MOB VOtta THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TnmwiAv,Ati(ll!HTaiur The Evening Herald E. J. MURRAT, Editor JAMES S. SHEEHY City Editor brlRaudngu under tho forms of taw, but It Is high ttmo for civilisation to call a halt and for tho United States to execute Its mandate Mexico MAHTIAIj IjAW IN OltDKIt. by COPENHAOKN, ur. 21. Martial law has boon proclaimed thruout Hun- stands in as dlro need of rescue from carta, acconlliiR to n Iludapest dls- sivaRcry and plunder as Turkey has, patch recolvod hero today. si rod. nml tlm illffuriMirn lietwennl rnrrnMn nnrl Hnvor nrnt.nt.K- c.n.l TIlO tUBks Of tl0 African elephants III: AWAHDKP I Ktrl porformnrs In tho Unltod States jure up for tlm roninir m7 - H'NIM'I' NTAHS t tho tenth annual Hound-Up which . kIiik ovonts. ClnunnL . Wll Tk. . itahlnr romnnnv nf slsts only In n difference between the sometimes weigh ns much as n huif Klamath-Falls, nt 115 Pourth Street, dates at which their marauding an- ,,re1 l,n"ni18 ni1 rcnch " 'tiKth of cestors started from Central Asia. - c,G,lt "r n,no ,00tv Entered at tho uostofflco at Klam- nrm-o,inn th Palls, Ore., for transmission thru the malls as sccond-clats matter. 1110 1'IMZKM Wlli' to i'knim:to. nor PENDIilJTON, .Ore., Aug.. 21.- i opens September 1 8 and rloses Sop- rangn and show in iw ... 'l (lold and silver belts, silver studded tember 20. Tho l'ollco (Intotto bolt compete for ih reclgnli.j 111 saddles and coin of the realm In lnr- for tho wnrld'a champion cowboy Is ichamploiiHlilp tillo M ! Kor quantities than ever befoto urn again In compotltlon and throo silver nttractlm; tho best cowboy and cow- studded saddles, olio valued nt MOO llest yet. t.r,i Wwt Afc Subscription terras by mall to any ddrvss In the United States: Ono year $5.00 One month ."0 Member of Iho .socltel Pros Tho Associated Press is exclusively rrAMrWrrWVrWWWMVWWWWW ' A a tL TL i-. i it int lneutrts HOUSTON Metropolitan AmuNcmenta WMMMVWrrrWrrArWrWrWr Clara Kimball Youns and Her Own Company will bo seen nt tho Star I entitled to the use for republication Theatre tonight, in her latest Select ' Picture. Cheating Cheaters," -i film ' adaptation of tho famous Broadway ' tinge success of tho same name ! i "Cheating Cboiturs" In one of tho. most unusual playi eor produced on ', either stage or screen. In It XIIhs Young has tho rolo tf n clovor secret service operative, who apparently l, a member of n f ut:ou& band of crooks j As the leader of band she plans to rob the home of tho supposedly wealthy Palmers, hut at tho last mln- mite she learns th.H tho Palmers al so are crooks, and aro themselves planning to rob the llrocktons, tho nnnievhich the ti st 1 and has tnktt. ' There is a general nl-up of families of nil news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this pa per, and also local news published bereln. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein aro also reserv ed. TUl'llSDAY, At OUST gl. 1011). ACTIO.V IX MEXICO Having suffered the humiliation of being obliged to pay a ransom for the lives of two American army otll cers who were forced by some mis hap " to land on tho presumably friendly soli of Mexico, the govern ment of the Unltod States calls upon crooVs am, geem pcop,0 bul Mexico for immediate adequate ac- n U)0 em, UljnKS MQ Bmoothor out tlon." Its own action in Immediate- am, tho seed of unusua, romtmco ,ly sending the 515,000 s.eems to be t.,tes root tho only thin;; that is adequate, au-l -at that the government had to race s,,lnm In his nlrm cireer Jin with a meeting of Texas cowboys to Houso ietcrs been glven tne 0ppor- decide which should be first to get tunity to rise to the heights of insplr- the money Into the hands of the ban- e(l emotional acting ho reaches n dlts. Tho government having neg- The Forfeit," which will be shown, lected to fight in defense of Ame'ri- for ti10 flrst time tonight at tho Lib- can citizens.' tho cowboys had good t.rty Theatre. Repressed, yet throbe-! cause to doubt whether it would pay nR with tho outraged emotions of a a ransom for them. Jnan whose love and faith In lifo nru Secretary Lansing's demand torn by the revelation tint his wlfj, sounds peremptory, but not more so though innocent, ha sent his yoitni? than several other notes which aave brother to a crlmitnl's grave, the rop gone to Mexico The killing of ular star portrays tho role In a grif Americaus and the wrecking and ping manner. confiscation of their property went The story concerns "Jeff" Master' on regardless of notes, regardless, who assumes his mother's maiden also, of the fact that Carranza's has name when disinherited by an been reccgniied as a fully estab- omble father, goes Into tho calile lished. orderly, civilized government, country, and, In time, amasses a f jr whlch It Is not. However, the tone num. A weak younger brother, Uob. of the last preceding note is such as Is also cast out when he marries to raise hope that at last President against his father'? wishes. Wilson is about to do his plain duty Two Year's later, unknown to his which is to defend the lives and the wife. Dob is the leader of a notorious property of Americans abroad as Bnns of cattle thieves. She. reared on well as at home. 'he lap of luxury, tires of their pov- He entered on the policy of watch- erty- she flnds tho hiding place of ful waiting until the Mexicans hid tne rustlers, rccet.-es the $10,000 le completed the process of self-deter- ward and learns, after he has bee.i mlnatibn In their own peculiar, rev- hanged, her husband's connection , olutionary way. In fact, several w,th tne Bang. rival bandit chiefs, whose forces She meets and marries the bro- e-. nrohahlv at no time exceeded 1 ner Jeff- four yea 'a'er- Neither .'s HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING WiHlueidny twUurday Nights. Popular .In Orchestra STAR THEATER Featuring Special Music Willi the Pictures, Hex Stratum. Pianist. TODAY Select PIctHies Present CIiAltA KIMIIAMj YOl'XG Ami Her Own Company In 'CHIlATIXfi CHUlTHItS" A Plaj of Tin Ills and lot ANlr Tho IteeU of ICejstonn Comedy "The .Mnile Star" Ailtul .luu to V U.- reins Hours open at 7 p. in. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle Presents HA.r.ti 1IALV Anil SIHXKA" AINSWOHTH In "THK MTTI.i: HOWDY" Also Patlic Xnis l.mct Current Hieuts. Ami ii lijilllln.'miil ('iiiiiiily. if t T t t X !f T i y :t if f It Is a Losing Proposition to Use the Cheaper Grades of FLOUR Winnck"s Special Flour is made of selected hard wheat, is equal to any hard wheat flour on the market, and at a price that saves you money. Only, the sack $3.20 Pears for C anmn Admission Million- to .v- I." cents i:cnlngs to & 1:0 rnili MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION' I'llTPHKS TfTKNIIAVS AND $ATHKI)AYH cent of the population, fought to de- aware of the other's relation to Oob. cide which of them should have the Wnen the trutn ,9 revealed a grip ping situation present.' Itself. To div ulge the climax of the story would bo unfair. It can best be appreciated exclusive right to rob the other 99 per cent. Carranza won, was recog nizzed as president, and It was sup posed that watchful waiting had ended. During that agonizing process hundreds of Americans were murder ed or subjected to unspeakable out rage, more often by Carranza's ad herents than by others. The rail roads, oil wells, mines, ranches, in dustries, which had brought prosper ity to Mexico and had lifted the peon when seen on the screen at thd Lib erty Theatre tonight. ( Another of the excellent Triangle features will be fhown at the Tem-i pie Theatre tonight, when the bright little comedy star, Hazel Daly, feat-' ured with Svdney Alnsworth, appear.! ' In "The Little Rowdy." j This picture Is based on a story by "nrrv Beaumont, who also directed . irom senuoui iu some apjiruacn io tne pctrej and ,)0rtray8 tne ,iarln, comfort, were wrecked in whole or ntntnita nf .-. nm hnv,ion .t,D rf9...h. ! in part. When American troops went ,er of a millionaire who-Is expelled in pursuit of Carrana's enemy, VII- from school after the haB disgrace. la they were ambushed by Carran- hsrsHf in the eyes nf one Miss Elliott za's soldiers. Hut nothing effective Brimful nf life nml vltnlltv uhu was done. American troops fwice completely wins ovur her parents.' entered Mexico, but they came out who know not hciw to discipline their J empty handed. unruly daughter whoso pranks 1 When we were drawn Into the threaten to lead hei along the paths ' world war, Carranza repaid our for- that end In dlsas'. j bearance by harboring all the Ger- . mans and pro-Germans who fled for KI'KS COXVKXTIOX COMMITTER. ' shelter, by permitting his country to ,,. . i be made the center cf German Intrl- ffijKVW&i gue for tho entire American hemis to take this means of expressing our puere, and by threatening to shut off aPPreciation. the supply of oil for the American Mr' and Mra' Fre(1 ""eslng. ' and British navies. Since the war - ended ho has begun to carry out plans to systematize and legalize the process of robbery in which he ex celled rival bandits. Americans are murdered every few diys, the mur derers are never captured and are usually soldiers or omtlals of Car ranza. Hut Carranza pretends to pursue them and to have established peace and order in three-fourths of tho country. - Tho farce Is played out. Tho Mex icans have not been fighting to de cide by whom and how they shall be governed. , The rival revolutionary chiefs have been fighting to' decide which of them shall ravago a dero llct country, and 99 per cent of tho reoplo. In tho words of Secretary Daniels, have thanked God they were ullve .though It Is doubtful whether they had good cause for such thank fulness. The land Is full of the ruins of what Americans had done for It, und tho progress of a full generation 1 ban been wiped out. Carranza plans to continue his . Rings of Surpassing Beauty It Is easy to understand why women are so fond of rings when one looks over the many beautiful patterns we i are showing. Illrthstones and m3ny other semi-precious and precious Jewels aro shown In cxuitis- j Ho mountings of gold nnd silver. You will enjoy very much seeing this wonderful dis play of rings, and we invite you to do so, whether you Intend to purchase or not Frank M. Upp JEWELER fill Main St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. & t I f f f f f f f if f f f 'f f .? t t You should can your Tears NOW; don't delay, for, like all fruit, tho pear crop will be bought up by the speculators in the citii.. Wo have the pears put them up now. Priced at, the box $2.85 Coffee A Special for This Week A good grade of Bulk Coffee, the pound 15z Hills' Coffee, the pound 55c Schilling's Coffee, the pound 55c White House Coffee, the pound .'. 63c, Crisco, 1-lb can 35c Crisco, l'o-lb can 53c Crisco, 3-Ib can $1.00 Crisco, G-lb can $2.00 The Win nek Co. i : : : i y t i : I2mm2m WW gfIftWr.1ivMWW The HALLMARK Store re . People's Market FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER You can depend absolutely on this market for the best of meats, delivered at your door promptly, sweet and fresh from the cleanest market in Oregon. Special attention given to phone orders. People's Market OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 83 PHONE 83 for your car By exhaustive study and actual tests our Board of Lubrication En gineers has determined the correct consistency of Zcrolene for your make of automobile.- Their recommendations arc available for you in the Zcrolene Correct Lubrica tion Charts. There is a chart for each make of car. Get one for your car at your dealer's or our nearest station. a STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) In 4m MM H K B I H H LI BiH kec type of en R. A. WINZLER, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co. Klamath Falls, Oregon i