?4; IIAV.AWIWT IB, !!. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON paob nva P ERSONAL MENTION irrri.H HHKMflWTO O.N IXHOAIj HAPPENING mmMI TIIH WCOM.H OF TlllH CITY AND VICINITV. 0()IN1H AN" COMINOH OF IXHJAIi KOI.KH. W. Wood Is n city visitor from of tho wook for hor homo In (lion- ulntn. California, nftiir rwn,1lni H,n tfertlM"!' Oregon. 1ort. ummor montliH with hor ulster, Mm. . Ri k. Uo l" ""llir t. N, Cniio. lo bo with bin mother who iivi in ' thin city, Corporal Hollbronner on listed from Klamath Fall at tho be ginning of tho war, nnd during his ntay In franco his experiences woro many ami varied. Among tho troph ies ho brought from tho bntllnflcldn Im ft Uermnn helmet, gut mask, ami shells. a1c i.. A mil wvw" i ; '& - '.;..,., u In tho city mm woo i 'SAM?0' LEAVESSHlNE PARLOR FOR COLLEGE Mr, nnd Mm, John Foster, nrcom-l t C, -"' "' ,,, ,,, Port- pnnlod by thulr doughtor, Mrs, II. C. . 0" " mm n,M cl"!(!ry Rreotlng '& B" McCarthy, who lit visiting from Duns- ftl"' K'Mm M"" ,lc "" "li'P Into ,MU, . nrmi- won III ovor uio muir, woro at urn tor Uiku over Hun- "'" """" " munu on ino Clarence Williams, hotter known an "Snowball" or "Hnmbo" haH loft for college. Tho young nogro loft Holi day for llorkoloy, California, whero ho will outer tho 1nlvorslty of Cali fornia. Ho nsplrcii lo ho a JournnllHt. For inontliii ho Iibh boon Rhlnlug shoes In Klamath Falls- two months ttiVT . ... M IX CMes '" ,, , dio vnl- day ,ikl "Oi" '"" . !' i C. II. McKonHtry, ono of Han Fran- " I I A( mil, of Chicago arrived cinco'n m0Mt notoil InwyorH, Ih In tho "' i -i.hi for ft vnciiiion trip '" county nponding n fow days nt llarrl- ' -- ;etry. ( " (H'lonr.or. tilm resides it Chll- -ita, Orw'n ,n " "' 'l-aMk nd, , i. J F. 1'irrlRh and daughter 1 tlltlll I.OlIgO UK FlolschhncknrH, a Kutut of thu r Hn. irth from Siicrunicnto on u vn- i I.avorn nnd Imogcno AhbntiKh, who hnvo boon h-ro from Cotton wood, Callfonila visiting their coun- ago ho Hlmply moved Into I.I.m now In Ins, Mr. nnd Mrn. M, M, Donnldoon, 'cation on Dm pmiriiinimn vrt,n.t f rttlontrip. 'huvo roturned to tholr homo. , "Knmbo In tho nephow of William ' i.ni.fli'fber wit In nor wo wnnrc ,... ..... .,. .,. . u uv iioniofly Valloy "'""i ' "i""y. woo nun neeii inn. who oimruion win popcorn ', io4fromhlriiiM in J horo vlHltlng her molhor and fnlhor. ttnnil at tho cornor of Knurtli nnd :Mwklni(,r,fnM,',rM ! '" "" . Mr. nnd Mr. 1'iiul HrlotonBtfln. ro- Main. If ho appllon tho huiiio energy ' ' WMrIi. Vomo nnil .ir. . turnfl, ,0 hor ,omo , (.,, t.n. ,,nd wllllngneKA on bin Htudloe, iih ho Chrln.Hmiin , "''";; fornlli on thin mornlng'H train. "1 I" Hhlnlm: hI.och I.Ik frlondK arc the Crtter l.nko imo Miimi i i . in y. returned lo her' wrtiiln that ho will miccccd. Ur.0. K. Vnn Klpor with her two ' t , , i,...l,l I,. IMlllMI l r.iiuiu ikliir.l! 7i!nii;rilliy lll- i..Mm IJIIInn nnd Jimepliino, in ' ttmnwn wm i,.i, Pnint itornoon after n three dayn vllt with Valley, who Ih connected with tho Klamath 1'ulln Kami l.o.in AkhiicIh- tlon. Hpotit liiat week In tho city on - ....i-.- i ,.i..nL..r.. I w"l '' t Ir. Hiint'H off co untl I " nn PlMMiro. Fr(,y am w at.m , work , I (loorgo Watt and family, ncrom- my lino of i:yc, Har, Noho and Throat. ! mml,l liv llmlr rneul Ml Criipn llti. IS. .It V M U'lllTl- f n i-t. ...In In Inln hlH fltltlllv. U'lin ... ... - ioii ni ' - ijnnd, of-Hnn FrnnclNco, w. . l-ainm km morcd trf California to make KM B1(, K(mh MM , tMir Dome. I Twvln Head nnd W. II. I'arkcr worn MDUned tttilncnH and ploantiro trip. -;wil Jonct. Mm, W. II. Jomm, TklinWcivcr and Murthn Weaver. r t party of lourlKta from Myrtlo Crk. Cll Omlenlng left on thin morn- YOi; ILWH TWO l.VK. To elomi up your nlloy. TIiIh In a flnnl waniltiK ami Ih given for your protection and thut of other property owner, wIioho InilldlngH are menaced by lublilnh In tho nltoyH. F. C. MII.I.KIt. Flro Chief. MOOKi: ATTKXTION. . ..am., t ti -rni,, ttiiii n,i, !..... ....... ... .. . . . 1 our nttendanco Ih doalrcd at an r..u . - iviamain viHiiorH ai uraior imkq yc-, mr,rtant meeting Wednesday night. dtnghter Mildred are In town pre- tnrdny. Tho party drove to tho lake August 20. Socretary. lji-3t pmtory to moving to Walla Walla. )n tnri. dfrrorent mrn and tho Dodge WMhlnslon. ,WBH ,l0 only ono to miiko the whole 'AIU OK THANKS. A. W. Morcland. Hark Com.n. Dr. dr.vo without going Into any higher . 'Tepartmen't" n'nS Cwrso Park, Mlia .. fieertflon, and than itecond gonr. thono who bo generously helped dur- J, D. Ilooifl were a party of tnurlMN Cortmnil Fred II. llellbronner, who Ing tho flro which destroyed our gar who lft tliln morning for Crater ban boon In Franco for tho past two "Kl- ll Ib needlesH for uh to sny tho t.v. . ...,n ..nt. ,i, omi. vi.i.i i..m... .iisslHtaneo wa greatly appreciated Jo ,, . , , , ... , .'.. , , !l . . Art"e,y 'nnd resulted In Having uh tho Iosh of Ulfi Hortlia Hatch left tho last nrrlved homo last Wednesday night, much additional property. ' It HOSI.KY & MARTIN. TOO LATETO CLASSIFY LIBERTY THEATRE "TIIK PICK OK THR Pitmiin-at" R W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day "MwWMWMWMWWXWMMWMMWWWWMWWWWWMMWW TONIGHT EVELYN NESBIT IN "Thou Shalt Not" Harold Lloyd Comedy "COUNT YOUR CHANGE" TUESDAY PRISCILLA DEAN IN "THE SILK LINED BURGLAR" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. H 1 HEALTH! ' H H H Lose it, and what would you not give to re- I I m H cover it! How many have lost it through !$j L-: H - eating impure foods! That is why we say ..,';,- H I "" ' ''4 i I Pj that when you eat Klamath Creamery But- ' ' .;,1? - ' I H ter you are protecting, your health your I H greatest treasure. H I The Home of Pure Butter r i-.J,HjK I I W. P. JOHNSON, Manager ' '-'', I I.O.ST--White sheared goat return to 1034 Main Street Howard. U-2t FOIt SAMS 12) IX Franklin 4 pas-. ucngor Itoadslor. Communicate i with E. T Stnplns in caro 2Vcretnry- lough. White Pelican Hotel. 18-lt VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1 V MEN WANTKD Edgerman, Night- ' JL watchman, Fallen, limbers, buck- j ers and Hwamponi. All eight hours , hlglu wages. Sco Wilbur Nine. Hot- 'JL el Hall. 18-2t Y $ WANTED Hat maker and nppren- 4 no- nt'V'f 1 ansinn .tuiiinory. ii , 1 : Main. 18-tf ,! X FOR SAI.tt -Completely furnished . house (modern) close In at a bar-iV gain Phono 312 or call Sechorn of- flco C22 Main St. 18-tf t FOR SALE Mitchell car In good condition A bargain If sold nt1 once Inquire Mr. I.oo, Whlto Pell-iV , can Carnge. 18-6ti f I FOR SAI.t Entire Household furn ishings. Call 332 Canby Street, or phono 240M after S p. m. 18-Ct WORK WANTED For four hours each day. Inqulro Herald Office 18-lt z JL ASTRAKHAN Cooking Apples for'A ante. Aiako good jolly. Fred Hell-' tironnnr. Ji!t4 fiino-nr Avu fllrl fnn. 4 ger place. 18-2t TMNK OF IT ADT01STS! 1NSYDE TYRES Will keep all makes of tires from 1,Q00 to 5,D00 wiles farther from the junk pile., They are guaranteed to prevent 90 per cent of Punctures and all blowouts. ' Taylor & Smith 119 North Fourth Street or Phone 471 WANTED To buy cow and hons, Call Telephone 384. ? laying V 18-3f FOR SALE Eight good dairy rtwstT and holfers ust coming fresh, onoV fronn short horn bull. Milk strain. J Also ono II. 8, C rou in separator. Price' 1 'right. C. C. Uiwls, Olene, Ore. 18-5t V ! '! Rogue River Bartlett rears , r v sw DR. FREDERIC W. HOGG KYKSHillT HPKCJAIjWT Will bo nt tho Marshall House all this wcok. Tho Carnival Is now over, why not seo to your eyes? Remom bre, Dr. Hogg makes no chargo for examination. Hit Is a graduate of the boat Optical School In tho United Stntos, why not have tho best? Do not your oyea dosorvo It? If you do not nocd glasses, Dr. Hogg, will toll $ 2.9 0 THE BOX .&. V;shland J"1 ruit tore T T T T f T T T t t T T T T t T T T T T T' T t T T T T T T t T X T T T T T T X k.! n JfcS ! &3.'.-l 'V& 'f i ; iM ' ' ll, I :$) .; : '. id-.- i-3 i y I.' !1J if ;l'fl k, 1 5" r,; . i I'V'l I ,.,.- 'i :i h w. ?' '. y Kd W 151 MU yuo so, KHHHHHMH"HHt