THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUK8IAV, AWMTHT U, 1010. PAGE BIX ft - WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-KidncyS'Heart'Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL Tli National HcmeilT rf Holland for ce iturics nJeml rod by Queon WllhI on. At all druggists. thr-e stifs. Look for lS nm OoU MJt on rr tx jid A.cci't no ImttAtica TAKE NOTICE STATE HEADS ARE n in E I ' (Jmornors of Twenty Sttt- 0mm ' (Vnfeivm-o nt Stilt Uiko City Ti- !ny (ii UIm-uhm lauding Admlni trathr Problems. Today's Birthdays in s E irllli 41. I.V...1 n ' "" '"' I-HIIU T HHlllli t.- , 4 Orvlllo Wright, ono of tho Invent ore of tho noropluno, horn nl Dayton, O.. 4S yours ago toiluy. Bernard M, llarnch, who rendered i distinguished services ns head of tho War Industries Hoard, horn at Cam don, S, C, 49 years ago today, Klslo Ferguson, prominent actress and motion picture. Ftnr, horn In Now York City, at! youis ago today. Walter Clark, chief Justice of tho North Carolina supreme court, horn fin Halifax county. x. ... a years SALT LAKK CITY, Aug. 19 Prohlems affectlitK state govern- . ... ,. . . . ....... .!... .1.......I. meius were ui uu imnuiiKui iuubu , i,,.i.. ed out today at the opening huslncss session of the annual Governors' i Kred A. Stone .one of the mint Conference, which convened hero popular comedians of the so-eall-,1 last night. Chief executives from all J musical shows, horn In Denver, 40 Western states and many KuMorn ears ago ioua and mid-Western commonwealths, were In attendance. Questions to he discussed at to day's session Included the state hud- jget system and the growth and con solidation of administrative boards t M, TJTIT OrkTMT' TJa ui mc nvi iv-riiix Avn6oof the lUfforont stiitog. Entertain- used at the Golden Rod Pro-1 ment km3 included bathing and ! daucitirT at tho Saltair bathing ro- dllCtS Demonstration at the sort on Great Salt Lake and an in- ,, . , formal dinner tendered by Governor yariOUS groceries tlUS Week. simon Bamberger of Utah. More ME TOT WATERS MOTN HF TOUI HMMOTEELMGIfflT Say glut of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poison. TH FLOTILLAS; Newly Orgmiled Torinsta limit I'lo. tllliis Consllliite All of the War-, Klilps Left of the Ohio Powerful! (I'erinnii Nitty. i WITH TIIIJ AMIMSICAN l'OHCI.'M IN (.MUM ANY. Aug. IS.-Tho (lor-1 mans have organized two flotillas of torpedo boats since tho armistice and I these ronstlttito virtually all tho war ships left In active service In the Herman Navy, according to Informix ' Hon received hero. Ono of these flotillas Is descrlhed , In Mlttsohlffs. a 'German nnvitl per-, lodlcal which has reached tho Am-, orlcan lu'ado.imrtor.1. ns the Iron Tor- ( pedo llont riotllH. It consists of 12, torpedo boats which, tho periodical snys, have lieen engaged In maintain- ( Ing order on tho western coast of ( Germany. i Some of tho vessels of tho flotilla j hnvo been used on Bovoral occasions for police work In tho port of Ham-, burg, doing duty guarding nlllod food shipments to tho Ctecho-Slov-1 1 I lu ..I., nriiinil U'tfll fttncllllln ITUnn. I """" ' """Hill Kr-i, n ml In somo cases with 3.7 eontlmot corpn mid wau until a fmv Wc t " ir kiiiih lift well. Tho flotilla was or- Hllhjoct to tho nmmmiiilor !' 1 itntil.ed for onoratloti In connection northnm nriny. ' " VminiMil Pninnatttnra in Rlnnrlo R ..i.. oi . v,u..Bw.. ww...r...w. ... ucuuiy OIlOW xizixxitrrn,'-z -,.. . ----,-, you cook the "HOT POINT ,WAY." All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. itnnn twnntv tif nTniMiHriva nr in lfcaia.r,,rv. -w. ....... -..u.... . CookintT is tlimed from attendance at the opening of thol If you wake up wit a bad taste. ! nks and similar work during pcrio.w conference last night, at which nd-'uad breath and tongue U ceated: It , of disorder. The flotilla has Its head-, 'drudgery into pleasure When aresses of welcome and responses (your bead Is dull or aching; If what qunrters nt Wllhelmshaven. A land-, ... .-rt.i .irt unite. nn.l n .. n... n.t nnl.1 t i An fix rt 1 lirttlt H 1 ft ttlAII (a lllti. were made, followed by an Informal' J "u " """ ""u '"" (" "" "!' " 4 imblir recention The business meet-1 in stomach, or you are bilious, constl- trlbuted among tin twelve boats. ' ings are being held in tho assemhlv '"ated. nervous, sallow, and can't got each of which has .1 platoon of thirty room of the house of representative's !fee,,BB ust r'Bht, begin iusldo bath- commanded by n naval lleutnnant , I . .. . ... jlnc. Drink before breakfast, a class, Tlir, rlnthlni- nml nrms of ninmlinm . of real hot water with a toaspoonful ' 0f this landing corps nre tho santn ns i of limestone phosphato In it. This ! (n tho Infantry. at the state capitoi. Governors present today included those from Arizona, Colorado, Con- rffi Ot' ' vPiuK HH3 ' lBSSUEtlDn ' fcS1iMiMMfT.MyBMMMsrWII jtV - '; . . AViHiKj!P'r3)!.. I 1.arggM.Kza CHEAPER WOOD For a limited time we will make the follow ing prices on BLOCKWOOD delivered home. to. y o u r Cord, or tingle load $3.50. Double load $4.50 O. Peyton 501 Main. Phone 187 Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Mlnne-i ! sota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, j New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Oklahoma. Pennsyl vania, South Carolina, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Wednesday the Governors will take up "after the war problems and "resume of remedial legislation enacted by legislatures In 1919," un der which question will come educa tion, labor and agriculture. The principal problem to be discussed on Thursday will be expansion of the national guard system as a basis for national' defense. Entertainment features each day Include a visit to the famous copper mines at Bing ham, about 45 miles southwest of this city, and a trip to Ogden and Weber canyons. The Governors will leave Thursday evening, August 21st for a three-day tour of Yellowstone Park, returning to Salt Lake Mon day morning, from here to return to their homes or to the Pacific Coast on pleasure trips. WAR COSTS IMO.OOO.OOO will Hush the poisons and toxins from .stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, and cleanse, sweeten and purify the entire alimentary tract. Do your In- jslde bathing Immediately upon aris ing In tho mornlag to wash out of tho system all the previous day's poison ous waste, gaa-a and pour bile before putting more food into tho stomach. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerve and muscles became loaded with body Im purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which Is inexpensive and almost taste less, except for a sourish twinge which Is not unpleasant. Just a soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so hot water and lime stone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowel. Hen and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder Bhould begin thl Inside bath ing before breakfast. They are as sured they will become real crank on the subject shortly. Adr. Hero are two of tho youngest competitors In tho blonde beautv cantMt Tho other group of vessels called hold annually at Venice, tho California bench resort. They didn't win Ui tho llatf flotilla is supposed to bo do- prize from tho other ninety-eight competitors, but thnt didn't worry then ing similar duty on tho Ilaltic coast a ,l11 ns tno Photograph will show. They woro hnndlcappud bocauis tb nt.ln. m.i.,rt.,i1 f,u, li ntl.l U'nrn ft... lllt.lul ll tl.l r,l nt. 11 " Ing suits. Thoy agree with tholr mother that tho rofuroo roubod thorn ol Tho ti, aeclslon. , near tho Russian boundary, ' headquarters In Koonlgsberg. nkrklZ ife M0rtfjBrQrwVVWaaBT)iv&v u " ft A U'li I ilih'fc- 5iiA'"'iii i mini ... , r,.. .... e ... OP LONDON, Aug. 19. Lloyd Georze told the House of Commons today that the war had cost $40,000,000. He likewise said that the British gov ernment had accepted the policy of state purchase of mineral rights In coal. That there Is at present an alarming adverse balance of trade was the declaration of the premier. On account of car shortage we will sell blocks at $2.50 per cord at our factory until further notlco. Now is the time to get in your winter blocks. 17-tf. Ewauna Box Co. A Better Bath Your bath will not be com plete and comfortable un less you bavo the right sort of accessories. One essen tial Is a good Bath Spray We bare them In the most approved models prices from $1.50 to 2.60. Some of them hare a mas sage attachment 'FEW FOLKS HE Mi IR Hi imi'GGIST SAYS LADIICS AUK vmsa iticciPK ok sage tea AND SULPHUR Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when It fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, i3 caused by a lack of sul phur in tho hair. Our grandmothers made up a mixture of Sago Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which la bo attractive, use only this old-tlmo recipe. Nowadays wo get this famous mix ture, Improved by the addition of otb or Ingredients by asking at any drug NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE REAL PROPERTY. (Equity No. 1026) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. First State & Savings Bank, A Cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. Beulah Stiles, Beulah Stiles, adminis tratrix of the estate of Thomas D. Stiles, deceased, John Hibberts and Irwin Stiles, a minor, Defend ants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under and by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale and an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon tor tho County of Klamath, in a suit wherein the First State and Savings Dank, a corpora tion, is Plaintiff and Beulah Stiles,, Beulah Stiles administratrix of the estate of Thomas D. Stiles, deceased, John Hibberts and Irwin Stiles, a minor. Defendants, upon a judgment rendered upon the 17th day of July, 1919, in favor of tho said Plaintiff and against tho Haiti Defendants, Hculah Stiles, Beulah Stiles, adminis tratrix of the estate of Thomas D. Stiles, deceased, nnd John Hlhhorts for the sum of eight hundred ($800.- 00) dollars with Interest thereon at tho rate of 10 por cont per annum from the 11th day of April. 1917. and ono hundred ($100.00) dollars attorney's fees and costs and disbursements taxed at seven teen and ($17. SO) 80-100 dollars. 1 hnvo this day levied upon all of tho right, title, claim and Interest of all of tho said defendants In and to tho following described lands and real estate located and situated In Klam ath County, State of Oregon, and des cribed as follows, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of tho Northwest quarter, tho south half of tho Northeast quarter, nnd tho north east quarter of tho southeast quartor of Section fifteen in Township thlr-ty-soven, South of Range ten East ot tho Willamette Meridian. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That I will, on Wednesday, the 27th day of August, A. D. 1919 at the hour of ton o'clock A. M. In tho forenoon of the said day at tho front door of store for a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth'sr tno County court-house In tho city of c j .... 'Klamath Palls. Klnmnth Coiintv nnil ouku auu auimiur uomnnunn " whinni. . : ' - . .-". .-- ... , ' - njiecrwootfsPharniY V'vL. KLAMATH TALUS OREGON vnSr I r 'S KLAMATH TALLS OREGON tn?' wnrnc w' cut- pf .if yjr r - 2 ou' t,-c onvGS ' - ' darkens the hair so naturally, so ovenly, that nobody can possibly tell It ha8 been applied. You juat damp en a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is that, besides beautifully darkening tho hair after a few applications it also brings back the gloss and lustro andi gives It an appearance ot abundance. State of Oregon, In obedience to tho said decree and execution soil at pub lic auction to the highest and best blddor therefor, for cash In hand, lawful money of tho United States of America, all of tho right, title, claim and .Interest of tho said De fendants in and to tho abovo describ ed lands, or so much thereof ns may bo necessary to satisfy said judgment, nttornay's fees, Interest, costs and disbursements and expenses of salo. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 29th day of July, A. D. 1919. GEORGE L. HUMPHREY Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. 29-5-12-19-20 Is it Possible to Legislate Life and Brains? Swift & Company is primarily an organization of men, not a collection of brick, mortar, and machinery. Packing Plants, their equipment and usefulness are only outward symbols of the intelligence, life long experience, and right purpose of the men who compose the organi zation and of those who direct it Will not Government direction of the packing industry, now con templated by Congress, take over the empty husk of physical property and equipment and sacrifice the initiative, experience and devotion of these men, which is the life itself of the industry? What legislation, what political adroitness could replace such life and brains, once driven out? Let us send you a "Swift Dollar," It will interest you. Address Swift and Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. l2.96 Mv of Vsr ToShdRtuSJJ THIS SHOWS WHAT BECOMES OF THE AVERAGE DOLLAR RECEIVED BY f SWIFT & COMPANY FROM THE SALE OF MEAT ANDBYPS00UCTS S CENTS UPAIDroRTHI LIVE ANIMAL It.te CENT f 0H LABOR tarmacs anu rHEiMni i.0 CCNTt REMAIN with u SWIFT & COMPANY SStj. A pnoriT