The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    rAcn four
The Evening Herald
City Kdltor
Published tlnlly except Sunday by
Tbo llornhl Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, nt 115 Fourth Street.
Cntcrcd at tho poMofflco at Klam
ath Falls, Ore . for transmission thru
tho malls as second-class matter.
Subscription terms by mall to any I
address in the I'ultcd States:
One jear .. $5 00
One month 50
Member of the .mh luted I'ros
Tho Associated I're Is exclusively
entitled to tho uo for republication
of nil news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this pa-,
per, and also local news published f
All rights of republication of spc- i
cial dispatches herein are also reserv
ed. 1
Tho thrco left by car yesterday for
ltocky Point ,whore thoy will bo foi
several days beforo going on to Crat
er 1-nko and Fort Klamath,
Miss Verda Coiad leaves today for
Crater 1-nko with her two giuvits, Mis
Margaret McMahon and. Miss Mae
Sullungcr, of Mnrttncx, Callfornl i
Miss Cozad will cntertnln thorn nt tho
Kim Hotel for tho noxt two or tlireu
Pride of McMinnville
SATL'tiDAY, At'dl'ST HI. 11
The Elks Convention has cut into
the local social whirl to t-uch an ex
tent this week that there has been'
very little cnteit.iiulng. outside of
public gatherings Howe or n few of
sH jdpKHIr11'
The special arrived jostoidiiy, and
with it came tho ruuiulndor of the
Eugene visitors, very miuh nlle,
and most awfully happy, and they
have continued to be so during their
few hours in tho city. They begun
jesterday In the right wny by Kid
naping Miss ltuclml Parker, n daugh
tor of one of their luotbeis, II N.
Parker, and bringing her along.
I They we(o assisted In their dark
deeds by tho MaishlloUl contingent
, When the Hills from Kugeno weie
asked about their biothei, (luy
Mock, they coulil siy nothing In his
favor except that the poor fellow Is.
not so very smart And as for J P
Mucky, tho charitable follows who
shared his sleeping iiuartors spent
tho night keeping him soaked in ice
water from his toes to his head. Hut
Mr Mack, when allowed to speak
fur himself, Insisted thai In was :
"perfect gentleman from Lane
County "
' An unusinl thing seems to hne
happened to Jack Hodman, secretary
of Chupter 357, slnte ho was hut
seen going northeast, with his head
hanging out of a Ford jltne Am
one finding the unhappy secntary
will please return him to the Elks
Temple and receive a generous re
ward. "John Williams slept In his cur
Kiiipli vv milium
Introducing Italp'.i V.'ortman of
the vouncer set hae glen small in-'McMinnville Lodge No. 1283. the
formal parties for visiting friends, 'pride of tho Yamhill County untlervd last "'Ght. aml thpre "' 'lr- I"1''
One of the most delightful of these nerJ who turnea to uo the'ploneer cation that ,le uc,l l ,eusl l"i"l
was the informal dancing party given blazer of tho "bumpy" air lanes be- of oaA uef morning," said Mr
by Geraldine Watt at her homo on tv,een Portland and McMinnville In Mntty.
Pacific Terrace. The dance was In a reCent air lllght. Now ho Is Inter- '"E(l Anderson was ordered off the
honor of Pearl Cralne, Melba il-(ested in aviation, and has purchased traln yesterday, but please don't tell
Hams and Grace Boland, all visitors itne piano whlch has been in evidence nls w,,e- Jer address is Cresswell,
in the city. ' jn our fajr cjty. Oregon," pleaded his kind friends
Tne guests were: i,iara aiKins,, ..0ur na,ph had tnc dsUnctton of
Marjory Delrell, Pearl Leavltt. May- J brlnglng the flrst automoblie to Mc
belle Leavitt. Eleanor Torrey. Alice iMlnnTe nen the benzlne b es
JtlCLUUn, rveJiUClu ciij, ntvuum ,
Uoy W. Edwards, a member of day on tho Hpcclal from Portlnnd, nml
the Oregon City Lodge ,1s bavin.; a has been splashing around In tho
McMinnville Live Wire
Slater, Colman O'l.ani''-"-
were as scarce as hen's teeth; now
,he brings an airplane, and has thus
brought added, distinction to his
i home city, where he was born and
Leavitt. James S. Sheehy, Don New-'
bury and Robert Rlggs.
(grew up." said a prominent McMlnn
Many social affairs are being plan-lville Lodgo member
1 1 . lf. Y?aan Halalna I
neu in uuuur ui jira. . ....:.- Brother Wormian Is one of
uarryniii. to taKe place airectiv nv
Minnville Lodirs'.s live ulrts. Ho Is
ter the Elks Convention. Among always D00StlnB for ,he or( um,
these will be the entertainment giy- ukes an BCtUe part n , Qf
en for the young singer by the Music (the order H(j ,s
Club, at its next meeting. ui,.. m i .t. .
. Honkey Tonk, the humorous publi
cation of the Yamhill Lodge, and the
Miss Grace Doland, of San Frnn- iast 8Sue whlcn flared QUt ,n flam.
Cisco and Miss Alice McCourt were boym ,ype at a recent htgh Jnkg
snests yesterday at the home of W. glven by the ,0()ge wag g0 fu of
E. Lamb on Modoc Point. The party good stuff that tfae membors are ,
went from there to Harritnan Lodge, taklDg about the p()tion
where they attended tho barbecue.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bratton -were
Hosts at a dinner yesterday and trip No window In th cltv ha numrt. plainclothes men will lay off him
II no time eery minute of the day
Mr. uud Mrs. I). E llauey of Mod
ford. Oiv , are guests of Mr uud
Mrs. Leslie Itogers over tho conven
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Hell, of Cen
tral Point, Mrs Doll Fiouck, of MetU
ford. Mr. and Mrs E M WlUon of
Medford and Mrs. A I. Harvey of
Ashland nr here vleltlng Mrs Harry
Goeller and Mrs Nate Otterbeln, dur
ing the convention.
A. J McMahon and d'tughler Mar
gan't, accompanied by Miss Mae Sul
lengor are visiting Miss Verda Cozad,
from Martinez for tho three conven
tion das After this tlmo the two
families will spend a xhort time nt
Crater Uiko, before returning home.
IX A. Kurtz with his wife and sons,
Clioster and Elton are here after a
swimming tank most of tho tlmo
C. M. (Nhorty) Hrlgbani
By some hook or crook "Shorty" ti,rco ttPHks trip, to attend the Elks
froged his way into McMinnville Convention. Their horn Is In Eugene
Lodge. He Is well known by the and Mr. Kurtz Is n member of Chap
Pinkerton Detective Agency. It the tPr 3f,7
Mr. and Mrs. U. J Carsncr drove
Hlnre Ho remnrkod this nfternoon
that ho .suru liked our people, town
and natltorlum.
Sheriff and Mrs. C. E. Terrlll nru
visiting Klamath Falls for the flrt
time In 25 years, from Jackson coun
ty They were suprlsed at tho change
and pleased with tho ocean llko qual
ity of the morning breeze
II G. Utunspnrli, a delegate from
tho Mod ford logo, is having t1
of his life If ou don't bullovo It o-sl:
the man.
E C. (Jerry) Jerome, squlro for
the Medford Chapter, whose chap
ter will bark him itgalnst any other
siiilrn in the state, Is In the city
some place this week.
Hoseburg sure must bo some
town, for It Is jiblo to send two nnwx.
pa tier editors to nn Elks Convention
at on.? and the same time The Re
view Is represented by L. Wlmborly
(and The News by 11. W. Hates, and
!ot ri show wisdom of tbo prophets
of old In tht thoy live in peace and
J. T., R. S and W. J. Dixon, cat-
to the barbecue,. entertaining Barney ed greater attention than has that of he he is in Klamath Falls It w" over from Heppner In their car ami Iirotnorly ,ovo wimliorly snvs llntes
fnra h i. fnfh "T t, , W" au"araj'- une e"re muow "" '" ""-" ,,'""'7U "', a flno fnllow and Hates Bays Wom-
j, . ....., ..w- UBS ocen aevotea to the Idea Of ton- .Mcuinnvine uuiilu. auuriy in u gftllllg It
anaer. Lnuea &iates aiarsnau wltn veylng to the Elks the welcoming plumber by trade, and Is one of thf
Ills deputy Mr. Flanders. 'sentiments of the city and scores of "ve wires of McMinnville Lodge.'
the visitors have called on Mr Sug- the tamest men In the state In spite
cJlne MdSr wprre.ahri a,rraana,!d expressed the,r PP'f Ben Russell, manager of the Lano'' elr occupation.
Craine and Pearl Leav tt, were the tlon of the effort he his pur forth. Pnn,v ,. ,' w. ,a, , 11B "I stopped nt Dlamrmd l...ko on mv
euesLS or .mi?k lipitv liannis nr Knp-io i. .. i .. .. ....... -- "-"
berlv is "O. K. from top to bottom."
Funny. Isn't It? One bv one the old
tlemen from tho Rend country arc cusimH of , profion ar lnoUg
away as tho world Is being
safe for democrocy'and little nn!lnni
except Ireland ran have solf de
camping tour throughout the conntv ed at the birth.
morning and his wife bucked his,
story too. I
J. H. Rolston is a fine reprcsenln-
Wllllam 0. Brown urrlved ThurH-
Ray M. Hicks
Mrs. L. Lowdon.
' JS"',
'&&' s?fefc mm
ss t&p.-Jzr' aa.. &
t - - f 'trim &fa
guesis oi .miss ueuy uaaais. oi taglo u has been an obiect of micnilnn . . . . .. .' , wnv down here ann broko the flshlnir ... .... . ,
Ridge, Tuesday, on a delightful fish- durlng the entire convention and Mr ZT ' ' " Z and-sy don", you think .1
blLe,XTwHndilUn:be,0n nn SURaman hM rea8n to fel "" i Or'lo Hendershot proprietor of'a 32 ,nch M dcn troI,t' and "imTmakredUort'ofh
S ladie ' tuTed t-Tul SEE? " b. S- Stored EugenThsl't had " - ?' V ! " - '- - -,
abonf 830 I. m They were a U ed aa'-d . . Bhot sInce hl8 arrlval ln our happyi "i "' , " "7 "" T" --t '"' "
j .. I iu me LuiiLi ill , v i . 4icil nuiu imn -
uur, uappy pany in meir KnaKI out-i aajiko AFTBK FATHER. "'
ln u!U when they gathered around The nine pound baby boy that was rh "Baby Elks" are still loyal to
the laree outdoor firn ni.ioP ,,, hnm in Mr Pni.i n. ... their tent nuarters: that is. a few of
i.... . ,. :,. : .I" .." " '. "y""" " ."" .m - , n n... w.. . J- " "owion is n lino represent.!- Vo wlKh t0 tllank ,.. ..,.,. nnd
.... ,u..0 .. .ur.r.uB. uayB aBO, was namec uonert Keuben. " - " 1""""' ," , tlve of the Medford Lodge who only neighbors for their many kindnesses
after the father Robert Donner. Both the Lumbermen s hospital of Bend, wlshc8 ule riwdH wcro 1)etter BO tn,u and sympathetic assistance In our
Dr. and Mrs. Hardin Carter are the baby and Mrs. Donner are doing lsn,t one ' them, as he gave up the h m.h. .-. ... ni.vriv tn rail nmm ,au' bereavement.
entertaining Dr. Lloyd Stewart, of nicely and are at their home at 2 ""'P last night, und ascended a tree nfl I 'J.,rH vlla Hicks,
---.. . . . . . "
wasnington u. u. this week, on a Main Street. Dr. Warren Hunt alien in search of peace, and slept with a
( squirrel.
" Other benedicts able to speak for
themselves this morning vvero Dr
Moore, who appeared to bo In Hearth
of more; Lee Thomus( a Bend arch
tect, dressed when he went to bed
last night, so as to savo timu this
morning, and J. Charles Smith, "why
ho never was unconscious of the
movement of life around him but
he acted strange at times," said 0
J. Addlnk.
"Let justice bo done," said Su
preme Judge L. T. Harris, who carnii
down with the rest of the Bills and
IlllllkenH from Eugene. The Judge
i Js no stranger to Klamath Falls peo
ple. He Ins a host of friends here and
ho has had a time trying to fill all
of the engagements they are making
for him, but he will do it or die bo
Is that kind of a fellow. But as I
started out to say, the Judge render
ed an opinion on the Klamath Falls
Elks that I know they will not ask
for a re-hearing en: "Let Justice bo
done to tho i:iks of Klamath Falls," '
said (he Judge, "and tell them that
we from tho rest of the stnto mo
proud of them. It was :i big under
taking to handlo this convention In
a city tho size of this and the remark
ably successful manner In which It
has bon done shows unremitting zeal
on the part of tho Elks and every
citizen. We all leave Klamath Falls
with pleasant memorial that will al
ways call for a return visit, and, at
leust as far ns I am concerned, that
visit will ho an annual ovent."
Mr. and Mrs. Zlni Baldwin of
i Lakeview, old residents of Klam
,ath Falls, aro buck for tho conven
Jtio nand a visit with their many
1 " ' ....!.. ii mj..-.-. .... ,,..h . .,- r r n .will mil ii j lini. 7-VtH!-
V ' ' i """
1$ The City of "
(Akron. Ohlol
i 1
a I reading J
On Eggs
Just nsIoriR ns the tubtj
n your casing are
not the best you can
got. A chain fa no
more nt the mercy of
its weakest link than
n tire is nt the mercy
of the tube m it.
The best beginning a
to sturt with Good
rich cnsini's. For
Goodrich (jives you
the standard by which
you curt (,'nuge the
true value of nny tire,
Square its price and adjust.
ment mileage up wuh
Goodrich List Pixtt, and
the Goodrich More-Mil,
age Adjustment 6,000
mile for Fabric, 8,000
For Silvertnwn Cordt
and you see why the
wise tire user buyiGood.
rich casings for the gret
eat outer ilrennth.
Vou are not 100 percent
ecuretlll you're Goodrich
through and through.
Put Goodrich Tubej la
Goodrich Casings Red
Tubes for utmost strength
or Grry Tubes for long.
lived dependability it lets
Yea, put Goodrich Tubes n
Goodrich Casings and
forget tire worries.
Bay Goodrich Tim
from a Dealer
Fabrics 6.000 miles
CorwU . 8.000 miles