THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATIIIIDAV, AHHIht lo, , PACT HtaHT y EffT gODSJOGt? 6 in One & &$k - - - SHASTA VIEW. The Leading Kr.ihirp vt thr I.cul inc Machines all tulumiiiouslycom-hinfdinonpliamls'roerCewTrouMi-Krce Wntlnc M.ichlc of the Kirt Ouality In whicli nu wilt tind vur own favorite feature of j-our own favorite tuwwntcr, And the others betides. iBpfOTcd-SmpEfcd-Modenizd Smpfc ArtUtie lurahl FffW-l-ent Standard 41 Key Sinalo Shift IUII Detrlfut Ouict Vi ihle Soft Touch Lfcht Action. In the Woodstock You Will Find Every tlme-tetrted worth-wMlefea.'ure hlch you like to the mathinc you ate tted to. and you rill alwi find the favorite feature of the other KtMulani make which you wiak your machine had. Yet. n the Moodaiock jemtll And thlj assrecitfeift vt titan point (eat urea much Improved and almpll flod to fit the touch, the perwrn. the mood, In a way that Mother typewriter doe I The best operator aay this). Only a cloae-an view, as actual touch and trill of thla vcceilcal typewriter can convince. IavtUata br nenna We are nt yoar arrrfce. Let w how you how eay It la to try oac; to own oar. Wondatfich TrpcwHter Company H. J. WINTERS JEWELER AJfD OPTICIAN 70S Mala St. rlcka a few days last wook. Tim laities ot tho Helping Hit ml mot with Mrs. J. Ii. Halloy Tuesday, Hourly nil members woro present who worn not taking tliolr tmmmur vaca tions. Mra. W. II. Clruullor In company with 0. C. Harrison ami family lotl ono tiny this wook for u mouths visit In Coos county. They will moot Mr. Chandler, who hits boon In Portland (or sometime mill ho will also tnki tho trip with them. Mrs. KtrkpiUrlck hits como to spend somotlme with her daughto Mrs, ljiymon, whoso husband re cently purchased the Krnpkn ranch. - - Among thoso from this section who took tho trip with other ninchots ot tho country tho nth were, 0. M. Klrk p.ttrlck nml ftuntly, H. E. Wilson ami finally, Mr. Caton ami family. Charlie Kattglit. Miss Hatcn ami MKs Elliott. Others would like. to "have lieon In at- tonilanco hut tliolr work was at a point, where It could not he left. Nearly nil members of the Fryrears and Reeds of Straw, McNeals of Mal In and Hooks ot Dodd Hollow pas-sod through this placo this wook enrouto to the Lake of tho Woods to pick huc kleberries. Mary Hunt of this place .,..,.. , . . , i.i .. ...i..' Car of llartlett pears for canning went In company with tho party m) gl,0 Moluluy mor(lKi Ashland from Straw. Fruit Store It Since haying and harvesting Is ov-1 er on tho dry ranches, some of oiir, ri.. , -.. ..... ranchers aro taking a vacation by; IVAJLAlt 1 J VL,A03lr J ......I.. ..,..., Inn. I .... H,oll- n 1 fn 1 fil (OOOOOXO- . .w l l',il I .ll(t lUlflU ltl... .... ii. v.. ... ... ranches for selling. It. E. Wilsoe one of the busy ones. J. L Bailey Is doing clothing and papering for Luther Holbrook ot Mat in. O, W. Myrcs and family are taking a vacation by visiting (friends in Josephine County and will also go In thn Anne, tvAFnn tliAlli Attltn t -" V, u j , u. vestlgate Herald. Mr. Hayea has moTcd from his homestead to the Garrison ranch, which is a little nearer school. Mrs. Etta Sewell and her mother. I Mrs. Turner of Klamath Falls visited 1 T ! A Checking Account Here JWANTKl) tiood second hand gang plow inquire Herald Office. 'l6-3t FOR SALE Good three guy demcic Inquire S. C. Urlggs, Midland Uoad. 16-31 FOR SALE Paying notion business in small town. Poatofflce connect ed; 111 health cause for selling: In- 16-lt Phone 149W at H. E. Wilson's and C. M. Klrkpat- FOR SALE Small business paying good. Must quit owing to other business. Address Herald Office. 16-2t mmux tiresI Note These Five Superior Features 1. Non-skid covers 80 per cent of the tire's wearing surface. This means prolonged mileage. 2. The' rubber by actual comparative tests is tougher than that of any other tire. 3. 520 rubber rivets to each square inch, of fabric pre vents fabric separation. 4. Famous Nonvalk deckle splice prevents formation of air pockets. 5. Handmade construction insures perfect uniform ity throughout. JUDD LOW 49 Main Street Phone 22M Liberty Theatre Saturday LOUISE GLAUM IN "The Goddess of Lost Lake" u A Stirring Story of the Frontier FOR SALE 1918 Franklin 4 pas senger Roadster. Communicate .with E. T. Staples in care Secretary .or Elks Lodgo or Mrs. M. C. Iloslough (White Pelican Hotel. 16-lt 1 , FOR SALE Hub car in good condi tion. Phone SOW 16-3t Is more than a simple convenience, it is a guarantee to you of security in the transmission of funds. Your checks drawn on this Bank cany your money to all parts of the country at the cost to you of a postage stamp. And your cancelled checks re turned to you each month are legal receipts for your payments. These, and many other benefits, are yours if you establish an account with us. Fl'HNITTRE FOR I Pleasant Avenue. SALE 1313 16-Gt I FOR SALE Four head of heavy log I Ring horses. Eugene M. Hammond, (Merrill, Ore. 16-lOt FOR SALE Pasture and rye hay, j also second hand header. Address P. O. Ilox 1SGW see owner at old I .Mendonlmll place. P. C. Carlson. lb-lit- If you wish to save your money wo will pay you for doing so, FOR SALE OR TRADE for Auto Lots 1H-16, block 48, Hillside Ad- Hltlllll Tvlntinitti dllla T.nnlr t)nm j over nnd make mo an offer. P. 6, DUX IIOI, lill'. Mt-dlT WANTED Ono Light Oak Closet and House Plants. 320M. China Phono 16-3t FOR SALt: Astrakhan applea,at tho I Leavitt place. Phone 12 R. 16-5t iLOST On tho road from tho bnrbo cue Lady's tan hand grip con taining black and Elks card. Finder leave at Elk's Temple. lC-lt I JFOR SALE Worklngman's hotel. Fully equipped; ."0 beds. utc. Filled 'to capacity year round Reasonable 'terms. Klamath Falls, Ilox 151, ;16-3t Klamath. State Bank THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main Safety dopinlt hoicj for rent, $2 r,0 und 13.00 a jour JJVi VWMArVAArMAAAAMAAAAApVt At the Theatres FOR SALE Tin shop machlnoryt nl- ! so one computing cheese cutter, Show cases, and several other thlng.s I am noT lining. Address H. L. Velt, , Worden, Oregon. lC-Ct j INCOME PROPERTY ! Itny liiisliu-ss property in Klainatlt , right now and make big money. The , following arc choice pieces ami merit jiiur careful investigatien: 78 ft. on Main. Tills In Improve! with a modern liiiililiiiK und is in the heart of the business districts l'a)iiig ftoil Inter est right now anil will soon pay bet ter. Onncil by iion-resltlcnt who Is making tcry close prite. Ask about it. 2(1 ft. Corner on Muln. This comer is the cream of the city und is Improved with ii'inodorn two-slory buililliiK. Location, ineoino and inUce ur sui-e to please. 100 ft. on Hlxth. It's one of the very best corners on Sixth. Price is 810,700 on easy terins. It will be u pleasure to show this corner, 70 ft. Corner on Sixth. This corner is a dandy and tho price is only $7300.00. Iletter buy it today. It may be gone tomorrow. We have several other desirable pieces of Income property to show ou. It will cost jou nothing to sen It, Hotter) sla) in Klamath a few dajH and be convinced. CIIILCOTK & SMITH (KM Main St. Phono 00. --2t lT IP ' ! At WVWWWWWVHMMMMAMAMMAMMW There Is an abundance ot fine com edy In "Tho Make-Rcllovo Wife," the new Paramount photoplay starring DIUlo Ditrko which will be shown at tho Star Theatre tonight. Miss Ilurko declares that hor rolo In this picture Is an excellent ono and that sho h 1 loved it to bo one ot tho best of her career as a motion picture star. "I was Immensely pleased with tho part of Phyllis Aahbrook," said Miss lurko recently. "Fancy a woman who is engaged to ono man, being lost In tho mountains with a man who U tho flijiico ot tho woman's best friend. They are caught in n Ktorm nnil are obliged to scok refuge In an old cabin whero they are forced by tho elem ents to spend the night. Of courso, this situation has dovelopod in mot Ion pictures, but never Just like that In "Tho Mako-Ilollovo Wlfo." A plcturo which carries a message to thn million to untaught girls, to harsh or negligent parents, young men Is thn latest Evelyn Nesblt plio- , toplay, "Thou Shalt Not," which opens tomorrow at tho Liberty Thru- ,tro. ' It is a simple, sincere story, said to hnvo boon tnkon from real llfo by Director Charles J. Ilmhln, who wrote tho tale as well as tho scounrlo. It shows how n young cholrglrl, tho , hollo of the village, Is lured away hv a New York cad, with a promlHo of marriage which he falls -to fulfill. Sho Is rinnlly round In a hotel by her minister and induced to return 'homo in the role (if I lie Maudlin. I Evelyn Neshlt, It Is mild, liaaotuoll tho greatest roles of Iut career. Ilurtlett pears $2 'JO per boi-Ait-1 land Fruit Store. It Don't forget that Taylor and Smith, thu liiHydo Tyro men, will goirutN your tires against Mououts ulththtir new lusyile Tyres Drop In tt III North Fourth Street bctwecD Mill ami Pine Streets Adv At TO.MOIIII.i: INSflUNO: If jour car was la the Konl & ago flr.c, it Is probably loo Utc to to .iimi l If Ii la 1 1 1 ..iifi, nni! moid. better lake vtamliig ami got nti inoiille policy .from mo murine Smith agency. Ii ll toilny. Toiuorro may be too late. IMt Car of Ilaitlott pears for cannlnil on sale Mouila) inoniiaR Asnunai Prnlt Slum H m rll Life is tlie art of giving pleasure IMPERIALES MOUTMPIECB C1GADJSTTJSS .have 'added much to life, for 'they ard pleasing thousands of aisoriminating smokers who appreciate the artof good tobacco well blended. They will please you, too. 10 for 13c v Tho John Bollman Co. Branch " MB(Mtarn ( : We are Headquarters for V ogans Chocolates N and have a fine fresh shipment on hand for our trade Visiting Elks will find their favorite packages here, including Vogan's Brazil Nuts One pound $1.50 Half pound 80c Paramount $1.30 Nuts and Fruit 70c And $1.35 LIBERTY THEATRE Tonight The Rexall Store