THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON RATUIIIMV, r(UsT.,, EVER-READY STORAGE Howie Garag Is the only bntlory thnt is Kunrnntcccl for n year and a half. Worth more and costs less than others-at e PAQB TWO m:;i:o is ix.uua hi. in i no.vr ok .ti:n HIS ll()Ti:i, At'STINR. Toa , Auk. 22. John K. Shlllndy of Now York, secretary of the National association for advance ment of the colored people, was se- vorol. lie.iton in front of his hotel today Ho was ordered to catch tho first train out of town. The bo.ntlnr; was idinlntstorod by several men fol low Iiik the meeting held with tho negroes ly Shlllmly. Ho agreed to leave. GEIWS HIE , ACCOUNTED FdB ROADS OF WESTERN ! tc.1,H - OREGON KfcFUKItU IN GOOD CONDITION STATEMENT OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK KIiAMATH KALI'S, I County of Klamath, State of Oregon, showing tho amount standing to tho I credit of every depositor July 1. 1919, who has not made a deposit, or who) lias not withdrawn any part of his deposit (commercial deposits), principal or Interest, for a period of moro than seven (7) years Immediately prior to said date, with the name. Inst known place of residenco or postofflco nddross of such depositor, and the fact of his death, If known. Name of Depositor Residence or P. O Address Amount, Bnum, Mrs. Vernon - Klamath Falls, Oregon $4.60 1 I'nlverslty rrofeor Kxplnlns Wlij Kntliv World Hoip l'p In Arm Against I'litssln, Instead of Kngl.iml. Brookfleld. .J W. .. Clark, Horace Copeland, C. G Crane, Jas. A Cravens, L. J. Cunningham, J. J. 13.00 9.30 2.00 1.50 1.65 1.00 9.15 2.05 2.66 1.B0 2.20 9.14 2.00 16.05 .45 .71 .10 .50 .17 Klamath Kails, Oregon , Klamath Falls, Oregon , Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon , Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Demlng, C. E Klamath Falls, Oregon Dews, Vernon Klamath Falls, Oregon Farmers Imp. &. Sup. Co Klamath Falls, Oregon Gordon, W. E Klamath Falls, Oregon Hcrnon, C. S Klamath Falls. Oregon Lewis, A. G Klamath Falls, Oregon Madison, Chas Klamath Falls, Oregon Mardls, Dr. B. A Klamath Falls. Oregon i Meyer, E. C - Klamath Falls, Oregon Oregon 'Woolen .Mills Klamath Falls, Oregon Owen, D. R Klamath Falls, Oregon Owens, Mrs. Grace Klamath Falls, Oregon Randies. S. S Klamath Falls, Oregon Rhodes, W. P - Klamath Falls, Oregon 10.50 Ross, John W Klamath Falls, Oregon 05 Roth, E. L - Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.00 Secor, A. M Klamath Kalis, Oregon Simpson. I. W Klamath State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: I, E. R. Reames, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am the President ot the First National Bank of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, State ot Oregon; that the foregoing statement Is a full, true, cor Tect and complete statement, showing the name, last known residenco or postoflice address, fact ot death, if known, and the amount to tho credit ot each depcsltor as required by the piovisions of Chapter 14S, of tho General Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the General Laws of Oregon. 1917. E. R. REAMES, Subscribed and sworn to before, me this 7th day of August, A. D 1919 LESLIE ROGERS, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires June 19, 1923) 9-16-23-30 ' ' i position- Falls, Oregon 3.90 BERLIN', Aug. 23. "The reason why tho wholo world roso up against Prussia and Germany and not ngnlnst England Is plnln to ouryono who lias obstrod tho Prussian policy In Pol and and the I'nuMiiti ndmlnlstntln'i In Alsace," n&scerfs Professor K. AN", "orester, of tho University of Mun ich, writing In tho Tngeblatt, "England practiced much might to be sure, but It has also given tho world much freed mi and justice," ho idded "Slu succeeded In reconciling tho Boers whereas we were unable li Forty years to recln tho sympathies of tho Alsatians 'vho nrn German to the core That spooks volumes." "The Isolation of Germany from Mncue conforencts Is Irrefutable proof In dominnt ns elides fiat Ger many is possessed of different men tality than tho rest of tho wor' I Ho charges Germany with having irred In the exchange of tho Versail les notei on the q'tstlon of guilt and slates that many one-sided icrn tlons might havo been romhated morn fffertlvoly If German; had not again endeavored to 1 'fend untetnnabl with rni'k sophistries. Information compiled by tho Pull ed States forest sen leo Indicates that tho roads of Western Oregon1 are In good condition, uuisldtirliiK, tho unprecedented tnnol over them that has occurred this summer The data In furnished by field men of tho 'forest service, and emers only tho , roads In or noir the national forests of Western Oregon. I i Columbia KIor Highway -Closed to auto travel nt the Hood Itlver Coiuit)-Miiltnoinuh County line. Curs are allowed to pass through between' thohoutH of 11! in. and 1 p m and 6 WANTS TO TEACH MEXICO A LESSON Kjw5JJSs!mS5! t(f H&A &,W r-i Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. United States TIRES are not the best because we handle them. We handle them because they are the best. THE (j. WHITBf &i(h!'A lrJ& S ? THE OFFICIAL di X AUTO BLUE DOOK Vr AND CALIFORNIA firll. STATE AUTO sCi- ASSOCIATION GARAGE Scii.iiiit Atihur.s' of Arizona 'a oiu Ainwiutn uiiu uiinkH drastic, uilion fliinili) Ik 'uk!ti which would iruprec huii Mfxun trim UiKorder tlui m ; uinculuf Hlih harniH Aiuei limit, should k He it advocating itigisin lilt, .j iht,aflcl In CoiiKitbit Dinant, Helgium, Is to comincnor ate fittingly the anniversary of the shooting of 600 inhabitants of tho town by the Germans five yearn ago today. Cardinal Mercler will con due; the religious ceremonies and Paul Debchanel, president of the Krench Chamber of Deputies will deliver the oration of tho day. Centennial nnnhersury of the death of Oliver Hazard Perry, hero of the battle of I.ako Erie. li m mikI 7 a in.: also HiiikIiivh. 'llm stretch between the county line and Cascade I.ocKh Is to be pined. When this pivlng Is Unbilled, cms can get to Case.ulo I.ocKh, fen to Hie Wash ington side, go up the North; read to White Salmon, and then fer ry to Hood Itlver, In Oregon. Cottage Grow-Dlsston Open uul In good condition between Cottage Groe and the I'tissum iitiuh Closed for antes between this point and Ho liomln. No detours p sslble. Wag ons can gel oer this ronil ' Paclilllc Highway--Open and In I excellent condition, except wheie construction work Is now in progress between Gold Hill mil .Medford. I Three Klvers Open between Wll lamia and Tillamook. Very rough for six miles through the Grando Kendo Indian reservation; here for several after ruin It Is prnctle-l .illy Impassable. Construction work I between Dolph and llho makes de tour down tho Utile Nest una tie es llaudon-Gold Heard Open midj !UMnMe for light onls entire length ' McKenrle irlgliwa" Open and In rood totidlllnn, EuK-m- to 'tie ltl - r. fa'r condition Pine Itier Himi McKeu'le Pass to S'ster- Willamette- Open for mm nines between Eugene nnd K K'l n Pass ubl" for wagons ncrom siinuuit Wagon Uuml- -0,ien nnd 'n f ilr condltlen from Poster to hiiui .! of Casc.ides Macblmn cro.s Hi. pisi into Eastern Orcein iy this .o'lte liarl-iw Onen between Sand" irul ' !''' In gond pond t on ;ianiv to Twin lli'dges; pcor. Twin Ilrldges ' ' i -car iTect; fair t'Uur CrccU to Waplnltln I.'iigene-Klorence Open and In ' in rmanent siiiniucr condition tor the ntlre route , ' .Medford-Klnmath Palls -Op-n -nd In fair condition enlire length; mini- ' 'erous rough places, due to heavy, , tralltc. j Anna Creek Open and In goner-1 I ally good condition. Crescent Clty-Hrooklngs - Open and In rair condltlen entile length jlics some rough places. I , Grants Pass-Crescent City Open ' 'and In fulr condition Hough on I Oregon mountain. Quite lough be- tweun Oregon Mountnln and WHilo.i California, sldo in good condition, ' Waldport - Alsea - Open entiro route and passable. The road south iroin wamport by Yalmts and Perpetua to Ten Mile Creek is and In fair summer condition. Riddle-Tiller -Open and In condition. TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may be too busy to go to your home at noon. In assortment of foods, their preparation and the serving, The .Towel has no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-day patronage. THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. .v..........4...,4..14..j..j...!..!,.j.,1,tt The Thrifty Housewife has for her motto "One Hundred Cents for Every Dollar Expended." She believes in a full return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knows that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive in the end. She has an Account Book which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Bank Book which shows what becomes of the money she saves. Her funds receive absolute protection Cupe open good The annual convention of tho Cath olic Young Men's National Union meets In Now York City today for a two-day session. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Fil.'nen with praise if you would have friends IMPERIALES MOUTHPieCC CIGABETTXS ire filled with 6uch tine iobacco, are made with such care, mouthpiece and all no wonder men praise them and pass them on to friends. 10 for 13c The John Bollman Co. Branch NOTICK. To the mombers of P. H. Sprnuue No. 20, Women's Relief Cerps: National 0. A. a. Kmcampmont will ho held at Columbus, Ohio the weok uL-siuiiinfi nepieinoer 7th, )!U9. i ,, "l'?,n Convntlou of tho Womnna Ftellef CorpH will bo held at tho Home . time and place. All membore of the w.rancl Army, Women's Ileltef Corps and ull ullled onicroVlll ho welcome u!ho Immedlato members of their families. A Hpeclal rate of ono cont per mile .nati been eruuted. I TlrkctH will bo on nolo AuRiijt Ifith and uro kooiI for Hlxty days from dato of purchase. Slopovors will bo allow- 1 koIiik and coming. Tickets may bo bo- . cmied only upon presentation of Iden tification cortlflcutos, theso to ho ob tained from your Post Commnncfor. Tho Interpretation given to "fam ily" Is tho immedlato mombors of ones funilly, who Uvea with ono, I FLORA EMM1TT, l'rcsldont. JXAHK rilANOK. Will sell 'our homestead of 1(10 acres lit 17 doilurs per aero, nlHO 178 acres timber on lake front at in dol lars per ucre, Address II, Nownhnm, P. O. IJox 1112, 13tf Open Air Dancing Pastime Open Air Pavilion. Main, near 8th Dancing eveiy Wednesday and Saturday evening, commencing Wednesday, August 20th. Music by orchestra of six. Continuous dancing. ...3.. i !i Get Your Winter Wood Now For a limited time I will sell vou vour winter wood I at the following amazing prices: DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS ,...$4.50 GREEN SLABS $3.50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. H0 I 622 Main. Phone, :J:8':'$'''''":'',' I? SULPHUR , Let us make up your ,pool car Murphey's Feea & Seed Store THL - -.' Li . a i ne price is rigm 126 South Sixth St Phone