The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 06, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    WKIN'KHAV, A11(HJHT 0, ,0r
Lee Tires Give Exceptional Service
Any Defective Tires can be Adjusted on n 6,000 i
Mile basis in Klamath Falls.
Howie Garage 12h and Mai
ffl ..
"I tried for twenty five long years
to find a medicine that would relieve
me of my suffering but nil my ef
forts failed completely until 1 pot
hold of this Tanlnc." said Alonzo
Packard, .1 well known cabinet mak
er employed at the American Novelty
Work. and lives 122 West 2Sth St.,
Los Angel?, Oal., a few days ago.
During all these years," lie contin
ued, "my stomach disagreed with me.
' stomach troubles hnvo been com
pletely overcome. 1 havo a ravenous
appetite, and cat Jt anything 1
want, and I never suffer the least bit
afterwards. I am In better condition
generally than 1 havo been In many
enrs. Yes, sir, I am seventy yearn 1
old and havo taken a great ninny dif
ferent medicines In my life, but this
Tanlnc beats anything I have ever
tried. I am glad to havo the opportun
ity to recomend It to everybody "
Tnnlac Is sold In Klnmnth Knlls by
the Star Drug Co., and In l.orella by
the James Mercantile co. Adv.
i.Noit.Mors siM is i:i:di:i to
di: n.or 011, itKSornci'.s.
HFRRY IN DOG-CARTS fiii-ln.iiiiul dm
1 M T N
HKItl.l.V. Aug. 0 Ono
thousand pntroiiH wow rompiill-,'"" descriptions In tin. Wt,rJ .
. .. . 'led loirittliitr jiiiuii 1I1 .
eil ( li'snri 111 luneii,"'"' uiv",i- " " m ' Womn, I
lirilHIIIirollH Hum 1111, 1 "!
- jiiiiii rni .
Governors of Twenty-Three Stnt
Will Ciittlier in Salt Ijnkc City in
Ixito August to Discuss tiriive Mat
ters of State.
The greatest drama of all dramas
revealing the cause and effect of tho
third side of the eternal triangle and
exposing the extromes to which n
I wife and mother can go when the
I would often be so bloated up with social-man crowns ami tno gnyei 01 to ntteml
- 1,n T .-- 1...11.. .1.. lV VillUO IUU UVllUiUCU U VVJ11U ut
Twonty-thriv governors of states of
tho Vnlon hnv'o definitely decided
to nttend tho annual Governor's
Conferenco, to bo held In Sal'
City, August 19. 20 and 21. Five of
the executives hnvo answered in
quiries Indefinitely whijo tho re
mainder, apparently, will bo unablo
I MKXICU CITY, Aug. The mini
of $t,S0u,00ll,U(lU Is needed In devel
op thoroughly the petroleum losmir
ces of Mexico say.s 1111 announcement
of the Department of Commerce and ' nnceit to leach tho Ortmnwald track
Industry. The amount already Invest- when the (lot mini Derby r. hold
ed In the petroleum Industry Is es- theie 11 few days ago. This refilled
tlmated as In excess of $2110,110(1.0011. ' fn m a strike on tho surface and sub-
Tho department announces that wuy lines,
eight producing oil wells with a dally 1 Among the vehicles pleased Into
j f low of fiS-i.T'JS barrels havo been use to oarrj the crowd to the rncn
'drilled In the Tumpleo field In the
llrst five mouths of this onr. The
depirtment says there Is great need
of better trnnsimrtatlou facilities and J.
that If these were provided the j
1 monthly Hhlpinjents which now
amount to O.OOO.OOO barrels could be
Increased to ITIi.SI.'.UO hands The
truck worn mllir..,.
' """r trurL.
': 'rlH which, '
!..... ... . '
.., .., ,..,n 01 uw,K of
1 1 1 ritiirt. 11111I liniirfitii.....! ln
miiimiumi i'"""i mn I uuii
munition ., 1...
""C ci
cherries or iimnkliig
(Imilhllng md IWI. srilr,cil .
lues of social deninrk Hum In .
to reach the trail,
tho horsoH.
mid ii (,,
order I
11st surplus of crudii petroleum Is
stoied In the ground uuitlllng Im
provement In transportation.
" wwi I,rnn.1 Uil.m. will ..n' n0 represeniauon 01 wcsium
good breath. My appetite was very at tho Liberty Theatre today when governors seems assured, while sov
poor, and what little I did eat didn't "The Other Man's Wife." a screen oral eastern and midde-western uxe
seem to give me any nourishment at version of ono of the most convincing cutlvc3 wlu bo pr(,sent. I
j T . . 1 , ..,. ... stories of domestic disturbances ever . , ... .,
all. and I just went down hill until .vrtten. is shown for tho first timo In Although the convention proper
I was so weak and completely run this city. The management of the Lib- will occupy only three days, the pro
down that I was hardly able to get erty Theatre has gone to unusual ex- Kram Cllus for seven (inys OI activity,!
about. In fact, my entire system was "M-'g much of it to bo spent in sightseeing,
in very bod condition. I tried a child in the city of Klamath Falls will und at entertainments at which Utah
great many different medicines and take advantage of this opportunity j will be the host.
treatments, but I just seemed to and attend one of the performances. Tno camng of tno convention to'
-t . 1. ..... .. , . j . t . I There s a leapon taught thafl all ...... ... .
get worse all the time Instead of bet-'should ,earn We aro all Iooking for!0riler w111 tako P'nco on tno vcnlnKi
W. (happiness. This tells you how to flndiOf Monday, August IS. The opening!
"Then I decided to see what Tan
lac would do for me, and I just want
to say now, that from that time on, I
didn't have to bother about any other
medicine, for I commenced to im
prove right from the start, and now I
am as well and. hearty as I ever was
In my life: I never have that tired.
Tvorn out feeling any more, and my
it. At the Liberty Theatre today only.
Don't forget; the Elks will have a
convention here August 14, 15 and
16. Oet busy!
The time is getting shorter every
day for you to do what should bei
done before the Elks get here oni
Anenst 14 1R nnd 1 fi Whnf nr vnn
This is the new mileage adjustment you get with
Goodrich Tires
session will take place In the famous
Mormon tabernacle and will bo pre
ceded by an organ recital. Governor
Simon Damberger of Utah, will de
liver the address of welcome for the
state, and Mayor W. Ferry will wel
come the governors to Salt Lake
The business sessions of the con
ference will be held in tho assembly
room of tho house of representa
tives at the Btato capitol. Subjects
for discussion include: State bud
get; growth and consolidation of
administrative boards; after war
problems; resume of remedial le
gislation enacted by 1919 legisla
tures; education; labor; agricul
ture; expansion of the national
guard system as a basis for nation
al defense, and other matters of gen
eral national interests which may be
brought up during the conferenco.
Entertainments will include din
ners, banquets and luncheons, side
trips to the resorts and canyonB and
n trip through Yellowstone National
Park. Many of the executives will '
accompanied by their families, mak
ing the caravan thru the nutlonal
playground of coslderable size.
QVKltr.TAUO, Mexico, Aug f. 4
Opal mining In this district, an Indus-1
try ns yet untouched by foreign capl-jj
tal, has ahown renewed activity with j
tho close of tho war and a normal j.
number of men will hoon be at work X
Tho Quoretaro district for more tnnn
sixty years had furnished virtually1?
all of tho opals sold In the republic, it
most of tho valuable gems going to j
dealers in Mexico' Cltv who In turnjf
ship them to tho Vnlted States. Prim-
You may be too busy to go to your home
at noon. In assortment of foods, their
preparation and the serving, The Jewel
has no parallel outside the larger cities.
Most certainly The Jewel merits your
noon-day patronage.
Jesse Bailey, Prop.
ltive metheda aro still used here toll
securo the gem Dynamite Is used
to blast tho gems from tho ground. :
After tho rock Is broken Into slz-i
able pieces It is tnkfti to tho .simps j
for the grinding and pol'sbln" pr-
cesses. Modern methods nre not us- j
ed. tho rough stones merely being it
placed on spindles and nnpllcl to f
ordinary grindstone worked by foo
power. VXgorou rubbing it "'
leather is tho last step In completing
at. opal for the market.
Phone 185
610 Main St
Just Remember this The dates for
tho Klks' Convention aro August 14,
IS and 16. Oet ready
Are you getting ready? Why, don't
you know that tho Elks are coming
on August 14, 15 and 1C? Now get
Notice to Subscribers
Under authority of the Postmaster General, on account of
recent increases in wages to employes, totaling for the State of
Oregon upwards of $225,000.00, certain changes in exchange
rates have been approved and made effective July 29, 1919, for
the State of Oregon.
The changes in rates apply particularly to residence service,
changes having been made in the principal business rates
May 1, 1919.
All new business taken on and after July 29th will be at the
new rates, and bills to present subscribers for the month of
August will be rendered at the new rates .
The increased rates will yield an annual revenue unwards of
S250.000.00, but as the increase in waires is upwards of $225,000,
the net return to the company undpr the rates now made effective
is approximatly 2V per cent on the valuation of its property at
$13,464,000.00, as found by the Public Service Commission.
The new schedule of rates is identical with the one annroved
by the Postmaster Gpneral for the Stste of Washington, which has
been in effect since March 1, 1919. The rates are the same in both
states for exchanges that are comparable.
t We believe that no proof as to thp advanced cost of livinr? and
the fzeneval hiVh cost prevailing for labor a"d materials is neces
sarv. and that the telephone usinrr publif will aent this ircwsi
in rates in the sam3 snivit of fairness and consideration aR it h'
thp advances in almost eveiy other necessity in these unusual
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
8aya we will both look and faal
, clean, aweet and freah
and avoid lllneas,
Sanitary science has or laie nim.o
rapid strides with rcsuliB that nre of
untold blessing to humanity. The lat
est application of its untiring research
Is the recommendation that It Is as
necessary to attend to Internnl sanita
tion of the drainage system of the hu
man body as it Is to the d nil us of the
house. ,
Those of us who nro nccustomed to
feel dull and heavy when wo arise,
splitting hcaduche, stuffy from n cold,
foul tonguo, nasty breath, ueld atom
ich, can, Instead, feci as fresh as n
daisy by opening the sluices of the
system each morning and Hushing out
the wholo of the Internnl poisonous
stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should each morning beforo
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
pbosphnto In it to wash from the
day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and
poisonous toxins; thus demising,
tomach, liver and bowels the previous
sweetening and purifying the entlro
alimentary canal before putting more
food Into the stomach. The action of
an empjy stomach is wonderfully In
vigorating. It cleans out all tho eour
fermentations, gases, waste and acid
ity and gives one a splendid appetite
for breakfast. Whllo you are enjoying
hot water and limestone phosphate on
your breakfast the phosphatcd hot
water is quietly extracting a largo vol
ume of water from tho blood and get
ting ready for a thorough flushing of1
all the Inside organs.
Tho millions of peoplo who nre both-
ered with constipation, bilious spells, I
stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness;
others who havo sallow skins, blood 1
disorders and sickly complexions are
urged to get a quarter pound of lline-i
stone phosphate from tho drug store.
This will coat vory little, but Is sufll-l
dent to make anyone a pronounced
crank on tho subject or Internal son-;
Itntlon. Adv.
The Thrifty
has for her motto "One Hundred Cents
for Eveiy Dollar Expended."
She believes in a full return for every
She is not tight-fisted. She knows that
the cheapest materials are often the
most expensive in the end.
She has an Account Book which
shows what becomes of the money she
spends, and a Bank Book which shows
what becomes of the money she saves.
Her funds receive absolute protection
First State &
Savings Bank
jj Get Your Winter Wood Now
For a limited time I will sell vou vour winter wood !
4, . !,,, rii...: " i
j, at wie xuiiuwjiig uuiuzing prices;
r -rf aWJkalaVA AXJLal w mfk
R90 Ma.'r. . Phone. !
W !
Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stor
TPl 1
i ne price is ngnt
pbone i
126 South Sixth St