S'T'V &r XkV NT y, AUflU BT 80. pll -nSKW 'fDMEOrillMHEAD'S MS LriIM 3mR --) Unr I l'l!'yM', ft. Ltrf JiSr ffl'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE -USED AUTOS- 1(11 PfTtn pawriKer StmlolisiKur. ijunlborantl Chevrolet. Dll Itco, Iho Fifth lit; Olilmiobllo "S ' 1116 ForJ tit: Dibr OuTland Ijll Uulck ItuaJtli'i H0M.MM AND MlVOl.l.l'M HJ:V Nt ta Postofflro. tn 110 Acre Itiliil Sec 3"(. Td n ii Vml Klamath Co limine uJitMklanil, law Mime good tlm- kr.l ttttten t tiny uno for It nml nnt toiflLMjki'anoKrr Address MKln Itr Mitchell. !02'i Stark St, Port- IidI Orrton. t-2!t FOR SALE Onf of the IichI located htlf blcxka In itn city, (130 21 II feet.) coaUlnlnK four largo building Liu TM nrnnrnv In r.f?ril nt n bvpla tod It "III pay oti iir nn In- TMtmrat. U A. llltai'.'i, hccnml and H!th itrtcti. 12 If I FOR SAI.K 1CH ncreH, liomrKtrnil rellnaulihmmtH. ftillv Imrrmveil. i inr Slnhorn rullriiuil Twrniiv-wlr I Klles from Klamath KhIIn Knr parti- ciumdarttii No. I Ilenilrt Orflce !)!(( fOR SALE Tin niton innclilnurv. nl. M OIK tOIBMitlni: rlli.ui -rrH..r Show cues nnil neveral other thltiKH It in not tuinR. Atltlrea II L, Volt, Wcrdfi, Oregon. lC-flt ' FOR SALE 2 broke. Kcrle work Qlffl In flnn aim,,.. Il.l.. min J"rs. I'ltaio wrlto !!ay Krwinr. MMja Ore or rail Sovmi 'JnriT.. h, Poe Valley. Si.2flt WR BALE l(iir .i o woml hand header Addrenn WANTEI (llrl for Ronornl hotiKe Mffllnh.o .V.-0r !' wnr nt old work. Apply USD -11th St or JfdonhalI place, I' C CarlBon. r ranufrI';lRln K0",, ,lrtlr right r c "''"""'Pnrator Price "lI. C, t. U-tt rii..i... ri. o r. ' "vim, Ult! J.l(ll Bin Ihn "lln '" "l " ""r p0R SAr.K-Mltrl,.,ii ,,. 7 ModtilonA ;.."..". '" '""" eeiiini.i. """-""' H ho n at waS" J,r '"''. wi,n Pen- l'Bl.."rKnllro llmmiliold f..m. ,IM after r. p m. s.,;t. fOR Balb. fllfal.;. ". " V "'' "Iho al- rt..l 10th st S" i"'"'re Call :n - mi r nnn 717 f """ - I. 12-tf TlWncti -. . : - --.ur.11 r mi -. NMte.Wnn ."r,.H"" or tr,ul0' City. " 1U1U tri-Hcent Ave,. 19-Gt roR.BALK-i9,M ,,.,.. t;z:;. '-Hoagian..,-;;;;;;,;,-- rORBAitr I ., '"''t'. Knur linn.l ..f 1 . Ch-' M 1 SeSS: ?.nJ '.ZN 10-intV "olng oJt-v'. ,,''n'1 Kno'1 lIll -"". Ore. '-ilimi JolinMin Mor- ij-.-.i nml 'OR RitTrI! . Mr ham'80rrlwo HSfd cars at Dun- ot ion, ttf"Ko. Morrison & Pettor- ,lni' 14-tt '" ,lec""itiico wun tirtiinancnjvo, -iyi CHEvneJwT: adopted on tho nth day of AiiRiist, 'rice Jior, "iTimnicnl y A. ,' 'V,"" ', "y lu" '"""' npproveti uu Hill ll8 '""'. liKnilro Kti,.i ii tho 1 Ith day of AiiKust liUH 14-Ot V ''tjKAol 1 - iiitili-n uiiillii nil lilt im 1 uu im. .. Uj"tt niaoJ , ,?,' ,nn "I'Ules at tho Ju'Iko and In tlio offlco of tho City fpr -lill' ""10 12 lCGt KnKlnoor. V.lTUIlJ3 for ani" c. ' T1, Proposod Improvmnmit will lto 8"l0, G17 Alum. 1n rnn " "a'lt which tlio samo is 10 110 coiiuMunii i" tin A,,T,: I'm ciipT " " tlxi't 'y Hnl(1 "r'HnC0 for N"VJ""- n,. ... ''"One80U' ' ' r""di- nor jTrrr- xu-at uios imiBt do filed witu 1110 nmro ,i,.EBAKi:u lirtii7 J,"lK f"r submlHslon to tho Council. O Conlltlort Jut i'ir Hnle: ,,,rflt t his offlco In tho city hall of said -"'ii mi itiniii I'll fOll 31-tf fc'.?1,.?,'!.: Vi'f"11' AatlHii, , ,, ,ri) Whlto ho Jlft ... kul .1 ii..n. ' U PItAl. - 1 o'clock. l,'1' Call S80M of. 18-Ut fled FOR SALE FOIl HAI.K Improved resident e lot Mum hcII Hm loos Main .st 7if KritNITI'lli: KOIt PUuiHiint Avenue HALL 1213 lC-t lll()M.' I'llVTIIV for Wood I12i( HELP WANTED WANTKD- (llrl for ceneral Iioiiho- ', work and cooklliK Mrs O i l.nh- uree, Illy, OreKou 1-tr WANTKD A camp took and wlt- roHH AddreHH T, W. PuuiilK't, Kl. Klamath. 14-3t WANTKD- lint mnker and appteti llco Apply Parisian .Mllllnet r. 1 i .Main. is tf WANTKD An experienced IruaejJ Home Laundry. Phone, 421. 120. .".. ..forTrent " -i """ MnjiJ,iii.iLr'iiLju"i.rijLrj-r.rjL-r, i uvm PleitHitnt hedroom for rem Phone 2 I lilt I t i. ! LOST AND FOUND 'I.O.ST In Crntor l.nk Park, Rl.uk I leather pnrno ronlalnlni; nhont $30 fill, I.iivallero, Fiiuritiiln Pfit etc Itetuni to llnralil offlco. lh-2t LOST Siiuiint locket with tllnmond ittliiR, rontalnliiK lady's jdcturo I, literal Howard If rntilrned to Her ald Offlco. lS-t!t LOST KiiHtern Star pin I'rirvd as olfl rollo Itcturtt to lleiald offlte Howard, lh-3t" KOl'NIJ Watch charm Kinder can 1im name liy IdeiillfylnK, F W Clark, MarHlmll IIuuhu. T.' 3t LOST 'IjiiIIch koIiI wrlnt wairli at or near the dancltiK pavilion. Itetuni to llnrnld Offlco Howard lS-3t MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO TUADHfor Ford trnck or tcmrltii: car, 3 work marrf.. noil broke, woIkIH 1100 to 1200 lbs. 2 with oolts by Mldo and one yearling colt, l-3ln u'tiKon and 2 sets of work harness, 1 Unlit and one medium. No Junk cnnHldored. L. J HIMloy, Ilentty, Orefion li-0f phonii C73. ll-3t WANTKD Kxperlonced woman for hoilHevMifk. Phono 31. l'J-lf WANTKD Currier hoys. KvcnlltK de- Ihery. Smi II. P. Tliomnn. Hoiilion- Ut. llt-Ilt WANTKD- A Htnall fnnilslieil Iioiihu or apartment hv jotuiK couple No children Address llornld Office. 22 tf CITV (3AHIlAOI-When yon (iarluiKo rornoved phono 91. want . 11-tf WANTKD To liny cow nml IiijIhk IwiiH, Cull Tuluilliimu 3S1. JS-3t LEGAL NOTICES NOTlCi: IWlTINtJ PltOPOSAKS. Pureuaiit to ordlritutco and order of the Common Courtvll of tlio city of Klamatli Fulls, Orefton, notlco Is liorolir riven that tironoHiiln will ho recolvotl by xaltl Common Council or tlio city of Klumiith FiiIIh. Orecon. notice Ih lioroliy Klvon that proposalt win no recolvotl liy naltl Common Council for making thn lmproonifnt ili'HlKiiml for tho Improvumont of "K" ",rP(,t ifin tn Ktrfot westerly tO lHt Street lllclmllnr InlnnnKllnnu ' Snil. .-IUi. MH. fill, and 7th ?.l"0lB ironi MiKii Htreot Routherly to Pine Stroot, IncltidlnK InterBoctlotiR. Said proposed lmpt,ov(uuent to ho mmlo In ucrorilnnc'o with tlio plans Hpoclflcatlona of tho city encln- for 0110 of tlio othor of tlio classes ''"lirovomout mentioned therein "Hin'ovctl liy tlio naltl council, nml Said plans, specifications and r.ttl- ....(,.. I.aI.... .... 11.. ...11. II... lr.1l,'.l In ,. xntitrnet Hill tlio tllllO In ... .. . , I..I...I In iHt, liitu. iiiii iiiixr- 1 ii 11 11 i ii 1:1 11: iv ii. in lit. tlio 2lith day of AiiKust tUlll; nf whlcli tlmo and plnco proposals will - - ,...--. -- 1 oponod and consldorod. Knch pro poanl must ho accoiiiiinnled by a cort- chock on souiu rosponslhlo bank THE EVENING HERALD, I" llin iimoiint of H per rent of tlio ar.giecuto proposal, to hit forfeited liy tho nut coHSful bidder upon failure to "l'jr Into fontrntt ami bond for tlio faltlirnl fnmplollnu of )ho Improve- mi wit In iticnrdiimo wllh Mid contract. I lie illy of Klmiiiili Falls ri-Honlm: Hi" tight to rcjed any ami all pro- pOHIllll. The awanl to tint Kiicnssful lilililer for making i ho proponed Improve ment la hereliy made (imtliigeiit up on tlio u.i I" or Hie IioihIh authorized "lovidc fiiniln for maltlni: mild Im provement. 'I'lie plaiiR, specifications and ch iltmtit'H nliove reforred to embrace lirovlde for the proponed Improve meiil of Hiild Hirer U by grading sumo to I be entahllHlieil rr.ido from prop eity line to property line on High HI rent finiii fith to Hh Htrei Ih, anil lilh, and 7th Streets and liitonu lions between llleh and I'lno Slreis, and from properly lino to property lino on High Street from fllh to IhI HlrcetH, and IhI , 2nd, 4th and iilh Sit recta from II lull to I'lno Streets, and hard surfacing snlil pavement 2T, feet, wide on High Street from fith to Nth Streets and Olh arid 7th Streets from High to I'lno Streets, and 20 feet wide on Illi;h Street from fith to 1st HtreelH. and IhI, 2nd, t Kit. .Mil, from High Street to Pine Stiect In- finding loncrelo curliH. vlth eitiier oil maeidam. tomreto or hlttillthlc pavement, Including lement Hide wilkn I feet wide on hotlt Hides of Hiild HtnetH I'ropiiHalH are requested on all ilaHO!i of p.ivemeni mettlloned Mated at Klamath Falls. Oregon thin l.'iili day of August ISl't A I, I.I.AVriT. ir,-10t Police Judge Nnllii to l'iuieit Owners no I lulitti Mieel, l.liiioln nml .leffeison Sliictf., 'Mint The) Hno 'JO Iiih rroni I'li-t I'ohllcalloti of Tills Nollie In ulllill In rile AppllcM tloim to paj their nsx'Mnii'iilH 'n Ten iii mil liistiilliiiiiits In ,i. ifinlaiiie with the l'ol'oviiiif; Not- lie of I'ropiirtlnnate .5s1si11rnt. Notlco Ih hereliy Klveii that too Comiiiou Council of the city of Klam ath r'allH. Oregon, did, h ordlnanco No 177 duly adopted 011 tho 1 St Ii da of AiiKUHt lttl'J and approved by the mayor on tho r.'th day of AttKUst l'.U'.l, declare tho proportlonnto an hctujiicnt upon eaen lot, part of lot, hliiclc and acreai;o property found tu he henotlted and llahle for iho cost 111 inipriivini; i.ikoiii nireet iroin HlKh Street northerly to Prospect Street, liluioln .Street from KIkIiUi Stris-t etiHterly to Ninth Street and JeffiTHou Street fn.tn KIkIiHi Streut etiHtorly to Ninth Sttirl, iiicludiiiK iu terHectloiis. Too pioperty ho iiFsessed hy said rdlutince Ih all the iropert llriR aiiiaceni 10 hiuu part 01 h.uii hirueis .. . . i, 2 . .1 . . ui'i i-i-ii in,- niu,,!- 1111111 niiivii i.ii mlnl and extending Inter! v to the center of the icH'n'ctYe hlmks Iv'ttu; adjacent to slid pirt of tuild stru'ls n fi" as the Improvement thereon extentls. I'liut the tlocket of city liens ban Seen niudo up an pro ded lv section 2CS of the charter, and the follow Iiik 's a lint of tho names of cwners of the property so ascfssetl ns shown h" such bond lien docket and slid ordi nance, together with the total aiiiount ho itHHeHsed aKa'tist the prop erty of each owner, and reference Ih hereby made to tmrh dTcket of Cltj Liens for a detailed description of .vmci: I am now prepared to furnldh SluiHtn Sand from tho Hooy, Cam., taiul and Krarol pit, in any quantit.t that may bo desired by contractor and builders. AL F GRAHAM Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. T. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hnll. Dth and Main streets. P. J Gorges , N. G.; Fred Hremor, Secretary: P. L. Fc-nntnln Treasurer. Lwaunn Kncnmpraent No. 4 6, I. O. O. F., meets Tuesday night of each, weok at I. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor wll, C. P ; Nato Otterbcin, Scrlho; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. High Grad Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADK TO ORDER FINKST MATintlALH BUST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices nro ery rrnstmnble Your Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MKKCHANT TAILOR 51 H Main Hi. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON each lol. mrt of lot, block and ntro- age pioperty mo iihhphhciI. l'iiiilint mil Ice In hIho given tlio reaper) m property owners mo ii- sussed mill herein below mentioned Hint miii li iihkchhimoiii Ih due anil pay alile nml will be (clliiiiiwit after tlio expiration if 20 dnjs from tlio date of the 111 Ht ptilillcallon of IIiIh nothe (Kalil lift,! piihlnallon will ho on AiikiihI 20, I'D!) I The property owners ho ushohho! mtiHl eli her pay In ciihIi ot mtikv and llle ullh the Police .luilce of salil Uy their iippllcatlonii to pay mii'li aHiieiiHitienlH In liiHtallmoiilH within Iho 20 dityn In-Kin tilUK Willi the Iithi nulilli pllon of iIiIh nollie .1. M. KvntiH 733.58 .1. M Kvaim . . 33fi,3 J. M Kv.iits 97.07 J M. KvatiH 8U4.27 Itoman Catholic Bishop of Ilaker 330.33 733. fi3 3.-.0.S0 1227.80 327. ) 724.80 f.Ofi.30 S43.8I 12ll.!tr, 025.03 r.78.78 447.14 447.14 372. 85 124.22 Itoman embolic IIIhIiop of Ilaker Itoman Catholic IIIhIiop of Maker (', K. IlrauilcnhurK Itoman Catholic IIIhIiop of Ilaker . Itoman Catholic Hluhop of ll.ikei . lloin in Catholic IIIhIiop of Maker I. lien M Kedfleld II. K Calkins . l-'red Noel Fred Noel . Martin .McAudrows . First HaptlHl Clinrcli 1 1, CaheKan Mary I Telford Mary K. Telford 497.07 John S Parko Colin Itoherts 8U4.27 578.78 33C.17 471.18 Clatido W CoHohooin .1. I Heard M. W. Cosehoom ll.ril,92 M. W Cosehoom ... 843. 2"i 'olin S. Parke 1454.92 Manila C. I'arten 1090.72 K. SiiKarman A: Max (lumhert 57S.78 .lean flroesheck . . . 578.78 .1. .1 Keller 081.03 llnllie Jacobs . .... 4 03.80 C V I'lsher . 475.37 M. K Cowlev 4C3.80 W. W Lewis . CU5.C7 .las. II antl Lola Urlicoll .... ICC. 7." Orson Ilrown 412.11 M tin; J ret Pitts . . II. II IMmonds .... 578. 7& 10C7.12 14C4.a2 385.20 J. J. Parker et ux ohas. Kvanlkoff . ,' n',. ,,., 100C.14 Alma .1 Cofer 894 2 Chns V Stemwell (ilea Johnson A. A llellman .. .. A. Mehaffoy . . Karl C. Jones 373 10 123.97 CCC 80 710.55 C8G.37 4C7.92 Katharine House Esther M. Dale 413.25 13 1 Ti,i,...,.a..n 4ni in II, I' V lll'llll'SUII Iiri.iii p Arant 109 30 Jno. Stout J no. Stout Jno. Stout Jno. Stout 338.94 112.98 112.98 112.9S ATTENTION My business Is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsominlng and Taper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phone 103W THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodle Chili Con Carnl Open all night MwtA off Main on 7th A little off of the Mats street, mt It pays to walk FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis B(dg. Phone 432 GLASS Phono me and I como and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work, E. C. STUCKY. 1140 Main. Phono 840-W. Phone 4 CO Ice Cream 72U Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrovf, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.a Peel and Billiards Barbor Shop In oCnuectlou OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Scrlce" WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 20 G I. O. O. F. Bldg. lilt. W. M. lUiKYTIflXG, SPECIALIST In dihi:ahi:h of tho m:AitT and NRKVOUH HVHTKM. 420 Main Street. Phono 4C9 WSfWVSVW"! Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable IO UK Trips Our .Specialty KeaHOiialilo Hates Phone J ill) H'Z'i Klamntli Aic. 1 COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. m. to 9 p. in. GOOD COFFEE AND REAXi CKEAM Coe's Jitney Service Day Phone 108 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. - -:-m::"X"::"Xx::- I Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 Lbs. 75c FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner Mam Anil Cougcr .;x--xm-sxv;:--:--: HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus- Irely. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. O E. BCSMARK IIS S. Oth St. Klamath Falls wv" KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing sew wira aiane 10 waer Aide Straightening and Blac4csiulthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phon SS9-Y 617 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KINI1 OF FURNITURE See Atfidy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 17-J Phone (.! 112- Main St. O. K. Lunch AND OONFECTIONERY Formerly at -IS Main St. Home-Mde Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. WVli'VWW'W SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" IM MAIN ST. DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 151J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 151M 1909 Main St. aaawmmwvv'mww'v,vII'vwivnsv E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNET AT LAW 111-14 WllliU Bldg. Klamath Valla ! Oregon rrWrMrAAMMMArMAArMAAW PAGB SEVEN PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Ciuivtt Mri. Itosa McDnnloht, 301 High St Phone 455 Tin: iMitisiA.v ih:autv hiiop I'adal MaMjiplinj, Illencliinf; and I'ikIiiI I'arki Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Treatment r.lt) Main Phono MOO H. C. SCHLEEF KATHERINE SCHLEEF ' ''. Plijhliliuis anil KtirKcoru j Office, White HltlK. 2 v i DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Trnax Suit 20(1, I. O. O. V. Illdg Ofllce phone 8J Iteji I'houc HOM DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE IIUILDING PHONE 385 iWAVIWVWWWWWWWVMW DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Undenvoocl's Seventh and Main Streets ! FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Bldg., Klamath-FalU t DR. C. A. RAM.BO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY B17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician 41 Snrgeoa riulxe 211, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Pbone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon In Klamath Falls ) ( SAW BIILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. ReilRncri antl builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Pinning Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals ami reports made. Dredging. W contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of nny kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Ofllce In K. D. Building J. C. CLF.GHORN Cliil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W f tji j jz i-3 r ! " r jv czr ir i SHANGHAI I RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE I HOt'SK 1 Short Order' Steals Served. i T 73 Main Street x klamath fauj1, ore. x ?.:xx-hx-X":-:-".'i'.-''s,-'.,--K"4