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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1919)
PACn MOST THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THUHHOAY, AUOUST 1 1, l0B HELLO BILL! Glad You Kum! Step In Hello! STORE i 'I LI IT REST LENOX, Mas . Aug 14 With tho simplicity that characterized his career in life, Andrew Carnegie, mil lionaire steel magnate and philan thropist, was laid at rest today at Sleepy Hollow, near Tarrytown. No eulogy and no elaborate cere monies were given at tho" funeral of the man who set a mark for giv ing a fortune for philanthropic pur poses. Only tho Carnegie household and Immediate fiTends were pre sent. Tho Presbyterian ritual was used. PEPPERY PEP ARTIST HERE TO START JAZZ Among tho notables who arrived 'n th. d. luxe Tlks" special train was George O. Brandenburg. bettor known to Elks of the northwest is "Pep". The sojourn of "Pp" 'In Klamath Falls will be a busy one. is It Is he who Is in charge of the stunts at Pelican Bay tomorrow afternoon and evening. , "Just say for me that I'm glad .o ! be here", said 'Pep' this morning. "And I want the "Pep" committees i of all lodges to be ready to jazz to- morrow. Nothing In tho way of fun I is barred and the only question now ' Is what lodge of the state will pro ! duce the most unique stunt." I To All Members MILLMII.Y ANI llOXM.YKEKS Local 1701 At the Theatres Thore wll bo no meeting dur- lug this week, owing to Elks celebration. Witch for notice of special meeting. 13-2t SECRETARY. NOTICE. t The ladles of tho Presbyterian Aid Society will give a llrst class homo cooked dinner nt the Odd Fellows Hall over tho Temple Theater. Thurs day, Friday, and Saturday. Will bo gin serving promptly nt 11:30 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BABY HORN A nine pound baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dorner at their home at 2 West Main street last Saturday. Cigars are regularly exported from the Philippines to forty countries. notice. AH Catholics can attend mass to morrow nt the Sacred Heart Church at the corner of Eighth and High Streets at C and S a. m. Friday, Aug ust loth, Is a holy day of obligation. It Is said that a single drop of nic otine will kill a rabbit In three and a halfnilnutes. CHEVROLET 4-30 Mechanically A. 1 Price 1 425. Inquire. Eagle Peel Hall. 14-6t WANTED A camp cook and wait ress Address T. W. Phenegor, Ft. Klamath. 14-3t Say "Bill" you better get over and see Taylor and Smith tho Insydo Tyre men before their stock Is tak en by the autolsts that are going up for the barbecue. No more blowouts If you drop around at 119 North Fourth Street, between Mala and Pine Streets. Adv. H. N. MOE, Proprietor Welcome B.P.O.E We're Mighty Glad You're Here We express the sentiment of eveiy man, woman and child of Klamath Falls, we believe, when we say that we feel that a great honor has been conferred on this city by your coming. Possession of the city is yours, and we'll try hard to make every minute of your stay here enjoyable. We are proud of Klamath Falls, its past and future we are bound to progress nature has been lavish in the bestowal of re sources. Ask any resident to tell you why this will be a greater city the next time you come. We are like the child that is grow ing so fast that the clothing of yesterday is too small today so, should you find some of the comforts of home lacking, try to bear the little inconveniences with a smile. We want the days' you spend here pleasantly remembered. 'tarn. And when you get back home, Speak a good word for Klamath Falls. . So that all of our employes may more fully ented into the spirit of the occasion, , (THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY AFTERNOON , ' J.icqiKM of tho Silver North.", wHch SWect Pictures offers tonight to tho patrons of the Star Theatre with Mitchell I.owls as the stnr, Is a story of tho Northwest country and ii man who loved n woman with hU 'heart, soul nnd body. I In loved her as only men of tho North ran love. He gavo all and naked nothing In re turn. With n song In his heart nnd a lnugh on his lips, Jacques- I.a Rougo came and went to nnd from tho trad ing post whoro Memory Ilalrd lived with her fnther, an old pioneer. When sho was trapped Into mnrrylng Trot fery, n product of tho cllto and an outlaw In tho north, It was Jacques who saved her. When she met nnd loved Warren Sherman, a man from tho Stntes who had gone North to re deem himself, It was Jacques who helped hor. It was always Jacques and ho finally received his reward In happiness. With the passing of tho years Caleb Conovor was reputed to be worth sixty millions of dollars, nnd ho was tho acknowledged "boss" of his state. His meek llttlo wife oould hardly realize tho wbalth and power that worn her huHlmud s Shu stood In uwo and foar of him llu hud become the slave of nvirli'C, blind to tho mi mis ami methods of IiIh achieve monts fliultiod to it lii.ul of en or mid Ignor.mco. blinded liv corrupt pas dons, ho could not in In Ills trusted secretary and Intellect that would tin tlcruilne him. Hut by his own no tions and the keen mind of a woman his earthly treatures and possessions were swept away. Then t'nnov;er i uni ties success, tho pohbumImi of one true friend. See (Jeorgo Fawcctt In "Tho Rail roader," nt thu Tomplo Theatre to night. Many of tho most interesting hceiios In "Tho Shell Came," a Met ro picture starring Emmy Wehlen, wheh Is tho nttrnctlon nt tho Liberty Theatre today wore stnged In an elab orate and spacious hotel sotting that was built nt tho Metro studio. "The Shell fliuim" Is a plcturiziitlou of Kenneth L. Roberts' Saturday Even ing Post story "(lood-WIll nnd Al mond Sholls." In appointments, this sot which oc cupied practically nil tho floor space of tho big Htudlo was lis follows entering from tho street on the left was located tho office of tho hotel clerk thu cnnhlorV off Ico nnd then the manager's office. Next to these wcro two elevators botweon which on tho wall was placed n iwu .iMon t'nltcd Ht'iliM Mull lln with i i r,i limlalll chute iKiiiing from I. r mra abore. t I lie lnuk n i1 VjJ the i irr and m.ii'u n , a jnaj nt.ilre.isi a-iil ili i iov, To the i Iglit rear w.n i i urlllnj loom, nnd at the ih i .n was the ball-ioom. Tho whole set waa butt' murlilu finish, glum nUtuI ef fort. Tho sotting limit t the otter rooms of the hoi, I . n kceplcj with the elaborate l I i ami cult this Metro screen put noteworthy In respect to hotting- I imsuallr ef fective lighting effni. secured for the taking of tin renes In thli ; fascinating screen romance. Tho patrons of the I.llicrlr IH enjoy a good show luilav as there lll bo two big comedy pictures i wen ih tho feature which will be "Ttt Shell Came", utiiiriug Kiniiir Wrel en. Charlie Chaplin appears In 'The l.andhiy'H Pets" and Charlie Is u funitr im ever. There will also be t big Keystone, Comedy entitled "Her Dramatic Debut." Tliursdny only cat this big how bo Boon. iiemi: roniii.NC -Titut wlifit viii'l, liein InoklQC for Everything tho nppetlto deniwli mid the market nfronln. noam or day, week or month. 8, (. .on. 721 Plum St., near Oak St We are Headquarters for V ogans H i i i I Chocolates and have a fine fresh shipment on hand for our trade Visiting Elks will find their favorite packages here, including Vogan's Brazil Nuts One pound $1.50 Half pound 80c Paramount $1.30 Nuts and Fruit 70c .and $1.35 The Rexall Store :i''.M, i , i