...! Al'OUHTH. Il)' )0.i i" ' THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FAm fivm j. ft rntl. ir.-HtIMit of Hi" ' i.ilon. w"" "w"" ""' in -,. unn " (rom h" Kl'". .M.n,l In Mill A!.l n. er"r,c"ru(.rlt.mi.l' "'" ""' Mr. A. M. Worden, npont tho wook-! parly worn pimsongnrn on tho Crater PITKI flli-o I V. " , '" "' r, " " hum morning nnil yostor- JjIW,J Z-- Mr,, Worden. Mrn. I,. Hargnnt, ntidjday. rYiyyT MIxh Mariuriit Word..... Th.. party B. M. Igl, of Kugene Ih xpnndlnr drovo nrouml llio Klin of tlm l.nke'ii fow ,yM n Kliimnlli Kails, on hu- tin urn MwT "" fii.ii nun jiini iiunii nirif'HH, lnel. ! Mr. mid Mm. W A i.,,iu ,.., It, J. 8hnntn spout Hliiidny at Pull, daughter of CarviilllH, an. stopping tun liny IiihIiiIIIiik light for tlm nr" '"r n Mliort tlnio. while tl,,i.. ' - ' " 'h flnh 'ICIkK linrbcmn. wlilrli will do hold!" vnnituin tour of Klamath County there Thursday. Mr. and Mm. T. F. Marsh are city I m.. n.w.r.. ii,ir ..i ii... .......i. visitor from I'ortlaml. ?"M. CunnlnS""" , . t.r...,.r i uk(, wi.i. ,.1,....,. i Mr. and Mrs, Niigl,, n, t.rn from W "om '!,""' I Mr. Il.irn.1 Hl.ort ...ft on the train ?7T "" " f"W ""yK- t Hfl"T ?. Hnn.,.ny In Ih- Ihl. i".rnl..K will. I...r mo.l,,r. Mrs' t ""'' t11 ot a 4 MllelwIl. lir.(ittly. wI.oh.1 health I very l.ad In T ,,,,"" "" ". '''rJ'n V 'l.I.I.W.cllmnln. ' " ,""""y' of ,,"rl""" .V.I.. for bl l"',llK " I .. . ,0W" "" I'HHll.-HH tlllH Week. i" . . . ...i... .,,u In Klu.i nun. lay. uny i.u inline iook mm i u , .. . v.nfilcK.n. "-"" ,,, ..,, ...... Willl " " rrom Clinton, """". 7Jio. who Iiiih stopped In Klamath and Miss Kstor MrAndrows. to J. C KhIIm for a fow day, JohnHton- mimin.T camp on tl.o Up., Kt ,. ,. d ', ', in th Tnl.. (,.r !, ii " " rearing l"' ' "" "" '- Willi NTH. K A ,. k.r t"; Rocky "" ... 10 ki. VI - w,(.rit Im will wnfl In Htttur-; Y ? t t ? ? t In mi .ipHUW'"" -k-...,d. from "" .. i.nv ill hi iinr. Ilr bMtr croj ' M, uA M ('l",r,,", r,,r,","M u."!!..! alter n ox..Jo.l w- ntlon to tb k',',c,'' , inJ MW. i:""'" ''m,,,,'n ,lroVn Crilff !p ov'r H"'"",y ,lh 'llr'md Mm. '"'" nml , John, wbo fcrc TinunK .r. ...... lion rvwviii,i'.'"'-.1 nnr. 'flu. party woro KUcntM of MIhh Anna Mini mid Jenny JolittKtou. MIhh Ortnvln D-il.iip left thin morn Iiik tor llorkoloy, Cnllfornla. MIm ii I, up Ih n Hiinlor In tlm tfiilvnriilty or Cnllfornln anil will rinlnli tlilH hiitImi: Jobn II, I'almor and tl.o Tompln IAftAAAAAAMrVrMAAVWWWVVV Proud of Your Home ? Then you proliuhly linvo mimic In th form of u kooiI hono(trnph or a pluno poKHlhly both, Our nuw Hloro, which will bo occu pied by ii h Himn, In tlm cnuia of our ui:imbllni: th.. flni-Mt dlxplny at Mu nlcal IiwlrutiivtUH ver mado In Southern OroKOii. Wo nro ROlnic to lm proud of our new IiuhIiiuhh homo, and will bo Kind of an opportunity to hIiow you tb. vnrlou otiJi'CU of our prldo nnrt to runvny tbcm to your homo If It in lacking In mimic. Earl Shepherd Co. 1'rn.rnt Storo New iVilillllHJl Nrtt d.mr I'o-tolllri! iUf Main IwwawjCJCSj Fi'itrlnK nro horn for a tlmn from rortlnnd, Oregon. J I McAullffo Ih In from hit: ratiih In tho Fort Klamath dUtrlct on IiuhIiiuhh Mrn Fow Harvey and MIhh Harvey nro Htaylni: hero nt present from their homo In Kaimua City. .'.iHH .ii. r.. KenKan und MIhh A uiirueu nrnveii on tho train nlRlit from Bun FranclHco. F A MiCniin. K. if. Dt.n, nml K. K. wick nro in Klamath Falls llend (iiorKo Ktopheii-ion and IM Cerr npont ycuturday in town from Wocub Mnriili. William I.. Albright, ono of tri llion who Invested hravlly In Klamath M. hut T ? t t x if I t t t t t t from property and nxnlntril In K.ittliiK tbo town on u firm cr.nunerclal baiih. Is i he.ro from Clnclnnntl on n builn'jin i . . . MHlt. Mr. Albright owned t ,,y t 1 ? the Kills and Albright ranrh near Fort Klain- '& m and ulio Kills and Albright had a ranrh near the Lout Itlvyr Onp Hi'Veral yeurn ago Mir Jim Stephenson and hr mother. Mrn. Katcllff uro in town from Merrill mi o Muiiiln (rip, Mrn. John Hhi-phcri) of IMtlC Orov-s did ithoppltig In "jvn ovur the weck-tnd. SPECIAL SALE Folgers Golden Gate Coffee Friday andfSaturday Only One-quarter pound free with 1 -lb tin One-half pound free with 2l2'1h tin One pound free with 5 -tb tin PHONE US YOUR ORDER the Sunset Grocery Phone 200 LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OK TIIK l'lCTUKKH" H. W. Poole, Own Matinee Every Day TONIGHT DOUBLE SHOW DE LUXE WILLIAM FARNUM IN "RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE AND "THE RAINBOW TRAIL" TUESDAY Rupert Julian in "THE FIRE FLINGERS" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. "Our party agree unanimously that Crater Lake I the most wonderfully beautiful point of Fccnery wo havo, Aeon In all our vlrltn lnro leaving Philadelphia." mi1 C. Khlllard-Smlth this morning who with Ii Ih wife. MrK. I'hlllp Jugodo mi. I Mrn. Arthur Mur phy of New York. touring tho, country Tho party Ii- at iircsent on Its return trip to l.ut, Angeles, whore they will visit Uctoru returning to I'hllad.dphla When PHked how traveling wiip In the middle Btiitcs Mr. Shlllnrd-Smlth Mild that tourlstH need not Infinite an liiHtiut becniisc of the ruadH ii the Lincoln highway offerH most coiufortahlo traveling Vernon Votsrher'.aehur. '" "" rived Pturday from Portland, " lirlngn wind of acvernl Kliiinath Iioh who have not been here since- the war. Josi'ih Sfcolton lias gone Into the tru.k (ontr.ict liuslness with nn army compnnlon nml Is going to do a thriving biiHiii"s Another Klamnlh hoy who ban Jint been discharged fiiim the service l.s Dan O'Connel, and be Ih out siiiveylng nn the Col umbia Highway, lor tho sumiiiir moutliH Cliet HuggliiH, who was to Iiiimi taught In 'lie high school hero this winter has resigned and will work with the Travelors lnsurano company, of which Mr. Mntschon hucker is state malinger. In spank ing of thoir trip down here by car, Mr. MotH"li nl.tekiii' snl.l 'lint the Fort diuiitrv exiki-d like u wall kept garden, but that "I lie had ron.li made a man m nude dour thru that it wn' linposiilile to -njoy tho country," And It loaves very much the si me Imprest-ion (m others who tour thru tho country and them, visitors su; the ro.ulH hold development back. Mr nod Mrs Kam Smith and son fJor.lon, Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. McLeod, and Mm, Margarnt Pitts motored to Crater Lnko Sunday. I long Sing, wtio has not been horo for some tune Is i nek on a visit from San rraiulsco. x ' t if T t T t T t t ? Having added the Moline Line to our already large stock of Implements we are overstocked on BINDERS and PLOWS So are offering greatly re duced prices until our stock is reduced to normal Baldwin Hardware Co. The House of Quality (g-rRfs MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID No Exchanges No Refund M32ekd&&. PORTLAND. OREGON No C. O. D.'s Without Deposit 7 Facts Worth Remembering About the Annual Summer Sale of Liebes FURS ..INK (illMY'S ItlDKIIM. She leaned against him thuro. In tho ilosort, and her b'ody was limp and trembling with four for bis safety Her face was upturned to his. Woman's fare, woman's oyes, wom an's lliv all acutely and blindly mid sweetly and terribly truthful In tholr betrayal' The mini put bor from him gently and ondliul hor upon her feet, whllo tho blood raced wild and a thrilling tingle unsteadled his nerve. Some thing that ho had not seen nml felt In her, that ho could not understand, roomed very close to hint, warm, rich, fragrant- Hweet as nothing had over bel'oio been sweet to him. 'Child, are you thinking?" ho said. "Do you roallze wo are horo In tho dosoit. alone, you and IV Have you thought tlmt we may want to mako our way out to civilization again? Or do you waul o stm l'"ro In tho un- uniiuolod, tbo unconventional ro glonsV What is your o olcoi" A strange, ringliiR. vibrant qunllty gave her voice, .singular powor. 'Stay'" she said From Z.uno drey's "It Mors of the Purple Sago." At tho Liberty tonight It At tho hour ot golngj to press Haiti was not claiming thnt It won tho wur Birmingham Ago-IIojald. i 1. Not a dearance of furs; the vast majority of the fun on sale are in styles authentically coned for next fall and Tvinler. 2. AH the furs are of H. Liebes & Co. ex quisite quality and beauty. 3. Furriers are paying 75 per cent to 100 per cent more for raw pelts than they did last year. Soon retail fur prices must take a ery large advance. Jou uail Jiou nu7 have to puji more much more for your furs. 4. Tins sale oilers the best lur-buying oppor tunities that will come to you during 19! 9. 5. B papinfi a small deposit, you may icserve any sale fur for delivery in October. Furs so reserved will be kept in our Cold Storage Vaults without charge. 6. Those who make their selection now. during the early days of the sale, will have the advan tage of sel:cting from undiminished assortments. 7. Our entire slock of made-up furs is on sale at 20 to 50- Off OUR REGULAR PRICES Here Are a Few of the Thousands of Furs on Sale Scarfs, Throws, Capes, Coatees and Coats Natural and Taupe Marmot Coats $350 Leopard Bobby Coat (Trimmed Hudson Seal) $215.00 $35 Hudson Seal and Georgette Cape $17.50 $35 Kolinsky and Georgette Cape. . .$17.50 Black, Taupe and Blue Lynx Scarfs Prices after August $25 to $215 Sale prices $20 to $172 $65 Leopara rxJ 1 ludson Seal Nov elty Si $35.00 $35 Ciu-: ..i- Sfhnr Neckpw.. . .$17.50 Taupe and Silver Coney Scarfs Prices after August $7.25 to $37.50 Sale prices $5.85 to $35.00 $45 Hudjon Seal and Errnine Cape Collar $22.50 $50 Civet Skunk Throw Scarf $27.50 Fox Scarfs of all kinds; Wolf Scarfs in every wanted shade; Lynx Scarfs. Mink. Marten and Sable i Small Animal Neckwear; Stoles. Coatees. Capes and Coats m fall styles included ... the sale. Prices after August $ I U to 5Z03 Sale price. $136 to $212 $225 Nutria and Hudson Seal Nov elty Set $115.00 $150 Kolinsky Neckpiece and Muff (Set) $75.00 Squirrel Neckpieces Prices after August $25 to $250 Sale prices $20 to $200 $75 Mole and Skunk Cape. Collar and Muff (Set) $45.00 $75 Filch Cape Collar $37.50 $85 Kolinsky and Ermine Collarette. .$45.00 Hudson Seal Coatees Price after August. . . . $200 to $525.00 Sale prices $150 to $393.75 Spfcacx Ti3tsku& OHSSeIS fu;;s ? T f r T f t t f ii t ? 7 7 - ? - t f t t t t j