pao roim THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATVKOAT, At'OUHT i flu n The Evening Herald E . J. MURRAY, Editor JAMES 8. SHEEHY City Editor NOTICK TO HAIUJKIWHOP PATRONH. Klamath Falls, nt 115 Fourth Street. Entered at the postofflce at Klam nth Falls, Ore., for transmission thru the mails as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address in the United States: One year $5.00 One month 60 Mann, Earl Humphrey, Arthur Lear lit, Lcland Haines. Harold ferry man. Mr. Wilbur, Ulchard Thacker.i fllnwln nrhnP nrlr. win and Loula Schulti. proyall on and alter August 1 1 . 1 9 1 ! : Hair cut .M At a dinner Wednesday Miss Au- Shavo 2" drey Roberta honored Miss Pearl fa"'"r "" 'm! 7ft . ... 1.00 1.00 . ... r.o .no i no r.o I KliKKT (JOKS T) HAN PKDHO. SAN DIKOO, Aug. '.). HitatUiUby .Hilimdrons of Destroyers tint I'aclflo Flout got away today for Snn I'eilro. . . .. . .. - ..,. ...... -"- Published dally except Sunday by urn,n nnu M,8S ',,e"m "'" w"" Tonic Shampoo . . The Herald Publishing Company of are visiting college friends here from (Hovers the University of Oregon. Tho table " - was made lovely with bowls of j,1", " palo lavender sweet peas and fernR. hoard Trim Those present wore Marjory Del- Witch Hazel Steam .. .oil piom rv.iirirw xtvinr Cnlklns. Haior Honed ., ' ,, . ... . , ,,, Local Unlon.No. S41, Maybelle Leavitt. Pearl Leavltt. 9.,, DAVD L CUOWf 8oc Penrl Cralne, Molba Wllllums and Audrey Roberts. One of the biggest shows of the 'pnr coraes o mo Liberty sttminy Member of the .U-oclntcd Press . .. ..,. . ., w nnd Monday. Tho two popular Zano Tho Associated Press Is exclusively A P'CnlC h C'' W R ' , J ?" QW Pictures. "The lllders of the, rattled lie the Wo Tor roAtiol 'n Thursday evening by Purple Sago'' and 'The Rainbow, of all news dispatches credited to It Jimmy Ryan, who took a party of Trail will bo h bo shown as onoj or not otherwise credited in this pa- 'oung people down the lower lake in P"ni ami Mnce the latter is the per. and also local news published ... s ' , launcn Tll0 Mrty Wlls sequel to the former the entlr.t play , , n,s spceu launcn. iuo pariy was wJ11 be vor. interesting. William i ' cart'dil wit It n lnlr htncli nn I rtn Cnnn t.i a nln In lnl Li ........ ciafsctrhSv: - U with a supper late In the d m this w,U W ed. evening upon th.'ir return. . - o wn noro nnjone wioj iuhuu iu ncu t;iiiit.'r ui int'so pictures Houston Metropolitan Aitinx-iiirntM ' j VsAAMMAAMAMMMAlWVWMk HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE II.VNCI.Mi Wetlm-Mlny A Hatunlnjr Night. Poptilnr .hut. Orchestra STAR THEATER Featuring Spot'liil Music With (lie Plitures, Rev Ktriitton, Pianist. SATl'RDAY, AL'fiUST I). tltt. Society The plcnlcers were Miss McMah non. Mis Helena Guest, Mrs. Hlnes, Miss McDougal, James S. Sheeny, Frank Roberteon, James Magulre, nnd Jimmy Ryan. i ! Miss JobIp Low was hostess the' TODAY Artrmft rrrvieiilN KUSli: KIC1UJUSON when they woro shown hero before I should not mlsa this opportunity. It TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j MONEY TO LOAN T.e Modse Hali was tht scen'e of fore part of the week at a kitchen ebuVn our 'easy pa-meTtVlan ' sone of the most elaborate dances of shower for Miss Feme Hoagland. The Wtn iow interest rates. Start Now, .'the season, Friday evening, when the party was a surprise to the prospec- It's easier than paying rent. University of Oregon students, enter- tive bride and her many friends were 5 Room plastered house, complete-1 tained their friends and alumnae, delighted with her surprised delight !y furnished, on Sth Street, close In, 1 Dancing began at nine thirty and when their useful gifts were present- " B Room modern Bl,nBaIow on ! continued until after twelve with In- ed. The evening was spent In sing- pavorm.Ilt cio3C in with garage, H.-l termlssions for Oregon songs and ing and playing: the numbers being 500. ' 1 the feature. In the latter every lady offered by the various guests. 6 Room plastered house, garage on was supplied with a sparkler which The following were present, Bess' 0th 1 St. Up-to-date In every respect,. 4 room house, big lot 2nd Hot' Springs Addition, $1000. j New 7 room house on Crescent ' Ave One of the most beautiful I homes In the city and a wonderful j buy at $5000. See it. colors, worked into conventional de- een Smith, Feme Hoagland and Josie ' New 8 room home just being corn signs wlih a dropped latticed ceil- Low. Jpleted on Crescent Ave. Fine location in A laree electric-llehted "O" wn and tne most "P-to-date houses In ing. a targe electric-lighted o was itown. Oarage and all modern con- set In one of the bide walls to act as . Mrs. Florine Chree was given a venlem-es. Must be seen to be op an Oregon reminder. surprise party by her Shipptngton preclafd. Price $7000. The guests were Miss Betty Gad- friends lately at which thirty per- 5 room house on Lincoln St. fcx- j dls,. of Eagle Ridge. Melba Williams, sons were present. The evening was SfcJS. Ttv?irt buym" the City t a visitor from Eugene, Audrey Rob- spent in dancing. The guests were al- $3506, Hurry up If you want a bar-i erts, Marjory Delzell, Clara Caluinn, so entertained with several musical .gain. ' j Maybelle Leavitt, Pearl Craln, who' numbers and served with refresh-I fi room house on 10th St. Good lo-1 ' cuuuii t rice mci 11 im heme you wont, I have It. j V 1$ Usir. rtcausoH I . AuniiuT 1 IN u.vriKK the guki: wood Titi:r.' Also A limy Plctograptt Anil The Depth of Tho Sen. she lighted and carried during the dance, thus giving a brilliant touch to the whole affair. The big hall was a maze of lemon yellow and green, the University Kllgore, Jo Drlscoll, Meta Cbastaln,, Verda Coaad, Marie Rambo, Karl Montgomery, Veva and Dortha Mar tin, Inez Kilgore, Mildred Burk, Mil dred Thrasher, Letha Drlscoll, All- Sl'XDAV AND MONDAY (Joldu.wi Pi-CNeiita TOM moeki: In "o west Yor; max" A TtuiUItig Wi-xtrrn Sto.-y Also A IHk V. Kneria! Ciinirily rEMPLETHEA TER TODAY JOHSA II. UlHkV Vf""'S MARY PICKHHtD "Is "here fiom Marshfield. Margaret, juents before the ovening was over. Worden, Claudia Spink, Jo Drlscoll,,' Ina Graham, Pearl Leavitt, Leatha, Miss Meta Chastaln entertained Drlscoll, Mr. Hftrdln Carter, Mrs. Miss Marie Rambo at a farewell din Dan Balding, Verda Cozad, Waive ' ner Sunday. Miss Rambo left Wed llacohs, Karle Montgomery, Mjjler nesday for Berkeley, California. VA.A1U9, TC1IIC llUOKldUU, .1119. TUT-. WU'IW 1C .II ."11IW, UlC ' ll , ' J tI. O O A II est Pell, Mildred Burke, Faye West, of California In order to contlnuj her i ' " Helen Storey, Geraldine Watt, Vera study rf music. 'aSTRIKAN APPLES Aso Agency for the biggest and best Fire and Life Insurance Com panies In Amerlcp Tho New York Life, lirttcr Imestlpite tml.iy. 7AMKS M. WATKIXS. JR. 620 Mln St.. with Bodge, The Tailor. Wood, Margaret Smith, Vera Hon--ton, Mildred Thrasher, Ida Brown. Bess Kilgore, Alleen Smith, Mrs. Le land Haines and Miss Moore Jtmr Clark, Louis Hoagland, Roderick Smith, Dr. Hardin Carter. Don New bury, Jimmie Sheehy, Sam Leanord, Forest Pell, Slyde Brown, Kenneth Perry, Dr. Paul Noel, Ivan Houston, Lloyd Porter, Vera McCIellan, Dick Slater, Wilbur Telford, Edwin Drls coll, Austin Case. Dr. b u carver, Reglnal Voss, Tom Delzell, Robert Riggs, Wilford Henry, John The dinner guests were the Misses Karle Montgomery, Josie Low, Letha ; Drlscoll, Mildred Thrasher, Feme Hoagland. Dortha Martin, Veva Mar nn and Be?s Kilgore. Newnham, For sale 11 Conger Avenue. 3-2t' Your Silent Friends are lnsyde Tyres. They never put you In the dust and mud repairing blowouts be rauie they are guaranteed absolutely blowout proof. Try them. Smith &. Taylor 119 N Fourth Street, Klam ath Falls. Adv. K MADYPICrlEORU U ts ft7it rjwry ' " What Eyeglass Service Means To You First I have had 25 years practical experi ence in fitting and grinding lenses. Second We use the most modern tools and machinery and have the best equipped Optical Store in Southern Oregon. Third We can refract your eyes and mind your lenses and adjust them to you the same day. You don't have to wait. Fourth If your glasses need adjusting or you have the misfortune to break them, we can repair them in a few hours. You don't have to wait Fifth We have the latest and most mod em machinery to refract your eyes for all kinds of eye trouble. Cross-eyes "traiehtened by the use of prismatic lenses. Sixth Tf your glasses p-o wrong you know WW to find tjs. Sixteen year" estab liFhod business in this city. We are lookincr for the most difficult cases in glass-fitting. H. J. WINTERS Graduate and State Registered Optometrist 706 Main St, Klamath Falls, Ore. READ HERALD AD IT PAYS Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each wek at I. O. 0. F. hall, Sth and Main Btreets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bremer, Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. Ewauna Encampment No. 40. I. O. O. F., meets Tuesday night of each1 weok at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe;' P. L. Fountain Treasurer. ' MMAMMAMMAMMMMAMMAMWWVVMssMVsMWssMVMsWVVVWVVMMMM $ J i &Sk. WmM $& 1 Ki2A wV mw cents sztfc&ffi3 j! Jwjl a package "1IUI.DA PROM HOLLAND" Atho Putin; .Ncuh ItteKt Cu'icnl Ktints. SCNDAV .NI) MONDAY I'uruimiuiit Pn-sciiis I'JIARLKS RAY In "A XIMJ O'CMK K TOWN" Also I'Ktlie hn Latest ( uncut I.'oii(n. litmlHNlon 10 & 15 ttniis MnUnee 2.ii0. Ktepliigs ":)!(! At II. sissssssssssss'sssvssssWls. City Garbage When you want garbage removed Phone 91 MERRILL OPERA HOUSE " MOTION I'HTl'ltKh CUKHDA1 AND MAIUItlMVM Mirlll trv.. STATEMENT or THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK :h; Y$ oodstogK iu STANDARD i' t"'' '-?rizW OK KLAMATH KALLH. County of Klnmiith, Slnto of Oregon. hIkiwIiii: Ihu amount taiuUiiK toll' credit of every depositor July 1, l'jlti, who Iuih not made a dep wit. or who lias not withdrawn any part of hln dopoHlt (commercial deposits), prlnclp or InlercHt, for a period of 'more than seven (7) yearn Imiiif ill.iifly prior" said date, with thn name, liiHt known plan, of ri'slileiion or po' Ulco addrcsJ of such depositor, and tho fact of hln death. If known. Camels are sold every where in scientifically sealed packages of 30 cigarettes or tenpackages(aOOcigarcttea) in a glasaine-papercovered carton. We strongly recom mend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. WinttoifSalem, N. C. CAMELS are in a class by themselves easily the most refreshing, the mos likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that 1 Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price I Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost test I Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how liberally you smoke them ! The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment 1 Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they are enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in" so many new ways you never will miss tho absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality EiMi Wn O in One &f Tlic U'adinu IValurrs of tin- I.ul intf M.ttMnptall torn-Mncilinrfuel.aii'lMinifNiwTrouM.-1 nc Writing Mkrlrine of tli'- lr,t , 'Jujllty In which you will f.ntl ur own favorite fetture ol own favorite typewriter, uiiil tin' otljirs bcsiijo. Improved Stinplified Modernized Simple Artlfllc DiimIjIp i:flirl int Standard 42 Key SlnAlo Shift lull lli'.irlnft Unlet -Vl. IMc Soft Touch Light Action. In' the Woo'datock You Will Find Hvery tlmr-tcbUd wofUi-wMMiiuufV whit It you like In the intttliliic you re uhi1 to am you will oImi find the luvonm u'aiurMi 01 iub otiirrriaimarti nukt whlcli you with your mmliint Imo4, Yet In the Wufidatutk you will find thin afitrtritutlun of hlili (iolnt ( ffiiiurrainuili Improved ndtlmpll hed, to fit the touch, the jh rton, the infKxJ, In a way that no other tyfK-writer dot it ( rhe bit oprratorti say thU). Only a flotf-up view, an actual tourli und trial of thli txirllent typewriter f ha convince. Invettltfate by nil meant We tire 4"fft at your ervlcc. Iet uhow you how nlA ey it u to try one; to own one, -w Woodstock Typewriter Company, Chicago I H. J. WINTERS i JKWKMSIt ANI OI'XIOIAN 700 Main Ht. Phono 1 lliW Klamnth .Klatmitlt . Klaniiitli Iti'Hldciici) or 1'. O AililreHH Klaiimth KnllM, Or.i'KOii KallB, OrcKtm Falls, OreKon KallB, Ori'Kim Kalln, 6roKOii FhIIh, On-Ron FallH, Ori'Kon KallB, Oreftun KallB, Orc'Ki"i Kails, Oref!m Kails, OruKO" Kails, Ori'Kon - Kails, Ori'Kon -Kails, Oregon -Kails, OrcKon .. Kails, OrcKon Kails, OroRon Kails, Oregon Arnou' lt II W 9 It 20) IIS 10 ill 2 Oil :"l iit 2 iH . m . JH .. n1 .IS WARREN HUNT Mi:i)ICINK AND SUItOKItV 20C I. O. O. P. Uldg. Nnnio of IVimsltur Ilanin, Mrs. Virnon . . . IlrookfluM, ..I W Clark, Iloriicn Coiiolaml, C. (i ,, Crane, Jas. A Klamath Cravims, I. .1 Klamath Ciiniilngliaiii, .1. J Klamath Doming, C. 12 Klitimith Diunh, Voinon Klamath Kaitmirs Imp. & Sup, Co( Klamath Gordon, W. E Klamath Hornon, C. 8 Klamnth LowIh, A. O Klamath Madison, Chns Klamath Mardls, Dr. 13. A Klamath Mcyor, R. C Klamath Oregon Woolen Mills Klamath Owon, I). It Klamath Owens, Mrs. Draco Klamath Knlls, Oregon Handles, S. S Klamath Kalis, Oregon Rhodes, W. P. ,..'. Klamath Falls, Oregon Itoss, John W Klamath Falls, Oregon Koth, K. L Klamath Falls, Oregon Socor, A. M .' Klamath Falls, Oregon Simpson, I. W. Klamath Palls, Oregon Stato of Oregon, county of Kiamatn, hs: I, K, It. Iteames, holng first duly sworn T ntn flwi Trnal1fitit nf Mm ltrof Mntlnnnl Tlnnlr . . . . ...... mil. true. ' Kiamatn, Htato 01 uregon; that tno roregoing stnioinoni m incal reel and compioto statement, snowing tno namo, last. u - .jitcl postollloo address, fact of doath, If known, nnd tho nmoiint lo t A .. .. .. . 1 I O nt t II 0 ue I oacn (lopoaitor as required by tnu provisions or unapivr i " Qregta Laws of Oregon, 1807, and Chapter 114, of tho General Iwa auoscriucu nnu sworn to nororo mo tins 7tn day 01 aiik'"". liBSMR nOdBKS, Notary Puhllo for Ores" (My commission expires Junu 10, 1023) 0-10-23-30 ..I. ihal , depose and say upon ob"., j ank of Klamath I alia, - j