F I II 10 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HKVKls .. AUdimr '-, TV"" rnME CJMIPI14HE ADS bit neeiismiry to satisfy hiiIiI Judgment, ullorii.iy'N fees, Interest, (lists mid disbursements iiml expenses of sale Milled hi Klamath Kails, Oregon, this 2!llh iliiy of July, A i l'U'i (II OltOK I. lll'MI'lllli;Y HhiTlff of K In inn l li Cf)iini, Oregon y,i r, u-i!i-2fi Mi'iici; I inn now piepari'd In furnl' li Klinstii Hand friuii lh lloev I inn hiiiiiI mill gravel pit . In miv (niiinliiy llinl tuny lie desired liy i ntiiriK turr iiml 1 1 ti 1 1 I r it Al, I' (iltAMAM (In in 1 1 hi m i r i ,tr Mhorl ii'i i. will ell din' li .il $: Mi in r on! nl our fill I'll lllilll fit I t In r II"1" I n ll In- Miii" i.i I'i't in Minr wind r lib" ki I i M I waunu Mux ( ii HtMiHWllJIH KfJIt TIIK HICHAM) PROFESSIONAL CARlv- Dlt. W. M. HI.EYTHINO, SPECIALIST in diseases of tim heart a nil NERVOPS SYSTEM. PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mntcrnlt CnieH Mrs. I'oia .McIlanlclH, 301 High St Phone 455 4 20 Main Street. Phone 4G9 -J Livoiy, Feed and Sales Oassengers and Baggage A" win. in: is 'inr; city Qt ICK SI ItVM n HI SMN HI,K HATES PHONE IH7 Western Transfer Co. 'I III: I'AKISIAV IJKAUTV SHOP j I'liiinl Ma"".i(.'ltiK. lile.ulilni; miilj I'iidal l';t(!s ( M.inl'urini! KtintnpooinB 1 Sfalp Treatment ) Stable .".111 Main Phono .100 j n Aut MI'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ILL STRIVfE TO SELL PRODUCTS I FOR SALE 0LD3HOHH I ',,,M jnd k iicLunu... rm rfiili , ii" in llonK 12 il mil SUE- owl,r ' "'"'"J I.'."1"" .V;''V,,,,,,'",,r,i,Mf" LEG AL,. NOTICES mitk i: iwrriNii i'Uoi'isi.s. I'll rtlii tl I lit iilillnnlH i mil uiiIt of III" ('(million CoiiihiI or tin- i I n( Klamath I'iiIIh, Orcein. inir.. I'cniliy Klvim tluit propim.ils wii in roielwd liy nil 111 riiliiliiuli tuini'il f'u making lln- Impr itemeut ii hikiii'ii fin Hi" llnprot union! of S"Viilli Sun I'ijiiii l ii I tnsl ti. Mm Mnv (in li llni'iins lics In Open I p I I'M rm- Miukcl fm Ciiliriiiiilit I'llilllll In. "TTmV I fifiv fmit lul ') Mlchl-.stiecl ft tun Washington titioit north FOItSAI.l--" ' . ., ;;, ft- ,j , Proupm-t ntn-.it; I'runpw: . i rnnii 't nnir Khiiimtli n. "tr.-oi finin .Seventh Mieet nortii Wl ? in b, Iiil'l for r.-.iiiiililo wi.iii.Tl t" i:i:lilliin-il mi.l I. fl.-r Eoia "' ,' ... iicii.in u , or win Mlli'nl front t-niv olltli Htrffl iimti-r- pric". -"" ja-lt" . ly t i'IkIuii ntn-ot. Inciuillut; ihiit- . - -'Mn'tlOIlH. an 'I'p Hiilil propoDi'il IniproMMtii'iit to ln with th- plan cii Ijir.in- leltphcno 25311 . i .. iprm innil Sit III'i '1 P n It II Katl Klamntlt ( tiriulliK mmlii In ncrordiuir.. wl ,,,! Itotk lOtlll. llllV" MHIl'l :"'l llm-,"ll'l HPfClflUlltlOIIN of till' uIHock mini. I""" """' ' , .,",'..,, ,. r....r,.i.,.,t i.v ii... .i.i i'.m tin- var nits i mini ru h iniori t.i thmrn't nil)' f"r It .tti'I ,vll,lt '"r ","1 r.pprouil liy (lie miIiI ( mn i ill Mitki' utHiffur A.lilr..H MKIn- miin Coiini-ll. mill In iiccor.liiii..) with I'.'ltu; "iiniilli.l (oticornlnn hr Jlilchvll. !2' H,llrk Ht ' ''"rt" ()r'lll"""'" N'- l,, n'tnpl'-'l tin- mitiiK.-H in KhlnplliK KOOi' IM Mitchell liod, Orejon, l.'Jf.t 1th iliiy "f AilKimt I'.H'i. ami hv tin imiwir tipiiriivml on thu f-tlt day of Fu saI-(!imiiI Jcrit-y t'ow- hIh'i Aur.HHl r.iiu. tbrw SOO'I ll. fiii--tl iiml In bur- ' Snl'l P'hiih iiml .-Ht iml Iriill- fltifi li In Klntn- ilh. Cull "0" Cypn-H Av.mtm. Hlvcr tfd Addition or mlilri'K !. Kourh. not n. ."'u. FOR SAI.K- Nino l"l. hlock 1. Euna HclKlit. "till I'"!" 1- mi1) IJ block 33 Hot SprliiRii Ailillllon Tte. loin miut I"' hoIiI liiimcillaU'ly la itlllomi nt of mi .'liiln Aililri'im Mn.M. M .Mnmon, llcitcl Hull. Vtf FOR SAI.K -2 plocfn of Innil 10 ind 20 acre with liiiprini'itnnt half r rallo from town liniulr. .13 Mila St. K-St .-:N I'M! ri en. Ann 1 1 'I'., Kilimil.it" .ilc ol ( iillfornliijiniilili I' In ArRcnlltiii mnl oth.tr Honth Aimrl Mill Mimilrli-H, ii ininmlKslnii of Inihl it --h ttii'ii may In m-nl In tin- ti'iir fiitun- from IIiIh jttatit to Iln.-nan I i Alms. iicvonlliiK " plmm hi'liu; for ttnilitt.'il hv Ih. i l.iillii-Aini'rlran kmii iiillli'" of III" iUin rrnni Ixro ('IiiiiiiIi.t of Coiniiiorco Thin imnpnlKii li liilroUun1 Call of ruin kooiIh In South Ain.'ili.i Ih to ln h! n rt i'il thru tli" ni'WKpapiTH of the various loiinirliH Itiforniiitlon Ih til"' iu' Is ilircct from San I'ranrl'i.'o to lliiouoi Aire mnl It Is not iiii!ll"lv thi Fi'ilcra' Shlppltu; ho.iril will h" imki'il to -h-tnlillsh a illr.Tt lino Iiptu'uuii the two rltii'H, provlillnc tin1 inTcsBiiry amount of export hiisliiexs (.in Ik ere'itoil. The xpiirlllii: of California pro iIik'Ik to llrnll .mil ArKiillim at the pn-fent lime is a er hiiiiiII Item. :ic lonlliiK to V II Klnrknny, u pronil neiit tni.'iiihor of this coninilttee llu'--Ini: the past fiM xenrf, he sa'il. onlv 5111. I'li'i worth of i mined fruits one of Ciillfornla's IimiIIiik proiluct". was shipped to ArK'"itlna He accounts CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement oik of nil Kind mill ItoofluK Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracto" S ervice Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Louts Trips Our Speclnltj llensoiinlile Kates I'lioue 111!) H'2'Ji Klmnatli Aw. M. C. SCHLEEF KAT1IER1NE SCMLECF Ph)s(i.iim anil Surgeons llffl.e. While IHiIk. Bibjr biiKgy for 1..1I11 Willow Piar tlcallynrw Honm 1 llrlitol llitlldlni; flilh nd M11I11, llnnor Hull I' 1- inrteri. 7lf FOR 8AM- 2 hroko. Kintl. work miret In lino tlinpc. I'rlc.t $100 dollars. Plcaso wrlti) Itav Kroner. Boninra Ore. or rnll Sown inr'tiu Imprtivetnttnt Imntes and specl- fluitloiiH heltu; on fllu with Hie rit l.tiKltiviT. The proputud luiproveineiit will h" let In one contract, and tie time in Willi ll Hie Maine Ih to lie coiupli'teit Ik fixed liy nald nrillumiro for Nov 1st l'.UU. Illils liillst he filed with the I'olli" JililKe f'r KilhtulHsloti to the Council, n( his office In the rll hall not later than K o'clock p. in. of the ISth iIh of AURtlNt 111 19, at which time and plum proposalH will he opened mid coiisliliTiid ICach proposal niiiM he lu-compaiiled liy 11 certified cltei It on coiiK' respomilhlii hnnk to the amount of r. nor vent of the iti:i:n'i:iit" mnoiint of the proposal, to he forfeited hy the ' lai k of tr'ule alii'm Hits line to the Hturossftil hldd.tr upon failure to enter Into contract mid lionil for i" faithful (oinpletlon of the Improve mi'itt In iii-i onlanie with tho plain mnl speriricutloiiH. The City of Klam nth Kails reservliiK the rlchl to relce1 mi) and all proposals for tnakliiK Hiild Improtrriiient. Tim award to the successful hhliler for makltiK the propwed Improve men! Is herehv inuile contlnKent up on tile sale of the hoiids uutliorlz.'il to provide funds for inaklni; said New City Laundry Wi: OUAHANTKIC OPll WOUK Shirts mid Collars Laundered Wo also u'ash silk, uimiI and col ored itoodi wry carefully. Try us once mnl lie comlnccd. Our prlcon arc rlchU Phono 151. 127 Fourth Street Hack of First National Bank It's a Long way to walk If you aro out In tho country and find that the repair work you had done dous not stand up try us and you'll rid a and not walk. Hoagiand & McCollum Wi: buy and sell New and Second hand Cars. Speak to lis before ou buy. Wo can save ou mou- I vy. Watch for our specials. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. good ceri'Ki: and keajj cki:am t Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 108 LAWIIENCE'S CIGAIt STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. -51 :- I Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, i!0 I.bs. 7."c v DR. G. A. MASSEY SucicsMir to Dr. Trunx Suit liiUI, I. (). O. I Illila Ofllep phone Hdf lies Phone WiM DR. CARTER DENTIST wiuti: m'liiiiiNa PHONH :.- ' i : DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONK 4 I'lNISIU'.D WOICK FLAT WOISK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suils" PHONE 421 Corner Main Aid Conger I ---X-M"M:"X-:- RtBb, Poo Valley. !l-20t FOR SALE Partly furnished two room cottaro on lllKh .school hill -H00. Tenm. Inr.ulre llurald Of- flw. ntf FOR 8Al,B flood rye hay also al falfa hay anil paaliirc. Call 33 -lb St. or Phono 247 M. 12-tf DEERIXH IIKA!)i:il Kor Snlii- 12 ft. In kooiI runnltiK otilttr. II J. Uiter. Merrill Uoiul. U-3t TOR SALE ltiil Astrakhan apples for Jelly maklni! or cookliiK. Old Conjer Place. 11-2 1 Fine residence lot on pnvod street, iiood barn on lot nlxn sewer connect ti. Terms. Inquire Herald office. Utf Dated at Klamath Kails, OreKon, thin Hth day of AuRUst, HUH. A. I. IJCAVITT. Police JiiiIko f the City of 8-1 Ot Kliuualh Knlls, OreKon. NOTICE OK SIIKRIKK'S SALE OK Rl'AI, PltOPEHTV. (ICqulty No. 1020) In thu Circuit Court of tho State of Orcnon, for Klamath County. Klrst Stato & HmvIiikh Hank, A Cir ponitlon, Plaintiff, vs. duty, which on ili"( kooiIs muounth to twice the orlKlnal price. "Wo must lltsl make t'iu people of Argentina uniler.stmid that canned fruits and other California products are not luxurluos," said Mr Kindt ney ".Inst now, many articles which' are considered hy the people of this country ns staple toinmodltles are chiKSlfled under the tariff provisions of the Iitln-American countries to-1 K"ther with confections and per-1 fumes. This condition, makes prices in those countries to tho Krent hiiihs I of peoplo practically prohibitive" ' IlurlnK last year. South America j sent $r. 12, SOI'., 920 worth of Roods, Into this country, government stntls- I tics Indicate Moro than 94 percent ' of all this product rnmo free fro"' tariff, acconlltiK to .Mr. KInckney. The romnilttee of which ho Is a mem ber Is Ki'lUK t attempt to show the yi CITY GARBAGE When yon want Garbage removed PHONE, 111 lleulali Stiles, lli'iilah Stiles adminis tratrix of tho t'Htatw of Thomas D. porple of South Ainerlr nit Ib to their hllli'H, deceased, .lohn llthnmi advnnlaee to lower tariff rates nf- THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodles Chill Con Carnl Open all night Just off Main on 7th A little off of tbo Main street, ut It pays to walk HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Hnrley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus Ively. Also buy. sell and exchange all orhpr Mnkes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls Over Underwood's Seventh and Mnln Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls nidg., Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 CITY AM) fOllXTV AB8TRACI COMPANY RI7 Main KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ingNew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Rlacksmlthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED i Phone S59-Y 017 Klamath Ave. L ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager and Irwin Stiles, a minor, Defend- an tH. NOTICE IS IIKKKHV ISIVEN, That unilur and by virtue of 11 decree of foreclosure mid salt) and an execution Issued nut of the Circuit Court of thu Stato of OruKtin for the County of Klamath, In a Hull wherein the Kirst Stain and Savings Hank. 11 corpora fectlni; kooiIs sent from this country, Hint more evenly balanced trndo con ditions run exist. STlDKJUKKIt ,l'(i for sale; Klrst " condition Juild Low, 23 Main itrM'" 3MI FOR SA1.F lmiirove.1 rutii,.,,,... i. Hon. Is Plaintiff and lleulali Stiles Must sell. Seo 1008 .Main St 7jf ' 1 Houlnh Stiles administratrix of thu '. ' estate of Thomas 1). SHIes, deceased FURNlTUItl for salo 017 Almi,Jo,m '""''oris and Irwin Stiles. 11 ela St. 28-tf . minor. Defendants, upon a Judgment TT . rendered upon the 17th day of Jiilv yovf Ppyton; i, Wo0(, 112rt 1919, In favor of tho wild Plaintiff , - 1 - and aKiiltiHt thu said Defenilants, HELP WANTED Heulnh SIIIph, Houlnh SHIes. admlnls- T.V.l. '"""' " 1 trntrlx of tho estnlo of Thomas ll VANTr.DMan iiml wif.. wnni .,i. Stiles, deceased, mid John lll'ihertH (I Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Krldny nlKht of ench week at I O. O P. hnll, nth nnd Main streots. P J ClorgPH , N. G-. : Fred Hromor, Secretary; P. I.. Fountain Treasurer. Ewnitliu Encnmpiuont No. 46, I, O, O. K,, meets Tuesday night of ench ' f weU at I. O. O. F. nail. Arlle wor- rel, C P ; Nato Ottorboln, Scribo; , FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE So Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. rRY ME PHONE 170-J ot0f" "nch y War. Can do all kinds , rr tn nM of nK"1 hundred ($S00 - j, ', Fountn Treasurer, "'"rrawork. Phonn 4ft.I. 7-r.t 00) ll"rn with Interesl Hiereon at WlWTcn - i'1" rato or 10 per cum per annum ffi., An oxporlcnced (roner. rrom t,n 1 "'' nf Anrl' ,1M" "' ' Efc. JJJWUundry. Phnno 421. 22-tf olu) hundred ($100.00) iliillaM " t7nr- . nttornoy's fees nnd oosls and .-. n,i fc'T"lrl for general house- 'HHhursomuntH tnxod at seven- Ifl 1 WTr ITATll'r !!!!lOrefion. ' 'j.", thnvo HiIh dnv levied upon nil of tho fi4 HUllvlJ Wantp irlght, title, clnlm and Interest of nil 1 D.".""t)Ven L'oniu f., n. of thn mild dnfendnntH In and to the GLASS Phono mo and I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. 8TUCKY. 1140 Main. Phone 846-W. Phono S40-.I 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies ami Cakes. CoW Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. DR. F. R GODDARD Osteopathic Phyxlrbin 41 Hurue. Suite 211, 1. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Htore Phone Bai . . (The only Osteopathic Physi dan and Surgeon In Klaciatk Fall ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Bos Plants. Complete plants contract ed. AppraKals unil reports made. Dredging. W contract to build any class of a building nnd install machinery of nn kluil. Drafting of any kind .lone. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Oftice in K. D. Building .1. C. CLEGHORN Ci1l engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone. Office, 100. Hew. 102M. 'kMM'V''WV'WW'MItSkrk BlaVFrdn'U,PV,Cu11 ,3 r InqiiTro ut 'o"owl"K loHcrlhed lands nnd real 0f the HOT POINT Range "rm ""-n 9. St estnto lncnted and situated In Klnm-1 f --95J5ENT nth County, Stato of Oregon, and ties- ,US0(J at the Golden Rod PrO- UIIIKIII US IIHIIIWH, lO-Wlli '-wnvwwvwvh' I"" MOHHieiiHi niiiinor 01 ine fl,,,,.,, Tipmnnsti'ation at tne trnlui..,.. Northwest nnnrlnr . lm sniith half of UUClb UUIIlUIl&tiaUUIi tlU tllC 1,1.. -' '"uii Hum --"------- -, ----- --- 1 .11 on u 240H 4.f RK "'- I'lionu 24 BAKmi . "N rillr Ulltln, .. . - n .. .... . . .. Oom in. i.iT 2400 neins i"r Moriion fifteen in Townsnin inir- s fire. tho Northeast nunrtor, nnd thn north-, ., .,;,, tViia titqqIt enst quarter nf tho southeast nunrtor Vai'lOllS gfOCeiieS tlllS WeeK. Cooking is turned from ur block, Iiinulrii. lii.ri.i.t ,f' tv-soven. South nf llnncn ten Knst or g.tt mo wiiimnettn Meriiinin, 1. N?:CK IS IIBHKI1V niVRM. That I .., . fn lonQllrp wl,prl t no stn unviuiuugti; iiikw r""'""' !. luneous i. TSDli'v in -vvwmw,iiii minimi, j. l. 1 ;' 1 n 111 in.' mini , . iittMTI T"VTXTm ry man nr 11, " ,lH clork' ,,ollv- of ,nn 'cnck A- M- '" ,l10 forenoon iyoil COOK the "HOI JrUlXMl nian' I'honn Arnivy '''Ivor hy young of thn stld ilnv nt tho front door or -. lUllJ. ,, i.n llm nr.l ,...! 1....... I.. Il. nil., nl llf A V 11 will, on Wednesday. August. A. U. 1919 nt the hour i -4t ithoCotintvcnurt-hnuso In thn rlty of iVAY." . Klnntutli l.'nllH Klntiinth Pnnntv nnd i v,r aPtlmBni I '""ilHlied Iioiihii Intnto of Oregon, In ohedlenco to tho vnren, ;j,,. " "' mig couplo. NoB""l noereo nnd nxorutlnn son nt pun """'' ni- io ,, Ulc nu n. 'ruA fininii ..,, I rcn v--- 9Skmmm H- Store. ' '" n' '' nuctlnn to tho highest nnd host hlddor therefor, for rash In hnnd. I lawful innnoy of tho 1'nltoil States lot Amorlcn, nil of tho right, title, ! claim nnd Intorest of thn said Do- fendniits In nnd to the nhovo deserlb nml chirm oavo nt K. K All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. Phone 4C0 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars', Tobacco, Soft Drink.s Peel and Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnection OUR MOTTO 'Courtesy and Service" SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-j pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" IM MAIN ST. WELL DRILLING Vocbatzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 151J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 151M 1909 Main St. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Wllltts Bldg. Klamath Fall Oregon SlWlWWWMWMWWWWWVWWWSMS. .X!"SMCZ-!2'4MXX,X-'X4XM&r I SHANGHAI Z RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE t HOUSE Short Order Meals Serve.1 t T 72 Main Street X KLAMATH PALLS, ORE. w ?- t. trel l-2t cd Innds, or so much thereof ns may SVVNWiiiwViV ' v'XMX-'X',,MX"X'X-"X-XM ,1