The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 22, 1919, Image 1

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t rTfiptyTg.
uenfnn Herald
Lrtecnth Year-No. 3,709
Price, Five Centi
Br the OF
....l.IddI Vnllr)
(rfrtiwr K'rt
OojUi America
('unreriix Will
I'orlliin of
Trutle tor Their
Percy Honlclliri mill ('litiiiln Hun
kins, arrested IiihI April by Game
Warden llonry Stout, iumI kIwii
lenient Koiitiiiird, wlilc h liriniKlii
miicli criticism on tint iirllon of
JiidK" N. J. Chupinnn from llio game
department, aro In linn for heavier
Hiintonru thlH 1 1 mo.
Tliu two boyn worn given n defer
rod fif'titonco lust April because of
certain evidence brought out In tho
! nr mcim Dnnn hid .h:vipiiic
BU mi ill r- r- m ! i
i III III 1 1 1 Ifil I I Mil IUII AIIIHIiil
II w iiwiiw wil IIIUI1IWIIIIU
Air Sparrow Certain Tlmt tin- Open
lug of Itniiil to Diamond Ijikej
Would Ailil Materially to ( 'niter,
un.nB Tcnn., Aug. 22.-A vis- '""" "- " lt tt C0IM only havo tM0 road t0
MEMPHW.11":' ",,,. iir!lrlnl und bornUM, of their youthful-, ,.., Ijllf nf .
UUn-Ainonm.. , ,, of , j,,!,,!,,,,,,,, ,, , , '" "."'.;"
interim- ...,.., "' """' wn wouiu auu muicnaiiy 10
It to
Ktpcilitlmi Will Hurry cut oh Lonic hi
HoIiIIi-i-h Arc Hot on tlio Tnill or
tin; liHiiilltx, In Announcement of
General Dlckmuii.
tlio great wonder spot."
MAItFA, Texas, Auk. 22 Ab long
iik the American expedition contin
ues to follow the hot trail of the
uiiulDPl Valley concerns imoroii-.
'- . .,...jniniir miw irouoi - .
di.itacelhei.ndliii5 0f lhwr:"lcllon" " ""' "h for Jl.S.. Ho Hpkn A,ox Hpa mvorln. Mexican bundltH, It will -emaln In
"ftadode representatives f1n,, pny.,ho u.rl """H ,4(10' lo indent of Crater Lake National Mlco utile contrary orders are
",, B7 i.oul. Memphis. Oln.ow " nl me.r mmnuons u -ark. who was In town yoBterday af-
rtlCiROi DU .. .. 'trniul. It U'liH Hut finitnrut mullm . . ......
i.h New Orleans nnrt mony miana ""'" ur . "' ;"'; (urnoun. uiamoml Lake would bo a
.dMU.Mw" t)1Hl th $2C nun would Im rmnltU'il i.,., ,.. , ,.. .,... .
jtu U DUntiOU iwr Mil ' it. . "" n"- nijijiinn iuuriaiH lur u
:;r. Not .... uan J.0 commer. l- " r .PPnrnt,
...i n.incuvl and liunlncst oslnlillHli- ... -
in tuiiri, nRr puro(l of tlinti about tho Crnt
nr l.nkn countrv. inrnrrllnf In Mr.
rho day .t for trial found H.'' Hparrow. "As It Ih they hoo the lake,
brink, nnd then
wi,Dropoio.ltonmko.,noxtenHlvo'l, Ml" ,"",,,l to uy H- Ko down to tho
. . .., hv tioronnl ol rr-J",K" '!"'iin Kvo thum until .,... ...,, Mr
Up IV . ' li.. r,l. ,.. ,.,,.!, I ,i... .
-iinsiinthobuilnrMcomjmonnnnii,"- "" " " " "- "' l.uko woulc
iulbllltlM In SOU'' Ainiirun iiini " - " non nnil wi
received from the war department,
according to un announcement made
by Major General Dlckman today.
Oencrul Dlckman wan unconcern
ed about tho Mexican protest, Haying
that It was "tho usual fall protest."
Iteports Klvon out this afternoon In-
Hparrow, "Diamond dlratcd thut tho punitive expedition
I bo an nildltlonal attrae- wa prosresslnB rapidly Into Mexico.
ould hold tho vlxltorx. af-i
to the MImImIppI Valley can Im-M noltltor appeared, nnd In fart noth- tur th.iy had soen Crater Lake." 'LABOR PROVISIONS
djtelop lt trnuinc inuTiMin .. ..... -o " .M-vor nororo in the hlatory of Crat- FAI, T. mDC ,TU
UllnUld. """" (1"rlMK ll"' H""mH tr",, ""' it l--ik.. havo ncroiiinilntloiui boon AIL TO COPE WITH
ThemoTCincnt was m.irinu oy mo ", . n t,,Xed an they havo thlK year, acrord-' 1 HKLATENING EVILS
Orlwni Asiorlatlon or torn- new., no wn reeoKniMi i.y inK , t. Hiiporlntendent. "Hardly
aeref.whlch already Ihih ilolr-unfril thnpmnn. who iHxtieil a bench ar- lla. hlls )JSS,M, HillC() tho On0nlnK WASHINGTON, D. C. Auk. 22
i committee to Interest other slml- rant and ro-lmpoHod tho linn of 125 (lf tlll) ,. lnnl lllt ,10tul lllia nol i Democratic Senator Thomas of Colo
ur oriinlHlloM and which nlno has and cota. Tho defendant was un- been crowded to lapaclty." "Ku the rado declared that the labor provl
Uken op with tlio I'nlted Statim Ship-, able to pay tho Mni-, and Is Hervlnn h(x ,,,, wo ft (,ullln, aft(,r t1QlonH of the peace treaty had failed
pinIloaril the qucotlon of obtalnliiK out bin Hcnlunni In the r-uiity Jail visit of tho National Kdltorlal Asso-jto r"l'' w'tli the threatening labor
a vessel for tho trip, I Tim ciibo of Sid Frazler for dor- elation on August 11th, havo be..n ''"" He declared that they pointed
It lithe Intent to Mart about Nov- rowing his MMer'a ear without per- occ-iiii(.i1 each night by tourists." I toward a program which may dls-
'embir, on a tcntatlvo Itinerary that mlHslon, was hound iur to tliu "if wo Mill only luiprovu our road'i.(url' tll(-' (lo'l-'stlc peace uf the Unit-
till Uke tho delegation to Culm, 'grand Jury after a JuhIIco eouit V can gain a great sharo of tlio east-j-''1 States Ho doubted whether or
Juulc. Santa Domingo. Haiti, clt- hearing today . i ern tourist travel to Crater Lake that ,"t that section could bo accepted
Vera Ci-ilrr-ilcrrhlll Delights" Audi
ence at Opera House in Her First
Concert Given In Klamath Falls
Her Home City.
That Vera CrlsIer-BerrylilirB con
cert last night at the Opera Hottae
was a success was evident from the
start of her program. There was a
nice gathering of townspeople to
hear the young singer, whom many
have known since childhood, and
their surprise and delight upon hear
ing her beautiful voice was general.
Vera Crlslcr, as she is known to
her many friends, waB introduced for
her first number as the "young girl
on a buckskin pony" charging fear
lessly about the town and country.
This first number, "The Mad Scene
from Lucia," was the heaviest num-
ln In Venezuela, Colombia, I'ltnamn,
Ecoidor, Peru, Chile and back thru
the rtnirrm Cmnl.
It la qulhi certain from local In
(ornitlon, that Memphis nnd St.
Lonliwlll bo well rrprrMMited anil nn
isranca ha been obtained that Chl
ojo and Clnelnniiti will llknwiHO
ittl a ntimlior of repreapiitiitlvoH.
Tl la of especial Interest
mauAWA a
I will turn toward Kuropo when tho under the conEtltutlon.
1 iiltuatlon Is closed. Of course tho!
'cutting off of Kuropean travel has 'MANY INJURED IN
Weakness following an operation
Increased tho tourist travel to Crator
I. like, and other national parks. IlullJ
good roads keop them up and wo
can gain and hold tho American tour-
sts to our national parks over tho
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22. Twenty
six persons woro injured, several be
ing serious, when an electric car
crashed Into a sightseeing bii3 car
rying 30 motion picture actors, who
wero going out on a location to pro
ducp a film.
The Occident occurred at Caseungn,
CAMP LEWIS. Aug. 22. When pass. liandz and Ilurbank road,
I tho Pacific fleet reaction Pugct Sound A number of tboso injured woro worn-
I ,.. , .. ..... .!. 1 . ..
nflliMlftAV nn,l or I ,..,,.... ' ..,.. ...... 1 run nil I. iiH.nui, mil. inu luasi uii'ii,
: .'" ".- r..--lnuii .mi in BireeiH. jiihi tinny minmes ,,. ,,,,, ,ti.,,i .iit ., v,
l tho lower Mlsslsulppl Valley ho- performed In Sail Krniirlsrn h"""', nOUCHBOYS Will
cause of recent nnnouncoment nnd flvo weeks ago. nrcompanled by urn wnR WITU rTIRQ
uijnnce that river transportation .stomach and gall-hHddor trouble. HUli-INUp VV11M liUDJ
u u do mucn improved ns tar nortli caused tho death of Dr. Henry ('
ujcmphlt and St. Louis nnd llkp-fschleof, local physician, last night.
tlM because- of rcpld dovolopmont about S-30, at his home at Seventh
la the lower valley ociinlry
CAMP mviS, Aug. 22 Tho num
her of animals destroyed In tlm groat
after he had been taken from tK
train that brought him from San
Kranclsco. I
Knowledgii that Dr Schleef eouldi
day at Camp Luwis. Officers at tho
big cantonment nro planning various
entertainments, end tho doughboys
tlm iireniirliic to lock nnns with tlin
not llvu long caused Dr. Kittbiirlnitl K(tUii nml sllow wm tno tIlno ot Ulolr
S'.chleof, his wife, to have him ser.t
, lives. They will bo given a scenic
from San Kriinrlsto to Klamath voynK nInB tll v.,Qmc H,Rhwa. ,n
American offeniilvn nf lnts in Pmnr., ,'n,,H' ,n ortlcl wlnl ,1,H relatives . trucks: they will bo fed Army
Ii probably Incalcutnbto. This wns mlK,U Kalhvr ,,or" fr0"1 CoU!'Ku chow In tho mess hulls; they will he
doenot alone to tho exigencies or ,n-,0rovu' uml 1,u wllh l,l' ,lt IiIh ll,,",,
ami nor ciiiiiiren.
afforded ovary facility for tho sail
ors' favorite pastlmo of horseback
unto, but partly to teamsters lack-1 MrM 8ch,oof
inr training, experience, anil nnturnl ,,'rul,C0H Mui V'"1"-. know nothing riding: mounted gnmos for sailor lid
bllltr to ruatlo for their nnlmalfl. ,)f ,,", U(,a,h of rr' So,lll!ot. for ""'' ors und numerous field sports, includ
A pleasing Instanco of whnt enn o "ro " u,olr wuy tr,nn Cnllfornln by K tUKS r war .twecn Army and
In warfare Is the record of Wag- j,,,0,"r nt thu Present time. They
wr Thomas Murphy of tho Heart-,lro ""P0"'''' to arrive either Satur
rters Detach , tent, msth Mnehi.m l,lll' "'Bht of Sunday morning
"n uattallon, DM Division
At Camp Low Is thero wns n lilg
lone show In tlio spring of 101C,
nil Murphy won flrst prize with four
Mies In thn es(..,r, ,. ,.
' France Murphy drew four Froneh
ilesldi'H his wlfu nnd chlldteii, Dr.
Schleef 'Is mirvlveil by several rela
tives who nro In Cottage (irtiwi. Dr.
Schloof, who was 19 years of ago,
has been practicing In Klamath I'ai-i-
Navy toam.s, will mako up an after
noon program at the camp athletic
.COPENHAGEN. Aug. 22. Polish
for tivnr a vear. Ills bmlv Is ut Whit-! truona (TUhIiIiikIv ilefcited bolshe-
horicsiinilhegiti ta rehalillltato thorn i'0C,1'H '"'dort iking parlors, anil will ; vikl and soviet fones, after ptirsu
uu mo old Von K(m w,,n nn,lho hold pnnillng the miluil of Mrs lug them for bourn
"men Harness.. In tho St. Mlhlol nnd Hlilef from San Eiauelhco.
"1 ArRnnnp. In fmnrn n,.,i i n. bo burled In TnHneii flrive
' m ill III' - "
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 22. Almost
completo paralysis of transportation
existed today In Southern California.
Strikes took place on the Pacific
Electric and Los Angeles Hallway
HVbtoins. These wero supplemented 'iy
a general walkout of tho members
of tho four great railroad brother
hoods, who quit their Jobs on the
Southern Pacific, Santa Fo and Salt
Lake lines.
i ... . . . . .
. L'i ,Wv'"' ' ' ""'Bl'nn. tliiMo
W 1'orscs lollol. often under shnlt-
r. anJ often on roads which won.
TJT P0,sll,,, ' o 1'orss
o anotllcr Wr nrm 8how
...... '" 'Vllr)hy ontered
7 Lies
eienl m. i.i.
Strain.. ' wnr-worn tnnm
Jojr. tho tram lld not look
J-worn . niolr coals wero glossv
llkr i.n ' UP ,,,0,r ,)lts- with
T "r,hcd nni1 "cd Held
46a ,v T "H n0 hr8' ,lna
v, y first prlw, winner.
"Waahonioo, mulowith a wlilo.
Heat of , , 1,,r,,m' 3n' vlco Pt
'd bl Vfn!. tniC,c ttKmey wns
11vL . tll0Cny'' noudun
toraia Blrcot brIl""o early this
kown , h0 wot Jll ia
efoaorI , "" in that thoro
iS 8ky ,,ott, wrf8 t0nd
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. Prcsl-
Tlui fortress of, dent Wilson may go to Now York to
Ho will Uowdikroinh, located at VolhynU.i wolcomo homo General John J. Per
jiiorlhi'iiht of Diibno .was eapturud lushing, lender of tho Amorlcnn Ex
i tlm Poles after linril lighting. The pedltlonary Forces, next month.
i Poles reached tho line of Ihiimen jThoro Is :i chanco that this may in
iDortyn, east of MliihK. torfero with his review of tho Pacific
1 I Fleet in San Francisco.
Tomorrow Sir. and Mrs. L. F. Wll-I
Ills, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. I LTTLETON, Coto., Aug. 22. Miss
E. It. Heames, will leave for Crator Mnrgarot Emits, Colorado's first wom
Lako, where tho party will spend the an deputy shortff, wns sworn Into
week end. Although Mr. and Mrs. 'offlco hero tho other day.
Kennies havo boon prominent Klaui-I Glittering badgo, long-barrolod six
nth Falls residents for ninny yeai-hj shooter, lariat hanging on wall, cow
uutll Jiiht latoly, It has hcou :t3 yearj1 pony tied to tho rail outside all
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 Nearly
7,000 American troops wilt ho hold
In Gorninny nftor Soptoinbor 30ti,
according to Information glvon out
by tho wnr dopnrtmont today.
Thoso that will bo hold nro tho
Elgthth Infantry, Seventh Mnchlno i"'"1'0 "'oy mado their last trip to tho thoso npiitirtonancos to tlio office of
Gun Ilnttnllon, Second Ilnttatlon
Sixth Flolrt Artillery, nntli. Flotrt
Slgnnl fltntlon, First Supply Train,
First Mobllo Orrtnanco Itopatr Shop,
Company A-Flrst Engineers, Flotrt
Hospltnl No. 13 nnrt Anibutnnco Com
pany No. 20.
Miriam Martin, 'who roturnort yos
torrtny from a vl.slt with Chrlstlno
Murdock, at tho Murdock ranch, wilt
loavo Sunday for MIsb Hoad's scliool
nt Ilorkoloy, wtioro alio will contlnuo
her studies. Miss Murdock wilt enter
Stanford Unlvorslly soon for a four
year's course.
Crater, and they nro looking forward tho deputy sheriff, from tho equip
to thoir stay thero with tho greatest nient ot this plucky young woman.
of pleasure. "I'll go after horso thloves an.'
nuto thloves jiiBtns readily as I'll do
tho swonrlng In and tho other routlno
matters in this court building," says
Miss Ennls.
Porcy Durko, who returned to
Klamntli Falls last night, after many
months over-sons took part in throo
major offen.slvos with tho lfitli. Artil
lery, which was n pert of tho -Ith div
ision. Ho was In tho thick of tho fighting
in tho Atsno-Mnrno, St. Mlhlol, nnd
Mouso-Argonno battles and escaped
wlthoutvlnjury. Corporal Durko, as
ho wns known in tho sorvlco, arrived
In Now York on July 20th, and wns
discharged at Camp Dodge, Iowa,
Tho firtleth destroyer to ho built at
San Francisco in tho now naval pro
gram is to bo lnundiod today and will
bo christened' tho Marcus In recogni
tion of tho heroism of Llout. Arnold
Marcus, a San Francisco naval offi
cer, who gnvo his llfo In saving tho
crow of tho submarine A-7 In an ox
plosion at Manila In 1917.
J II. Carnahan, local attorney,!
, was elected president of Klamath
FallH Post No. 8 of the American Le
gion last night In the first meeting
of tho organization since the grant
ing of tho charter over two weeks
Other officers elected for the com
ing year are: Vice president, Dr.
Fred Westerfeld; secretary, Fred
Nicholson; treasurer, Garrett Van
Itlper; historian, Leland Haines, and
chaplain, Arllo Worrell. The execu
tlve commission chosen for the en
suing year consists of M. L. Johnson,
Coleman O'Loughlin, O. V. Mathews,
Bernard Zollman, James S. Sheehy.
Dr. Fred Westerfeld was chosen
as post delegate to represent the or
ganization at the state convention in
Portland In September. Harold
Merryman was chosen alternate del
egate, and will act in case two dele
gates aro allowed, or in the event
that Dr. Westerfeld cannot attend
tho convention.
Some 213 or more service men at
tended tho meeting last night, and ber on her program and she render-
tho Interest displayed gives evidence ed it with perfect case, having won-
that tho organization will become a derful control of tier voice,
factor In the state American Legion j Vera Crisler san.j easily and gTace
Sections of tho charter were read at; fully, and tho audience could readily
tho meeting. All service men who realize the future that lies before
become members of the local post the young artist who has sprung In
prlor to November 11th, 1919, will j to prominence within the short per
be listed as charter members, accord- lod of a year. Her notes were clear,
ing to a provision of the charter, hec diction was faultless and her
that follows the laws governing Post memorization carried her throughout
No. 1, at Portland. Tho next meet-j her long, heavy- program. Vera Crls
lng will be held Thursday night at 8 ler really triumphed last night in
o'clock in the council chaufber of the her first concert in Klamath Falls,
city hall. She Intends leaving for New York,
accompanied by her parents and
teacher, Theophilus Fitz in January.
She will study under; the best mas
ters in the East, and will specialize
In concert work.
"Thou Brilliant Bird" brought the)
climax of the concert and little Doro
thy Dunham, who acted as flower
jgirl, carried in an armful of ex-
. , , , .quisite gladiolas, which she present-
After preparing and serving a bar- H .... . .. .,
, .nu i .k ..... i n- d to the singer while tho audience
becuo at which spveral thousand Ore- ...
gon Elks were entertained last Fri-, L
day. City Clerk M. R. Keef, Consta-
bio L. A. Beevers nnd Arthur Heb
bron arrived home last evening from
Klamath Falls. The barbecue was
a great success, and the Salinas men
reaped much glory as cooks. Keef
was the general superintendent. Bee.
vers had charge of the roasting pits,
Hebbron lent valuable aid In many
ways, and P. E. Zabala, who accom-l
panied them, prepared nn abundance
of his famous chill salsa to give zest
to the edibles. The size of the Job
may be partially realized from tho
fact that tho carcasses of three wild
elk and six beeves were cut up and
cooked, along with those of lambs
and other animals.
Tho Salinas men were royally en
tertained during their sojourn, and
they saw a great deal that was in
teresting and a few things that were
exciting. Among the former was a
bunch of several thousand water
T N 1
j The Peerless Orchestra, consisting
of Harry Borel, Jim Newnham, H.
Mitchell, Mr. Fletcher, and Rex Strat
ton, added materially to the affair
with their accompaniment. Mr. Bor
el was especially effective with his
violin obligato with "The Day
Dream," and Mr. Fletcher with tho
flute assisting Miss Desire McClosk
ey at the ptano in accompaniment
to "Thou Brilliant Bird." Desire Mc
Closkey played with the ease and
grace of a finished pianist.
In addition to her regular pro
gram Vera Crisler sang "Annie Lau
rie" and "Carry Me Back to Old Vir
ginny," which gained unusual favor
jwlth the whole audience.
Music lovers will be pieased to
hear that they will have another op
portunity of hearing Vera Crisler
Sunday morning and evening at the
Christian church, where she has kind
ly consented to sins.
snakes on tho bank of a lake colled (JlNCLE SAM'S GROCERY
mm iuiuum mull, aim uiiiuiik Uln llll
tor was a firo that destroyed a gar
pge and several hundred automo
biles. Mr. Zabala loft Klamath Falls with
W. A. Delzell, local potmastei re
ports that Uncle Sam's grocer busi
ness ts entner tn Trpen him hnsv intll
tho other members of tlio party on ... . , ., , , ,
,. . . . . tho allotment mado this second-class
thoir homeward Journey, but stop-, oKJcef Orders aro going in
pod in San Francisco last nlBht- d to th enoraI j fflco
1 ho Salinas Dally Index. Jn gnn Prnncsc0 w, bo return.
! ed by parcels post within a few days
latter the order is placed with Mr.
A prico list of all foods for sate
can bo found In the post office, where
several copies have been posted m
tho main lobby.
Itov. Geo. E. Thelss, pastor of tho
Grace Lutheran church of Eugene,
Ore., will bo in tho city Sunday, and
will occupy tho pulpit In tho absence
of Itev. Itossmnn, who Is visiting
with his parents In Indiana. Tho
Lutheran services will be held In the
First Baptist church, Eighth ind
Washington stroots. This Is Mr.
Tholss' first visit to Klamath Falls,
und a largo attendance is expected at
tho service, as ho Is recognized as a
vory able clergyman.
Two of tho finest gardens In tho
city nro thoso of Frank Armstrong
and II .Nownhnm. Both gentlemen
nro proud of tho result ot their ef
forts. Tho prldo of Mr. Armstrong
Is tho mammoth string beans, and ot
Mr. Newnham his sweet corn. Truly
Klamath alls has no reason to be
ashamed of the vegetables grown
PARIS, Aug. 22. Disposition of
tho iron mines and iron industries
ot the part ot Lorraine re-attached
to France by fho Peace Treaty has
become an object ot competition be
tween important Iron nnd steel cor
porations and a syndicate of 200 Iron
founders. The former seek to pur
chase xand opornto the mines and
works, while tho latter demands thnt
both tho mines and the works bo ac
quired by tho stato to remain Its
property and to uo operated under Its
dlroct control.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. Thomas
Nowser Page formally resigned ns
ambassador to Italy today.