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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1919)
l1 OFFICIAIi PAPKB OF I KLAMATH COUNT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST G, 1919 Thirteenth Ycn Price, Five Cent frg lEuetttnq HeraO 3,695 i BENEFITS DERIVED FROM IB'TOOR Called Out Guardamcn to Maintain Order During Race Riots in Chicago 57 I E TO START 1 MM Famous Impresario Who Passed Away Last Friday 5eTeraI Ranches Arc In jected During Day BUSINESS MEN ATTEND pptrf "'" 0,'"l""',, '" K"N toto "'" r"u v"r ftntf Are Itr.clnlhm I" All. Sprtilm I'mi" ''" Kil'il. Irl frllW N'""1' Vnlunl.lf .formation. Thallbo Application of iiulpi.iir to themed alfalfa ln"" "f ""' Kl,m" ub Vlh?r act! a 'no'' '" "'" "'" ltd Incrcaici tlio yield of till fn monihirwy materially; tlmt mice the Initial Invcitment I mn.i!. pro dnctlon of pu bred livestock U Jjit i eheip, If not cheaper, limn thtt of the Icm ilculruble rlntovn, mid hr nore profitable In the end; tlmt tmtowen can bo raited with llllln trouble to produce a very desirable ijUge. and that a pit slln mule ' laid condition) l most prurtlrnbln li Khraath County, nnd that thn (rtodlos of hay for tock food makes the hijr o farther, with inoro hone fdil remit to th" Mock, wore anon' the many thing which n larte per cent of the farmers of thn KUaith Bailn learned lit thn big wrifiof demotiilralinnit hold on (11 f - r 4iitM M PROFITEERS IN S PEOPLE llomilei Will ,. Itoiinde,! I'p By Tells of Ills Vl.ll lo f'lntliliisr Mnnti Itcpmlineiil ,if .nf,e Pieslilenl Will Addles Congiess on Costs of l.hlliK. WASHIMJTON. Aug. fl. Ihip.irt meul of .lnst!i. ngeiitH tliroui'i fin turn, uml What May He Kx MMtii In id,. Way of High Prices III tin- Near I'liluie. C .1 Cnrnii, fiiir. of the IiIk mer chants of Canton, Missouri, and who' in.- uuiiir win negin a ,invi. on mi , ,,,. ,.ty w),, MrH (, UK t,,. profiteer and hoiinli.rH following the; guests of Mr ami Mrs. Karl Cuiii-i-nli-r given out hy Attorney Cennnil j j; jugs. Rounds a note of warning that rntinor. might .veil ho heeded hy the people I'rosccutlon will ho enrilid out un-'oj this county. Three weeks uro Mr. di-r HiV lover of thn Food Control ! Ciihon wim In Chicago, whore he vJk- Ail. I'reslihnt WIIhoii will address J t,., Hiiin ol (tin hit; clothing manu- ioukkmm I'rlday lo make rerni en-1 fi,clurern for the purpose of ascer ilatloiiH for legislation rtmlgnod tojtnlnliiR why It wan Hint they wore nlil In reducing tin- abnormal living I constantly rhopplnt; down on his or-! ioth Tim I'ti'Mlilmil'ti rnhini'l uml lilcrK. IIo ny: I'li-iotninlticrx will alo inako ri'i-oiu-1 "WIiph 1 went thorf I was ptvtiv I i.ii-iiiliilliiiiH ) t uniler the collar. I hail hecn dolnp j lllKli prli.. or HhnoM wok ilvrliiri'il . htmlne-m mIHi tlient for yearn, and hv the Keileral Trail,) l.'oniinliwlon, I ,..r)tliii i nent In an order 1 wool' Hi llielr report lo loiiKretK. lo he ilue j Knt word hark that I could Imvo ten to tln exci-H'lvu profllii taken hy every Tin ij:,,-T , fJjfr.AW.Wvjrj,. GREAT TENT CM E W 2D-ACRE TRACT Work Started Today to Pre pare Grounds SPACE FOR 1,000 TENTS Grem-Soildcil Plot Xenr Bit? Baala Iiiimhcr Cmrpany "Will Ilo UtU izeil Instead of Modoc Rascball Park I'coplo Urflcd to Glre Tents to Housing Commlttqo t Caro for Outside Visitors. Friends" In tho theatrical and or twenty or forty percent of It and, operatic world wero not altogether that prices had advanced I hcKan to surprised when they heard that Os- i'oeriior I'nink liiMleti After pemoimlly luvintlKalliiK 'on- f.ictor In tlw til. oe pioduitlon i-oiuiiiIkiIoii r!iiineil that parki-t ' j t;et HiisplclnuM. So 1 Just went there to t car Hainmerstoln died last Friday Kan pjniiiildliii: of shoo prices liy the I InvestlKatu, and when I left I was in a private hospital in New York. unwarranted incieate In i'ie pi lee o' ' mlRlity Rlud to Ret oven the ten per He had heen seriously ill for some ""'""" """" "" '" "7 ",t" """"" hides TuniierH. manufacturer in: cent and pay whatever they asked, time and there was little hope of in iiiiniKij. ifwviiimii r ritiin iimihiii ..,i,,ii,.r t. w. ,1 ..ii . ... -- iriniiin ii iiuiMii nui of Illinois ordered thn uiohlllzatlou of lh Ktuto KiiarilKinen l-'ncp-i SitIoiim Condition. this unusual man's recovery. Mr. It W'UH hellevcu tliat ono Of thn 'n-i... .iniUm. in,i.ia(.i i fnini. .. HfininierRtelti arnrilnir no a fttrnr .. . . , . , u; I'.dtiiih iiiuuau 10 u.,ti i .-.--.., WVH. v...0 mu m v.u. IIU 111 llirm I'rcttlileUt S leCOUIlnelldatlnilH WOll'll I on.llln i.r i...niilv.l In Ita hl.Jmnknr fnumtnrl nnH mnrto n ni-. tlmt iivim If thn pollen WITH nhlu to t, ..,11()ro .,.,.. , mnko oxlHtlnK torv Tlio nrlnrlnal causo of thn rise I of one of the most famous vanrie. handle thn Hltuutlon. he wanted Urn ,, effective to cope with the urofl Mate forces .In ho in u position to l(rK tiir.t lH K0K ,lW.r ,no help protect lift) und property. , country. 1. is rumored that he inav nlao ask for a modllted IIccmIiir sys- CTIDMCD ADMV DIITyTQ ,"im ,'",'', l-lch mnrRlns of profit hOKMLK AKMY flLUia pij1i ,. P ,,, , ,,rln K lmmn. WILL GUIDE CURTIS !llate mdurtUu of prices PI ANP nUFR PITY Itepreientatlves of II different ri-nE-vci wi i rrmill ,,,, M0W hnvo Jo,,1C(1 ln thn rouimuulratlou to Dlrettor flen A 00 horsu-liower Curtis tralnlni: ,.-i m,, i.,,. ,... , ,,,., -j , , " vim nit" o I'lmiti tifi till i in iiit'ii in tiT tmt counly ranches yc.tcrday. un- ,Bn0i ,,rntil hy oxnrlenre, over- - ,, ,., wni5Illl Tls , 1)1I(,vr( 0 dirthe iiiplem of County ArpiiI K. Ar.ny pilots, will arrive In Klnm- ,. . Unl ,llHlanf oll r,.ri)r, w,ere H.Thoma. In co-operation with a , KaIn ,, AtiRtist I nth, and will lUl .;,, roprescniliiR 2.000.- roup of eipcrts rroni tins Ori't:on ccrr). pissciiKwis over tho city nndjooii empliDCH, have acted as a un't. Ajrleulturnl CoIIcro. MirrnuiuliiiK country durlnt; the i:iks f m,,,. wn, t litat the rommunieatlon The iffalr ycaterilny wns tlio first convention. reemed to he a formal presentnilon ot Iti kind cu-r held In this locality. Assurance was Khen yesterday of ti, wo(.,. dmiiiiilH that hne al- tad It wai a iuccwr from start to the early arrival of thn plane hy readv heen tnnde puhllc J!rt. Including tlio Brand picnic I'rank V. Karrell. n'croinry of the, Oreniilxcd lahor after a more thoro Inch ,hleh was acned tit the Altn- Mi-dfonl Airplane Corporfttlnn. who IimiuIiv ndvcientn a flritiR Kiuad for wot ranch, and the excellent Ice was In Kltinatli I-'jiIU urrniiKlnc de-,souin of thosn who are responsible crwra and cakes, the treit of the lulls Ineldetil to the rnmlnK of the for the wave of proflleerliu; that Is Klamath Falls ItiulnoHS Men's Asao- phme lie wns accompanied hy I'lovrt (uwnailtiR oer the counirv. This wj? flitlon, many of whose memhurn Hart, who will pllm thn plnne dor- t'e stiirtllii: -inipment that was .... vrM r,K ,e enure i.ay. iuK us May in iwnm.-iu. i-uus a ii...... .....: xinnv ny iinen .oiip. cuini , py ,,, l0 tmo ,s POm,B whc vt(lir awcs tj thL Enterprise Land project, Cliwe to :mi) Attend Ing lte, nhf lit it mllo and n hijlf out of ic Hi-uH-erho. : . 1 ocnnioiUe 1 Urc!iatlIs 1 ere cannot renlnco thoi' . Uolwcn 250 and .ion were pre- of town, was chosen .vester.luv ;' ncti.e.-n. t eforo the !',.!' Inter- ,orb t" wholesale for the price they ISV.VCOPAI I'D .IA..IST.S tut, and tb Kiclal features of lh will t'l' crsilcil linil levolod In orr'er , tlitf Commerce Committee L(J mv rttUinK t for. The wise WII.J, Si:T KKKT MOVIYO Ktaiion ni well ns the valunhlo In- ','"' It he In perfect ahnpa uy tlio nr- ( ttruftlcTlvon, will he Ioiir rcmem- "'" "f lio nhn. HATHS Will. UK IY I'VI'IC VI'I'D. Wfd hv thocii nlienil'ni? Delevii- tiHhihit'1 in'tv -ffo'i'od tflHiiuiih tlcnj from Mrrlll. Mnhn, llotnnra. '"I'll I'tuiple n tldo "n clouds In net udu far out in I s.i"i ''..u,,., - nlnnes handled hv rannhle nHots Is ' '"lei aiftant, wer In evtilenc e, Tho p"1' ",l" "" '"" h0 "'(orneit nua-n In prices N tho Increase in wages, which has heen over 300 per cent In tho list three years, and the shortage of cloth. Cloth Is so hard to obtain that many clothing manufacturers are refusing to accept orders of any kind. Cloth takes hit; Jump. "Silk hosiery, white mocha rIovcs nnd silk shirts arc almost Impossible to get and large hat manufacturers will accept no new orders, helnR doubtful of their ability to fill the orders now on hand. Cloth, I was told - In fact shown the Invoices has ad vanced during the last six months from $2.7T, a yard to $0.7." a yard, and from $20 to $27. ."0 has heen add ed to. the price of suits for women during the samo period. "Tho people (iut hero have not felt the offcits of the shortage he eus,( western merchants always Io3d vlllo houses In tho metropolis, and then fought the Metropolitan Opera. He made and lost several fortunes L.WCiKI.I, VAMjBV PUO.IKCT PI.AXS HAVK IIKK.V APPJIOVKD, Advices received by county engineer Darley ln p. letter from Percy A. Cup per, state engineer, are to the effect that the I.angell Valley Irrigation project plans were approved and the other matters concerned with getting a project under way will be tended to at onto. The Knterprlso Land Irrigation dis trict bond met last night and plan ned to ni'vertlse for bids for the con struction of tho project canals and tlioy hid also for the sale of bonds, In order o carry the work en. hiit It projects will he oxtei.she un lerti.kliiRs as tho I.nngell Valley sys- up heavier than do those In the east. tern will embrace 2C00 aen-s while on account of dibtance from tho .sup-j will he furnished to 2S,nor man or woman Is the one who buy i now and not wait for C'Iiirs to i." Svneoration nnd all the jazz tha SAl.UM Aiii?. fi InvestlL'utlnn , , ., , . ., , Men li.mts 1 eel Mr.iln. Into the Itifi'casu of ra o-. rerentl" ,. .. , . , . , ,, . . , , ,, 1,1 .r. . i UN. Moe of the mivin s Store slat toil hy tho l'nclllc Telephone ,,,... . .. , 1 rl Houston of the k I K., K. Company, will start August 2,th, at ,. , , ., , , ii . i i . Siigjrmnn. O M. Hertor of the J. F Portland, according to advices given ., , ,.,. MaRtilro Compnnv, C. F Stemwell rut hv the Oregon Puhlle Service , , ', n ,, , , , , . , of the Centuil Outfltt tig companv lfth. Harry Telford ranch on '"""V ',tt'! ' IHhrIiik down n ,ml"""" "" '" , ' i ,, ,,. f! Yan ellcn. all state that f e Merr-ll road, where ,,c "i on" ' V"eh" " 1,"""'rt ',,,r"' ""(, wMI ,""ltn1,,,l",,nr1, ",1,vamvs ,l,ut pre they are herlnnlng to feel the full of f. ""Mm of the Ohio hiy rl.nnm r " l '" I'1""" - -iv """ ""' '""I' company on .hortnRo now "For sev- ' m.1 .... . . , i .rt . . ., , .iMiv 'win. wi.e.. ine Ho-riii.eii ii.iriu son schedule was Imposed. lower, f'li-thev are going iiiiieli hlgi'-, musical Instruments car. produce i dr hefoip you will see any decline Mtoi, moving from . ne point for feme time. Floyd lint, who was to anolsor. mnile. n procession sev. '' Htu ttfi- t In Ihe air service, spenf trl ibI'm n length "v" months ln flvlni; over the lines The fmt flop miiiin In Ihe mornliiK ""' "'" WVRlr'i from. He has been of- upper, ,... ratoui i-v ,),,, iv,. ,, .,. ,. here, had over 700 hours of flvMi" Pny, and n,i hPr,. by tho Hnldwln" "'"' " y'!ir '" l;"r",,r'' during hi armv Hardware Comnanv, was made. c"r"cr l-r.v rnre of Ihe airplane Is This marlifnc, which u nun!,. i ,, tnken. to :ivolil acrltlents hy SerK""l .iiev lien, who w"n tormei w ! charge of test blocks at ltoekwoll assured for those who dance In Klam ath Falls in the announcement of the coming of Cole McFlroy and his I'ort land j.izz hand that will open thel' stay here with an open air dance Suture! ty evening, August 0th, at the partition that will he erected at Kighth and Main Streets. .The Jazi hand will featuro Frank Walsh of Xew York, th-s f;mou3 ja IQnVAnlAH. .1 . . "r..i aizo to be operated hy a "".ouii rnctor. rhnm .... ... . - ""i-i ii, in, y of all ' fast as It cm ho rendlly ''''"''I' s"n "It'K". Flank Farrell was kinds tllfkn.l ,.. ,Md hlch ! wry desirable. ."'fcMmvn ii,,,,,.,, ...c conclusion of tlitn ,lei... yed i. .1.. ,r" """""' iloaH.. i. ' 'cciny ranch, tNalaw J. ". """ r,'."","lnR tho mUei si t ltrail- ,u "", "f "llH 1 " th9 lno invlen.lo a uiival nvlttor during the war. roit.Mi:it iiKsiiMwr c)Mi:s hack "iie.Mi: NEAR EIGHTH Jour- After an iihtoiico of about twenty Hoven years, Dr. F. W. Hogg returns to Klnnnitli Falls, lie first ennui here oial mouths our orders hao been cut , singer. Dances will he given every i'own." stated Mr. Suwrman. and j night (luring tho Elks Conrentlon. A i his statement Is almost Identical with flro piece orchestra, alone with r what Mr Houston of the K. K. K. i 'azz iJnger will furnish the music had to say. "but I paid little attention Dancing will be free from. S to fl p. m 1 - - 1 ....... ...... !.. ..I MaI.M 1. 1 l . . .. . I li. li.uBi' .. i- iiu.u in-uu i.iii.iiiih ti,'i,i., s jazz liaild IS WOJI-KnOW- heavy stO'k, anticipating a shortage j throughout Oregon having p!avii .-' after thn var. I felt, however, llm j tlio Oaks Aniu.semont Park ln Port after things got settled down a llttl I Irml before largo crowds. wo would soon bo hack to normal. l! see noir I was mistaken. Order nfter IlKTl'ItN' niojl VUAXCIO order is cut all to pieces and prices I A ypar frcm th(J (a. IIarvey Ga. are mountiiiK so high that one can't ' )elth ini(ied ln PrilIlm, ,, wna , mm " nlfalfa by sulphur had ,vl,m ,,,oro W,1K "l)t,,,l,K U a f,,u' ee mado under (lu direction of 1,0"B-,S oar tint lirlilKo nnd tlio snutln Jn' Thomas, inunt horo thu ouphonloiiH nanio of AKt Thorn tatairtivhorrwl,oro,,,o,, iw bull?u,,,hur lron,,Mnt iaC; hMo woro utiro'y ihowed ,,!.:. '.CCm,an ,,,l Klnnco Held ;,:""' UKn,,i- o "itcru i in ... J- Not only 3,' .I'T r'ort of '"0 "PPer lake. In 1808 'Mcher. trronn i IT. U,Q .nIfft,fu 1'" llHlcnod to tho call of tho east and (MUI" Morally IMOr S01'1 th0 "rc"ort- t0-hlH " 'T' " fr rank, r f',pn(lrnnco- '" Kendall, who later dl'sposod of It to 0lderablv nghor a Rn,Wlh nn(1 JIr Hnrrllni"'- r. Hogg has been ,0111' cutting ii , A P ot tho I'lnctlclng optomelry In Portland for yil measurcM , ,CMt fln,,itl1" lnt flltoon years, hut climatic w,uM' "O pom, i. B,,owod ll "dltlona -forced him to ohiingo his .. , tile troatmont , ., thQ ncro rt,a'l-'iico nn.l )io decided to answer " '.WO noim I U,, SU,pl,Ur,.,t, r,,U ot t love, for thoro Sl?',h not hell . !r tl,,1"'3 "over boon n year since leaving Wthav ... "' ,mn ntlmlnlitoroil'linr.. l,t i, ., ...,,...., , .... ttl "in n i . ... ..,,. tioit hv nun iiii. iniii.-i i i u- -" li I fill Mil.. ..... -. wnuni turn, if i(. finds conditions favor- niont hnru thu ouphonloiiH name of l.lnkvllle That was In 1887. Ho pur chnood tho property now known as Harrlmait I.odgo, from tho original owner, and It Is ho who erected thn log house that for so many years n lieiL.n...ll tj ...A .tnln. n.i.l I . n A .1 I .1 .- ... . -.UK11I) V tlln linn I., i... - "" " n cl1 Whlinn .. .. " lltl3 llllllu,. til .I'lin, ,10.1.1 l.i l. lit,, ,i,tiiilt.i. IIIU SU llll.t. I,n.l . - ' """ " "" "" !"'" II. ltlley Sells Twentj. Might Feet Adjeining: the 1'ortl d'.irnge to ,1. A. Ciump, n Stock Mint Fiiini Lake tln s:,mo price wholesale, and all f i luniled in New York CatlZe It. .MUCH Ol tile KIOCK WO are nn hninnwnr.l,.,1 .1.1.. ,.. .. soiling today cannot ho duplicated a' for the moilt of Ju,v wng g(na hQ County. I , () Page 4) '"iln ho will romnln horo pormnnent-.1)'. itis met chants aro In the air." Mr. Houston says: "Rhortago? Worse I than that, you can't get the stuff ostl((0 i Prices aro clear out of sight, and I' we hud not loaded clear to tlio guards when wo bought last fall, wlntor and Mr, Calberth Is a Klamath County hoy, who was raised noar tho Lo3t Hirer Gap. When tho United States enteivd tho war Hnrvoy joined tho 10th Engineers, nnd was with thorn until his discharge Ho returned homo on tho trntn last night. AVOHK STARTS AGAIN Full operation Is under way to- Ouo of the quickest real deals ever consummated In this city was put through yesterday afternoon firiig I don't know what wo would when In less than twenty minutes C. ,ic, 110,,.. it will hn roars before nrlces K, ltlley sold to .1. A. Crump twenty- m,C, tho level at which they aro to-j eight foot of Main street property ,tlyt f they oror got hack that far. I udJolnliiR tho ton! GninRO on tho it a a raso of up, up, up. Whoro It west. Tho transaction was handled WI1I by .T. F, lagulro. .. stem Mr. ltlley owned 103 feet, being tor volro tho samo sentiments, tliejfor n da' nntl ft nalf fr01 a broken, nil of tho property between tho store chief complaint being that It Is ni- ,liea(l on "0 main pinner. Repairs of tho J. F. Magulro Company nnd most (inposslblo to got merchandise ( woro mado last night ,nnd no trouble the Ford garage. IIo rcfusod nn at any price. '3 expected rrom now on offor for tho romnlnlnR 75 feet,1 It would seem that, as Mr. Cnson Rttitln(f that it was not for salo, and says, It Is the wlso man or woman would not ho, Ono of tho consldern-' who hujs now, for they aro sarlUR tlons entering into tho salo of tho dollars that thoy will havo to work. With each turn of the hour hand ot I the clock preparations are taking added life and rim for the big Elks convention which is but eight days away. i So many Elks are coming to Klam- inth Falls for the three-day session that decision was reached by the local committee to start w-ork this morning I on laying out a 20 acre tract ot land across the railroad tract from the I Big Basin Lumber; Company to bo known officially as the "Elks tent city." 10O0 Tent will rise. W. M. Montelius has full charge of tho work that will be entailed ln the grading of the tract and putting it In the very best shape. The propos ed camping ground on the Modoc baseball park has been given up by the Elks and all tents will be pitched on the plot ot the great tent city that has room for 800 to 1000 tents. Every care will be taken to see that sanitary conditions are the best throughout the big plot of ground. Natural hot springs water is bubbling from the green sodded ground that covers the tract. Drinking water will be piped it? and taps will be placed all over the "tent city". Streets will be graded throughout the plot and space will he planned for the parking of automohlles. As'c People for tenf. Of utmest Importance at present 's the d'rt need of every available tent in Klamath Falls for use br tho housing and accomodation committee at the "tent city." According to Mr. Montelius an entire row of local tents will be in'tnlled to care' for the many eptnpers who will come to the conven tion with their bedding but without their own trnts. All people in the city who have trnts that will not he used should get ln touch with either Sir. Montelius or W. O Smith, who is chairman of the housing and accom modation committee. Fifty or more tents will be needed to take care of those who will come to the conven tion without them. The onlr possible place that the comimttee can get hem Is thru the kindness of the peo ple orer the city. lit Cenituii from l.nhcUevr Elks froir. Lnkorlew, number 40 or more, will also hare a tent "home" similar to the one planned by the Uend lot'se. Space will be allowed tie Lalwriew visitors directlr hBk " Fnderwood's Drug Store. Many ot them are already in town arranging details for their stay next week. Auto trucks bearing the ndranco luggage of tho Bend lodge are expected hero within a few days. Bend will bring 1T.0 or more Elks, who are out to break the record ot attendance, based on percentage ot lodge members In attemlanco In pro. portion to tho enrollment ol tha lodge. ULTIMATUM 16 SF.RVET) O.V HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT .stop no ono knows," Messrs. I ('ay nt the Ewnuna Box Company, af-l nvoll. Moo, Van Bollen. and lie- itor tho factory had been shut dqwn' THE OREGON IN COMMISSION BREMERTON, Aug. 6. Tho bat tleship Oregon may ho put back ln property to Mr, Crump was that ho to earn Inter on, If thoy put off huv- commission nnd sent to San Francls- PARIS, Aug. 6. Messages sent to tho peace conference say that tho Roumnnlnus havo served an ultima tum ou tho Hungarian government. It Is alleged that demands were made far ln excess of tho armistice terms. Th6 Hungarians were given until 8 o'clock today to comply. TOMMIES TO GET PROFITEERS. LONDON, Aug. f.. Great Britain is planning on establishing a central Authority to deal with profiteers, ac cording to an announcement Issued today hy SU Auckland Geddes. 1 wlll liupror it noxt spring with a Ing wlflle- tho prices aro at tholr pre- ro- President Wilson may rovlow two story building. I sunt level. Itho Pacific fleet from its docks. . i r 1 -i