THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON moxiiw, i, , ST ( mo, Any Dcfcclivc Tires cnn be Adjusted on n G.000 orRf s jc)fi ivnie unsm in runmmn rails. ta fcU; & iw Howie Garage itii and Main IVt,Ct-,HCRE W? ARE AT LAST AwveeuEi'E, r. coin To CURGl'DIU VoO HAUE A uioO LOCK TNC SA5EM6NT .11 MB iac ttYij-iM. ""i 'i .Door wIcn HOME -file First S TOUO ONE 'N7EJ1 -t TOO f SWEET "ARS s. - HOME V-K .'rm PAGM TWO TP0 P IP 13 mJ o iwrra ; ware JLTO 1 II TO UI C liJMA lLySwl iLlwl w ivi f i i tj , r i ia 1A i n A' .iTpVll 7mI ( NoNCCOOFGOlUfr IF H'POT.OUTlllNK i MJ I i ::."- . v x j- r .. , iyNDJjeU6vtUr, XWGOJNTDI WVC H MOW UttORQE !' rt S y ra irrit ITOULUCtT AIL WIKC I lOlWUHW W r- -L. Px I DmVft)fORH COT r V-" awmwf ) lhCufKVL Ne GAS BEFcjS W? pM$il iU turn '.fMlrJif I .--rr V JTj.. -ITil '.1 .l".Tnf TS3S3SSB n n wmcnVc j so dSi? :C vjiiwIOU5C' ) J frr )N xlXTf -xi - iVrfi v Mmm? r Wmm ?ZS$Vg:M Wdi) K. f " tZT .Ux!iVSi-15iiJ iS M'&iiMM i; 1 - BMteHiliS -.- S7("n"w - . rci d ,u hi nni w c JsL .& & JzL joesw ftt ?. k TTv CTS OCSr DOUBLE SHOW DE LUXE WILLIAM FARNUMii IN T& H 6 fl r in ? h i J-LS- A IV H - IS srtr ? ff Tiw jTd atr "stm,v k' ra "n aewsj, xt x lUUCl 5 UI UK i Ifil pO era is-WTk jJdgC' AND ra m B3 HI M !! I aimiiwiMTi I M ,1 5JVris- j ll W i f BrasaA'fhTrai nAr; t Li'ni;i:-v. U N..v ," DVflDn illiflil unu ii'dia D JAPANESE EDITOR TO """ - CTI mV IM AMUDIPA Idln'r. Iillil 111. I j i vjtv i hi Aviriiiviv, mi'M'n Cciniiril llei no, K h. i i li IP S3 ISII I - TOKO, AlItT llJIilTO ll.Vdllui 1 Kolumhi. ii'0irltit(i- and uilliiir (if I Hie I'u Mm Hliulio. I tin Wninfin'M WV.-kly. will go to llm I'iiIIimI Rtali'M in AtiKiixt for n tlir-inr nluv for M UTI.i: V()KUi:i; sS r.M.r ,l'" PUH'onn of InvostlRiiltiiK llir (.(1 Uomi tudm ii si'lM'.TIIKl-:t IIIM IT AVI) ourni'M III journ-illlii -tn tho IkiiiIIur win iinicluliinil TO HIS Aiijoiimn imivoriimwi. After ronr. , ' n. si OtJ """.I Vo-I 1 '"' held 1:1 lirlnj hi mii: is i.i ni'i r VIU.NNA. An wpon.1 "t i!o( vi)in:i) si. i:h;iit I'lllAIIS I The Ralobew Trail - ESEKP&2Li Last Performance Tonight THE LIBERTY THEAT a Si CI m K m mHBiB3iiiHiisai&x:i NUNS PURCHASE QUANTITIES OF YANKEE STORES franc) The .nmo day 30,000 rain coats, many of them having been used by American soldiers during the war, were sold for 250,000 mark?. ! The Germans eagerly buy anything offered by the Americans, particular- VOCATIONAL PLANS "Siih,' luklitK Timliie I have no! onb kiiiich ouuituio rollof from my trotibtt'. but li'ivo lift it illy R.ilnoil -ix ipounil- lu w.'IkIii. so von may know by Unit why I am ho .mti.:iihit tic ovor tins mudlfluf." Hiild l.ouU Vogiinlil, of 117 Vft lilih ntn-'t, Seattle. . while ill HurtoU's lii u.: Store recently. Mr. VokiiiiIiI ln.i livetl In Seattle for thu lalt twelve yiT.m urn' Is employeil at the Skinner a-ul IC.Idy sliiiiyanls. "About two yo.irs hko 1 boM'-n lo have trouble with my 8tiiiiiu"li," fun tinned .Mr. Vognall, up to tint time I b.ul always been t.orfi'ftly healt'i and could eat Jiut anything that win put before me. mi vhen tills ttoiililo llrst began to come on me I didn't puv much uttfiiil'in to It, bfcause It didn't seem lo affect my uppetlto nnv. for I would gel hungry the simn as u-thil, but I i ihiii round out Hat things I hud mit"M all my life and which bail neerhnrt me before began to disagree with me. What I would eat commenced 'o sour of my stom ach and after a meal 1 would have a miserable full, tight feeling that would make me feel mighty uiicnm- M 1 Vfhdrtj '' ''irwrt. 1 lirnlJat report 'ItpimU- ' i he Mr Mii Kolinshl, gfH nt the Instlgu- .lotiopli, 1'reiul. lion of i!i found r of the new Tnklo ml to I'romtrr c Viv ii'm I'l'tve l'v rt wlilrli im. 0f t jiodrn . Ik it'M'ldonl I'pon her reliirn she nlatlng that tin ..' will be lu chew of the course of ttven are In full . Jouriiallim In (but school, Hungarian gut no Mist Kobnshl Is limited as saying -- -- thai .InpiineHo women should awak- Stoiy t'lly. hr.v.i en lo their opportunities In vocations lug place today if i which are adapt ible to them, cspocl- veiitlon of the Yo no; !V"I" l.ulln ally Journalism. She expects to Ihi League of the N'orwcglun l.mhmi present at the luteruntlomil Labor Church. '" 'lii mtei-l u.' toi.l CAMP LEWIS. Wush., Aug. 11 T'he War Department's new edti''a- ly any articles containing leather or t'onal nnd vocational training plans rubber. Ten thousand American- were Initiated In all branches nt made gas masks were sold a. few days Csmn Lewis by order of the Corn ago to civilians who planped to make mandlng General. These are the plnns use of the rubber for commercial which convert the cantonments Into purposes. More than one hundred mllltarv universities. Knl'stod men tons of harness, gome of it German may take, at their own option, not made and abandoned after the arm- ,n exceed three hours a dav for five IN GERMANY, Aug. 11, Old mater- jstce( were disposed of at a recent days a week, any of tho 22 educntlnn- lal used by the Third army on the action saIe near Coblenz. nl sublects. or any of the 120-odd Rhine Is being disposed of In a hurry. Forty thousand pairs of American vocational subjects. Their mllltn'v German civilians alone recently have fle(j snoes many ot wi,ich had been duties aro arranged, ko as to permit WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES been buying from twenty-five to for ty carloads of salvaged material each day. Germans assemble In Coblenz, or the other towns where the auction at a 8pecai BaiBi sales are neld, by the hundreds, some coming from Cologne, from Mayence and others as far as Frankfort, or Main, Cassel and other parts of un occupied Germany, At a recent sale in Coblenz with a German-speaking doughboy as auc tioneer 125,000 leather jerkins were sold to tho Germans for 2,000,000 marks. (The recent army exchange on marks is 2. .10 marks for one worn and torn in the march of tho them time for these studies, doughboys from Luxemburg :o tho Under the vocational training Rhine in December, were sold in lots Plans It Is not necessary for a irrnn . to serve In the certain branch ho . ! elects for his study. He mnv be en- STATEMENT OF THE FIRST STATE AND SAVINGS BANK OT KLAMATH FALLS " Counly of Klamath. Slate of Oregon, nbowlug the ninoii'ii mlitiRlotki credit of every depositor July I. 191 U, who has mil ir I a iipoilt, tr wno lias not withdrawn any part of bis deposit ( i pr nclpal e: Interest, for a period of more than swell (7) years liinui iliuMy prior tol said date, with the name. kiHl known place of residence or pns'offlce i; dress or such depositor, anil the fact of his death. If known Name of Depositor. Residence or I'. O midribs Clark, D. F Klaiiialh Falls. Oregon Dick. Clyde. 1 ......Klamath Falls, Oregon Harlow, K. W , Klamath Falls, Oregon Pearls, W. II Klamath Falls, Oregon Parsons, ('. W Klamath Falls, Oregon Lewis, Ed C Klamath Falls, Oregon Smith. .M. K Kliiinuth Falls, Oregon Hrudy, James Klamath Falls, Oregon Klamath Nurseries Klamath Falls, Oregon Larch Lumber Co Klamath Falls, Oregon Neff. W. C Klamath Falls. Oregon fw.nio,. ,.,! i U......I.I mi mm ulil, L-.-x. Oliver, II. T Klamath Falls. Oregon ' so hadlv that Komutlmes I would feel ork,l"' Hurroll Klamath Falls. Oregon so ludl tl it sometimes l would M pt,t & Son ,m. Klamath Falls, Oregon like I could hardly stand It. nnd I niddlo Airship Co Klamath Falls. Oregon wa.1 irouuieo u iui wmi u very ihiii- nueoer, .Max iviamatn runs, wrcgou greeablo taste l "'V mouth. This Saddler, Harry Klamath Falls, Oregon kept getting worse and worse all tho Saddlo Rock Restaurant Klamath Falls, Oregon time till 1 got in such shape that It sub'Ftta' uTu v"!!"' S"nn , , , ... ... , i, . hunrs, httn Klamath Falls, Oregon looked like everything 1 would eat ( Time Check Smith Klamath Falls, Oregon would just eeeni to lie In my stomach Wlllener, Christ Klamath Falls, Oregon In u heavy lump and I would be In Zimmerman, Oeo. II Klamath Fulls, Oregon misery for hours uftervrds. Then It r'l!,"'?10"' ,, ... . ... County of Klamath, ss: negan to arieci my s.eep ami it got so ,, Jo)m Siemens, Jr.. being llrst duly sworn, depose and say that I : that It I would oven eat Just a very the cashier of tho First Stato and Savings Hank of Klamath Kails, Couatj light supper I would Ho awake for oi niamatn, Blato of Oregen: that tho forego hk statement Is n full. troe. hours after I went to hod. suffering corr'!Ct and comploto ntutoniiint showing the name, last known redden torrlblv with ras and that full feel- or I,OHto'c uddress, fact of deuth, If known, nnd tho amount to the credit terribly with gas and that full U el of u(l(.h ,,OJ,08ltor nK rolUlrui, ,,y , prvHlon8 of chapter US, of tie ,Uh '" "" """ ' ''' i "' General Laws of Oregon ,1907, und Chapter 214 of tho General uwi oi till 1 got so little rest that whon 1 Oregon. 1917. JOHN SIEMENS. JR.. Subscribed and sworn to beforn mo this 24th day of July, A. V. Ill) RUTH M. GOWEN, Notary Public for Oregon. (SEAL) (My Commission expires May 28. 192.'!) SENATE WILL SEE PAPERS WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 9. Documents Issued by the American peace delegates at Paris will bo transmitted to the senate on Monday by the President. SrRSCRIllH FOR THE HERALD listed In n line unit, nnd voluntef for mechanical training. These plnn especially appeal to tho voung inin who desires to Irto a Undo and earn his way at tho same time; to imi" hlmfrelf mentallv, morally and physi cally, to qunllfy during Ms enrol ment period for higher education or ' more lucrative) employment after hl return to civil life. Araotttl llti SI) lit Ml Hi III jir 35.111 10.1 1.1W Mil Mil U.lll M(i l.lll Mil 10 1I.ISI 3MII Mil A Governor Visits Women Land Army Workers III )X ))tgn-tw. .nfuS 1MJ1I1T They said the women's Land army of war tlm s wan t faa Here Is Just a part of the If If crew in mid-season with their "trick clothes" showing eff icib of sun, ram and weather of a busy season This picture was taken at Ulster County New York, us the farmerettes knocked off for a day to enieriuiii Governor and Mrs. Alfred Smith of that stato Gov Smith Is lejUng spring water from the old pump The farmerette will have u bumper cronjpttjthls (arm th) vear would get up in tho morning I would feel as tired as when I went to bed and It would tuke a lot of will power for mo to pull mybolf together so that I could get off to work. "I hud heard Tanlac recommended very highly by some of tho boys In tho shipyards, so I made up my mind to give It a trial mid It certainly has straightened mo up completely. My appetite Is fine now and I can eat Jus anything I want mid I never suffer a lilt with that gas or full feeling In my stomach und have already gotten aback my old tlmn honltli and strength, I can eat the biggest kind if u supper now mid go to bed and sleep like n log till morning nnd I get up feeling flny and hungry for breakfast and ready for work. Right now 1 feel as strong and well uh 1 ovor felt lu my whole life and urn mighty glad to recommend Tnnluc, becauf.'o 1 know by actual experience what It will do for a person." Tanlan Is sold In Klnmnth Falls by tho Star Drug Store and In Lorella by tho Jumes More. Co. Adv. 28-4-11-18 ONE VI :.u AGO Ton.w IN THE WAIL 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you got with Goodrich Tires From 23 MAIN ST. JUDD LOW PHONE 22-M Great Allied offensive In 1'lcurdy reached its height. Nino United States fishing hunts sunk by German U-boat off Oeorglu'n '' banks. Spread of counter rovolutlonnry movement in Russlu caused UoJBhovIk Readers to preparo for flight. nohw..HupfrGFrun-, jj Get Your Winter Wood Now Tho Federal Electric Hallway Com mission has called u conference In Washington tod:iy to obtain Infor- T 622 Main. mation relating to traction company problems In various municipalities. For a limited time I will sell you your winter wood j: at the loilowing amazing prices: DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS $450 GREEN SLABS $3-5 W. E. SEEHORN CO. Phone, 72 j'''1'5' SULPHUR Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stor The price is right pboae i 126 South Sixth St