pLbtt1 American Six-Footers Leading Battilc Day Parade in Paris. Miss Sears in Unusual Pose at Society. Games Yh m MP ? L m a W ,'l Kriil of tlio World War Open Up Great RcAcrTolm of Natural' WivilUi Jin tlio Valley of the1 Ainuzon Illvrr. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MIS GIVEN IVrIIH.'llK l? 1 1 R' I it i j--w-y f ' r i.v TO GOLD M N NG VJssssssHNlliv I rf i ' ' f-s ? ( m. !' i l tf frtTHig TTiiTii 1 if t r .... IB WILL tiszixnrzibSr American soldiers In! tlio memorable Hostile Day parade In Pari. They aro neon hero marching don UN Chimps Kli, n hand-picked reglimtnt In which thn rrjtilrcuioiitn were tlmt ouch doughboy Brt tM lis footer, end thnt ho knav his business nil a soldier. Kach was up to their specifications. Fol Ijiltl them oro troops of otory other allied nutlon. , Tho phonoKmphlc campaign will Tim fxtent of the pirt which phono Imi opened on September Int. when graphs inuv piny In tho campaign records containing utturnnces hy At- can In- estimated by tho statement torney (lununil Palmer, speaking for (hut two manufacturers of tho ma Iho do mints, 11111! others reglmn- I chines nr known to hao moro thnn lug tho speech of Unlti'd Slates Sen- 2.000,000 phonographs In iihu in tho utor Lodge, voicing tho Nuutlmonts United Slates. of tho rcpubllcnm will ho released Aiming tho speakers scheduled for These speeches will ho reproduced phonoKruphlc orntory hy tho demo at cluhB, societies' lioadiUur(urH,lrratlr national rotmnlttoo nro Pres churchji., noondit ineoiPigs and li. I Idotu Wilson, Secretary of War Ha tlio hoinoH of tho party workers. j Uer, Secretary of tho Navy Daniels, Following tho rolenso of tho( former Secretary of tho Treasury speeches of Attorney General 1'al-' McAdoo and William J. nrynn, IE SPEECHES NEW YORK, Auk. 15. Phono- pipbi will bo ucd hy lioth the ro Itbllun and oVirocnttlc parties In tit appreaching: presidential cam jtlp, It !i announced, tho plan em- kntlic a program which will permit tat residents of small towns and re sot tonic'. to hear the speeches e( emloent'oralora at the simo timo (bit the records aro released In tho arte cities. mer ii ml Senator Lodge, other rec ords will ho distributed monthly, anil It is oipertel that hi meeting places und homes throiiKhoul tho Pornier 1'iesldent Tnft, Major General Wood, Kllhu Hoot, Choun cey M Dopow und United States Sen ators Johnson and Ilorah nro on tho' countiy will fairly echo and re-vcho list of speakers chosen for talking-, with tho words of tho orators as ron-( machlno oratory hy tho republican, veyed hy means of talking machines, national committee. I PAHA, Ilrazll, Aug. 15. Tho end ing of tho World War has given a new Impetus to tho work of opening up tho great reservoirs of natural wealth, from gold to fruits and valu nhlo woods, which Ho In tho valley of the Amazon. Several expeditions of exploration nro being organized hero, one of the most Important of which Is under tho direction of Henry S. Fleming of Now York, United Htajtcs Caitoms HcceIor at I'arn, who will shortly start on a three months trip devoted to exploring tho commercial possibilities of Jhn vast region Watered hy tho Auuuon and Its maze of tributaries, Tho advance guard of another Im portant expodltloi of scientists haad od hy Dr. Hamilton Wco of Uoston and his wlfo, hai pnmed thru hero on Its way to Mannas which will bo headquarters of tho venture. A spe cially equipped 45-foot motor launch will accommodate tho party 'vhlch plans to navigate tho Ulo Negro to Its Junction with tho Orinoco in Ven ezuela. General Hondon, tho well-known Brazilian explorer who accompanied Colonel Koosovclt on his famous trip down tho Illvcr of Doubt, now named the Hlo Teodoro hy tho Brazilian government In honor of the former American president, has returned hero after spending almost two years In survelng tho wilds of the state of Matto Grosso on tho borders of Ilollvla. Tho territory explored by hi in lies to tho southwest of tho Pnr ecis Range, northeast of which lies tho Hlo Teodoro. General Dondon re ported tho discovery of threo new mountains and sovoral new rivers. He also reported finding much evidence of rubber, caoutchouclpecac, cacao and other valuable forest products and said that ho traversed large ar eas of gold-bearing country, especi ally In tho region of tho head waters of tho Sao Miguel rler. rH",',tilTJMiMStM1ti1tMBMBMMBKasaBiMBMiliMaiia iMMmMyiiliiiii nMn iliafl Miss Eleanora Sears, horsewoman and lover of sports, Is seen here wltk Frederick H. Prlnco on ned Wing at tho Myopia Hunt games at Manchea ter-by-thc-Sea. Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anvone Who ! Drinks Hot Water 8ays an Inside bath, before break- ' 1 J fast helps us look and feel j clean, sweet, fresh. ? X i I Sparkling and vivacious merry, bright, alert a good, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. If only eery man and woman could be In duced to adopt the morning Inside bath what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sick ly, anaemic looking men, women and girls, with pasty or muddy complex ions; instead of the multitudes of "nervo wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists, we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy-cheek ed people everywhere. An Inside bath is had by drinking each momlng before breakfast a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's in digestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, celds: and particularly those who nat a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone, phosphate at the drugstore, which will cost but a trifle, b--U 13 sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark able change In both health and appear anco awaiting those who practice In ternal sanitation. We must remember that Inside cleanliness Is more Import ant than outside, because the skin does not absorb impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do Aav. I : WrM"M"lXt"Xl"l"l"M z Peoples' Market 532 Main St. Pho ne 83 BEEF BEEF BEEF From Producer to Consumer The People's Market is where you get cour teous treatment and 16 Ounces to the pound As a special inducement for the people of Klamath Falls and County to get Klamath County's best beef, we are offering for sale the following choice cuts at reduced prices: POT ROASTS 1 O Per pound & SHOULDER BOILS 1 7 Per pound C PLATE BOILS 1 - Per pound A BRISKET BOILS 1 An Per pound lrw ROUND STEAK 90 Per pound : tiJC RUMP ROAST 1ft99, Per pound x O-s&siiC We carry a LARGE stock of Meats of all kinds. Come early or PHONE ' t T T T X f T T T T T T T T 83 BEEF BEEF BEEF HHHH $$.$$ frXK"KHHfr