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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1919)
l-.AUmiHTM into. PAGR SEVER THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ''COME OPI "MHE AD'S . i Mamr MS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS! ccnR SAli" i FOR SALE " ii in i jW'"i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS. lCncli liiiMiiin being tnkcn about I 'eighteen breaths a minute, or nearly 20,000 a day. HELLa B1LL1 Tc r now In (lie bn.l of oppor t.nlir. Tbli l your fmr to Kin In ground floor n lrnig tlm Jn act.." .o HOST I'AHS IT IT. if It'u kmlncm InveMmcnt, n hnmr, ,r firm lands, both Improved ami MtaproTfd, I can Mtlify you Men are low In Klnmnth County today, They nr.i not kohik .. l,t "hlnhfr." and It's up t" " to GET IN NOW. I hue all tho money you "''" '"' XtWtt purposes on lK l""11 I''"' ntnti, with low liiteretil rates. AIM) ,jtacf for tho bot Kllli: and MKK lNSriUSCK companies In Amurlra. THE NEW YOHK I-TI'i:. At joar acrrlce Monday imirnltu;. Atrmt 18th. Sou mo. r wrllo for pirtleulars. JAMKS U WATKIXN .ill. Ttmborary offlce. 020 .Main sirei-l, lth ItoilRo, tli tullor. ruu won FOR SAI.K MY OWNER On., of tho I bout 120 n i'rn alfalfa ranches In tho Kliimtitli I'rojitct. Kncltmcd i t J i ' woven wire feme. Price includes aliout 4 T0 toiiM of hay all paHturni;o - machinery Mini work Muck Price i 120,000. Terms Thin Is a .snap. Ad dress or fall 1731 Huron Street. Mot Springs Ailillllon Phono 2 3 : M KS-lt KOIl I kooiI heavy teiuii mill luiriii'HM, :i coming .1 your old rollH and 3 roinliiK 2 year old colts or will trade for Klamath Falls residence property- liiijulro Cor. Crescent Ave anil Miiiuaullu Street., K. K after li.oo o'clock. 1 3-2t I own MO Acre land Sec. 30. Tp II, R. 14 Fast Klnmnth Co. (inning Hditock land, lime home kooI llm ttr. I karen't aojmiso for It and wunt tottlUIake an offer AddreH MKIn to Mitchell, 202 M Stark St., 1'ort und, Oregon. 4-2CI TOR SALB (loo'd Jersey Cow nlno three good Iota, fenced anil In bur- b and frnlt finest Uw In Klum- a. Call 707 Cypres Avenue. Illvur- llde Adlll!t(innr ii.l.1r..uu f. I...... ..I. h --...-.. u, ...lit, von i,. I' inn ii, Bm 7. ii.ii. r. JAJ,EOno of the liont located MUHortain thorlty. (130 x 210 ht'J ls ?fl,(!rty I" offered nt n wealg and Ii uiu ., .... ... Z ? V' A-lllmoa- Sc'"'i ""' 8li MrettB. i..,f 7V: ..'". 'rk 1. ii Mock VV ii V"'1 '0,H '- """ TheiVil . ' ",1 a,rl,,KH Addition. W Hkntnt of nn entate Address "Uhttwn,. Hotel I lull. X-tf o'f-2 "MiiiT UW- Mil- 7B WUH """ ""IWIIU Wat t,lw" 1,lro ";,:, - n-m- Buliv i, . "afwTi1?.0 .,:1Jr.tet ""llllini!. Wartm " """"r ll Head- nt Fa,. -. UIL HIT r. , "rei la fin. ii "' ,'(,",,H W(lr' iolll. wiS! ,hn.P0, I,rlr" ln !s2Licy?,,8ov,,,,2fl1:,,ri tO01n cottni... " "iruwiieci two r',0-T 1 'i'' IR1 whool hill lltf . 'UK Rll i. lUIV Illun nl. . Mfa h.r:"?oi nn "last..; ni'" il!1itiirn ("all :!:ti nono 217 M. Js-tf ""Mnnui I au ""T'': .nmnoct- ' ..WJinii! i, , " jMl biami Mccniium. 'rosiALir:T-- "ii, 0r, h'l"m Joluwui, M0r. 'H-Ct KOU HAI.i:- One of the IiohI Iioimi-h In the city. I'rleo reammalile-- Termit. Call 17.11 Huron St Hot SprliiKN Addition 13-tf STI'DKIIAKKIl lltlll for mile; KlrHt el (nn condition. J mid Low, 23 Main Street. 31-tf Antrakhan cookliiK npplen for niiIm at IOC South Itlverxldo. !3-3t f-'OU SAI.P MllBt ell. Illlproveil realdenet. lot See 1008 Main St 7lf t'l'MNITt,'lllvfor Hale, fir vdn St Alum is-ir i"'ev" i"'vm fr v,i.l ii.'. HELP WANTED COOK U'ANTKli Dairy Store and Muln Hi. - Meadow-Mori. DellcaleHnen. 20S 13-21' VVANTKD. An experienced Ironrr. Home laundry. Thouu 421. 22-af FOR SA1.1 Uy iivMier u nlco liomii I'rleo right TeriiiH easy. Tliuru are many po'ilhllllleji In thin piopor t; III South Hlvernhlu. 12-tf WANTKD (llrl for ! work and cooklntc nree, Uly, OreKon. Keiieral liouse- Mm. ). (I. I.ali- 1-tf WANTKD Kxperlenrnd nomnn to take churn') of laundry S't loos Main St I3.:tt I fifty (out lot on Mlchl in avmuc, near Main One 25 (U lot on Droad it, near Klamntli ave. Both will be aold for rcuxonnhlu pricei. Call at 20(1 Michigan uvu., or U!phoae JMH. 12-41 UANdK flood for stock flco. FOR RFNT KOU IlKNT -2100 nrrrn. Inquire, Herald of-S-tf ltOOMR Ave. TO IlKNT Wi Klamath 13-21 KOU IlKNT hed room. 17. -Nrnlv fnrnlKlied front 4 1U I'lnu St. or Phone 13-3t I'lirHiiimt in ordinance and order of the Common Cumuli of the dry or Klamalh I'alln, Oreimn, nollco in I'ernliy nlven (hat piopohiiIh will lie teielvi'd hy H.ild common loimcll for maklni: ihe Impr ivi-menl ili'HlKUed for Hill Imiirovemeiil of Hoveiilli hIh el flom WinliliiKlou Hlrei t iiorlh eil; to Prospect Mlreet, Primped Ml I eel flom n'nveiith Hlreet norlh-weHli-rly lo Kli'lilh Hlri'et mid .leffer mm Htreui from rtiivnutli Hlreei eiiHter ly to elf;hth Htieet. Iiicliidliii'. Inlur Hei'tloux. Said propiiHi'il Improvement lo he made In nciordiince with the tilatiH Hllil NpeeiriiallotiH of (he City lincln eer, and i.pprovecl by the hiiIiI Com mon Council, ami In accordance with 'Oldluan ii No 1DH adopted oil tho i llh day of AiikuhI III III, and hy tin ilimyoi approved on the filli day of AtiKtiHt rjl'.i. Said plain and cHtlmntc and Hiiecl-' flcnlloiiH belli,; on file with tlm City I ICiiKlueer. The proposed Improvement will bo let In ono contract, and the lime In whli Ii the huuio Ik to be completed Ih i fixed by hiiIiI ordinance for Nov. 1 Ht. TJlll. IIIiIh miiHt he filed with the Police Juile.o for HiibmlHHlon to the Council, at IiIm orricc In tho cj ball not later' than K o'clock p. m. of the ISIh day of AiiniiHt I!) l!l, al which linn' and placo propoHalK will be opened and coiiHldered Kach propiiHal miiHt be acciimpauled by a (erllfled check on koiiio roHpoiiMlble bunk to the amount of .1 per ci nt of the iiKcreKiile nmoiint of the proposal, lo he forfeited by tile hiii ces iful hlitiler upon failure to liter Inlo conttact and bond for tin ralihful iiimptetlou of the Improve ment In acdinlanie with the plan ami KpecificalloiiH The city nf Klam ath KiiIIm renervliic the rll-'ht to reject iiim Mini all prnpoHulx for makliiR Hiild Improvement The nvtnril lo tlie HiiccesHful bidder for luakitiK the proposed Improve ment U hereby made contingent up on Hie Kale of tho IioiiiIh aiithorlzeil to provide fnnilH fur maklni; nald Improvement. Dated al Klamath Kails. Oregon, HiIh Kth da of AimuHt. l'.U'J. A I. I.KAVITT. Police .ludKe of the City of n-lot Klamath I'hIIh, OreKon. In the ( In up 'olirt of the Slate of Oregon. Tor Klamath County. J II. Kan.l.l. Plaintiff, Vs Kleanor A Ki.tiKht. Defendant. SI'MMONS , Prill.ICATION To l''eniier KaiiKhl the above iitiiuei! defendant- In the Name of Hie Hate of Oregon' You nre hereby required lo appear and aiiHwnr Hie complaint lllid iiKntnjt ou In tho above entitled suit, on or before the 3tli di'V of Aui'iiHt. run. that helm; ihe Inst il'iv w'tliin wl'lcb ilcfendnnt Is allowed in answer herein, ns fix ed liv the com-t for tiubllcatlnn nf hiiiiiiiioiih herein- ee.l If vou fall fo lo tuiHwer the tilnl""ff will nnnlv to Ibe court for Hie r,.lo nrnved tor ,rl Urn comolalnt filed herein, to-wlt: for a decree of the nuirl Hint tho bond of miiMmnnv nnv "xlitlnR be tween "lalxli'f and ilefep.'nnt li" fr' ever illKsolveil' for Repernl rellof and for nlntntlff'H costs and dlHhurRe me"i. herein, Tti'n Hiii'Hiinns In publlHlied In Thr '"'.ninir Iternld a n"WHimnr pub lished lit Klninnlb 'n I" vrinnMi ruMwl.' Owo"l I"' n"'1". n , lTn. ornhln L. K. Conn, JihIrp of Bald court iiiln.l irtii dnv n' T n A Ii mm llrecllne' Miri imtTimriti. fo i on nub lube! nrv !. ilmn once a week for hy ',t,"l"' .,.nl-n rnn o' '"'-"I Pi'.iiTi1lon hereof 'p 1 7th day of Jiilv. 1mo (. ....,- ..,,. fn, I'lnlntl" Nn. 121. Vn i.-.,,,...,,, yn Droi'on 17.l-3t.T.1 '."I." Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. MectH Krlday nlitht of each weik nt I O O K hall, nth and Main utreotH. P J Citkch , N. 0.; Fred Mromor, Seirelary; P I.. Knuntnln TreaHtiror. Kuatinn Kncampmerit No. 46, I. O. O K , meelH TuiiHilny nlRht of ench week at I. O. O. K. hall. Arllo Wor nl, c p ; Nato Otterboln, Scribe; P I. Kountaln TreiiBurer. DIl. W. M. IlIiKVTlIINa, SPECIALIST In DIBKAHF.S of tho HKAIIT nnrl NMHVOUH HVHTI'1. 420 Main Street. Phono 4C9 I PROFESSIONAL CARDS CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work nf nil Kind mid lloollnit Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Ovua Mrs. Ilosn McDaniels, 301 High St Phone 455 Livery, Feed and Stable Sales Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Ixn Trips Our Specialty Iteawinablo Ilntot TIIK PARISIAN IIKAIJTY SHOP Pacini MnssaKlnK. Hlenclilii( and I'aclal Packs Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Treatment 510 Main Phono nOO -i0 ."MtrfrWstMKrrt u n ceui rrr I K-:MK-X-MK KATHERINE SCHLEEF Pliysldans and Hurftcoiu Office, White HIilK. Phone 10 822 Klamath Ave. Dassengers r and Baggage A.YYIIi:ilK IX Tim CITY yi'K'K SKIIVICK ItKASONAMI.i: HATICS I'llO.VH 1H7 WesternTransferCo. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. in. to 9 p. m. GOOD COFFEE AND REAli CREAM DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Trans Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone HOJ Itew Phone BOM AiAAAAAAAiAisAAAAAWiylW DR. CARTER DENTIST white nuiiiOixa phone iinr, MMMMAfAAMAAAfswwVsVsMrMfVaia .lisss..lss New City Laundry WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Shirts anil Collars laundered Wo also uash Milk, wool and col ored kooiIs very carefully. Try us once mid lie convinced. Our price nre right. Phone 154. 127 Fourth Street Hack of First National Hank Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 168 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. -xxxx!-x-: DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. PHONE Noel 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets vii It's a Long way to walk It you aro out In tbe country and find that the repair work you bad tlono doea not Blind up try ua and you'll ride and not walk. Hoagland & McCollurn Wo buy and sell New and Second hand Cam. Speak to as before jou buy. We can save yon mon ey. Watch for or -specials. Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 I.hs. 7.c FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dud) ! In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner .Main And Conger s . wx-w:-x:K-e-:-:::xM FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loornls nidg., Klamath Falls VMVVWVsssssssssaaltAM Pleasant 24011. bedrnom for Teni Phone I t ii I...V C..r of l. ..n .f For the Coiinlv of Klmn- LOST AND FOUND LOST KnlKhtN Templar Charm Fin der pletiHo leave It with Secretary of IClkH loditn and receive reward. 13-r.t 1.0ST--ilntiil Mm; and phnlo eiiHt- be Iweoii KlKhth and Illnh and Fourth and Muln StreelH- Return to Herald Office $5 Howard. 1 l-lt I.O.ST -Munch nf koyn. to Herald office. Finder reiurn i 1-21 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED PoHltlon an elerk. deliv ery man or Jitney driver hy yotniK num. Plume 4.10J, 11-41 WANTKD -A Hinall furnished house or apartment by yoiiiii; couple, No children. AddreHs Herald Office. 22 tf WANTKD Woman wnntH cookliiK lo do on rnnch or In camp. 22.12 Vino Avo. Mills Addition. 12-3t WANTED Hy experienced man and wlfo -n ponltlon on ranch. Stock rnnch preferred. Write P. O. Ilox 81- Merrill, Ort'Kim. 12-.It '.nil. m"i. Ill Tlir. M"Mer ,.f 'l.e l."s..( of MM- ff f ITititiinei I tAl vo'riei' is lieurnv f'Vl'V Tiint l''0 nnde'di'tteil Is f'o ilnlv nnno'nl. e.l nnnll'leil end n.,no' ndi"ln,sl'"i trlx of M" e.tnt" of Mnnn .1 "n-n- e (1ece""'l. 'I lin'stT'S linv'"" elnllim i."l?lt l' qnl.l efnn ...111 ..-nuellt '."'l. to Ml. mlMtlllFtTltrlx. duly Verified With VOIleliers nlt'."'- ed 'within Fix months from tim dnt" Mil. notice nl tbe v office of ii. M. Mnnnlnir. nltoi-nev for pn'd i"- I'llo nt h'0 "f"'"' ' I'll" T oo.n's "1111(11111;. Klamath Falls, Klnmnth pp-Miife Ore,'n' P,ir Hnnnr'lt ' Y of C'P fstntn nf A"Hnn J. Harper, deceased. 31-7-1 I-21-2S VOTICF T mn now prepared to fumlh 5hntn Sand from the Hoev. t'nm "and and rravel pit. In nnv nunntltv that in nv bo desired by contnictnrf and builders. AT. V CUATTAM THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Snort Orders Voodles Chill Con CarnI Open all 'night Just off Main on 7th A Uttlo off of tho Main street. ut it pays to walk HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange 11 other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tiros and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. 9Ui St. Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE fll i injxj- AJoruxrT sssssssSssstsHt I KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair tag New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmithing ALL WORK GUARANTEED J (UOTTC MJiT-l M IsldUIMU v SSSSSS.Sslssiy CITY AND COltVTV ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD . Osteopathic Physician Jt Surgeoa Aalte 21 1, I. 0. O. V. Tempi (over K. K. H. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon in Klaaatk rails.) FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Btdg. Phone 432 FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE IS? Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 170-J & I Elk CITY (1AHHAOE When you (larhnRo removed phono 111. want 11-tf TAKE NOTICE GLASS l of the HOT POINT Range All cimtomorH who have wiiHlilnr; . . . . nt tho PIiIiu'ho laundry on Klnmnth used at the Golden KOCl rrO Avo. Call Monday. 13-3t -- -1 ducts Demonstration at the WANTIOD WultreHH nt Ft. Klamath I"1"-1" " Hotel, Ft. Klnmnth, oro. , various groceries this week. TO KXCHANdlO FOR Klamath Co. J property, 240 nenvs Marion Co. , Ccr:wt iq turned from Ore., 7 Vi miles South of Salem 200 COOKing IS tUlIltll ixum iiC'frt In culltvatli) i; 30 acrea In I ear- . .ji.. ;,, nlnncuvn ivVion iiiK nrunos; inSicroH in lngiiniion-ioB; drudgery into picasuic wnen bulldliiBH and prima dryer. I i iu- iTrrrp TJnTMT1 3il room hotol DnlliiK. Orm;nn VOU COOK the HU1 1 UliN i UoiiIh for $'7fi.00 per month. Leave ' vnrd at lleriihrofflco, 1 1 lit WAY. All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. Phone me and I come and give you n prlco that will save you monoy. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. STUCKY. 1110 Main. Phono 340-W. Phono 4G0 729 Main, St. I co Cream Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.s Peel and Milliards Marhor Shop In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" Phone !l KM 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly nt 4! Main St Homc-Mnde Pics and Cukes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream nnd Fruits. SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers nnd builders of mod em Saw Mills, Pinning Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. W contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Olllce in K. D. Building .1. C. CliP.GHOKN Clill Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" IM MAIN ST. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & Klabznb Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Offlco phone, 1S1J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 1G1M 1909 Main St. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Wllllts Bldg. Klamath Falls t- Oregon f 3! WWVMAMMMsyMMMVtMMAMsMMWW X t X SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE HOCSH Short Order Meals Served. 73 Main Street KliAMATH FALLS, ORE. i 'i. y I .;..:..:-C"X,"X"-,",X"'M,s