The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Lee Tires Give Exceptional Service
Any Defective Tires can bo Adjusted on a 6,000
Mile basis in Klamath Falls.
Howie Garage
12 th and
& Isfk-l- Jm!mm
IS (
si For All Outdoors
j A package of Snow Flakes is a friend in need. I I
j Always fresh, crisp, easy to pack and satisfy- -V
( in. They tasto good with everything else. "
lj Your grocer can supply you. )
Pv '
I V Don't ask for Crackers J -J
' xiffiVsrs say Snow Flakes
-ffi3rflSISru0SMSteS,vv " Pacific Ctatt
t-V" P-JTyifflSTrfTlik rN Biscuit Co.
films im-ri:.mng
I'OI'l l,.ttl'l" IN LONDON
(Yop Mullet In Ghes Ijirk f Mols.
lure us IUmxiii of Slimline.-. of
Krull. IH'M-lmto County Cut
ting Alfalfa.
MUX ICO (MTV. Auk ". Ameri
can moving rilniM mo iierons(ii; Pi
lo!tff lurlty hero I'nlll eighteen
months ago European pictures were
luvtiroil liy tho public lilcli hint in
quired it taste Tor Kreiuli mill Italians
productions. Of Into, however, Atucrl
cnn manufacturers Imvii put their
products to tin fore In the rcpuhlli
mill their films are to be foiinit In vli -ttiully
nil picture house, In ninny of
tlium displacing altogether tlio Euro
pemi films.
Evidence Unit the United 8lnto.s
uiauufacliirois liitetul to expand their
field, here In the fnrt thnt within the
p.iat few, weok.s three of tint lending
com panles have established offices In
"goiis- wili m vim.
lirtfl C'UANCIKt (I
Mexico City mid these. In turn have
I I. I..... I.. !...... P.. flu... I 1
ni.invii iiHiiiuii'n in inn miui hhihi- rwio r il.M lr.1 U tlI.
ulajaia. Sun I. tils I'otiwl mill Monlei , (treat dancing pmiv n tliu a i""
i-v Itetiiosoiitnllves of these flrtini'slx lint 1 IohIi Iih i ' t
i ' "inn
assort thnt III u shnit time .Mexico will . tlio I'nclfle fleet at
lecelve film roliiiu.os almost Hlinillt- girl pm turns fur
nneniisly with the I'nlted .States This
will he mi Innovation fur heretofore
managers have been content to re
celve films many months old mid of a
poor quality
inauitfau ot
"'le Ihnn ..,..
'v nin
l) .0i.,
! Hie many , .iterttm(,( .'
ptnt.ned for ..... vs,t !,,
the fleet IIiikIi...Ih .,r Kirl hs'Tj!
On account of car shortage wo will
Bell blocks at $2.50 per cord at our
tactory until further notice. Now is
the'tlme to get In your winter blocks.
17-tf. Ewauna Box Co.
Can furnish good pasture for two
hundred head. Price $1.50 per month
per head. Phone or write Dr. W. H.
Gaddes, Eagle Ridge 31-tf
For a limited time we
will make the follow
ing prices on
to y o u r
Cord, or single load
Double load $4.50
O, Peyton
501 Main. Phone 187
i ' PORTLAND. Aug. S. In many
parts of Oregon peaches and apples
i are small at present because of lack
of moistutv and insufficient thinning,
according to tlio weekly weather ro-
, port mid crop bulletins of tho local,
weather bureau. Irrigated apples,,
( however, are good, and peaches nro
ripening in Increasing quantities, tho
I report says. Hartlott pears ure rip-,
ening, mid a fuw havo been shipped
from Josephine county. Picking of.
' blackberries continues.
The past week was relatively cool
In the western counties, though
there were a few high temperatures
In tho southern and eastern coun
ties. There was considerable cloudl-'
ness, and some light sprinkles of
rain. There was little wind, and tho
humidity was higher than usual, re
sulting In a lessened rate of evapor
continues to decrease The shortago u. ..r ,.,..,.. ni.i (.
of irrigating and stock water is quite' hi vou lmlHt bn0 ()n ,,io Inside like
serious in places. vou bathe outside. This Is vimtlv ninre
Everyone Should
Drink Hot Water
in the Morning
Wash away all the stomach, liver,
and bowel poisons befora
' breakfast.
To feel your best day In and day out,
,to feel clean inside: no sour tilln to
coat your tonguo and sicken your
breath or dull vour head: no ronutlnn
Water In springs and streams ton bullous attacks, sick headache
tho sailors m
H When $ou 're hot and thirsty say )
H TT T )
-1 nil c;o 1
1 (( F?OOHr, BBBR Vjl
Hm) Msajr pUce whcroft berermfc ara nM. IK
WHll Oonlwl In 3 Um H
I Will Bottitn and DUmtuton. PORTLAND, OREGON H
LAKEVIEW, Aug .7. (Special)
Reno, Nevada, is going out after the
business of Southeastern Oregon,
and with that en din view, one of the
wholesale firms of that city is hav- corn was retarded by high tempera
in ,i.ii in T.nlfBvlPw one of the tures In recent weeks. In the warm
largest warehouses in the state. It
Harvest of winter wheat Is com
plete in some sections of the state,
and progressing with little interrini
tion in others. Threshing Is well
' under way. Harvest of spring wheat
'and oats Is under way except In the
more elevnted districts. Most smnll
grain crops are mature, hut some
late spring wheat on higher ground
may have benefited by showers in In l. This will clrnnn. purify
e3stern counties. The growth of freshen the entire alimentary tract, lie
hue putting more food Into tho t-tnm
ich. i i.
er districts irrigated corn Is making Get a quarter pound of llmestonoi
important, because the skin pores do
not nbsorb Impurities Into tho blood,
while tne Dowel poies do, says a well-;
'tnown physician. j
To keep theso poisons and toxins
ell flushed from the stomach liver
tldncy and bowels drink before break
fast eich day a glass of hot water with '
i trrspoonful of limestone phosphate 4
Is the Intention of this Ann to carry goon growin except wnere water is pnospniue irom your it is
a complete line of merchandise. It scarce. Unlrrlgated corn needs rain. 'inexpensive and almost tnsteless, px-!
being stated that a stock valued at Stacking of the first crop of al-'"opt a sourish twinge which is not un-
upwards of $150,000 will be kept fa,fa naH been completed In Des-1 pleasant. Di ink phosphated hot water
L,. , ii Hmes , chutes County, tho yield being good.' 'very morning to rid your system of.
! rv. -u, ., ,., ri,io thnt Cutting of the second crop is in prog-i hese vile poisons and toxins;
have been and are now being taken ress In many sections, the crop being
toward the development of this sec- generally good except where there,
tlon of Oregon. Isolated as it has was insufficient water. Some third
h..n from th nntslrtfi world. Its crop has been cut in the warmer dis
tricts. The late cuttings are being ,'uniuiuuon oi oouy
progress has been necessarily slow.
but has, nevertheless, been advanc- materially reduced by lack of water.
Ing, until today It has reached a Pastures and ranges are dry. There
point where It Is attracting the at- 1 still good feed on the higher
tentlon of outside capital. This ranges, but elsewhere it Is becom
wholesale firm was quick to grasp lng scarce. Stock Is still In good con
the situation, and recognizing the dltion over most of the state, but In
fact that it Is but a matter of a short some sections is being moved out
time before some of the projected owing to lack of feed and water,
railroads will penetrate this terrl-ji Tomatoes are ripening In most lo
tory and bring with it competition, callties. Melons are ripening in the
They foresaw that the first firm on warmer districts. Beans are gener
the ground would have an immense ally in good condition. Hops prom-
! advantage, and decided to make the Ise good yields. Potatoes and gar-
plunge and come In now. Already uens need rain, but nave been neip-
thev have had assurances of such ed by cool weather. Forest
support as to make their investment ' have been less troublesome, owing
also to
prevent their formation.
To feel like young folks feel: like
vou felt before your blood, nerves and
muscles became saturated with an ac-
poisons, begin this &
reatmeut, and above all, keep It up! if
s soap and hot water uct on tho skin, j J
cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so
limestone phosphate and hot water be-'
fore breakfast, act on
liver and bowels. Adr.
the stomach,
All Are Invited
to join the Peerless Orchestra in Big Week
End Excursion to Rocky Point Resort Sat
urday evening. Dancing, Boating, Fishinrj,
Special Chicken
Dinner Sunday
J. H. Driscoll
Loomis Bldg. Phone 432
absolutely safe. The merchants ap
prelate the attention paid them, and
they are going to give the undertak
ing their hearty support.
to low temperature and high humid
ity, and In some localities have been
'checked by showers.
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 7. San Diego
"witnessed the greatest naval pageant
In !tr history today when tho Pacific
Fleet was reviewed by Secretary of
Muvy Daniels. Thousands of visitors
were In the city for the great event.
Over S000 sailors were given shore
liberty following the review. ,
Dinner and Short Orders
Voodlcs Chili Con Carnl
Open all night
Just off Slain on 7th
A little off of the Main street,
)ut It pays to walk
When you darken your hair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can
'tell, because It's done so naturally, bo
evenly. Preparing this mixture,
though, at home Is mussy and trouble
some. For 50 cents you c&n buy at
any rdug store the ready-to-use prep
aration, Improved by the addition of
Hher ingredients, called Wyeth's Sage
id Sulphur Compound " You Just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with
It and draw this through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time. By
n.ornlng all gray hair disappears, and,
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully darkened,
glossy and luxuriant.
Gray, faded hair, though no dis
grace, is a sign of old age, and as we
all desire a youthful and attractive
appearance, get busy at once wltb
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
mid look yearn younger.
Only 9 per cent of the
people of this country are
In the labor unions.
pain, ran
Don't sulTerl '-(let 'a'dirxfo' .pack
of Dr. TJame'7Heada5he
Vou can clear your head 'and relieve
a dull, splitting or violent throbbing
headache in a moment with u Dr.
.Iamen' Headache Powder. This old.
time hondiirhc relief nets almost magi
'ally. Send some ono to the drug store
now for a dime package and a few mo
cunts after yon t'iko a powder you
vill wonder what hciMine of the bead
die, neiiriilt'la ninl I Mop sulTor
if it's nis'dli" vou get what
mi is): tor
Pursuant to ordinance, and order
of the Common Council of the City
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, notice U
hereby given that proposals will be
received by said common council for
making tho Improvement deslgnod
for the Improvement of Seventh
fires street from Washington street north-
etiy to Prospect streot; Prospect
street from Seventh street north
westerly to Eighth street and Jeffor-'
son street from rioventh street easter
ly to eighth street, including inter
sections, j
Said proposed Improvement to be
made in accordance with the plans
nnd specifications of the City Engin
eer, and approved by the said Com
mon Council, and In accordance with
Ordinanco No. 4C8 adopted on tho
4th day of August ltlli), and by the
mayor upproved on tho 5th day of
August 1919. s
Said plans and estimates nnd speci
fications being on tlio with the City
Engineer, '
The proposed Improvement will ho
let In one contract, and the tlmo In
which tho samo is to be completed Is
fixed by said ordinance for Nov. 1st,
1919. ,
Rids must bo filed with the Police
Judge for submission to tho Council, '
at his office in the city hall not later
than 8 o'clock p. m, of tho 18th day'
'of August 1919, ut which tlmo and i
place proposals will bo opohed and
considered. Each proposal muBt bo
accompanied by a cortlfled check on
some responsible bnnk to tho amount
of 5 per cent of the aggrogato amount
of the proposal, to be forfolted by the
successful bidder upon failure, to
enter Into contruct and bond for ma
faithful completion of the Improve
ment In accorda'neo with 'the p'luns
and specifications. Tho City of Klam
ath Falls reserving tho right to roject
any nnd all proposals (Or making if
said improvement.
The award to tho successful bidder X
. mnl'ln,- 1 n .... n r.n .1 .-.....
ment Is hereby made contingent up
on tho salo of the bonds authorized
to provide funds fur making said
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
this 8th. day of August, 1919.
Pollco Judge of tho City of
8-10t Klamath Kalis, Orogon.
4-H-4A.4..t.4.44. 4-H"
Peopled Market
The pre-eminent position
of this establishment dem
onstrates the wisdom of
serving the public to the
best of our ability. '
Phone 83
534 Main St
jj Get Your Winter Wood Now
For a limited time I will sell you your winter wood j
m tut: xuiiuwiug amazing prices:
622 Main. Phone, Ti
Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stot
1 he price is right
126 South Sixth St