The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 21, 1919, Image 1

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frg jEupttma Iteralfr
LrteenthYcar-No. 3,708
Price, Five Centi
AI.I1ANY, Auk. 21. Millions nf
foot of timber Iiiivd humi destroyed
by flro lunplnic ovor thn tops of (nil
firs which swept 2000 acres, (wo.
miles oust n f hum yesterday. Several i
'Hundred mull nru fighting tho flames, j
I If himnnt wiipiii unnt liit ninl I.i. I.. '
I 0 . . ri ('nun ""nil ninilivi tiii n imin
imwlfM" Vttk Vv Tw" r Tw" '" , continue probably much moro of the '
.... ii.linit floWTK . i in ... .ii.i f.ui.ilw.w rn..v.. .... mi...i i
Ha IhUIUII-" "- i liHiiiiuuttu muiiimui vuiiiMtu iiiuucr
t Authoring Amlw-iHiitor lo w go,
IjWt lo Unlt ''"
,MmM n. c. Auk. 21.
. .... .. It wii IlKbt 'nouKh this
""I... m follow tho trntln. (ho
Mritu punltlro expedition contln
W(nC,U. . ...- t III. f..r flu
IN) M chwe
of (ho bandits for tho
TOKIO; Auit. 21. Thu Omsk gov
ornmont In reported (o bo weaker d jo
to (ho ailvnnco of (ho llobihnvlkl, ami
(ho dosortlon of th Hlborlan troops.
It In understood tb-t tho gold rcsorvo,
mid archives Imvo been transferred
eastward to Irlcitsk.
I , llll II
third dr W """""
M ind l fo h"""1" T""y ttro
Mine to tho companions of ''
" ..ntnroil Into VI'HtOr-
iiybr Captain Lcoimrd Mntlnrk.
n. irliton' ork " ,H "
tmelr dangerou. on account f tho
lit JyUl oW l M,r0- u 'H
,,,rr for them to lly clone to tho
.nund, bkh permit" thu buid-M
to Jre opoa tnem .Manj n.... .-(
apti hare been report.! riveri Th( ,.,,, . ,, ,,,,
wtlnr: here today carried AHHoclat-
Prew dlipatcheu to drop for each , ttmlr Ml., will b run-
,tllec.ulrytr0oi.i.ln.m.rtoKlM.(fir(iiw nm .,., ((l). ,
tt,tb.woflho..iiHhU. Hurld
The Mexican nmbansui.or lien lu. .... , , . ., ., . . ..
JflC -UVAIVM" llli., Ill I'll Ujvlllltll l(llllllllll llitf U IM'll till
Kwn tnatructcil by bin KOti'NiintMit . ' lx . . ., ...
PB 1U9UUI.IM r, , lii.liru lit l Iltlll I ' II III llllll lllll Ul fill
.. In llift ttl.lln lliUHirtllll'Ilt I '
nr.v.w ""'V. '., 1 ninl .1
Ulinit tOO UltIUICII 111 .Miniliuan
Uoopi icrow the border llo ban
likewise been requested to nnk thulr
rthdriwil, acconlliiK to n Hiutniiiunt
lUt wu.lMued from Mexico Clt
VASHINOTON'. 1) f, Auk. 21.
Xo unouncoincnt ttns Km-n out
tttrtralDt Uexlco'i irotet at (bo
ptltlre Mpfdltlon and the rmiueitt
for the iramedlnte wlllulnnwil tnudu
to the ttate dopartmunt
Iidlntlont are Hint thn Mexican
promt ill! not ha k ten the wltli-
drrnl of tho AmerlcuiiB. Troopn
tte on hot trail ,nml uru not ex
pected lo return until tho bandits
tre cipturcd or thu trull Ihhoiuuh
too cold for pursuit.
. I
MARFA, Aug 21 -Colonel I,auK-
kf5, the American army command
er of the I)lc Uvnil dlmrlct, HUKKont-
td to the Mexican authorRlvH thut
Ceteml Pruncda, tho Mexican coin-
wader, and tho AmcrUiiiiK co-oper
In purjulni? tho bondltn,
WCHANQEI,. Aur 21 Tun Am.
lWY. M. C. A. moil, ltnunr.l V
"rrlll of Somnrvlll.. m i
.....U I'luiinii llllll
u U Cotton, of LIukIo. Wyo.,
"rttamldhcay shell flro In
'"VotRuulan troops otTulnas
JJ "e Dvlna rl-e, Mimetlmo nKU
i.i. --"" joi iiuw neon
p in ,
All Drill ear and nil HtudentH from
otbor IiIkIi hcIiooIh uro roiiuoHtad (o
nport durliiK tho iiIiomi ineulloncd
boiirii for roiiHtiltutlon und resist ra
tion. They nru unkod, :iImi. to brliiK
ovldonco of olKbth Krudo :rniluiitloii
and record of crodlta earned In othor
hlKh kcIiooIh,
For consultation they are directed.
i to roport to tho principal or nnv
lonrhur, but reRlslor only with tho
teacher In cburKu of thu subject, or
Ultimo to bo tukon
With tho exception of tho threi
Institution ilnys durlm: the llrHt week
In Huptombur. J. 1'. WoIIh. tho prln
tliinl. will bo found at bin oJllce In
tbo IiIkIi ncIiooI bullilliiK. and par
entR as well uh HtudentH aro Invited
to cnll for tho puriono of illscusnlnR
rourHOH of Htudy and othor muttora
concerning hcIiooI nffnlrK
Thoso who Imvo not proloiiHly
rcKlHtered will roport at thu hlKh
Kchool between tho hours of 'J and
12 u in. and 1 and 3 p in.
Tuesday all leKlstered HtudentH
uro oxpoctod to bo In thulr nsslKiioil
seats, with muinoranduni paper jorciinlzudon
note books. No toxt iiookh hiiouiu
bo purchased up until this time, to
avoid errors.
In nccordanco with u now rulliiK
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Burke, who
bavo been oxpecdng tho return of
their son, Percy, who has been with
tho American army In France, woro
pleasantly surprised to learn that ho
will arrive tonight with his bride.
Mr. Ilurko was married last Thurs-
lay In York, Nebraska and set out
Immediately for Klamath Falls whero
I bo will make his homo in the future.
having a position In tho Klamath
State Bank.
NASHVILLR, Aug. 21. Four
masked bandlte held up the Louis
ville and Nashville passenger train
running from Cincinnati to Montgom
ery, Alabama, between Columbia and
Pulaski early this morning. The ban
dits carried off the mall pouches. A
posse Is pursuing tnem.
En n
.Strunxc Iiiption in Diamond Lake
Kills Thousands of J'isb Kntlrc
liiike Is Discolored l Strange
Distui banco.
George Watt Juh 1,480 Acre Ranch
From John Cox $100,000 Im
tolvcd In Realty Transaction Just-Consummated.
T T IllfJ
Tliiilver Is mi Drj That the Smallest
Itlao .Mil) Develop Into a tun-
IbiKratloii, AirordliiK In StJitcnien
b) Jackson S. Kimball.
"Tbo lire situation right now,'
nald Jurksoii I' Kimball, "is at the
jiuost critical point In tho season, at
tho peak of danger, as It were "
Howexor, In spito of tbo many fires
thut hooiii to l) raging, tbo efficient
under Mr. Kimball's
leudcrshlp In thin county, is doing u
well us could be expected. Mr.
Kimball said this afternoon thut tho
all boys aro compollod to take mill-j whole forcu was strained to tho
tnry training, and should provide uruaklug point In attempting to
thomsclves ull'h uniforms. Specltl-1 nlI ,no ttfeH caUMA ,)y ,no Kester.
canons ror tnese win no unuouuceii
. . .. , , ,. .., boii slnsblngs in tho Worden district.
Inter Howuvor, bo)s should not,
suniilv thoniBolvos with BChool' ierjining mi nry umi u m-
etnil.... ...ii ii...v i...i.. In.itlio slo ot one s iiniiii win uevoiop
There is a pall of mjstPry sur
rounding the cause of the killing of
thousands of fish In Diamond Lake,
tbo news of which was brought to
Klamath Falls last night by H. D.
Stout, deputy game warden, and R.
n. Clanton, state master fish war
den, along with four other local men
who have been up to the lake for
the past two days.
According to Mr. Stout, the first
notice that all was not well that the
party had when they arrived on
Monday was the murky and muddy
coloring of the entire lake as far as
they could see. Soon they noticed
hundreds of dead fish rilled tneether
P.e,sltc.ian Church on Friday bout tne out, Qf ,ake
Pitting Ceremonies Will Accompany
lui)ing of Cornerstone of Xcu
i..L.....K. CIoso investigation showed that
1 tho entire lake was muddy in color,
Ceremonies connected with the and that thousands of fish, ranging
laying of the cornerstone of the new In s'ze from eight inches to a Toot
Presbjterlan church, located at the aml a half In iegnth, were killed.
corner of Sixth and Pine streets, will
be hold Friday night, August 22d.
at 7 20 p m..
Tho concrete walls for tho base-
"I believe that the fish were killed
by some peculiar under-water erup
tion," said Mr. Stout this morning.
"All of us in the party were abso-
One ot the biggest transactions la
ranch lands in Klamath County took
place this afternoon when the final "
papers were drawn-up whereby
George Watt purchased the 1430 acr
ranch, cattle and hay "belonging to
John Cox. The deal Involved 1100,
000. The Cox ranch 13 located about two
and one half miles west ot Fort
Klamath, and gets Its water from.
Seven Mile Creek. Possession by Mr.
Watt will be taken Immediately.
Close to 300 cattle are included la
the purchase of the ranch, ami more)
than 1000 tons of hay. Inreo-fittbs
ot tho hay will be kept by Mr. Cox,
and two fifths by L. Gordon, who
leased the ranch.
This is the third purchase that Mr.
Watt has been connected with dur
ing the past four months. He bought
the Conner ranch of 4 80 acres last
May. It adjoins the Cox ranch on tho
north. Recently in conjunction with.
Leslie Rogers and Herbert Phillips
he bough the 600 acre Fordyce ranch,
that lies three miles northeast ot
Fort Klamath, tiome of the finest
cattle in the county are grazing on
the Fordyce ranch.
An outline of thu varlotiM courses
of study will bo available for stu
dents some time within the near fn-
i i.
R Dartmouth collo nii,i..i '
'M i .... .........
tram. ..i.i -"""-" "ir uussinii
jKiMiafjMlrittah officer,.
'2ir, " -'rounded by
HMMVf , . mnc(l ,0 '""tiny.
lock d th Ho A'lnns -o
""sslan artillery.
Thl oUu8',"ll"ory.
! hot thoTtu72wlly b.Cnm0 1 P- a Doohalno of Sblpplngton.'st
tt" 4 leaving ., 1 "A T'" ,", la tolophono polo In front of Winn
U6 II..I. . " ""luriL
Into ii n uncontrolublo forest flro
within n few hours, aiKoidlng to
Mr. Kimball It was that way In tbo
Worden country a fow weeks ago,
when a file In tbo slashings of the
Kestorsou company's holdings in that
diBtrUt spiead, burning up two
buns and u quantity of hay. A
seiles of Hies heem to hao spuing
up following this one
traveled for eight miles or moil
mont, and tbo first part of the double IuteI.v t a loss to know the exact na
tioor of the main auditorium have,turo ot the unusual happening. Ap
been put In place. Laying of brick Pearances Indicated, however, that
for the superstructure will begin the eruption was under-water and
next Monday. Iwas General throughout the lake.
A most cordial invitation to at-lThe murklness and discoloring of
tend the ceremonies on Friday even-ltho water all over Diamond Lake
Ing Is extended .not only to the mem-'8nowed that the disturbance was not
hers of congrogutlons of all theic01,nned to any one part of the wa
eburches of tho cfty, but also to ev-,tors"
cry citizen of Klamath Falls and the An' thUBht of nn explosion from
surrounding countiy. A special i.jdybamlte causing the killing of the
Itation is given to every business flsh was Immediately dismissed by
man who ho willingly and liberally tho deputy gamo warden. "It would
contributed to tbo building funds of havo taen tns of dynamite to kill
tbo iiqw church. !WI "Uinner or llsli tlint we saw ttoat-
Tho following program has been'lnB about the lako. Any tboifght of
arranged for tbo evening
I thut is prepostorous the eruption
William Slmms, joint ownor ot tbo
loront rodeo show thnt perfniiued In
Klnmnth Fulls, biifforod painful
bruises to his loft log nnd hip yei
torday nttornooti about 2:30 p. m
wbon nn automobile driven by Mm
cans im,. . .. ...... .. . i
in. . . - Kiumry sioro on nn in Hiruci. nun
nik "0 miles I nrl '"Ro1 ,,JP locking Slmms, who was standing
Ilea dewn tho river.
" noiii MSj,
WlUonI",SJ.A.UB' 21 Presl.
"" Peacn i..: r l" -"-wor to do-
9 conse
t" take
? ke con ','nclamaon.
tfl ,,.:"1 "l ny
''cauonr COUrao prlw
',pMebytZ ot th0 fraal troa-
:-.rii ""'"ur " in ronly,
""tlta ;r!.,BMons tbo
11 t... . m ,!ufl"B tho cnnf..
'"csuav ""
:30 p. m Band Concert, Klamath "as 0I nn nni. almost unexplain
Falls Band nblo nnturo, that pet hap never will
Prayer Rov. C. F. Trlmblo be dotermlned."
Itllili-k QnlnnMnn T XI "tncn.n
and liawlMugc..Th0 church' In' tho Wild- Kxct-- "htin tho eruption occur-
wood" Mnlo Quartet c" c0,"d I10t "e detei mined by the
Tho piopoity of Ivan Keslerson History of tho Church Rov. J. S. paity It is certain, however, that it
now In tho fit o range Yesteiday liei Stulibloflold of Choyoimo, Wyo., a hnpponed prior to last Mondnv
lost 150,000 feet of logs, which wllli Address Mayor Strublo
mine than mini $2,000.0(1 This Mttslo "(Iloilous Things Aro Spok
timber was near Vantiu Flat, undl en" Malo Qunrtot
I Pniin-rninlnHnnB l)nrk. a fill.
frnm tlin u fnA Miuph . "b 4UV. I,,-UB - "i?,'ua V1'.
- ....., 'f 1 1 r t tlin VJii.irlUT UAinn A
Laying ot Cornorstono
Song and Dismissal
uoxt to tho polo, sovoral fcot on to
tho pavement.
Only tho fact thut tho crank on
tho machlno struck tho polo provont
od n snrlous uccldout, It Is believed
by MiH.Dochnlno and nthurs who saw
tho accident that tho wheels of tho
rnr bocamo locker, thus provontlng
tho driver from st coring it.
Slmms at tho tlmo of tho accident
was tnlking to Jack Hudson of Sn
cramonto. Neither man snvv tlio car
coming, so suddenly did tho mnchlno
strlko tho polo. Hudson oscaped with
minor bruisos, Slmms Is lying in bod
In n room ovor Urandonburg's storo
nnd will no doubt ho laid up for two
wooks or moro, Thoro Is a possibil
ity thnt his loft hip hns boen wrench
ed and dlslocatod. Mrs. Dochalno'a
cur was not dnmnsod othor thun tho
bonding of tho fender,
repot ts
last night stiitod that tbo llio was
being thrown for a halt mllu acioss
tho fiat.
There mo two flies In tbo illy
country which uro being fought lit PROSPECTS BRIGHT
tno vain aiiompi 10 snvo sun moro
valuable timber than that on flro at
Tho Indian department Is tit work
fighting n big brush and scrub tlm-
bor lira which oxtends onto tho res
ervation. Tho othor flro forces nro
lighting n big flro on another sottlou
of tho Indian reservation which is
proving moro Borious.
menu foii ui'ATrir.
Mrs. James M, Bray, ot Oshkosh,
Wisconsin, accompanied by hor com
panion, nrrlved horo last evening.
Mrs. Bray comos seeking roliof from
asthma and It was at tho suggestion
ot hor son, William M. Bray that sho
docldod to test tho bouoflts of this
Diamond Lake has been discolor
ed and tho waters have been murky
, bofoio, but never has theio been
such a distui banco tho nature ot this
i one, according to local nngleis, who
naio noon tisiiing its waters. They
aro at a loss to account for the re
cent upheaval that wrought such
damage to tho fish.
Tbnan wbn warn In II. n na.f.. 41. nt
FOR BLOCK-UP PLAN Returned from Diamond Lake last
might to Klamath Falls besides Mr.
Stout and Mr. Clanton
William M. Hr.iv of tbo Oshknsh 5ul1 " ur 'nion Woro It. E.
Tlmboi company has returned from a Il,sker, John Ramsdoll, Charley
business trip in tbo east, tho purpose s'-nds nnd George Chambers.
1 m
ot which was to further tho plan now
on foot to block up the various tim
ber holdings In bis territory. Undor
prcsont conditions tho holdings tho
Woyorhaousors, Hopkins, Oshkosh
and Westorn Pacific nro Interming
led, so that it is disadvantageous to
oach to undortako tho full develop
ment of tholr properties. For some
tlmo negotiations havo been under
vvnj- having for it3 object tho consol
idation ot thoso holdings and tho
prospects for tho success ot this un
dertaking wero nover brighter, ac
cording to Mr, Bray.
llil I1C MARRll I) SUVD.YV.
Hyman Wochs'er, who has been
omployed for tho past five years in
the K. Sugnrman utoro at Sixth and
Main Streets, will marry Fannlo
Poarlman, Sundav, August 24th, In
Portland. Mr. Weschler loft last Sun
day for tho Roso City. Ho returned
about threo months ago from Franco,
whero ho saw sorv.o with tho 34Sth.
Field Artillery. Mr. and Mrs. Wesch
ler will make their homo In Klamath
Fnlls, whore Mr. Wecbsler will con
tinue in the employ ot K. Sugarman.
Belief in the future of the Malta
and surrounding country was ex
pressed this morning in the filing ot
the articles of incorporation with the
county clerk for the establishment
ot the Malin State Bank.
Capltaliation Is to be $15,000.
The incorporators are J. W. Siem
ens, John Siemens, Louis Boldlsher
and Edward Bloomlngcamp, all ot
Kiamatn raits, ana A. Kalina, a.
merchant' ot Malin.
According to John Siemens it will
be the first part of October before
the bank can open its doors. The
articles of incorporation must be
duly filed in Salem, which will mean
a wait of sixty days or more before
the bank can open for business.
The bank is the result of 'careful
consideration on the part of the in
corporators, who are convinced that
the Malin country has a future be
fore it. The land about Malin is
very productive, and yields largo
quantities ot flay. It is selling now
for $125 an acre, while some of tha
land about Klamath Falls Is on the
mniket for $100 an acre Much of
the Malin land is former homestead
land, that was settled some years
ago, and is now under irrigation.
LOS ANGELES. ug. 21 A crowd
of 500 strlko syupathlzers blocked
the p.issago ot street cars today In
tho downtown business districts.
They Jeered and stoned tbo crews
that were operating the cars. Police
were nblo to dispe-se the crowd.
H. O. Wortley, formerly employed
In ono ot the J. E. Swanson shops,
has purchased from Ray Crawford,
tho barber shop located in tho Mecca
Peel room. Mr. Wortley has already
taken possession.
LOUISBERG, North Carolina, Aug.
21. Walter Elliott, a nogro who was
alleged to havo assaulted a farmer's
wife, was shot to death today by a
mob. Tho mob Iator carried Elliott's
body to tho scene of the crime and
swung It to a tree In a country church
yard. Tho negro was taken from tha
Sheriff by tho enraged mob.