fiiiffsELjaL-T!! mm. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK nB "vT A I I Klltil of lrnnln I'iihm, who In vlaltlng iCPONAL "'" ,'M,,'' ,,,fl vcdtorilny for Itorky lEllVfc?'. .Point for mi outing of two w.'nkw. rrrrr r r P nun llOfki "" """ ' "' I In Kill'""1' ,'""M f"r ' IUII""K "" ""' ",,,,,,r Uxy" "' X M"" k "lun'ipJ "' Mt "",,rrl' nVlock Mil evening, lor Itorky Point (iit M" ' nnd n number of lOmiiulh I'nopln urn .lu mornlni- .. i , .1 .Turk Mnim will upend (lie Week. mnl Mulling nt Rooky I'oliil imck who ln "''" vl"" . All (!XCiirnloil vlll lenvn Mm limit left tlil , tnklllR ndviintngn of Mm opportunity t uw""- ., "' ,,.,. 11 ft) 10 l'orl-,to Hpelid Mm wnek mnl lit tlm I'oln i.r for a Mi'"""" 1 mortll" "" . .... ui. imr ucopln. .pi,,, Hlii.rlfrV Sifflrii fnrr,. In.u m. Ijtd, 1C )( )intcnlii; I" n good "xmnpln for Mm otln-r rountv Mirlon Nn" m )H H1W mlll offlcpn, liy dnrorntlng tlm Interior of tofn o" k" " tlmlr rooiim with purple inn) whltn 8C,fornl. ,,.,, toCnit-'l.iintliiK, In honor of tlm Klkn rein- efUlf forafry ' hn r(J, from ( A a Riiilitinii. 11 n ohl reiddetit of Luther Moore ' m , 1-Clmiiiitri FiiIIh, him returned for 11 dt on bll,l"""1 0 ( ,,, vIkIIIiik vlult nftor mtvornl yearn In bfcrii for thf w , ,))V ,, wll0 ,, fir(f 1 t. na man w n -" 1 . ... ..... ,...,, . v. ' rnnrii in i n vnirj, wnn in miwii mi- portUntl. iirown, Mr. dity buying inipplleii for hi buying "-Bd" "' !?" .,., n.l MlM rrnwii. . ( VV . 1111111"" " . uan. iiiivliin Mr nnil Mm. Print Cnfnr nnd fnni- Hobftti ''"""' . (rf)m Krnt. y will npmul Hrifur.Iny nn.l Hundny ,Ktamatti loumy ' (m n,,rrnlon rrp,,h t- . . ifinin,. tint lii 1 v M. Itewm In In town tndny from Mr "1(I .'.'. . ,.onii,,n IiIh rnnrii In tlm vmIIkv on liimln" town from "" ApprnlncrH for tlm Klnmnth Fnlln trip- ... 11. ...,., 11 nii,i 11 Niitloniil P11 rm I. mm AmkocIiiIIom will IJlrfwindaJMloiirlnRllinroun. th' trip ovi.r the ronnty tlm flrnt 1 their Hnlnc Six frnm Hnn "f ! w,,',' for Mm tiiirnoi. of vmw- 'J7 ice Thr export to apcml Urn Inw ("'iirlM.-H offor for fnrm twin. , . h. xt liocky Point nn.l from tlmrn1 Mm, 8. M ThomnH U vIkIIIiik V .III villi CratorUkc nn.l ntlinr from Oinntin ln I l". I ' ' """" -"' -If" -o ..,. for WW FltHti-raM M h.-ro from Run l' Imv from Porllnn.l OUipo on YurMlon " '"'"-o" nn.l I.. Rcott of RM. A J Milch'". "f r,,nn' fMHf1"-".''' rm nrp lmyr"f Klnmnth Foil n vltlt irtlifd lt nlRht for n short vllt SMI11 llolnn.l Ia Imrn for 11 f,.w la Klamath Fall" I ''"'' fr"'" """"". j'a'lfomln , W. Brown and fnmlly arc !. An- iflN pwpi,., h nr tourliiK Mm lOUMKH MKXICAN UKNKIUIi ccaotry. HI'IIKKNDKIW TO (XtMMANIlKIt D.M Strxnnonn.1 I 1. Mmncrnmi nnilttl a hort Hum In Klamnth . Br ! MKXICO CITY. Auk 9 1-ouln F torkaitonn.l 0. MomV-M" -" Outliirri-. fornmr ri'iii-ri-l in n.... ...... . u... ., w..i,in. iniiml of mlllliirv onrruMoiiH In Chi- fllT TUUOn irUHI HUIV4llH'f mn r.- . hiinhtni, hnn iturnmclnri'i! to tlm kov- HurnM Dnl riv In npnnillni; n urninent rommnnili-r ut Vllln Bnntl r In Klxmath ralln on hi wnv in Ro. Niipvo Ion, anil hnn Iutii tnk (dfor.l. hrr hi will vlnlt with 'n to Montoroy. ucconlliiR to ntntn Mi parents, before returnlnc Ihto nmnm Klvon out lmrn by tlm wnr de tor the Klk Contpnt Inn pnrtnmnt anil to prciw illnpatchcM John Shook ranm In ymtonlny from Snlllllo, Outlnrri'i: rcvultcil in ha nU rnnrh imnr Dairy. Op'Roii, H'T'imbcr. 1917. nnil nlncn Mint Mine pnrchn'c nuppllnn Imn In-i'ii rnrryliiK on n ili-nnltory A. L. I.MTltt nn.l IiIh clnuRliti-r wnrfure iiRulnnt thn Kovcrniiiuiit In Peirl will learc loilny for t two viirlutm nnrthiirn Htuti-n Hnfncl if'kn varatlon on Iti'rrcntlon Cri. ), 1 1 11 Hnn. 11 fornmr Vllln K'imnil. who lln. J, A, IVrry. nerimipiintcil liv bun bcon In Unvinn, hnn ruturni'il. br daujhtcr Jran nnil Mlxn I.llllnn nftnr ni'rurliiR nmni'Hty western.round-up show Will feature convention week Hornii of tint plrlt of Mm wild wnl will pnivnll diirliiK Mm Klkn coiivi'ii tlon In Mm (oiiiIiik of 40 co.Iiojh, ninny i'ow-KlrlN, 11 fn-nt i'iiIIitIIoi of liiichlnr horMi'N nnil bnlln for n lil 'Vi'ilnrn liiiilnl-np nIiow ilnrliii! lh. ! thrmi-diiyn on Mm convention purlod Tlm Itoiiml-iip will lu (ml. I on n lnr;i. trnrt of urotind nenr tho O. K. hum mnl ndvunco notlrcH Inillrn j Mint It will hn n hIiow .o-Mi whlln 1 I Mnny pitrfornicrn urn remlni: from I Cnllfornln IncludlnK M. J Mnnvlll u' wi-ll-known rlilnr from HiiIIiiiih, wbol In nxpiictcd to k.p othfr (ontivtuntn I from tnklnjc too mnny honori' A law nri'iiu In hnliiK to lucommo liliitu Mm rrowiln Mint nrn nxportnil 10 hpo Mm pDrformnncfH Mint will bo Klvnn i-vi-ry uftiirnoon 11 ml cvimlni: Ni-ro, Mm cli.iinplon un-rlilcnlilii bull, who loKnnil hln rldi-rn nlmut Mm AhIiIiuhI nri'iin nt Mmlr ri-rcnt ri'ln linillim, will bn one of Mm bit; fent-uri-n lmrn. f)tm dollur u ncron.1 In of-fori-d to nil rlilnrn who en 11 hiuv n Nnro Knutnon, 11 f'niiudlnn rlilnr. will try to rldn Mm 'hnmplon bull n" uu lUiHiKcciuiful alli'inpt Hindi nt Anh- Inn.l Mnny of llm I1111I liornnn Mint up lomli'd their rldTH nt Anhlnnil will bn lmrn linxt wnnk Vrirrn will bn of. fnmd for Mm bent liurkliiK hornn nnil It I nnnumd thnl mnny wild oncn nro minim; from Modoc I.nkn, nnil Crook nnil .lurlcon rountlon to rnnlnt fo houorn. Four bucking bulln nrn ' on Mm proKrnm In nddltlon to Nero, livnry prernutlon will ho tukrn to iifi'Kiinril tlm npnetatorn, und nrn'' provlnlonn will bo inndo for their comfort FI.V TltAfH Thn ppclcboyn 1nnkc.11 MOOD Fly trap nt 741 Walnut Avo. $1.25 encli. 8-3t I'KMtl.KTO.V noUND-UI' OKCHKHTHA liowkern' Orchcntra, Into of tho Huli'in Htntn Fulr and Pendleton Itomid-t'p, will Im nt Mm Moonn hull lonventlon wnt-k. commencing next Monday nlKht if you llko to ( Mm lut'Ht nkltn in danrltiK go to Moono hull every night next week. 8-2t DISCRIMINATING BUYERS GIVE PREFERENCE TO I.KAVK I-Oll CAMKOUMA In tlm Counl) Ponrt of Mm Stntn of ilri'Riin, For llm County of Khun nlti. In Mm Matter of Mm Kntato of Nlchol a P Kenneally, Decennnd. NOTICK IB lIKItKIlY, C.IVKN. Thnt Mm undernli;ni'd hnn filed in Mm above entitled court and mutter hln flnul account and thnt Saturday, the :th, day of September 1919, ut tlm courtroom of th above entitled court, In tho County Courthouse, In Mm City of Klnmnth Falln, Klnmnth County, Oregon hnn been fixed by Mm Court linn the time nnd place ut wlilch ohJcMloiiH will 13 heard to HUld account nnd Mm name Hcltled. All pernoiiH having objection! thereto will flic tlm name with the County Clerk or will nppenr und object thereto on or before the dnto set for Bettlement of tlm mime. IIICIIARD KKNNKAM.Y. AdmlnlHtrntor of the Kntnte of Nlcholnn P Klnnenlly, Deceased. 2-9-1C-23-30 OrcgonTifc OREGON'S SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . Combination of JHtractiv? Features: The N w Policy Cont ct The Superior Service and The Low Premium Rate A. L. MILLS Ptmidnt Home Office; SSSLSSKSE PortlanL Ore. C. 8. SAMUEL. Gen .Mg'r. H. P. NEPVEU, District Manager. Box 52, Klamath Falls, Ore. E. N. STHONO. AbsL Mg'r. wxwm Mrn. Henry llolvln will leave In Mm morning for Snnln Clara, Calif., urcoinpnnled by lmr non, Harry, who will enter tho Snuln Clnra 1 nlvcmltvi ns a student. Hurry in one of thn bright boyn of Klnmnth Fall". inl thin city will expect him to mako a brlltlnnt record nt thin fumoui edu rntlonnl Inntitutlon . iiemi: i))Kiv(i Jut whnt vou've been looking for - "verythlni: tlm nniM'tlte ilemnndJi mid tlm mnrket nffonlH, Ilonnl by day, week or month. S O. Combn, 721 Plum St , nenr Oak St. 8-Gt- Contentment is a state of mind IMPERIALES MOtrrMPIECB CIGABETT&S create it. Their full fla vored, satisfying blend is the secret. They axe' quality smoke. " 10 for 13c The John Bollman Co. Branch LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OF THE .PICTURES" l1rru'jruTjxruvxrur,rij'vv - - .... H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day WWWWWWWWVWMWW-kMWWWWMMAiV-AAMiMA MWWWWMMW-llVWWW-lMWM-iMVMMAAAAMAMAM TONIGHT BESSIE BARRISCALE IN "The Heart of RachaeF The story by Kathleen Norris Christie Comedy "GOOD GRACIOUS BOBBY" . SUNDAY AND MONDAY "RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE AND 'THE RAINBOW TRAIL" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. The Herald tells you today's news today not tomorrow. THE AEROPLANE GOING v' A -thrill of a lifetime. Your opportunity to realize ths progress the world has made. Your opportunity to fully understand some of the wonderful things we have all been reading about. The Greatest, the Most Wonderful Trip Ever Offered to You GET THE JOY- The Thrill of Going Up and Up Soaring Over This Beautiful Valley -DON'T MISS IT Every day will be a special day. Flights will be made continuous from morning till night. Passengers will be taken up in order of their application. Get your application in now. SHIP PILOTED BY: Former Lieut Floyd Hart Over Seas Pilots With War Records Seely Hall, Mechanician Vw Management Medford, Aircraft Corporation Place Your Applications with Klamath Falls Business Houses or on the field 1 Former Lieut. Delbert Jones m f -fX fBJ Wi M m 1