The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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. .iArnUHT n, H,'
rsrrrr r
I Mr. mill Mm, J, W. Ijfikojr, who
., mm" Imrd from Kimim to make
their homo, re turn ml thin morning to
tlmlr ll hiinid.
Mm. Tom ('oiwoni Mini nieces
llniiiinm ntnit- worn piiwnjiignrs on inn nnuiniinunii
tt. ind W'1, 8' '" ......t..n.t with irnln thin mornlnK. Thny will ko to
a b "i0tnM ,.. ft WnKin They Hun KrmirUrn for tin extnndeil visit,
their otflt p"1' ,, L their route I" J- A' Vookor I a city visitor from
nt ,o,, ti,c,r
"'rtrtU.!, rrturnlnB l."
tniff 'u
Urf. H' . l.l.i week
:. it nw "'".' :l.
ClmrlcH Colvln arrived liiHt night
from Portland for n lntHlm-nn vlnll
II, llriuniner In In the, city from
Him Francisco.
ol" ........ tn.liiv i" II. Tlmliln of Hun Francisco nn
jlri, Jim ,)r',f01iroinr, I'M Var- rlvcd In Klamath KhIIh last ovonltiK
(ormrllh J. unit' wit" i,lft- fT f,,w ''"' vlHll
l(r, lor 'cW J . Mm. W. J. Carlyon In h city visitor
tUdlo"111' "W,.of tho California- fr ItoddliiK thin wwk. Sarah
'" mnntiy l lur" '"' " UTinnil in wiiu oirn. viirijrini.
. ... rnncr f-t - .. i. i,.i. ..,... 1 1 f ,...iu,...
OrfIBU I II r rnilK i.ii.i w ... i ..iin.Jii
ibort&,,nc" T' ' ((l n,n city on nro Intro from Horn! on muttera of
jtilnW f""1"' t It. c, HpoII In onn of (ha numerous
, picllle company- Ior(ln1(, rMinrH , Klamath Kalis
S. 1. c""""w I. aftor n thin week.
,"llt' I It to thnt city. ' IT'" "'' "nrknloy of Holbrook
k"'H,f VcRobln loft "" ,l"1 ,r,,,n loft lnlH n,"r,,l,,K for I-"w'll. Ore.
7n after a tWt wltM ,l"r '"r "n acl..inlttl vlnlt.
,b!i Bornm , , Jn(j w K K) ,,
daughter Nuvn started today In their
ear on a Mum trip to ModeHto, Cal .,
after it week' vlnll with frlemln anil
relative hero. During their vlnlt
Mr. anil Mm. Faughl nolil their prop
erty In Klntiiutli Falls, an they iixpoit
to miike their homo In California.
I.oii anil llohhutta Tuttlu of
nell Valley wero In town UiIh niorn
Ini: on a HlmppliiK tour.
Mrn. llahuiimon ntid Judge and
Mm II I.. Ilonimn were luinnenK'irn
on tint Crater Utiko stage thin morn
Ini;. C I". Wllllnmn with hln wife anil
rhlldren are In Klamath Kalln Vrom'
The Dillon.
Mm. Arthur Murphy In a city vln
llor from Nw York.
I Tudor ilrovo up from Dorrln
Oils moruliiK to look after ImnlneMn
lllterentn hern.
Mr and Mm Charlen lliillnwny of
llrowiiMvlllu. Ore., ami daiiKhtor
Kranren of KuKene aro Intro vlnltlnK
Mr and Mm. Win. Hall and '.Mr and
Mm Otiy Hattorloo.
i:. K. MaK'."'' returned lant nluht
moro vlMtor thnn Klamath Kalln
coulil take raro of would attontl tho
Klkn ponvontlon.
Mr. und Mrn. John Hlemrtm and
Mrn. C. ('. I,ow arrived linmo lant
nlKlit from a vauitlon vlnlt to Port
land. Dlpk .alirii, an Pltlrcn,
yentenlay hln Intention of
liopomltiK a cltlnen of the I'nltoil
HIiitoH In tho odlco of the clerk of
tint elmilt court.
JuiIko Conn of I.tikevlew, aftor
In-iirltiK and HottlltiK noveral (irumlng
law pjinisa III JuiIko D, V Kuvke'i
iIiiU'h nlmonoo, returned to hakovlnw
Into yentenlay.
sti:.I( nr.o,iMiti or c;i:mm.
KAN ntANCIHCO. Aur. S -Tlrron
ilnrliiK hatiilltK ;papoil with Renin
vnlueil at IMi.nOi) which they HU.Ie In
liro.ul iluyllKhl todav from the Mor
Kiiu Jewelry Company In tho down
town liiiHliienn illntrlct.
I'l.V THAI'S ,
The I'erk hoyn make n (SOOD Kly
trap ut 711 Walnut Ave $1.25 each.
8 - 3 1
ESIht SpccUlM of I'ortlnml, Or.,
Ii it the Marahftll IIouno for onn
-...I. . M.MIH. llll.M.1 7t).
Dr. Hon bit had over 2f. yearn Tom a liuilniw trip to I'orlla ...1. and
prutlce In tho scientific fitting of "1.1 that from all ho could learn
o,lu,. Ih. Ii a from " "'" ""' ('ll' " K,,l1 ",ttl,jr
tie McCormlck School of Op1. imI
coloir. Chlcacn.
II jou hare hrailnchen, dizzy npelln
or blick ipecka flontlnK hoforo thn
tj, or njr ntrrnus allniontn, hctlor
Un ronr eyes einmlneil, for thenu
inoptdiii ill point to eya ntraln
Secretary. I I Kouiitaln Troaniiior
i:MUlim Knrampment No 4 0, I 0
O. I . inot'tM TuiiMiliy nlKlit of each
I'. I
Otierlinlii. Scrlhe:
Fountain Treanurer
Kcaturliifr hpcplnl .Mimic
With the l'l(turo.
n Hiriittoii, I'lmimt.
JcK? Ii. Iisky I'rrseiiH
YSjWYPicmoiio "7
""U.IU IIHMI ll()l.,..l)
D -.Msih-. .
tlie.cH(ijJllt.M ,.
Artirurt I'nweniH
i-i-sii: i.'i:iu;rsoN
You can own any of tint lioiuob list
ed liuluw on our paymutit plan
v. .tl low Intorooi rnloB. Start Now,
It'n eiihler than paying rent
r. P.... in tilfiuii.r.iil limine, eiitnliletn-
!y furnlsliud, on Mh Strom, clotu In,
$4 250.
.New fi Itooin modern lluncalow on
'pnvcmit-iit clono In with, khmko. $t.
non. ii Hoom plastereil honne, KitniKo mi
Ifltli St. l'p-to-dato In uvery nmpocl.
4 room Iioubo, hlK lo -2nd Hot
SpiltiKH Addition. $1000
Now 7 room Iioubo on Crorcont
Avo Ono of llio moht licuntlfiil
homos In (ho city and ti wonderful
buy at $.'000. Seo It.
Now 8 loom homo Junt heliiK cotii
plutoil on CroHPout Avn Kino loratloii
mid thu mot Iiouhuu In
town. CariiKii and all modern coii
venlenieH. Mum ho boou to ho op
piurluteil. I'rlto $7000
r loom hoiiso un Lincoln St im
pellent locution. Complololy furn
Inlifil. Tho lii'Ht Imv III tho City at
$:tri()0. Hurry up If you want a Imr
i;nln. fi room Iioiiho on 10th St flood lo
cation I'rlro $2S(HI.Iii fact If Its a
liomo )t wiint, I Iiimo It.
Aho AKonry for tho IdKRoat and
host Plro and Llfo limurunco I'mii
imiilos In Ainorliip Thn Now York
Llfo. licMcr lii;o),tlKalo toil.iy.
020 Main St.. with UoiIbd, The Tailor.
, Uoh. IMioiiu U20U
.1. Kauo. nluiiHo conimunlciito lour
nililrpHH, ut onco to ,1. K. I... euro lio
'77. I'njtironlau officii, Watnoiillln,
Calif. 7-:it ,
I KO 1 1 HUNT FurnlHhml housokoop
1 ItiB rooms, Apply Iluiulil office.
8-tf. '
il'OH SALIC 2 pieces of laud 10 '
, uml 20 acres with Improvoniimtn -'will'
r mllg from town. Iiinulri ":i.1
Main St. S-St ,
,,ry Wcli,
T,le 11.11, ,,fTll()S
WANTKD Womiui to cook for 12
I mon fjood wiikph. Son Mm. Ia
Frontoro on Mouilay or TuuhiIii'' "I
I llotol Hull. 8-2t
""tot 10 n
"Ks 7iU0 ft 9,
KOH SALK Nino lotn. block l.i
Kwuuna HolKlita, and LotH 12 nnil
13 block 3.1, Hot Spring Addition, lota mum bo biiLI Imtuodlatoly
In HOttlomont of nil OHtato.
Mra.-M. M. Mataon, Hotel Hall. S-tf
ItANOB POU ItRNT 2400 ncroa.
' Ooo'd for stock. Inqulro, Hcraltl of-1
tlCO. 8-tf I
How kern' Orclicntra. Into of tho
Salem Statu Fair and I'endlcton
Koiind-rp, will he ut the Moobd hall
conontloti wnek. commoncInK noxt
Monday nlclit If you like to nee
tho latent nkltn In (LnncltiK ko to
Moono hull every nljfht noxt week.
I HAN KltANCIHrn Anr 8 rnn
you croato tho ono word which will
lionl denote tho Unltod Hliiton and all
purtn of Ilrltannla? If no, you will
ho paid at tho rate of $1,000 a word.
The World Trade Club of Ban Fran
elnro hnn offereil $1,000 to tho per
non who HiiKKontH tho word which, In
the JudKinont of the cIiiIi'h Metric
f:tnpil;n commlttoo, la lCHt adapt
ed to world wlilo uno.
Tho competition In opon to all
hiimanklnil. The money will bo puld
to tho winner at noon on May 16,
1 020, by a committee appointed by
I'renldent W. 11. Hammer of tho
World Trade Club.
"Ilrlt-Am." Ambrla." "Ambrlttl
ca." "llr-Am," "Sam-Hull,' 'aro notno
words thus far miKKontoiL New
nam'K are conntantly coming. Tho
World Trado Club In offering this
award because In carrying on Its
prcucnt campaign for tho adoption
of metric units by nil Kngllsh-spcak-lug
people the United States, tho
British Inlen, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, Tanmanla, United South
Africa, and so on It was hampered
by the lock of a slnglo short word
which would express nil these.
Tho metric unltB of weights and
measure aro now used by all tho
world oxcopt "Hrlt-Am" or "Am
brlttlca" or "Sam-Hull."
Grips you like iron
is the tool of a selfish, unscrupulous husband
The Divorce Trap
is the most sensational picture of the time,
Gladys Brockweli
A William Fox Production
In which a telephone girl weds a milionaire only to
find that man's inhumanity to man often extends to
women as well.
Liberty Theatre-Today
Klamath Lodge No. 137
I. O. O. F.
Moots Friday nU;bt of each etU at
-., .... I U li r nan, mo nun ,uni jihtl.
All KhOOl Children Should hi C it I ,:..,... V ft l'r,.,l Itrmniir.
I w.i.-.f..n .. ...
ueir tja rianuncu uj a coin put ni
Optometrlit beforo returning to
wpok at I O. O. F hall Arllo or-
i u iirdKnicninR croBs eyes Willi ,,. ,i . Xato
Arnfurlv tnt .!.. .. '. A .,.. ..
RemtBbcr, no cliargo for exit mi
ction. Home tddreu, 407-108 Selling
Balldlsr. Portland, Oro.
mBtmnatt's Stove
H. N. MOE, Proprietor
Are You Prepared? There Is No Time to Spare
Just a Few Short Days, Then The Elks
Do you rvnllzo how great has been
the honor conferred on Klamath
Falls by tho selecting of this city for
tho coming convention? Many n
larger city would have welcomed tho
opportunity It offers. HUT. some of
our own llvo wires put it over, so It
behooves us to
.Make the. Supremo KfTort In
Kiory Wa to t'oiiilnoo VNIt
Ing Klki that You Aro (Had to
Siv Tlicm.
And when they lenvo for their
homos, which will Include most ev
ery city and town In tho State, you
will have created an Impression that
will do much toward tho "boosting"
mid upbuilding of your city. For.
rich as a community may bo In nat
iit al resources, It Is really tho spirit
of Its people that "makes" tho town.
Wo luivo reason to bo proud of tho
past and tho future of Klamath
Falls, so lot's tell outsiders about It.
This will be an occasion when the "dress-up" spirit will hold full sway
when you will want to appear in your best. Don't put off until the last min
ute, the important matter of apparel. Come tomorrow and make selections
from stocks that offer you greatest opportunities for satisfactory choosing.
Ladies of Klamath Falls, Look your Prettiest
In a Fresh, New Frock for the Occasion
Whether it be a cinnning frock of Silk or the dainty ong of Crisp White, it's all a matter of
choice WE, with stocks selected with the view of offering variety, are satisfied that YOU will ex
perience no dltllculty In finding a garment to your individual liking.
.'o need, we believe, to go into descriptions thy rarely do justice the direct appeal is in
viewing them.
Frocks of Silk, $20 to $40. Frocks of Wash Materials, $&50 to$15
And the New Blouses Are Simply Beautiful
Pages and pages could be written of the beauty of each of these lovely new
Blouses. Fashioned of the finest of Georgettes and Crepe de Chine, trim
med in ways that simply defy description, Fashion has been lavish in the be
stowing of charm on these Blouses. In eveiy favored shade and tint. Prices
considering quality, are modest indeed.
You can Save on
Wash Skirts
Welcome this opportunity
of selecting n fresh new
separate Skirt for wear dur
ing tho convention. And
white, you know, will be
much In evidence. No re
strictions; select any Pique,
Wash Sntln. Gabardine or
skirt of Waffle Cloth that Is
in our stock, und pay but a
part of tho regular price.
Many styles, and In a full
range of sizes.
$2.50, $3.f5, $3.65
up to $7.35
Just in time
Silk Sport Sweaters
Just in time, we say, for ni3ny women will
want them for early Fall wear. In novel
ty weaves of ejlther solid color or combina
tion of colors. In stripe und check effect.
This offer includes the remninder of our
stock, comprising perhaps a score of
Sweaters Here are the original and salo
$25.00 Sweaters, now $19.95
$20.00 Sweaters, now $14.95
$15.00 Sweaters, now $ 9.95
omen s
$30 to $40 Suits, a Sale at $25
Just a moro handful, sc wo might say Hut tho savings are, so great the '' s;
should not bo overlooked. Tho lot, ooiisistliii? of about a dozen suits, Includes models of
French Sorgo, Chovlot, Shepherd Chock ami Tiffetn Silk. Sizes are 18 to 40.
Tomorrow, and while any of Them remain, $25.
Manv of thoso suits conform in stylo to those which will bo popular for Fall,
double economy to those women who may find u suit to their liking.
This means
NEW The "Wilfit"
Expansion Dress
An ideal dross for homo wear, combining com
fort, economy and attractiveness, in small
checks, plaids and stripes also in solid colors,
with collar, cuffs and pockets of chocked ma
terial in contrast. Tho waist and skirt is so con
nected by a reinforced elastic medium thnt tho
dress naturally adjusts itself to any position
tho wearer assumes, insuring perfect fit and
comfort at all times.
$3.75, $3.98 and $4.50
Small LotsHBroken Lir es
at Sharp Reductions '
Kvery-day noeds that moan economy to thrifty
women. Space will permit of tho mention of
but u fow.
Women'-. Itibhcil Hose, ?pelal at -IOc.
In black- and white, ltogular r0c value.
Women's Kibbcd Vests, Special nt tMSc.
flood ((utility. Present day 3,rc value.
Children's lllbbed Hose, Spodnl SOf.
Extra Junvy. ninck and white Hfic value.
Clillilicns' Hear Waists, Special ftOc.
Strap and Huttcn stylo; 2 to 13 sizes.
Women's Km elope Chemise, Special $1,10.
Fine quality Nainsook. Hogular 1,75 value.
ilOo OiuKliani, Special 25c.
In stripes and plaids; good duality.
Cotton Foulards, Special -Do.
35c and 45c value; conventional pattorns.
We have a limited amount of Purple and White Bunting for convention decorations. Make your purchase
tomorrow to avoid disappointment
The Last Call to This
Drastic Clearaway of
Boys Wash Suits
ninny mothors havo profited by purchasing these desir
ablo Wash Suits at tho present reduced prices. Coming
just nt tho timo when tho suit bought oarlior in tho soa
hon litis begun to show signs of past usefulness, wo offer
tho entire- stock of thoso very attracttvo ono- and two
ploco suits at sharp reductions. Of lino Oinghntn, Devon
shire Chnmbrny and Galatea In blues, grays, tans and
white. Many styles. Sizes ;i to G.
$1.00 Suits reduced to $ .85
$1.25 Suits reduced to $ .95
$1.65 Suits reduced to $1.19
$1.75 Suits reduced to $1.29
$2.00 Suits reduced to $1.69