18th day of August, 1919. md ap proved by the Mayor on the 19th day of August, 1919, declare the pro portionate assessment upon each lot, pirt of lot, block and acreage prop erty lounu to bo benefited nnd liable for tho cost of improving Esplanade street from tho northerly side of Wall street to Paciflflc Terrace; Pa- etne icrraco from Huron street northerly to Portland street, and Portland street from Pacific Terrace easturly to tho city limits of Klam ath halls, Including intersections Klamath Dev. Co. Torbert Sanford O A. Paculseurd , Klamath Dev. Co Klamath Dev. Co JaB L Emlgh Effie McBroom Newell Klamath Dev. Co. 211.20 Street easterly to Ninth Street: and 211.20 Jefferson Street from Eighth Street 211.20 easterly to Ninth Street, including ln- 105.60 tersections. 105.60) The property so assessed by said 52.80 ordinance Is all the property lying 52.80 adjacent to said part of said streets 105. fio, between the aboe mentioned ter- H. B. Cole 105 60 'mini and extending laterly to tho 342.50 342.50 Tho property so assessed by said ordinance Is nil tho property ling Fnlon Oil Co . . S2S 00 ! adjacent to said part of said streets IH... .. -... . . . .... lintWMim fill, nlmtn munllnnn,) ,n. Less nervnii. i,i,i . i ., .. ' "" prwpuiiy owners so assessed J.", iicaroaioy tsi.tio r , , , "" . ,. "-""""-- - "a. nervous trouble and other ul.,must cither pay In cash or mak,. and J. O. Meardslev 342.50 ",lnl n'l oxtondlng laterly to the oenuor children-and the mothers. "' with tho Polltu Judge of slid J. O. Moardsler 342.50 cplor of tho respectho blocks lying too, from ronttirt uin. it... .i.tt.i.... i city their itpplleatlotiH to tm unci. Oscar Peyton 342.r,ft i '"'jneent to said part of said streets .-.- ,,.. i.(l.ltUI . - - - .-..... . .... I'h'm-,1 l t nions ' ?..Tn"'V"'H .'" That the docket of city liens has j-n been made up as provided by section 62 :!.. Dated Klamath 1'all.q Ore Aiiini rva "l. l" . arier. aim uio ionowing 449 95 23 1919. . is a llbt or the names of owners of 1 19 ''in I " A I I EAVITT the property so assessed as shown by r.90 tr. Police Judgo of t'hoVty ot KtaWh Vlbonflc11 aock,?!and,?ald ?"". 590 151 Falls, Oregon. nance, together with the total yOU ,; amount so assessed against tho prop- 1 1:. (.. ih uutn im..u(, uuu ro.urviice is T. G. McIIattan 105.60 Martin Bros 105.60 Martin Bros 211.20 J. F. Magutro 105.60 J. F. Maguire 105.60 Alice N. Patch 105.60 Alice N. Patch 211.20 E. M. Chilcote and E. M. Smith 211.20 Jesse M. Maguire 211.20 Margaret J. Kirkpatrlch .... 105.60 Margaret J. Kirkpatrlch 105.60 Roy A. Feathers 211.20 Roy A. Feathers sii.au H. W. Pollman 211.20 H. W .Pollman 422.40 f. fc. U. Gates 105.60 Alva P. Clarence 105.60 H. S. Evans 105.60 R. D. Vernon 211.20 mts. .Louise S. Hinton center of the respective blocks lying adjacent to said part of said streets so far as the improvement thereon extends. That the docket of city liens has been' made up as provided by section 268 of the charter, and the following Is a list of the names of owners ot the property so assessed as shown by such bond Hen docket and said ordi nance, together with the total amount so assessed against the prop erty of each owner, and reference la nereoy made to such docket of City Liens for a detailed description of each lot, part of lot, block and acre age property so assessed. Further notice is also given tho respective property owners so as sessed and herein below mentioned. hiul nucii assessment is due and pay- Inut ll 1 1 Mi.tiilu ii Iflil. 1 f. en.liAM n ... Ill) Zll (lllln lll.l'ltil.llii. U Hi fit.. I piii f.urM Inilnn oio r. n i - -.- ..no iroirata no urn ,.... i.... ..7 ..... ' .".". " ' v """ "" ."'" " . " "" ." .mm iii- initiiicniinu wf unions of this notice Illlil worltiiii'iiiiii, ..... Chan, ilniinrt oo rn I v.... " "i. ...... -- ..uu "eu upon the roip um f ,ho jyiioiiu Hluwart wc of worklNKiiion it is Wl,, Ilro c. A. Arnold . . ttrnwlled often to rlsu before .lux. C A. Arnold Hit and prepare breakfast by ,,rt. j1"''1 -, Addlnon .... clal light Hi...... i,. i . ' ' Struho . . thoUr'Ha,i,t , , "n,"",S H"y Klmw K' HemlHcku noursad.le, .myllglit , tho end Arthur 11. Wilson i tne day does ot lompeiiHiito foriArlh,,r ' Wilson .. o of Bi.vn mt.,i ' I-ohIb Mrudford hrdshlns .. u "".:""'" b'IiiIh Mrudford ii-. "" '.auceu Clock J, time. Rural school authoiltlm object to i M ,;0CUU81 ,,,oy 8a'- ,l l a JWp lio.li on ,,, Ilml .,. .boof1en ho to walk from to mx ,,,, , Bth0( iiml iuu JJJ bi-oro ,ln,lBM t() llrrho Suffer IlariMilps . 2S'"- -U as '""""B iiuip, ,iho dueltiru III" 95 449 95 O. IleiirdHley 4 1!) 9 5 Dntoil Klamath I'alls, Oro, Auntit 23, 1919. A. L. L1JAVITT, Pollco Judgo of the City of Klamnth Falls, Oregon. tions to pay their lucsessments in TAKE NOTICE of the HOT POINT Range d at tho Golden Rod Pro ducts Demonstration at the Tari0U8 groceries this week. Cookinp- is tnj ... wiicu iiuin gery into pleasure when jn cook the "HOT POINT styles for sale by River Electric Co. llBQQBBar bnlowr lnenttnned. new c.i i-roponioniiio Asscssmcni. that such assessment la duo nnd pay Notlco Is hereby given that tho able and will bo delinquent after tho common council or tno uuy or Jwam- expiration ot 20 das from tho date ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordlnanco of tho first publication ot this notice. No. 176 duly ndoptcd on tho 18th I (Said Hist publication will bo on ..i... . , day of August 1919, and approved by August 23, 1919.) .Notice to Property Owners on f.riint tho nias or on tho 19th day of August ' Tin. ..mnmtv ..u..nr R assessed Street. That Miey Uavo 20 Dajs 1019 declare tho proportionate as-1 must either nay in cabh or make and lico Judgo of said ppllcntlons to pay such Installments within Street. That They Have 20 Dajs 1019, declare tho proportionate an-1 must oltltor pay it from Mist Publication of 'HiN sussment upon each lot, part of lot. ' illo with tho Po Notice in Which to File Appllca- lI(U,k nllIj ncroago property found tolrity their applied Ileum to Pay 'I hell- Assessments ,,0 honofited and llnhlo for tho cost ' assessments in I in Ten Annual Installments. In Ace-oi tlaiico With the Follow lug Notice of l'icipoitloiiiito Assess. tncnt. Notice Is horeby glvon that tho Common Council of tho City of Klnmath Fulls, Oregon, elld, by Ordl- nnnco No. 474. duly adopted 011 tho 11th day of August, 1919, and ap proved by the Mayor on tho 19th duy of August, 1919, declare tho proportionate assessment upon each lot, part of lot, block nnd aciunge propei ty found to bo bouolltud and llnhlo for tho cost of ImpioWng Grunt street from Elovonth stteot northorly to Llnkvlllo Cometory. Tho pioperty ho iiHsessod by said ordlnanco Is all tho ptopeity llng adjacent to said part of said HtruoU botwoon tho above mentioned ter mini and oxtondlng latorly to tho oil on Phebo S. Sbarpless ....!...".. 21120 'aDle and wil1 ,,e delinquent after the) ti. a. neti 5 go 1 expiration ci zu aays irom the data Mrs, Kate Mugler 5' 80 1 of the flrst Publication of this notice. Helen Macdowell 105C0 (Sald first Publication will be on Ed E. Rease 105,'eo AuBuit 23, 1919.) Klamnts Dev. Co. . 2110 llle Property owners so assossed Jay Smith .'."" "H'O ' wust either pay in cash or mak and M. L Niece " 5"'so'flle wltn the Fllce Judgo of said Wm. M. and '" " "' ' city their applications to Day such 7ioVnlso fllr n' the improvement tiiereon EHa T Rlckman 50 so assessments in Installments within -.. '. I Too I'n.. "T tho OO Hal. Viarrll 1. . l. . ...,o. iiuiiutu 5' SO M..J.3 i'chiiniiii6 imu me nrst. Klamath Dov. Co 5q SO Pu,,"cptfon of this notice. Ida M. Browne "",. ko'oi J-M-Evans 733.53 Klamnth Dev. Co 62 80 V JJ- Evans 336.3S Klamath Dov. Co 52 80 it Evans 497.07 Klamnth Dov. Co 52 80 'i' M" Evans 894.37 Klamath Dev. Co. . 6280 Uoman Catholic BIbhop of Klamath Dev. Co "'!"""! los'fin I Baker 336.3S Arthur R. Wilson 35 20 uo"lan catholic Bishop of Arthur R. Wilson " 35'zo , Bake' "V";r"Z 733-5S Weed Lumber Co 70 40 ' nrnlan Catholic Bishop of Klamath Jewelry Co Z." 7o'.40 n 1? n "T"l 350-80 Mrs. Sol Runyon 105 60 S' I?n,ei,,bu: r- 1227.8 Mrs. Sol Runyon " 105 60 Ro,mn.n Catho"c Bishop of . C. B. Clendonnlng 105.60 I r,".e.-.T";:-"T".- -- 327.60 Klnmath Dev. 211.20 "" ," aul0,IC P or .sr StSS 'fsssssrs- '2,-!0 SS J: SS ::::::: IKS 1 g'"B" Sra' .1 i: t & -::::::: HSlss ' : .Ins. W. Lvtle I4n so . ,VC" ""ol. ": 67878 Luke V. Walker 21l!20 GIlbert"Fleet 211.20 John H. Foster 211.20 ' iri n NoUJ '" l,r.lM,rt' "wjcrn on Tentn i10, ri.y ,mi0 to such docket of City ' iir or 1 Ww. tl"t tl"V " 2 WajH Liens for a detailed description of " .-.. Hi!' l.",m Hr,t !,",'llrflJon of ,1,H I each lot, part of lot. block and acre- " Hi: nil Notice In AMilrh to Kilo Appllca- nge property so assessed. Further notlco is also gleh the ,..... ..."1 1 ... .. , . -...-- .. "' "."" iii-i"!!...! mn " -- respectio property owners so as corciiuico Willi tne Following o- 'sessed and herein I of Improving Tenth Street from Main northerly to Prospect Street, nnd High Street from 9th Stroot easterly to 11th Street, Including Intersec tions. Tho pioperty so assessed by said ordlnanco Is till tho ptopeity llng adjacent to said pnrt of said streets botwoun tho uboo mentioned ter mini nnd extending luterly to tho router of tlio icspectivo blocks lying adjneont to slid pnrt of said stioets so far as tho Improvement tucicoti oxtunds. That tho docket of city liens has been mado up as provided by set tlon 26S of tho charter, nnd tho following Is a list of tho names of owners of tho pioperty so nssossod ns shown by such bond lion docket and said 01 ill nance, togothor with tho total amount so assebscd against tho prop 211. 20 f 211.20 211.20 211.20 211.20 tho 20 das beginning with the llrst publication of this notico C ,M. Phlnney , C .M Phlnney Klamnth Dov. Co Klamath Dov. Co Alleen D .Johnson 'Aileen D. Johnson 422.10 Losllo Ilogei-b 422.40 Losllo Rogers 11 5, SO Emma A. Johnson 306.60 Emma A. Johnson 33S.00 S. S. Johnson Co 84.40 Klamuth Dov. C 422.40 Klamath Dev. C 422.40 Fred -nartin nicAndrews 447.14 First Baptist Church 447.14 L. Gahegan 372 us i Mnrv T. TalfA. .a. ma Mrs. Carrie J. Alexander .... 211.20 Mary l! Telford 4)7n7 Mrs. Carrie J. Alexander .... 211.20 .inh s Tti,- t7Al C.us Melhase 211.20 Celia Roberts "ZZZ 578 78 Gus Molhaso 211.20 'ciaudo W Coshn;m S,2 --- - - w .......... UUU.AI !T. C. Sherman 422.20 Daisy A. Ryan 422.20 Tessie G. Mills 422.20 Jessie 0. Mills 422.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 J. I. Beard 471.18 in. w. co3eDoom 1454.92 M. W. Coseboom 843.25 John S. Parke 1454.93 Mnnitft P Pnvton 4 rtftA mn t. V. Fisher..... 211.20 Jean Groesbeck 578 78 Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 J. J. Keller 684 nt Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Hallie Jacobs .... 46380 . ...,,..... o. vju. -i,,wu iu. v. p'lRnep Klamnth Dov. Co Klamnth Dov. Co 105. bu 105.60 contor of the respective blocks lyingiorty of each owner, nnd roforonco is ailjacont to salt! part of said HtiootBJ hereby mudo ho far as the Impiovomont thoioon OXIOIUIB, That tho elockot ot city Huns hns neon ninilo up us provided by suction 268 of tho charter, uiul tho following Ih a list of tho nann'H of ownein of tho property so nssossod us hIiowii by such bond lion docket nnd said 01 ell nnnco, togothor with tho total amount so assessed against tho prop erty of ouch owner, nnd roforonco Is hoiohy mndo to such docket of City Lions for a detailed description of ooch lot, part of lot, block and ucio- ago ptoporty bo aHsessod to such docket of City Lions for a detailed description of each lot, pint of lot, block and acre ago pioporty so nssi'ssed, Further notlco Is 11U0 given tho lospoctivo pioperty owneis so us sussed nnd hoiulu bolow mentioned, that such nssossmont is duo nnd pay ublo mid will bo delinquent after tho expiration of 20 dtos fiom tho ditto of tho first publication ot this notlco. (Stud llrst publication will bo 011 August 23, 1919.) Tho moporty owners so nssossod must olthor flay In cash or niako and llle with tho Pollco J tin go of salt! iKIumath Dev. C 4. ooo, Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20 niainatu uov. CO 211.20 Klamnth Dov. Co 211,20 Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath. Dev. Co 211.20 Klamath Dev. C 422.40 W. E, Faught 422.40 Margaict Applegate 422.40 W. S. Davis 122.40 Klamnth Dov. Co 422.40 John S. Elliott 422.40 Mary J. Sutton 422.40 Dr. Warren C. Hunt 422.40 Klamath Dov. Co 422.40 Edward Mills 422.40 Edward Mills 422.40 Unit L Davis 422.40 Hurt L. Davis 122.40 Klamath Dov. Co 422.40 Mts. 01!o Moss 211.20 Mis. L. M. Dixon 211.20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klamnth Dov. Co 105 60 C. H. Daggott 105,60 Mis, Bertha Parkinson 422,40 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 W. II. Duncan 211.20 L. Gnhegan 211.20 Klnmath Dev. Co 211.20 iGlon .Tntinn Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20, A. A. Bellman""!! Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Klnmath Dov, Co 211.20 J. M. Evans 211.20 J. M. Evans 211,20 Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 F. T. Snnderson 422.40 13. A. Qunlf 422.40 Mrs. S, S, Johnson 211,20 ningsiey u. uunn 211.20 E. C. Shoolln 211.20 E. C. Shoolln 211.20 Alleon D. Johnson 211.20 Emma A. Johnson 211.20 Furthor notlco Is nlso given thtjclty their uppllcatlous to pay such Klamuth Dov. Co 105,60 Klamnth Dov. Co !!! 21120 respective pioporty owners so as-J ussossuieuts in Installments withlulW. U. Hopkins 105.60JKlaui.atu Dov. Co 211.20 47K 97 f,V V U0Wley 463.8 W. W. Lewis 695.67 Jas. H. and Lola Driscoll 166.75 Orson Brown 412 11 Margaret Pitts 57874 H. H. Edmonds 1067.12 J. J. Parker et ux 1464.3a Chas. Evanlkoft 385.20 L E. Hnnnen 1006.14 Alma-J. Cofer 894.37 cuas. tr. Btemwell 373.1 123.97 fififi nn a. aienurrey 710.65 Karl C. Jones 635.97 Kathorino House 467.93 Esther M. Dale 413.85 S. L. Thompson 401.10 W. F. Arnnt 109.30 Jno. Stout 338.94 Jno. Stout 112.98 Jno. Stout 112.98 Jno. Stout 112.91 Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August 23, 1919. A. L. LnAVITT. Pollco Judgo of the City of KlamatU Falls, Oregon. a If i Uf if 1" 4 :f)' ii'-Z 5P- ' t4J m S33 igj ml jr. mi HI f.a 31 iW ,-v ; . e f. iff, A " 3 n m i n'. r r I iii 3 j a HT v vTv M: 'i.i & a 'i.ii-. & M A i"i r f w mt