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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1919)
MONDAY, Al'HI'vr IN, (,, Hit THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IM Is M m i',i m II HARb-BOllED" SMITH'S .MGHER-U.V 1 HfeaiPltoMM 1 i.i i i . i i .bbhww1''', Drigr. Gen. w. W. Harts." former commander ofAmeribn.troopa da tho .Paris district, and MaJ. Gen. F. S Strong ot tho,40th.d(vlslon re officers who hare been directly charged, wilhTresponsN pllUr for. AE. P. prison conditions which permitted, brutal and in tMunatyi-.treatment t. Tank soldier. "Lieut. F." H. "Hard..boHed" Bislth now serving aa .18; month." sentence i known to werjr soldier tAMbe tyrant bfiaild over prison tana No. t FAI IRK PMIERFffiliyC I IIUUIILUUMIU Hurt est of WinU'r N Nearly Completed AIihijj Pacific lrrijjat"l flint Is Mrfkinc Good 1'rogrpN PORTLAND. Auk IS. All farm work in Oregon in ule good progress during the past week, according to tho crop and weather sumnnry is sued by tho weather bureau here Rainfall during the week was con fined to a few local showers, too CHEAPER vVOOD For a limited time we will make the follow ing prices on BLOCKWOOD delivered to your home. Cord, or single load $3.50. Double load $4.50 O. Peyton 501 Main. Phone 187 light to affect vegetation. There wero soverul thunderstorms in the western counties, which started a number" of forest fires. Harvest of winter wheat Is almost complete except near tho coast and in the more elevated districts, and threshing is well advanced. Tho yield is generally better than was ex pected In a few eastern localities spring wheat has shown some Im proiement since the rains of the pre ceding week, but in general the crop Ms mature and tho greater part 'has been hirvested. Irrigated ccrn Is 'making good growth, but unlrrlgnt ed corn is generally In need of rain Swoet com Is fairly plentiful In Hio markot, T Irrigated fruit Is m'nklng good progiess Apples, where not Irilgnl ed nro In need of rain Prunes are dropping heavily, and, on tho wholu will be a light crop, though some joung orchards promlso good lolds In some places tho loaes on old trees ajo showing the effect of drought. A heavy crop of pears Is being harvested in Douglas county Early Crawford poaches are ripen ing n ITmntllhi County. Picking ot berries, except eorgrcen blackber ries. Is Hearing completion. Cutting of tho second crop of 'clover Is In progress; cutting of sec ' oml crop alfalfa continues In places i Alfalfa Is grow lug well wheie water 'ed, but complaints of hb.ort.igo of wa ter are Increasing Range feed waa . benefitted nivr very limited areas In eastern counties by the rain, but elsewhere Is diy and short, except In the higher mountains. Some stock Is being moved out owing to lack ot feed and water, hut thoro Is little suffering. Truck crops are good whoro Irri gated, but nro generally In need ot rain. Potatoes are suffering from drought In many places, but wheio irrigated are doing well. FlrsfGun Booms in:NationaI Anti-Tobacco Fight .-- WS.'JlPIvU Z22j2z2S Nw'wa EJiwjSsiSS rv i'-((?'A L vt! ? .. - i'? ORiiTBiprai3SS9AS Ret I G I O Nl: -l&G&OOOftOO'. 7QBKCQU0L?ri$ZO9WOO. 1 s . item f&f w. TOKa 'JE.cogX;rS5r s FAMOUS MESSENGER DIES IN LOS ANGELES man GASES OF RHEUMATISM now SAYS WE MUST KEEP FEET DRY, AVOID EXPOSUKE AND EAT LESS MEAT A Better Bath Tour bath will not be com plete and comfortable un less yon have the right sort of accessories. One essen tial is a good Bath Spray We bare them in the most approved models prices from fl.80 to 93.50. Some of them hare a mas sage attachment Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep feet dry, eat less muit, drink lots of water and above a'l take a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism Is caused by poison ous toxin, called uric acid, which b generated in the bowels and absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine. The pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this Impurity, In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating and cir culating thru the system, eventually settling in the Joints and muscle! causing stiffness soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon ful In a glass of water and drink be fore bfeakfast each morning for a week. This Is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lltbla and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Hero you have a pleasant, effervescent llthla-water drink which overcomes uric acid and Is beneficial to your kidneys as well. Adv. I.OS ANC.EL.ES, Cnl., Aug. IS. "Tho Messenger," known to hund reds of thousands of tourists from all parts of tho United States, Is dead. In tho fifteen years that "The Mes. senger" trudged thru tho streets of , Los Angeles, probably not mnro th m ( that number Knew his tinnto was Christian Krober. Hardly a tourist , who camo to I.os Angeles In that pcr . iod missed seeing tho banners ho I carried bearing cuch phrnses ns !"C,ot Right With God." "Christ 'a Coming" and "Are You Prepared to i Meet Your Savior?" for "Tho Mcsson jger" walked tho streets fifteen hours a day; I The other day his 'taw Intimate friends missed him. They found htm in his room. His hands wore folded on his breast. A Bible lay beside him. And there was a little nete: "I am right with God and Man." We had an idea that Henry Ford's definition of a mobile army would be one that went about in Fords, but it seems he didn't think ot that. New York Evening Mall. " II '-I . With tho nation dry Jfobn. Barleycorn en" the xr Uktag, (hft eoanl the first .run'has'boomM la1 attack on King Nlcotlno'a throne In a nation-wide antl-tobaooo campaign. X. H, CollIaJof Indian npolli designed and painted, this .first sign for display at tha Anti-Tobacco ConvaalloM'sMld at Dethanr Park,. August 8.- This Tetoan vice-crusader la crtdlted with tavMs-motad.tto.tntiftoow-frNltr Mt.ot.tba Rockle-IJs tbat,;nemorabl fight. L E DARKEN 0 I I'Si: CJItANIttlA'S SACK TEA M'l.Plirit HKCH'K AMI 1MI1IY Wll.l. KNOW hair beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenovor hor hair took on that dull, faded or strenked appear pllod with wonderful effect, atico, this simple mlxturo was np Hut brewing nt home Is mussy nml out-of-dnto. Nowndnyi, by attlclng nt any drug store for ft fif) rout bottle of "Wjetli's Sago nml Sulphur Com pound." ou will get tills fuinotiH old "NO-1 preparation, Impnnoil by the addi tion of other Ingredlouts, which can bo dupotiilcd upon In renlore natural AM) n a sponge or sort brush with It, and draw this through your hair, tak ing one strand nt a time lly morn ing the gray hair dlimppcnrs, and af ter another application or two, It t. comes beautifully dark and glossy. At n recent concert In Turin, IUlr, tho playing ot a Ucothovou Sympho ny wnii Interrupted by nn attack iiindo by Conductor Toscanltil on th second violinist for making a raU-tnko. olcr and beauty to the hair Tho use of Sago and Sulphur for' A well known downtown druggist .Mosos uouuihirh nan u hard timo restoring faded, gray hair to its nat-(a)H It dnrkciiK the hair so natural convincing tho Israelites that th ural color dates back to grantlmoth- ly and evenly that nobody enn tell It Ton Commnndmnnts would work er's 'Une She used it to keep her1 1 ns beetl applied. Vou simply damp. ' Indianapolis Times. KT ADVISED 3! t'Vf itlin- Ft- - 'TiirAixsoi?EconTn' . ........ ... ..,,-.- nil' PnarmafY t i.mnu cCfLC V'4. dr itu cut C-3 HIM TOM IT A. F. RODEKTS, SUCCESSFL'Ii CATTIjE DEADER GAINS I POUNDS IN 0 DAYS TAKING TANIiAC I High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR 518 Main St. "One of the best doctors In Color ado advised me to take Tanlac, and it has not only overcome my trou bles but I have gained sixteen pounds since I began taking it bIx ty days ago," said A. F. Roberts, who lives at Rocky Ford, Alberta, Canada, a fow days -ago. . Mr. Roberts Is one of the largest' cattle dealers In his section ot tho country, and before moving to Can ada a Hhort timo ago, he had spent most of his llfo In Colorado, U. S. A. "I can now understand why Tan lac enjoys such wide popularity both In Canada and the United States," continued Mr. Roberts, "and sinco It has done me so much good, I know that It Is a very dependable modi clno and deseryes all tho praise that is being given it. For the past two years I havo suffered from stomach trouble, and when I commenced taking this Tanluc, It was almost im possible for me to retain anything! ate. I was very nervous and never got a good nights sleep, and finally got so weak and rundown that I was hardly able to get about. I of ten had dizzy spells, and was bother ed 'a great deal, with constipation. "My physfplnn certainly knew what ho was doing-when he prescrib ed Xanlac for me, for it has done the work for mo, as I am so healthy and strong now as 1 ever was in my. life. In fact it has done much more for mo than I expected it would do. I havo a fine appetite and every thing -I eat agrees with me perfect ly, and I never havo the slightest sign ot stomach trouble of any kind. r am no longer bothered with con; stlpatlon and never have, those dlr zzy spells any more. I have regained all my strength, too, and that ner vousness has loft me, and I sleep like a log every night. In fact, I am simply enjoying perfect health again and I give Tanlac credit for It all,'' Tanlac is sold In Klamath Falls byi the Star .Drug Store and in Lorella by the James Merc, Co. Adr, iinsai READING ADVERTS WIL E L SAVE YOUR MENTS MWAnuirKeu wssHrfr-6ie . M E The wise shopper keeps in touch with the advertisements of her favorite stores. When she sees announcements of goods in which she is interested, she knows right where to go to find them. She knows when they are put on sale. No time is lost in aimless looking and asking. Reading the adves tisements saves her time for other duties or pleasures. When parents decide to send a boy or girl away to school, they cannot take the time to go and inspect a great number of schools from which to choose. They study the advertisements of schools, and to the-ones that seem to offer the right conditions they write for catalogs. When a man decides to buy an automobile, he reads carefully the advertisements which tell about the different makes of cars and then he calls to see only those in which he is interested. He does not start out by hunting up the salesrooms and looking at all the cars sold. These are only a few of the ways in which reading advertisements saves the time of readers. There are many others. Your daily newspaper is full of advertisements which are not only interesting, but have some special message of benefit to you. Make a practice of reading them. You will find your time saved and your money better spent. !ki