SATl'ltDAV, Midi ST n PAOM TWO Lee Tires Give Exceptional Servi Any Defective Tires can be Adjusted on n 6,000 or8( Mile basis in Klamath Falls. 11 ".-. 19fK -. in rtowie oarage """uma,n THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON j0 IIBEBSOKS m The Liberty Theatre I Sunday and Monday, Aug. 10 and 11 THE GREAT ZANE GREY STORIES, STARRING WILLIAM FARNIM IN Riders of the Purple Sage AND ITS SEQUEL The Rainbow Trail BS E m u w m m m A big double show, giving you the opportunity to see the complete story in one evening. The pictures will be run without interims- 1 sion. Come early to see the entire show. jh Starting at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Doors open One-Half Hour Before Show Starts At The Liberty Sunday- Monday August 10-11 REGULAR PRICES CARUSO LIVES PEHT'S LIFE Famous Opera Singer of Metropol itan Opera Company Heceives the Same nations as Peasants of Italy, limousine Commandeered, FLORENCE, Italy, Aug, 0. Food is now being allotted to Enrico Car uso, opera singer of tre Metropoli tan Opera Company of New York, whose plcturebque Italian villa Is sit uated on the heights of Signa-I.astra nine miles from here, on the same ratio as to the peasants in this sec tion. The new deluxe American limous ine ho imported was commandeerer by the military authorities, while the Italian motor car he owned was requisitioned by the prefect of the commune of Signa-Lastra, The work committees of the district bad had their eyes upon his villa for many days and, when the outbreak against the high cost of living occurred hero q few weeks ago, made an inventory of his cellar and pantry, told him he had far too much for one man and his small family to live upon and seized some of the wine in his collar. Dqs-, crlblng the affair SIgnor Caruso .said, to the Associated Press correspond cerrespond correspend ent: "I was visited by a distinguished commission of men and women, con veyed up these hills in two luxurious automobiles decorated In red stream ers. These read to mo my mode n life in Italy and I have since been forced to live under their mandates. "You know we have not starved here, though. We have had ene'ij: to eat. We have divided our supplied1, with the people in the red automo biles and have managed to get alone1 I do not know Just what I will do in ( the future. I pay the Italian govern ment more than a million lire taxes year but I can ask for little protec tion for my property. I have given two year's work during the war to the cause of the allies and, therefore, to the cause of taly." MANY CASES SETTLED BY LAKEVIEW JUDGE Pioneer Garage LAKEVIEW, OREGON Under New Management Specialists in Rebuilding and Recharging Storage Batteries; also Repairing all Electrical Appliances. Vulcanizing, Automobile Overhauling and Repairing Machine Work. Tires and Accessories PIONEER GARAGE LAKEVIEW, OREGON During his stay hero Judge Conn, of Lakeview, claared up the- court docket to some extent. Judgment was awarded to the First State and Savings Dank against John and rtose Knott In the sum of $91.1. 89 as well as a lien on all land des cribed in thn complaint. In tho case of the First State and Savings ban'' versus R. S. Van Campen, judgment was given the bank in tho sum of $4,900.70. To raise this hum cirs owned by Van Campon are to be sold at auction. John Siemens in his case against Frank and Charles Kester was glv"" a favorable decision, the judgment being $360. If. and $309.13. Tho case of tho Oregon-Callfornln and Eastern Railroad company against Charles Uurgdorff was d' missed nnd will bo settled out of court, Tho suit Included a dispute ov er a railroad right of way, Lowengart versus A, L. Bradley settled their differences nnd the Judge dismissed the caso. Luke E. Walker secured judgment against A, J, McOunna for $280. One of tho biggest shows of tho year comes to tho Liberty Sunday and Monday, Tho two popular Zano Grey pictures, "The Riders of tho Purple Sage" nnd "Tho Rainbow Trail" will both be shown as ono program and sinco the latter is tho .sequel to tho former tho entire play will bo very interesting, William Farnum is the star In both pictures, and as this will bo tho last tlmo these pictures will be seon hero anyono who failed to see either of these pictures when they wero shown here boforo should iHmlss this opportunity. It At the Theatres Hiwdo lliirrlsc.ilo, tho blonde cmo- tiomil star who appears at the Mhaitv T.uiitiT today In a film pmlnt Hon of tho Kathleen Norrls best-seller. "The Heart of Racltnel." wears twon-ty-two modish costumes during the course of tho picture, Trim enough, homo of them are oMteuioly simple, but as tho play dials with modem fashionable society, nil of tho star's costumes are of the very litest styles: the sort used by Now York's smart set today. A large supporting cast of splendid ly appareled men and women appear with the star In the society scenes ot the picture. The noel and Its screen version shows, during the unfolding of Its plot and Its poignant human situations, oveiy phase of social life for which different costumes am ne cessary The result Is n groat variety, showing the diverse tastes of tho In dividuals In dressing correctly for tho country club, the theatro, the .street, tho forunl dinner, and the other regular functions. And f lii'.illv. a tounch or tho blrurro and barbaric Is added In the infinite vulloty of costumes used at the bal masque, where tho society belles and their es corts come out In all manner of gro tesque apparel, from tho cave mnn's earliest fads to futuristic garb which may, or may not be useil'a century or so hence Readers of Zano Crey'.s novels will lie Interested in tlm announcement that Ills most famous book, "Riders of the Purple Sage," has been plctur Ized for the riluis nnd will bu shown In graphic form for two days, begin ning Sunday at the Liberty Theatre, with William Farnum. the dynamic star, pluylng the part of l.asslter. The story hns to deal with several startling Incidents t' at occurred in I'tali, In the earlv days of the Mor mon settlement. Ucglnnlng with tho abduction of u girl by one of the pow erful dlgnltatles of tlio .Mormon Church, the picture reveals the hunt of the girl's brother through the years for the man wlro wronged her. the tremendous power of tho elders of the cult over their followers, and the final accounting at tho hands of Lassltur This picture will be followed by "The Rainbow Trail," orro of tlm best and mint popular Western stor ies, was written by Zarin (trey, and tire action centers In and about the wilds of the Arizona desert. The scen s settings aru said to be of unsurpas sed beauty arrd Include thn famous cliff dwolllngs, the painted desort and the famed Grand Canyorr of Arizona. The story Is full of dramatic situ ation. and show Farnum as thu fam ous I.ussiter and also In tho character of Shefford. "Tho Rainbow Trail" Is a sequel to "Riders of the Purple Sage." Laugh and thu world laughs with you. This Is a saying old .u the hills, but it i's applicable to 'A Nino O'clock Town," the latest I'arumount picture starring Charles Ray, which Is to be uhnwn at the Temple theatro Sunday. This is a comedy drama of unusuai merit and Is said to be ono of the fin est turned out by tho Thomas II. luce producing staff In many months. Tho story deals with a young man Mho is the sou of u merchant in an inland city. He lias advanced ideas re garding the management of tho "Em porium" which do not mcut with tho approval of his father, nnd tho result W of dlsagi cement, Tho young man goes to Now York, moots with sundry adventures und loses his position Just as his father wires him to como homo und look after the store. Ho readily complies with this com mand and tho "Emporium" is trans formed. Ho employs n corsot model and things really happen after Hint. Ho Is threatened by u woman uric! her alleged husband who sock to blackmail him und is providentially saved from disgrace, though Innocent of wrongdoing, Thoro is comedy In every foot of tho picture comedy that will make you scream with laughter and thrill with anticipation as each now scene. Is unfolded on the screen. HAY REACHES HIGH PRICE INIONTANA llELFNA, Mont., Aug 9. Illi't prlres ot bay In this state makes oven more serious the xltuiUlon presented to farmers of Montana by tho s'Mir dtv of feed on account of dry weather this summer, liny Is selling here for $27 in large quantities, and It Is re ported that In some sections of the state the price has reached $10 At a meeting held recently at Great Falls, stockmen and ranchers of that romitv decided to cul Minnesota hay with their own crews and oiulpmcnt and ship It to tills state. Tho local farm bureau will have charge of tlm work A committed has gone to Min nesota to arrange for tho purchase of the bsv In the field. At Roundup tlm commercial club ha Inaugurated a plan of buvlng linv In iiirload lota und reselling it to farmers at cost. INFERIOR CURRFNrv IMPEDES PROGRESS iiii. nil Aim i, ,,.i.,. ... . ' 'K a ii. chief difficulty at Present , lh, ,' lllll'llll Itllllllllllll, Sl I (lloilol ll 1, Stewart, of tlm I mini m,,,,,, n '' retired, who hns Iiim...ii,.i...i ., " noinlc situation In the new .UR0.S kingdom for several large Ainerlnl tntlifktflflittu '"Pill (ill lllnltud urn. .....I .... ""' "i inferior IHIIIHll.r 111 I lll'HIIIIIIIII t (,1 . (100,000 Austrian Kronen linn Imp,,. ml nuf ti tilltiti mim t ,.i . ..i.. . ' " ' ' " "' ll 111 "American bushier i "I'rriienUHinJ iiuvii mi niiiuiiii.i in iijii.iiriing orilrn el... .,.., i.i i. ' " mi i ii" mni"i in mi proper no1!. lion oi mo proiiiein of luyntent' nieps nave niie,i r k, n to ,.,1.1,1,,. banking conimuiiP .uti.n, hetuuTiihi, country nun Aiiienm Where Ignormce u bliss 'j f0ij, mi 11 mm in uiirii 111 r iiimiiariil'iot. rice man GLASS I.nt me glvo you n price on you'ob big or little 1 am prepar ed to put In glass from the ntnnllcst pnno to tlm largest plate gUu store front nlso windshields, hoadllghts, mirrors, ru nllverlns . everything connected with glass. I will mnko to your order scrct ns of owry description, storoiloors, sash und cabinet work. 11 save you money If you will take the trouble to phono 316-W E. C. STUCKY 1140 MAIN STREET. We Clean, Press and Repair EVERYTHING From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. We re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your goods. Klamath Dye Works 431 Main St Phone 408 4---t-ii-;'Hl TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may be too busy to go to your home at noon. In assortment of foods, their preparation and the serving, The Jewel has no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-clay patronage. THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. I :ii:-:'i:'..::i':'w1 On account of car shortago wo will sell blocks at $2. GO per cord at our factory until furthor notico. Now Is the time to got In your winter blocks, 17-tf. Kwauna Box Co. "mowing off tho foam" is tho title given by thu Helix Advocate to the official song for tho wet campaign. 'j'iiiiiji':i':"':,J i Get Your Winter Wood Now! For a limited time I will sell you your winter wood I at the following amazing prices : DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS $450 GREEN SLABS $3.50 1 i W. E. SEEHORN CO. X 622 Main. 72 i Phone, A 21 SULPHUR Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stori i he price is right phone I 126 South Sixth St