TAG rOUB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKIIXKHIIAV, MMUWt i!(i; fL P H-alJlwull paid and hnvo tholr full share I W .1). H. Dodson, oxecutlvo secretary H .11. llofnor 1 neiLVenHlg neraiqin Us ,,rospcrlty. Throntonod labor'of tho Chambor of Cnntiiwreo. pui-bii-j ' "onmmi.i ' ' Z, j MunilAY .troubles woro settled In ndvanco, nml nut to liiKtrucllons by tho confor-, ,, , aiI?om1tl J.. tA u ltl! liniI ,, strikes such ns ours. onco, follew: .j, m. Chllooio 82.40 ! On .11. Meiryimiii .118.2(1 Kluniuth Dnv ( fi5 Editor JAMES S. "SHEEHY City Editor 71.00 l.ydlu Trilux - II. J. Vlnltirs 'its men got tho ouulvnlont of tho Hosolvetl, Tbnt a committee of hilwnnl 1. iiikkiusoii ''McAiloo scale" as socn as ours did. throo prominent business men be A. A. Mel linun , , , , , , . mined by the I'ortlaml Chamber of h. M. ( hllcote and they had received tJrllor ml- ,,.. .....i ,i, nmenn Khitn John K. Droher Published dally except Sunday by Ivances. Chamber, jointly, to visit ('rater Orovllle K. French TO... ll..-., 1.1 11, .1.11.1. 1.... n. ,.., .,,. ,-t All ll.li lina lin.m ili.Tl.i l.v 'l.i l.llldl I lllltt Oil 111 1 01 V. II lid lOrllHllUtO II - - -- UU ....... ,,. . ..... !-... Mh V ,.,..,.,..... v.. .... . .. ...- . --- .,.,.. ....... ... V...I.... ... I ....!.. It .... I...M... .-, . .... jiian wioroaiier wiiieu niuui ih inu- .i..- ii. .... ........... ...n.- -. u, mimcy seated to the city and slate for the Strwt, That They Have iio Iiim . Oreni proper development ot aecommoua- hwra fiwi rimiinuioii in win n. u. itoynnldH Notice in Milieu to rue nppiicu. Akiics North . tlims to pay t licit- msncmsiik-iiIn In Akiicn North Ton Annuel In-tnlliiK'iKx In Ac- , F. Shephurd eorclnneo With the Following Xol- II A. Elumltt Ice of PniNiriliitint AviowMnciit. I.otila Alt Notice Is helioliv clven that the .1 i. M..(',.ihn,, i protection 01 uiu scenic iiimiiuch hi common Council of tne city or Kinm- t. Taylor j Oregon' hlKhwnys, to act us a force ,)tli Kails. OreKon. did by ordlnanro Itlclmril Mrlhuso i in urcltiK appropriate loKlslutlon to No 47s ,iuly adopted on the 18th Krimk Osburn 1 una run, mm iii intiiiiuu- ii nunu ih.i uy r AiiRtiBt in 1!'. and approved ny .j p i.nwrenco Other countries than the Viiltod organization for his purpose; nnd,tm, Mnynr on the intli day of Auk-i Frmj v Osburn - -ii . .ii.,.,.w..i,- .u.o.i tn i. States are trylnc to solve thtMiroblem VL Oil 111 IV 111E'-U-0 - CVIVW W It 07.50 O. J. KHknlson 8(1.00 Uhestor Avory 1 0 1 . 7 r .lime tlrlmes 528. 20 I. I., Trinix, t n. 247.2R Ellen M. Iledflohl 00.70 1 1.. I Trim, ei nx 121.00 Alma Cofor 851. 00. N. I). (Ilnslmci, 0.1.60 Henry Offenbachor 477.15 i Frank Dlclun- 15. 75 Akucs Orem 502.0(1 ' Edwin A. Wood ISO. 40 P Mevlm 140.05 i K. HiiKiiriiuin , ,, S. . 10 Hestora French 2:15.15 Henry A (lrlm-i Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street, intelligent, honest IntllMdual man 1 iHCor.io.it. Doos any ttane human bo- Entcred at the postofflco at Klam- if. i,.,rl!i.. u nmlil Im iliinllini.d' i;.,,u uin.ii. tl... uiitlmnil imrl: tin-re: mth Falls. Ore., tor transmission thru) notho.ls nudillo Are veaud be It further the malls as second-class matter. nmur oui i.Kino.is i nu uu . Are x i ,(.sl,V(Mi. That n committee be, - . so much lo.-s IntelllKent and capable ,,,,, lw ,wo t.htllili.orH to co. Subscription terms by mall to any 'than our Canadian brother:;? New operate, with the federal and slate aaress in tne i niten stales. ,A Vork Sun. I rend bnlldliiK anencles to further tho juo .vfiir jo.ui' One month 50 Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication WK Ml'ST PltODt'CK Mt)ltK. or not otherwise credited in this pa-, of tho high cost of living, and there Is i. i . I n-i wt "l,,l'i ucclare tho proportionate o. A. Arnold ... iinuncui ....ii. im wuiuiinvi-fl iMi9uininl mum mini mi. nnrl or lor. Aril.. tr.....u .i..... ..!..., u......i..ii. .. . v '. : . . ... ...mull 612.70 :t8 1.6.1 :ir,;i.i;o 115.20 1110.82 422.40 700.5O 1101.80 :i84.:i6 rt.lii.7o 00.70 285.70 1047.30 700.60 422.20 111 I). 10 !llt:i.20 .124.00 fefcjfc.t atllat llltllhll AlhllAjtlll1lt.. ... .1 iiHinvm ........... ...w.-. , ,. iiiiiiiu nnii iin r-iiii irn ii riiunri v 111111111 1 11 ill... ,..... ibiipma Wt. and also local nows published agreement iimonc lenders n those , .,. it.ia i.i.mn... ul,,.n r.monli with .".....".. '...:. vims, iuuiui. ii.n.jii i, 'in " " . " " t""i-"- ...... nti nenei hoi anil an o ior uio cosi or cIuih IKinart Herein. n..Hf u .l... l.... ....... ...l..-. It... ot..t.. lil..h.M. ..nt.iitilHultui tli.i . . .. vimn. ftmiitui All -Inhta r9 vti.il.lln t Inn tt enA. clal dispatches herein are also reserv- Pr'Ct i iimni n. wilev Wilson S, Wil.-v WIIhou H Wilev I., t). .MhU Mrs. K. .1. in, Mm. K .1 MuriM Heniy I,, Mi iimiim I'. Mf llemly Newlon H. I) ut i . i, J. II. Cooimr Klamath Dnv Kl'iuiadi Dnv Kliniiitli I)e. Kliiiiiath Di'v E. E. MielalT E. 10. Mlelurr Klamalh Dnv Kliimnlll Dev Klamath Dev J. C. I'eiry Co Cii Cii ( i Co Co d. - TKPXFSDAY, ACOCST 20, 1910. more THE ALLEYS IKIr! ill! -"'-' trt ii. l..., .i iiiiiw iu inn ui urn I.. ii w.n o...... ....... ....j. -" "'"" - improving Market street from tno wilelln Siewart sunini"".""" ""v l ' s of necessities Us to produce county nuinuriues.uwj inueu oiiues nortl,oriy ,nn of Clll atrotll to iho1 School District No 1 "971 Oil Aor. . K""r,,ri1 ncces.lt.es. - - aS."'. ?,B'S! &."" " I. block 17. Z!V. Zh:. l.; lll'.lo "'1 IIU (V....O. ...... ...(P.U ......... "IM....hl I 1A Kill.... V HA nf Inl in I. AilV I ,.-..... I 1. HUI For example, in response to do- relatlvo to the preservation of tlm- ..'-"..;'..",.......'. ! . Kliimnih Dnv i'.. ds for summary action In Canada, bered strips along scenic highways. '" "' ni) "' " " """ ",i,,;" Notice to Pnpei1 Owners on Unpin-' J as, i KmKh official renort made by the par- olthor by reservation, donation ir ,l0nf,"ll-n,K,,,mi'111 hn""' ,nc,v"",,K ; i.a.le. Pacific Ternice. nml Port- Effle .Mcllroom NVwrll nnrr hnctv nnil 1t Movnliin uiimn iilim "---'--'" liiiiil Nfnutl. 'I'liiifl T1iiv lln.' JUi ' iimni It.... ft.. committee of Inquiry ;vhere,,y . lla.nll8 for tIlls muy bo T'10 Property so assessed by said ,,,., ,,.,r, .llt,iu.nlim of ,,. ,y ,..,. man tho llamentary said: No material reduction In tho cost to The time limit for cleaning up the alleys expires this evening, and it is of tho commodities In regard expected that tomorrow Chief Mlllori which inquiry was made can will begin his rounds of investlga-lpected except by increasing tho tlon and havefailed There should be no leniency and no. Any pari! exceptions. Some have willingly complied with his request. have done so hnlf-heartedly. while Present others have entirely ignored it. I Tne There must be a strict interpretation i ,nK to secured; and be It further .onnnance is an mo proper y ihk .llimmii I.. uiiIj! txttft i-vtr II 111 DtlSlllIu nenolvetl. Thnt llin Mmin liw nr J'"'in " """' i""' " "" n.....o committees named by the two cliani- between the above mentioned tor- ;' ;r hc.hal cooperate w h'.,o for s ' un;,irU,n,,,nKl,v,,,,0rtrl,0vl, 1,0 - service In securing federal leglsla- 0,,,,,r "f .,,lu '"I"'"" hlock : yl. K o vol- ,ton. tht aiI1K cec highways any 'Jcont to Mid part of NlilMmi' prosecution of those who 'lime at a lower coit of production, or privately owned land In or near the .t'.'."), 1 to comply with tho law. by lowering the cost of distribution. I tlonal forests muy be exchanged ,, i io luiniii uu niu i ,,., i, ,,i ' for national forest lands and tho , . , so far as tho Improvement thereon THIi Notice In Wlilrli Io Fll A- T. (1 Mcllatlan pllcnllons to Pay Their Amrn. ( Martin llroa. ineiil.H In Ton Aiiiiunl Itmljill- .Mnrtin llrm nieiitt In Aieoiiliinie With the J. F. Magulrn I'olloulng Nollro of PriMtrtlou- J. F. Magulrn ate AiHCHNincnt. Allen N I'alch Notke Is hereby given docket of city Hens has Common Council of the that thn Allen N. Patch E. M. Chllcote .in, IV lit .... nn ...... .1.1... I I ...!.. I.' I..... ..I I. t.tlla fit. ....... .li.l 1... l.ll l- .! rimilll .....v.n Uii.-....i...h .............. n.sv.rvtlon of the timber assured. .T." '." V" ' ' .'" '""""'" '' "'" l "' .-. "."V... ,' "..T." ".." " . '..".V Jesse .M. M u-mr.. In the .le prices wh ch the fanners Morning Oregonlan """ l" i"" cimner. aim uiu louowing " .-. in-. hi uuuihcu uu wiu ,..,...,. v;; . .. ,..,' .... ..... I -"""" uriMiinnn. . .. , ()f ,,, ,., ,)f pwn,,rH ,,f ISth day of August. 1910. and an- '? "ratv J Klrkpalrli others aro roceivuig wouiu imunsuj uu; .. , ,. ui,,,...,. i,v. nrovnil l.v tin. Mnvnr .... tl... , .,,i. , Aiiirgatoi J Klrkp.itru .. . . .. I : i-.k lia fmiH.H.I.taa . 1. .. ! !- L.. ... ill" ! tl w . - - ... ......... .... .,i .'(tllt. , ,, ., dimeuit situation ; --,-"'" - " , '- BlHl bond lien docket and said ord- Uuy j.f August. 1910, declare tho pro- ' ". 'V "? British food controller, accord- . .' ",", J,," ,..:'.; nance, together with the total, poniomile assessment upon each lot, ! ,, . , '. a recent report by one of our -J-Hlr '"'x- jL(,roc.orr-.-(Mt amount so assessed aga'tist the prop- Pirt of lot, hlock and acreage prop- ; ",in . . . - -. T .i. ..f ......1. .........h .....l ..r......... lu nrlv rmiiul tn I... Ii...flt...l t....l 11..I.1.. It- .lolllluin ot the law and a rigid enforcement "" .uiiiiiiiM.ui. ... """"""' l.c.i. iiuucj hereby made to such d cket of Cltv for thn cost of Improving Esplanade , '''." "1,,H a .., .,,, i.inoo man maintains thnt "apart from the prof- U,. fr ,i..i ., n..,i ,i,.11-,iti f street from the nortln.rlv ul.i.. f Alva P. Clnremv who Jeopardizes the property of oth- ,toer the cnfef cansca ot hKh foo.l; Notice to Pmpeitv Omihth on (ininf each lot. part of lot. block and acre- "all street to Pnrlllllc Terrace; Pa- " " ';"m ,uh ho rtonlt with without st"9 al-e increased consumption and I Stiwt. That Tlicy Have ! Dnyn age property so assessed. clOc Terrace from Huron street ' " " '''r""n, era should be dealt with without, nrodll,on Demand for f,,,I ''" Publication of .IUm Further notice Is also glwn the twitherly to Portland street, and ,,V',ml'V.,,S V " '" mercy, and If Chief Miller will do so. decreased proclu.tlon. Demand ror Stt n wuuu (( ,,,,. A rj. r,.8,,ctvo property owners so ns- Portland street from Pacific Terrace hehn S. .Sharplrsn he will have the support of the pub- choice CUts 0f n S S0 gr?1 ' ! '"t to Pay Their Assessments sessed and herein below mentioned, easterly to tho city limits of Khun- ! A-"'1,M , I fU,ln U I ta rwnnnenA uti.loi- thai t.. ti ... .. .. i .1.... ... a I.. .1... I . ... lit U iVnll- I ttl ti.t I.. .. !.... it MrH. KUlO Al II If 1 (k T xui.' .. . (..wwu.. ....,. .. Ila -i III(1I4I lll141ll He. I Some may have gained the Impres sion that the time limit set by the chief his been extended, because no change was made in the published notice as it appeared originally, so that in last night's paper It read as it did on the first day. This was simply an oversight, and one that Is not big enough for anyone to hide behind. Sufficient notice and time has been given, and no temporizing should be tolerated food control act to Increase the price of these cuts, now around GO cqnts a pound. In order to make it profltabln to sell the Inferior cuts at a still loiv er price than at present. Hut he Is Accordance Willi the Vntleo of Proportionate meiit. Notice Common llHrws, 111 nun Burn jif?ii,i?iiii.,iii in nun 111111 (inv- ". ..., .....up. 1111111 nt'tuuim. . . ., , , FoIIouIiik nhlo and will be delinquent nftor thn The property so assessed by said ... ,',' V. " ow ' ' o Asses expiration rf "0 d..w f-o... thn ,1 crdlnancn Is nil the property Ivlng f:1.' ' ICo'1HI' of the llrst publication of this notice, adiacmit Io said part of said slivets ', , !!,n2 , ,, , ,. (Said llrst publication will be on between the aliovu mentioned ter- ,."'. 'J., " is hereby given that the A,KUSt ,, 1919, Council of the City of mini and extending laterly to the Tho property owne-s so assessed center of the respective blocks lying rssessmnnts costs down only In part. At the bot tom of tho blgh cost of living U world-wide under-production and ' over-con?umpt!on. This moms tint I we mut produce more of the prime I necessities of life, even If In order to do so we deprive ourselves of somo The Canadian Pacific Railroad luxuries The world must get back to stands as the most convincing, living, work. Oregonlan. i in in am mi is. ureiron. uiu. l.v iini ....- .... .. ....... . ...11... . . dubious as to whether Inferior cuts ' !lnc No. 474 duly adopted on T the H ... .J "',, .. . . . ' . ...,r..- .11 ' " ' Hn,cl M" ... . - ., , ' 1 V.i. 1 .. f . . . ,nJi . 'I I w'th the Po Ice .liiilgu-of sn'.i so far as the Improvement t.iereon will be acceptable even at a redtie- 11th day of August. 1919, and up- (.,ly Hlr c,mi, , nv Hoi, eMen.k. . . 1 IM '..(. ...'.,... .... .....m ..... ...... '. - Hon 1 1'. -, .' ...v. ...... j... .... ...v. i.'ii. u!.ni.hin -.i. . ...111 i.i-' ,,a-v of August, 1910, declare tho Punishing proHieers will bring ,.,.,,., ,, ,.:., ,.,,,.,. , lot, pan of lot, block and acreage property found to be benefited and 1 1'aWe for the cost of imprevlni: M. I.. Nletv Win. ,l. and Ella T Klckm.ii Jan. Wnllnce Klamnth Dev Co Ida M. Ilrowne 111 IliHtnlli.w.ntM u'tthln Tl.nl thn flnrWi.l nf rltv M.tt.u l.r.u h ?0 days beginning with the first been made up as provided by section ainatli Dev ( o niiiii'pf'"t of tl' Is ti,,ri A LIVING lIEMOXSTltATIO.V argument for private ownership of great transportation lines a sharp contract to the state of our own roads. It has been subjected to the severest tests of the wir; heavier, even, in many ways than those borne by our own lines. And it has emerg- DEIVLAn for RtrTTCD, ACCOMMODATIONS (irnnt street from northerly to Llnkvlllu Cemetery. The property so assessed by said -rdlnunce is all the property lying nd'aeent to said part of suid streets between the nbovo mentioned ter mini and extending laterly to tho center of the respective block-i lying adjacent to slid part of said stnwt.s 110 fc- as the Improvement thereon extends. That the docket of city liens has ' been of .-us 01 me courier, and tne loiiowiug is a list or tne names or :wnrn c the properly so assessed us shown l: .1. II. C.nrrett .. . Swift & Company It'-...! I I.... Z''.. Hl ... .l . . M'll 1 .llll'.UI V. II. .loventh street ,,.,, rwi - ..1..1. V.l x .' I'nlon Oil Co. . . J. O. Ilenrdsley .... J. O. Heurdsley .. . J. O. Heurdsley . .. Oscar Peyton P. C. Carlson Oscar Peyton (!. A. Musson .. I.. .1. Itaco CS of the rlmrter. nn.l thn fnllnivliw Klamnth Dnv Co 342.50 is a list of the names of owners of ainatli Dev Co 342.50 the properly so iifsessed as shown by Mamnlh Dev Co 34 2.50 su h bond lien docket and snld ord' Klamath Dnv Co 342.50 nance, together with thn total Arthur It Wilson S2S.00 amount so assessed ugu'nxt tho prop- 'rtl'iirlt Wilson lRl.r.O erty of ouch owner, and reference Is Weed Lumber Co 342.5') h"''eljy timilci to such delict of City Kl'tnath Jewelry Co 342.50 Mens for a detailed description of ''f. Sn flunyon 342.50 ,,1("1' ''it. part of lot, block and acre- Mrs. Sol Itiinyon 342.50 "I!" Property so assessed. V-s V II. Cletiilcniilng 342.50 Further nollrn Is nlso given tho ''Ininnlh Dev. 342.50 respective property owners so ns-'V. A. Meyer 312.50 """Hcd and herein below mentioned, Klamath Dev Co mat sncii assessment Is diu and pay- Emma A. Johnson mm!.. .... .ii mv.,ilfin," Notice to nropnty owners on Teniii "mo ""." w"! '''' dellniment after the 'mum A. Johnson of the charter', and the following Wrr.,. that ...., l.ave a., Ilays " " ' 11-- ?" ' A. (ionlo.i rnini rirsi iiioiiilllli.ll 01 ini ', , , ... ...... ..,,..... ... n, uniunii Nollce In Which to File Appllra- '"" " "i1 Puhlication will bo on Jns. W. Lylle lions to my ihrir nssi-sNiiieiilM In '"'"J,1"" " IJ19,) Luke E. Walker Ton Annuel InstnliiiieiitK In nr- The property owners so assessed (jhert Fleet .oidance Willi Hie FoIIohIiir No- n!1,st ; ther pay In cash or make and ,tiln H- K,Htur nH.. .... . .. . 1,... ..r .. .....i .1.......... '' ...ii. inn ruiiuii jiiiiKU 01 snio i... ....-i... r 11.. 1.. It gave good service to the govern- mlttee, with a view ot submitting to he;cby m'a(le , 'b ,,' k,t r"C (..." Notice is. hereby given that tho .''ty ,!lp,r. nppllciitliina to pay such Mr(t; rftrr, j. A,xliniPr As a result of n conference ' business men with Stephen T. Math- , er, director of national park service, su-h bond lien docket and said or. ed triumphant, stronger than ever, resolutions were adopted urging ?n, nance, together with tho total and greater, too, in popularity. eaHv vllt t- Crater Lake lv a com- am0nt s0 assessed aga nst the prop ment, at reasonable costs, lieyoud the Port'and and O'esn-i - that. It afforded very substantial! of commerce financial aid; $'40,000,000 of Its coramodatl stock was losned to the governmeiu. and it bought, of the second Cana dian loan, $12,477,000 of bonds. The BrltlSjh government has not yet paid for its service in full; neverthe less, the road Is prosperaus financially sound. lusessinentH within Mnlhasn in iiiniiiniTiiii in .. -- ..IIIMI.H IIA.1. 111(11111 til " ............ -... .... ... . ... - .. w. ...n... In ( .1.. .... I. .. ..t .. .. 1.. .. -,.Jfc .. . " plans for providing ac- each lot. part of lot. block and ncio- nth Falls. Oregon, did. by ordinance ",,,rr,7,,.; V,," .,... " '"" (!,l Melhaso ons there for visitors. aspporly "? jessed. No '. .VTV'. .on...t.1!.0. V"? C M. Phlnnov 211 20 ?J ?" '.'""" .. , , , . , , . ruriiiur nonce is also given I uuy 01 Aiigusi id 1;'. 111111 upiiruvuu uy ., .. ,.,.,.,. ,, ;: .. I'llisv ,, iiyail tide Ot travel tinned lOI r,.nnr,,v,. nmnorlv i.ui..q.. u.. .. Uu. ...,.v.r mi thn llll. .hu'nf A.lv.iil V. ." "'"'ley JII..U , . . Mlll Mr. Mather declared that sessed and herein bolow mentioned. 1910. declare the proportionate ns- ",L i f" ; ;" J-sslo ft. .Mills nodat ons now nr.v dud , i"i aucn issessiueni is otij and pay- sessment upon encn lot, part 01 101, ., --; -; h hum 11 Dnv. Io ..1.1. 1 ...,,i .... ... ... .. ... . " ... . .. .1.II.-ITII w .uviiiuitoii z.ri.zo ,. .. ... . found n-riot ""'". "". W,M "u """eni auer tno oiock anci acreage property iounn 10 Auan i0ilnH(),. 400 i ' v- 'inner miipii 11 o mi exnlrat'on Ct 21) llnvn from thn .lr.t.. I... l...n,,fl.,l ,.n.l llnl.l.. fnr thn rfl.l '""?" ' Joimsoti 422.40 ,, v VLk.. point In the resolu- of tho first OUbllcation of this notlr.' ,,f Imnrnvlnif Tonth film..! frnm Mnln "UH e 8crH 422.40 ' ' , i recommend tion" regard it?u d lust publication will bo on northorly to Prospect Street, nnd i.'..?"?. , l.,!'."" .lJAU. i.-i .1 t.... With the Oregon, the accomr would soon Ah Important and; tfous Is trie lnir co-onerativp pffnrtH liotwenn thn August 20, 1910.) Nor has it done this by any 'in--1 different highway Interests to safe- dlnate raise In prices to the public, i-in'-d nnd nmtnt s'-en'r- "t'ni nann 'tnn an iiiirn street rrom uin street easteriv a i... ..:. uu .1. 1..... mL ......., 1 ...... . . . .; . . "I. ... .iiiiii.-iiii .lis. no iihiiiihii iii. . ..o ii.uiju. 1, u.viium nu iissusseo to llin street, including internee- c g Johnson Co i in, l''anifitli Dev fTirrhi;,,ierV.7m",r,jnT! Uo2x- . , . , K'"m"h i)ev.cc: :r::. ' . d.; lie With thO POUCO J ll !ir(. of milll T ... nrmmHv in i.uui.umpiI liw mi I ... .. .. . ,"fc"1 ... The shipper and passenger are ple- maintain timbered areas along the flty their applications to pay such -nllnaiioo Is all the pr'oporty lying Klamath Dev C i'l ' 'inmath llov ed, as they are getting good service, highways and expedite road bu.lu- "ls In InstallmentH within aiDacent to said part of snld streets Klamnth Dev! 6. .... 424i ' Klamath Dov! On the other hand, Its employes are ing Tho resolutions, prepared bv m11fp,,i"i"r 1.1- iip. l "otween tne anovo ment one.i or- w. B PllUBht - Klamalh Dnv. Dov. Dov. Dov. Dnv. Dev. Dov. Dov Co. Co Co. Co. Co Co. Co. Co. Co Co. Co Co. Co Co Co Co 1 ' WITTmmiTifXtt Jffil ill Uio aff-ttoar-round soc drink For business men, professional men, men of sports- olf , bowling, tennis, shootinidin$.For everybody, every where, the year 'round. Bevo is hale refreshment for wholesome thirst an invHoratind soft drink. Ideal ov the athleteor the man in physical or mental training- ood to train and $ain on. Healthful and appetizing. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS MASON, EHRMAN & CO. Distnbutors a Klamath Falls, Oregon flkliliM r0 tlln ftau. n.it.1l.-ll. t-I At ... t'l)i ui iiiu niai jiuuiiuiuiuii 111 i ui. 4 iioiicu. KJmnPth IOV C (Haid Hi Ht publication will bo on Klamath Dnv r, AiiBUBt 20. is 1 0.) Itflhart 'Alexan.L: Tbo property ownora ho hhsohhg(1 Anna AllllMr ' iniiBt llhr wy In cash or mnko und .Aiinnlo L Rnri?nV" (ilo with tho Pollco Jmlgu of Bald Knnnu K (Jliwli w city thn-r applicatlonH to pay Hitch KJaniath Dov rn (tauncuot rxrt f rt In linili.llmi.titn ihU1Ih .. w thn ( flnvu hnfltintrif urllli tin (leui. 1. '. .. .. -...n"..;;.; ..; r.V..""r..i" - ..rury minor 211 20 K- ' Hhurk lorn '''. I" s,""'If J' Hi, n. fVimnhnll ,r 'I'll!). H. f'nmnholl .,,,!! I .Tohn RtroRiin .i i' "olit. Aloxnnilnr W ( I , M "ubllcut'on of tt'lH notloo. M. ". and S. II. Kvans 900.25 M. V. and S. II. Kvana 289.20 J. Horvi, ,lr r.77.00 Kyilla A. Slutor 122.40 MarRuret Abraham 1099.20 F. T. SanilerBOn Kstato 422.30 Archlo C. Colaon 86(1,10 Cora HandorHon 598.82 Thos, II. Skllllnuton C3.95 Kllznlioth A. C.rlgshy 772.70 ' F. T, .indorson Katato 505.82 I F. T. Sandorsori Kntato 505.82 ir. Orom 325,70 Frunk -Moorland 528.40 Oraco M. K. Church 782.10 draco M, K. Church 1377.15 Daisy H. Cox 825.80 M. I'. Kvai'iH 045.00 Marclo Jamison .'.., 4C8.00 , H. C. Chumhorlln 370.47 .lohn J. Itoonov H. V. Short SIih. It. M. Holler A. I). Mlllor . V. Whlfo 211.20 105.00 105.00 105.00 52.80 52. 0 52,80 "m, Tfnlit Alnxnndiir Hoiit. atiit Cnrrln Al ni"''r Uoht. and Carrlo Ahxaiuh'' Jnnnln Fiiho M. 11, Nnwhanl(H V'nltor .1 AtiilTPOii 'flu ninth Dov. Co. ... " ior..n 1 ."w 'uiiiiii jwamaii, noy. Co ,. lor,.60 ,t,!Sh Tumor .. . W. Murphy 422 10 I-1""" Turnnr Klamnth Dov. Co 42"'40 W". P- ,,,l,os, Klamath Dnv. Co .fv'nUvm. v. Ilnlos Klamath Dov. Co 4-2"4) Win. F. Union .. Klamnth Dov. Co 4-240 "oht. nnrt Carrlo Alt xuiuh1' Klamath Dov. Co " 42240 IT). A. Mmli Klamath Dov. Co ojj ..oil,, F. OlHnn .... Maiirlro U. JoIiiikoii 21120 1'. V- 0ls'n - Ollvo 10. Snltz 4Ho 411 f. Kncloiimn Kfnmiitli Ddv. Co 402.41) ;f. 1. and K. C. I'ndiloch Hiamalh Dav. Co 4"24n 2KC' '''''' 22.4 K A, AkCully 422 40 Kdmiind M. Chllcoto 211'on C. A, Illlllllllir .ut on Kllen Mason Hstuto 528,09 0. W. Whlto '.'"" 21120 Laura C. Chamborlln 182.C7 , J. (!. Wheeler .','.' 21120 Goo. II. Chamborllii 54.00 Anton Fomlnla ...."'" "1120 IClamath Dov. Co, KJiunntli Dov. Co, .1, J, Dolnnoy - Ivlo Rponrnr Juanlta J. Iltihhnrd Frank C, Wolkor - HydrnuIIo Stono and Uric Co !! HI "Hi '!! !) ll) 'II Mil ill! 'II I ill! Ill, III III H id 11 11 ill, Sll.ll Ml l II M, .H Mil ii 11.11 11 w II H 1011) mill sill (Hi Hill lOSlt J. 105.1) !IU, il IDJII 105 II '111! :ii:t 11 19 1051) 10511 Sll.ll 'Hi, in.11, Oil) 105 II 105.11 1051) Sll.it 211 II 21111 ill) J! II 10511 105.1) 211!) 211 !i 5211 Jill SMI Jill (Ml 51.1) SMI SMI 10S.II JS.il J5.I 70.4 ;o.it 10s 10 10S.lt I0J.C0 . 21l.il 211.20 211.11 422.11 422.11 . 1(0.11 . 140.il llt.lt 211.21 Jll.20 211.21 211.21 211.il 211.10 211.21 422.!' 422.il 422.20 422.21 211.21 211.20 ' 211.20 211.10 211.20 2IUI 1 fiS.n? 105.(1 211.20 211.20 211.2' 211.21 21!.!! JIM' 211.20 Jll 211.21 211.21 JIl. 21121 211.21 JII.J' 211.21 JI1.I' 422.41 4i2. 211.1' 21120 211." 811.1 211.1' 211.19 JI1.2' 111." 711.2J 21t' 844-8 12(1.!' mil 911.1" 211.20 Ml.! ?ll.j 211. 105.C 1(15.6" 421.40 211." 211.2" 105. )05.t 105.C icifl 105." 105." 105V 105." 105. 105. 211. 211. 211. 841" ''