,522! come on II JM"! :JS3L . . THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AUK HEVKfi WILL PROSECUTE ILL PROFITEERS which thii miniu In to bo'complctod Ih fixed by mtlil ortllnnnco for Nov. 1st, U 1 i, lllllH IMIIHt hi) fllllll Willi Hiii 1,.llnt. Judge for KiihiiilmiloM to tint Council, lit IiIk officii in tint city hall not later III 11 n X o'clock p. in. of tho IKUi cluy of August Una, nt which limo and , plain proposals will hi opened nncl coiiHlclcrccI Knch propomil must hit i nccoiiipiinlod by it ccirtlflod chock on soiim responsible mink to tho amount ,.,.u,v,.nv . ,, ... ' i of n per ccitit of tho aggregate amount AHI JINOI ON, Aug. 1 fi. Attor- cu uio propomil, to Im forfnllcd hy tho noy General Calmer told tho Senate HiiccoHiifiil bidder upon failure to Agriculture committee lie Intended to iiii'iil In iiccorilnncc! with tho plane ' wn" "r,, wiling above tho prlco-flx-n nil sperlflnitlons, Tho City of Klam- lug committees In cltlcH. in iv i i r.T r,',"L r'V'1 t0 r,L,,"C, Th,! '0011 co'"ro1 "I Profiteering , Hill) and all proposals for rank nR ., , . . . . . . ,nald Improvement, j sections have been extended to. cloth- I The award to tho successful bidder i,nK "nd other necessities. McNary, ror making tho proposed Improve ' of Oregon, said he believed the bill r.U',i.W.r&nTrlSJ' T nW ""'"'T l """ W ""' to provide) fuhdH for making said icelvnblo cose. A resolution waH In- Improvomont. troduccd In tho houso asking tl" .i.c'?";1 !'1 K'n'nnth J'; Oregon, President what use had been made of this 8th day of August 1919 ( , ,10oi00n.OOO for the relief of Collco Judge of the City of j t,lu destitute Europeans. DR. W. M. RftEYTIIING, SPECIALIST In DISEASES of the HEART nnd NERVOUS SYSTEM. 420 Main Htrcet. Phono 469 PROFESSIONAL CAI PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Oae MrH. Rosa McRnnlcls, 301 High St Phone 455 Mlll'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS R-lOt Klamath Fal, Oregon. NOTICE INVITING PKOIOSALH. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable CHICAGO, Aug. l,-i. Twelve hun- ww " wu luun ui uuivt, val ued at $50,000 wore nelzed today o for SALE, HELLO. BILL! FOR SALE till ...... ,. .. II ..- I A of the Common Council of tho city of ","J, wftrran" In tho war on the high Kiamnw FiiIIh, Oregon, -notice is i ' iivmu, hereby given that proposals will bo lVWWWrWWWWliVVlWgy " . imv j'i v,,ui.,ii n rj . w KOIt HALE HY OWNER One of tho 'J'"1'" "V ' Common Council of MEXICO OFFERS SERVICES 4H beict 120 acre alfalfa ranchen In ,fh?. c,,.y !'r K'1"""'" ". Oregon, iaifcIW "J i Phone 180 f I Lonjc Trip Onr Specialty Reasonable JUtea 828 Klamath Ave. MMWWSAAAAWMMMMWWVMWV TIIK PAItlKIAN IIKAIJTY 8IIOP Facial MniHiKlnn, Illcnflilnf? and Facial PnrhN Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Treatment nil) Main Phone 800 J M(MAlVciMlMcWWWWWVWVWVVV the Klamath Project. Kncloac-d with I "I !c", '" '""ol'V K'ven that propoialu woven wlro fence. Price Included 'wl" .? ,r,,''clv.0,l "V ""''J Common about 460 ton of hay all paHturago V'Ui"c" .. mnkJnK ,ho Improvement Mii.i.tv ntwi u.,..!. u,.i. i.i.. clc'iclgncd for the lmnrcivemnnf nt $20,000. Terinii. Thin In a anap. Acl- '""h Htroet from 8th Street wcdtcrly ' ltn aervlcc an a IrcMor call 1731 Huron Htroot. llotl'" '"l J51""01. ln"luHnK intornoctlonti, putes now exU Spring Addition Phono Z3GM. l3-4t'""" '"'. . w. n, cm ana m " MEDIATOR IX DISPUTES. MEXICO CITY, Aug. 15. The j Mexican government had not offered mediator In any dls- exlstlng among Central treem from HI!. Street m.ih..rlv ,7, . American couninec, accoraing to an Pine Street, Including Intcmectlon "lclal atatement by the department FOR 8Al.fOno of tho bent homed """ n,"i inciuumg intcmectlon "" ovt.-.ouv j mu eiiaripcu In tlm city. Price rcmminahlci Said propoHed Improvement to be 'of foreign relations, refuting stories! ron St. Hot "!' n accordance wrth tho plans printed by several newsDaoera in the 3-U i'""' clfloationn of the city engln- rnnal .,, MoTlr HoalrH , .,, . llr tT iinil tT fM(t ftfttur f llwi nlcclcaantf .- -. . ...-, Hw..H w HH. w -. ... .w. ,-..ij WB (u ukta. w iij -innin i ... M bow In tho land of oppor-, .our Thii U your chance to get In TnrmM. Call 1731 llu S iireund floor. It's a long time Springs Addition. feW" c,,'" B0 I,0NT IAMB STl'DKIIAKKIl lU(l for sale; First "f Improvement mentioned therein an arbitrator between Costa Rica imi, , clems condition. Judd Uiw, 23 Main "" approved ny uio said council, and anu Nicaragua Street. tfii'KliniliiNi Investment, a home,1 .. .rm lisdf. both Improved and Astrakhan cooking apple iSrnt, I n Mtl.fy yuu.l 400 South Riverside. fu ,n low Id Klamslh County ttUj. Tkey ire not going "lower." M "ilikw," and ' up to you to BIT IN NOW. I U?( ll tbe money you need for WI141SI purpotes on long term p"y nti with low Intercut rater Ainu aftney for the best FIRE and MKEi M9DRANCE companies In America. THBNEWYOItK LIFK 31-tf s for sale at 13-3t FOR SAI.K Improved residence lot Must sell. See 100S Main St. 7tf FURNITURE ecla St. -for sale. C17 Alam-28-tf llln'f-, t ! PFVTOV for Worid In nPni.lnilA U.I,K n..llnnnnn K.n 111 I v.w.u..w nan vmiimuiu ,iu. in .adopted on the 11th day of August, 1H1H, and hy the mayor approved on ,010 1 4th day of August 1919. Said plans, specifications and cstl- matcH being on file with the Police i Judge and In tho office of the City Engineer. The proposed Improvement will be , let In one contract and the time In which tho same Is to be completed Ib H?r fixed by said ordlnanco for Novem- her 1st. 1919. Illds must bo filed with the Pollco -5 COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 790 Mala Street MeaU aerred from a. m. to 9 p. m. GOOD COFFEE AND REAL CREAM Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I I. O. O. F. ball, 5th and Main streets. P. J. Gorges , N. O.; Fred Bremer, Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O. O. F., meets Tuesday night of each 4---C-0----5--5" Z H. C. SCHLEEF i KATHERINE SCHLEEF 4 ... . . ... i-iiysiciaiw ana Nitrgeona Office, White Bldg. TT yfrrffffrV DR. a A. MASSEY Snccemop to Vt. Trumx Salt 200, 1. O. O. F. BMf Office phone 801 Res Phone 80M ffWMWMM DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDING PHONE 389 WWMMrMiajaiyvi I nFNTISTS I Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 P. L. Fountain Treasurer. work and cooking Mrs. O. O. Lab- areo. Illy, Oregon. l-tf iirot th. See me, or wriw ior martlcnlars. J.WEH M. WATKIX8 Jll. WANTKO- -Kxporlenced woman to Teabonry office, 620 Main street. take charge of laundry. See 100K with Dodge, tho tailor, Main St. 13-31 note J10R i. WANTED A rntnn pnnlr nn wnlt. I ross Address T. W. Pheneger. Ft. ""'nt '" "Tordnnco with the contract. .Klamath. 14-3t T,l clt' of K11""'"1' Fulls rcsorvlng t FOR SALE Hy owner a nice home Price right Terms easy. There ireminr pomlbllltlivi In this propur- t. 441 South llivorsldo. 12-if FOR RENT RANOK FOR RKNT--2400 acres. Oood for stock. Inquire, Herald of. flco. s-tf FOR RENT Vcelv furnished front bed room. 410 Pine St. or Phone 17. 13-3i FOR SALE I fifty foot lot on Mlchl- . , . ; (is iTenae, near Main One 25 ft. !'Zt ,,uJm'', for rent Phone lot on" Broad t. near Klamath nvn. ' " f pried Oil at 20G Michigan uve.. or i LUSI AND rOUND ttlephone 25311. 12-4f Nxi'ii LOST KiiIkIiIh Teinnlnr Charm. Pin. dor please leave It with Secretary from property lino to property line the right to reject any and all pro- porn Is. Tho award to tho successful bidder for making tho proposed Improve ment Is hereby made contingent up on the Bale of t'" linmin nntho''led vide funds for making said Im provement. The plans, specifications nnd es timates above referred to embraco provide for the proposed Improve ment of said streets by grading same to tbe established rrado from prop erty lino to property lino on High Street from fith to 8th Streets, and fith, and 7th Streets and Intersections between Ulgn and I'ino mrum; uuu Uri t UAKITCTk -r Judge for submission to the Council, week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor WANTED. An experienced Ironer ' al hl" 0fflci) '" tll(' cl,' nnl1 of "al'1 rel- c- p-' Nal Otterbeln, Scribe; Home Laundry. Phono 421. 22-tt c "'r,t1,n,?r lhn" I cln.ck, h ,m' .r Al JM, .cnrlce Mond.y mornln. WANTBI Jr, for , hou,0. "yiJ'y" khz uii'iii.ll mill iiiiriiii ;u. i.tiii .i .- posal niURt be nccompnnled hy n cert fled check on homo responsible bnnk to the iiuiount of ' per cent of tho aggregate proposal, to be forfeited by the successful bidder upon failure to .enter Into contract and bond for the faithful completion of tho Improve- SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake The launches "Spray" and "Oak land" will run excursions every Sunday, leaving tbe mall boat landing at 8 a. m.. allowing five hours at Rocky Point. Fare $1.60 from landing for round trip. Bus leaves Western Transfer office at 7:30 a. m. Calkins & Hamilton Coe's Jitney Service Day PboM 108 LAWRENCE'S CIOAB STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, SO Lbs. 75c V FINISHED WORK 1 FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Pat Tour Duds f la Onr Soda" PHONE 421 j T Corner Main And Conger Dr. P. M. Noel FHONB 4 : Over Underwood's Seventh and Mala Street t FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis Bldg., Klamatb Falls ' JS"?.1!0 Acrt'8 ,,,na 8oCl 3fi T" "f K" 'otlK "'l receive reward. H, R. 14 halt Klamath Co. Orating 13-tt ua hock land, have some good tlm on lllgn Htreei irom uui iu mi Stn-ots'. nnd 1st . 2nd. 4th and nth Streets from High to Pine Streets, and hard surfacing wild pavement 2Ti feet wide on High Street from Cth to 8th Streets and Gth and 7th Streets ( from High to Pine Streets, and 20 i feet wide on High Street from Cth to . . .. i ini o.wi jti. r.tii k.li n-.i. 7 ., nnnir. i- hi inn iiirniH ne I loiise imi niri'em, " '"i, , - M I blocks n llm iv n iin ...... . .. . ....... r.. !.!.. o.... i. yi,i ." , "' - - "'"I or npnruuoui oy young coupie. .o irom iiign mruui iu i uu- oni-- -' ?"u'Dlnlt r lorgu bulldlnK children. Address Herald Office. 22tf eluding concrete curbs, with citnor nil mii(ndam. concrete or bitulitblc WANTED Hy experienced man and pavement, Including cement sldo- wlfci a position on ranch. Stock walks 4 feet wldo on both sides of ranch preferred. Write I'. O. Ilox said streets. Proposals aro requested .84 Merrill. Oregon. 12-.r.t .on nil classes of imenient mentioned. . ,,,! ,,, Kiniunth Falls. Oregon,' mm, ...... .. .... ....,... .. -..-;, ,iui uAiiiiAur; wnen you wunt if': !ihf.Yev "l nny.i,!,u f.".U nm' w"nt LOST Hunch of -.loys. Finder return sVtffi AXrBi.raTK.Wi: t0 """'" "fflr"- llhil '0nm- ill1.1 MISCELLANEOUS TnD"oat r r rrWfrrrWrrrrVrWirN k irvl.TV""01 '"" m'?, toenwi WANThI)- A small furnished bouse THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodles Chili Con Carol Open all night Just off Slain on 7th A little off of tho Main street, )ut It pays to walk HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station IWa handle tbe Uarley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. a E. BISMARR 115 S. 8th St. Klamath Falls t DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Bulldlm; PHONE 81 CITV AND C4UIVTV AB8TRAOT COMPANY K17 MalM ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager siastsiMs KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ingNew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmi thing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-x 817 Klamath Are. ft. This property Is offered at a "nin ana it will pay you us an In wnent. V. A. llline,,, Second and "j" nreeu. 12t( 'i balk Nino lots, block 1,1 n.,ck. "' Ilot 8I"I"R Addition. Tk... I-. ' . "i"'K Aiuuiion. i viHriingo removed pnono yi. ii-tr IS. ot mu,t bu "ll Immediately I u. it ..'?: (,r ai1 ct'to Address I All customers who have washing H-tf nt trio unineso laundry on Kliininih Ave. uail Monday. II.. it i. V. "" iio J '"M.M.MaUon, Hotel llnll WR SALE- -2 Pieces of land 10 . . . . .. i n i n """"""""TUUUVITT, 15-iOt 1'ollco Judge. J3.3t ORDER MAYS RK1NSTATW). uf." "acres with Improvements I WANTED Waitress at Ft. Klamnth ii.ro1f"0 trom low limulro 733 1 "otol, Ft. Klamnth, Ore. 14-3t "a s'. e.et Bibjr buggy for sal TO EXCHANOK FOR Klamnth Co. proporty, 240 ncre,s Marlon Co 11.:,, ' ""My 'or sale Willow I'riic- proporty, au iicre.s .Marion ro .Booml.hrtaioinuHdnr 0ro"7 miles South of Salem 200 " d Main, Honor 1 oil leacU 'M "' fultlvntlei: 30 acres In lenr- t'Mtws. ur uo" ''tft" Ing prunos; U. acrns In loganberries; ?. !r broke. bin. i. .," "'."". gontio !!. M.r sv- J,rlco 0 work iieaao wrltu Itnv wrAn, buildings nnd nrnno dryer. 36 room hotel DiiIIiik, Oregnn RentH for $75.00 per month. I.envo vord at Herald office. 1 1 .lit' NEW' YORK, Aug. IB. A major ity of tho board of directors of the American I.enguo ordered pitcher Carl .Mays to bo reinstated. Their de cision nullified tho action tnken by President Han Johnson of tho Am erican league. FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 170-J DR. F. R GODDARD Osteopathic Physician it Sargeo (Mill ail, I. n. o. v. Temple (over K. K. K. more) Phone 821 . . (Tbe only Osteopathia Physl clan and Surgeon tu' Klamath I Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer nnd builders. of mod ern Saw Mills, planing Mills, Box. Plants. Complete plant contract' ed. Appraisals and reports made.' Dredging. V contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of nny kind. Drafting of any kind done. Bine Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Building ICaV LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS. TAKE NOTICE GLASS Phone mo and I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter nnd Cabinet Work. E. C. 8TUCKY. 1140 Main. Phone 846-W. Pursuant to ordlnanco nnd order "uch'Vv ?.r cal1 Rovon Spring J ', Common Council of tho City 0f U,e JJOT POINT Range flValioy. 21-26t ir Klutli Falls, Oregon, notice U ul Ulc rlv x x b hXflnti ?" ,my "lB" tt Et . aJK?-?0".1"- Call 338 lOtb Et. or Hono 247 M. i2.t7" bcroby given thut proposals will bo i f it, rjnlripn "Rnrl Pro- recoiVod by said common council for Used at tne UOiaen 1VOU riu- luaklng tho Improvement dusignod , . t-v i : 4. V.. for tho improvomont of seventh , ducts Demonstration at tne street trom Washington struct north- to. - uufc uuiii t iisiiuiKiiJii nuuvv muni- v ai 1 CMd5are,Idcnco lot on pavu(i treet ,0!ly t0 ''""Poet utroot; Prospect yai'lOUS groceries tlllS Week. Ti bn on lt aim s nwnJ n J. Btruot ,,-om Soventli Htroet north- Iqnlro raWoff l?u, westerly to Eighth street and .loffor- ,. . , ,. ---. ' "raici office, im H0 Htruot from aovonth BiTeei tlftHtor. Cooking is turned from roBoTrn lj.l ""island & McCollum. ...fl"Innm x'. '.l'iul Reed thenn . "" S llllllll Tnl.H .. H-flt II I i vre TorTTTT" ,tM, ar"Bu. Morrison & Potter 14-tC ''mirr. r r:B.rFice i4YwIz"."n"7 a. u,,u angio Peel 14-6t IM ly to eighth Htroot. including lutur socttona. Said proposed Improvement to bo mndo In nccordnnco with tho plans nnnf trip "HOT POINT nnd specifications of the City Engln-TOU COOK tne nui ruivtx cot; and approved by tho sulci Com mon Council, and In nccordnnco with Ordlnanco No, 408 adopted on tho 4th day of August 1919, unci by tho mayor approved on tho Cth day of August 1919. Hold plans and estimates nnd speci fications being on file with tho City Engineer. The proposed Improvomont will bo lot In one contract, und tho tlinu In drudgery into pleasure when WAY." All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.s Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nnd .Service" Phono 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. (SWVVWWN.W SEE ME For Carpentering. Furniture Re-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "The Handy Man" IM MAIN ST. DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 1B1J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 151M 1909 Main St. J. C. CLKGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Pbmie, Office, 100. Res. 1D2M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & Klabzuba r Merrill, Oregon .Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon rAMAMMMrVIMrXAMMMAMAMAMMArWA WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW ml WUllta Bldg. Klamath FaJJe t Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F.-, Bend Stage Phone 276-W MrVMrMrWMMMArMfMArMMAMrMrVMMMW -k-:..x:m:X".,:"'':-"X":"Xx:":m SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CROP SUEY AND NOODLE ROUSE ' Short Order Meals Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATU PALLS ORE. 4H444"94"C;-yS to U