The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 09, 1919, Image 1

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    Wct jEutmrng Iterali
inn rArHn" I
Year-No. 3,698
Price, Five Cet
gfBW !
rk n n i n iii hiii i
,- Ant
lie ue
I People who liut u room or bed
Itiut Hid)' rim (ill.) over lo dm l:!k
for III" cdii vmit Ion period urn urged
lo Imvn their names with either W
0. tiiulth, chairman or thn housing
coinnilttco, or Ooorgn ClinMtuln. Kv
cry available, roam and bed will bo
-f P.rnf Ready to needed during tho throo-day session
w"m .., , ,f
SUrt Worn
Amendment of tho War Risk In
I Li II IU U lull HUranco Act win no urgcu ny mc aiii-i
- ( vrlran Legion, tliru Its legislative!
Commander of I'nrlfle Fleet GUes Representative Hlnnott of Oregon tommlttco In. Washington,, m order"' -intimate
skctdi of (innt Kiwi nt lienor! Imnortant Ilwfljunution Hi allow mon Insured lirt'lor the actl
... . . - ..- .1 t..i...fVL. Jilt ... """ ""
ltiiniiift (ilirn
Will' Daniels,
hy Secretary of
stale Klkn to iircommodnto HAN IJIKGO. Cnl . Aug 9 - TliurS-
Hill In Aid of Soldiers io House of to elect whether their InBUrunce upon
IteprrsenlntUcs. - .. .maturity will bo paid In Installments j
or In one lump payment, I Will
Act on President'
Many Recommendations
paid-up life Insurance and endowtnen
tL Afww--W Arrii I gratifying. Nearly all families urn lug brought to the went coast. Admlr-, Nat,onal Soldier' Settlement Act. to ,nHUrance Except , the ca8e of a
"2L uB-pietion. . plnnnlnir on taking caro of two or ul Hodman mild. itn" house, 'matured endowment, these forms of
'To one who Ih unacruntomed to I "he Mondell bill, which Is along Insurance, under the present act, are
I am tho lines of Secretary Lane's plan, payable only In Installments, extend
ing over a twenty year period, the
a rather
.. ..n. ..UM W DC in IHW III inn wui u. "" ."""in. -- ...-.. iuuvi wnn nn, mnt-rlnlltr rh...nJ h t.
W ' . .- ....... in!rp.m tMiiti ilrAii -unrinf hn 1hM nn larite UrrinriHlfinn ill the. rlliirfliLilnfi nt i . . . . nmnunt nf InBtatlmAnlB Hannniliiir.lin.
fanw lor the next "" " ", --, committee, which has held almost " " -----.- -.-
ITerer the bliceat celebration that tho fact, according to the committee, tie Meet, no I will confine myself to da,Iy narn- and me-Uri-- to con. on tho amount of Insurance.
Edtr baa ever known. .that every room Is needed to take giving you a brief description of It. ,Bf(,r tno gamc B,nco con. con. Service men say that their benefi
ts mis ID town Is talking, earn or tno crowus. , " " lur vened In May , ciancs in many cases are 100 010. ever
The bill contemplates the roclama- l" "" - ... .
tlon, acquisition and development of 8Uranco ,f pald on,jr ,n month,y ,n"
immn Md tctlnit H toward tlso Work Is under way on tho con- "
a, nt t Blklnc the thl'ee-day ntrurtlon of tho ureat "lent cltv"co
dlitntlca ooe that visitors III that will Do locatea near inn iiik
jcr(li 'Lakes Lumber nnd Ilox company
)(ila Btreet In fil Attire Huns for laylnn out tho 20-arrn plot
Miln itrwt li tskln on o ksI np for ranipliiR purposes ore under the
miruM with tho erection of tho direction of W W. MontolliiH. Orad-
Wt irch of Welcome near tho In of streets, piping of water In for
Jfrj Tmple nd Hie COUllliess ilrlllKinit anil purposes urunen, nun
jLserl(n Bl that span the street many other details toward making
ftta (foil ropes Oresl
Ut itrMmen from
tioul Btnk building.
tkl decoration of practically all tin'
to fronts and building through- MONTANAN PAYS HIS
Httke bn.lness section tho early TAXES IN GOLD DUST
,rt ,f the week, till deck tho city AA" .
hinite of purple nd white . .
Leco Lr "c HKI.BNA. Mont Aug 9 It ha.
nu . ...jl, wik nrllnn In '" nmny imr ni -i vn
liuifta wv"fi - -.-
rmrdepsrtmeat of the handling of. "ro
. ..i.V.l n U-..f m '"""I '
IN nif 91MIUH , ..v., ..w,
rill prepare the ranmter barbecue
that lll be llren Friday night at
Huriain Lodge, arrived In town
tat sight from Salinas, Calif He
unit some of the sailnnt reasons for'
sending such a powerful fleet to tills
"Two )eurs ago. when we entered
the war, we hud u strong competition
us lo who hud the second largest
tuny, (ire.ii llrltiiln, of courhu, laK
I li K the flrHt place
Well, that competitor has
one or more projects In each stato.
and Is designed to assist soldiers to
get homes under the best conditions.
When such a project has been devel-
i.onn 0'",(1 to a Point where tho lands,
. , willed Off of I In, fun. of I'i, niirlli II ""' " ii'uiaumuuii, iicauu),,
ihe countless drinking and purposes purposes and " '" ' ' !.. irrigation are In fit con- Al
... the street m.y other details toward making f- ' X ,7' 'f r . m" was m for farming, the area will bo m
., purple ami ,,, plot ready for the 1.000 tents - J ' ' r n on h fc ,
the First Na- that will occupy It. will no doubt be """" " ,."",";, . ," nnrtl m ihn hooso "'
courdeilwith n.gbt -' -- -- XTpfir. "I,;.P- -t of the r
In ordor to extend civil service pre
ference to honorably discharged sol
diers, sailors and marines to federal
positions throughout the entire coun
try, the legislative committee of the
American Legion will urge amend-
WASHlNfiTON. i) r. J Tho present form of War Risk In-1
the hordes Hint will start pouring day night Admiral Hugh Hodman, ... ...,.,.. T ,, suranco Is known as term Insurance '
. ennn NFFnFD ,n, K,BlnBlh " ,he oarlv ,art of commander of (he Pacific fleet. In an lal., - '"""'- "' ' and ,g ptyau8 (n mpnthly Install- QOMF OPPOSE WILSON
TONSOFFOOtf mtAJCV nMt vw)k f address tonlglit at a banquet tendered Kon' c,lnlrnin" "t the committee on monll) tor ft pcrod of 240 monthg. ouraL "" " MW
..j Kirc llundrcii canvas oi ino resident uisiriris Hecrnlary of tho Nnvy Daniels ut the mopunnc lanus oi tno nouso or rep- This may he converted Into ordinary : Extension of Food Control
"z . t Mt Will le Itoiwtrtl. of tho town by ladles of tho housing Hotel del C'oronadi( gave an Intlmato rosnntatlves, has reported the Mon- forms of Insurance such as straight
iwnthrt Mrtu Will Kin" " nnu nccommuiinnuu uniiumi nun aaeirn or mo new I'aciric iioot and dell bill, H. n. 487 known as tho ",0 'nluranc8i iwoniy or miny year
J Barron Klk. Float Hal- been compioio.l. ana ino results aro some or the reasons that led to It bo- . .,.,., ,, A
vm mom peoplo, and many aro erecting
. - nJ rXor that Klam- oots In order that they nrsy help out making addresses In public,
i r ii! oaueMei will be In the In the work of housing tho visitors, ufruld that you have given c
Along With Federal WcenslB(j of
Corporations, Are Contrary 4ft
Soaae Members' Views PresJta
Mar Take Up Problems DiraeUy
With People on Speaking Tor
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. Prwl
dent Wilson's speech bfloe botb.
houses of congress touched so many
vital points in solving the high coet
of living, that Is prevalent over the)
country, that congress is ready to
take steps to act promptly on suen.
legislation as the executive asked lor,
according to Republican Leader
Although some members of con
gress disagreed today with the spec
ltic recommendations It was belief
ed by many that legislation would
follow the general proposals of the
striken rats, hut It was compelled value fixed Is required at tho time
under strew to Icnomlnously ur- tho farm Is ullotcd. ThUB, on a farm
rendor, mid then, with thn usual Him. valued at JG.000, the Initial payment
treachery, was surreptitiously sunk , w-ould be $250, a sum which tho sol
at Its anchorage In Hcapa Flow.
"And so I in ull truth, thnt It idovolopmnnt of tho project for one
C M. Douglas, agent for the Unlt-
dler could save while working on the cd states Railroad Administration at ,
Klamath Fans, manes me xouowing'
Murdlr wait to, tot busy on tho
Wtleie detalli and vast amount of
Wkuut U entailed In feeding thn
UH notthi that will no doubt find
ttarttr to the outdoor supper.
lose ld of the rations that wilt
h tied it the barbecue were given
Ntr Mr. Keef thli morning. For
trflrt htndred pounds of meat, K00
pmdi of betm, 100 gallons of salsa
h) orer 1,000 loaves of French
VmI will be needed. According to
Mr. Xeet he hu the finest barbecue
u h California along with him In
ttt (erwnsie of L. A. Deevcrs, w ho
will have fall charge of roasting .h
H,heef ud lamb thnt will be used.
Artinr Hebbron will arrive tonight
trosi Billnas to aid Mr. Keef .and P
I Ztbala will be In town on Tues-
Wto preparole latnu, that hns bc-
tM famout through Mr. 'uhala.
Wm Will Tickle P.Ulr
, Mm Ii mado un of tomaii.
fPPMri iml nllinr almlli.r ....-
toMU, and la flavored with a sauce
"kei It a dish that all will
" All the vlctuats used aro to
"Prepared t nrrmim jige, Mr.
""yet unmrinin .i,..,i .
" n wve the crowd cafeteria
Ww hare the food placed iround
Ublei that will be provided In
""e committee decides that It Is
Jfembto way to serve tho multl-
No end of fun nn.i im.i,,.
J" I Saturday afternoon nnd oven-
; wioiib, ,he I)lK llara(,o of nll
hoa ovor tho state. The city
ui .. uiniurs, uorns
"ry conrnlvnl.l. -, .
mi... . "" iiuiKomaKor
2 fcJM,Jtnk0 "' PIiranco
Vmll "' '""'ymnkers,
stirs ban'1 pitty,nK-oar"'-
:t,j,JJJrtBdwnM Wlarlty will
III hl, ! mW "flornoon. bout
.'."' ken set as m.
II l ,.. ..... .. . '.. .L J..-I
I.... rnvulllnx liavi been tia 1,1 In cold , '" "iieiei- nnniiiuaieiii not n vesi- io inree cr, auruiB
" 1- ---.. .. ,
oiitana Recently however,"5 re""'"', m inn, not enough to would be paia tne going wages.
ih rii.Kim hn Iip.ti revived In tills I ""''r u tnrgct to a well armed ferry- After the farmB have been allotcd,
num. 'assistance is to ne given tne soiaier
city, and Raleigh Wilkinson has been
paying In gold dust, over the counter
of u bank, tho city's 10 per cent roy
alty on tho gold ho has mined In the
heart of Helena.
1-aitt chance gulch, from which
many millions In gold were taken by
placer mining In early days, now Is
one of this rlty's principal streets, bill
Wilkinson, tho son of one of thn pion
eer miners of this ininp, lonsed n bit
of ground that had been overlooked,
nnd has been taking from It a good
return for his efforts.
Thn primary credit for this must in making his Improvements, tho
le given to the grand fleet, which maximum loan provided for this pur-
hml llirim vnnrn tt Mm mnmt atrnnti. .... LAMW 1 EAA a.,! nt In nmnaa
ous hard work In accomplishing this of three-fourths of the cost or value and the "bieQuent "moyal of Gov.
before wo entered the war: but it of the Improvements. During, or In
should be remembered that when we connection with the making of his
did enter wo contributed our full ,mprovements. the soldier could by han(Ue
share by at once sending our do- bis personal efforts and work easily " . . . . . ,. ..'.,.. .
stroycrs. buttleshlps, mining force contribute his 25 per cent of the
and other types of vessels to tho war total cost.
xone, all of which Immediately took Provision Is also made for loans
ment of the Van Dyck bill which President. The greatest opposition
gives such preference In Washington, ' was to the suggestion for the federal
C. only. I licensing of the corporations to stl-
Imulate competition In intra-sbat
CAR SHORTAGE 'selling, and for the extension of the
Ap A IN I OOMING food Control laws to the peace time
Many opponents of the, League of
Nations criticized the stress that the
President laid en the ratification of
the covenant, saying that there was
no connection between the ratifica
tion and the cost of living.
So acute have domestic problems
become over the country that they
may' be taken up directly with tha
peoplr by the President during his
forthcoming trip In the interests of"
the Peace Treaty. Plans for the tour
are progressing rapidly, and the ex
act Itinerary will be announced in a
short time.
Orders hae been issued to all spe
cial agents of the Department of Jus
tice to assist oil possible In uncov
ering ihe evidence tt bilng the profU
hlch time he PPea' to all shippers in this vicinity
In connection with the threatened car
"Minimum and small lot shipping
of all classes of freight, which was
resorted to by shippers following the
cessation of last year's hostilities
crnment loading restrictions which
had been In effect as a war measure,
has resulted in many more cars be-
sented for shipment than should ae-
transportation of that amount of
W. II. Caldwell, 70, father of Mrs
F II. RarrowH, whoso hushnnd form
erly ran thn old American Hotel on
Main Street, died lust Thursday and
was hurled thn following day at I
Hums, Oregon
Mr. Caldwell was one of the plonrei
settlors of Oregon having first come
hero In isr,6. Ho was the father of 10 I
children, 8 of whom nro living. Mr.
nnd Mrs, Harrow nro well-known In
iMinava a ahnrtdfrn nt fnra nnw PX'
an active part and rendered most t tho soldier settler for the pur- Jgts and'Br0W8 more seriou8 from day j tcer8 cver the -ountry to time. All
raiuaimi service. chase or necessary live siock ana .
"No further thought need be glv- equipment, tho maximum of such w',thout your assistance, the rall
en to any fears of Germany ever be- loans being J1.200, or 75 per cent of roads can nQt expect ,0 provIae cars
lug a menace so long as present con- tho total cost of necessary livo stock to moye the enormous crops and pro
dltlrns obtain. and 60 per cent of the equipment, so dlcton8 beiag otCered for shipment
"it is true mat wo aro now ai that while It is assumed tnat in
work, save their most pressing cases,
mist be droppel In the interests of
stopping hoarding nnd the like.
and the hardships which are certain
WASHINGTON. Aug. 9. Leaders
of fifteen organisations of railway
peace with tho whole world, nor can many cases the soldier would have tQ resuit tTom tno congestion whiciT emp,oyes asserted unitedly today
wo Imaglno any nntlon, bar none, some savings to start, it is believed f8 ,ho invariable result of a carthat "Tney nao no desire and have
will have the hardihood to m.ike war that a man starting at the beginning si,ortaBe cannot be underestimated none t0 'mPress tn the public by
on us. so long as our fleet retains Its f ont, 0f these projects without cap- nnd for the pUrp0so of relieving this vllence or thrjat."
present comparative strength nnd ita could, through Industry and fru- condition as far as may be possible. Their proposil !s for tripartite con
elllcleniy; for it Is a maxim, in naval BuIlty, carn an,j 8ave enough to i oarestly solicit your co-operation tro1 of the rallroaj3 They said their
wnrfare. that an enemy which is sep- mnl(c his initial and other payments to the following extent: request for more wages or living cw
arn ted from us hy the broad expanse ns ,,,. become due. "Those of you who have seasonal reduced Is aside the question of the
of an ocean, nnd which must be The balance due on tho land shall crons to move can holD out ereatlv! future disposition of the railroads. It
Klamath Falls having lived hero for " t-Hotl to attack us, must have u he paId ln amortizing payments ex- if you will, without delay, advise meitl10 Presldent or congress will not
many years. Mr. Harrows Is at pros-'""" ",rr" '" 0,,r ow" ,0 PX"ecl tending over a period to bo fixed by the approximate amount of freight "ZT'VnZVZ ft?
ent working as a bookkeeper for " ""Kr,,, ,,f :u,cc"ss- , , . tho secretary of the Interior, not to you will require to be shipped to- 'J 'ho ?"' d llavetotr t0 nd
box and mIiIhi-I, rnmimnv In Nnnii I A wllr wun U"MI "nu""' l"" exteed 40 years, hearing Interest at getner with tne closest approximate I
llnntl. Mia llnrroua u in Kliiiinih ' "llv country that has a itronger (he rate of 4 percent per annum. dnto shipment is to be made. This
Falls ut pniHont ind will leave within
a few days for North llend.
TOKIO, Aug. !. Premier Hnra
recently told n political party dole
gatlon that "should the disturbances
in China contlnuo, Japan may ho
navy than outn, Is. to my mind, ut- Congressman Slnnott's report also will permit of arrangements being
lei ly out of the question ;nnd henco H(ntl,s tnnt the Into President Theo- made to consolidate small lot ship
there Is no other not ono, that wo (loro ji00SPVeit advocated tho soldier monts where full car capacity ship-'
can Imagine that would be foolish settlement policy as proposed by Sec ments can not bo secured as well as,
enough to meet us on our shores, or IPtary i.ano, In tho last article which nfford this Company greater pppor-j
nttompt an Invasion. no wrote for tho press; that PresI- tunlty for securing suitable equip-,
"You should remember that ships (IpIlt Wilson has urged It upon con- ment to fit tho shipments that no
alono are not nil that go to make up KH.SS ) tvo messages; that tho gov- available car spaco need be wasted I
a navy. We must have navy yards, or()r.s i,, ;; states have appointed "Other shippers enn greatly as-1
CHICAGO, Aug. 9. While some
drvdocks. coaling stations, repair mmmlsHioiiH to ro-onorato with the sist by making all available equip- signs of improvement in the railroad
compollod to adopt sultahlo meah- llalltH )UVni biiHos. radio, aerial and secretary of tho interior, and nll of ment carry Its maximum load and shopmen strike situation were indt-
trnlnlng stations, and t he-id must not t,pS0 commissions havo expressed further soliciting tno aid or their ;iaieu lonaj, striKers at some aiw
I only be established and bo nmplo to lnojr earnest intorest in legislation Consignees to tho end that orders can slon points were disinclined to heed
' ..... . ... ... ..... 1.1. 1.1. l.A f .. AM.... r.n.1 nM 1. A I MA .1 1a. 4 It n T fad I A till 0 O ii f 1 A. . A Vn.t.WV. fr .
take eiro of u noet, nut uiey iiuini i 0f this chnracter. enuer u iuhcwbu ui um huud hu . .o...v . uu,..u , imu w
It was roportod on July 2Sth that !lPtlllly ,r-,j 0ut nnd tested to prove Congressman Slnnott calls atten- ndlusted so as to permit of consoll- I work pending settlement of the mat-
,''ll tl(k nnn TIhIIiiIii Tinllf Til thill 1 1. 1 i J 1.11 .1.4.-... T.. At. T71t C 11. C..A1 X.
ili.dr nllleloncr. illnn to thn fact that tho American illllion in suiinijuiiia ami uuuoie loan- mi. iu iuu cuai, ouuiu, ouuiuwoat
ures for tho sufeguurdliiK of Japan
i'bu Interests.'
Franco, Great Hrltaln, Italy, Jiipm
and tho United Stntes mado frlondly
'And so our secretary vury wisely legion has olllclally endorsed tho lug-
nnd far West the men decided not to
9 iwui ....
I U VT ',ks w,l Man-li
- OHfllPrl,
IthjH,. :" "Ul ns tho tlmo forjiii'ined hostilities
It, '. wrM. instead of sm,i...l
r BTininf ......,
roprosontntlonB to tho Chlnoao gov- ,,.,,,., ((, Beiid this magnificent ,m, aml tm,t H2.0SS soldiers havo "It Is of Natlonnl Importance nt, return to work until their wage de-
iieei eniiHlstliiK of over 175 vossels, mn.iA formal annllcntlon for oppor- this tlmo that huslness conditions iie,mands wero met. Freight Is being
aggregating over 500,000 tons ills- tunltles of employment nnd homo not affected In tho manner which .held up during the strike,
plnroinunt, valued at $425,000,000, B0Ung under tho terms of this bill, would result If definite stops nre not J Five hundred policemen and 2
orument, urging tho settlement of
tho Inng-Htnnillng qunrrol between
North and South China, and strongly
advising against tho lOHiimptlon of
V7'rni,rly nlan
ji..' w' committee n-i .
Including vossols of all types, dread
noughts, battleships .armored cruls- SAILORS MAY vr.WiF. UOl'TS
ors, destroyers, submarines, mlno-j WHILK IX SAN FRANCISCO,
inviira. Kweonors. supply, fuel and.
hospital ships, most of which uro SA. FRANCISCO, Aug. 9. Pro-, be consistent and. In turn let us bo
tlnoo banks will eloso at noon ,,- tmluy your homo waters, to viteA sanction is given hy Admiral , fnvorod with your co-operation that
Friday, to pormlt of tho em- ,)Q m,edlatoly followod hy tho ro- UuKx Hodman seven boxing champ-1"1"- service to you may cqntlnuo unln-
. . . . . . . . . . . i. .i.e.- . . i iaa . ... ...... i tnrPiinfofi1i M
dovolop tho Pacific lonshlivs of tho Pacific fleet ranging
' for Vu, ""' "'" Piirnilo
mr.V',0n" Wllh tl10 local! All tli
lk i. ...."" nl'o expected to not Frl
?!"'" -wilt h ilm,', Tw" "'"''Haiid.PloyoH purtlclputlng In thn festivities ...nindor, to
ft,.... -"llllll. !....,.,... . .. .... .,.. 1 . .... ...... ...,,.. ,!.. 1
"mei Martli im-muni io ino i.ikb couvoniioii. Coast to tho highest uegron irum u rrom mo iigntesi weigui iirii "
Sth"iorontho l Blt '" lh0 ,mvnl 8tMlnt. I heavy wolghts will bo decided at
'J7in,tlubourini ,KR .WILIi STOP GOLD IMPORTATION. "Wo nuiy need nddiiionni yurua,-nouts stagoa in inn municipal num
2 Pu,Wandwh y llec",'nt-! - moro drydocks and somo of tho oth- torlum hero during tho visit of tho
Z. " trlmmiriKs bi touchos, MEXICO CITV. Aug, 9. Now io- or utilities, but undor any clrcum- floot.
wT?f H1 rid. '.,. olhor 'ng Rulntlons for the milling IndiiHtry In stances. In addition to constituting. Plans will not he completed until
farpie ' , 10at w'th Miss Moxlco prohibit tho exportation of your protoctlvo force, It is sure to I answer is given by Admiral Rod-
"u nowors gold n nnv form but nnnrovo tho.creatlv Incroaso your commercial, man io mo proposal, oui h is niiumi-
i" 'HirftaKij-
marketing in foreign countries of l -sllvor
and copper.
(Continued on Page 3)
ed to give tho auditorium ovor to
the sailors without cost.
taken to improve tho condition above deputy sheriffs and tho last o the
referred to, Railroad representatives troops were withdrawn from the
stocKynrus today, in nope tnat tne
striking employes would return to
work. Eleven hundred police aro
still on duty. Labor leaders de
clared the men would not return un
til every guard had been withdrawn.
Permission was granted to recognize
9,000 negro employes.
will gladly furnish you with any In
formation nnd assistance which may
he consistent and, In turn let us bo
Dr. R. R. Hamilton, formerly of
this city, nnd Mrs. Hamilton, accom
panied by Mr, nnd Mrs, Vernon
.Motschenbachor, who are woll known
In Klamath Falls, having attended
high school here, drove In this after
noon from Portland for the Elks
NEWPORT. R. !., Aug. 9. Wil
liam Tllden, of Philadelphia defeat! d
William Johnston of San Frnnclseo,
In the final round of the tennis sin
gles tournament L'tre today.