1 art . .aiitv.ArcrhTaii' oil). THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK VIVM Tin ? ERSONAL MENTION ..,. hii)i:mihh on mw:ai iiapi'1nix.h VunVf Till: I'lIOI'I.K OF TIIIH CITV AND V1CINITV. OIM'H AN fOMINOH OF 10UAIj FOMIH. MUCH INTEREST IN TONIGHT'S CONCERT visitor jl M. Cinipl'"" M from ""'"'.. ,)f s,.iitilu In hero jw ;" , "'JsmllhofH-.. IT-nrlHCO I. .. i.iiv on Dili"" nn -:i"Sl'i'M:,. r M. ranch nt HHr l-ako. Ti,uldcnl-MoIll.lKl"K'"- ; Mil rom IMK'ne, "" , , C'ln, relumed 11.1. Jnlnltohl.l'omoonU.uilo.orr.i- slfo ami ay ...,t,.4. Willi III" "' . ... I.Sn . vlitltlUK IH'f" ",n" "' lion. A.n. .Mldren. " v "'.TSorhnrt.of Portland arrlv ,1 on Jul ":hu ,rl,n Much Interest In being oxpreHsod In the concert tonight nt Houston's opera house with Vuru Crlslor.Jlorry lilll, lolornliirii soprani, giving her HrM homo i(trf(irniiiri(i after hor Los Angeles IrliimpliH Him will hit ably assisted by Denim McCloskoy, plan Int, unci (In; I'uciidNN Orchestra. 'Ilm concert will Hlnrt promptly at U ii'iIikI. ll . . . Mm. Ooorgo Wntt, accompanied by j,, '"" ""'""" '" u "" hit imiiKiiiur, wunwuiiiu aim hoii. no- ' ., , .... . I..n.l loft thlH mornln fr ,. ., ''-''IldsummCr NlRlit'H 10, II. Dnko, who In hero rrom Call fornla, I ii ft on tlio Crater Lake stage UIiIh morning, whuro hu will him'ihI a few clays before ritturiiltiK I weeks vlMlt to Ban Krimclsio, Mr. mill MrH, Clmrlon Uarcolou ami daughter huvit 'otiined from r.tto Alto, whoro thoy hnvo been for Mr. Jtircoloii'rf health, which In mud. im proved. , Clmrlon N. Snow hrouKlit In a flu" Hiipply of honey f i cm his ranch on tlio Merrill road yesterday afternoon, whon ho camu In to tradu with coun ty Himt merchants. "muni" . .. Mendelssohn ' Peerless Orchestra "Lucia"- Mad Scene llallun Donlrolla ;l""" Curren "A lllrlliilay" Woodman ro trl of llinrll ohnrmuiit oisenu "Thou JJrllllant Illrd)" .. David "Day Dream" ... Streleckl violin olilleato hy Mr. Horol "Koslary" 01111110' I'orli'Kh Orchestra "l.ll Ilollomo" MllSCtlllH Walts Song" I'ur-lnl tWt. "Cull T.. Vr. t,i-.. I... MIhh Agnes Drlncoll. who has ro- "v,.ni My Hong With Wlnim Pro- for a fuw dityn , conlly rutin null from Uugi'iic, whole vnioii Ilnhn sho itrndunlod fro-n tho University of "A'H' Hour from "Tom Jones" W. B. WhMlhr ! I" tl.o city for n .... .(mn from HI "'"u I00U ""- Inlerniozn JVorloiis Orclii'Hlr.t (icrmnn Arensky for n'Ori'Bou, yonturday ncL'optcil a jioiltlnn with tlio Kind Htnto nnd Savliu;n Hunk. V Lamm of tli J-ainm Mimhor Mih. Jiimgit Co-'liott and Mrn. h. 0. 'liorrn:i:i M. n,' HIT -v 1. in town til lmlmwn from Slmigioro of Kurt Klaimitli lmo itonn Jtv ,oN(, I'MImO.N TI'lt.MS. m pint " tofian rrnnrlxro, uhnro Mrs. Cochalt VXl Olffon! who linn been hero, Will put hcj- 1011 Moil In St. Mary'a l'A8III.N(!'ION. Am; '- Amuiid- aTlilt return"! to San Krattclaco, ucmlomy. i.i..i 1o tliu food lontrol uct, Im- .i. nornhiR " " '"""""' f.-.,c , IMK &0U(, ,, ,, imprigo,, n,.rk iinno III 'iirly thin by ' irfriim lioniiiu.1 to look nftur who In vUltliu; lioro from San Krn . -.limn 'I"" '"1 Tom Watt, villi Rp-ml ths ' Jlnry II Wllllnmn linn t:ono w" 'inl at Unrrlmati I.odc 'vw Port, Om;on for 11 vacation, Mr. and Mrn WoMliicton Templer. ill t the beach jiiccompnnled by t'i'i MIhhum Anna and "llr ami Mrs ' ''odd !,",,, '" "'" Ti'inpli'r. who 11 n I1IIiik Iholr i..r from I'orcut Crovn for ii'brothnrH Intro, fnrn Ant loch Callfor- .wi r.rnlloil trip ' '"" n S It Wrtlki-r iirrlvi'd liwl Urdu, whoro tlny vill hpi'iid lh- day t'fh't from I'lirlliind mi a IumIiiohh Tlo-y will rotiiin tomorrow ovonlni; .mi to Klamaili KHn " MtjJ.i: Hall nnd miinit .luiiBhlor SERVICF MF WH ' ' dCMioiuin loft 11. in.' imin iiui MEETVTHIS EVENING ""'' w, "f ,1"tl" A"'('r'- BornlmfforPoiti.iid X r,,,,- Mtoly illMliarBod from tho Cv OtloKluin, lu Iiiih b.icn Ik;IIiiki All mtiIc. imi.m in Kl.tmnth I'nlln. KubHhIi. Kronch and lt.1ll.111 la the city for "t-'vrral ilnyn rammed 11" nmtli'r whotlivr thoy onllntud In amilon, llnd thoy hino lont thulr rlt- lhUmornlnR to hm bbt'op ranch lio.i- Klmnnlli County or Now rl:. aio lunnhlp h tuklnK an oath of ullu- B!r (tUKod to bo prcaont -t tlio ury Im- Kln" on ontorliiK foreign sorvioe. Jll Zopln Hi)t;cr. who tin boon minimi iiiooIIiik' of thn loral post of "'! 1!ll"'t ' ropatrlntod before the tlilllnir licr Kranilniothor In San tin. Anier'nui l.oi-lon. Unit will bo oonrm Fmtlsco, has r-'iiini'd to hor homo l(., tnnlKht t 8 oVloi.k in tin- tltv if re. hull. )lr, Hew I-JM..I n'tor a Rhort Mh- (,.,.(.rH f(,r ,,, .,,,. y,ar -p )f ,lt ,UO KaThaK or rilllb It wild lier hrotiici, Ollior Splk".'. .,. ulm-icil ul tonltibt'fl med lur. unci ti,, .,,1. ..,in ..,,,.. . in lmrrv r.ili lell for her hoiiio in Clcndalo I'.un u .1 T t-jj; ri. t jr will bu rhoNtn m r -:ro t'lty Transfer Co , 01 Western Trans- rj Allfo McConrt, nrrninpnine 1 motiior. .mibh i.raro naioiui, ,.,. t,lr ..... .... lrM fllP ,irifnr.Pi woro f.ivor.ibly reporled by the hoimu ui;rlriiltiiru (ommlltou .MiS Ciasll WITH IIL'XS. C'OI'KNIIACKN, Auk. 21 A col lision between (ierman and American thin moinliiK for the Lava xallorii Tuonday at .Neufahrwassur ro- Hiilted In the wounding of Hovcral ellli'iix and 0110 (iiirmau Hcamun, ac co.dliiK to a Dan.iK dlHp.itrh. i.AititKii:. tt PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE Now that the Elks have come and gone, we can get down to normal times again, and have a few minutes to plan for our new rug or rocker, or maybe a dining room suite. Also, you had better look that old stove over and decide to trade it in for a new range... Oh, yes; I have received my Iong-Iooked-for refriger ators, and if you need one you can save a bit of money by buying now. If it is a trade you have, call Perkins; if it is a sale you want, call Perkins; if it is to be repaired, call Perkins. Anyway, if you want to buy a new piece of furniture it will pay you to look our stock over before you buy. Bring your catalog in, and let's compare prices; mayhap I can secure you just what you want at the price you want to pay. Perkins Furniture House "THE FURNISHER OF HAPPY HOMES" W Tlio tut: moollriK win iuko piaco in aaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Mptenibor In Portland All h mvIco TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY M inon sro aitkod to turn out tonli;ht 10 , y . y y aiMtiro tho huccomk of the orKanua DI IV A UfWATT & eotIuk mint Klamolh Kalln 11 1 the suit" con IIUi Marjory )iIzoll had hor ton- volition of tho American I.okIoii flit rcroovpcl cil"rclii, by Dr. K. M.iTho ttuto mootlni; will tuke placo In Wb!!f, h- la iIhIUiik beru from Mitihflclil L. Scrutton, who Niionds a purl of bli lummom rnniplm; on Hiirlnc 1 tlon. Crck, Ii In town on his way to tho! Crtk today ' Mn. W. II lllbbort, who linn horn iicu nu uer son, nvin 1111110". 111111 fsmlly his wurned to her noino In Important inootliiK of l.oc.il Miuliurg, rallfornhi 1704 Mlllmon &. lloxmakorri, for Co. K I 21-2IU (iroiinon, City ScavetiKer BUY A HOME SI'KCIAh XOTICK. Mi., iwri ,.!., ..1.. 1 1 ' Thursday, AuKUiit 21st, 7. .TO p Ml s I earl Cralne. who has hern B ,, rom. ....u mn yixii -up uokh renowini; munlcatlnnn. You Hhould at tend. IlrliiK Your Hook Soitp tnry. 20-21. 'f ? t T v colleje friendships, lum returned to hr home In MiMlifleld. f iiracomlnl. K M. Cow.!.n. mil 1 8. M, Tocnaztliil romposcd n special .,.,.. , , Hh. n ,.i,0 .. 1. , ,. , . So So Laundry opened under new rtoftourBu!.oleftlncarfor ,, MrH. Illxon. Htrlilly white tmer Uko this li.ornlnir. Imln I122 Klnninth Avn. fVVMMVWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMVVMMMMMNMiiJ Open Air Dancing Paitime Open Air Pavilion. Main, near 8th Dancing every Wednesday and Saturday evening, commencing Wednesday, August 20th. Music by orchestra of six. Continuous dancing. It . . j I have a Iuiko Hit of houses new and old to select rrom. Can arrange easy payments with very low Interest rates. Iluy now. T'h. i lu.ut Imv In thn Cnllntv. 1 i.O ..... ....... .. J ... ...w -.. - -- , nero riinrli lmuroved 6 miles out. 14 Z acres under ditch. Alfalfa and grain. Owner does not lle here and offers g this ranch for a short time only nt X Jlo.000 See It today. Insure that House, Automobile or Hay today Safety first. Call me up. X If tho price is right I'll find tho V buer 1.1st your property with me. JAMKS M. WATKINS, JR. & Temporary office with Hodge Tho Tailor. Kes. Phono 320H. FAK.MIIIIS Savo 30 per cent on X our feed hills by chopping your hay.. Cost $2,110 por ton. Leave orders Ji nt Hnldwin Hardware Co., or soo Hor- - rv Telford. i miles out Merrill road. iy 21 -1 2 1 iI jni ivav'ti'ii f-Mimriiiiin Si for 8 hours X c? ... L'. .,..., ,., tr. "r. fnr S W i.iii iriiu iiicuiiuii - Rogue River Bartlett hours. Inqulro Hotel Hall. 1CXCHANOK Child's bed and spring for slzo Walnut Ave. bed and spring. 741 21-3f LIBERTY THEATRE "TICK PICK OF THK PICTUIIKH" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT "The Forfeit" Featuring House Peters Fatty Arbuckle in "FATTY THE DODGER Keystone Comedy "THE FADED VAMPIRE" FRIDAY ANITA KING . TNT "PETTICOATS AND POLITICS DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. r 21-2t t ? WANTI.D nxperlencer pressor and helper on Huffman machine. Klam- ! nth Dyo Works. 21-6t WANTKD TO HIIIR For about 3 weeks, 3 head of work or pack horses and i Ik suitable for hunting J trip. Shooting (lallery, Main St., be- tween Sth nnd 8th. 31-3t Kill ST CLASS 'Voinan cook will cook for men in camp or-on ranch. 'A Innulro Whlto Houso on Whito Ave., X Mills Addition. 21-2f . - A KOU ItKNT 1'nfuinlshed rooms. In- X otiiro nt largo houso, 4th nnd Klni"- V nth. 21-r.fA -. Pears V' V v ' f T T T f T T T T T T J J T T T I STUDIO'' Exclusive Portraits 1136 Main St 00.000 20, Feet Timber for Sale Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California $2.90 THE BOX T t T T t T T ? T T T T T T t M yshland J ruit Jjtore ? T' T T T T T T T T T T T T T T t T T t T T t T T T t t T T t T T ! Jn w 1,1