The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 15, 1919, Image 1

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    fElt lEitgitmg IteraH
Year-No. 3,703
Price, Five Cents
!PS i
On the Way to the Barbecue
wtess Arc "
it 1
Ltland wins cup
". niv Tram Elk
We WW for WIA.W -f
3,1-laIUnnon of IVn. -2tod-M...r
Baker IM.U
Jjw, Will. BllrrlnB A.Wmw.
- 1 fmirillercil
-Bill camo, '
naitk WU in the opoiilnu ! of
l.-lar rjlon Pi Hi" Millo
IflU tut" -
(onrcntlon of Iho Kiln
Ksrdir hd -.1. jarfron 1 .11 .l.wt
,ftlU itloV over .lult limn JI.UM
ha, ill orer Hip UH- Vurpl.. bo--...k.folornfllK'
! ""' ,,v(,r'
tlltycn bttflnw lmil iw head
tt ' Bin."
iltbongh the i;rcol-r jmri 01 him
wmltic "l"1" '" ,:"m,1K nr"
(tinted and rcslili-rlntr l Hi" I'lk"
topis the IukIii.- b.-hhom nf Hi"
Wte mil rltiiMlnlii roiitnst llwmcd
tie eirlr afternoon
rortUnd took flroi linwirn liy wlu-
U honiillful 11 .0 H Kin-
dr lo'lnn P I" competition
SMford lodRC In tho rltunllittlo con.
lot Onlr after canful consideration
ud deliberation were ill" JuiIroH lib'
tomrd the run to Hi" llu f'ltv
tiim The con on it binds of Mi
point wa SI r point for l'orllnti'l
uOJl for Medford 11 will lio nee
nary for Portland to win tli" cup
tie follow inR )ear In order to un
ptrmanept poMcatlon of It I'ortlanil
Till meet the winner of tlm rllunlls
tlt tmteit ilaeeil hv tlin stale lllki"
usodillon of Washington nt North
Tdlma not sock
All ui butting In the lobbies of tho
Hit lodge following tlui business
nuIod and rltuallntlc content Snlnm
deleittei cre hero, there, mill
trerjrwhero lth their putillrUj- n'1'
lor the 1920 convention tlml thoy
in after, Marshflold needed only to
ftplir Itt large badge to lull of
1U desire of 1921 Demi wns on thu
Joh ill the while. Humors that llr"
ta. of Portlanil, Ik tho lamHm
alldite for president of tho Mato
woclatlon for next yenr, opposed '
. alenndcr of Pendleton, were
nnpant. Jliamlo Olson, of tho Port
lad Orejonlan, Is the only cnndl
tw far for lbs office of statu so
tntuj. I'uder the blue hcnons hoiiio 2500
wurt townspeople worn thrlllo.i
"rto the trout iIm,.-.. ......i.i..
... '"."IJ lt-H'llllllJ
;t a held last night Tho sponk-
"nauorm wa tho utops of tho KlkH
Wfe The audlonco wis pnntol ell-
Wlj below tho Btnlrs on tu.nporary
Wthei that ur .. ....
t. Hundred Mood thioushiiut
"MW0 hour lirni.rn...
m that held hla aiulloneo. "Wo
SSL,;W undermine our in-
etthiB. . " r" ar 0l,r '"ros
f, ? "' cl,"" "lomiy woathor
'Elte".that ' fnooo that tho
Wfl .. 0ft,lomo,ortho
a w&, g)ven , .
railDltu,. , .hub -
,:Clr;!",, rnffl"
- no Eik L ?! ',0 wns oortn,n
"" a worth. faU ,0 ntr,,lutQ
' 2 ? m0aM,nK of Rlk-
1M..I. . "ei1 tin fnn.i .,
..". i: .1! fl to.-
, 7urrecenf jLT""""" ttUny aur-
V'.kof then
rvMSBRvVs jEBBBBjeBMpeL' (Mj2LiviviviviViwBLTivJPlBTTrrBHRBBBjN
A $G00 illamonil rlka' tooth,
which Is on dlHplay at t'pp'a Jewelry
ntoro, will ho rafflrd off during tho
(invention, In tho hopr-s that $li,000
enn ho raised to ho turnnd over to
tho widow of tho former Jimmy
Hannon of Pendleton.
Mr. Hannon, who traveled for the
ItiJHHoll-OlllKjrt Candy company, died
hoiiio time ago. Ho loft a wifo and
, (ho children, tho youngest having
,hccn horn since his death. It Is tho
Intention to hulld a homo for" Mrs.
' Hannon and her family from the
money dcrlted from tho raffling of
.tho elks' tooth.
WIMj IlhCitt'lT JiKKK.
149,900 DAK
Ford Garage on Main Street
Is Gutted
Lieutenant John K. Howell, of the i
United States army finds recruiting '
I so thriving a business In the Rogue
Klver valley that lio has planned on
being in Klamath Kails to handle re
cruiting In this county for a wee!
.so Tho Lieutenant will ho accompan
ied by Sergeant O'Donell, Sergeant
Kane, and Private Griffith
Adjoining Property Is Seriously
Threatened by Flames In Spectac
ular Convention Flro Forty-e
Machines Are Reduced to Scrap
Iron Volunteer Fire Fighters do
Valiant Work in Sating Property.
Stunts by Slate Lodges Will KiirnMi
Pent uies for the lllg Victor- Pa
i radc Prizes Will Ho Awarded to
i Contestants.
3000 ELKS OFF !
rfin ninnrniir
I III! Ilnlllll I III
run DHnDLuuL
fit-rat Crowd Lenten Town for Iho
IVuit t Open .lr Ati'pMllientH
at llnrrlnutii lodg on l'iwr
Klnniatli Ijike.
'o city nro yours,"
' Klainntl, pn8. w, r
srMl M. . - "tj
i? -wur i th ..
,llElk,;n ;,.Blru,,, ' wolrom.
llnue'l on pag0' 4)
Just nB tho Kllcs nurgeil Into Klam
ath Foils on Thursdny. so this after
noon they will lenvo us but only for
'a time,
I Tho purplo nrrow of Klkdom ntmi
toward Horrlman Lodgo. Hargo,
Inunch, motor boat, row boat, Pl-rc
.Arrow nnd Ford will nil have their
I heads pointed for tho nmibltbontr
among tho trees ot the old homo of
tho lato K, II, lltirrlmiin, where tholr
Ihlggest single nttrnrtlon of the con
vention will ho sot thl afternoon be
ginning nt 4 p. in.
Few hills nro left In town. TIioho
that nro will ho torry they remained
hen tho tnles of tho great fenst and
times nro brought back to Klnmath
Falls by tho 3000 Klks nnd their
families who will enjov tho barbe
cue nnd lodgo stunts this nftornonn.
Tho first of 1000 Flks or
mom left KInmnth Fnilsnt o-an t'-'-"
morning from tho FJks lodge In r.O
motor trucks and 20 touring cars
that burned tho roadH to Shipping
ton, to moot tho barges that woro
waiting to tnkn tho hungry "Hills"
to tho sceno of nctlon. Tlks wore
pnckocl so tightly In tho cars that
thov felt as If ovory wonror of tho
nntlor about thorn wns a rival In size
ot Grant Portlo, tho 300 pound "htp
po" from Albany, Oregon,
Not nil tho fun will bo onjovod nt
tho Imrbocun. llnnilR, nnd Merrv
making thnt only tho Klks enn put ov
er, kopt tho four largo hnrgoa that
made tho 30 mile Journoy to Hnrr'
mnn Lodgo rocking In tho waters of
Upper Klnnmth Lnko. Kfltlmntcs nro
thnt closo to lliOO Klks and their
families woro transported on tho
wntor nnd as many moro prossod
nvorv nvnllablo four-whoelod motor
ear Into snrvlco to bring thorn to tho
spot tuckod In nmong tho great pin on
and firs of Hnrrlman Lodgo.
And wlmt n fonst nwnlts tho hun
gry. Think of It. "nill" will ont throo
largo Elk, hoof, lnmh nnd vonlsnn
wolghlng 4R00 pounds, Export hnr
bocuo men undor M. II, Keof, of Snl
Inas, nro carefully roasting tho por
tions on grent spits. Eight hundred
pounds ot beans, along with 100 gal
lons of splcoy salsa, and 1000 lonros
ot French bread will bo used to till
ovory "Dill" who Joins tho long enfo
torla serving line about 4 p, m.
A great stage hns been propared
for tho merr makers of tho state
lodges Stunt men from Pendleton to
Bend will "Jazz" till tho audience
rrles enough, If such a thing la pos
sible -Pep" Brandenburg augurs for
tho peppery ness of tho affair and
"Pep" hns a past that bepeaks his
know lodge of whits what In peptlmn
Music will ho furnished by the double
male iuartet that sang so delight
fully last night nt tho Victory assem
bly Salem, Portland and tho local
baud under Jim Newnham will keep
tho bnrubccucr.s feet tapping, while
they fill their every want In tho way
of food.
I "Hill" will come back but at Just
what hour It Is hard to say. In tho
enrly hours of Saturday morning If
you nro nwakoncd by a mighty roar
ot voices, that sound as tho roll of
thunder, you can be assured that-the
3000 Klks that made tho bnrbecuc
tho biggest feature hnvo returned to
tholr homos for a few hours rest prior
to tho day of days that awaits them.
On account of tho Elks being out
of town nt tho bnrbncun, tio '
round boxing progrnm that was scln
diilod for tonight will bo postponed
until Saturdav night K S 30 p m
Mnnnger Sanford made this nniiounco
ment today, after mnnv of the Elks
who planned to go to tho barbpcue,
asked him to postpono tho bouts 'n
order that thoy could ,eo them.
A largo crowd wltnossed Inst
night's program thnt wns a hummer
nil tho way. Far nnd away tho best
bout wns that botweon Loulo Lyons
nnd Danny Wnrdoll. Tho hsnton-hoys
woro gnmo nil tho way and displayed
n world of norvo. Earl Rlchlo was nil
too powerful for his opponent and
put him nwny with n sleep-producer.
Cireat lntorost nomng tho fans Is
holng evidenced In tho bout Satur
day night botweon nobby Allon and
Toboy Mlllor who aro scheduled for
n ton round go nt 14 G pounds. Thoy
nro In tho pink of condition nnd
should put up a battle-royal. Eight
eon othor rounds are In lino with
nanny O'Brien tho Portland woltor
wolght, champion of tho 91st divi
sion, blllod to moot Hobby Wuugh in
n six-round speclnl ovont.
Decision Is Reached in the Famous
Fnrd-Chicago Tribune $1,000,000
Libel Cnsc, After Hard-Fought
Ixgal Rattle.
Shortly nfter tho Ford Onrngo flro,
tho dopartmont was callod to 101"
Jefferson stroot, where n cabin own
ed nnd occupied by Arllo Worrell wns
In flames. Tho structuro nnd contents
wore ronsumod. Tho causo ot tho flro
Is unknown,
MOUNT CLEMENS. Mich. Aug. 15.
Tho jury In tho Henry Ford $1,
000,000 libel suit against the Chi
cago Trlbuno nwarded Ford six cents
in damages today. The case, during
the long period that evidence was be
ing heard, attracted country-wide in
terest, Involving ns It did the nation's
loading manufacturer.
It was on Juno 23, 1916, nfter Mex
ican bandits had raided Columbus. N
M. nnd nnd military preparedness was
a burning Issue, not only because of
the Mexicnn menace but because of
the conflagration In Europe, that the
Chicago Trlbuno printed its famous
editorial headed "Ford Is an Anar
chist." Editorial writers of tho Tribune
testified that thoy had followed Mr.
Ford's paclflsttc prcpagandn. hut had
not rocognlzod It ns n real danger to
the country until a news Item wns re
ceived from netrolt thnt Mr. Ford
wns trying to discourago the recruit
ing ot tho guard which had been or
dered to the nio CJrande. The Item,
authenticity of which was denied br
Ford witnesses, stated that tho Ford
company would not pay tho salaries
of employes who wont to tho border
hold their places for them nor care
for their dependents.
It was then thnt tho edltorlnl was
written. It called Mr. Ford nn "Ignor
ant Idoallst" and remarked that his
views on disarmament might bo dif
ferent if his factories wero on tho Itlo
Ornnde instead ot the peaceful Cnn
ndlan border.
Counsol for tho manufacturer .it
first filed suit In tho federal court nt
Chicago, but lator wlthdrow it and
instituted proceedings In tho stnte
court at notrolt. Horo tho Tribune
applied for a change ot venue nnd
Judgo-Jnmos O. Tuckor, of tho Cir
cuit court of Macomb county, at Mt.
Clements, wns ngrood upon to henr
tho Solecilon of n Jury bognn
M.iy 12, It comlstcd of cloven f am
ors nnd one rodbullder.
A fenturo ofUho case wns tho pro
duction by iho defendant ot mn-o
than twenty witnesses from tho Mex
ican border to testify to raids, mur
der' and othor nets which to tho .nln I
ot Trlbuno counsel established the
fact that there wns a condition of an
nr!hy along the I rider.
Everything Is In readiness for the
big Elks parade, which will march
promptly at 4 o'clock tomorrow af
ternoon from the Baldwin hotel..
There will h0 two floats, three bands,
marching soldiers and sailors, and
each visiting chapter will march, be
sides a platoon of uniformed police.
Prizes will be awarded to the
most unique showing and the best
general appearance. Tho third prize
is to bo announced later. The prizes
consist ot two elk heads and a pic
ture ot Crater Lake. Judges for tho
occasion are: Frank A. McMinamln,
Exalted ruler Heppner Lodge No.
180; Frank Lelneweber, Past Exalt
ed Ruler ot the Astoria Lodge No.
358 ,and Wilson S. Wiley, Past Ex-'
alted Ruler of tho Klamath Chapter
No. 1247. I
Lodges all over tho state will turn
out In full numbers for tho big pa
rade that will be one ot the features
of the day. Just what stunts will
be pulled oft are unknown, but as
surance has been given by Salem,
Bend, Marshfleld, Portland and oth
er lodges that they have something
thnt will make the natives take no
tice. I
The Klamath float, which the
Miles Sign company has been work
ing on for the past two weeks, will
bear Dorothy Martin as queen on a
canopied, gold-and-lpurplo throno
at the extreme back of tho car. She
will be accompanied by seven of tho
lovoliest ot Klamath's young ladles,
who will assist her In guarding tho
largo Elk emblem which Is to stand
In the center of the float, toward tho
front. The whole thing will be a
bower of -purple and white flowers
nnd draperies, carrying out the color
scheme of tho convention.
Ashland, tho mother lodgo of
Southom nnd Eastern Oregon, will
lead tho big parado tomorrow, with1
n cleverly arranged float, boarlng tho
title of No. 357 and her children,
which tho Ashland ladles are con
tributing to the big convention.
Ashland, the mother lodgo, will
bo represented by tho most beautl-i
ful woman In Ashland, who will ride,
woll toward tho back ot tho car. On.
one sido a lady, who came originally,
from Klamath County, will repro-
sent the. Klamath Chapter, while,
Medford has a lady on tho othor side.
ot the Mother. Bend, the "baby"
lodge, will be on tho float, as well as
hor older sisters. As tho front of'
tho car Is approached the real fea-
turn of tho whole thing Is placed in
tho form of a big healthy, Tollable
stork, with ono eye cocked toward
some rushes, bearing tho sign, "Ex
pectations In Yrekn."
Tho flowing draperies at tho side
ot tho float will bo hold by young
ladles, who danco nlong carrying
baskets ot peaches, lending a living
and beautiful touch to tho whole
Forty (thousand dollars dtamago
was caused to tho machines, accessor
ies, and Interior of the Ford Garage
and machine shop at Ninth and Main
Streets in a spectacular fire that
broke out last night about 10:45 p.'
m , and for 30 minutes or moro jeop
ardized tho surrounding property
within a 200 foot radius.
No ono seems to know exactly how
tho fire started. It seemed as if tho
entire building were a seething mass
before the crowd3 that packed tho
streets could realize exactly what had
happened. According to E. L. Hosley,.
Joint owner of tho garage along with
Ed, John, and Charles Martin, tho
fire probably started in the wash
room from some unknown cause.
Four people were In the garage at ,
the time and their only recollection.
Is the springing up of flames about
them Just as they were ready to run.
their cars out of the garage.
In a minute the flames were shoot
ing to the skies, which coupled with
the moan of the fire siren, brought
great crowds ot merrymakers to the
scene. For blocks about spectators
watched the flames leap higher and
higher until it looked as it the prop
erty across Ninth Street would be
caught in the flames. Fully 1000 peo
ple watched the fire from the lawn
ot the schoolhou3, directly in front
of the garage.
Six lines of hose played furiously
from several sides of the building
and succeeded In choking off tho
flames from the Klamath Avenue
and Main Street entrances of the
building. Once the fire was localized
in the center of the building, where,
great quantities of oil were located.
It w-as certain that it could spread no
Crowds that gathered to the sceno
of the fire immediately hurried-into
the rapidly burning building and
rolled out no less that 75 cars of alt
makes. Most of those saved had their
tops burned off and bodies damaged.
Spectators carried out close to $700
of accessories from the Main Street
entrance of the garage. Forty five
machines were completely ruined n
the conflagration.
Several tourists, who motored hero
for the state Elks convention, lost
their cars in the flro. Among them
is state senator W. T. Vinton, of
McMInnvllle, who drove to Klamnth
Falls with state senator Gus Moser.
ot Portland, Harry Waggoner, chief
salesman for the Apperson Motor
Company ot Portland, is minus his
big Apperson Six.
Only the quick action and willing
ness of some 50 volunteer firefight
ers saved the surrounding property
from destruction. Elks from over the
state forgot their convention pleas
ures and owrked for hours in calming
the flames. Even Mayor George L.
Baker of Portland, rushed to tho
scene and aided materially In direct
ing tho fighting.
Bucket brigades and two garden
hoso that were played on the side
and roof ot George Blehn's house,
located Just west ot the garage on
Klamath Avenue, saved it from going
up In the flames. Much furniture
and bedding was carried out of the
liouro by on-lookers, when It a.'f oar
ed certain that the homo would he
Tho building is owned by George
Blehn and Is partially covered by in
surance. He is uncertain exactly what
his loss will amount to. Martin Broth
ers and Hosley moved In tho garage
last April and kept one of the most
up-to-dato and modern garago? te-
(Continued on page 4)