The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1919, Image 1

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    frg 3Eit gttfitg Iteratf
eenthYcnr-Q. 3,697
Price, Five Cento
j nun rai
Floyd Murium, who escaped curly (
'Thursday morning rniiowmg uu nt
1 tempt mnilu wllli throo accomplice
to roh tho Ktm storn of Ilunioy Ohitin
t)n m, was c-apturotl luit plain about
Aft h'mIiihI t tlin If at II ft lliifid
.., i,u Hh.irirr floor I llmn.,1,. A'h,rP" l'rom Aslilnn.1 Indicate That Program of National Non-Partlsan Collins, Exalted Bulor of the Med- Former President of tho Klamt&D-
i "J"i"" ' 'if urtiltnl IVmIumih
At leant one "Big Bill' will look'
Klamath Kails over from the air be
fore he decides to land and stay for
tho convention.
He Is nono other than George T.
S,ji Price Are Created by
Vjciow Practice
rcy and Bounty Hhorlff Allen Hloun.
o w plneml In Inn county Jail Into
kit nlglK,
Barnes wlien apprehended hy tin
lucnl official wiih hurrying along
Will lie Free
from Gambling John Kuntz
In tliMrK.
Kliunutli Fulls will ho lrpQ from
league, Endorsed by Voters nt ford Lodge, who will arrive Sunday
Special Election, In Put Into morning about 10 o'clock In fin ari
Operation. plane.
joflinenf Company comes back to
vMt PW frendl 1 old fiauats
KAllGO. N. I).. Aug. S. Tho ImiU:
f Tho nlane U owned hv the Med
..... ., ,i ji
I ioru iviraopiane uurpuruuuu, uuu
A. H.
,,i.("-' .... 1 . . ., ... 1 . ji. .sauzKor 01 im uiKeies,
the Keno road at a good nito im.l any rnwdvi.... n.i ........- ..... ...... '.''' 17 7LT J.'" :. J: will 25 Operatea curing me California, arrived here last ewnlBa .
.. ... """ hmiiiiH iiuti iiiui inuniuui in i,iy .tuiii'iiHi .un ,. lyf mIa MiinHfAni1 ' --"arr-
wan evidently on his way to Callfor- often prevails about ih n,.. i., .,'.. .convention period to take pusanferB f y, ,, 0. . k .. hJir
I., I. II.. r..rrl,l 1,1a l.,.,l,ll. '.. . ... " "h".; ;-.. ", .. . .....flHHd IJB COtiti' . ". .... ...
.-ip iDAWriFn , , 7 , . , r """ ",n"v features of a big cclo- by the voters of North Dakota at a ""-' "'" "" "" n 11L i7-a I rrldna ana BS00""0' u " -nP"-
rUJXERlES CROWUtU foW pavilions to last him along tho ,,,, accorltlK to a ,,,,. r. , rpferenum cIoctlon on .,unc try. Floyd Hart nd Delbert JofieS, fflgetbr they &Be6t t6 ad mMch
" f !. I Aa AB nrl AVHVJIlltlD
Tl'IVl'll l.V f'hli.f ..9 1IJ urn Oi' l l.AMM .. r. A.nfW... UIWIICULCU wfC-DV
. lnlo Will . . I ...J.
i... ... - ,. , . . . . . ftxnonencea over-svus ynuio. " aH ja n h 4na .'. a f
i vrnni iir lnilM III I'M (n U'llinn Zh. IK IlOini nil! Iflffl onnraflfill . ,ui iuo umo o nwuo "ciCP-i-
. ..., ' " ,,", "rrr'11 "f ,rn''' '" '" fro" My' ''""'kin of Ah.' The bank of North Dakota. In handl the Plane aurmg "s Blax , Naf tzflr hftpes i& get back some 6t
ftWBfc.tlteMrnmirm Mien wo t ,,, unly Jn( foOH1K Iam () joh(j which all tatc, county and municipal here- - j his old time Vigor, ,lost as result of a.
DtmAVhnt Tvcent mAratlnn
.i rf rnxru n - iiiurnuiiyn jun iirimn nun mini iiiiimi
tWPtte Time Operation Wimlil ro,bry. II. M. Chninlicirliiln and Wll-
,(jfn SuMMtUI 1'cnnlly to ProflU nm ray, who iiIiIimI llnna-M mill
,Hn Artf 'or ,,aMr I'l1""'" flu mm In liruaklng from tho county
fDeoiOold Storage. jjutl, nml who wero caught nttcmptltn:
to lorco mi entrance Into IiuimImtn
Kill) Htoni, urn lodged In tll.i count)'
Jail pending for the two offciiHrH.
Prior to tho iittciiiptiMl liiirKlnry ihey
wero out on pnrole, luivlug hIoIcii
n mnrltlnnw noiue few il.yn ago
(liiiiim mid Mnrn.'H, who weru unit
ing trial for having robbed Amler
on' grocery tore In Merrill, will be
There never has been a greater
LrXilOX IK A1VAXCK! A WEEK constructive factor interested la
(Klamath County than Mr. Naftzger.
,jnt tt'lUon l'l I'1" P'"'"l ,1J"
pricM wtro crealcil in i") f"1"'"
'irtlllclillr. tlollhcralen ntnl by vl
donjprirtlCM." in hi n.l.lre.ix before
boih houn of congri'H this iifier
nooo Wore trowili'd gallerlen
tit treildtnt tnbl uingreit Ihnt'jrlcd for their two recent offonneH.
Ite (tilting ! "''f lnnite.iuite Wllllo WllllniiiK, coloicd, will xerve
udlhtt the high i.rUcii were not Jib- hitil bin vngruncy etilenri In the
tKId bjr hortttB of siippllim. He county Jail.
nconmended that the food Control
Artiboold he eitondi-it to pence time
optrttlon ind that roiigrens Klioubl
tluil trom Inter-Dtate und Intrii
tute, ihlpmentH of good not com
pjiijt wllh Hi iiruiMlonx,
SaWMtlil pi-nalty wn recom
Btnded for protltpcrltiK by Hid eo
(Illie, i tell M the creutlou of a
lit limiting- the time on cold Mor
i((, protldlng hat guodx releuiiu.4
froa itortge bo marked ultb tl'
price preralllng weti tlnjy went In
to stortfe. He llkewUe urged
idopclon of n I'citcral IiceuKlug hyu
tiaforlhe corporntlons engiiKliiK In
Lhtrntale commune, to I moire com-
TtUlve seltlriK.
rwldent Wilson laid the strikes
Twelve additional policemen will
b.i put on the local force by Chief
of Police II. fl. WIIhoii 'during the
Elks convention to atuttirn every pro
tection tbut will bo ticcexMiry In
handling the big crowds that are ex
pected. Chief Wllnon Is looking, for capable,
reliable men and will hire no one for
will havo charge of all cotiroHHlnn. funds are to be deposited under the
mid auiUHcuientn during the Elks nw laws, Is In operation, but is not STATE MEETINO OF AMEIMCAX
cotiM'iillon. yet ready to make loans and handle
.Mr. Kuiitz will ereri hlu mnm.. denaslts on a big scale.
- WW, ....- . ,. ..... .. . . .. . .,
sloim anil features on the corner lot The bank now employs twenty per-' convention uajes 01 me siaie nieei-j coming to Klamath Falls about rour
ui Eighth and Main streets, which H""n wlth an annual payroll or $f,o.-'ing of the American legion have ; teen years ago as president of the
will bo tho olflclal "rnriilval zone" 00 T,1R ank' resources will lie been advanced to September 17th, Klamath Development company, ha
of the convention Press reports more than 31,09n,non. Public funds " . " "ru '" -"i" ""'" mappeo oui a pian ot aeveiopmeni
rm... 1.1.I1...1 r,.ii',....i,.' i.i i totnllng J21.000.000 have been re- P'ans of Theodore Boosevelt, Jr., who that was free from all of the promo-
- ' ","....,, tun in. ii.,- ..... ... i ,,... '.
ling of the conceKHloiiH at
Iligue Itlver ItniiniM'p and Victory
celebrntlon. Indicate thnt ho Is a
high clasH man, whose one purpose
Is to give tlio public the full worth
of their money Ho has bundled
numerous big conventions and rele
bratloiiH, and has never failed to
please the public He will not toler
ate any conduct about his entires
hIoiih that will offend feminine pat
rons cf the shows. Mr. Kuntz makes
a specialty of kewple dolls, that wero
a big feature of the Ashland bIiow.
... ., ..- t U'llt miiriau thn nnPnlflP RPl8inn. . ilnn nwnnirmnAn fta1ti Avlilanft In
tin, Iili? I'oricn ano inero are siaio oonus i "-- i.u. UIUU.. c..Ucu .
Dili lllf, ........ . ......... Alnlnn11(. I. m ilnllla fnT ttlA mtl.L.... - .. I . f... j jt .kl.k &.K
J 10. (MM). 01)11. Only aoOllt JIOO.OOO ""S"'"J .!. -. - nB cunimuimm auu nuicu iiuui
worth of bank bonds have hem sold vention were set for a week later. An played such an unfortunate part In
In the state, but bank officials ex- attempt was made to have Roosevelt the affairs of that corporation after
plain this by saying Investors held off change his Itinerary but a recent wire Mr. Naftzger disposed Of hfs inter-
priidlng the outcome of the referen- t tlle Portland headquarters of the ests. But the foundation laid by Mr.
dum. The bank had planned to sen Legion from the fcon of the late Theo- Xaftzger endured and today under
$mo,000 worth of bonds. I ('on) Boosevelt, was to the effect that the sane business management that
When tho Institution Is In full ope- any change in his schedule would be 8 directing the affairs, of the K. D.
ration a btatement similar to those . impossible.
from the federal "reserve banks will 1
In Issued monthly outlining conilf-l
tlont over the state. J. B. Water", j
fcniierly ,Ktato 'tank exatnlnpr. Is j
land of the bank, and F. W. Cathri 1
company it is once more regaining'
the confidence of the community andV
will prove to be what It was Intended
to be a powerful Influence in the
The dance pavilion that is being building of a city here.
Installed by Jack Munroe will be, u Was hoped that Mr. Naftzger's
Tho following letter was written for 30 Veara nNorth Dakntn banfcei.i rcady for tho llght 'antastlc' thls appearance indicated his return to
to Chief of Police Wilson from tho Js ,jrpC",or BPnorij, ' "j evening, and it will undoubtedly Klamath Falls, but he states that he
The bank will provide funds for prG u"e "' mui iiiuwi 11 nag no present intention 01 doing
! crrylng out the industrial program, ln tno clty"
iiinnnger of the Ashland celebration,
and seconded by Mayor Lnuikln:
-n.n. uson, v.nieioi i-oncu. iv.uiii-, ln,,ustrln commission
nth halls: '(ontrol the stale-owned Industries
"Dear Sir
-This will Introduce to
to be established.
the emergency, unless ho possesses you Mr. John Kuntz of the Golden T)(, nomn Hulldlng association,1
the. qualification neeivwary for ,Wit Amusement company of Sac- wj,cn wjj provide funds for person '
guurdlan of tho Inw. DlMorders ( . rauiento, Calif. Ho Is a trustworthy ,it.hrnK to build homes. Is expected
minor natures nro bound to happen gentleman, as has been proven to to be In operation soon. The Mill and !
with tho gathiirl.ig of crowds and It us from his deportment during this .;eVntor Association, In charge of
In Wilson's nlan to keen thexe at n celebration and tho 0110 last year. i, i.,,, t,-i,nn ...nri-ntinr. nn,i ,iia.l
vltrttXm now would only mnke m,num. Plckpockots nnd I Ho has Just finished a contract with trlhutlnir system, bas been Insnectinc1
other than spending hid vacation. It
lis to be hoped, however, that he wlU
j listen to the urging of his host ot
I friends and once more take a hand Iii
'affairs here and lend his great exe
cutive ability and directive force fa
molding the future of this community.
Eilten worse, and cjpressed con M
dtnee that the laboring men would
mllw It.
"Nortmvdy Is pomIIiIh while men
uln a temper, and there can bo no
Wtlratnt hen they do not have
tie (rnenl latercat aa tholr Motive. '
nil tk Treildent.
Tbe Mecutlvo urged prompt pass.
tee of the law pending to control so
nrltj Iiium. Be apponled for tbe
ntiflcatlon of the peaco treaty to
tra the country from a war basis,
"1 wld thit there can bo no peace
Mcm hlle the whole flnancliil nnd
'Wnomlciyatem 011 a war basis.
' H appealed to tho merchants to
H (airly M1 to tho housewives to
jWrtlM wore thoughtful economy.
Wlldent Wllann .Wlir...l ti,..t
J'" Ubor leaders would presently
m and art Hko Americans. He
ail that there .i..... 1..
1 . . --- ....... uuiiiii. 111
.wmlnd that ihn fn.niir ...
Ii '. i" wi-in 111
W rmoMlbla for the oxborhltant
MtH. and ihn. ii 1
v.,. ' . , "' imidiic SIIOIIIll
," Information im
; " '""" Pro"ts should be.
ihc world mum . f., ,.
tnii. . . ' ' "" '"" vimi
SL f he Mr cr",l!J " M
!Ka'.tnArr,Cft nwl pr"vo
; a(W- nlil tho President.
thieves, may bo expected to find ibelr us, und our munlclpnl oHlccra havo mm an, olevntor.s with a view of Shortage in Brazilian Crop Given a
way here, according to Chief Wilson 'not had occasion to call his atten- uureliasine two or three to start the! Reason of Shortage by Members
Hit especially warns tho people to lie Hon to tho Hws as to gambling. Ho experiment. The state Is not expected
on tholr guard during the street cele 'houiiih to know and obey them, as his (0 htnrt an extenslvo building pro-
of tho Pacific Coast Coffee Roast
ers Association.
bratlons for tlioui
.games are run clean from tho objec- Brnm for several months
tlonuhlo featuros often observed In Those directing tbe work express,
connection with similar 'concessions, confidence thnt every phnse of the'
LAKEVIEW, Aug. 7. (Special)
The steel for the mammoth new gar
age that is to be erected by th
Southern Oregon Auto company has
SAX FBANCISCO, Aug. S Amerl- arrived, and the work will now b
run tmnorters and domestic roasters --h,i n ,,, a,. i.,iit,iir,o vrin i
Ho carries a crow of honest, self-re- .program will moot v.ith success, des- und ,mnd,ers of ,oftee nre powerless ready for occupancy at an early
spectlng men. who have made p,e strong opposition which they say tQ gtop tho r,M , the prlce of coftee date Spec,a, attenton ,s to De 4
friends In private families where ,,elng offered by League opponents. accordnB to to statement Issued here t0 the construction so that it wlU h
they wero quartered. Mr. Kuntz, m I....... .. .,. n.... n.,f no .. ..- ...
- . . . louuj uj me 1 aim.. ." -" strong enougn 10 curry me ueavieoc
win omy na.o .u tn "'"-' '"I KIHTOHLL ASSOOATION
get a repeal contraci noru. uu.
Mayor cm give him a clean passport I
and I hope you will bo able to ro-
celvo him cordlutly. as I can assure
, Boasters Association. 1 weight of snow that may be expected
CANNOT COME TO KLAMATH. Tho statement declares that clr- in this section. J. H Leonard of
cumstances over which American Klamath Falls Is here for the par-
A full schedule will prevent the dealers have no control have forced pose of superintending the carpenter
National Editorial Association, tb-i coffee prices to tbelr present high work. A. n.1.... ...,... ft... I I... ...Ill flnnl.11.. tilu IlimlnPAH llfl
""""" "T " , J. .. i.' .1 . . , v.V u.iii,ut friction 'WU vlKlt Cra,pr ''ake Na""aI Park, level. The advance is attributed prin-
nr. Men Wl I Klar.,.. h Fall, d rected by you without Jr ctlon frQm returnlnB shorta , tng .
Hn,-.rlWy In rk.pcmlH-r or Sincerely ymirs-K T Staple , Sec of Ktamath
Ortuhor. retarv und Manager colouration .... ... ... . .... ... ...
"I say O. K. also. C. B. Lamkln,
Near iihsoliito-nssiiraiico that inuny Mayor of Ashland."
holiness men from I'ortlund will ' " ... , ,..
make tour of tho Southern part of urMI'IIIU ; ' '
Oregon in September or October. In-! OlAIUiE OF lllf. lll.VNMl.
lilldlng a visit to Klamath Kails and
tho surrounding country, was receiv
ed yesterday In 11 letter from the
Portland Cliiiinliur of Commerce to
Waltor P. Van Kmnn, secretin' ot
the local Chumhur of Commetcn.
Tho main of such u prnpiH-
Mrs. L. A. Iluinphioy, who bas
been giving demonstrations In local
In viewing the county.
This announcement was made in
to the severe frost of July 1918 will
bo cut to one-half Its normal size.
33,000 UANDS
dsy by Mrs. .1 E. Bratton, president Tnls depleted crop began coming on
of tho Woman's Improvement Clun. tho market about July 1 this year
Tho club recently wired tho Portland
Chamber of Commerce to havo tho
and, according 10 the roasters, will
largely have to supply the needs of
editors stop off In Klamath Falls fol- thu roi nnd Kur())e for ,he next
lowing tneir 1 rater i-.-iko visit, now-
oor piovlous plans and arrangements
1 1 1 n.t.. r.. ......
. ., , ,,.r,,f.,..,..wl IHI" liven liuiuu nil im-ii ciiii:. itiin-
stores of tho products manufuctuied
. ,, Aci,i,i I mom in Mcdford. It wns tbe hope
111 iiregon, " ic" "
CHICAGO. Aus. s A genenl
Sunday moinliiK to titlie rlinrge of
.... ... 1,.. I'lvmi I a- Hie Manu-
11111 ." ."' r..--- - . . . . . . . .,M
Products to the'
of tlio Women's Improvement Club
that tho editors might bo tuken on a
S -Tho
onto. ; :. "'
Otn.j ... .! M"lirla Asuoclntlr.n
iveiillon n
xxfttln. h "7' ,riac"t of !'
t ' "-u
i.w u ; :u l,,r
l'"Imni.i . m volition ut
ui to
C v . w
J E' Ingalls,
m Imperial n; ' ""vi'iuion at
--.. vj 11 11 ii ri
thnt l,, , 1
( m.t vtiiuill
flo 3" ,?.800" ""! h
r""Poa9i7N l" "nnl n
"Botta CCn"rpM rr wlmllio
',,; ? "r ""
fProflS ! WorkorH woul"
1 "on wnlh. NtIoar KilitoriiU
will ,
JUhJtl,',rrl tonight. Tboy
-:H1conTfn(.::,u ro,inlng (av
ml trin rimi 11... iiu. pitv i.nuina.ui fiiriumrH i lirt's1'"
men nro planning Is In the nnture of Nminm.1 K.lltnrlsil ...sorla.lon wblcl.
n KuHicquuliitcd Party with the aiiH-, vl-ltn Asblanil ou August 11"
iicfs men of tlio Southern pint of tho'illnm-r will given in l.lthlu I urk
stnto and nit opportunity to see the Mrs. Humphrey will return August
development of the country. Clmmber 13th and will then continue her do
or Cnninini-en ,.r......l..t In.iu ..I ll.n... lllfllttel Tilt ItlllS III tllO VarlollH grocery
burg, Mcdford and Ashland nro work-! .him " "Ih clt'- T1, n,u"' K0"'1
lug In eonJunctlMi with tho locnl bii-' things Mrs. Iluinphioy turns out with
sliiesH men to ontortiiln tjui visitors! Golden Bod products should bo ot
during tholr stuv. According to Mr. Interest to the housewives of 1 10
Van Kinoii the coming of the visitors city, who will bonoflt grently by vls
wlll moan 11 groat deal to tho com- Itlng her demonstrations.
minilty "In gonoral In bringing tho j " ..,.
Portland moil In close touch with I SKW COMP.WV CHI(.AM.hl.
condltloiiB In Klamath counly. Thoj LONDON. Aug. S. Organization
hopo Is nlso hold that of feeling ot of tho Levant Company with a rupl
nloofnoss thnt Ihih existed for soma ml r.,O00.0..O for developing trado
time botwoon I'orii.m.i nn.i thn nnuth. botwoou vlroiit Mrltulii and tin near
orn part of tho stato mn, bo done oaBlorn louiPHes hits been nnnoiinced
away with.
Tho Infltntlou extondnd to thn
business non will bo votod on by tho
Board or Directors of tlu Portland
Chamber of Commerco nt tholr
mooting that will bo hold imxt Wod
nosday ovonlng, Tn tho opinion of P.
Hothorton, socrotary of tho Chamber
of Commerce, tho accompllnhmont of
Min,. "'"won ami , . " "" v-uiiiinorco, tno accompiwnmont 01
tm of the 17'" t0"r the 'tho trip can bo counted on tH a foro-
gone conclusion,
Tho AiMoiienn Chiuuber of Com
merco In London compiires this com
pares this company to tho J20.000,
000 Amorlrim Foreign Trado Corpor
ation, organized to develop American
trado lu tho near Enst and which Is
establishing Uoadquartfirs .In Con
stantinople Smyrna, Syrli nnd on
the Black Soa and suggests that In
teresting competition will result.
Advices Say That Joseph Will Not
Bo Klnjt, nml Will Art us Prel-
twulve months.
Last year's front, tho worst exporl-, strike of 33.000 employe, ot the
enced in more than a quarter of a packing plants In tho yiockyards U
contury. out or a total of SO0.0OO.- gan today. Tho stockyards Labor
000 trees In tho Sao Paulo district. Council called a walkout because the
1 tho world's greatest coffee producing state troops and police guards
section of Brazil, killed JGO.000.000 'wore not withdrawn from the plants
young trees. More than 300.000.000 v''e r'-000 m'Kioes returned to
niaturo trees wero so badly damaged work
thoy had to bo cut down to the roots. I t00'" loaders fay that the dispute
Even under favorable condition over ho enploment ot negroes
these trees cannot bo mado to yield , rather than race hatred. They say
a crop for three years. ' that ma"' "eBro(,s refused to Join
nn m. nf tim short emu tho Euro, the union, and lubrr leaders are tak-
ptan demand for coffee has been en
ormous since the signing of the arm
lstlco and with practically the entire
surplus of corfee stocks from former
years used up during tbe w-ar thorn
Intf ndviintagc of tho present situa
tion to compel the packers to em
ploy union labo.
CHICAGO. Am;. 8. Forty addl-
ilont Only Until Election Is Held g cnousli cotfee n gIght ,o meot , t!onnl trains wero called off as a
by the leople. jthQ domnlu, whah ,8 be,ng ma(,0 oy, result ot the shopmen's strike. Cur-
VIENNA, Aug, 8.--There Is no ln
tnutltm of making Arch-duks loseph,
King of Hungary, recording to ad
Irrs received h iro today. His of
fice will ho merely that ot President.
All hough surrounded hy the old
monarchist Influences, ho declared
that ho would attempt to wort along
tho same lines as Count Michael Kat
alyl. Ho said "I am true Democrat."
"I will carry on I ho government un
III the elections aro held then Par
Ik ment shall declita the matttr.'
tho entire world.
tallmont of the passenger service on
The coffee roasters' statement in ,nnn' ot ne ,nrB railroads is forcast-
eoncluslou says: 0I' by some officials. Freight traffic
"It Is misleading and unfair to ls 'mmpered also.
blnmo the cotfoo Importors of this
country for conditions over wlile'
thoy have no control and which are
even more unwelcome to them than
they nre to the consumor. Any impor
ter, Jobber, cotfoo roaster or retail
grocer will tell you that the high
prlco is seriously Interfering with
h'is business. It is a well konwn prin
ciple that it is harder to make profit
on a high market than on a low one."
VASHINGTOX, Aug. S. Director
of Bnllioads, Walker D. Hine, was
avalt'ng word torlay from the unions
that all striking shopmen had return
ed to work, beforo waiting to carry
out Instructions riven by the Presi
dent last night to setle the wage
controversy of Its merits. The board
may be constituted to bear demands
and consider the evidence presented.