The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 21, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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THUHHUAV, AUWtn !j, ,k
Woolens for Fall Suits i Overcoats
Have Arrived at the KKK Store
acm nam
AAA! A.t..f.
Don't take chances on waiting this Fall for your Suit and Over
coat selections make them now, while you can get just what you
want We are Exclusive Agents for the Ed V. Price Line, for the
Royal Tailors, and are at your service for some good Fall and
Winter Clothes.
Leading Clothiers and Hatters
rT I I I 1 I Tl TTTT1 I I T T I I I I I I I I I I '
Liberty Theatre
'You Judas!'
Cried the broken-hearted rancher to his
wife when he learned that she was his "kid
brother's" betrayer.
i Lumuuni rnLao !
Bimn iiiiiifn
Today's Anniversaries
ISL'O John Tymlull, hud of th'i
most eminent of liiltish scientists :
his tlmo, born in County Carlow
Ireland. Died Dec. -I. 1S93. ,
! 1SC3 Confederate band, untlor
LONDON, Auk 21. Tho provl- Qunntroll mudo a ttld on Lawrence, ' Wnnli-ii Out
slonal regiment of American soldiers Knn.
who followed General Pershing In j 1fini p, V.W nf ihn TTnlw.
, .. -- - -.--.-.--- -- , w- ..- W... ,
Day procession was tho(orsUy ()f j,ch,Kluli wns ,)Ut on tral I
samplo of Amorlcan fighting
T the Peace
V t
! first
" . I. I.. T .. rt.1
(.roups tu iiiurcii in uunuuit. umur
organizations seen hero had boon on
their war to tho batttafioUls, while
j these were returning
f 1 Hit..- ...-,. !. ...Hnnnn I.. 1A1
Jtcif mciw iiiu Aiiiuui.uun in nifi'i
Slate Will No
Doubt He Instructed to I'ullou
Federal Imw, Atcorilluu to (Jiiiim'
t'ominKstoiier Htotic.
"The Forfeit"
Liberty Theatre
helmets, marching in companies
olght abreast, with bayonets fixed."
said the Dally Express. "Thoy wore
as jovial as any when tho procession
halted for a time, but whllo they
on a chnrgo of teaching socialistic I
and anarchist doctrines.
1002 White Star liner Cedric, '
the largest steamship built up to that
time, launched ut Belfast. I
1909 Walter Wullman returned
to Spltzborgen with a balloon which
jgamo commlHHlmium to Ueclda tht
cuso. Mr. Stone In iiultu nosltl. ikn
' tho will of tln coinmiiiioncn wim,
to allow duck almoiliiK, ler,liislc
September liitli. as proiMed (or br
tho federal law.
So many hunter lui o been asVIs;
concerning thu tin. K uiun tnat the
rutin Inn it tin. ri.t. J .
"i " " o....v ..on uuu 5aa$
commissioners will ho awaited win It can bo almost definitely
said howuvor, tint tliu season will
open September U'lli anil close De
comber 31st. Tho bag limit for dackj
Is -fi In any nun day and not to ei
coed 30 in auy sucu consecutlti
Deer hunting opens September lit.
Just Received
Fresh Shipment of
Stephen F. Whitman and Sons have been
making this candy for over 77 years, and
they certainly know how to make good
Whenbuying, why not buy the best?
Twenty ounces Milk Chocolate $1.35
Sampler $1.35
Fussy Package $1.35
Fruits and Nuts $1.50
Pink of Perfection $1.50
Whitman Drug Co.
Game wardens throughout dlatrhl
No. S, which embraces all counties
oust of tho Cascado Mountnlns will
no doubt bo Instructed to nllow hum- "'l c'" Octooor 3 1st. In all com
ors to nhoot migratory birds Includ- H'" nt f ""' '"ancadei saro In U
Ing ilurks and gucso beginning Bop. 'l" n'l Wallowa. The season la tbt
burst shortly nftor his start for tho tembor ICth, according to C. K. Stony, Innt two counties Is from September
North Polo. n member of tho stnto fish and gamo 1"'- Novxumlmr 10th. Tho I'mlt
1911 Pro3ident Taft slgnod th.-. commission. "' lnr for any M-iison Is two buck
marched their faces wcro as serious Statehood bill wit", tho Arizona Judl Undor tho fodornl fciw hunters are ''' wlt'1 horns.
and immobile as tho grnvest of grav- clary recall clauso eliminated. permitted to shoot ducks from Sop- Klumnth county Is ilio onlr lounlr
en images. Thoy made a profcund 1914 French nnd Germans bat- tomber ICth, until Docombor 31hI. In district Nri. '-' whom quail shootlat
Impression on tho onlookers. Their t,0(l for possession of Chnrlerol. Tho statu law provides that shooting Is permitted. Tho season starts Octo-
marching wns Ho man In lis Iron 191i British Keaplnno snnlc shall not start until October 1st, nnd bor 1st. and closes October lOlh, Tea
sternness and precision." Turklsn troopjnip in sea or .Mar- win remain open until Janunry l&tlt. qunil in nny soron consecutive am
"A magnificent regiment It was," mora,
said the Dally Telegraph, "young 191fi Severe battles raged In tho
men, all of them, and the quintes- Halkans, with Ilrltlsh, French and
sence of tho nlert and lithe. Khaki Sorl'8 attacking tho Ilulgarlans at all
clad In brown steel helmets, they P0'nls-
looked most workmanlike." till . i;anaaians urovo uormnn
J "How magnificently thoy march d from trenches at Uns by bayonet nt-
swlnglng past In perfect alignment, tncks.
with long, eaay stride, heads held
high and shoulders squared," said BRITISH FORCES NOT '
the Dally News. "They wore greeted JJP TO BOLSHEVIKS
vociferously with as good cheerln?' NORTH RIKSIA
as I ever remember having heard In 1' livRin nuom
London." I
"There was a grim, indomitable
A mooting will bo held Soptomhar Is glvnn ns tho ling lluil' by the Ok
4th, In Portland of tho state fish nnd gon Fish nnd (lame laws
ABO. 0..
look about Pershing's men," said tho
Dally Sketch, "an effect greatly
heightened by their shell helmets,
and It made all the more wonderful
tho burst of clear color which fol
lowed as their massed banners came
by. Old Glory, along with tho rest,
held American fashion so that tho
fabric flew freoly, and no shred of
color was lost. Tho cheering of tho
crowd turned at tho sight to a groat
'Ah' of delight. Except for tho pass
ing of tho massed colors of tho
Guards with their laurelled stnffs, it
was the most plcturesiiuo moment of
,tho procession."
" 'Good old Yanka,' thus are tho
Americans affectionately If some
what familiarly greeted," 'said the
Morning Post In its story of tho pro
fession. I
Today's Birthdays
Hon. A. D. Hudson, former attor
nuy-generai 01 Manitoba, WHO was ilnlnrmlnml
mentioned as a candidate for tho Lib
eral leadership bom, at Pembroke
Ont., 44 years ago today,
I Frank A, Munsoy, woll-known pub
lished and financier, born at Mercer,
Maine, OS years ago today,
I Cardinal Frusvvlith, papel nuncio
at Munich, born -it St. Anndo do Ai'
gon, Austria, 74 years ago today.
I Claudo Grahiai-Whlto, plonoir
English aviator, born In Hampshire
England, 39 years ago today,
I Frank J. Marshall, Champion Am-
'orlcan chess player, born In Now
York City, 42 years ago today.
Of all animals dogs appear to
evlnco the keenest musical suscoptl-blllty.
LONDON, Aug. 21. Although
compared with last summer's pitiful
ly small force, tho present British
and Husslau command is well equip
ped, It Is still far below tho strength
of tho bolshlvlkl In both numbers
and artillery. Tho Ilrltlsh gunboats
and monitors, of which a largo flotil
la was sent for operations on the
Dvlna and Vugu riven), hav'o for the
most pait proved useless becauso of
the low water.
Even tho Ilrltlsh volunteer forces
hnvo bueu Informed that they will
bo withdrawn from North Ilussla be
fore nnotlii-r winter sots In. All
Americans and Trench nro now olX
tho Archangol front, and tho nowly
trained HiisbUn troops, most of
whom wero sotuied by draft, are
limited in numbor, tho territory be
ing sparsely sottlc-d. They aro, how
ever, well equipped.
At thu present tlmo tho North
Russian government, which has es
tablished, under direction of Gen
eral Kolchnk, a "strong" policy to
hold up thu dlsclpllno in tho army
and among thu civilian population, Is
to carry on tho war
Fo the mn who it on hit feet all day
a more comfortable hoe wat never made.
Hence the widespread popularity of the
Buckhkcht Army Shoe among buiinest and
profeuional men, iporumen.NDutdoor work
en, miners, farmers, mechanics, etc. A
good, practical Shoe for ivtryiaj wear!
Built for comfort and service built for
you I Remember the name Buckhecht
stamped on every shoe for your protection
Get a pair today!
For Solo nt
K. K. K. Storo Jlrndlcy Shoo Stoic.
San Francisco
A Dirty Jol
against tho bolshuvlkl to the finish,
and tho people appear anxious to co
Lato In July Major Gonoral Iron
sldo announced to thu Ilrltlsh gov
ernment that the Russian troops In
tho Onega district, about 100 miles
wost of tho Dvlna Itlvor, had muti
nied and handed ovor tho Onega
front and tho town of Onega to tho
bolshovlki. No Ilrltlsh troops woro
on tho Onega front.
Tho use of beer and light wlnos
in the treatment of certain medical
cases was declared essential at tbo
recent meeting of the Allied Medical
Association of America.
So if you need any dirt cheap to (ill up a
vacant lot, or some parking in or around
your place, we are in a position to deliver it
to you veiy reasonably. And now is the
time you should take advantage of this, as
dirt this close in is not always avoidable.
The Sunset Grocery
or John Morgan