The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 15, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    pagm fovh
The Evening Herald
City Editor
Published ilnlly except Sunday by
The Hornld Publishing Company of Visiting ladles Will Ho Ouexts nt
Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
Entered at the postoffice at Klam
ath Falls, Ore , for transmission thru
tho malls as secind-cluss matter.
Subscription terms by mall to any
address In the I'nlted States
Ono ear . .$." 00
Ono month . . .50
Brilliant Hot-option nt Whlto 1V1-,
trnu Hotel Tomorrow Afternoon,,
While Men Folks are In Session.
The most distinguished society
event of tho week's festUltles will
ho the large reception to bo ghon to
the ladles of tho visiting Elks nt I
tho Whlto Pelican hotel tomorrow,
Saturday, afternoon, from 3 to 4:30
o'clock. Tho ladles of lsltlng Elks!
arc tho guests of tho ladles of this
FRIDAY, At'Ol'ST 1.1. Ut.
Member of the AtMninted Pres
Tho Associated Press Is exclushoiy
entitled to the use for republication
of nil news dispatches credited to It
fif nnt ntltnrutsn or.iilltoil In t ll t Q 11.1-
por, ond nlso local news published city on that occasion, and It Is hoped1
Herein. that they will all bo present.
All rights of republication of spe- A tho Iml,es ot Ktimath Falls
clal dispatches herein are also reser- ,, . ,,
present to entertain tho visitors.
There will be an exceptionally flno
musical program on this occasion.
Mrs. J. Paul Sntterleo will bo
heard In violin numbers, and that is
sufficient to attract a crowd In this
city, where Mrs. Sattcrleo and hor
music are greatly appreciated. An-
17T1 Sir Walter Scott, the fam- other great attraction will be the
ons novelist and poet, born In Edln- vocal numbers to be given by Mrs,
burgh. Died at Aubotsford, Sept. 21,, Vara Crlsler-Berryhill. Mrs. Ber
1832. ryhill belongs to Klamath Falls, and
1S35 Committee ot fifteen ap- her native city has looked forward
pointed to consider the Independence to this opportunity of hearing her.
of Texas. This will Mrs. Berryhlll's musical
1844 William S. Fulton, first debut In this city, and all her old
United States senator from Arkansas, friends will have this opportunity of
died at Little Rock. Born In Cecil hearing her. The orchestra will be
County, Md. Juno 2, 1T95. under tho direction of Mr. Harry
Today's Anniversaries
I rT 1 , I
ik. ivcnnedy LEAVpi
LABORS Wiul loi
Porhnps thorn tuny ,0I
l('H (if
Klnmoth F,.ll. ,.i .'""t
Dr. William H K.,nMl J' "
the, Oregon State i:ik- i. ?'
hut it H,if..i l0JZ!l,,l
mi orgmilMtlnn .(. ."
Hilts Ansnitiiiiin ...
and It la mil muni .,, '
Hon meets In annual ronrfntiJT
tlm nrwBltluiit i"iitl.i.oi,tl0..k
iMIKlll.'SM Of niHMt ,,H '
oiir mill llr Kern vlm,bMai
fill, to Ihu extreme ,llHn, ,,..
(if office ""
President Keim ih
Hint live wire (.
" 1 mfmL.
"f i:ik i, ,
Rending froin left to right Top rew: A. II. Power, Henry Kern and W. J. Omrml.
Bottom rew: Hen It. Chandler, Dr. George K. Dlx mid J. W. Illlilolinind.
(Continued from Pbrc 1)
1894 United States senate passed Dorel
an anti-Anarchist bill for the exclus
ion and reportatlon of alien Anar-
1897 Duel between Prince Henry
of Orleans and tho Count of Turin.
1907 King Edward of England
and Emperor Fr.tncls Joseph met
near Ischl.
1914 Japanese Goernment sent
an ultimatum to Germany.
1913 Germans continued to nd
Vance toward rirest-Litosk.
Bulgars on 100-m'l fwii,
1917 Canadian troops seized Hill
70. dominating Lens from tho .'o-
One Year Apo Today
in the War
First contingent of American
troops arrived at Vladivostok.
Canadian troops captured two Ul
lages northwest of Roye.
Allies forces in northern Russia
9SM0Sr& Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi
"..-r j-jt'IbbbbbbVbbbbI
dip mmirmnr
Wiley, past exalted ruler of tho local
lodge, was generous and warm In
the wolcome he extended to tho state '
"Bills." E. B. Hall prcsldod during I
tho evening.
Selections by the double mnlo Walter Too Pnjs 1 to-. poets to De
quartet wero loudly applauded bvi Prtl Elks Who Fell Fighting
tho audience as were tho overtures I
played by the band. "The 8tar Snanc-1
10:00 a. m. Motor trip for
nil visiting Indies to Algomn.
Tho following ladles of Klnm-
nth Fulls will net on tho gen-
led banner, was played as n finale
to tho evening's entertainment
for Tlielr Counti-j
World War.
During the
"Your son, my Kin, and tho bos
who fell oor there did ho In u right
eous cause," said Walter O Tooze
this morning nt tho business session
of tho statu Elks, In n touching ud
dress that moved tho greater portion
of IiIh audlouco to tears.
Mr. Tooze, who Is perhaps tho only
father In Oregon whose three sons
were olllrors In the grent war, Is
compliments of from Salem His son, Leslie, a grail.
B. P. O. E. luto of the Unl entity of Oregon.
was killed whllo leading a platoon of
his men In the Argonno forest Ho
mar, Leslie's twin brother, wus near
him when he foil
Mr. Toozu paid loving tribute to
"Coos Bay crabs
Marchfleld Lodge 1160
.These are small, but you should seo
i them In 1921."
I That's the Inscription that tho
p Marshfield bos hnve printed on n
(white shipping card In purple Ink,
telling tho state Elks that they are tho departed Brother Elks who fell
after tho 1921 state convention. during tho great war "In making
Thirty-six dozen crabs little sea this tributo we cannot help but think
craos wero brought In cold storage of that noblo Elk who passcil on Just
oy uoos way boosters.
ThlS after- linfnrf, fhi nv lit lila tlitnurturn fnp
-. Uuruu aBr. a r. .. noon they w, bo p3rt of t0 barb?. Eropc Th,a , MnJor (.,,,.,!
Ruler of McMinnville Lodge No. cue not the Marshfield hnnmr v.nnn.i.i ... i....j i u .. i..
1283 Is an insurance man bv nrofpg hut thn nraYia hAV h..ii i.u . .... .....
rearhpd nnttfffonq 2fi0 itiIIpb cnnth nf -. ...-j w.Uu6i nun KHGW film. We, lOO, Cunnoi but JOOH
reached positions .60 miles south of son anU has been act,ve,v lnterC8t. tnenii 8ute ,.Bll8 w
ed in Elkdom since the Lodge was crabs, and you can be assured that of Pendleton, another man whom
Instituted In the various activities the live wires from Marshfield Lodge we all respected and loved
"Let the lesson that these men
have taught us sink deep In our
71 amuc rxncc
sinnftn nAMACF incident to the war. During his term who wear badges as big as sunflow
94UNUUU UAIHAtat of office the jge enjoyed a decided ,ers. will tell the Elks all about the
, growth in membership,
(Continued from page 1)
crabs that have made their part of hearts. The war Is over, hut there Is
the country famous. much to do. and it should ho ensv
tween Sacramento and Portland Half BORTZMEYER lb LIVE Three hundred and sixty-six Is tho for to do our real duties when
or the building is two stories In, WIRF Fl K" I FADFR totaI enrollment In their lodge down we pause to think of thlso crusadors
iney expect 10 ouua a Qf the twentieth century, who fell
oral committee for tlm enter
talnmont and accommodation
ot the wives, sisters, mothers
and sweethearts of the visiting
Elks: Mrs. Roso Soulo Brat
ton chairman. MosdnmeN (). W.
Robertson, Krcd Schnllock, C.
Eberleln, 9 K Martin, 11. N.
Moo, Goldlo Lincoln, S. O.
Deerlng. D L. Crow, R. J. Lud
don, II It ReynnldH and thn
Misses Edna Wolls, Wulvw Jn
cobs and Vnnln Cozad.
Delegates' session at the Elks
Temple Report of Credential
committee Report of Judicia
ry committee President's re
port, Win S Kennody. Thn
Dalles, No .103 Secretary's ro
ll rt, llirrv (J Allen, Portland,
No 14 2 Treasurer report, T
O, Russell, Eugene, No 3fi7.
Report of the Dig Brother com
mittee. W F McKenney. Port
land No 142 Reports of Reso
lution and Auditing commit
tees Unfinished business New
business Election of olllrers.
Selection of next metln
place Installation of o Ulcers.
Reception to Indies at Who
Pelican hotel from 3 to 4-30.
4.30 p. m. Grand Elks' pa
rude, all Elk Lodges participat
8 00 p. m. Awarding of tho
prizes ut Elks' Templo.
9:00 to 12:00 p. m. Htroot
carnival, pnement dance.
Mystic masuuod Mardl Gras
and "Ilattlo of Ribbons" will
'iiiii'ii. n nun in,,, h.
dnya ho resided in p..,. ii....
""inn, inn
n host of friends i lho '
cay. .HoMin. ,., ,;;;;
' ..tmeilv reinovi.,1 Iriiin The n,n
Portluml, whoro In. iirrnnt. . 7
In tho Northwest CoPM A .'
montbs ago he reslriio, im', ''
to establish n deutiil office lg f
land, but becnnio tnterMlrtf la i
Salvation Army Immo nervlce cai
pnlgn mid In rimuerted with tbta 0
Perhnpsn port Inn of the tiurctti
tho Oregon Htnt.. I'm, A,lnpl,
linsbeeniietoth,. iIohoco-o,,
existing between ll,M bin orW!t
lion nnd the'ntionBiitdtj
nssoelntlon P M Mannlnr.crETi
nit. Washington, Is frealdent iDd'i,
donn u criijit i .i..i
" ""'i""r7iji
nld hn Oregon .ixuorlatlon to t
off to a flying utart
iKHiVk '
ttfm sBk W
height, the second story being given i
over to a machine shop. The entire In-
terlor of the building was gutted by
Handicapped? No can't say that T
am. I am proud ot me organization
the flames, although the brick walls , fop wh,rf) , am work,g and fhe moro
are iniaui. toe inienor presents a
mass of twisted Inn and tin left from
the numerous cars that were reduced
to a scrap heap
by the sea.
magnincent new home tne early parr that the people of the world might
of next year, according to their 20 Ean freedom."
delegates, wno mane as mucn noise, nend. ,he baby lodge of tho state
comploto feto, marking grand
finale of Elks' week.
t 4- 4. 4-4-444
Soiiiitcr W T Mntiin waa the tn
Exulted Ruler of Mc Mlnnllle Lodf
No 12S3, and with fatherty nl
cradled the lodge when It wulnil
Infancy and did much to populirii
tho order among the, people la u
Jurisdiction. Mr. Vinton hu rem
sonted Yamhill County In the itil
senate und at the recent eeulon n
chosen president of thit bot
"Bill," as Sonutor Vinton li fimlim
ly known throughout Yamhill Cow
ty, Is one of the llvest Klki In V
orn Oregon. He Is a lawyer by pn
fesslon, and onjoys n wide prwtlce
Whnt Is hnrdcr than to keep a so- Missionaries laboring to edoal
The business district was startled
ft 10 o'clock this morning by the an
nouncement that hc Wllllts building
was on fire, but it cievploped that the
conflagration was confined to a bu
die of sliovel handles In the rear of
tho basement used by the Winnek
Compdn It is presumed that the
fire started from a cigar or cigarette
stub thrown In some rubbish that
had accumulated at the window
few pails of water extinguished the
fire before the department arrived
George C. flrich, district manager
of the Mutual Lite Insurance com
pany, left today for Alton, III , to
gether with his fimlly, whoro Mrs
IJlrlch wjll visit hor mother Mr.
Dlrlch will continue) east to Chateau
Fontonac, Quebec Canada, where h"
will attend the JJ30.000 Mutual Iif
fleld club convention
Tho members of this club aro the
leading Hfo Insurance writers of the
United States and Canada. Mr I'lrlch
holds the distinction of being the on
ly man ellglbl" to attend the con
ventlon, in Oregon, outside of Portland.
that I learn of the wonderful body of
men and women who are connected
with the Salvation Army, the prouder
I become."
So Mid O. C Rnrtzmever. mpmher
of Portland lodge, nnd financial dl-! Leading
rector of the Salvation Army Home
service campaigns. It w?s Mr. Bort.
meyer, who was In cha'ge of the re
cent drive for funds In Oregon wM"'i
was raised by the work of the '"Iks
of this state. This lto wire F'k l
now direct'n" "'mllsr campaigns in
Oregon and Washington
And In connection with M" Borf.
mevor's stav in Klimnth Pn"s let It
be known, that Ms ennnoctlms nrr
not hindering him from having a
good time, and yet Is mn'ntainin"
the traditional ehararter'stlc which Organist
can be alwiys found In men who p'
connected with this organization
i UBllu. lliu iiuiij iuuku in wiu niuiu, --
as 40 others. I which has shown Itself to bo wldo crfit? T ke it treaty. And what China am probably halnr tlel
The officers of 1160 are as fol- awak ana on the go all tho while. Ih hnrlcr than to keep a treaty? To troubles In trying to explain
started the Jimmie Hannon fund b koeP ,l secret treaty. Now York Shantung Incident
lOWS: lolnrlo.l tho llmnih. Iliinnnn fllnil U keep II SOCret
Exalted Ruler Thosas S. Harvey, gvng a check for $500. The goal Kvenlng Sun
leading turniture man. ha8 bpen et at $r,.000. for the nur-
Knight L. A. Llljenulst. chaH.nK 0f a home for Mrs. Bannon ESTEEMED LOYAL KNIP.HT OF
prominent, lawyer,
Tle ears ago today saw tho open
ing of the I'anama canal, linking tho
Athmtlc nnd tho Pacific.
My business Is making your
homes bright and prosperous
by Painting, Kalsomlnlng and
Paper Hanging.
Satisfaction my guarantee.
17 5fain Ht. Phono 103W
and her fumily,
Loyal Knight Frank D. Cohan, An n(j,iroS8 0f wocomo was given
leading druggist. bv Ef jj, nlU ana responded to by
Lecturing Knight Peter R. Due, FranCa V. Galloway, Exalted Ruler
traveling man. I,)f Tne i)ai0H i.oclgo. No. 303. Great
Secretary W. H. Kennedy, manu- wnH tho Unnia0 that greeted tho
appearance on the speaker's stand
of Charles C. Bradley, Past Exalted
Ruler of the Portland Lodge, and re
cently elected Grand Esteemed Lec
turing Knight at the convention at
Atlantic City. He made a short and
pointed address, ie lowing tho bene
fits that wero derived by the Elks
man 'who had the privilege of attending
Trustees Geo. E. Dlx, leading phy- tho nationai convention.
slclan; J. W. Hlndenbrand, hard- Mr8i vera Crlsler-Berryhlll camo
ware merchant, and Ben R. Chan- llomo to her many friends this
dler, vice president First Nation- iornlng, and was applauded and en
al Ilanl. ichored until tho hall echoed, so
splendidly did sho sing. Her debut
was auspicious, und many wero tho
comments of commendations tint
wero showered on tho local girl who
is rapidly climbing to the front as a
soloist. Tho Klamath Falls girl has
hieon for soino time In Los Angeles,
factures soft drinks.
Treasurer Joe Williams, banker.
Esquire Ben S. Fisher, lawyer.
Tyler W. J. Murphy, lawyer. '
Chaplain Geo. D. Graham, sawfiler.
Inner Guard Peter Mlrrasoul, saw.
A. S. Draper, piano sales-
W. 8. Kennedy unci F. M. Manning
....................0! l ' ,4HtBI
(bbbbbbbbbbmEI EHH
LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPx ' f?" F-Wfr'W'Kr ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEbV -''PsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBLTRp .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT? $sk f'KW'S'KKmMnKKBM
where sho has been pleasing largo
'nudlunroH In her concerts. Sho was
Icinchorod thrc-o times ,and only tho
lateness of the hour prevontod "Bill"
Ifioni Insisting that sho sing another
j number,
Mrs. Berryhlll will sing tomorrow
afternoon at tho reception at tho
Whlto I'ollcnn hotel that will ho glv-
on for the ladles of visiting Elk.
Mrs. J. P. Sntterleo will render kov
oral "violin solos at the reception.1
Sho pleased her uudlonce this morn
ing with hor technlcjuo and Interpre
tation of Borowskl's "Adoration."
Mrs. Charles Wood Eberloln nccom- ono at t'10 any Coos Bay live wires that aro Elks. Cohan Is ' ,
panled hor on tho piano. leading druggists and "pop" man. He Is tho proprietor of tne "7,,
Frank D. Cohan, Esteemed Loyal Knight of tho Ma8hJclwall
ihu inuuy i;oos uny nvo wires mat aro kiks. uouun "nf
icu iiiib uruggisis and "pop" man. He Is tho proprietor ". '"S.vdp
scriptlon Pharmacy, and Is all IntoreBt In things connected with '