THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WI'.IVIIAV, Al'dl'Srii, i IHO. MANY INJURED. EACH DAY BY EXPLOSIVES 'f ON BATTLEFIELDS Y i'AGE SIX FOOD PRICES ARE NATIONAL ANTHEM IS REVISED FOR PEACE TIME CELEBRATION LONDON. Aug. G. With tlm ap proval of King George the Hrltlsh nntiannl anthem v. is revised for the period of tlio peace celebration so n" to include certain sentiment that Mill appeal to tho entire Kmplre The revised anthom. as suhr In the thanksgiving serlce at St Paul's, re tains tho Ant stinzi of the timo hon ored linin but the next two are re placed bv tho following ' "Ono reilm of rces four. Ulest more and overjmore, f!od 5ivo our land. Home of tho brave and free, Set In the Silver set Truo nunc of chivalry God save cur Hnd. Kinsfolk ir lov and birth From utmost ends of earth, God save us all Bid strife and h-Ured ceiso. Bid hope ,ind jo) increase, Spread unlvori-al peace God save us all IT People III 1'iigliiiul Indignant Over High Cotts Newspapers Wain the Government Autlim Itlcs of ImpoiiiUiiK Trouble. j LONDON. Auk 6 The food riots In Italy and .limitations elsew here on the continent nro focusing attention on the Ciiitlnunl Increaso in the prices of food and clothing In this countr.v Public feeling judged liv pioteMing letters to the press and th pr point of extreme Indignation Newspapers are devoting much space to this subject, and warning JUUPSAI.l'M. Aug. 6. -Many $ children urn Injuied each day in Pal- est Inn by shells and explosives which weie scatteied thiotiKhout tho coun- ? trv durliiK the open warfare between the Tmks and the Allies Tho battle-' fields coer such n largo area that X careful salviglng has been Intpos- J slble, and the result Is that children, funnels, or peasant women ivie mangled almost owiy day by nccld- , eutal explosions j A large number of the cases treat- ed In tho American Hed Cross sutgl- t cnl hcspltal heio hao been bomb or 1 Ut e talk ouo heai-s in restnu.ants and " ca-es. acco.dl.ig to the $ hate houses, is mounting to tho l'1'.Nstcian In charKo. Tho hospital was V r ...... i...i i.. .operated for sevVn months, treat-iV '' lug a total of OSS patients. In tho : I v in Ions clinics nnd dispensaries ope L- A. chops si in mi;vic nlii.l tit tint l?n.l PfiiBu 1 ti i milini. X the Koeuimont that unless it takes , " , ", , , , '" i tioublo .". " '" ' --.. Tho1 ' women ami . u.iiuu cuiiuroni j wero treated in eieon months tlino.j that its present moillfled food control Tho ,u,s,1,al hM aow bven Umw ! would be continued through tho win- 'or t0 ,he cIty "lM,th Depaitmont ' , action to curb pioneering niav be expected this winter government's recent announcement itnr ilnQ nnt nluiAii tr linii, mnuiicml I OWING TO IIIIIVV KINS. - "" " ' "" ,V" ' MEXICO CITV. 0..R ll -The rain- ,lle '' ,llc- 'ind tho ";" ' v ,.,., . ., , , made for a return to tho strict war- fall during the past month has been ., , ., .. , , . , , time regulations i tho heaviest in many years and sorl-1 . ' Ismail housoholdets. One writes to a London piper complaining of high ous damage to crops is reported in several districts Train service has been interrupted on nearly all lines and the isolation of several towns was completed when telegraphic com munications were cut. due to storms So far as ' now known there was no loss of life. SHE TEA KEEPS THEATRI ACCI1BT KIM S MANY YOKOHAMA. Aug G Tw o bal conies In a moving pictuie theatre 'here recently enshed to tho floor bringing manv hundred. nf nonnlo a-uh th, cL o .,. i !..., 'high price of woolen garments is price-, demanded for eggs, milk and fruit, and declaring "Those who buv and sell seem to have gone mad In their 'get-rich quick' craze, and their impertinence In what they charge tho public is something gross " l The same writer, discussing the; "extortion on clothing," quotes the announcement made in the House of. Commons tho other day that the f vnnn u.'in runi lUUil 11)111! IJ:il!iX A woo rtlsu not due to short! supplies or govern- i vin: .mi.i:i with siuMint'ioi IIIIIMis IJCK ITS Itl.At lll'tl M'STlli: AT O.NCK I Grav hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age e all know the advantages of u outhfiil appearance Your hair Is jour charm It makes or ni.118 the face. When It ratios, turn? WASTE During the into war people veie taught not to vviiHto. Tho reason for this vvat to secure that suiplus ahovo what was noeosmiiy In older that others might get the benefit thereof. It found result In finding suillclent for all and was obtained thiough tlm kindly consideration of tho other fallow In tho otiuallilng of distribution. Truo, some wero selfish and for a tlmu refused to lend aid to tho nchumu which comprehended a moio equalized distribution to all, hut tho sharp eo of the. Gov ernment ecarchd them out and thoy wore punished In tho end. l.GS 1,000 gallons of Water Ib being piimpod uvery twenty-four lioura Into tho resorvolrs Biipplvlng tho twentv-two miles of dlBttlbutlng pipes which carry water to 1,019 customers in tho City of Klamath PuUh. This means Hint did each of theso usors recolvo u pro rata of watoi soivetl, ovury servlco would ho ontltlod to l.GGI gallons a day, or, based on u population of (1,000, about 31C gallons to eiich man, woman or child, every day Such an amount la far In excess of nil reqiilromontH, ho that fl any ono or inoro users nro being dopilved of ample water for ALL PUlt POSKS, his neighbor is wasting. No doubt the abuso of n Hat rate -.oivlco by a few Is training tho o of tho PuIh lie Utllltlos Commission on those who wilfully do not consider tho rights of others nnd tho punishment must follow In tho Installation of meters for evurybody. California-Oregon Power Company t xx:kkx Gm m FJMJK m.J and two hundred injured Insecure ""l "uc lu """'M "'""" "' "","'! gray and looks streaked, just a f.nv gallery supports caused the accident. ment cha'Kp'. "',l that the stocks of ( lI)n,,ntlong of 8jbo T(M ,, Slllhu . .wuu. .u i. ", ai .- "-- "jenhantes Its appearnnte a hundred- evxr known. i fol(1 "If that is so.' 'the writer com-, I)()I,.t fctly Rra , UnQk )llnl?l ments. "why are all woolen goods at ( ,:ftler reI,iire tlu rcc,)e al homp famine prices, and why does a man's; ' t from any (,nlR gt(jre u 50.eellt bot. suit of clothes cost anv thing from to of ..Wyetn.8 slBe ntl(l SuIl,hllr eight to eighteen guineas ($40 to. Conipound'.' which is merul the .I1 $90)? (i Why is the profiteering al- tlme rPC,)p lm,)r(ne(I bv the addition lowed?" I of other Ingredients. Thousands of' The Ministry of Munitions offlcial! foiKg rec0mmend this read-to-,ibe who made the announcement regard- preparation, because It darkena (liei liig wool said that the bulk of re- u,,r beautifully, besides no ono ca.n' sponslbillty for the high prices of, possibly tell, as It darkens so natur woolen goods lay between the man A an,i eNenly You moisten n who makes the cloth and the dealer. sponge or soft brush with It, draw Ins: He said the government was consfd-1 this through the hair, taking one erlng action to prevent profiteering.! small strand at a time. Il morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two. Its natural color Is restoied nnd It heconas' thlrk glubd) and lustrous, and ou appear e.irs on tiger, ' neth'i: or sni;itn r.s sali: or m.Ai, ritornm. (Equity No. 102C) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath Count j. First State & Savings Bank, A Cor poration, Plaintiff, I vs Ueulah Stiles, Deulah Stiles admlnls-l tiatrlx of the estute of Thomas D. Stiles, deceased, John Hioburls and Irwin Stiles, a minor, Defend ants, ' NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thati under and by virtue of a decree of I foreclosure and sale and un execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the I State of Oregon for the County of ! High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WOIUOIANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are ter rt-tuoiiitthle Your Inspection luvlletl Chas. J.Cizek MhKCHAMT T41LOR Bit Mmiu cm. II DEB KEEP FEET TELLS RHEUMATISM SflTERKIlS IO TAKE SALTS AM) GET RID OF L'RIO ACID E9 Li SI ra Rheumatism is no respecter of age, sex, color or rank. If not the most dangerous of human afflictions it is one of the most painful. Those sub ject to rheumatism should eat less meat, dress as waimlj as possible, avoid any undue exposure and, abovt all, drink lots of pure water . Summer Colds Are Stubborn Summer colds are always annoying, and as a rule they are hard to get rid of. Colds at this season are out of place and if you wish to get rid of ours, take K.K.K. Cold Remedy It is a positive flpeclfic for colds at any time. If taken when first symp toms appear, of course, re lief will be more prompt. Keep this remedy In your medicine cabinet Price, 30c . 4, . . l. .,,,. nntj'iiaiuuui, lit u suit Miiereiu inu nrHij mieuumusm . t.uuaCu u, ' state and Savings Bank, a corpora-, nt.lrtl. t-. TAnn.nftrt f ., It a hnunlu flnrti. . ... .... . n . n... ' unu ia Bcuciuicu ... ..... w.... "-"fiion, is I'lainiui ann lieutan tnes absorbed Into the blood. It Is tlie function of the kldnejs to filter this acid from the blood and cast It our In the uilne: the poies of tho skin of this Impurity. In damp and chilly are also a means of freeing the blood cold weather the skin pores are clos ed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and Beulah Stiles administratrix of the estate of Thomas D. Stiles, deceased,! John Hlbberts and Irwin Stiles, a I minor, Defendants, upon a judgment I rendered upon the 17th day of .lulv, 1919, In favor of tho said Plaintiff1 nnd against the said Defendants, ' Beulah Stiles, Beulah Stiles, admlnls-1 tratrix of the estate of Thomas I). I Stiles, deceased, nnd John Hlbberts i for the sum of eight hundred ($800. uric acid wnicn Keeps acnmuiaiing i mo raiu ui iw per cum and circulating thru the system event- fr' the 11th day of Anr ,.... i .. orlo hundred ($100. C uallv bettling In the joints and mus-nUorney,s fce) v,ml' sluggish and fail to eliminate this.QO) dollars with interest thereon at i uric acid which keeps acnmulatlng i the rato of 10 per cent per annum I Anril 1917 nnd 00) dollars, cnstM mill cies causing stillness, soreness anu , disbursements taxed at soven- naln called rheumatism. jteen and ($17. SO) 80-100 ilollnro At the first twinge of rheumatism Invo tlilH day levied upon all of tho get fiom any phaimaty about four '" , ' ' ,' ,' ."" "" ' .... ..,."' .V" ounces of Jad Salts, put a tnblespoon. ful in a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a Nveek, Tils Is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kldnejs to normal attion, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llth la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here ou have a pleasant effervescent lltlila-water of tho said defendants In and to tho following described lands and real estato located nnd situated In Klnm ath County, State of Oregon, and des crlbrd as follows, to-wlt Tho Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, tho south half of tho Northeast tiunrtor, and tho north east quarter of tho southeast miartor of Section flfteon In Townshln thlr- tj-soven. uoutn or iiangc ten East or the Willamette Meridian. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That I will, on Wedhesday, the 27th day of August, A. D, 1919 nt tho hour of ,ten o'clock A, M. In tho forenoon of tho slid day at tho front door of tho County court-house In tho city of drink which ovorcomes uric acid and J Klamath Falls, Klamath County nnd is beneficial to your kidneys as well. Adv. NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, In any quantity that may bo desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. nprwoods Pharmacy Vl. KLAMATH TALLS OREGOM m7T ' KLAMATH TALLS OREGOM i V-, r.iiTAi n rtuui uk tuun Tnm WFI.Rl ..'w.i.w r.j . v . uwr ,nni. unwuj jt...y au.mj STOCK P.STL'Ri:i. Can furnish good pasture for two hundred head. Price $1.50 per month per head. Phono or write Dr. W. H. . Gaddes, Eagle Ridgo 31-tf State of Oregon, In obedlenco to the said decree and execution sell nt pub lic auction to tho highest nnd bent bidder thorefor, for cash In hand, lawful money of 'tho United States of America, all of tho right, title, claim and Interest of tho said Do fondants in and to tho above describ ed lands, or so much thereof as may ho necessary to satisfy said judgmont, attornay's fees, Interest, costs nnd disbursements and expenses of salo. Dated at Klamath Falls, Orogon, this 29th day of July, A. D. 1910, oronon l Humphrey Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon, 29-5-12-19-2C IT'SA POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modem method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out tm the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be veiy likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and o it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? 4fr..4"X"'--X--K--'--'--K"'--fr USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING S i 5 J t t ? t t T T t ? ? t t t ? f T ? t f ? t ? T f v t V t ? T ? :