r,,.vw " "" THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOB WFK THE P ERSONAL... Crossett Shoes Well dressed men select their shoes with the tame care that they do their clothes. The new Crossett Styles for Fall are consistent with their idea of correct attire. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY BRADLEY SHOE STORE' 727 Main St., Klnmath Falls, i 1 I fli1fYUU"V"'-fJLfVV ! - tt!ttttM m j Ji. m. j. . Just Received Fresh Shipment of Wlllt Candy mans Stephen F. Whitman and Sons have been making this candy for over 77 years, and they certainly know how to make good candy. When buying, why not buy the best? Twenty ounces Milk Chocolate $1.35 Sampler $1.35 Fussy Package $1.35 Fruits and Nuts $1.50 Pink of Perfection $1.50 ifnian Drug Co. Wh LIBERTY THEATRE "TIIK PICK OK T11K 1'ICTUIIKB" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT PRETTY PEGGY HYLAND IN "The Rebellious Bride" A Story of the Ozark Mountains SATURDAY "PETTICOATS AND POLITICS Starring ANITA KING DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. Mr iiml Mm llorlirl Klrlitliluirlor wllh Ihi'ir kih-hIh mil liunlly, return il In Sim Kriiii-iwii IIiIh morning llftlT llllVllIK Mpl'lll till! M'llHOIl lit 1 1 a i - rliimii Lodge, t Imlr Kiiiiiiiinr liomi.. Mr i; II. Tliemas, Miuiily ngrl rulliirlHt. Iff t. yesterday for Medrord, wIiitii lii will attend ii conference of Southern Oiegon rulllily agents tills wfuk. Dr. mitl Aim. I,. 1,. Tnmx lire visit ing relatives iiml Mends here fur n few weeks Dr. 'I'riuix prnrtlced medi cine In this ry fjr tilitiihi-r of years helnrn going u. Los Angeles for IiIh Mi'iilili. Mr. iiml Mth. C. K. Ilrown with their daughter lilit, left on tills morn ing's triiln for Din Is, California, In tli! hope of Improving .Mr. Ilrown'H health. .Mr .-mil Mm. Wilbur Smith, who lime been vlultltii; Mr. Sinlth'H moth it iiml father. Mr mid Mm S. X. fl. Kinlih. at I'i'llraii City, returned to their home In Co.-liult, California this moriiliii;. .Marlon Mm-, .r tho Mt Helium I.iiiiiIkt Comiimiy. left for Mt Heb ron (IiIn morning after a business vl -It of ti-MTiil diiyi in Klaiiiatb I'alM MIkh LuIIii linger, nieoiiipanled by Iht "ImIit. MrH. I.ii k Slater, whom . tt'ie biiK been lsltlng here during the iiinnnr, left tijilit for livr home In I'ortl mil A .1 Waters .. n tourist visitor In the city from Seattle .lark Miller cimo In last night from 111 bmiie In Dnrrls T .M Ward of I'ortlaml Is In tlio ( liv thin week. Mr D I. Dol-ii anil Miss flrneo Slew mt of Kresno, California, stop ped in tin- ilty over night prior to leiivltii? fn- Crater '.like thin inornln': I. c Huff iiml family are here tll .'' f'nill .le"i,tne C.'iUfnrtil i M- thin Co.boom anil daugh ter Hitiv wttli Mrn W tl Hum Iminel nml on John, were passenger" the Soiitlilion ml train for Chlco, this morning Tin- two families have been Ultlii" I' r f Mil.et mid father Vr hiii M'- c. 'V White iluiliiK th It'ii'iilT months .Vii'isnnt Mrvu it Is visiting lure (or n f"W il ivt fr in I'ledmont .Miibel Iitxtiiii) Is n visitor from I'ortl iiit, who nrilvcil lat night Itev anil Mrs J. S. Stubblefleld are In Klamath Fulls, this week, from i'heenne. Wyiimi k, looking after biiilne.--.-. niul renewing old acquain tances Itovererd Stl.bblcflelil was pastor of the I'rci&bytorlan church for several years tiefoio moving to Choeline A I. Cage arrived from Port la n .1 on last night's tr.nn. C. J. Il.irry Is In town frum Law yers, Ciillfornla. M J. Loosley drove In from hi ranch at Fort Klamath laht evening on business. C. F. rilnii Is U.iwn from C'lillociiln for a few i)ay.s. Dr W. P. Johnson and wife of Honanza lime gone to Hichardson Sptlngs In California in the hopo tliat Dr Johnson's health will he im proved A I. Leavltt and daughter l'earl, who have boon on ii two weeks' onl ine. Hip to Itoeky Point, are expect ed In on the boat this iifternoon. Mlts M.trguerlto McCrnth and Mlis Mlnnlo Walker liavo roturned in extended visit In Oakland, Cali fornia V. J. (irant 1 a Luslness visitor in Klmnatl) Falls ifi'ii Algoma. Mr. anil Mm. Thomas Orlnislmw ill' cousin Hob Malone, loft by auto for their homo In S.icrainonto yester day. They wore acunupanled by Mr. and M's C. J. Uenler, whom they vlnited whllr hue, and who plan on spending two or three woor in Sa rraniento. Mr and Mrs II. I), Mills, who woro guests of Mr and Mrs. T, H. Hamp ton ovor tho Convention, liavo ro turned to their homo In lltitto Falls. "GRAND OLD MAN" TO ENTERTAIN DANIELS1 IIONOMtMT, T, II. Auk. 22. Pro-' mlnetit aiming tlmo who will be an-1 live In Din (intorliiliiiiicnt of Sucre-! lary of tho Navy Diinlels Is Hanford II. Dole, Hawaii's "Orand old Man," Who enjoys thfl distinction of being' tho only American who has bojn president of a republic other than tho United States, Mr, Dole, tho -ion of early Amcrl con missionaries to Hawaii, was a lender In tho movement which do throned Cjueen Ulluokalanl, last of tho native rulers, In 1893, and was largely responsible for tho annexa tion of Hawaii by tho United States In 1X08. In (ho fl-o Intervening yearn Mr, Dob was president of tho repub lic of Hawaii. Ho was also tho first governor of tho territory of Hawaii. Certain landholders In .Scotland are bound, under monetary penalties to marry at tho King's command. gi The Rexall Store We make it a point to carry only goods of known quality and established reputation. That is why you will find only the genuine Kodak goods in our camera department KODAKS and Kodak Supplies of all kinds always on hand, and always new. Eastman N. C. Film, the film with 27 years' experience behind it. Developing and printing done by experts, or material to do your own. Headquarters for Kodak Supplies .ICH.nlkUTlGI iWW"1 ' n MB l"3 TU)(C, FOCKIT KOOXH Hk tMW l XSt n A. TOLDtHG llKOwmc CLncnK B 121..: Jl Tt FILM CARlR106t J WAMBBBk VK flfflHWwi' " W1. r mtm&? 2aj s& It f'Jr vlv 'i 1 y i7rvA-Ai 1 . If EAST M A.N "-0CM..K MnyfltllIO.'f ' ' . . otwotMt AsmtfcHoMK Co,nctntiit S'"" "'" rCi"'Jg 'r?rT 'V TfrrrMiffw yXg-.Z-jX :SiSXir '"" 5 eiftXVS'rrjMl $rtf$rtririrtt$rirtriri!4Wrt t t t T t T T T T t f t T T T f t a. ? t t t t T T t f t t T t t t t Rogue River Bartlett i Get ITS HlHNiM AND PALMIST I 6 d teM yu today's new today- not tomorrow. Always consult tho host, I call your nuiuu. ago and what called for, or inako no charge. Whom and when you will marry; If the unu you lovu Is true. I toll of changes, marriages, divorces, travels, lovo af fairs talunts; what your sickness lu, anil you can bo cured, Call on this' gifted medium boforo It Is too lute. Located at G20 Main St. 22-2t t T t T t T r t t V t T t f T t T T T T T T T T T : $ 2.9 0 THE BOX yshland jp ruit jStore mJmoJJmJJ f t T r f t T t T t t T T T T t f T t T t f T t T T t T T T T T T T T