THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ntm.w, w(,iN Lee Tires Give Exceptional Service Any Dcfeclive Tiros cnn be Adjusted on n 6,000 o Mile basis in Klamath Falls. Howie Garage 12tH and m am m IMBHEHIinq: PAGI TWO I 22 In. ' ir, VOL 1 PEAKS Baby's Bottle This is a day of sanitation. Don't take chances with old-fashioned nursing bottles for baby. We have all of the approved kinds that are guaranteed to be safe. The use of the right bottle may be the means of saving your baby from serious illness. Everything for Baby's Health ERUPT NM SolwilNtH Sent .Vorth by the ' tiniiiil Civgrnphle Society Kci tlio lViiks Krupt Many IVople Vlult the I'mintry. Underwood Pharmacy W Ivf KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tftSw V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE IJ I r- .o.-rv- I BUY THEIR DRUGS IaccuracvI H When $ou 're hot and thirsty soy H I Hires 1 M ROOT BEER YH Hj At any pUc wbcroft bcveruM (did. vjk H7 Boated la 3 iu VS H THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT M tl) MottUnmrndDUtrlbuton. PORTLAND. OREGON IVH JUNEAU, Alaska, Auk .22. Vol-) cnnle peaks In tlio fur southwestern, corner of Alasku are In eruption this summer evidently for the benefit . of a. party of scientists sent by the National Geographic Society to4 study Mount Katmal. the Kruntest of Alaska's smoking mountains, nml I... it 1111. Ttw.ilantwt ' IID . t.livj ' ..... ..wi.w....i. smokes." Persons who hnvo returned re cently from the volcanic country to the westward slid Shlshnldln I'oak. on Uulmnk lslund, In the Aleutian chuln, was In eruption recently, They also reported It was he lie, wet Mount Havloff on the southwestern Alaskan mainland, also had spouted Ins the snow about the summit was coat black. When the party of scientists left 'Anchorage, Alaska, on their way to ' tlio Katmal country, they said they. believed there was little likelihood' of an eruption this summer and ile-j clared they were cortuln there was the investigation. Kntmal's last big "blow off" was In June, 1912. ', The party of twenty-six scientists' is headed by Professor Robert A. Griggs of the L'nivorslty of Ohio, and some are from Carnegie Institute. . They are planning to muko obsurvu-! tions of the botanical, hj-loglcn! and geological effects of the 1912 eruption. , In 1913 Professor CJriggs head-. 1 cd a purty of scientists to Kiitmij and returned with the announce-, 'n"i""."."irii"w".nir..'.rir.'."i."ii'."."irBriri,'ii"M"irrririii".'irniririi.i..iiiiiiiiri ii rii -i-i"l Open Air Dancing Pastime Open Air Pavilion. Main, near 8th Dancing eveiy Wednesday and Saturday evening, commencing Wednesday, August 20th. Music by orchestra of six. Continuous dancing. AAAMAMVWMMMMMVWWWVWMMWMWWMMMM'MVMMMAAAMAAAAAMA Have You Got a Robe If you haven't, you need one, for right now in the glorious Indian Summer of the Klamath Country, is the one time of the year when every body rich and poor, big and little, old and young yearns for the great outdoors longs to to get out in the wildwood, along the streams, next to the big and little lakes, and spend a few hours, at least, each week communing with our great Mother Nature, and recuperate from the year-old strain of gaining a livelihood. No matter whether your car is a $500 jitney or a $5,000 palace on wheels, you will need a robe, and a good one, and you will need it mighty soon, for even now the evenings are warning you that before long it will be a little bit crimpy coming home. Marple & Smith, of the Diamond T. & V. Co., have just received a shipment of robes that will please you, no matter how fastidious, and they are the very latest things manufactured in that line. Drop in and size them up. Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Co. MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors 120 S. Main St. Phone 167 ment that the crater wus the larg est on the globe and that near Knt mal luy u great valley whose floor was dotted with thousands of mouths grey vapory gas and smoke. ThU valley, Professor Griggs nam ed "The Vulloy of Ten Thousand Smokes." Instead of ten thousand It Is said there are llterully millions of smoking vents. Congress recently set aside "The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes," as national property and it Is bu lged that some day It will be a second Yellowstone geyser field. Steaming springs, It Is suid, will eventually take the pluce of the present smoking vents. Professor Griggs and bis party expect to remain in the Katmal dis trict until the middle of September. Until they return nothing probably will be heard from them us there Is no direct means of communica tion. Mrs. Griggs and her child ren accompanied the professor to Kodlak, an Island near Katmal, and will remain there during tho sum mor waiting for him to return. Moving pictures of tho smoking mountain and valley are to be brought back by tho party. RIX'KIVKS MKIMli FOR SKRVICES AS MOTJO.V PICTl'IlK KXHIIUTOK. j PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE Now that the Elks have come and gone, we can get down to i normal times again, and have a few minutes to plan for our new rug or rocker, or maybe a dining room suite. Also, you had better look that old stove over and decide to trade it in for a new range... Oh, yes; I have received my long-lookcd-for refriger ators, and if you need one you can save a bit of money by buying now. If it is a trade you have, call Perkins; if it is a sale you want, call Perkins; if it is to be repaired, call Perkins. Anyway, if you want to buy a new piece of furniture it will pay you to look our stock over before you buy. Bring your catalog in, and let's compare prices; mayhap I can secure you just what you want nt the price you want to pay. Perkins Furniture House "THE FURNISHER OF HAPPY HOMES'" imfliniMUiiiiiiiift KEEP URIC AH OUT OF JOINTS TELLS RIIKUMATIHM Hl'FFKRKRSi TO KAT LB8S MEAT AXD TAKK SALTS He was far from the shot and shell but ho has been uwarded a medal made from ciiptuu-d German cannon J. V. Houston recently received from the Treasury Department a medal for work well done as a mo tion picture exhibitor. Medals of n similar nature have been awarded to motion picture exhibitors over tho country, who "ca-rled on" after the guns wero silenced und aided materi ally In sending the Victory Liberty Loan to an over-subscription. An ex tract from tho letter from tho Treas ury Department is as follews: "Wo can but thank you for a service for which your only recompense Is tlio knowledge that you, served America and served her well. It Is tho wish of tho government that tho enclosed medal, mado frpm German cannon captured by our American "Dough noys may brtnn you pleasant memon les in tho yoars to como." Tho services of tho War Labor Board at Washington were recently required to settlo the question whether union buttons should be worn by employes of the Toledo trol ley lines. Rheumatism Is easier to avoid than Is absorbed Into the blood. It Is the to cure states a well-known authority. Wo aro ndvlsed to dress warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism Is n direct result of eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid which function of tho kidneys to filter this acid from tho blood and cast It out In the urine; the pons of the skin aro also a means of freeing tho blood of this impurity. In damp nnd chilly cold weather the skin pores are clos ed thus forcing Iho kidneys to do double work, thoy become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate tho uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating thru tho system, eventually settling In tho Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pnln called rheumatism. At tho first twlngo of rheumatism get from nny pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Suits; put a tablespoon ful In a gloss of water, and drink bo foro breakfast each morning for a week. This Is said to ollmlnate ure acid by stimulating tho kidneys to normal artlon, thus ridding tho blood of these Impurities. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from tho ncld of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11th la and Is tisod with oxcollent results by thousflnds of folks who aro sub ject to rheumatism. Adv. On account of car shortago wo will icll block at $2. B0 per cord at our factory until further notice. Now Is tho time to got in your wlntor blocks. 17-tf. Kwnuna Box Co, 1 fcj. his llnM s II iyjJi tiMimiJw. I 1 H I I. "Helpful Hints" RIGHT AND WRONG WAYS When you write the amount of n rherk upon the wrojil line, start It as far to the left as poislblc. Then till In the remainder of tlio line with a heavy wavy pen stroKa. I In this wny substitution con lie made neither before or I after the amount you have written without detection i As riiHtcdlana of your funds, tho Kim National Hank j affords every protection modern banking has devised. K. R, Iti-niiieM, I'riwlileril. I,. 1 WlllvtN, Vlce-Prwldcnt. Iridic Roger, Ciialiler. A. M. Collier. Aunt. CiiNliler. John M. Moore, A wit. Cuxhier. ztie First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON MJM Wt II Get Your Winter Wood Now For a limited time I will sell you your winter wood : at the following amazing prices: DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS $4.50 GREEN SLABS $3.50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. fi22 M!n. Phone, .jj. 4M'rTT U 72 Read the Ads-It Will Pay You Let us make up your ipool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Store SULPHUR 81 1 The price is right phon 126 South Sixth St