The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 22, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I Iv
Atft.I rti-
..mutt 1
ittill n i
linU MHit i n
i'Iii:hii.mi: ihhsh-i iiation
hi:t i'oii hi I'TivMitnt nru,
iimi in
I Itciglnliulloii " Friday llctili'inli'-i
1 Mil, ut Kliiiiiutli Ccntrily High HcIiihm
In for Incoming fHHlimon mill mIiiiI
iiiIh from other lil'tli schools, iuioi.1
lug In J. I'. Wolhi, principal of tli(.
rWiptoiiihnr hill, linfi been nut mi I'm
ti'illHlralloii dati fr old students ami
WOltlirt those who Imvo . .t nlrniuly rcglsl jr-
I'AK- iil, Principal Wollii In oHpnclitll y- and
lirillHill w f. I . .. !..... .1.
,ii. f ' V ' """""" an.llii.i..y made t twrli docket of City! Mm. L
I l " ,., ' ''proving Mens for a detailed description of
m r f i. . . T t V. "L1;! . i .' " ' V ? " ' Ht,"",,,',l' lt. I"rl of lot. block und acre
"",r' y "" '"'Kvill,, Cemetery ago proni-rly no assessed
.1.'I"'IIY HO IIHIM'HHIUl l)V M.ll , Kllrllll.r IK, (!,,, lu nlnr. clvni, ll,
respeitlvo property owners no ns
HIIKHUll IIIIll herein IlI'loW mentioned.
MVV" vll... msCV. TAK-
i- ...... nil ti"- - ... . .. , .
mw "" ...mi matism IK (inn lo iiavo mi rrcMiimen ami siu
.ii TANii.'- I .i
ilunlH from olli'ir lili;li srliools to
eomplcilo tlmlr nglMtutlou cm I'.'
t rfut rniprmn"""11 'lnc ilay. Suptnmbor 3th.
" i ac(iiilnlnn!Hi "" " in imgiunu nin Menuor or a ieie
friend n k,,vMi painting ami Krnm Cnn ceiiee! It, If transmission
B,C., - rnnlriwtor who 'V0H ,lt hait not begun, liy paying a flno of'
jnraiiUK "--
..Unf 1""
. riiiininco in nil hi, iikiiktii. lvi-
uiljiiiiml I,, nin, f H, Hl1llH
Ih'wc, n Mm hIiimi uieutloind t.T
mini unit . ilciiding laterly lo tint
i filler of llm iiHpiillvn liloiliM lying
lllljllll'lll III M.I Jllirl Of H.lhl HtrtntH
no fur mi Dm iiiipiovemcnt thereon
x It mix
'lluil Hie docket of ilty Hens has
Inn ii imiiln up iih provlili'il by section
20k of Hie iliinier, ami the following
In u IIhI nf tin, milium of owners of
Hni PI pirn ho iimhi-khimI as i.hoi. n In
(lint mnli assessment Ih duo anil nnv.
ulilii ami will tin ii)lii(iiim tiftcr tlio
iixplrullon of 20 ilayH from the ilntn
of tho first publication of this notlco.
(Kald first publication will bo on
August 20, 1919.)
Tlio property owners no
miiHt either pay In cash or make anil
lllii wllh the Pollen Judge of huIiI
'Ity their upplkatloriH to iiay such
assessments In InHtallmcntH within hi, ml lien iloiknt ami said null 1 1 In- 211 days beginning with tho Unit
Hpiikiiono, n f,)W cmitH
.. .t'.i flraco A
III '"
... Ttnlac." Mr. CurtlH,
, S been l.l "'" ny wor
Vial to ''"",tl1"' ' to0k ' mr
1 wore in terrll.ln con.lltlon,
W""' . . Iriinur how 1 Hllf- VM1I HAV 111(1 V1 II l"lf ! (HI
v.,1- Th.t noMi't nil that waH ASU HUI.I'IIUH
!Lc with mo. clthnr. for I had
mime, lOKellmr wth Ihn loliil
iilUOIIlit ho iihiii'hhciI iikiiIiihI the prop
etly of i ,irh owner, mill rciervmo Ih
heiehy mnili. hi niii'h ilucki'l of f'llv
l.lemi fin n ii.tiii. ileHcrlpllon of
eiiih lot p.irl of lot. block ami m re
ni.e pioperl) HO IIHHCKHCll
I'lirlher notice In ulno :lven ll
teHpeii. iiropurly owiicih ho iih
iii'mhciI ami herein below meritlorieil. ti,. w ui,imi..,.. en nr
,, . , , . I "i. v ..,,.. ,1,1, ..lull ,.(.. JU,UV
II nil Hiii h HhHeHHinmit Ih ilue anil pay- A. OrlKsby 772.70
einir!; ','' "" "il 'V' l'"T"1 '! l"r .U:' ' ''' T- HnmlorHon ltalQ r,or,.82
exiilrntlon if 20 iliiVM from the ilnle .r. .. , ...... --nn
of tin, llrHt publication of thl notice' brom 22570
(Irncii M K f'linpli 7im in
nBHI'HHCll f.rnc. Xf V. rhiirnl, 1577 11:
M Dixon
ICtjtnath Mov. Co
Klaninth J)ev. Co
C II DuKKctt .
Mih Uertha I'arklnBon
Klamath IJev Co
W. II Diiiiciiii .
Ii Oiillf'Knn
Klamath Dov. Co. .
W. 11. Ilopklnn '.
W. II. Corbler
Klamath Dov. C
Klamath Dov. Co
Robert Alexander . .. .
Anna .Miller . . ..
Mlnnlo U. Sargent
I.nnna K OliiHhorg
Klamath Dov. Co. .
I'. O. I.yon
Drury Ilutlor
John J. Itoonoy . .
211 20 V T. Snnrieriion
211.20 i:. A. Qtialf
lon.f.0 Mrs H H. Johnson ..
lor. CO' Klnnrtlcy . Dunn ..
422. 40 j.;. r. Shiolln
211.20 ij. c. Rhcolln . .
211.20 Alleen D. JnhnROn
211.20 I'inma A. .Tnlinnnn .
Klamath Dev. Co.
ii i'-?. Klamath Dov. Co.
; Mlaiiilo A. Duncan
il-i. H. I.. Hhuck . .
publication of thin notlco
M V and B. II. Ilvaiii. ... Slifi.2
M V and S II. Kviuis 289.20 II. W. Short
.1. Mervl, .Ir n77.C0MrH It. M. Holler
1 .yd In A. Hlator 122.40
Margaret Ahraham 1099.20
T T. HandnrHon Kntato 4 22.30
Arfhlii C. Coliion 8C0.10
Cora .SamlnrKon C98.82
lor, fit)
i' r, r,o
211 20
ion. co
105 00.
AiiKUHt 20, 1919 )
I he propel ty ownerH ho
IllllHt either iiav lit ctaul, tir im.iI... ,,.,,1
file llh Ih, .,.ll... i...l.. ..-.. l"-al"" " t-ox 82B-
city their appllcatlonH to pay huc!,1 nrIpo1' B,Hon "-
iiHM.HHin..iitH lii iiiHtallmentH within r n',7l nS?
Ihe 2 dayH IhrIiiiiIiik ullh tho Oiti Ih.?- m' u QKK,n;; rllrl
1.1,1,1 ia. ,.r .1.1 .1... I J ion Manon KKtato 52869
,,Mi'iniioii iff lllin IIIJIMl)
mitlim ,n "',' ,mn1" "' f,,,t' Wlion you darken your hair with
, ., jUji rpcnicll inni "" "" rtiiKCi I rn nun nuiimiir, mi fii tan
i ... .... tl.ld nfll.llff ...II I u.. .I.. .I...... .... .......
., pfllflg I llHll oil it" ......- leu, Mi'f-uui'u 11 h iuu nw iimu
M.Mkiiimo I n down and out, ovitnly. rrnpurliiK thin i
II right anil I hnd no Idea that I though, at homo Ih iiiiihh)' and trouble-1
'cold evVr bo a well nmn nRnln. onii'. For r.O cciiIh you rt.ii buy at
"A friend of mini!, an iiii.iniini.n any r.niK niiirv me ifiuij-iu-ii irvi
tmo out to sen "in ouo day, nrutlon, linpiini'd by the addition of
ltd be told mo bow much good Tnn- otlmr ItiwcilleiitH, railed Wjeth'H H.-ibl'
btkaddono him. and advlm-d mo md Sulphur Compound" You Just '
to tire It a trial Well, Hlr. I ftovc dampen a HpoiiKo or noft hnmh with
,njlhlnR caunl tho way Tnnlno It and drnw tliU throuKh your hair,
tet after tbat rliouimillHin, and Irj taklriK ouo niiiitll Htraml at a time. Ilyj
liitl or no tlmo tho nwollliiK wnu nil n ornliiK all r.rny hnlr dluappeari!, and,
noe from my hamln and foot, ana nftur another application or two, jour
now I nerer liavu nny nlKii of that hair becomes hoautlfully darkened, (
It K
It It
D K.
i: m
Laura C. Charnborlln 182.57
Coo II. Chamberlln C.00
O. J. HskolHon 82.40
rally, no K.h'ar.l T IIIkkIiihoii
mixture, A A llellman
i; M I'lilluile
John i: Dreher
(Inn III.. K I'renrh
Miifncr 97.50
Hefner 8C 00
M,.),iiif,l.l 1 it I r .
McDonald " ,-or Chestor Aory C28.2C
Chllinle I;-, (in
luno C.rlrneH 528.2(5
i.nn f lt.lflMl.l en nr
r l'" Alma Cofer 851.60
M, ii! I'onry Offcnbachcr 477.15
.,!- Agnea Ore in 592. 0C
7, 00 (' V Sevll.s 14C.95
uoHioru r roncu Z6:.L
. . I-ydla Triiux 512.70
Notice to I'loperty Owner on MarKet H. J. Winters 384.53
Str.,.i, That 'I hey Uiwo ilf) Dajs (- j,. Kelsoy 353.C0
rniiii rirt I'lDillcatlon of ibis jf Orem 445.20
Nollie In uliicli to-flln nppllca. u n Ileynolilfl"!"""!.""""" 91082
lloiiH to pay (heir ii.m-siiu-iiI In Agnes North 422.40
'leu Annual InsfJilliiienls in ar. Agnes Noith . ......." 7C9.50
orilaiue With tho roIloHliiii.Vot-,. p Shophord 1191.80
In- of rroiMiitlmiatK AssiMnciit. u a r,,it, 501 nr.
Notice Ih hnhohy given that tho i.iu ah c5?u 7A
'ommoii Council of tho city of Klnrn- j y McColliim 6970
aniath D
II. I.. Shurk
I). I! Campbell . ..
D H Campbell .
lohn Strogan
2 j'oiil Tloht. Alexander
itooi. iiiojcanucr
llobt and Carrie Alexander
Itobt and Carrie Alexander
r,58r, 'Jennie Fuse
52 ST I! N'cwbankR
52.80 Walter J Anderson . .
lOn'co'Kininnth Dev. Co.
105 CO J'"'B Turner
422.10 Jess Tunier
422.40 JeiB Turner
Avy An tW'vn V Tlnlea
422.40 I Wm, F. Hales 2r"52
422.40 Wrn. F. Hales 32:',52
422.40 Hobt. and Carrie Alexander 102-5
211.201 D. A. himh JSr'-fS
211.20;i. F Olsen iSS?.
422.40,1. F Olsen ir'ffH
422.40 C. Kngleman J2-,SIi
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 1 K. I.. and K. C T'addocK .... !
K. A. McCully 422.40 1 Klamath T)hy. Co !??!;
K. A. McCully 422.40 Klamath Dev. Co 2H.
Kdrnund M. Chllcote 211.20 J. J. Delaney 2H?
C. A. Hunting 211. 20, Ivle Spencer zl?
Q. W. White .... 211.20 Juanlta J. Hubbard 211-2?
V W.Murphy . .. .
Klamath Dov. Co. .
Klamath Dov. Co. ,
Klamath Dev. Co. .
Klamath Dev. Co. .
Klamath Dev. Co. .
Klamath Dov. Co. ,
Maurice L. Johnson
Olive K. Seltz
Klamath Dov. Co. ,
J. O. Wheeler 211.20
Anton Fcralnls 211.20
Geo ,H. Merryman 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co 422.4C
L,. L. Truax, ct ux 422.40
Ij. h. Truax, et ux 422.40
N. D. Glnsbach 422.40
Frank Dickey 211.20
Edwin A. Wood 211.20
K. Sugarman et ur 211.20
Henry A Grlmps 211.20
Wllhon S Wlloy 211.20
Wilson S. Wiley 211.20
Wilson S. Wiley 211.20
L. O. Mills
Frank C. Walker 844.4U
Hydraulic Stone and Urick
Co 1372.80
U. IrouMa. The p.... I. m, hack k,oh. y and luxuriant. rdu,Veh.a Z the 1 8th charHeThaTe 1 '
wioae, too, and my kidneys seen Gray, fndwl hair, though no dU-llliy f AuRUHt 1919i Bnil nppr0Vl, ,. J v o,burn 769 50
tj tie In perfect condition. I don't grace, In a sign of old ago, and as wo the Major cm the 19th day of Aug- k, i. i.awrenco 1 42220
tin to II awko and suffer agonies all dcilro a youthful and attractive ust 1919. doclnro tho proportionate Frank W. Osburn """!!!!.""" 199.10
.rr nlcht now, but I Just stretch npnenranco, get busy at onco with I nKM,'f "'" "Ion each lot. part of lot. rj. A.Arnold 993.20
? .d Icon like a boy nil Wyeth'. 8... and Sulphur Compound ""LyP.fZ'Il'J l.,Ar"0 w"e11 !?!?
iliht long. I haro gained a lot In and look year younger.
velfht and strength, and In fact, I
i tew In better health In my life.
in back on the Job, and ncvor loeo
ur time at all from my work. So you I
M Tinlic ha proved to be a real I
wdldne In my cue, and as long as
llln I will boost it as strong an I
Tulic It told In Klamath Falls by
til Stir Drug Store and in Lorelln ,
kf the Jidim Merc. Co. Adv.
ho benefited nnd llnblo for tho cost of
Improving Market Street from tho
northerly lino of 6th Street to the
southerly lino of I-ot 10 in block 17,
. nnd tho southerly lino of lot 30, block
Notice to Property Owner on I.lii-1K. of Second Railroad Addition to
coin Htrret, That They Mivp xo "u cuy oi njumaia rails, inciuaiag
Dnys Fnini Flmt Public ( Ion or intersections.
ino property so assessea oy sain
ordlnnnce Is nil tho property lying
udjncont to said part of said streets
between tho abovo mentioned ter
mini and extending laterly to the
ronter of tho respective blocks lying
mljacont to sild part of said streets
so far as tho Improvement thereon
That tho docket of city Hens has
been made up as provided by section
268 of the charter, and tho following
Is a lint of the nnmvs of owners of
tho property so assessed as shown by
TliU Notice In Which to Hlr Ap
plication to I'ny Tlwlr Ante
menu In Ten Annual Inxtalt
nirntM In AcrorcUncv With the
Following Notice of l'nMi (Ion.
ate AnneiMiiicnt.
Notlco Is heroby given thnt tho
Common Council of tho City of
,. . ... IKInmath Falls, Oregon, did. by Or-
Tw thousand gross of steel pens ainunco No. 47C, duly adopted on
eu be made from one ton of metal. ,tho 11th day of August, 1919, and
- imiiroved by tho Minor on tho 19th
'day of August, 1919, declare) tho
nruiiortlonalu nsriOHsmont upon eacn
lot, part of lot, block and acreagosuch bond lien docket and said ordl
property found to be bunenteil nnd
liable for the cost of Improving Lin
coln street from Ninth street easter
ly to Eleventh street. Including In
tersections, Icsh the I' S Irrigation
icunal and right of way appurtenant
of the HOT POINT Range l"-lr0,)0rl). so llHrtHHUll h ,
.J i ,i si i -. t t. I nrillniinc, la nil Ihn nrnnertv Ivlnir
uSeaaiUle UOlaen KOQ JrrOiniHnci!iil ! huI1 mirt of said strvutHlsesscd and herein below mentioned,
...... ... , -- - ..... ,. ... , .!.. , ....
lor-liuai siieii tiHHeHHiiu-iii is iiuv nun imj
tluiiable and will be delinquent after tho
center of tho respective blocks lilng, expiration of 20 clnvs from the unto
nnnro, together with tno total
amount so assessed against tho prop
erty of each ownor, and reference Is
hereby made to such docket of City
I.leus for a detailed description of
each lot, part of lot, block and acre
ago property so assessed
Further notlco Is also given tho
respective property owners so as-
Chas. Donart 295.20
Chas. Donart 295.20
Wllolla Stowart 590.40
School District No. 1 2971.03
Chas. P. Stewart 577.90
Notice to Property Owners on Eighth
Street, Idncoln and Jefferson
Streets, That They nave 20 Hays)
From First Publication of This
Notice in which to file Applica
tions to pay their assesnnent3 t
Ten Annual Installments In Ac
cordance with the Following Wafc-
Ice of Proportionate As'-c-wment.
Notice is hereby given that tn
91 1 oi Common Council of the city of Klam-
Mrs. K. J. Murray 211.20 ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordinance
Mrs. B J. Murray 211.20 No. 477 duly adopted on the 18th.
Henry U. Benson 422.40 day of August 1919. and approvea oy
i P. M. Ready 4 22.401 the mayor on the 19th day of August
Newton S. Buttenger 422.40,1919. declare the proportionate uo-
(J. H. Cooper ! 422.40 sessment upon each lot, part of lot.
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 block and acreage property found t
Klamath Dev. Co. 844.80 I be benefited and liable for the cost
Klamath Dev. Co 844.4o'of Improving Eighth Street from
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 'High Street northerly to Prospect
E E Slelatt 422.401 Street; Lincoln Street from Eight
E. E. Sielaff 422.40 1 Street easterly to Ninth Street: and
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40, Jefferson Street from Eighth Street
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 easterly to Ninth Street, including ta
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 1 tersections.
J C Perry 422 401 The property so assessed by said
j-i r i i. l. ii. between tho above mentioned
OUCIS Demonstration at the1 mini and extending laterly to
various groceries this week.
Cooking is turned from
dnidgery into pleasure when
you cook the "HOT POINT
of tho 11 rat publication of this notice.
(Said first publication will bo on
August 20. 1919.)
Tho property owners so assessed
All styles for sale by
link River Electric Co.
adjacent to Hiild part of said strevts
so fur us tho Improvement thereon
That fhi ilticUef nf rltv llenH hnH
been mndo up us provided by section, must either pay In cash or muko and
268 of tho charter, and tho follow Ingl HI" Uh tho Police Judgo of said
Is u list of tho namoH of owners ofllty their applications to pay such
tho property so assessed as shown by' nssi'isinnnts In Installments within
such bond linn docket und said ordl- the 20 days beginning with the first
nnnco, together wltn tho iotuiii'"-"" " "" "-
amount so assessed against the prop- J H. Garrett i!;;'J!,
nrlv of .,,,,.1, nu-nnr i,n,l l-.if llim'l. ItllSu'lft. CnilllKinV 342.50
Ihurehy madu to such docket of City Weed Lumber Co ""!' 'such bond Hen docket and said ordl-
Notlre to Property Owners on Kspla
nade, Pacific Terrace, and Port
land Street, Thnt They Have 20
Days From First Publication of
This Notice In Which to File Ap
plications to Pay Their Assess
ments in Ton Annual Install
ments in Accordance With the
Following Notice of Proportion
ate Assessment.
Notice Is heroby given that the
Common Council of the City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, by Ordi
nance No. 479, duly adopted on the
18th day of August, 1919, and ap
proved by the Mayor on the 19th
clay of AugUBt, 1919, declare the pro
portlonato assessment upon each lot
part of lot, block and acreage prop
erty found to bo benefited and liable
for tho cost of Improving Esplanade
street from the northerly side of
Wall street to Paciflfic Terrace; Pa
clflc Terrace from Huron btreet
northerly to Portland street, and
Portland street from Pacific Terrace
easterly to tho city nmlts of Klam
ath Falls, including intersections.
The property so assessed by said
ordinance is all tho property lying
adjacent to said part of said streets
between tho above mentioned ter
mini and extending laterly to the
center of the respective blocks lying
adjacent to said part of said streets
so far as the Improvement tiiereon
Thnt tho docket of city Hens has
beon made up as provided by section
268 of the charter, und tho following
Is a list of tho names of owners of
the property so assessed as shown by
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
Torbert Sanford 211.20
O. A. Paculseurd 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co
Klamath Dev. Co
Jas. L. Emlgh
Effle McBroom Newell ...
Klamath Dev. Co
105 60
Liens for a detailed description of ,1'nlon Oil Co i'JH'0.
each lot, part of lot, block and ucre-
ugo property ho ushcbhciI.
Further notlco Is also given the
respectlvo property owners so
i sensed nnd herein liolow mentioned.
' thnt such iiHHosHincnt Is dun and u
Lift offtomsf
Wt hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
Union Oil Co S2S.00
J. O. Ileardsloy 181. RO
J. O. Benrdsloy 312.50
J. O. Ileardsloy 342.50
Oscar Peyton 342.50
P C Carlson 342.50
H. B
T. O. McHattan 105.60
Martin Bros 105.60
Martin Bros . 211.20
J. F. Maguire 105.60
J. F. Maguire 105.60
Alice N. Patch 105.60
Alice N. Patch 211.20
E. M. Chilcote and
E. M. Smith 211.20
Jesse M. Maguire 211.20
Margaret J. Kirkpatrlch .... 105.60
Margaret J. Kirkpatrlch .... 105.60
Roy A, Feathers 211.20
Roy A. Feathers 211.20
H. W. Pollraan 211.20
H. W .Pollman 422.40
F. E. B. Gates
ordinance is all the property lylnc
adjacent to said part of said streets
between the above mentioned ter
mini and extending laterly to th
center of the respective blocks lylnc
adjacent to said part of said streets
so far aa the improvement thereom
That the docket of city Hens has
been made up as provided by sectloa
268 of the charter, and the following
Is a list of the names of owners of
the property so assessed as shown by
such bond lien docket and said ordi
nance, together with the total
amount so assessed against the prop
erty of each owner, and reference Is
hereby made to such docket of City
Liens for a detailed description of
each lot, part of lot. block and acre
age property so assessed.
Further notice is also given the
respective property owners so as
sessed and herein below mentioned,
that such assessment is due and pay
able and will be delinquent after the)
10i fin' uuu mi, uv uciiuijuvui nivci mo
Alvn P. Plrenc in 5 0 exiJirauou ui iu uays irom me uaia
H ? Pvnn ,ini-fin of the first publication of this notice.
R." D. Vor"non'"::."": 21120! (Sa,d first Pbcation will be on
Mrs. Louise S. "Hlnton""! 2 1 1!20 AHfil!t 2.0, "A9, )
.,'; , must either pay in cash or make and
D.OU , ni,, ,1,,. d.iim- T..n .
,11c nun ,C A U11V.C tf UUC VI DAIU
city their applications to pay such
assessments in installments within
the 20 days beginning with the first
Phebo S. Sharpless 211.20
H. A. Bell
Mrs. Kate Mugler 52.80
Helen Macdowell 105.601
Ed E. Rease 105.60
Klamats Dev. Co 211.20
Jay Smith 211.20
frtil 8
.1 N?
juxplratlon of 20 iIiih from the dulu (1. A. Musson
of thu ills (publication of this mil Ice I,. J, Race
lot tho first publication of this notlco. I
August 20, 1919.) Xotleo to property ounc
1 Tho propel ty owners ho assessed
miiHt either pay lu rash or malio anil
lllo with tho l'ollco Judge of sud
I city their applications to pay such
nHseHHiuonts lu liiHlullmeiilH w II bin
I tho 20 dnys beginning with tho (list
piihllcntlnn of this notice.
iChns. Donart 22.50
Wllolla Stowart 22.:i.
Holnia M. Jalo 4 19.95
Chas. It. Collier H9.95
C. A. Arnold 590,45
C. A, Arnold 590,15
Ruth 8. Addison 300.45
I. R. Struhlo 656,1 tl
Elinor E. Hendricks 451.10
Arthur R. Wilson 130.25
Arthur It. Wilson 272,60
Louis Bradford 317.95
Louis Brudford 449.95
J. O. Ileardsloy c 449.95
nance, togotner with tno total
amount so assessed against tho prop
erty of each owner, und reference is
heieby ni.ulo to such docket of City
Liens for a detailed description of iiaiiiatH Jowelry Co.
each lot, part of lot, block and acre- Mp, q0i iunvon
ngo proporty so assessed. Mrs. Sni n1InV0n
l l'lirtlier
M. L. Niece
Wm. M. and
Ella T. Rlckman
Jas. Wallace
Klamath Dev. Co
Ida M. Browne .
Klamath Dev. Co.
Klamath Dev. Co.
Klamath Dev. Co.
Klamath Dev. Co.
Klamath Dev. Co 105.60
Arthur R. Wilson 35.20
Arthur R. Wilson
Weed Lumber Co.
59. SO
r fingers! Vol cm lin nfr
crn, soft corn, or corn be-
a .,;:vo"om foot
to .77. D0U1 "Pro
01 ni,,, .,... . -"""' I OBIS
Km ,,. -' . UB ster: apply n 1W
Ms nr .,
tttntiy ii o, tunl 0f c''Ho In
tatt!J?'Urt,nB'lhon'''ortJy hiitB,b0tl,0rBOW,co''rin.
0119 Ut of IV00' ana " without
h 'ttlngi " "qron""- 'Tu'iyJ
Xatlro to Property Owners cm Ornntj
Street. That They iiavo -o ways
from Flint Publication of 'Phis
Notice in Which to File Applica
tions to Pay Their Assessments
In Ten Annual Installments, in
AiTcirilanco Willi Hut Following
Notlco of Proportionate Asset.
mont. Notlco is horoby given thnt tho
Common Council of tho City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, by Ordl
nanco No, 474, duly adopted on tho
11th day of August, 1919, and np
provod by tho Mayor on tho 19th
day of August. 1919, doclnro tho
proportlonnto nssossmont upon each j amount so assossed ngalnst tho prop.
tlco of Proportlonnto AssesMiicnt.
Notlco is horoby givon thnt tho
Common Council of tho City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, did, by ordlnnnce
No 476 duly adopted on tho 18th
day of August 1919, nnd npproved by
tho mayor on tho 19th dny of August
1919, declaro tho proportlonnto as
sessment upon each lot, part of lot,
block und ncrongo property found to
bo benefited and llnblo for tho cost
of improving Tenth Stroot from Main
northorly to Prospect Stroot, nnd
High Streot from 9th Stroot oastorly
to 11th Stroot, including Intorsoc
tlons. Tho propurty so assessed by sulci
ordlnunco Is nil thu pioporty lying
ndjncent to said pait of snld streets
botweon tho nhovo mentioned tor
mini und oxtondlng laterly to tho
contor of tho lespectivo blocks lying
ndjncent to mid part of said streets
so far ns tho improvement thereon
Thnt tho docket of city lions hns
boon mndo up ns piovldod by section
26S of tho dialler, and tho following
Is a list of tho numos of ownors of
tho proporty so nssossod ns shown by
such bond lion docket uud sn(d ordi
nance, togoinor wiiii mu iuiui
publication of this notice.
J. M. Evans 733.53
J. M. Evans 336.SS
J. M. Evans 497.07
J. M. Evans 894.27
Roman Catholic Bishop ot
Baker 336.S3
Roman Catholic Bishop of
Baker 733.53
Roman Catholic Bishop of
Baker 350.80
C. K. Brandenburg 1227.8
Roman Catholic Bishop of
Tcnk-er so? .n
2!Mf !! I Roman CathoiicBishop'of "
?n"in I Baker 724-80
'"" Roman Catholic Bishop of
Baker C63.30
Ellen M. Redfield 543.84
H. E. Calkins 1241.95
Fred Noel 525.93
Fred Noel 578.78
Martin AIcAnrirows ii.7 11
J22.40 First Baptist Church 447.14
4-2.40 l. Oahegan 372.85
140.S0 Mary L. Telford 124.22
140.SO,jiary i,. Telford 497.07
140. 80, Johns Parke 894.27
211.20 Colin Rnliorls K70 TO
miiHi oilier nav in c.isii or muKti unu . . -.. ,""""'-.' w.u.,
lllo with t
city their
r .w,r,t,.t. .-!
iiaat'saun'ino in iiiiiiiiiiimuiia niiniu r - , ., J
tho 20 dajs beginnluB with tho ,irhliMrs.Cnrrlo J. Alexander .
i,lllpiMn nf 11,1k iintlcn itiUS .MOlliaSO
, ,, , ,,. o,i oa'Chs Melhaso
C M i'hinney Z "Z "IlSo'T. C. Sherman 422.20
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 ""'f A' tfn '
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 .Jess o 0. M la 422.20
Alleen D .Johnson oUi2U,JeS3io O. Mills 422.20
Allium n .Tniinami 4"- .40 Klumnth Dev. Co 211.20
l..UU. . VW....UW.. .--..- rt..
notlco is also given ino,M, r n Clen.lennlncr
lotitiectHe ornneilv owneiH. so as- ,-, n...
11 in ", ,',,, , .; I iMiimaiii uov
ji..ju he.ss0( and heteln liolow mentioned, ,,. , m..-
I unu suc.i assessmiM i is emu ami pay- Klamath Dov. Co,
ifd ii 'ii-tiiii
"' ' ". V. '" " "'" "" uuiiuwuiin. ,mti mu, I'linilTl A Trhllanil
Street, that lliey Inuo zu ias expiration of 20 days from tho dato r.,nn Tn,,.,nn
Froni First Piibliriitlon of this of tho ,lrst ,,,HCatlon ot this notice i r'r.lnr.
Notlco in Uhltli to I'llo Appnrn- .said nlfit publication will bo o.i , .,inn
tlons to pay Ihelr assessments lu I August 20. 19111.) ' Ins W I vtlo
Ten AiiiiiiiiI insuillmeiits in nc- Tlo propel ty owners bo assessed V y Walker
roi'imuco ii mi ine imiiiohiu ."-i must oltliet
1. Pollco JU.1BO of sa d OHberfPleet 211.20 Claude W. Coseboom 356 17
nllcu Urns to i.iv sue Toh" Foator 211-20 J- J- nea 471.18
?i si all,, mts within Mrs- Carrl J- Alexander .... 211.20 M. w. Coseboom 1454.93
Leslie Rogers 422.40
Leslie liogurs 115. SO
Emmu A. Johnson 306.60
Emma A. Johnson 338.00
S. S. Johnson Co 84.40
Klamath Dov. C 422.40
Klamath Dev. C 422.40
Klamath Dev. C 422.40
Klamath Dov. C 422.40
W. E. Fnught 422.40
Mutgurot Applegate 422.40
W. S. Davis 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co 422,40
John S, Elliott 422.40
Mary J. Sutton 422.40
Dr. Wnvron C. Hunt 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co 422.40
Edward Mills 422.40
Edwurd Mills 422.40
Burt L, Davis 422.40
Burt L. Davis 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co 422.40
Mrs, Olive Moss 211.20
C. V, Fisher 211.20
C. V. Fisher 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
211.20 ,M. W. Coseboom 843.25
211.20 John S. Parke H54.92
211.20 Manda C. Parten 1090.72
k. hugarman & Max Gumbert 578.78
Jean Groesbeck 578.78
J. J. Keller 684.03
Hallie Jacobs 463.80
C. V. Fisher 475.37
M. E. Cowley 463.80
W. W. Lewis 695.C7
Jas. H. and Lola Drlscoll .... 166.75
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Orson Brown 412.11
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Margaret Pitts 578.78
Klamnth Dev. Co 105.bu H. H. Edmonds 1067.12
Klnmnth Dev. Co 105,60 J. J. Parker et ux
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Chas. Evanlkoff 385.20
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 L. E. Hannen 1006.14
Klumnth Dov. Co 211.20 I Alma J. Cofer 894.27
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 I Chas. F. Stemwoll 373.10
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
Klamnth Dov. Oo 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
J. M. Evans 211.20
J. M. Evans 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
Glen Johnson 123.97
A. A. Bellman 666.80
A. Mohuffey 710.55
Karl C. Jones .... . 6S5.97
Kathorlno Houso ... 467.92
Esther M. Dale 413.25
S. L. Thompson 401.10
W. F. Arnnt 109.30
Jno. Stout 338.94
Jno. Stout 112.98
Jno. Stout 112,98
Jno. Stout 112,91
STRl -
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Sttf ft '
RdtS i
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lot, part of lot, block und acreage
erty of ench ownor, and reforonce Is