The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 20, 1919, Image 1

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    PWWWWI . r,
i 3".
' 1 i .4
4llf U,
fog fcummg Her
"rlccnlh Year -No. 3,707
Price, Five Cento
Demands Govcrnmni
Ownership of Railroads
i. ii.i.
I , , .,, PntU'l l I ' ""
;.,rT ""' S,,H "'
ConfMl l,lM,r'
.......mtiisJ I) C AtlK 20
" Ocncn..' m- i.MMl..y
1 . ....,. .mull H"cl " ""'
VI "-' ..... ...I, .ivmll III
r.!mcr Ml'l "" ' , ,
i.l I,., fur too illllMIr "lid
,5u protok dlm.ll(..l .Hlch
,osld In turn ' '' "f
other amendments
-A fir-reichlng HtsM KtiH' '''''
price will l'? unn- nr." s.H.l h
attorney Kcncn.1 m .H-umIiik '
M illuatlon '' ''- ''"'', "'
UidKlaloii ' "I"'1 n': ,r Ml'
. . ... . .. ii In i IH H.-.1!'CI
tbltltfoulil ob'.m c'lfr Ili.llO
..... i. mrfiiiiit .hi. -i .train! luii,i
I menu in "
trail that haw been viiMri-rliig
' .. ... . i u .......i
Inretiiaiioii i un i
pipir Induilry " determine bcthc.
Illegal practices nml IiIkIi prices had
jui I i . hu In
Ken inaoiM" in ....i-
a resolution Introiliici-cl li Dcnio
critic Senator Howl nr Missouri It
III IdOpICd VJ mi' uriniii'
llllllllll llllllKcl.l l-pci' llllS lllllll Tillll'
Willi llcr Dninolii- Ti online.
IOlil Willi Neicsui) In S.'f ill
IIOIIM'lllllll ( llllllllllllllll'S.
Leading Spokesman for
the League of Nations
IIiclnrsM Men's Ahsixiiitlon Will I'm
li'iliilii I'oilliinil VInIIoim, I'm less
( 'iimiiji'i i Inl (lull (irtn lliis) Willi
ItO.MK, Auk 20 Sm i'ii liourH of, I'nturtuliiini-nl for the Portland
I'.irh ilay of the Itiilluii housekeeper Chamber of Commerce anil bankers
iniiHl hu devoted to buying food. Tliu of thy illy, who are coining to Kiam-,
problems of tliu ordinary American iitli Falls In September or October,
housekeeper piili) Into Insignificance will no donlit In- carried on by the
i cti with their troublesome servants Business Men's Association, accord
when lompnred to thi) Italian. I'oin- Ini! to W. C. Van Kmon, secretary of
mile servants' atrikes In Italy aro tlio organls-atlon
'hrojilc. Joint union with tin1 Commercial
Tho recent upheaval In Italian C'liili. that Iiiih been centempKitlni;
iioiioiiiIim whi-ii Itif Koveinmetit or-f u-oiKaiilzatlon for Home montliH,
derod prlii'n of foudmuffu and cloth- Ul bo undertaken by tho-HuslnisH
liiK roiluioil fifty percent Iiub Iiokuii Meii'8 Association, If tho Commor
I', ronilloii and the factor affected rial Club HpeeilH up Ibrlr Intention to
inoHt In tin- hoiM' keeper She mum uiinplftu their orKanl.atlon How
Kiurt to marknl fit Mm on o'clock In ,.,,.rtho tlmo Ih paHblnK rapidly, and
He niornlliB and In foried to hurry memherH of Ibe IltiHlnom Men'H Asso-
iii.iii one trn to another. To obtain , lond to start their
u ultue of meat imuiilly tnke-s two mm,.,IIat-l to woltome the
Wiirren S. Stone
liourH To obtain biead about an
hour, i'HI.'h tun liourH, M'KetableH, ouo
hour and a half and canned i;oods
about an hour
1 Tho hdiiHekco'ier'a day starts by
plurlnK liernelf at the back of a Ioiir
line of waltliiK ciiHtoiuiini. The line
NOinetluieH extends for a half block
land men, wltbiui the aid of tho
rommcrclul Club. Captain Siemens,
piesldeiit of the Commercial Club,
i ' )9 n
V, S U, VLaHlaaW. &'
H& HUwlaaaaaaR '
aaaK JVlJn ?
-"" 'w - Zmu...m J.m. a
Expedition rrocpcdliiR Into Mexico
After Mcxic.ui Miiy IIiwo Had
Sklnnisli, in That Xo Word Ilaa
linen Heard.
I MARFA, Texas, Au;. 20. Amor
lean Boldicrs aro pursuing the ban-
, dlta who hold the two Yankee avi
ators for $13,000.
j At present tho soldiers are somo-
where in Mexico opposite Candelaria.
' No Information has been received
from tho expedition, owing to the
' heavy storms in the Chihuahua
mountains, which Interrupted com
munication with field telephones. It
lis possible that tho troops' have had
their first clash with tho bandits.
Two American aviators returned
here today with bullet holes in their
planes. They reported that they had
been attacked by a bandit cans ot
'three Mexicans. During tho fight
ing tho aviators said they killed one
I bandit with machine gun. bullets,
wounded one, and put the other to
flight. Neither aviator was injured.
Vllllira Slniiii. who wild tried be
fore Juitlce of tlio I'cnro N. J Chap
dm this moriiln;, for nKsault inn
lattery upon tho person of Wlllla'ii
Tn, 16 year old hoy, was found
(illtr and fined Ifiil
Immediately follimlng the trial
T Pattrty-1, on of tho rldnm who
performed -lurlm thn rodeo, kiivo
teitlnony to tlio effect that Slmnm
""J not KUllty of the offense, but
tint le, I'attreal, hail committed tint
let. The court heard the evidence.
rtdnded t rullnB on Slmins. and
jUcedthe 60 flno on I'nttrcnl.
Pattreal left Klnmntli Kails nftor
the Rodeo for California Ho had no
Intention of rpturnlni lint nn Imnp.
rtafthit Slrama was about to ho con-
tlcted of an act that he had not com
mitted, he returned and told his
Teitlmony durlnir h imnrlm-
tfMlht out tho fact that tho boy.
lta-Terl companions, wbh lookliiR
lPon the rodeo from thu roof of n
why ahed. After orderlnit tho boyB
' let down, SIrihu nml his men ho
IMthrowln'r clods and iittompllnic (o
WW the boyi. This went on for nomo
until the two factions mot out
M 'the rodeo grounds. Shams struck
nllllltn Trim nn ih.. .i.i i. ..-,
.. " -"iii, uruisinK
quite badhr. Sympathy among
7" Ka bystanders appears to
Hh the boys.
After sunlnnrn
""" pronouncea
tWi i morning William Slmms. ropro-
br H. M. Manning, appealed
" to the Supremo court.
(o.0','0'""-10 motorists Is tho now
it in v ., '"' company,
North Fourth Btieot.
l that can h "" ,no raco t tho alg-
Mtbralra -. , ""'llHi ot thu
on ih, in:r T tlCn,ly ,,rlnKn "Go"
C "' A right or loft
KmT. '" .arrow " tho Indlcat.
HnccodJi r.l th0 r,'-"t w
.th:i? VV'trod.
. Kitten.;," "km.
' l aln . coHHory com-
'' latcn 'Cal nB0,,t tor
0 nJatChes' "lot enn stand
b61tiordfnai,?Ui ny
tt BohVl?M'. aCCOr,,,nB
" Thcr . "avo U801
Preaiu. "oy aro amnion slmu. ....
I gninR "'o Bitrfnco of tho
j Warren H. Stono. grsnil ihlef of guarded by armed carabineers. When
I locomotive Knglneors. has Just call- tho bujer l.i permitted to enter the
jed on President Wilson t- ask aid In "torn she finds Inside a scramblo for
A new- picture of-faenator Gilbert
M Hitchcock, the ranking demo
cratic member of the foreign rela-
s.ild this morning that no plans had tlons committee, and the leading
been made or thought of for the next spokesman for tho administration in' iyt AIIRTCE JOHNSON
meeiing oi me ciuo, to get tilings uie aenaee iignt on uenait ct tne
undiir way In the meantime, the League of Nations and peace treaty
Ilublnchs .Men's Association, that ha3
a faculty of takln; things by tho
reducing tho high i ost of living b
advocatlug tho Koeriini.-nl owner
l mill p of nil railroads
I'lmnms KxploiiT Hin Tlial Iteln.
I ilii-r Uniting In the I'iii- Arctic
Secllmii Would
I'niM- I'liifltnbtc
all sorts of romniodltle.s. Cunrds nr"
stationed theie to prevent nny nils
, chief. If she obtains what she wants
I she Is lucky.
1 She treads over tho .streets a whole
' morning searching for the things for
luiiih and then, In the afternoon must
start on the hunt oguln for food, if
she Is looking for butter sho Is tlsu
all disappointed for thoro Is llttlo
to bo hail. Sho may obtain meat, hut
Is UHUallthunkful to go away with
u can of American "bully-beef."
It often happens that her family
must miss a meal but that Is usually
overlooked. It Is too evident on every
horns, will no doubt lay Immediate
plans for the visit of tho Portlaud-ers
SAN DIEGO, Col.. Aug. 20. Con
tinuing his announced policy of pro
viding Lower California as soon is
posslhlo with a system ot fine high
ways that will compare favorably
with those to bo found anywhere in
tho L'lMted States, Governor Estaban
Cantu of Lower California, Mexico,
Is now engaged In the construction
i nt tinur rnnil frnm TMiiantifn P!nann.
1 rriiiuitkitntinru ur.mnt linna wnfrli n '
SKATTIii:. WhkIi.. Auk. CO. NVw . ... ... ,.,... . i .1 aila.
rnrhin.u hiiii ii in ft. .a fir north far Tho now hlchw.iv. It lA Btatcd. will
v. .. nuiil nt hi Inn mid follow tho mot ur 1 rVnHnti Am knitin un. nnvWtA
tlio' -,;.,:,...,..,.,.. '! 2 miles in length against a dls- -- "-".-"" "
wuvno n. mu iiiiik; ..a,. -...w t..u.4U-v !... 1 ti.i -k tjouniy iires are raeiiiK
lll'K IlIflL HUM LU IJ13 ' " - w
PORTLAND, Aug. 20. One mil
lion feet of lumber, belonging to the
Hammond Lumber company, was
threatened today by a great forest
fire at the edge of the big green fir
belt, which is located some 20 miles
east of Albany. Fighters were Im
mediately rushed to the fire, and it
is hoped that they can prexent the
spreading of the flames.
The situation in the Upper Mac
kenzie is much improved, two dan-
adventurers who will go Into
Awii ...Kiimm nt piin,iii mill Ain.Vii i ... . . . tiuice of ninety m o, .....,. 'win hu en id. w nun a carioau oi ocits . . . ... n-..i.. vt. ... i,r,m. . ,,..
and rnlso relndrar for tho outsldo .,,...... ..... . wo c, traveled between tho two cities over ,. .-.-.--.-.-. -- .-.-..
. ,, , ,., arriou mu oiuer oa women ciuim n( h, hu..., Thin shortenlnir cd near Kiddle and Olendale.
world markets, according to Vllbjal- , tllo truokg currylnB tll0 eBK8 to tho present hlghwa. This shortening ,
mur Stofansson. Canadian Arctic t-'OTOI wh,,0 () rnn alongside. At of tho dls ance has been accomplished ANnRpw rADNFriF
..i--,,. ... ... i . i i i by the elimination of many of the AHUKtW WKPIC.I1E.
piorcr. the stores tho clerks stood In door- ... . . j ... ....
Whh h ,,,.. iiionlv of tho out-l .. i.i ... ,i, ,i. rounu-aoout graues. i ne typo oi roaa .
.. .... ..... .... ... . "--,. --- ---- iun ill i ii IIUI1HVV4 uui vuw v-bh'' miiu-tj . , . , , .. .,
sldo world decreasing annually, sonui ' only to a customer. Some customers "1ems nB,ru"e" ,S "Z , ""m
day tho hulk of tho ment used In Kii- i reached over otlurs' heads with their
ropo nnd Amorl will bo brought i,utH whllo othurs pushed aside tho
down from tundra plains lying along weaker ones.
tho northern 'edge of tho world, the1 Servants take their rest days by
explorer predicted hero recently. telling thu housekeeper they aro go-
"Holndeor enrcasses can bo landed ng for n day or two. They come back
In Seattle nt present at a total cost when It suits them. Tho dnys of those
of between $7.00 nnd $8.00 and "perfect Italian servants" as Amen
hrlng nn average of nbotit $10 00 jeans used to call thorn have passed
each, leaving a clear profit of nbout away and a housekeeper is lucky to
$22,00 for onch jinliiuit," Stefuns-jbavo a servant at all.
son said. I
At presont n large nmoiint of rein-. "ILL LAY COUNKHSTO.Vi:
doer moat from tho Soward Penln- '' t'liriM'H 1'KHWY XHJIIT
suln section of northwestern Alaskn j
fine military highways between Tiju
ana and Mexlcall, and Ensenada.
Three forcea of men, it is stated, ! SA.N' FRANCISCO, August 20.
aro now at work. One crew is work- The passing of Andrew Carnegie
Ing south from Tijuana, another , brings to mind the fact that he had
north from a point near Ensenada been for years an nrdent advocate of
and the third crew is engaged about world standardization in weights and
midway between tho two cities. It is measures thru the adoption of metric
the governor's intention to complete units,
and open tho highway for traffic by Andrew Carnegie was a member of
the Metric Committeo of the National
American Association of Manufactur
ers, which strongly urged metric
January 1, next.
is neincr .tom in .Minnesota, i no iiieui i
retails nt a prlco a bit higher than J ' l'resbyteriau church will
beef but it is expected to drop In luKe place F.lday evening at 7 3D
i.rlr n thn hii.iiiIv Increases. ! I'lttlK l'M'r,'ljM wl" ,)p ,u'll,
VISIT I'OHTLAXl) WITH F1KKT standarlzatlon. At the time the cora-
i r.iltteo met, he mode tho following
vi... wi.r ,.f n... r..r,.nrtnn.) of AllOAItl) HATTl'LESHIP. NEW statement:
YORK, en rout; Honolulu Scire "Tho metric syitem of weights and
tary of Navy Josephus Daniels an- measures Is one of tho steps forward
noiinced definitely today that bo that the Anglo Saxon race Is bound
would visit Portland and Astoria to take sooner or later. Our present
" . , ,.,,, .,,,,i-,. ,,,,,,., i m helm- .ilnui mu WOU1U visit t'ortianu aim sioriu 10 iao sooner r laier. uur iiresoui
Investigations mo being mado by " . tlni pn k am i.lIu-. then W0,Bhts nnd ,neasure3i ,nherited from
Stofansson for thn Canadian govern- """"""" """- ,y ,lf(CI. ,H Mny , San Frnnc,BC0 'nrltaln. aro unworthy an intelligent
niont rognrdlni; tho feasibility of
transplanting reindeer Into north
eastern Canada for raising for out
sldo markot.
Ovor 1,000,000 acres of Northern
Cnnnda Ho ready for tho bonis, Ste-
fansson estimated. Thuso lands are
rich with northorn vegetation, which
It Ih said will support tho animals
tho year around, regardless of good
or bad weather conditions.
According to one schomo suggest
4 T1S
WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 20.
Four reservations on tho League
od tho rolndoor would bo brought J covenant embodied in a separate res
across tho Atlantic from Scandina
vian c6untlies for tho (raimplantlng
in Northeastern Canada. Tho north
eastern suction would bo selected be
cause ot tho fact that it Ih closer
than other parts of Northorn Cunrtda
to tho markets of Europe. It is snld
that It costs more to transport loln
door moat from Nor.thwestorn Alas
ka to Sonttlo thnn from Northoast
orn Canndu to England,
Nomo, Alaska, pooplo who recent
ly formed a company to raise and
ship reindeer havo four largo bonis,
and are considering taking an air
piano north for usu in herding tho
olutlou, will bo introduced before
tho Honnto today by Democratic Sen
ator Plttmun of Nevada.
This stop Is in linn with the Pres
ident's suggestion for losorvatlons in
a soparnto icsolution, to provent
now negotiations. Tho resolutions
doal with tho light of withdrawal
from tho loaguo, Article 10, domrbtlc
(liteBtloiiH and tho Monroe doctrine,
Sunator McNary ot Oregon and n
group of republicans Indicated that
thoy would not urcopt tho Pittman
plan, or any other plan that fell
Bhort of Including tho losorvatlons
deslrod In tho ratification of tho
peace tiuuty.
I nntlon today. The advantage America
possesses ovor Britain in tho decimal
I dollar system as compared with their
j pounds, shillings, and ponce, would
, bo fully equalled by the adoption ot
a metric system of weights and mens-
I lirpH."
Carneglo bellevjd that world stan
dardization of wsights and measures
would aid greatly not only tho cause
ot world trade, but also that of world
penco. On another occasion ho said:
"Tho old weights and measures are
n discredit to U3. We shall Inevitably
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Amon
ca will return In October to its formor
tlmo schedulo.
That was decided today when the ftdopt nlotor.ter gram ot tor no oth-
Snnntn. liv n vnln nf R7 to 19. deeld- I
ed to sustain tho action of the House
in appoallng tho Daylight Saving Act
over the 1'rcsldont's veto.
Claudo and Horbort Demorest,
who havo been visiting their parents
nnd sisters at 227 Jefferson street
for tho pust ton dujs, roturuod to
Portland this morning on tho train,
Thoy aro working in tho Itose City.
Claudo was ovorsous for many
months In tho medical corps.
or reason than lis an aid to peace:
but thoy would enormously aid our
world trade."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. Bills
havo been introduced in tho house
to stop immigration for two" years.
Provision was likewise mado to de
port aliens who withdrew their first
papers to escape service during the
When Major S. O. Johnson was
asked by the editors of the Zenith.
Magazine to recommend some one
who could write a story about Yan
kee logging operations in France, he
suggested Lieutenant Maurice I.
Johnson, who since his discharge
from the service has been employed
In the assessor's ofilce here. The re
sult ot this is a long and Interesting
article in the August number of the
Zenith by Mr. Johnson.
The editor says this of Mr. John Jehn John
eon: "The lumbering operations ot
the Twentieth Engineers spread over
France from Verdun to Bordeaux,
And Lieutenant Johnson almost held
the record for travel among their
He went on to say that the best
part of the story had been left oat,
for instance, what the buck private
teamsters said to the French horses
that couldn't understand a word ot
English .even tho usual brand ot
mule profanity. But what Mr. John
son has told In his article is well
done, and is instructive material on
logging as done by the Americans la
France under most difficult conditions.
Business among lawyers, and espe
cially in the Justice court, has beea
thriving this week, with assault and
battery, game violation and liquor
cases listed for trial.
While killing deer out of season
Bruce Parks. E. Elbert and L. Robl
ertson found the game warden on
duty. This morning they contribut
ed $25 each and costs to the state
funds in the Justice court .after
Pleading guilty to the charge
Seventy-five dollars was the fine
L. Bourbonnaini paid yesterday for
having liquor in his possession. J
A. McLain also paid a fine of $40 for
having spirits In his possession whet,
ho was apprehended by the federal
officers. ,
Two , inrceny charges havo been
filed this week. One is against Jack
Porter for having broken into the
farm house of Mrs. M. J. Beebe. near
Miller Hill. The accused was bound
over to the grand Jury under $500
bonds. A larceny charge is out.
againstvJ. N. Davis for misrepresent
ing himself to J. h. Garrett, and
claiming another mans check.
A warrant is out for the arrest of
Dr. J. D. Patterson for leaving an
unlicensed druggist in charge of his
drug store in Merrill during his ab
senco. Mrs. M. A. Hilton was the
woman left in charge of tho store,
and was found selling tablets con
taining poison, without knowing
what sho sold.
Tho case of tho state vs. Sid Miller
on u chargo of felony will come up
for docision this afternoon at 3
Tho Jolly fish gets, nourishment br
wrapping Itself round its food ami
absorbing it. -jL
HH" 71
m 1 1 " i
J-" "