THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THUIWDAV, AIUU1BT . , Lee Tires Give Exceptional Service Any Defective Tirct can be Adjusted on n 6,000 or Mile basis in Klamath Falls. Howie Garage , 12thandMa OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT former American 1'rnnce HotieMs tlon Ills Plan All IntrrvMt. Amlmiilor tn lUllnmd Sltuif Wmilil Protect PAGH TWO Ml opp scorn : wmwrnar- k . fill IT! Til SIIIUIIUbw JQb. w 11 111 tt 1 Wm HI ltlfl (wil'A My; JOjPC,1IbWb1 all I HUH " M "uvniil Wl II II iy!7Ailil. jjpR'L rJfl!HCs!?7,s?iHJl'BHBKl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM BBBBBBBBLBBBH iMBBBMBBBBBBBaBip , ntffyj BBBBBBBBBBBB LHBHt1 iMBBBBBBBBBBBBBl iLBBBBFiBBBBVhki.BBBBBBBBBBBBBfl HPRJiHbBK Wl ji ''SLbbBT" -is V; I j1 j itjVBBJBBBBBBW; .- w BV f I ?. I . ;JdBHBBBBBBBBBBr "Vi .A. ytv IAjbIbbbV ..--bbbbW 'ffBK . JbIbbbbH 3bbbW' 5bbKi IliaBBBBM, xHWt .i-HBBBBB bYbmhHKbh 'iTzZt mlH K. -JLSbiSuSbIbBbbH BH; TmJBBKThp. flBBBBBHBBl HlflSSEPJCBBBBH bbbbbbbbbbbV-bbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH SBBBBBBBBiBBBJ vIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa i 1 Mf r BJ1 W W ' l urfH'i Vfjifji i rtfMNBBBBw7nPWlri7iMvnBM I ,n'' P W1W WHIIIIFllW i mmmr ' " i ,.111111 i i llllllllllti I' CAY. vou' iMiiiiiiiiiimiiiii iiuiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiii' .jlllfflill,p llBiSH ' Ul 1 ? fS X -. BSM E SI 399 R ! VERA CRISLER (Coloratura Soprano) Assisted by Desire McCloskey Pianist, and the Peerless Orchestra. Performance, 8:30. Admission, $1.00 Seats now on Sale at the Opera House Vera Crisler has the rare distinction of being onp 'of the very few singers of the world who have achieved phenomenal concert success in the remark ably short time of one year's study. MMWWWWWWWWWWWMWVWWWWMWNA CRIMINALS EMPLOY POISOXEI) clothing and left naked by the road SMOKES' IN DRUGGING VICTIMS. slde near a suburban village. LONDON', Auk. 21. Criminals who rob their victims after giving them drugged cigarettes are attract ing the attention of Scotland Yard. In one instance a man in a railway carriage was robbed after he had smoked a cigarette given him by a fellow passenger. A discharged sol dier was robbed of his money and There is a possibility that Eng land may also become dry. This may account for the desire that has sprung up for Scotch independence. Nashville Tennessean. On account of car shortage we will iell blocks at $2. SO per cord at our factory until further notice. Now Is the time to get In your winter blocks. 1 T-tf Rwanns Onx To CALOL LIQJJID GLOSS jfi 7W 4m u JsCL Wm3& Use on all classes of Furniture and Automobiles. Especially adapted for polishing and lengthening the life of Linoleum. Baldwin Hardware Co. "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" CLEVELAND. Chlo.. Auk. 31 Myron T. Horrlok of this city, mom lior of Tho Kxccutlvo Commlttco of thu Nntlonal Association of Owners of Ilnilroad Securities, declared in a statement Unlay that "tho turniiiK over of tho vast system of railroad lines to the control of tho guvcrnmont and through tho government to thu control of organized labor, would bo n long step tow.ird tho establishment In this country of an autocratic pow er that would Imperil tho liberties of tho American people." Mr Herrlck, who was formor'y governor of Ohio und American am bassador to Franco, is a banker, di rector of the KrI'j It a II road nttd of tho New York Life Insurunco Company. Mr. Herrlck assorted In his state ment that "the experience of the Inst two years with tin; railroads, as with tho telegraph and telephone lines is ample proof that there Is neither ef-' ficlency nor economy in government control. Ho said that such control and operation would defeat the purpose , for which tho railroad brotherhoods ' were established and that it would In volve a hugo addition to tho public debt as the value of the railroads was estimated at $17,000,000,000 Referring to tho agitation by rail road employees through the officers of their organizations In favor of gov ernment ownership of the roads. Mr. Herrlck said: "This propaganda will not be fiv orably received by tho people of this country who, as always, must pay the bill. Tho deficit incurred In less than two years of federal operation is already more than $.".00,000,000 'and is mounting at tho rate of $2, 000,000 a day In .spite of sharp in creases In freight and passenger rates. Directly or indirectly, in taxes, P" freight charges and Increase In tho Uncertainty in business will not !cost of goods the burden of that de- cene u,,, the railroad problem Is flcit falls on the people and contrib- solved." asserted Mr. Herrlck. "Kverv utes in tremendous measure to the ,lolnv "" tremendous loss to tho ! oppressively high cost of living, tn country. All tho billions of wealth the face of that showing who could , owned by the peoplu of the 1'nltn.l ; conscientiously wish to perpetuate) r' K forward or backward, de governmentul control of the rail- pendent upon the legislation which Is roadg? just ahead. A mistake will threaten I "I cannot believe the brotherhoods tne whole financial structure, have thoroughly considered the con-, Mr- Herrlck said that ho believed sequences that would follow govern- the 1,ct Plnn 'et Presented for solv ment ownership or that they are pre- lnB tho railroad question was that pared to exercise this great power. ( Presented to Coii(;rvw by the Natlnn Thelr present propaganda Is wholly' aI Association of Owners of railroad at variance with the character of Securities. This plan, he said, pro their organizations and with their dea for a fixed percentage mum long and honorable history." i t0 the roads and that whore u road To add the cost of the rallros' I makes a profit In excels of 0 ter cent the governments debt, Mr. Herrlck the excess shall be .llvlded between said, "would weaken the government th government, the employes and borrowing power, depreclato further , ne railroad. In iilv opinion this plan government securities the rate at , protected ' all Int.ire.itH- tho puhile, which the government can borrow., the shippers, employe", und own He pointed out that the war had add- cri ed $'20,000,000,000 to the public debt I "Tno tlm for experiments had In two years and that tho annual in-Pne" "aid Mr. Herrlck "Tito nov. terest charge alono Is now almost ernment has followed fads nud fan equal to the whole annual expense of cleB Iar enough. Now let ua forget the national government before tho .Partisan and politics and devlso a have n streak of smokcluck that'll put pep-in-yotr-smokemotor, all riiht. if you'll ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some fnnce Albert lor packing I Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy until you can cull a pipe by its first name, then, to hit tho peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two-fistcd-man-tobacco, Prince Albert I Well, sir, you'll be so nil-fired happy you'll want to Ret a photo graph of yourself breezing up tho pike with your smokethrottle wide open! Talk about smakc-spart I Quality makes Prince Albert so appealing all along the smoke line. Men who never beforo could smoke n pipe and men who've smoked pipes for years all testify to the delight it hands outl P. A. can 7 bite or parch! Both ere cut out by our exclusive patented process 1 Right now whilo the going's good you get out your old jimmy pipe or the papers and land on some P. A. for whnt ails your particular smokcuppctito I Coirlihl nil r H J KM I bur Print Albttt 9vrjwKm tobaeto pt. Toper r6af . . wmti tinm. nanjaotrtm MHiirf ttniM Half wHtmme I Aaf Wat, practJru puunj rrytlml gtmtt h mnJ tin Aum,r anii umiinr uith tfromt tidy rma lint, hanjtomt $ounJ ttntl half t ftar cfattv, praenruf puunil eryttmi mlmii Aumufar with tpon lfnr tp that A fA lteco tn mcA prfrf ronJufon. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C l would simply multiply tho principal and Interest which thu people must war, "To buy the railroads and doub le the national debt would be exceed ingly unwise," said Mr. Herrlck. "it Pineapple Desserts 2c The bottle in each package of Pineapple Jiffy-Jell con tains all the rich essence from half a ripe pineapple. The dessert has a wealth of this exquisite flavor, and a package serves six people for 12 cents. You owe to yourself a trial of this new-type gel atine dainty. practical plan for tlio business-like management of ojr great vehicles o' commerce giving r. en of exporlonro and vision a chance to exercise their abilities. Hp dkal experimentation Is unthinkable.' I AMEIiroA.VTHADK WITH ITAIjV Wllili UKACH If I, (100,000,000. United States Tire News Pew in Helen of commerce offer so miiiiy opportunil cj fir coveting up puor iiiullty and fiuniy on ui do itliiomohlle llri'B A good-looking cowr iir may lut cnly a shall within whMi are niildui nihuIu) iuu tenuis ami bungling workmanship Tho United Hl'tes Tiro company cites ihsfsin ai rea Ron why motorists who want good survluj from their tires are buying In enormously Increasing iUiint t ci thu "good tires" madu by thu company whoiie steady ilnvo tlon to ouallty has mado It thu largest lubber compuny in tho world. United States tires aro mado from the best materials and by tho beat tiro makers. Such a c-mblniitlnn ousht to prodllcu tires or tho finest quillty, und umsl manufac turers would lie content to go no further Hut In th,s compur.y.'a fictorles eveiy stop In thu process of uiunufitc turo tfl wnlched by trained Inspectors whoso duty It In to find I'liwn, nnd whose pay Increases as thu number of flaws discovered Increases. Olio out of every twelve einplryes Is an Inspe for, nnd nn tho moro Important operations, one out of each e'Khl employes spends all his tlmo looking for Imporfectlons. Tho company bolloves that It owes this cimfulneM nj u duty to tho great urmy of motorists who have placed their faith In United States tires. THE WHIT i' JtjJs. tszixwuimmm ntiimmr.!, ICAN THE OFIIClAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE My-m 10 Ftavon, at Your Grocer'a 2 Package for 2S Cent a ROME, Aug. 21 From presont In dications, American trade with Italy thin year may reach tho billion dollar mark, says tho I'opolo Romano. Dur ing tho first threo months of 1919, Ameilcah imports Into Italy amount ed to approximately $220,000,000 while Ituly's exports to America reached 13,000,000. Tho stntemont shows that If tho present rato of trade ! bo maintained u record of commerce ooiweon lie iwo cuumnuH win hu in- ,, , T-i.ii.' t jh ii .. -.,i.. tulned. America la by far the greatest : ?PY a limited time I Will Sell yOU yOUl' seller to Italy. A roeir Hefond is Oreat '.'. at the following amaZlllg prices: Uritaln with u total of $70,000,000 ,; for tho first three months. ''8''!,'!"54,!''!'':''!''!' 1 i i Get Your Winter Wood Now winter wood itAiti: ciianci:. DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS $4S0 GREEN SLABS' $3,50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. Phonci Will sell our homestead of 100 . acres at 17 dollars por aero, nlso 178 622 Main acres timber on lako front at is doi- .; f n.tH lars por aero. Address II. Nownliam, ..........j......:..)..).'.''':":"5":"!",'w l'. u. uox ma, uii Let us make up your ,pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stof SULPHUR The price is right Pb0D 126 South Sixth St